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TYBSC-CS Div.: - 2
Roll No: - CS-4153
Cyber Forensics Practical-2

Title: - Data Acquisition:

- Perform data acquisition using:
- USB Write Blocker + Encase Imager
- SATA Write Blocker + Encase Imager
- Falcon Imaging Device

Steps: -

1. Download and install ProDiscover Software.

2. Insert USB Drive. In left of the window in project section. Select Capture
& Add image. Click on Source Drive dropdown list and select USB drive

3. Click on >> Button and select choose local path, navigate to work
folder and enter .eve file as the name of the image. Click Save.
4. Add in other details such as Technical Name and Image Number and
click on OK.

5. ProDiscover will acquire an Image of USB drive.

6. An Evidence Report will be Generated

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