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Bezier Curves

The simplest Bezier curve is the straight line.

A quadratic Bezier curve is determined by three control points.
A cubic Bezier curve is determined by four control points.

Bezier Curve may be defined as-

Bezier Curve is parametric curve defined by a set of control points.
Two points are ends of the curve.
Other points determine the shape of the curve. The concept of
bezier curves was given by Pierre Bezier.

1. Bezier curve is always contained within a polygon called as
convex hull of its control points.
2. Bezier curve generally follows the shape of its defining
3. Bezier curve generally follows the shape of its defining
4. The order of the polynomial defining the curve segment is
equal to the total number of control points.
5. Bezier curve exhibits the variation diminishing property. It
means the curve do not oscillate about any straight line more
often than the defining polygon.

Cubic Bezier Curve-

 Cubic bezier curve is a bezier curve with degree 3.
The total number of control points in a cubic bezier curve is 4.
Depth-Buffer It is also called a Z Buffering.
Depth buffer algorithm is simplest image space algorithm.
Rendering pipeline—the process of taking a geometric description of
a 3D scene and generating a 2D image from it.
• Computer monitors emit a mixture of red, green, and blue light
through each pixel.
• A monitor has a maximum intensity of red, green, and blue light it
can emit.
• To describe the intensities of light, it is useful to use a normalized
range from 0 to 1.
• Zero denotes no intensity and 1 denotes the full intensity.
• Intermediate values denote intermediate intensities.
• For example, the values (0.25, 0.67, 1.0) mean the light mixture
consists of 25% intensity of red light, 67% intensity of green light,
and 100% intensity of blue light. As the example just stated implies,
we can represent a color by a 3D color vector (r, g, b), where 0 ≤ r, g,
b ≤ 1, and each color component describes the intensity of red,
green, and blue light in the mixture.

The first stage of the DirectX rendering pipeline is the input

 This is a very simple stage, it simply collects all the data from the
memory and prepares it to be used by the pipeline.
 The purpose of the input-assembler stage is to read primitive data
(points, lines and/or triangles) from user-filled buffers and assemble
the data into primitives that will be used by the other pipeline
 The IA stage can assemble vertices into several different primitive
types (such as line lists, triangle strips, or primitives with adjacency).

A mesh is basically a collection of vertices defining some geometry,

and a set of indices defining the faces. There are several mesh types.

DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces (APIs)

for handling tasks related to multimedia, especially game
programming and video, on Microsoft platforms.

Texture coordinates are defined for each vertex of our geometry and
the texture coordinate determines which part of the texture to
Mip mapping is the process of generating a chain of images from a
texture where each image in the chain is half the size of the previous
image in the mipmap chain.
Collider components define the shape of an object for the purposes
of physical collisions.
Unity is a tool that allows you to accomplish different types of tasks related to the
game production process. Unity provides game developers with a 2D and 3D platform to
create video games.

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