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Name:_________________________________________________ Date: 10-04-2021

Subject Teacher: MONIQUE B. MANGUBAT _ Score: ________

Week 4
Quarter 1 Plate Tectonics
• Describe the different types of plate boundaries (S10ES – Ia-j-36.2)

Studying plate boundaries is important because along these boundaries deformation of the lithosphere is happening.
These geologic events have a great impact not only on the environmental but also on us. There are three distinct types of plate
boundaries, which are differentiated by the type of movement they exhibit.
The first type of plate boundary is termed divergent boundary, wherein plates move apart, creating a zone of tension.
Formation of rift valleys and oceanic ridges are indications that the crust is spreading or splitting apart. Most divergent
boundaries are situated along underwater mountain ranges called oceanic ridges. Convergent plate boundary is the second
type in which two plates move toward each other, causing one of the slabs of the lithosphere to subduct beneath an overriding
plate. Converging oceanic plates, will cause formation of trenches, and these trenches will become sources of earthquakes.
The leading edge of the subducted plate will eventually reach the mantle causing it to melt and turn into magma. The third
type is the transform fault boundary where plates slide or grind past each other without diverging or converging. The best
example of this plate boundary is the San Andres fault which is bounded by the North American plate and the Pacific plate.
The immediate concerns about transform fault boundaries are earthquake activities triggered by movements along the fault

Figure 1. Three types of Plate Boundaries

The Convergent plate boundaries has three types: Oceanic –Continental, Oceanic-Oceanic and Continental-
Continental. In Oceanic-continental, one plate is oceanic, there are large volcanoes found in lines that outline the subduction
zone. Earthquakes also happen in these zones. For example, the Aleutian islands that border Southern Alaska are in island arc.
Oceanic-oceanic, one of the plates (oceanic crust and lithospheric mantle) is pushed, or subducted, under the other that mixes
with the overlying mantle, and the addition of water to the hot mantle lowers the crust’s melting point that leads to the
formation of magma. Continental-continental are when two plates collide, they have a density lower than the mantle which

prevent subduction ( submersion of plates under each other) so they create mountains, such as World famous Himalaya
Mountain Range. Oceanic-Continental Oceanic-Oceanic Continental-

Fig.2 Types of Convergent Plate Boundaries


Identify the different types of plate boundaries. Choose the letter of the correct answer found on
the box. Write your answer on the space provided below the image.


A. Oceanic-Oceanic

B. Transform Fault

C. Oceanic-Continental
D. Convergent

E. Divergent

________________________________ F. Continental-Continental







Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

____1. Below are the descriptions of the different types of plate boundaries. What best describes the transform
fault boundary?
A. Two plates are joined together.
B. Two plates are diverged from each other.
C. Two plates slide past with each other.
D. Two plates are moved apart.
____2. Which of the following best describes convergent plate boundary?
E. Sliding each other C. Moving away from each other
F. Moving towards each other D. None of the above

____3. What happens during convergent plate boundary?

I. Two plates are sliding past with each other.
II. Two plates are joined together.
III. Two plates are moving away from each other
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II, and III

____4. Pedro is a farmer. One morning when he is plowing his corn field, he noticed that there’s a river
the right side of his field. After a several realizations, he found out that it was just a crack a few
months later. Pedro wants to know why it happens. If you were his grade 10 son, how are you
to apply your knowledge about the types of plate boundaries?
A. It is a divergent type of plate boundary where two plates are moved apart.
B. It is a convergent type of plate boundary where two plates are joined together.
C. It is a transform fault boundary where two plates are slide past with each other.
D. It has nothing to do with the types of plate boundaries.

____5. Himalayas is one of the youngest mountain ranges on the planet. It is the result of tectonic plate
motions that collided India into Tibet. Which of the following plate boundaries best describe the
above phenomenon?
A. Divergent plate boundary C. Transform fault
B. Oceanic-Continental D. Convergent plate boundary

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