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Name: _____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________

Group Mates: ______________________________________________________ Score: ___________

Activity 3: Matchy-Matchy!
Objectives: Describe the different types of plate boundary.
What you need: Paper and pen
What to do:

Part A.
1. Match the type of plate boundaries in column A with its description in column B.
2. Write the letter of the correct answer on the separate sheet of paper.

A. B.
1. Motion
_______ Convergent Boundary a. Tectonic plates move apart
_______ Divergent Boundary b. Tectonic plates move toward each other
_______ Transform Boundary c. Tectonic plates are sliding past each other
2. Effects
_______ Convergent Boundary a. Mid-ocean ridges, rift valleys
_______ Divergent Boundary b. Fault lines
_______ Transform Boundary c. Subduction, mountains, volcanoes

3. Examples
______ Convergent Boundary a. Himalayas mountain ranges
______ Divergent Boundary b. San Andreas Fault
______ Transform Boundary c. Atlantic mid-ocean ridge, African rift valley

4. Convergent Boundary

_______ Continental-Oceanic a. Subduction, volcanoes, trenches

_______ Oceanic-Oceanic b. Subduction, deeper trenches, volcanoes
_______ Continental-Continental c. Mountain ranges like Himalayas
Part B.
1. Complete the paragraph by filling up the correct term/s in its respective blank space.
2. This is a Cloze test which means that there is no other answer aside from the term/s taken from
the box below.
3. You can only use each word once.
continental theory geologic divergent
lithosphere plates subduction convection current
slowly denser toward transform fault
two oceanic plates two continental plates oceanic plate – continental Plate

(1) _______________ is made of earth’s crust and upper mantle. It is subdivided into portions called (2)
_______________ that move above the mantle. The two kinds of crust are (3) __________________ crust,
which is thicker but less dense, and oceanic crust, which is thinner but (4) _______________. A (5)
_______________ that the Earth’s crust is made up of plates moving (6) _______________ and interact in
various ways is Plate Tectonics. The interaction of the plates produces earthquakes, mountains,
volcanoes, and other (7) _______________ features. (8) __________________________from the Earth’s
interior makes the plates move above the mantle. This movement causes the formation of three types
of plate boundaries which are (9) __________________boundary, two plates sliding each other; (10)
____________________ boundary, two plates moving away from each other and convergent boundary
which plates are moving (11) ______________each other. Three types of convergent boundaries are (12)
____________________convergent boundary which forms volcanic island arc, (13)
______________________________ convergent boundary forming a continental volcanic arc, and (14)
_____________________________ convergent boundary wherein there is no (15) _______________.

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