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1. Development of Selected Macro Skills of BSED English Students in Online Learning:
Basis for Intervention Program
2. The choice of BSED English Students when you are supposed to be targetting high
school students????

 This research then aims to determine the various perceptions of the
students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig, particularly from the
program Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English, about the
effects of online learning to their reading, listening, and speaking
skills. Determining the students’ insights about how online learning
impacts to the development of their macro skills may result to the
creation of a viable intervention program.

 To use perception as basis for making an intervention program may be a very weak basis:
perception is obviously subjective; intervention programs will have to be based on a solid
objective basis; if you are going to use perception of respondents, it has to be
complimented by a more objective basis.
 The danger of applying an intervention program to a group of people who do not have the
share the same “perception”; problem on the generalizability of any program based on a
group’s perception.

 Many researches were conducted to find out the answer, but to no avail
since the researches provided different conclusions.

 According to previous studies, even when students learn through an

online style of learning, they still experience challenges, particularly
in building macro abilities.

 Researchers will have to cite at least some examples wit citation, otherwise the claim is
weak; an opinion

On Theoretical Framework
 Constructivism
o Whose theory? Jean Piaget (Individual Constructivism)? Lev Vygotsky (Social
o The Principles of Constructivism
o • Individual learning- Boris and Tombari (1996) stated that
constructivism is an approach to learning in which learners are
provided the opportunity to construct their own sense of what is
being learned. This is connected to the study since the
respondents of this study are all undergoing online learning which
is an education that takes place without direct supervision or
instruction of teacher; thus, learners learn independently.
 Comments
 Highlighted in yellow and highlighted in gray ARE DISCONNECTED;
not necessarily true; learners being provided the opportunity to construct
their own sense of being learned does not necessarily mean that it is
automatically what happens in online learning?????
 How are you going to prove that claim? The instrument you are going to
use does not contain anything about constructivism.
o Learner Oriented: In Constructivism, learners are actively
involved in a process of meaning and knowledge construction.
Online learning is learner-oriented instruction since it helps
students cultivate a "can-do" attitude. As a result, students’
macro skills are being honed since students are compelled to learn
on their own.
 Comments
 Same observation with the previous one; not necessarily; and even the
instrument contains nothing to support the claim.
o Learning Awareness: In constructivism, students are aware of their
own learning. This is related to the study since students will be
asked of their perceptions about online learning. In order to tell
how they perceive online learning; they must be aware of its
effects to the development of their macro skills.
 Comments
 Question: what will comprise “awareness of one’s own learning” to focus
the concept of “learning awareness” ; and not to confuse this with
anything related to online learning.
o On the instrument to be used: where will you find the concept of
“constructivism’? as in learners as “meaning-makers” constructing/building new
information or knowledge based on past experience or prior experience and
present information presented by the situation to produce/construct new
knowledge or new ideas?
o In speaking skills, how do you imagine construction of new meaning? How will it
be measured through your instrument?
o In Reading skills, how do you imagine construction of new meaning? How will it
be measured through your instrument?
o In Listening skills, how do you imagine construction of new meaning? How will
it be measured through your instrument?
Speaking Skills. This refers to the ability to
communicate effectively in which it assures
that an individual will not be misunderstood
and feelings, opinions, thoughts, etc. are
properly conveyed.

1. I can share my ideas

confidently now because I feel
no pressure since my teachers
and classmates are not
physically present.
2. My teacher notices me now
during online class compared
when we were at the classroom,
so I participate quite often
3. Since audiovisual materials
are commonly used by our
teachers, my speaking skill
improves since I hear the
proper pronunciation of various
English words.
4. There is an acquisition and
reinforcement of new vocabulary
through songs, electronic
books, and video clips used in
online learning that helped me
speak effectively.
5. During online meet, (via
Zoom, Google Meet, etc.) I am
now able to provide answers and
feedback during discussions.
READING SKILL Reading Skills.
This refers to someone's ability to read,
comprehend, interpret, and decode meaning
behind written language and texts.

1. Because there’s no time

limit in online learning, I
have more time to read, and so
I understand well what I am
2. Because I always have access
to Internet, I always am able
to decipher new vocabulary in
3. Since online learning
reinforces “self-learning”, I
would say that I am a fast
reader now considering I have
so many modules to read.
4. I am now motivated to read
since I found the online
reading materials interesting
and relevant.
5. I found new ways to interact
and extract texts from online
learning reading materials in
which helps me to develop my
Listening Skills. This refers to the ability
to receive, focusing, deciphering, accepting,
interpret and store messages.

1. I learned to listen
attentively now since some of
my teachers provide audio
records of their lessons.
2. Since I’m from far my
teachers and classmates, and
the only way to meet is through
video conferences, my active
listening skill has developed
3. Due to repeated listening to
the audio-discussion prepared
by the teachers, I noticed that
I could speak English better
compared before.
4. Through listening to online
discussion, identifying the
gist of the lesson is easier
and found myself participating
in class.
5. Since I hear feedback during
our class, I am more confident
to listen and actively
participate whenever there is
online meeting.
 Creswell (2009) asserts that constructivism serves as a
useful theoretical framework as it allows for necessary
qualitative analysis to reveal insights on how people
interact with the world.
o Is there a qualitative component of this study? Are there texts, narratives,
stories, interviews to be described and analyzed through qualitative

On Conceptual Framework

Using the IPO model is an illustration of HOW the researchers will go about doing this thesis.
BUT it does not show the concept of this paper, the flow of the variables in the study. It has to
show the constructs based on the Theoretical Frame and how those same constructs plus other
selected constructs by the researchers in this study are interconnected in this paper. That is your
concept based on which, you try to present through an illustration.

Based on your Theoretical Frame (Constructivism) the researchers mentioned the following
1. Individual Learning
2. Learner-Oriented
3. Learning Awareness

And you would like to study them in relation to the development of Macro Skills in online
learning; your selected macro skills:
1. Speaking Skills
2. Reading Skills
3. Listening Skills

Those six are now the variables in your study; the challenge in crating the instrument is the
construction of items that will measure speaking skills, reading skills, and listening skills where

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