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Australian International School

Semester 1 Report
Prepared: December 17, 2021

Student Name: Tran Nhat Nam Nguyen Student ID: 260012797

Grade: Year 9

Advisor: Nicholas Mason

Mission Statement
The Australian International School is committed to providing a high quality international education.
We encourage and support our students to become inquiring and knowledgeable learners with the confidence to
achieve their potential.

Dear Parents

This report card provides a summary of achievements at the completion of Semester One. It reports not only on academic
progress but also on personal and skill development across a range of areas. It provides valuable information, celebrates
successes and offers recommendations of areas for future development for your child.
During Semester One, teaching, learning and assessment experienced significant obstructions due to the ongoing impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam. The entire semester of teaching took place fully online. Nevertheless, these report grades, as
always, are based on a combination of available assessment data and the professional judgments made by teachers of the level
of student performance as defined by the Academic Progress and ATL grade descriptors which are listed on the next page.
The semester report contains four sections for each subject area:
1. Semester Grade:
This grade reflects your child’s overall performance for Semester One based on common assessments undertaken by every
student in the year level subject or course. This grade indicates a child’s level of achievement in each subject/course, relative to
the whole year-level, and as such is the key indicator of academic progress.
2. Classwork Grade:
This grade is generated by your child’s performance in a range of class-based activities and formative assessments. Pupils may
achieve different grades for their classwork than for their semester grades because the activities and assessments are specific
to their class, are more limited in scope and include group activities and assignment work.
3. Approaches to Learning:
These are important skills, personal qualities and behaviours which have an impact on success.
4. Teacher Comment:
A written comment about your child’s attitude & effort, recognition of areas where they have experienced success, and areas in
which improvement is needed and guidance about how to maximise success. Grade descriptors are listed on the next page.
Grade descriptors are listed on the next page.
Education is the greatest gift we can give our children and we thank you for partnering with us.


Ms Davina McCarthy Ben Armstrong

Executive Principal Deputy Executive Principal

Academic Progress - Grade Descriptors
Thorough/comprehensive/excellent knowledge and understanding of curriculum content; highly effective skills and techniques
Có kiến thức và hiểu biết toàn diện, xuất sắc về nội dung chương trình học; thể hiện kỹ năng và kỹ thuật làm bài hiệu quả cao.
커리큘럼에 대한 상당히 우수한 이해력과 지식을 바탕으로 실질적인 스킬과 테크닉을 발휘함.

Very good, detailed knowledge and understanding of curriculum content; very effective skills and techniques demonstrated.
A Có kiến thức và hiểu biết chi tiết, rất tốt về nội dung chương trình học; thể hiện kỹ năng và kỹ thuật làm bài rất hiệu quả
커리큘럼에 대한 우수한 이해력과 상세한 지식을 바탕으로 실질적 스킬과 테크직을 발휘함

Good knowledge and understanding of curriculum content; effective skills and techniques demonstrated.
B Có kiến thức và hiểu biết tốt về nội dung chương trình học; thể hiện kỹ năng và kỹ thuật làm bài có hiệu quả.
커리큘럼에 대한 양호한 이해력과 지식을 바탕으로 양호한 스킬과 테크닉을 발휘함.

Sound knowledge and understanding of curriculum content; sound skills and techniques demonstrated.
C Có kiến thức và hiểu biết khá về nội dung chương trình học; kỹ năng và kỹ thuật làm bài khá.
커리큘럼에 대한 평균적인 이해력과 지식을 바탕으로 스킬과 테크닉을 보여줌.

Basic knowledge and understanding of curriculum content; basic skills and techniques demonstrated.
D Có kiến thức và hiểu biết cơ bản về nội dung chương trình học; kỹ năng và kỹ thuật làm bài ở mức độ cơ bản.
커리큘럼에 대한 기초적인 이해력과 지식을 바탕으로 기초적인 스킬과 테크닉을 보여줌.

Limited knowledge and understanding of curriculum content; very limited skills and techniques demonstrated.
E/F Kiến thức và hiểu biết về nội dung chương trình học bị hạn chế; kỹ năng và kỹ thuật làm bài hạn chế.
커리큘럼에 대한 한정된 이해력과 지식을 가지고 있으며 매우 한정적인 스킬과 테크닉을 보여줌.

Very little knowledge and understanding of curriculum content; rarely demonstrates skills and techniques.
G Hiểu rất ít kiến thức và chương trình giảng dạy, biết ít kỹ năng và kỹ thuật làm bài.
매우 부족한 이해력과 지식을 가지고 있으며 스킬과 테크닉이 거의 보이지 않음.

Ungraded: demonstration of knowledge, understanding, skills and techniques fell short of the standard required for grade G.
U Không đạt: kiến thức, sự hiểu biết, kỹ năng và kỹ thuật không đạt tiêu chuẩn bắt buộc của điểm G.
평가불가:지식, 이해력, 스킬 및 테크닉 모두 기준 G 급에 미치지 못함.

Approaches To Learning (ATL)

The student engages in learning and makes a positive contribution to the class environment. They are able to work independently,
participate in group work and contribute to class discussions.
Level of Học sinh tham gia các hoạt động trong lớp và đóng góp tích cực trong học tập. Học sinh có khả năng làm việc độc lập, tham gia làm
Engagement việc nhóm và đóng góp thảo luận trong lớp.
수업 참여도가 어느 정도며, 수업에 긍정적이며 효과적인 기여를 하는지. 자율 학습이 가능하며, 그룹토론에 적극적으로 참여하고 기여하

The student brings all appropriate equipment to class. They are punctual and able to meet all academic deadlines. Class notes are neat
and organised.
Organisation Học sinh mang tất cả các thiết bị học tập phù hợp vào lớp học. Học sinh có thể hoàn thành tất cả các bài tập theo thời gian yêu cầu .
Các ghi chú trong lớp phải ngăn nắp và có tổ chức.
수업 관련 준비물을 잘 챙겨오는지. 수업시간을 준수하고, 모든 과제 제출은 제시간에 하는지. 수업노트 정리는 깔끔하게 잘 정리하는지.

The student completes homework on time. The work is completed to a level appropriate to the student’s ability.
Học sinh hoàn thành bài tập về nhà đúng thời hạn. Bài làm được hoàn thành đúng với trình độ của học sinh và phù hợp với khả năng
của học sinh.
과제물을 제시간에 제출하는지. 과제물이 학생의 능력과 학년에 알맞은 수준으로 완료하는지.

The student follows the code of conduct for academic honesty described in the Student Handbook.
Học sinh phải tuân thủ các quy tắc trung thực trong học tập được quy định trong Sổ Tay Học Sinh.
학생 핸드북에 서술된 학생으로 지켜야할 윤리를 따르는지.

The student shows respect for all members of the class and school community by listening, valuing opinions and respecting the
equipment of others.
Respectful Học sinh thể hiện sự tôn trọng đối với tất cả các thành viên trong lớp học và các thành viên của nhà trường: bằng cách lắng nghe, hiểu
Behaviour được giá trị các ý kiến đó và có trách nhiệm giữ gìn các thiết bị học tập và giảng dạy của tất cả mọi người.
다른 개개인과 공동체를 존중하는지- 개인/학교의 소지품을 소중히 다루고, 개인/학교 공동체 의견을 존중하며, 본인의 적절한 의견제시를
하는 등의 행동거지.
Approaches to Learning
Exceeding Expectations Student has demonstrated skills that exceed standard requirements of the course.
EE Vượt Yêu Cầu Học sinh đạt được những kỹ năng vượt các chuẩn yêu cầu của môn học
기대 초과 학생은 기준 요구 사항을 초과하는 능력을 보여 줌

Meeting Expectations Meeting the requirements of the criterion.

ME Đạt yêu cầu Học sinh đạt được những yêu cầu của môn học
기대 만족 기준 요구 사항을 충족

Approaching Expectations Has shown some progress but is not yet meeting the minimum requirements.
AE Sắp đạt yêu cầu Học sinh đã có những tiến bộ nhưng chưa đạt được những yêu cầu tối thiểu của môn học
기대 접근 일부 발전 상황을 보였지만 아직 최소 요구 사항을 충족하지 못함

Below Expectations Not meeting the minimum requirements of this criterion.

BE Dưới yêu cầu Học sinh không đạt được những yêu cầu tối thiểu của môn học
기대 이하 기준의 최소 요구 사항을 충족하지 못함

Not Available – New student who has not been in the course long enough to be able to comment
N/A Học sinh mới, chưa đủ thời gian học tập để giáo viên nhận xét
평가 불가
평가받기에 충분히 학습할 기간이 없었던 신입생은 평가 불가
Summary of Achievement
Middle School - Semester 1
Semester Classwork Level of Academic Respectful
Subject Grade Grade Engagement Organisation Homework Integrity Behaviour

Visual Art 9NMA D D EE BE BE ME EE

Lauren Bristow

In Visual Arts this semester the students experimented with different artistic styles in order to help them develop their own
styles as artists. In the first part of the semester they created playing cards using their favourite illustration style. In the second
part of the semester they studied the human form and practiced drawing it in many ways, then used these skills combined with
their illustration skills to create comic book versions of themselves. Nhat Nam is still developing his artistic style. He has started
learning about the proportions of the human form. He has been an active participant in Visual Arts class but he needs to learn
to manage his time better in order to meet deadlines and give each task the effort it requires.

Design Technology
Zion Mitchell

Nhat Nam is a polite and kind student who listens well to others. There is an excellent range of unique and interesting, yet
highly relevant research information for the Research Summative Task. Detailed and thorough analysis of research information
was clearly evident. His concept designs show a range of solutions which are conceptually different and used some
appropriate drawing techniques. This resulted in mostly clear designs and some annotations explaining design thinking and
functionality was evident. Nhat Nam’s Formative Assessment Class Tasks were completed to a good standard. Unfortunately,
he did not hand in one of the assignments by the due date and this affected his overall grade. Extra Fusion Tutorials would be
beneficial to enhance the design process and continue to improve on the skills already learnt from class. A great start to the

Hector Molloy

During Semester One in our one Drama lesson per week, Year 9 students have been exploring the Shaping of European
Drama, examining the last century of major movements in Drama and Art, understanding their continuing importance and
impact. Students have learnt about Theatre as a social tool, researched the Drama of different world cultures and created their
own message based performances, culminating in a monologue performance. Nhat Nam has been engaged in Drama and his
submitted work has been of a fair standard. Despite the difficulties of remote learning, Nhat Nam has done well so far.

Colin Burstow

Nhat Nam is a musical and conscientious student who has worked hard during his online music classes. He has been working
hard to improve his knowledge of digital music making and composition skills. Nhat Nam has produced some fantastic
compositions that he should be proud of. He seems to really enjoy the challenges of composing music in different styles and
can embed new concepts quickly. I look forward to seeing how Nhat Nam progresses over the next semester.

Science 9NMA A* A* ME ME ME ME ME
Phuong Vong

Nhat Nam is a diligent student with a willingness to learn. He has displayed an in-depth level of knowledge and understanding
of photosynthesis, plant growth and structures in the first cycle test. Nhat Nam has worked well during online learning to
demonstrate an outstanding standard of comprehension of ecological processes, natural selection and animal adaptations in
the second cycle test. Throughout the semester, he has attained a high level of knowledge of physics such as forces, motion,
density and pressure. In order for Nhat Nam to improve, he must strive to complete all homework tasks thoroughly and on

Tran Nhat Nam Nguyen

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Australian International School — Semester 1 Report
Semester Classwork Level of Academic Respectful
Subject Grade Grade Engagement Organisation Homework Integrity Behaviour

Humanities 9NMA A B ME ME ME ME ME
Tharina Candler

This semester in Humanities students have learnt about how are societies governed and natural hazards. Nhat Nam is a quiet
student in class and is encouraged to participate more vocally in class discussions to share his thoughts and ideas. In projects
and class activities he demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of curriculum content. In order to improve in future,
he should develop a consistent schedule of revision to improve time management skills when completing set tasks.

Information Technology
Tharina Candler

Nhat Nam has worked well this semester and has shown a good understanding of the subjects covered in class. His work has
been of a good standard and he has met the expectations of the class. During online learning, this semester the class have
studied Scratch - a visual programming language and presentational skills. They are also reminded of how to stay safe online
and explore concepts of effective digital citizenship.

Physical Education
Washer Matthew

Nhat Nam is a very active and motivated student in Physical Education. For the Global Sports Event project, he demonstrated
little or no knowledge and understanding of the benefits and negative impacts of his chosen sports event. During the HIIT
Challenge Unit, Nhat Nam participated to a good level in the workouts. The daily journal he completed was done with some
detail and thoughtful reflections. Moving forward, Nhat Nam should continue to develop his knowledge and understanding of
key theoretical physical education concepts.

Jack Moreci

Nhat Nam is a very confident and capable student. His overall English ability is quite high. He speaks clearly with excellent
pronunciation and vocabulary. More importantly, Nhat Nam has shown good improvement throughout the semester. While he
clearly understood the material from our fake news unit, he struggled to answer questions skillfully using detailed explanations
and and evidence. Nhat Nam worked hard and steadily improved. He now has a good understanding of the active reading
skills necessary to study a long piece of literature. He also has a firm understanding of the basic plot and some of the deeper
themes and concepts from Of Mice and Men. Keep it up!

Vietnamese Literature
Trang Nguyen

At the beginning of the semester, Nhat Nam struggled in the distance learning environment and didn’t try to engage and be
part of the discussions and activities. However, he adapted himself in Term Two to a very challenging transition. In Semester
One, the students learn the extracts from famous literary works. They read stories, explained new vocabulary, analysed plots,
discussed characterisation, and commented on writer’s choice. He is achieving good results in Vietnamese. His writing is
detailed and of a high standard and he articulates his ideas creatively. Nhat Nam is writing essays with confidence. He
participates and cooperates well with other students. Across all assessments, he has been achieving well but not consistently.
In the summative examination, Nhat Nam performed well. He is encouraged to read more extensively in Vietnamese in his free
time to develop his writing. In order to find greater success as he enters the next semester, Nhat Nam should aim to complete
all homework assignments on time.

Mathematics 9VIL A C AE AE AE AE AE
Victor Lee

In Year 9 Mathematics, students learn about algebra and handling data. This include topics such as sequences and
expressions, statistics and probability. Nhat Nam is a respectful student who shows good mathematical ability. He has done
well in some assessment throughout the year but he struggles with questions that require extension thinking. He needs to
practice more problem solving questions and understand that mathematics is not just about numbers. By doing more practice
on such questions, he should be able to have a better understanding of the mathematical concepts.

Tran Nhat Nam Nguyen

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Australian International School — Semester 1 Report

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