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Longitudinal Academic Experience Evalua on

Butler University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences


▪ This form documents resident/fellow a ainment towards goal areas formally taught during the learning experience.
▪ Residents/fellows (self-evalua on) will provide commentary for each objec ve in the evalua on, which is based on current performance level and reflects the
aggregate resident/fellow ac vity during the rota on. Teaching mentor will provide verbal and wri en commentary following the self-evalua on.
▪ Evalua on of goal mastery is based on combined preceptor and resident/fellow judgment of resident/fellow performance on the associated objec ves listed
below each goal. A check mark in the achieved column reflects goal mastery.
▪ Prior to the assigned date, complete the self-evalua on por on of each goal in rela on to your par cipa on as a conference preceptor/lab instructor. Be
prepared to review this with your assigned teaching mentor (i.e., the course coordinator/director and/or your residency/fellowship program director).

Resident and mentor/preceptor should complete together near the ½ way point of the teaching experience.
DATE: 2/12/23
Resident/Fellow Self-Evalua on:
Please include 3 areas of strength up to this point in the learning experience:
1. Communica on with students
2. Preparing a plan for class to ensure the best use of me and the best learning experience
3. Guiding students to resources outside of classroom material to find answers

Please include and discuss 3 areas of con nued growth for this learning experience:
1. Comfort in silence when asking ques ons and/or asking more ques ons when a student is nearly to the answer rather than just giving them the right
2. Confidence in teaching areas I am not an expert in or as comfortable with
3. Providing balanced feedback (areas students did really well and areas to improve)

Faculty evalua on of the resident/fellows:

Dr. Wede has been performing very well in Case Studies thus far this semester! Sarah has consistently come to class well prepared for the case discussion. She
is also willing to meet and discuss our sec on’s assignments and assessments regularly. Sarah led a class session on CINV and did a great job. She was prepared
for the case, she created a lesson plan for the session, and executed her plan well. She demonstrated flexibility and adaptability throughout the discussion as
well. Sarah communicates with the students well and she is a great advocate for the students to learn and apply the materials. She is also doing a great job
bringing her perspec ve and experience into the classroom to allow the students to make real-world connec ons. An area of con nued improvement for
Sarah is regarding the assessment of the students’ performance. Sarah is doing a very nice job providing the students with helpful and specific feedback on
their assignments. Providing construc ve feedback and a lower score is challenging for new educators. Sarah is working through this challenge and using the
assessment tools provided to be as objec ve as possible in her assessments. I agree with Sarah’s self-assessment above. Keep up the strong work Sarah! It has
been a pleasure working with you in the classroom. - Damer

Resident/Fellow Signature/Date: ___SW 2/12/23_____ Mentor/Preceptor Signature/Date:

*Electronic signature/acknowledgement is acceptable
Resident and mentor/preceptor should complete together by the end of the teaching experience.
Evalua on scale: Needs improvement (NI), Sa sfactory Progress (SP), Achieved (Ach)
DATE: 4/10/23


Competency Area R3: Leadership and Management

Goal R3.1: Demonstrate leadership skills.

Objec ve R3.1.1 (Applying) Demonstrate personal, Resident/Fellow Self-Evalua on:

interpersonal, and teamwork skills cri cal for effec ve
leadership. I feel I was able to engage professionally and personally with faculty
and the students. I was also able to meet deadlines of grading and
Ac vi es: The resident is expected to demonstrate leadership communicated any ques ons to my preceptor.
skills through personal demeanor related to the class as well as I prepared for each week’s case discussion by reviewing the case, the
during class facilita on. Criteria for this objec ve include: key, and the teaching material. Something I want to con nue to
● Comply with Butler University dress code at all mes improve in is confidence with teaching in the subject areas I am less
while engaged in teaching ac vi es. experienced in.
● Conduct himself in a professional manner in all
interac ons with faculty, staff and students and maintain Mentor/Preceptor evalua on of the resident/fellow:: x
appropriate instructor/student rela onships. Dr. Wede successfully achieved the objec ve R3.1.1 during her me as
● Demonstrate life-long learning by arriving to co-facilitator in RX517 Sec on E this semester. Sarah always conducted
pre-conference having prepared ahead for the week’s herself in a professional manner, she was always prepared for Case
case discussion, including reviewing the disease state and Studies and had clearly done the appropriate prepara on for the
disease state management ahead of me. content and conduc ng class each session, and she always displayed
● Complete all assigned projects/tasks by appropriate great me management skills as evidenced by her comple on of all
deadline, including but not limited to the grading of requested grading by the deadline provided. Sarah also volunteered to
coursework in the assigned meframe. lead an en re class and parts of other sessions throughout the
● Demonstrate effec ve me management by priori zing semester! Her enthusiasm for teaching and learning is wonderful!
pa ent care at prac ce site so as to be prepared for and
arrive on me to scheduled ac vi es, including
● Demonstrate effec ve me management by comple ng
instruc on in the allo ed class me without running over
or ge ng done excessively early.
● Use effec ve communica on skills and styles.
● Manage conflict effec vely.
Objec ve R4.1.2: (Applying) Use effec ve presenta on and Resident/Fellow Self-Evalua on:
teaching skills to deliver educa on.
Ac vi es: Resident is expected to u lize effec ve teaching skills in I had strong rapport with learners and tried to maintain interest
the small group se ng. Criteria for evalua on of this objec ve throughout the class period by asking ques ons, wri ng answers on
include: the board, and dividing work up among the groups for each to share
● Demonstrates rapport with learners. throughout the class period. I did struggle with recalling all the
● Maintains learner interest throughout the class period. student’s names so that’s an area I would have liked to improve in. I
● Implements planned teaching strategies effec vely. also think I could have improved in finding crea ve ways to increase
● Effec vely facilitates audience par cipa on, ac ve par cipa on among the students that didn’t like to speak in class.
learning, and engagement in various se ngs.
● Instructs at appropriate rate and volume and without
distrac ng speaker habits. Mentor/Preceptor evalua on of the resident/fellow:: x
● Summarizes important points at appropriate mes Sarah most definitely created a posi ve learning environment and
throughout instruc on. developed good rapport with her learners. She is doing very well in
her strategies to maintain learner engagement throughout the class
session. This is very challenging and Sarah has tried different methods
during the semester. I’m confident her skills will con nue to improve
with experience. She summarized key points for the students during
sessions as well. In terms of rate and volume, this is an area to
con nue to grow and this will come with addi onal experience.

Objec ve R4.1.4: (Applying) Appropriately assess effec veness Resident/Fellow Self-Evalua on:
of educa on. I was able to provide specific and consistent feedback on progress
Ac vi es: Resident is to grade assignments (care plans, progress notes. I also offered wri en examples on how to reword things to help
notes) in accordance with rubric/keys when grading assignments. learners grow in professional wri ng skills. An area I can con nue to
Criteria for evalua on of this objec ve include: grow in is u lizing grading materials as objec vely as possible even
● Provides mely, construc ve and criteria-based feedback when that means a low score must be given. I found it very difficult to
to learner. give those low scores for overall strong work but throughout the
● Iden fies ways to improve educa on-related skills. teaching experience I saw growth in this area.
● Obtains and reviews feedback from learners and others to Mentor/Preceptor evalua on of the resident/fellow:: x
improve effec veness. I agree completely with Sarah’s self-assessment on this objec ve. She
● Determine appropriate assessment ques ons for any was most certainly mely with her feedback and she provided
educa onal ac vity for which he/she is engaged
feedback in a manner to help the students improve their performance.
It is challenging to provide nega ve feedback or reduce points for
students. Sarah gained good experience and confidence working with
a scoring rubric and maintaining consistency in her assessments across
all student assignments (even when the rubric itself created some
challenges for our team). One addi onal assessment technique to
con nue to grow is to try not to ask a ques on as feedback - keep
trying to find a way to provide a statement that will assist the student
moving forward. These skills will con nue to grow with experience.
Very good progress!

Resident/Fellow Signature/Date: ___SW 4/10/23____ Mentor/Preceptor Signature/Date: ____Kendra M. Damer, PharmD 4/18/21______
*Electronic signature/acknowledgement is acceptable
To be completed at the end of the learning experience by the resident/fellow.

Resident/Fellow: Sarah Wede Preceptor/Mentor: Kendra Damer

Learning Experience: RX517 Therapeu cs Case Studies

Evalua on Period: 1/18/23 to 4/12/23

Please check one of the following for each category.


Part 1 - Evalua on of the Mentor/Preceptor (faculty or BU-affiliated PGY2) 1 2 3 4

1. The preceptor was a pharmacy prac ce role model. x

2. The preceptor gave me feedback on a regular basis. x
3. The preceptor's feedback helped me improve my performance. x
4. The preceptor was available when I needed him or her. x
5. When possible, the preceptor arranged the necessary learning opportuni es to meet my objec ves. x
6. The preceptor displayed enthusiasm for teaching. x
7. The preceptor gave clear explana ons. x
8. The preceptor asked ques ons that caused me to do my own thinking. x
9. The preceptor answered my ques ons clearly. x
10. The preceptor modeled for me, coached my performance, or facilitated my independent work as appropriate. x
11. The preceptor displayed interest in me as a resident. x
12. The preceptor displayed dedica on to teaching. x
Dr. Damer has a passion for teaching and a wealth of knowledge to offer new teachers and students. I really enjoyed the grading structure she established at
the start of the semester and how it changed as the semester went on. Star ng with dividing the material ini ally and then progressing to more grading
responsibility helped strengthen my skills and confidence. I also greatly appreciated the early feedback I received as I was able to apply that to teaching
experiences later in the semester. I also really valued the open dialogue we were able to have, such as when there were discrepancies in grading. Having those
discussions helped us all come to a common consensus and provide students with the same feedback as their other classmates. For next semester’s residents,
I’d recommend scheduling pre and post case mee ngs farther in advance so residents can work with their site preceptors for any extra me needed to discuss
teaching/grading. Addi onally, advising residents to take the lead in the classroom whenever possible but con nue to chime in for anything that might have
been missed.

Please check one of the following for each category.


Part II: Evalua on of the Learning Experience 1 2 3

1. I understood the objec ves for this learning experience prior to beginning. x
2. The learning opportuni es afforded me during this learning experience matched the objec ves specified for this experience. x
3. Resources I needed were available to me. x
4. I feel that the preceptor's assessment of my performance on the objec ves was fair. x
5. I was encouraged to further develop my ability to self-assess during this learning experience. x
6. This learning experience provided me opportuni es to provide pa ent-centered care in a responsible way to my pa ents. x
What are the strengths of this learning experience?
I feel the most significant strength of this learning experience was the open dialogue between the case leaders. During the pre-conference mee ngs, any
faculty could ask ques ons or address concerns they might have had and get answers to those ques ons prior to teaching the material. Addi onally, having an
open conversa on about average grades per case group was incredibly helpful as it iden fied the grading discrepancies many students are o en frustrated by.
I think that check-in in the middle of the semester was really beneficial as it pushed us all to u lize the rubric as similarly as possible. Another strength of this
experience is the autonomy granted to residents. I have a passion for teaching and was very grateful to be given the opportunity to lead topics in the
classroom and gain plenty of grading prac ce with the various assignments.

What are the weaknesses of this learning experience?

I think a weakness that was problema c throughout the semester was the rubric used for grading progress notes. Unfortunately, the current rubric’s wording
leaves li le to no room for errors. There were many instances that one small mistake on a nearly perfect progress note could drop the students two le er
grades when following the rubric exactly. Another weakness was the cri cal care case. I understand cri cal care in general is very complex but the quan ty of
material needing to be addressed in one progress note is s ll too much in my opinion.

What sugges ons can you make to improve this learning experience?
To address the rubric, maybe adding another column in the subjec ve/objec ve por on as many students didn’t warrant full points but they also didn’t
warrant earning absolutely no points either. Addi onally, poten ally spli ng up the cri cal care case into two different class periods with two different
progress notes or even one progress note and maybe one post-case assessment?
Resident/Fellow Signature/Date: ______SW 4/10/23______ Mentor/Preceptor Signature/Date: __Kendra M. Damer, PharmD 4/18/23___
*Electronic signature/acknowledgement is acceptable

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