You are on page 1of 26


of Applied Load Calorimeter Calorimeter Calorimeter Enthalpy of Enthalpy of

through no. of Outlet Saturated Liquid Evaporation
Obs. Inlet Pressure Temperature
Heaters Pressure before Throttling before Throttling

P1 P2 T2 hf1 hfg1
MPa MPa ᵒC kJ/kg kJ/kg
1 2 0.280 0.125 111.7
2 2 0.570 0.225 124.2
3 2 0.400 0.125 114.0
4 2 0.270 0.125 117.0
5 3 0.275 0.125 111.1
6 3 0.290 0.125 106.4
7 4 0.255 0.125 109.9
8 4 0.300 0.175 119.2
9 4 0.400 0.175 122.2
10 4 0.600 0.175 116.5
11 6 0.250 0.175 108.6
12 6 0.620 0.125 106.0
1 1 0.290 0.125 124.4 555.99 2166.82
2 2 0.280 0.125 106.0
3 3 0.275 0.125 107.2
4 4 0.285 0.125 116.0
5 5 0.280 0.125 117.8
6 6 0.270 0.125 122.2
7 1 0.280 0.125 122.5
8 2 0.280 0.125 111.9
9 3 0.275 0.125 107.1
10 4 0.275 0.125 113.5
11 5 0.270 0.125 116.5
12 6 0.270 0.125 116.9
13 1 0.280 0.125 120.2
14 2 0.280 0.125 119.3
15 3 0.280 0.125 118.0
16 4 0.280 0.125 117.6
17 5 0.280 0.125 116.0
18 6 0.280 0.125 114.3

*Each electric heater has a load capacity of 0.075 kW and multiple heaters are turned on for high values of load

*Note1: In the Experimental Data, for more than one subsequent values at a certain "number of Heaters Appl
choose the most suitable value of "Calorimeter inlet Pressure (P1)" for analysis e.g. there are 3 subsequent va
2 number of Applied Heaters, choose one of them and do the analysis while negating the rest. Do the same for Pre-
Recorded Readings.
*Note2: Sort the independent variable values in ascending/descending order before drawing graphs
Enthalpy Dryness

h2 x
kJ/kg -


2722.52 0.9999

ues of load

umber of Heaters Applied",

ere are 3 subsequent values at
st. Do the same for Pre-
awing graphs
Applied Load Boiler Boiler Feed Boiler Feed Mass Flow
No. of Dryness Boiler Fuel
through no. of Outlet Water Inlet Water Flow Rate of
Obs. Fraction Flow Rate
Heaters Pressure Temperature Rate Steam
P1 Tw1 X V̇ w V̇ f ṁs
MPa ᵒC - L/s L/s kg/s
1 2 0.280 31.6 - 0.0183429 0.002864 0.01834
2 2 0.600 21.1 - 0.0121667 0.002241 0.01217
3 2 0.390 19.8 - 0.0165589 0.002458 0.01656
4 2 0.310 21.7 - 0.0098160 0.002365 0.00982
5 3 0.270 31.6 - 0.0167273 0.002900 0.01673
6 3 0.310 21.5 - 0.0265414 0.002417 0.02654
7 4 0.280 31.6 - 0.0189032 0.001667 0.01890
8 4 0.310 21.4 - 0.0194595 0.002738 0.01946
9 4 0.400 19.9 - 0.0179268 0.002906 0.01793
10 4 0.610 20.9 - 0.0200000 0.002548 0.02000
11 6 0.270 31.7 - 0.0099024 0.004100 0.00990
12 6 0.590 20.8 - 0.0178295 0.002597 0.01783
1 1 0.700 31.8 0.9999 0.0143415 0.004200 0.01434
2 2 0.750 31.8 - 0.0143415 0.004767 0.01434
3 3 0.700 31.8 - 0.0189677 0.002786 0.01897
4 4 0.600 31.9 - 0.0189677 0.002927 0.01897
5 5 0.650 31.8 - 0.0130556 0.002528 0.01306
6 6 0.750 31.8 - 0.0130556 0.001783 0.01306
7 1 0.745 30.2 - 0.0157534 0.002949 0.01575
8 2 0.700 30.1 - 0.0157534 0.002917 0.01575
9 3 0.650 30.1 - 0.0225949 0.002945 0.02259
10 4 0.575 30.2 - 0.0225949 0.002789 0.02259
11 5 0.550 30.3 - 0.0358228 0.002862 0.03582
12 6 0.600 30.2 - 0.0358228 0.002842 0.03582
13 1 0.745 32.2 - 0.0162353 0.002547 0.01624
14 2 0.731 31.5 - 0.0162353 0.002929 0.01624
15 3 0.740 31.5 - 0.0162353 0.002500 0.01624
16 4 0.667 31.6 - 0.0162353 0.002927 0.01624
17 5 0.710 31.6 - 0.0173333 0.002818 0.01733
18 6 0.610 31.6 - 0.0173333 0.002000 0.01733

*Each electric heater has a load capacity of 0.075 kW and multiple heaters are turned on for high values of load

*Note1: In the Experimental Data, for more than one subsequent values at a certain "number of Heaters Appl
suitable value of "Water inlet Temperature of Boiler (Tw 1)" or "Mass flow rate of steam (ṁs)" or "Mass flow r
analysis e.g. there are 3 subsequent values at 2 number of Applied Heaters, choose one of them and do the analys
Do the same for Pre-Recorded Readings.
*Note2: Sort the independent variable values in ascending/descending order before drawing graphs
Mass Flow Enthalpy at Enthalpy
Efficiency of
Rate of Feed Water at Boiler
Fuel Inlet Outlet
ṁf h6 h1 ηth
kg/s kJ/kg kJ/kg %

0.00235 0.0
0.00184 0.0
0.00202 0.0
0.00194 0.0
0.00238 0.0
0.00198 0.0
0.00137 0.0
0.00225 0.0
0.00238 0.0
0.00209 0.0
0.00336 0.0
0.00213 0.0

0.00344 133.377 2762.03 25.6

0.00391 0.0
0.00228 0.0
0.00240 0.0
0.00207 0.0
0.00146 0.0
0.00242 0.0
0.00239 0.0
0.00241 0.0
0.00229 0.0
0.00235 0.0
0.00233 0.0
0.00209 0.0
0.00240 0.0
0.00205 0.0
0.00240 0.0
0.00231 0.0
0.00164 0.0

high values of load

ain "number of Heaters Applied", choose the most

steam (ṁs)" or "Mass flow rate of fuel (ṁf)" for
one of them and do the analysis while negating the rest.
ore drawing graphs
Applied Load Superheater Superheater Mass Flow Superheater
No. of Superheater
Obs. through no. of Inlet Pressure Outlet Inlet Rate of Outlet
Heaters Pressure Temperature Steam Temperature

P1 P2 T2 ṁs T3
MPa MPa ᵒC kg/s ᵒC
1 2 0.280 0.275 139.0 0.01834 168.0
2 2 0.610 0.570 167.0 0.01217 183.0
3 2 0.400 0.380 169.0 0.01656 190.0
4 2 0.315 0.300 172.0 0.00982 183.0
5 3 0.270 0.240 140.0 0.01673 168.0
6 3 0.310 0.290 172.0 0.02654 187.0
7 4 0.275 0.240 140.0 0.01890 169.0
8 4 0.290 0.280 166.0 0.01946 184.0
9 4 0.400 0.365 168.0 0.01793 185.0
10 4 0.610 0.570 170.0 0.02000 187.0
11 6 0.265 0.225 139.0 0.00990 169.0
12 6 0.600 0.560 168.0 0.01783 185.0
1 1 0.280 0.260 139.0 0.01434 136.0
2 2 0.280 0.250 140.0 0.01434 145.0
3 3 0.270 0.240 139.0 0.01897 150.0
4 4 0.270 0.240 139.0 0.01897 158.0
5 5 0.280 0.240 140.0 0.01306 166.0
6 6 0.270 0.230 139.0 0.01306 170.0
7 1 0.280 0.260 139.0 0.01575 137.0
8 2 0.280 0.240 139.0 0.01575 141.0
9 3 0.280 0.240 139.0 0.02259 146.0
10 4 0.270 0.230 139.0 0.02259 152.0
11 5 0.260 0.220 139.0 0.03582 161.0
12 6 0.260 0.220 139.0 0.03582 170.0
13 1 0.280 0.260 139.0 0.01624 136.0
14 2 0.280 0.260 139.0 0.01624 136.0
15 3 0.280 0.250 139.0 0.01624 141.0
16 4 0.280 0.240 139.0 0.01624 146.0
17 5 0.280 0.240 139.0 0.01733 150.0
18 6 0.280 0.240 139.0 0.01733 159.0

*Each electric heater has a load capacity of 0.075 kW and multiple heaters are turned on for high values of load

*Note1: In the Experimental Data, for more than one subsequent values at a certain "number of Heaters Appl
"Mass flow rate of steam (ṁs)" or "Superheater fuel mass flow rate (ṁfSH)" for analysis e.g. there are 3 subseq
choose one of them and do the analysis while negating the rest. Do the same for Pre-Recorded Readings.
*Note2: Sort the independent variable values in ascending/descending order before drawing graphs
Superheater Enthalpy
Dryness Enthalpy after Efficiency of
Fuel Mass Fraction before Superheating Superheater
Flow Rate Superheating

ṁfSH x h2 h3 ηth
kg/s - kJ/kg kJ/kg %
0.00062 - 0.0
0.00050 - 0.0
0.00060 - 0.0
0.00062 - 0.0
0.00037 - 0.0
0.00060 - 0.0
0.00063 - 0.0
0.00058 - 0.0
0.00053 - 0.0
0.00048 - 0.0
0.00061 - 0.0
0.00052 - 0.0
0.00058 0.9999 2720.98 2733.84 0.7
0.00058 - 0.0
0.00058 - 0.0
0.00058 - 0.0
0.00058 - 0.0
0.00058 - 0.0
0.00064 - 0.0
0.00061 - 0.0
0.00055 - 0.0
0.00066 - 0.0
0.00061 - 0.0
0.00053 - 2705.37 2805.77 16.0
0.00082 - 0.0
0.00060 - 0.0
0.00061 - 0.0
0.00056 - 0.0
0.00055 - 0.0
0.00058 - 0.0

for high values of load

certain "number of Heaters Applied", choose the most suitable value of

or analysis e.g. there are 3 subsequent values at 2 number of Applied Heaters,
r Pre-Recorded Readings.
before drawing graphs
Applied Load Turbine Enthalpy at Turbine Enthalpy at
No. of Turbine Inlet Turbine Outlet
through no. of Inlet Turbine Outlet Turbine
Obs. Temperature Temperature
Heaters Pressure Inlet Pressure Outlet
Pin Tin hin Pout Tout hout
MPa ᵒC kJ/kg MPa ᵒC kJ/kg
1 2 0.125 141.0 0.110 108.0
2 2 0.290 134.0 0.110 106.0
3 2 0.200 127.0 0.110 103.0
4 2 0.200 148.0 0.110 113.0
5 3 0.160 143.0 0.110 109.0
6 3 0.270 147.0 0.110 112.0
7 4 0.190 147.0 0.110 110.0
8 4 0.280 155.0 0.110 115.0
9 4 0.270 144.0 0.110 103.0
10 4 0.330 137.0 0.110 114.0
11 6 0.220 146.0 0.110 112.0
12 6 0.320 141.0 0.110 103.0
1 1 0.080 124.0 2726.14 0.110 98.0 2671.89
2 2 0.100 119.0 0.110 98.0
3 3 0.140 122.0 0.110 98.0
4 4 0.170 123.0 0.110 98.0
5 5 0.190 129.0 0.110 99.0
6 6 0.200 130.0 0.110 99.0
7 1 0.100 112.0 0.110 97.0
8 2 0.130 125.0 0.110 97.0
9 3 0.140 124.0 0.110 97.0
10 4 0.170 128.0 0.110 98.0
11 5 0.200 131.0 0.110 99.0
12 6 0.220 142.0 0.110 100.0
13 1 0.050 111.0 0.110 97.0
14 2 0.080 119.0 0.110 97.0
15 3 0.120 122.0 0.110 97.0
16 4 0.170 128.0 0.110 98.0
17 5 0.180 129.0 0.110 98.0
18 6 0.200 130.0 0.110 98.0

*Each electric heater has a load capacity of 0.075 kW and multiple heaters are turned on for high values of load

*Note1: In the Experimental Data, for more than one subsequent values at a certain "number of Heaters Appl
suitable value of "Turbine inlet Pressure (Tin)" for analysis e.g. there are 3 subsequent values at 2 number of Ap
them and do the analysis while negating the rest. Do the same for Pre-Recorded Readings.
*Note2: Sort the independent variable values in ascending/descending order before drawing graphs
Mass Flow Efficiency of
Power of Efficiency of
Rate of Steam
Generator Generator
Steam Turbine
ṁs VI ηg ηth
kg/s kW % %

0.01834 0.220 50.0 -

0.01217 0.220 50.0 -
0.01656 0.158 50.0 -
0.00982 0.168 50.0 -
0.01673 0.255 55.0 -
0.02654 0.158 55.0 -
0.01890 0.260 60.0 -
0.01946 0.269 60.0 -
0.01793 0.253 60.0 -
0.02000 0.253 60.0 -
0.00990 0.304 70.0 -
0.01783 0.285 70.0 -

0.01434 0.064 45.0 18.3

0.01434 0.142 50.0 -
0.01897 0.154 55.0 -
0.01897 0.213 60.0 -
0.01306 0.294 65.0 -
0.01306 0.279 70.0 -
0.01575 0.067 45.0 -
0.01575 0.169 50.0 -
0.02259 0.187 55.0 -
0.02259 0.220 60.0 -
0.03582 0.265 65.0 -
0.03582 0.298 70.0 -
0.01624 0.060 45.0 -
0.01624 0.144 50.0 -
0.01624 0.180 55.0 -
0.01624 0.220 60.0 -
0.01733 0.250 65.0 -
0.01733 0.270 70.0 -

gh values of load

n "number of Heaters Applied", choose the most

ent values at 2 number of Applied Heaters, choose one of
e drawing graphs
Applied Load Condenser Cooling Condenser Cooling Condenser Condenser
No. of
through no. of Water Inlet Water Outlet Cooling Water Cooling Water
Heaters Temperature Temperature Flow Rate Mass Flow Rate
Tw1 Tw2 Qw ṁw
ᵒC ᵒC L/h kg/h
1 2 45.5 61.7 478 478
2 2 31.3 96.4 620
3 2 28.9 87.5 755
4 2 31.2 93.8 620
5 3 38.3 60.6 478
6 3 31.9 98.1 630
7 4 48.0 61.1 473
8 4 36.8 95.4 580
9 4 29.0 89.2 720
10 4 32.2 97.5 625
11 6 42.7 64.4 462
12 6 31.5 99.2 605
1 1 31.1 56.3 737 737
2 2 31.1 84.8 716
3 3 31.2 87.1 702
4 4 31.2 89.5 705
5 5 31.8 90.7 674
6 6 31.5 93.9 679
7 1 30.6 71.4 673
8 2 30.8 82.0 686
9 3 30.9 90.2 681
10 4 31.0 90.3 683
11 5 31.0 92.0 658
12 6 30.7 95.7 652
13 1 30.9 80.4 756
14 2 30.9 84.7 759
15 3 30.9 85.3 725
16 4 31.0 86.4 737
17 5 31.0 87.4 740
18 6 31.0 89.0 750

*Each electric heater has a load capacity of 0.075 kW and multiple heaters are turned on for high values of load

*Note1: In the Experimental Data, for more than one subsequent values at a certain "number of Heaters
Applied", choose the most suitable value of Condenser cooling water mass flow rate (ṁ w) for analysis
e.g. there are 3 subsequent values at 2 number of Applied Heaters, choose one of them and do the analysis
while negating the rest. Do the same for Pre-Recorded Readings.
*Note2: Sort the independent variable values in ascending/descending order before drawing graphs



values of load

"number of Heaters
e (ṁ w) for analysis
nd do the analysis
drawing graphs
Applied Load Mass Flow
No. of Work Overall
through no. of Rate of Fuel
Obs. Output Efficiency
Heaters Consumed
ṁf Wout ηth
kg/s kW %
1 2 0.002963 0.220 0.174
2 2 0.002338 0.220
3 2 0.002612 0.158
4 2 0.002556 0.168
5 3 0.002748 0.255
6 3 0.002581 0.158
7 4 0.001994 0.260
8 4 0.002825 0.269
9 4 0.002912 0.253
10 4 0.002566 0.253
11 6 0.003969 0.304
12 6 0.002646 0.285
1 1 0.004021 0.064 0.037
2 2 0.004486 0.142
3 3 0.002862 0.154
4 4 0.002978 0.213
5 5 0.002651 0.294
6 6 0.002040 0.279
7 1 0.003056 0.067
8 2 0.002997 0.169
9 3 0.002964 0.187
10 4 0.002943 0.220
11 5 0.002954 0.265
12 6 0.002858 0.298
13 1 0.002909 0.060
14 2 0.003003 0.144
15 3 0.002659 0.180
16 4 0.002963 0.220
17 5 0.002866 0.250
18 6 0.002216 0.270

*Each electric heater has a load capacity of 0.075 kW and multiple heaters are turned on for high values of load
h values of load
Applied Load Superheater Superheater
No. of Boiler Outlet Turbine Inlet Turbine Outlet
through no. of Inlet Outlet
Obs. Temperature Temperature Temperature
Heaters Temperature Temperature

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
ᵒC ᵒC ᵒC ᵒC ᵒC

1 2 173 139 168 141 108

2 2 167 167 183 134 106
3 2 169 169 190 127 103
4 2 172 172 183 148 113
5 3 168 140 168 143 109
6 3 172 172 187 147 112
7 4 169 140 169 147 110
8 4 166 166 184 155 115
9 4 168 168 185 144 103
10 4 170 170 187 137 114
11 6 172 139 169 146 112
12 6 168 168 185 141 103

1 1 167 139 136 124 98

2 2 172 140 145 119 98
3 3 166 139 150 122 98
4 4 169 139 158 123 98
5 5 166 140 166 129 99
6 6 168 139 170 130 99
7 1 170 139 137 112 97
8 2 164 139 141 125 97
9 3 162 139 146 124 97
10 4 161 139 152 128 98
11 5 162 139 161 131 99
12 6 164 139 170 142 100
13 1 171 139 136 111 97
14 2 167 139 136 119 97
15 3 171 139 141 122 97
16 4 165 139 146 128 98
17 5 170 139 150 129 98
18 6 171 139 159 130 98
Condenser Boiler Feed Condenser Cooling Condenser Cooling Turbine Cooling
Outlet Water Inlet Water Inlet Water Outlet Water Outlet
Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature

T6 Tw1 Tw2 Tw3 Tw4 TCM

ᵒC ᵒC ᵒC ᵒC ᵒC ᵒC
101 31.6 45.5 61.7 49.6 111.7
100 21.1 31.3 96.4 46.4 124.2
69 19.8 28.9 87.5 31.0 114.0
100 21.7 31.2 93.8 46.6 117.0
101 31.6 38.3 60.6 49.4 111.1
101 21.5 31.9 98.1 47.0 106.4
102 31.6 48.0 61.1 50.2 109.9
102 21.4 36.8 95.4 47.5 119.2
98 19.9 29.0 89.2 34.2 122.2
103 20.9 32.2 97.5 47.1 116.5
103 31.7 42.7 64.4 51.1 108.6
102 20.8 31.5 99.2 46.1 106.0
42 31.8 31.1 56.3 47.9 124.4
62 31.8 31.1 84.8 49.9 106.0
67 31.8 31.2 87.1 51.5 107.2
82 31.9 31.2 89.5 53.7 116.0
99 31.8 31.8 90.7 55.8 117.8
100 31.8 31.5 93.9 57.4 122.2
45 30.2 30.6 71.4 30.6 122.5
65 30.1 30.8 82.0 33.4 111.9
79 30.1 30.9 90.2 35.6 107.1
98 30.2 31.0 90.3 38.2 113.5
99 30.3 31.0 92.0 41.6 116.5
100 30.2 30.7 95.7 48.2 116.9
54 32.2 30.9 80.4 35.4 120.2
60 31.5 30.9 84.7 37.0 119.3
69 31.5 30.9 85.3 38.4 118.0
97 31.6 31.0 86.4 40.0 117.6
98 31.6 31.0 87.4 42.5 116.0
99 31.6 31.0 89.0 45.1 114.3
Condenser Boiler Feed Superheater Boiler Boiler
Boiler Fuel
Cooling Water Water Flow Fuel Flow Voltage Current Operating Outlet
Flow Rate
Flow Rate Rate Rate Pressure Pressure

Qw V̇ w V̇ f V̇ fSH V I PBOp PBO

L/h L/s L/s L/s V A MPa MPa
478 0.0183429 0.002864 0.000750 122 1.8 0.690 0.280
620 0.0121667 0.002241 0.000610 100 2.2 0.800 0.600
755 0.0165589 0.002458 0.000727 113 1.4 0.850 0.390
620 0.0098160 0.002365 0.000752 120 1.4 0.800 0.310
478 0.0167273 0.002900 0.000452 116 2.2 0.660 0.270
630 0.0265414 0.002417 0.000730 115 1.8 0.800 0.310
473 0.0189032 0.001667 0.000765 100 2.6 0.640 0.280
580 0.0194595 0.002738 0.000707 112 2.4 0.820 0.310
720 0.0179268 0.002906 0.000645 115 2.2 0.900 0.400
625 0.0200000 0.002548 0.000581 115 2.2 0.800 0.610
462 0.0099024 0.004100 0.000741 98 3.1 0.740 0.270
605 0.0178295 0.002597 0.000630 95 3.0 0.800 0.590
737 0.0143415 0.004200 0.000704 107 0.6 0.680 0.700
716 0.0143415 0.004767 0.000704 109 1.3 0.710 0.750
702 0.0189677 0.002786 0.000704 96 1.6 0.680 0.700
705 0.0189677 0.002927 0.000704 97 2.2 0.760 0.600
674 0.0130556 0.002528 0.000704 105 2.8 0.740 0.650
679 0.0130556 0.001783 0.000704 93 3.0 0.700 0.750
673 0.0157534 0.002949 0.000778 111 0.6 0.800 0.745
686 0.0157534 0.002917 0.000739 130 1.3 0.650 0.700
681 0.0225949 0.002945 0.000669 104 1.8 0.620 0.650
683 0.0225949 0.002789 0.000800 100 2.2 0.600 0.575
658 0.0358228 0.002862 0.000740 98 2.7 0.590 0.550
652 0.0358228 0.002842 0.000644 96 3.1 0.630 0.600
756 0.0162353 0.0025472 0.001000 100 0.6 0.775 0.745
759 0.0162353 0.0029286 0.000733 120 1.2 0.750 0.731
725 0.0162353 0.002500 0.000743 100 1.8 0.725 0.740
737 0.0162353 0.002927 0.000686 100 2.2 0.650 0.667
740 0.0173333 0.002818 0.000676 96 2.6 0.750 0.710
750 0.0173333 0.002000 0.000702 90 3.0 0.675 0.610
Superheater Turbine Turbine Calorimeter
Superheater Calorimeter
Outlet Inlet Outlet Outlet
Inlet Pressure Inlet Pressure
Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure



0.280 0.275 0.125 0.110 0.280 0.125

0.610 0.570 0.290 0.110 0.570 0.225
0.400 0.380 0.200 0.110 0.400 0.125
0.315 0.300 0.200 0.110 0.270 0.125
0.270 0.240 0.160 0.110 0.275 0.125
0.310 0.290 0.270 0.110 0.290 0.125
0.275 0.240 0.190 0.110 0.255 0.125
0.290 0.280 0.280 0.110 0.300 0.175
0.400 0.365 0.270 0.110 0.400 0.175
0.610 0.570 0.330 0.110 0.600 0.175
0.265 0.225 0.220 0.110 0.250 0.175
0.600 0.560 0.320 0.110 0.620 0.125

0.280 0.260 0.080 0.110 0.290 0.125

0.280 0.250 0.100 0.110 0.280 0.125
0.270 0.240 0.140 0.110 0.275 0.125
0.270 0.240 0.170 0.110 0.285 0.125
0.280 0.240 0.190 0.110 0.280 0.125
0.270 0.230 0.200 0.110 0.270 0.125
0.280 0.260 0.100 0.110 0.280 0.125
0.280 0.240 0.130 0.110 0.280 0.125
0.280 0.240 0.140 0.110 0.275 0.125
0.270 0.230 0.170 0.110 0.275 0.125
0.260 0.220 0.200 0.110 0.270 0.125
0.260 0.220 0.220 0.110 0.270 0.125
0.280 0.260 0.050 0.110 0.280 0.125
0.280 0.260 0.080 0.110 0.280 0.125
0.280 0.250 0.120 0.110 0.280 0.125
0.280 0.240 0.170 0.110 0.280 0.125
0.280 0.240 0.180 0.110 0.280 0.125
0.280 0.240 0.200 0.110 0.280 0.125

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