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Don Bosco


Table of Contents PRAYER AND WORSHIP

Cover page ……………………………………………………………………………... Page 1

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………… Page 2

I. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………. Page 3

II. Prayer Definition ………………………………………………………………. Page 4

III. Etymology ……………………………………………………………………… Page 5

a. Background of the term ……………. Page 5

b. Brief History of prayer ……………... Page 5

IV. Significance of Prayer …………………………………………………………. Page 6

a. Prayer in Christian religion …………………… Page 6

b. Prayer Practices in Christianity ………………. Page 7

c. Significance of Praying to Youth ……………. Page 8

V. Forms of Prayer ………………………………………………………………… Page 9

a. Prayer of Adoration ………………………… Page 10

b. Prayer of Contrition ………………………… Page 11

c. Prayer of Thanksgiving ……………………. Page 12

d. Prayer of Supplication ……………………... Page 14

i. Petition ……………… Page 15

ii. Intercession …………. Page 16

VI. The Purpose of Praying ………………………………………………………… Page 17

VII. The Impact of Praying …………………………………………………………. Page 18

VIII. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………. Page 19

IX. Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………. Page 20

I. Introduction

This study is an in-depth definition of prayer whereas it articulates the definition,

etymology, significance, purpose, and various forms of prayer. The paper’s objective is to inform

readers about the overall scope of prayer. Whereas it is brought to existence even more by

enlightening the context of worshipping comprehensively. Moreover, this paper also aims to

unfold certain aspects and topics that are not typically being discussed by normal Christians. It is

defined in this study that prayer is the communication between human beings and Deity. With

this, people are brought closer and have the freedom of expressing oneself to God through it.

There are different types of prayers that readers will be able to identify as they are unknowingly

part of the daily basis of people. Worship can be expressed by chanting that usually partakes in

the Eucharist, and mediational prayer that is conducted with silence. On the other hand, the

challenges that Christians experience in expressing their faith are given gist in this study. As

stated, it is part of religious practices also in catholic that shapes the characteristics of people,

may it be spiritually or emotionally. In general, the content of the paper is majorly composed of

prayer and worship for Christianity and for youth spirituality. Finally, this paper highlights a

specific topic which is prayer in order to apply the knowledge that has been assimilated from the

course CL3A.


II. Definition

Prayer is a spiritual conversation that is enclosed within the special relationship of man

with God. As stated in Britannica, prayer is defined as a sacred discourse between humans and

gods, God, and other supernatural beings. Furthermore, Lee (n.d.) emphasized that prayer also is

a mutual communication between man and God. With this, prayer is composed of thoughts,

concerns, and emotions that are usually the topic that is being open to God. It is the process of

humans to worship and address their petitions to God's providence. Prayer is also a manner of

being in the moment, present, or openness. Thus, it asserts that it is a process that dictates one's

current state of spiritual being. It can be either formal or informal. However, conventional prayer

is a significant component of Christian worship and does not correspond with adoration. It

conveys that prayers are meaningful and can be emotional when there is no fixed format. When

an individual has freedom of thought, one can truthfully express their faith and feelings.

St. Teresa of Ávila, a 16th-century Spanish mystic, described prayer as "a close

acquaintance, a frequent discussion shared alone with the Beloved" in its sublime form. In

addition, St. Therese of Liseíux conveys that prayer is a plea of appreciation and love amid

adversity and delight. Also, it is something magnificent and divine that broadens our soul and

connects us to Jesus. Concisely, prayer produces a connection between mortal and immortal

entities - such as Christian to God the Father. 

II1. Etymology

A.) Background of the term

In Middle English, the term prayer means "ask earnestly" and is derived from the Old

French "preier" which means to request. It is also associated with the Latin word "precari" which

means to inquire (Richert, 2019). Furthermore, according to New World Encyclopedia, prayer

was utilized in classical times, both in religious and secular senses.

B.) Brief History of prayer

Based on the sacred scripture from the Bible, prayer is literally a conversation that takes

place in the time of Adam and Eve that was stated in (Genesis 2:18-20). With this, according to

Stiver (2003), Eve was interactive, and despite having just two other sentient beings in the

garden, she communicated with her partner and pleaded to God, as a result, we have the first

prayer. Even so, according to Genesis 3:8, the fall of man appears to be the reason that triggers

man to invoke the name of the Lord.

It was viewed by the Bible scholars that prayer is a level in the progress of the religion

from imaginary to an improved-level. It is back to the 19th century, wherein a series of theories

were prevalent. As stated by Hamman (n.d.), the recognition and invocation of the creator-God,

the God of heaven, is the source of prayer, both fundamentally and existentially. Consequently, it

displays that in the present time, the development of prayer still comes from the theories based

on what is written from the sacred scriptures in the bible. However, these theories became

concepts that passed through centuries which impacts the belief of man in praying and


IV. Significance of prayer

The essential and universal component of religion is prayer, either being practiced by

relating to primeval people or modern mystics, that disciplines humans to be aligned on being

religious spiritually and emotionally. Some studies relate it as a primary approach of expression

of religion and produce philosophy's logical concepts. As stated in Britannica, an American

philosopher known as William James conveys that no assertion can be formed if prayer is absent

in a theology. Furthermore, prayer and Muslim correspond with each other as indicated by

Islamic proverbs that worshiping is essential like breathing. In praying, man’s desire is expressed

to be able to create a special connection with spirituality and holiness. Thus, prayer is associated

to a feeling of the sacred presence, which is neither a certainty nor discernment but a volitional

movement. The sentiments being recited by man in prayer apart from the connection being

created in the sacrificial act, is itself being perceived as the manifestation of spiritual action and


A.) Prayer in Christian religion

In Catholic religion, prayer is part of their integral life, as Christians believe that God

created human kinds to have a significant connection between Him and man. With this,

Christians often communicate to God through prayer. However, people are able to have a

discourse with God nevertheless of their belief. Furthermore, based on the article entitled

“What is Prayer?”, Catholics or Christian religion believe that God is a Holy Trinity,

which indicates that He exists in three forms: God the Father, God the Son which is

Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit. The three persons of the Trinity are considered to be one,

Christians can pray to any of them at any moment. Hence, Prayer has a significant role in

Christianity as it became their necessity in living a holy life.

B.) Prayer Practices in Christianity.

As stated to the article entitled “Practices in Christianity,” many Christians

believe that God's grace and guidance are bestowed through prayer. Whereas, it is

viewed as a two-way conversation that provides comfort and guidance, knowing that

God listens and has a possibility to respond with messages.

Chanting is a way of rhythmic cheering and chanting. Singing in Christianity

is conducted either individually or with others, an example of this is song

participation in mass. In addition to that, it also has a long tradition of chanting,

wherein performed by the community of monks and nuns. Christians believe that

through these chant prayer practices, they feel and encounter God's presence. With

this, many new songs are being composed nowadays and are being utilized in

worship at the present time.

Moreover, Meditational Prayer is also practiced by Christian, where they

isolate oneself in order to think deeply about the presence of God. It may be

composed individually or in groups where they either sit in calmness or have an open

discussion about God. This prayer practice of Christians is known typically as group

worship and forum, wherein individuals share their personal experiences about God’s

grace that change their lives and inspire them to develop their faith more in God.

With these statements, it can be realized that through different practices that are being

performed by Christians, their relationship with God deepens

C.) Significance of praying to youth

Praying in the current generations of Christians has an immense difference from

the early times as technology evolve and make its own way to partake in man’s

necessities in life. According to an article entitled “The Impact of Technology on my

Life, Relationships, and Faith,” the rise of technology especially the internet creates an

impact on the faith of an individual. According to an article entitled “The Impact of

Technology on my Life, Relationships, and Faith,” the rise of technology, especially the

internet, creates an impact on the faith of an individual. The advancement diverts the

attention of worshippers away from God and His kingdom by causing humans to be

occupied with activities relating to unpleasant actions that turn away the presence of God

to humans. With this, it can be concluded that technology is one of the aspects that

hinders an individual’s focus on their faith and devotion to God in this current generation.

It is the reason why it’s a significant matter for teenagers in this generation, to develop

their faith and promote praying in their lives as Christians. Thus, Christian is able to

surpass the challenges that they encounter in life through worshipping. Concerning this

matter, it is important for the future generations to hear the current youth worship,

because they will serve as a role model for future Christians in preserving the faith of the

youth through praying.

V. Forms of prayers

Forms of prayers are prayers that are typically utilized and observed by Christians when

praying because it is an essential aspect or elements that completes the sense of a prayer in

manner that it makes it more effective. The following are the forms of prayer:

 Prayer of Adoration

 Contrition

 Thanksgiving

 Supplication

- Petition and Intercession

Each of these types of prayer can be either utilized separately or together in one prayer

because it is considered to be the standard elements that can be observed in a typical prayer.

Furthermore, these forms of prayers can be also distinguished separately depending on the

intention of the one who’s praying because there are various prayers that has different structures

and purpose. With this, Prayer is associated and creates a flow to various forms of prayer,

however, identifying some terminologies can be complex because of the fixed classifications.

Moreover, according to the Bible According to the Bible (1 Timothy 2:1), “First of all,

then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.”

Even though these forms of prayers are stated in the sacred scriptures, it doesn’t state that it

forces the prayers to utilize it when praying. However, it arises on the person’s benevolence and

intention. Thus, prayer is defined as the essence of the existence of one’s heart and soul, similar

to the Holy Spirit. With this, the different forms of prayers are described in the paper.

A. Prayer of Adoration

Adoration is defined as a way of worshiping and honoring God as we give

gratitude to His grace and compassion. Wherein, the gift of life, creation of the world,

and the blessings that He gives to humans are being acknowledged. Other liturgies

and eucharist have prayers of adoration, and one of them is the Glory to God or

Gloria. Among the personal prayer, the prayer of adoration is an act of faith wherein

Christians devote their intentions to God's existence. An example of this is the prayer

of humility. Moreover, it is a response to God’s gift aside from thanksgiving, it is a

way of returning appreciation to the source of each blessing that man receives. It is

usually the beginning when praying and a sign of respect to the divine creator. To

support these claims, as stated in Britannica, adoration is generally viewed as the

most righteous form of prayer, a complete supplication before God.

After the sacrifices and compassion that the Son of God offered to us, man comes

behind Jesus Christ’s body, soul, and divinity. The more a person engages in

adoration, then, they would be able to appreciate the glory of the Lord. With this,

praying adoration builds a relationship to the surroundings because people learn to

give value to things that had been created by the divine creator, God the Father. When

an individual prays it frequently, it results to recognize the concerns and

circumstances in the surroundings of humans. Furthermore, it gives serenity and

calmness to the lives of human beings, however, it does not convey that a person will

not experience any difficulties or challenges. Consequently, God’s silence comforts

and assists man to have an unrelenting characteristic towards the hardship that one

experiences. According to Kennedy (n.d.), the time and companionship that a person

dedicates in praying adoration, although it’s short and takes a couple of minutes, it

creates an immense impact to God. Moreover, God’s compassion fosters an

individual continuously, especially when tempted. Given that statement, one can

overcome the temptation that is encountered if a person invests time in praying

adoration with an open heart and allows Christ to be part of their life. Thus, one will

be able to learn to define and accept oneself.

B. Prayer of Contrition

The word Contrition or most commonly known as Confession is an assumption of

one’s faith and acknowledgement of one’s own sins. With that being stated, it is the

type of prayer where Christians utilized in order to open and repent their sins to God

the father. Through the essence that the prayer of confession provides to an

individual, it causes a relief to the person’s heart by which peace of mind and soul

can be attained because worries and regrets are then released to God through the

process of praying. Act of Contrition is one of those prayers that is known for its

content that expresses man’s sincere apology with the sins that one’s committed. In

supporting these statements, according to Thompson (2016) from an article entitled

“4 kinds of prayers for the Christians, A confessional prayer is a heart-searching

prayer where we lay our souls before God when we confess our faults and

weaknesses. Moreover, it stated in the bible that absolute confession to God

guarantees a manner of forgiveness to him. Therefore, truthfulness with one’s actions

dictates how an individual sincerely repents of his/her sins.

Similar to the prayer of Adoration, Confession also depicts an individual’s sign of

respect to God by which one considers him/herself as a mortal that is imperfect and

expresses honest regrets to God’s presence. According to Romans 10:9, “if you

confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him

from the dead, you will be saved;” the statement claim that the deliverance reflects to

those who believe that Jesus Christ resurrection and death take the responsibility for

the sake of our freedom from sins. With that being the case, it is an important type of

prayer as it is somehow considered as a medium and connection that re-establish

broken relationship between God and man. Furthermore, through confession, it

enables an individual to deeply open his/her heart to Jesus and God. In a conclusion,

confessing sins is a one key factor that enables Christians to be healed and cleansed

by God the father as confession falls under the sacrament of healing where it is a

spiritual way of man’s recovering process with his soul.

C. Prayer of Thanksgiving 

Thanksgiving is a type of prayer that has similarities to adoration. However, as

stated in the article entitled "Four basic forms of prayers," the prayer of thanksgiving

gives praise to God for His fulfillment, blessings, spirituality, and other creations.

Also, amongst the type of prayer, it is the most neglected one. The Almighty God did

or sacrificed a lot for human beings, including the occurrence where Jesus was sent to

save man from sins. It is based on John 3:16 KJV where it says that "16 For God so

loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him

should not perish, but have everlasting life." Furthermore, people are filled with

gratitude for God's gift of life, for example, one's family and friends, shelter, food,

clothing, and other necessities. With this, it assists human beings to form a genuine

spirit of gratitude. There are some examples that can be found in the book of Psalms,

but, "grace before meals" is one example of this prayer. According to the belief of

Richert (2019), people should make thanksgiving a practice or habit of

acknowledging and appreciating the blessings given to man.

The faith of people is based on the word of God, whereas, it reflects His affection

for humans. Through praying, God responds in accordance with His will as He

observes, hears the requests, and the yearns of people. Though, there are some

situations that some individuals believe that the Deity doesn't heed for our worship.

However, it can either be because God has another plan or it was answered through a

different approach. Hence, man should still be grateful for the thought that God hears

our prayer. It also conveys that the purpose of God in answering our worship is

aligned for the betterment of each one of us. Moreover, this form of prayer is evident

mostly in the personal devotion wherein the people recognize the blessing and

response of God. As people give acknowledgement with another day God has given

them the opportunity of eating meals, stable health, answered prayers, etc.

D. Prayer of Supplication

According to the definition of, supplication is defined as a form

of prayer. Wherein the prayers ask for support to the Almighty God. It comes from a

Latin word that means to plead humbly. Also, the terminology conveys a sense of

admiration and devotion as if it were a solemn plea to a higher God. In Christianity,

the prayer of supplication is to pray for the sick or make a petition to the Lord.

Additionally, based on Williams (n.d.), supplication develops oneself to be humble,

supple before God, and instruct how to worship. Moreover, in praying supplication,

people humbly submit themselves to God to make the mindset of people supple. With

that, the mind of human beings is being shaped, developing one’s views, and

emotions. It also brings people to have a closer relationship with God that makes the

desires of man to be His. Consequently, this changes one’s perspective and to discern

righteousness. There are different prayers of supplication depending on their purpose

(Schlesman, n.d.): (1) For healing, (2) For someone else, (3) For love and belonging,

(4) For wisdom or guidance in a decision, (5) For protection, and (6) For faith.

According to Kosloski (2019), the term supplicates originated from a Latin word that

signifies "to implore from below." It implies the action of a person when they place

themselves inferior to other people. Relating to Christianity, it associates the

relationship between man and God, where the Lord is believed to be a supreme being.

An example of this type of prayer is present in the Bible, Psalms. To put it concisely,

the prayer of supplication assists devotees to humble themselves before God to

develop righteous characteristics.

Prayer of Petition

According to, the petition is a humble request of a person for their

desire to the Almighty God. It is a common type of prayer that can be found in the sacred

scripture. The appeal of people is not in a demanding approach and for themselves only.

Rather, it is also a genuine request of man to God for Him to decide the common good

for every man’s desire. This form of prayer has no specificity for its purpose as it can be

a prayer for guidance, strength, wisdom, or others. For instance, if a man or woman

pleads for mercy, requests for healing, or prays for forgiveness, he or she is making a

request to God. Although we communicate to God, there is no assurance that He will

grant the prayers of humans. With this, Christians have the belief that the divine always

has its purpose in answering the prayers. Furthermore, it acknowledges both one's

scarcity and God's vast wealth. But it emphasizes more the grace of a God who desires to

provide for us. Based on the statement from the article "Prayer of Petition – Ultimate

Prayer Guide Part 4," human beings tend to focus on themselves most of the time. In

praying the different types of prayers, adoration is worshiped first. Subsequently, the

prayer for petition changes one's ungrateful desires into something God-aligned

objectives. Material requests have never been prohibited in Christianity; rather, they have

been incorporated into a single divine order while being subordinated to spiritual values.

Furthermore, according to Bailey (2017), Christians have the opportunity of praying and

petitioning. They are the instruments by which one can make a meaningful supplication

to Jesus, the supreme ruler and Savior.

Prayer of Intercession

Intercession may have some similarities to the definition of the petition.

According to the article entitled "What Is Intercessory Prayer? Example and Meaning,"

intercession are derived from a Latin word that means to come between, which conveys

that there is Christ between man and God. The reason why people use "in Jesus' name" is

because of the sufferings He experienced to save man from sins and for humans to draw

near the Deity.  This type of prayer is about worshiping for the necessities and difficult

situations of oneself or other people. It has a primary principle that the people should

listen and pray according to the wisdom of God. With that, the Lord is able to utilize His

strength and guide his kingdom (Jordan, 2021). Furthermore, based on the statement of, intercession is holding to the will of God continuously until His time passed.

It also partakes in the spirituality of a person, whereas, the challenges of a person, their

relatives, or any close relationship, are surpassed.

With this, based on Bilbword, asserting on someone else's behalf who have placed

their faith in Jesus for salvation are appealing with Him. Salvation can be attained in Him

alone because Jesus sacrifices himself to save the human kind from sins. Then he

validated our sins and substituted it for his morality. The prayer of Intercession and

Petition are frequently being associated with each other as they have same purpose of

requesting special intentions. However, the prayer of Intercession is concerned towards

the needs of others where an individual connects with others through Christ intercession

in appealing for their neighbor’s necessities. Therefore, through the prayer of

Intercession, Christians becomes a way to God in touching one’s spirituality.

VI. The Purpose of Praying

It is stated from the Sacred Scriptures, that whenever a person prays there is a certain

manifestation from the Holy Spirit that form within an individual soul. With this, the bible

encourages man to pray as it includes surprises and powerful effect in a person. Prayer provides

an open space where an individual can develop and discuss feelings and emotions to God

without judgement, freedom and peace can also be attained in praying because the conversation

is between man inner soul and God. That being stated, whenever a person pray it creates a path

in his/her heart towards the comfort of God because praying includes trust and dedication of

one’s purpose to talk to God. When an individual believes in God’s existence in praying, it draws

faith in his/her heart that will be the way for an individual to live a holy life. It is God’s way of

making connection to man as it is a medium created by Him to draw a bridge that will serves as a

way in order to have a special connection between man and God. It can be realized that praying

is an important factor to man and God because it is one of the aspects where a person can

maintain his/her relationship to God because in every relationship even in the mortal world,

communication is the foundation of a strong relationship and connection. God’s love and care to

man is exceptional because he lends his only son in order to teach human kind how to pray for

man to have an opportunity connect and open himself to God in private way.

Furthermore, His purpose to humans because God the Father encourages a person to

communicate to Him because God does not want to neglect man, rather he wants ever human to

talk to him and open their needs to Him in order for God to know what he will provide.

Consequently, every time humans pray, they invite the presence of God to their circumstances in

life for God to provide care and action to our situations.

VII. The Impact of Praying

Prayer develops the spiritual life and brings the relationship of a person as we diligently

establish contact to the higher being. Consequently, human beings believe that the affection of

God towards His people is being recognized, and will never abandon us. In essence, there is a

strength in worshipping God that transforms people in different aspects in life. According to the

article entitled “How Does Prayer Change Us?”, it conveys that when a person recognizes the

higher being, man is able to comprehend more His essence and creation. With this, it forms a

better understanding that God is the people’s source and we are able to know Him through the

form of praying. Prayer has been shown in studies to relieve stress and improve relationships as

it develops one’s spiritual selves and characteristic in having a trust on whatever God is planning

for a man’s life.

VIII. Conclusion

To sum it all up, Prayer is a mean of communication that takes place between man and

God. It is a medium of communication that is personally made within the scope of mortal and

immortal interaction. Through praying we humans build special connection to God that enables

us to be more attached to Him. With these, we learn how to form trust to God and freely open

our thoughts to Him without any doubts. Prayer develops the spiritual self of a person as we are

able to comprehend and understand more of the purposes of God in answering our prayers. It

also impacts the methods of practices in Christians. Furthermore, this study enlightens scholars

to identify the different forms of prayers with its own purposes. For instance, if the person’s

intention is to give gratitude to the Almighty God, we can pray the prayer of adoration. Then, the

prayer of contrition is utilized when one confesses their sins and thanksgiving is for praising God

with His creations and blessings. Lastly, the prayer of supplication, petition, and intercession is

intended for requesting for ourselves and other people. Although, we can say that there are

hindrances that we encounter in one’s faith, for example, humans nowadays are often attached to

technologies that keeps our relationship away from Him. However, despite the challenges that a

person experiences in expressing their faith, God will unhesitatingly accept us. With the overall

topic, prayer has been a part of our daily routine whereas we pray the different types of prayer

unknowingly. Christians strongly believed that God is a higher form of being that guides us to

improve our characteristics and do good deeds.

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