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Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost - 1874-1963

Nature’s first green is gold, สี เขียวแห่งแรกของธรรมชาติคือสี ทอง
Her hardest hue to hold. ยากที่จะยากที่จะปกป้ องรักษา
Her early leaf’s a flower; ก่อนเปลี่ยนจากใบไม้คือดอกไม้
But only so an hour. แต่แค่ชวั่ โมงเดียวเท่านั้น
Then leaf subsides to leaf. ใบไม้ ร่ วงหล่น ผลัดใบ
So Eden sank to grief,
สวนสวรรค์จมลงสู่ ความเศร้าโศก
So dawn goes down to day.
ดังนั้นรุ่ งอรุ ณจึงตกไปในแต่ละวัน
Nothing gold can stay.
ทองคำไม่มีอะไรอยูไ่ ด้มนั่ คง

"Nature’s first green is gold," indicates nature's first green is the youth
because every living thing begins with youth.
"Her hardest hue to hold" represents that youth is very hard to keep because
they get older in age.
"Her early leaf's a flower," describes youth as innocent and beautiful like a
flower. Metaphorically, the writer is saying that the earliest leaves are as beautiful as
a flower. In other words, spring itself is lovely as a flower.
"Her early leaf" means the springtime blossoms last more than a mere hour.
Metaphorically, that early beauty endures for such a brief and fleeting time that it
could seem like it only really lasts for an instant.
"Then leaf subsides to leaf" symbolizes the child becoming an adult and
losing its childhood.
"So Eden sank to grief," states that the person realizes that they are no
longer a child and that they must face the world all on their own.
"Nothing gold can stay" “Gold” is a symbol for all things beautiful,
important, and valued. The gold does not last forever. this is true of all things found
in nature. Trees, streams, oceans, mountains, and even the sun and stars: nothing is
This poem expresses the instability of life, such as life in youth, beauty,
everything found in nature is imperfect. Everything changes with time and
eventually fades away.

Robert Frost. (1923). Nothing Gold Can Stay. Retrieved September 28, 2021, from
Name: Wassana Laodee 62123020430

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