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 Upper Intermediate- End Of The Year

 What would you suggest a person who doesn’t have a chance to speak and practice speaking
 Do you have your strategies when learning a new language?
 What are some conversation topics when you meet a person for the first time?
 The topics you should avoid?
 How do you feel about trying new things? Have you ever tried something that took you
outside your comfort zone? Did you succeed?
 What’s the place you’ve always wanted to visit and why?
 What are some major news stories in our country now?
 What surveillance techniques are you aware of?
 How does surveillance make you feel ? why ? keeping us safe or invasion of privacy?

 Some researches show that teenagers who play violent video games are not only more
aggressive but cheat eight times more. How do you feel about it ?
 People who get plastic surgery reported an increase in self esteem and on the on the other
hand decrease in the use of anti depressants. Do you agree?
 People should get a fine for downloading and sharing films and music. What’s your opinion?
Are you in favour or against the idea?

 Are there traditional gender roles in our country? What are they?
 Should a husband and wife have defined roles in terms of who does what?

 Lets discuss pros and cons of

 Women and men competing in the same teams and leagues in sports
 Laws that say companies should have 50 % men and 50 % women as directors
 Husbands and wives sharing household chores equally.
 Gender blind hiring
 Compulsory school uniforms ,identical for boys and girls
 Sayings - and the story that illustrates the saying or disproves it.

 What’s he idea behind – a life in six words?

 Can you tell us any six word stories that show regret or disappointment ?
 Lets talk about your favourite reading genres.
 What type of book would you take for a long flight?
 Do you know any films that are based on books and are actually better than them.
 Describe one short scene from a film.

 What are your free time activities?

 What are some meaningful and meaningless activities?
 Lets discuss: adults need to play as much as children do. What examples support your
 Leisure activities have become too expensive.
 Children need more play time in order to develop into healthy adults.
 Friendships formed over the internet are as strong as ones formed in person.

 Lets describe some procedures and guess what they are.

 How to make your favourite dish
 Website
 App
 Some gadget

 Do you agree or disagree?

 Many cant make you happy. Support your viewpoint with your arguments.
 What are the most important ingredients of happiness?

 In your opinion what do you think is the worst invention of all time? Why?
 The best invention?
 How do you make decisions about what to buy?
 How much are you influenced by advertising?
 What influences you? People? Your friends? Ads? Brands?
 Lets talk about marketing tricks, can you think of any? In terms of viral video? Selling a
particular product etc.
 Brainstorming ideas:
 How to get kids eat fruit and vegetables?

 How to encourage people to learn a foreign language?

 How to get people visit your country?
 Getting people to stop dropping litter.

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