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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS

Pokok Bahasan 1
Waktu 1 x 90 menit
 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
Kompetensi Dasar lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait saran dan
tawaran, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan should, can)
 Ungkapan yang menunjukkan saran dan tawaran, dengan modal should dan can
 Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.


1. Asking and Giving Suggestion

Asking Suggestion Giving Suggestion

You’d better ...

Do you have any suggestion for me? You could (might) ...
Will you give me some suggestion, please? I suggest that you ...
Any idea? I recommend that you ...
Where do you think I can get something nice? You really should ...
Please tell me what should I do? Why don’t you prepare the whole things?
Shall I do that? You might want to call the company.
Why not buy a new suit for the interview?

Accepting Suggestion Rejecting Suggestion

That’s a good idea. I don’t think so.
Thank you. I’ll do that. That’s a good idea, but ...
That’s sounds good. I think that’s not a good idea.
Why didn’t I think of that? I’m afraid it isn’t what I want.
I think you’re right. Thanks, but I can’t do that.

Using Might, Why not and Why don’t for suggestion

a. Use might (want to) and could to make
You might schedule your interview in the morning,
suggestions. They often express a choice of
or you could wait until the afternoon.
possible actions.
You might want to think about volunteer work.
Might is often used with want to. You might not want to ask that question in an
Do not use could not in negative suggestions.
You could not ask that question in an interview.
Use might not want to.
Why don’t you prepare questions for your
b. Why not and Why don’t/doesn’t are both
question forms and end with a question mark.
Why not prepare questions for your interview?
Why don’t/ Why doesn’t and Why not are very Say: “Why don’t you practice for your interview?”
common in conservation. Do not use them in Write: Interviewees might want to practice for the
academic writing. interviews.

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2. Asking and Giving Advice
Asking for an advice Giving an advice

Why don’t you go to the dentist?

I’ve got a bad toothache. What do you suggest?
You’d better brush your teeth regularly.
What do you advise me to do?
Have you thought about seeing a dentist?
What should I do?
You ought to/should avoid eating sweets.
What ought I to do?
It might be a good idea to brush your teeth on a
What’s your advice?
regular basis.
If you were me what would you do?
If I were you, I would go to the dentist.
What do you think I should do?
You had better/you’d better go to the dentist.

Declining an advice
I don’t know what to advise, I’m afraid.
I wish I could suggest something, but I can’t.
I wish I could help.
I’m afraid I can’t really help you.

Things to remember about asking and giving advice:

1. “Advise” is a verb
I advise you to learn English. You will undoubtedly need it in your higher studies.
2. “Advice” is a noun
My father gave me this piece of advice when I was young: never give up.

Using Should, Ought to, and Had Better for Advice

You should assess yourself before you look for a job.

a. Use should and ought to for general advice.
She ought to look for a new job.
b. Use had better (not) only for very strong advice and
warnings. Had better (not) is much stronger than
You had better finish this project, or you might lose
should or ought to. It suggests that something
your job!
negative will happen if you don’t take the advice.
We usually only use it in speaking.
c. Use should in questions. Ought to and had better
Should I ask about the salary at the interview?
are not common in question.
d. Use maybe, perhaps, or I think to soften advice. Maybe you should be more careful when you write
These expressions usually go at the beginning of the your resume.
sentence. I think he ought to look for a different job.
She probably should take the job. / She should
e. You can also use probably to soften advice. It can go
probably take the job.
before or after should. It goes before ought to.
She probably ought to take the job.

Complete the conversations by choosing the correct words or phrase!

1. A : I sent my resume in for a job a few weeks ago, but I haven’t had any response.
B : You could/ Why don’t you call the company.

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2. A : I have an interview next week, and I’m worried about getting there on time. Traffic is so bad.
B : You might/Why not schedule the interview for the middle of the day when traffic isn’t as bad?

3. A : I can’t find a job in my field. I really need some work, any work!
B : You why not/might want to look for temporary work. That’s often easier to find.

4. A : I have an interview tomorrow, but I don’t know a lot about the company.
B : You might want to/Why don’t you do some research online. I’ll help you.

5. A : I’m nervous about my interview on Monday. I don’t know what they’ll ask me.
B : Well, we could/why not practice together. I can ask you questions.

6. A : I’m going to dress casually for my interview tomorrow. It’s a very informal company.
B : You could not/might not want to dress too casually. It’s still a job interview.

7. A : I have to drive to my interview tomorrow, and I always get lost when I drive.
B : You might want to/Why don’t you print out directions or use a GPS.

8. A : I just had a good interview, and I am really interested in the job.

B : Why don’t/Why not you follow up with a thank-you note? It’s always a good idea.

Choose the correct answer by crossing (A), (B), (C) or (D)!

Mrs. Ina : Eric, your hair is too long. (1) ... or you will 3. ...
be scolded! (A) What’s on the head is not important, it’s the
Eric : (2) ... Short hair makes me awkward. stuff inside which counts.
Mrs. Ina : Please listen to me. You’ll look handsome (B) Mum, you really are persistent!
if you get your hair trimmed at least. (C) I’ll have it cut this evening.
Eric : Really? You’re flattering me. (D) Mum, I’m too busy to go to the barber shop.
Mrs. Ina : I really think you’ll look so much better (E) You insist me to do that.
after a haircut.
Eric : All right (3) ... 4. So, we all want Italian dish, right?
... that restaurant near the beach?
1. ... The appropriate expression for the sentence
(A) You look untidy. above is ...
(B) You will be noticed by the discipline teacher.
(C) When are you going to cut your hair? (A) Would you like to
(D) You should have your hair cut. (B) Let’s
(E) Will you cut your hair now? (C) How about
(D) Shall
2. ... (E) Could
(A) I believe I look better with long hair.
(B) I dislike going to the barber.
(C) I don’t think so.
(D) I like the way it is.
(E) Believe me I’m not bad as you think.

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1. Paul still hasn’t repaid me the money I lent him. a. You should take it back to the shop.
2. I bought this but it’s broken. b. You should go to Paris. It’s beautiful.
3. I need to lose some weight. c. You should try nicotine patches.
4. I want to stop smoking. d. You should ask him for it.
5. My eyes hurt. e. You shouldn’t spend so much on clothes.
6. I’m still feeling very sick. f. We should leave at two-thirty.
7. I wish I had more money. g. You should eat less bread.
8. My purse has been stolen. h. You should go to the police.
9. I don’t know where to go on holiday. i. You should call the doctor.
10. The game starts at three o’clock. j. You shouldn’t spend so much time on the computer.


When we talked about the Number of Nouns, we are referring to Singular and Plural nouns. Determining the numbers of
noun is vital in sentence construction. Most singular nouns are made plural by only adding "s" to its word. However, there
are singular nouns which does not need any changes at all, and some are governed by rules or need changes for most of
the letters in a word.

You may know that a noun identifies a person, place, thing, or idea.
A singular noun names one person, place, thing, or idea,
A plural noun names more than one person, place, thing, or idea.

 Here are some words which stays the same in plural form:
 Sheep  Fish
 Trout  Series
 Deer  Species
 Salmon  Japanese
 Moose  Chinese

 Here are the lists of rule for changing singular nouns to plural forms.
1) If the noun ends in 's', 'x', 'sh', or 'ch', we add -es to make it plural.
Examples: bus-buses, box-boxes, bush-bushes, batch-batches

2) If the noun ends in 'o' with a consonant before it,we add –es
Examples: mango-mangoes, potatoes

3) If the nouns ends in 'o' with a vowel before it, we add -s.
Examples: igloo-igloos, stereo-stereos

4) If the noun ends in 'o' with a consonant before it,we add -es,
Examples: mango-mangoes, potatoes

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5) If the nouns ends in 'o' with a vowel before it, we add –s
Examples: igloo-igloos, stereo-stereos

6) If the noun ends with 'f' or 'fe', we sometimes change the f or fe to -v and add -es.
Examples: leaf-leaves, beef-beeves, life-lives, knife-knives

7) If the noun ends in 'y' with a consonant before it, change the y to -i and add -es.
Examples: battery- batteries, candy-candies, berry-berries, lady-ladies

8) If the noun ends in 'y' with a vowel before it, we add -s to make it plural.
Examples: monkey-monkeys, journey-journeys, key-keys, decoy-decoys

 Here are the list of some singular nouns that must change the spelling:
 child – children,  foot – feet,
 man – men,  tooth – teeth,
 woman – women,  goose – geese,
 ox – oxen,  louse – lice
 mouse – mice,

Note that some singular nouns ending in 's' or 'z' require that you double the 's' or 'z' before adding an 'es.' For example, a
really bad day might involve you having not one pop quiz, but two pop quizzes.
A hyphenated compound noun requires that you make the first, major noun plural.

For example:
 There are two runners-up in a beauty pageant, not runner-ups.
 There might be a meeting for editors-in-chief, not editor-in-chiefs.
 Many people might be quick to tell you that just one is plenty; they don't need multiple mothers-in-law.

Find the underlined nouns in the sentences below.
Tell if the nouns are singular or plural.

1. There were two cats playing in the yard last night. ____________
2. We saw a movie last night at the theater. ____________
3. My friend came to see me yesterday. ____________
4. I checked out some books from the library. ____________
5. I went fishing at the pond last week. ____________
6. How many ants are on the picnic table? ` ____________
7. There were two boats on the lake at sunset. ____________

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8. I helped my dad wash the car this morning ____________
9. I found seven eggs in the chicken coop. ____________
10. The dentist cleaned my teeth yesterday. ____________

Change the following sentences from singular to plural or from plural to singular as in the examples.

1. She is a beautiful lady. They are beautiful ladies

2. A book is a good friend. Books are good friends
3. A small car is a great vehicle. ________________________________
4. She is a smart girl. ________________________________
5. It is an old church. ________________________________
6. Is this man a worker? ________________________________
7. Is he a nice character? ________________________________
8. These pants belong to those women. ________________________________
9. Are the students in the classroom? ________________________________
10. These glasses aren't for those women. ________________________________
11. Are the bottles on the table? ________________________________
12. The brush is under the chair. ________________________________
13. I am not a famous woman. ________________________________
14. The pencils aren't in the boxes. ________________________________
15. I like those barbies. ________________________________

Pokok Bahasan 2
1 x 80 menit
1 x 10 menit (Ujian Blok)
 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
Kompetensi Dasar
terkait saran dan tawaran, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan should, can)
 Ungkapan yang menunjukkan saran dan tawaran, dengan modal should dan can
 Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.


1. Simple Present

Pattern: S + Verb 1 (s/es) or S + to be (is/am/are) + Nonverb

a. Function 1 : Habitual, regular action in the present

Adverb of frequency : usually; regularly; every day; every week; often; frequently; sometimes; occasionally;
seldom; rarely; never; always
Example : I usually work till five.
He reads two books every day.
They play football on Saturdays.
Does it rain often in your hometown?
They seldom go to the movies.

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b. Function 2 : Stating a fact, general truth, profession
Example : The sun rises in the east.
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
He lives in Moscow and works at a hospital.
She likes oranges and bananas.

2. Present Continous
Pattern: S + to be (is/am/are) + Verb ing

a. Function 1 : The action is going on at the present moment, at the moment of speaking.
Adverbs of time : now; right now; at the moment
Example : You are reading this material now.
You are drinking coffee at the moment.
Usually, he sits by the window, but now he is sitting near the front door.
Listen! Music is playing.

b. Function 2 : The action is going on at the present time but not necessarily at the moment of
Adverbs of time : now; at present; at the present time; at the moment; this year
Example : He is writing a new novel now.
What is she doing these days? She is working for a newspaper.
I am studying economics at a business school.

3. Present Perfect
Pattern: S + have/has + Verb 3

a. Function 1 : The action has just ended.

Adverbs of time : already; just; yet (in questions and negative sentences)
Example : I have just done it.
She has already seen him.
He hasn’t returned from work yet.
Have they arrived yet?

b. Function 2 : Reporting how often something has happened by now.

Adverbs of time : ever; never; once; twice; several times; always; often; sometimes
Example : I have never seen this film
He has visited his aunt twice already.
I have sometimes thought of starting my own business.
Have you ever been to Bandung?

c. Function 3 : The result of past actions by the present moment.

Adverbs of time : by now; up to now; so far; by the present moment; before; since; lately
Example : He has written ten letters by now.
So far, she has read fourteen novels by Stephen King.
He has worked in several companies since he graduated from college.
I’ve seen this movie before.

d. Function 4 : The action has lasted for some time by now.

Adverbs of time : for an hour; for a week; for a long time; for five years; in years; since; lately

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Example : I have known him for a year by now.
I haven’t seen him in years.
He has lived here for six years.
She has collected coins since she was a child.

4. Present Perfect Continuous

Pattern : S + have/has been + Verb-ing
a. Function 1 : The action has been going on for some time by now and is still going on.
Adverbs of time : for an hour; for a week; for a long time; for five years; all day; since
Example : How long have you been waiting?
I’ve been waiting for about an hour.
It has been raining all day.
He has been living here for three years.
Nayla has been working as a teacher for seven years already.

b. Function 2 : The action has been going lately.

Example : They have been working hard lately.
I have been thinking about buying a new car.
It has been snowing hard, and our garden is still full of snow.

In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form of Simple Present Tense.
Examples: Water boils (boil) at 100 degrees centigrade.
George doesn’t go (not/go) to the cinema very often.

1. The swimming bath … … … … (open) at 9.00 and … … … … (close) at 18.30 every day.
2. What time … … … … (the banks/close) in Britain?
3. I have a car but I … … … … (not/use) it very often.
4. How many cigarettes … … … … (you/smoke) a day?
5. ‘What … … … … (you/do)?’ ‘I’m an electrical engineer.’
6. ‘Where … … … … (your father/come) from?’ ‘He … … … … (come) from Scotland.’
7. If you need money, why … … … … (you/not/get) a job?
8. I … … … … (play) the piano, but I … … … … (not/play) very well.
9. I don’t understand the word ‘deceive’. What … … … … (‘deceive’) mean?

Change the verb in the bracket to make form of the Present Continuous Tense.
1. John ... ... ... ... ... ... (read) a book now.
2. What ... ... ... ... ... ... (you do) tonight?
3. Jack and Peter ... ... ... ... ... ... (work) late today.
4. Silvia ... ... ... ... ... ... (not listen) to music.
5. Maria ... ... ... ... ... ... (sit) next to Paul.
6. The phone ... ... ... ... ... ... (not ring).
7. Decky ... ... ... ... ... ... (work) in Saudi Arabia at the moment.
8. Look! Steve’s mother ... ... ... ... ... ... (make) a cup of coffee.
9. You ... ... ... ... ... ... (link) the word correctly.
10. She ... ... ... ... ... ... (not/walk) to the centre of the town.

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Change the verb in the bracket to make form of the Present Perfect Tense.

1. I ... ... ... ... ... ... in a restaurant before. (never/work)

2. He ... ... ... ... ... ... his teeth ... ... ... ... ... ... (not/brush/yet)
3. Ken and Fred ... ... ... ... ... ... to go to the party ... ... ... ... ... ... (not/decide/yet)
4. They ... ... ... ... ... ... already ... ... ... ... ... ... their rucksacks. (pack)
5. I ... ... ... ... ... ... just ... ... ... ... ... ... my bike. (clean)

Change the verb in the bracket to make form of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. Aliana ... ... ... ... ... ... at that company for three years. (work)
2. Why ... ... ... ... ... ... Toni ... ... ... ... ... ... his medicine for the last three days? (not/take)
3. James ... ... ... ... ... ... at the university since last month. (teach)
4. The children ... ... ... ... ... ... too much television lately. (watch)
5. Recently, I ... ... ... ... ... ... really tired. (feel)

This time you have to read some sentences and correct them in form of Simple Present Tense.
The English is correct but the information is wrong. Write two correct sentences each time.
(+) The sun goes round the earth.
(--) The sun doesn’t go round the earth
(?) Does the sun go round the earth?

1. The sun rises in the west. 3. Carpenters make things from metal.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________

2. Mice catch cats. 4. The River Amazon flows into The Pacific Ocean.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________

Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. How often does Peter go to the swimming pool? 3. Let’s ask Anna to make Apple pie for dessert. She
He ... to the swimming pool every day. He likes ... great apple pies.
swimming. (A) makes (D) has been making
(A) goes (D) has been going (B) is making (E) made
(B) is going (E) has been gone (C) has made
(C) has gone
4. They must be at sports ground now. They usually
2. She can’t go to the movies. She ... her homework ... basketball on Fridays.
yet. (A) play (D) have been playing
(A) doesn’t do (D) hasn’t been doing (B) are playing (E) playing
(B) isn’t doing (E) has done (C) have played
(C) hasn’t done

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5. Tanya ... France several times. 13. She can’t come to the phone now because she ...
(A) visits (D) has been visiting for tomorrow’s test.
(B) is visiting (E) have been visiting (A) study
(C) has visited (B) studies
(C) is studying
6. Maria is good at languages. She ... French, (D) has studied
Spanish, and German. (E) has been studying
(A) speaks
(B) is speaking 14. I ... my work already. I’m ready to go for a walk
(C) has spoken with you.
(D) has been speaking (A) finish
(E) can speaks (B) finishes
(C) am finishing
7. The sun ... in the east. (D) have finished
(A) rises (D) has been rising (E) have been finishing
(B) is rising (E) have been rising
(C) has risen 15. I ... breakfast right now. Can you call a little later?
(A) cook (D) am cook
8. Please be quite. My children ... now. (B) have been cooking (E) am cooking
(A) sleeping (C) have cooked
(B) are sleeping
(C) have slept 16. I ... this book. Can I borrow it for a week or so?
(D) have been sleeping (A) don’t read
(E) is sleeping (B) am not reading
(C) haven’t read
9. Listen! Someone ... the piano. Do you hear it? (D) haven’t been reading
(A) plays (D) has been playing (E) have read
(B) is playing (E) play
(C) has played 17. What is Linda doing?
She ... dinner.
10. So far, he ... five stories for children. (A) cooks (D) has been cooking
(A) writes (D) has writing (B) is cooking (E) cooked
(B) is writing (E) has been writing (C) has cooked
(C) has written
18. We ... for their answer for two months already.
11. We ... this report for four hours. I’m tired. Let’s (A) wait (D) has been waiting
have a break. (B) are waiting (E) waiting
(A) write (D) have written (C) have been waiting
(B) are writing (E) has written
(C) have been writing 19. She ... since Monday.
(A) has been being sick (D) is sick
12. When is the best time to call you? (B) has been sick (E) sicks
I usually ... till nine in the evening. Call me around (C) is being sick
ten, if you can.
(A) work 20. She ... since noon. Should we wake her up?
(B) am working (A) Sleeps (D) has slept
(C) have worked (B) is sleeping (E) has been slept
(D) have been working (C) has been sleeping
(E) working

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Pokok Bahasan 3
Waktu 1 x 90 menit
 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
Kompetensi Dasar
terkait pendapat dan pikiran, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan I think, I suppose, in my opinion)
Indikator  Ungkapan menyatakan pendapat I think, I suppose, in my opinion


Read the following text!

I believe that it would be beneficial for our schools to adopt dress codes. Although some may argue that this action
would restrict the individual student’s freedom of expression, I do not agree. Our right to express ourselves is important,
but in our society none of us has unrestricted freedom to do as we like all times. We must all learn discipline, respect the
feelings of others, and learn how to operate in the real world in order to be successful. Dress codes would not only create
a better learning environment, but would also help prepare students for their futures.
Perhaps the most important benefit of adopting dress codes would be creating a better learning environment.
Inappropriate clothing can be distracting to fellow students who are trying to concentrate. Short skirts, skimpy tops, and
low pants are fine for after school, but not for the classroom. T-shirts with risky images of profanity may be offensive to
certain groups. Students should express themselves through art or creative writing, not clothing. With fewer distractions,
students can concentrate on getting a good education which can help them later on.
Another benefit of having a dress code is that it will prepare students to dress properly for different places. When
you go to a party you do not wear the same clothes you wear to church. Likewise, when your dress for work to do not wear
the same clothes you wear at the beach. Many professions even require uniforms. Having a dress code in high school will
help students adjust to the real world.
Lastly, with all the peer pressure in school, many students worry about fitting in. If a dress code (or even uniforms)
were required, there would be less emphasis on how you look, and more emphasis on learning.
In conclusion, there are many important reasons our schools should adopt dress codes. Getting an education is hard
enough without being distracted by inappropriate T-shirts or tight pants. Learning to dress for particular occasions prepares
us for the real world. And teens have enough pressure already without having to worry about what they are wearing.

Choose the correct answer by crossing (A), (B), (C) or (D)!

1. What does the text mainly talk about? (D) The reasons of students doesn’t need to
(A) The right ways to be well-dressed in society wear dress code.
environment. (E) The writer’s opinion about the lack of
(B) The punishment if students do not dress code adopting dress code.
at school.
(C) The important of wearing dress code at

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2. What is the writer opinion about wearing dress 4. These are the benefit of wearing dress-code,
code? except ...
(A) It is very important because it brings so many (A) Prepare students to dress properly for
benefits. different places
(B) The condition will be the same whether (B) Create a better learning environment
students wear dress code or not. (C) Students can concentrate on getting a good
(C) Dress code will raise a new problem at education.
school. (D) Students can create their own clothes design
(D) Students reject the rule of wearing dress as they like.
code because it limits their creativity. (E) Help students adjust to the real world.
(E) Issuing dress code rule at school is not
suitable for students 5. What will happen if students do not wear dress
code at school?
3. “Short skirts, skimpy tops, and low pants are fine (A) Students wear whatever they like even it may
for after school, but not for the classroom.” be offensive for other people.
The underlined word can be replaced by... (B) Students can focus on the subject at school.
(A) insufficient (D) sufficient (C) Students will feel comfortable about their
(B) proper (E) fit outfit.
(C) best (D) Students can easily adjust to the real world.
(E) Students can express themselves through art
or creative writing.

Read the following text!

Homer is a Greek epic poet. Both the date and the place of his birth and death are not known precisely, but recent research
suggests a date between 1050 and 800 BC. It has even been claimed that no such man as Homer existed and that the Iliad
and the Odyssey are collections of traditional ballads and not the work of one man. In any event they were known all over
the Greek-speaking world before the sixth century BC. The Iliad is an epic poem dealing with the siege of Troy by the Greeks.
The Odyssey describes the wandering of Odysseus, a Greek seafarer, on his way back to Ithaca after the fall of Troy.

Answer the questions according to the reading.

1. We can infer from the passage that ... 2. The Odyssey ...
(A) It’s not definite when and where Homer was (A) Belongs to another poet rather than Homer
born (B) Explains the voyage of a sailor
(B) Homer only deals with poetry (C) Has no connection with the Iliad
(C) Recent research shows the impossibility of (D) Doesn’t have a specific protagonist
finding Homer’s birth date (E) Is an anonymous work of the Greek nation
(D) Some suggest that he was born in 800 BC
(E) Homer’s birth place is known but his date of 3. The works of Homer ...
birth is still unknown (A) Have no potential readers
(B) Deal with the siege of Troy by the Greeks
(C) Have been thought to have different writers
(D) Are collections of traditional ballads
(E) Have affected the 6th century people in terms
of life style

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Read the texts above once again.

Notice every sentences in the paragraphs. Put sentences which contain expressions of stating opinion in the table.
No. Sentences
1. I believe that it would be beneficial for our schools to adopt dress codes.

An opinion is the way you feel or think about something. Our opinion about something or someone is based on our
perspective. Whenever we give or express our opinion it is important to give reasoning or an example to support our

These are the ways to express opinions on something:

1. Expressions of asking someone’s opinion

 What do you think of ...?  What are your views on ...?
 What do you think about ...?  Where do you stand (on) ...?
 How do you feel (about) ...?  What would you say to .../if we ...?
 What do you reckon (about) ...?  Are you aware of ...?
 What’s your opinion of ...?

2. Indicating an opinion
 In my opinion ...  I guess ...
 In my view ...  To my mind ...
 I think ...  As far as I’m concerned ...
 I feel ...  I reckon ...
 I believe ...

3. Giving an opinion
When you think something is a good idea
 The TV programs should be censored before showing.
 Children shouldn’t be allowed to watch gossip shows.
 TV owners ought to be required to consider the impacts of the shows.

When you think something is absolutely necessary

 Laws must be passed to control TV shows.
 TV stations mustn’t be permitted to show follies in their programs.
 A rule has to be made to require TV stations in showing their programs.
 Something has got to be done to stop follies in TV shows.

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4. Asking one’s opinion by using tag question
Asking one’s
opinion by using Agreeing Disagreeing politely Partly disagreeing
tag question
Standards of  Yes, you are right.  I don’t agree.  No way.  Yes, maybe you are
education of high  Yes, that’s true.  I disagree, I’m  I am sorry, but I right.
schools and  Yes, I agree with you. afraid. think you are  Yes, perhaps/maybe,
universities in  I think so, too.  I can’t agree wrong. but ...
Indonesia are  I think you’re right. with you.  I think that’s  I see what you mean,
falling, don’t you  I couldn’t agree more.  I don’t think stupid. but ...
think so? /don’t you  I can’t deny that. that’s right.  I am sorry, but I  I see your point, but ...
agree? /aren’t  I am sure ...  I don’t think so. completely  I don’t entirely agree
they?  I feel the same way.  I don’t believe... disagree (with) with ...
 I believe so.  I am sorry, but I ...  I agree with much of
 Oh, I completely/ think you are  You can’t mean what you say, but...
absolutely agree. wrong. that!  That’s possibility.
 Of course, they are.  I don’t know  You can’t be  To a certain extent,
(about) ... serious! yes, but ...
 I can’t say so.  Absolutely not.  You may be right.

Tag question for opinions

Question tags are the short questions that we put at the end of sentences – particularly in spoken English. They are not
really questions but are a way of asking of other person to make a comment and so keep the conversation open.
There are lots of different question tags but there is only one rule, which is:
 If the main part of the sentence is positive, the question tag is negative
a. He is a doctor, isn’t he?
b. You work in a police office, don’t you?
 If the main part of the sentence is negative, the question tag is positive
a. You haven’t met him, have you?
b. She isn’t coming, is she?

1. With auxiliary verbs

The question tag uses the same verb as the main part of the sentence. If this is an auxiliary verb (‘have’, ‘be’) then
the question tag is made with the auxiliary verb.
a. They’ve gone away for a few days, haven’t they?
b. They weren’t here, were they?
c. He had met him before, hadn’t he?
d. This isn’t working, is it?

2. Without auxiliary verbs

 When the main verb is in the present simple, we form the question tag with do/does
a. You don’t recognise me, do you?
b. She eats meat, doesn’t she?
 If the verb is in the past simple we use did
a. I said that, didn’t I?
b. They didn’t go to the cinema, did they?
 When the statement contains a word with a negative meaning, the question tag needs to be positive
a. He hardly ever speaks, does he?
b. They rarely eat in restaurant, do they?
Word considering negative in meaning; few, hardly, little, rarely, scarcely, seldom
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3. With modal verbs
If there is a modal verb in the main part of the sentence the question tag uses the same modal verb.
a. They couldn’t hear me, could they?
b. You won’t tell anyone, will you?

There are some verbs or expressions have different question tag.
a. I am : I am attractive, aren’t I? (not I’m not I)
b. Positive imperative : Stop daydreaming, will/ won’t you?
c. Negative imperative : Don’t stop singing, will you?
d. Let’s : Let’s go to the beach, shall we?
e. Have got (possession) : He has got a car, hasn’t he?

Add tag questions to the following statements. Then compare with a partner.

1. There are more and more drop-out students nowadays, ... ... ... ... ... ?
2. You can’t escape from receiving advertising texts on your cell phones recently, ... ... ... ... ... ?
3. The motorcycle parking charges should be lowered, ... ... ... ... ... ?
4. The city doesn’t do enough to reduce rubbish, ... ... ... ... ... ?
5. It is easy to draw money everywhere these days, ... ... ... ... ... ?
6. Jobless people are a major problem in this country, ... ... ... ... ... ?
7. There are not enough drug-control laws, ... ... ... ... ... ?
8. We really need to be careful with this machine, ... ... ... ... ... ?
9. He was never late for school, ... ... ... ... ... ?
10. The boy and his father saw the accident, ... ... ... ... ... ?
11. You can help me with this assignment, ... ... ... ... ... ?
12. Udin and I had to be there on time, ... ... ... ... ... ?
13. The children shouldn’t play all day, ... ... ... ... ... ?
14. This year will be difficult for us, ... ... ... ... ... ?
15. We need to think about it carefully, ... ... ... ... ... ?
16. She can hardly recognize us, ... ... ... ... ... ?
17. You don’t know the correct answer, ... ... ... ... ... ?
18. They had to go home, ... ... ... ... ... ?
19. I shouldn’t be angry, ... ... ... ... ... ?
20. You wouldn’t tell anyone, ... ... ... ... ... ?

Choose the correct answer by crossing (A), (B), (C), (D) or (E)!

1. Tono : Although this is the best cinema in town, 2. Agnes : What do you think about the film?
there are not many people visiting it. Merlyn : The best we have seen this year,
Rizka : ... ... Nowadays people prefer spending surely.
their time at home watching TV. Agnes : … … The main characters are really
(A) I agree with you. (A) I don’t think so.
(B) It’s not true. (B) I quite agree with you.
(C) Really? (C) I’m afraid I don’t agree.
(D) I don’t think so. (D) I think you’re mistaken.
(E) Oh, it doesn’t matter. (E) I couldn’t accept your opinion.

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3. Anton : Well, Rio, do you think you have passed? (E) I am the last one to ask such a question as I
Rio : ... ... I thought the paper was terrible. I hate economics.
haven’t got a hope of getting through.
(A) I’m sure about it. 7. Gita : Do you think we will go to Rini’s house?
(B) I’m afraid I don’t care. Fatimah : ... ... Look! It is raining outside.
(C) I don’t think so. Gita : Then we should rearrange our plan.
(D) In my opinion. (A) No, definitely not.
(E) I have no idea about it. (B) Yes, let’s go now.
(C) I can’t deny your request.
4. Dina : What is your plan for the holiday? (D) You are so ambitious.
Wiwik : I have no idea. (E) You may be right.
Dina : What about having picnic to
Pangandaran, Wik? 8. Asri : What do you think is the best way to get
Wiwik : ... ... Visiting beach is better for summer the high score in TOEFL test?
vacation I think. Iman : … joining TOEFL preparation is one of the
(A) Will it be a good idea? best ways.
(B) That’s a good idea. (A) I have no idea in
(C) What about going to Mt. Bromo? (B) How do you think that
(D) Do you think that’s the best option? (C) I’m not sure
(E) I don’t think so. (D) You are uncertain that
(E) In my opinion
5. Dono : Do you think it is wrong to hunt animals
for sport, Yok? 9. Harry : A group of foreign investors are going to
Yoyok : ... ... Beside it’s cruel, it will make them take over our company.
vanished. Nell : ... ...
Dono : I think you are right, Don. Harry : I’m sure I will have some trouble.
(A) I think so. Nell : Then you had better start looking for a
(B) It’s hardly to be understood. new job.
(C) Maybe we need to reconsider it. (A) Actually, I don’t think it’s true.
(D) Hunting animals is a good activity. (B) When did you realize that you would never be
(E) For me, it’s fine to do that. promoted?
(C) Do you think this will affect your status?
6. Antonio : What do you think of the recent (D) If I had so much money, I would do the same
developments in the economy? thing.
Julia : ... … (E) We had a lot of trouble finding the block
Antonio : Don’t you? The inflation has recently where she worked.
reached its highest level in the
nation’s history. 10. Vita : What do you think about the rare
Julia : But it is not surprising for such a bad animals?
economy management as ours. Ania : You mean like Cenderawasih, Komodo,
(A) I don’t think there is a problem. We are the and Anoa?
best when it is about economy management. Vita : Yes.
(B) Everything seems to be alright but I don’t Ania : Maybe some of them are already extinct?
think I am good at economic comments. Vita : ...
(C) I think unless they take some precautions, it (A) Congratulations.
will really be a hard year for most of us. (B) That’s a pity.
(D) I am so busy with my work that I don’t have (C) I hope so.
time to watch news at all and I have no idea (D) Great!
what’s going on lately. (E) Good. They are wild.

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11. Sinna : What do you think of our officials who 14. Betty : It’s summertime. I thought people only
do corruptions? took trips to Crested Butte in the winter,
Boy : I think it is their problem with their God, for skiing.
so ... Wilma : ... ...
(A) I’m unaware on it. Betty : Like what?
(B) I’m aware of it. Wilma : It’s great for hiking. Or, if you don’t feel
(C) I’m sure about it. like traveling on foot, you can rent horses
(D) I’m interested in it. or mountain bikes.
(E) I’m unhappy about it. (A) I just can’t believe we are going to Colorado.
(B) It is a great place to go in the summer, too.
12. Daniel : Do you believe in rumours saying Alice There are lots to do.
will quit? (C) This trip next week to Crested Butte is going
Nora : ... ... to be fantastic, isn’t it?
Daniel : I know there are but do you believe (D) Could we get very far on a mountain bike if
them? the hills are very steep?
Nora : I don’t know what to believe? (E) Okay, then. If you don’t want to go there, we
(A) I asked her about it but she didn’t say could go somewhere else.
(B) I can’t figure out why there is such as 15. Molly : ... ...
accusation about her. Ricky : I’m not sure. Why do you think he is?
(C) There are some people saying that. Molly : He doesn’t even say a word unless he is
(D) Yes, I do. What about you? asked a question.
(E) Of course I don’t but you never know. Ricky : It’s probably because he doesn’t have any
friends yet.
13. Wanda : ... ... (A) Don’t you think the new student is a little
Henry : It would be a good idea to know the strange?
real problem first. (B) The teacher warned the student to come to
The expression to complete the dialogue is … class on time.
(A) What do you think about the problem? (C) Is your father interested in modern education
(B) What will you suggest to solve the problem? techniques?
(C) Please help me solve the problem. (D) The taxi driver doesn’t seem to know the city
(D) Could you solve the problem first? very well.
(E) Do you agree that we will solve the problem? (E) Is your brother doing better at school this

Match the following expressions!
Answer Asking for Information Giving Opinion
... 1. How was the movie? A. Never heard of him.
... 2. How do you like living in Dallas? B. I see.
... 3. What does he do? C. No, go ahead.
... 4. Why not put it off until next week? D. I’m afraid not.
... 5. Thank you very much for all your opinion? E. It’s a nice city. I like it here.
... 6. Can you see what I mean? F. No, I don’t think he will.
... 7. You look upset. What’s the matter? G. Don’t mention it.
... 8. Do you mind my smoking? H. Really boring.
... 9. Will we be in time for the meeting? I. I’m running out of money.
... 10. Do you think he will come? J. What a good idea!

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Pokok Bahasan 4
1 x 80 menit
1 x 10 menit (Ujian Blok)
 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
Kompetensi Dasar
terkait pendapat dan pikiran, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan I think, I suppose, in my opinion)
Indikator  Ungkapan menyatakan pendapat I think, I suppose, in my opinion


An adverb is a word that tells us more about a verb. It is added to a verb to modify its meaning. Usually, an adverb
answers questions such as how?, where?, when?, in what manner? Or to what extent an action is performed.

There are so many adverbs which are categorized into:

1. Adverbs of time
Adverb of time tell us something about the time when something happens.
Adverb of time consists of:
after just now tomorrow
already last recently when
during later soon while
finally next then yesterday
 He came yesterday.
 I want it now.
 They deliver the milk daily.
 We sometimes watch a movie in theatre.

2. Adverbs of place
Adverb of place tell us the place where something happens.

abroad here nowhere somewhere

anywhere home out there
downstairs in outside underground

 Please sit here.
 They looked everywhere.
 Two cars were parked outside.

3. Adverbs of manner
Many adverbs of manner end in –ly—particularly those that are used to express how an action is performed.
quick (adjective) → quickly (adverb)
careful (adjective) → carefully (adverb)
beautiful (adjective) → beautifully (adverb)

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Table below are some rules about spelling for –ly adverbs.
adjective ending rules adjective adverb
quick quickly
nice nicely
Most adjectives Add –ly sole solely
careful carefully
hopeful hopefully
regrettable regrettably
horrible horribly
-able or –ible change –e to –y idle idly
noble nobly
possible possibly
happy happily
busy busily
-y Change –y to –ily ready readily
lucky luckily
easy easily
economic economically
academic academically
-ic Change –ic to –ically acoustic acoustically
artistic artistically
classic classically
Although many adverbs ends –ly, lots do not, e.g:
good – well
fast – fast
hard – hard
loud – loud/loudly
early – early

 Somad did the mathematic problems carefully.
‘carefully’ shows how Somad did the problems.
 He runs fast.
‘fast’ modifies verb ‘to run’.
 The dinner guests arrived early.
‘early’ modifies ‘to arrive’.

4. Adverb of frequency
Adverb of frequency tell us how many times the action occurs or occurred or will occur.
daily, sometimes, often, seldom, usually, frequently, always, ever, generally, rarely, monthly, annually

 Barking dogs seldom bite.
 The employees are paid monthly.
 The students always come school punctually.

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5. Adverbs of degree
Adverbs of degree tell us about the intensity or degree of an action, an adjective or another adverb.
almost, nearly, bit, little, fairly, pretty, rather, quite, just, too, slightly, enough, absolutely, really, hardly,
scarcely, completely, very, extremely

 Mark is quite tired. He's been working all day.
 This dress is absolutely marvellous.
 Portuguese is pronounced completely differently from Spanish.

Choose the correct word in the bracket by giving a circle!
Golfer Hits Gopher

James, a golfer, was playing a round golf the other day when he (accidental – accidentally) hit his ball into a hole off
the golfing greens. James made an (accidental – accidentally) shot. Unexpectedly, an (angry – angrily) gopher appeared.
The gopher (angry – angrily) pushed the ball out of its hole. The gopher complained (loud – loudly). The gopher made a
(loud – loudly) complaint. The ball hit him (hard – hardly) on the head. James could (hard – hardly) believe that a gopher
was making its home on the golf course. Normally, James has (good – well) eyesight. However, he didn’t see (good – well)
this time because his ball did land anywhere near the golf green.
The gopher probably had a (painful – painfully) headache. The gopher lay still for a moment and then blinked its
eyes (painful – painfully). The (guilty – guiltily) golfer, James, reached for his ball. “Sorry, little guy!” James said (guilty –
guiltily). The gopher disappeared (quick – quickly) into its hole — with the ball! So James (quick – quickly) left the golfing
green without his ball. After this experience, James (wise – wisely) wore his glasses whenever he played golf. The (wise –
wisely) gopher found a new hole to live in.

Choose the correct answer by crossing (A), (B, (C) or (D).

1. Some birds dance to attract a mate, ... ... in spring. 4. Dimas usually drives his car ...
(A) angrily (D) especially (A) fastly (D) fast
(B) sadly (E) happily (B) hardly (E) slow
(C) friendly (C) accidentally

2. We hardly imagine how good and kind our parents 5. A total eclipse of the sun happens when the sun
are. becomes ... ... dark.
The word hardly means... (A) partially (D) quickly
(A) always (D) seldom (B) totally (E) slowly
(B) often (E) never (C) fastly
(C) easy
6. Recently, some people have caused some damage
3. The total area of forested land in Indonesia is to Borobudur temple.
approximately 120 million hectares. Recently means...
The word approximately has the same meaning (A) finally (D) lately
as... (B) shortly (E) hopefully
(A) only (D) of course (C) usually
(B) rather (E) about
(C) exact

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7. Ms Diah is always in a good mood. She is ... sad. 14. My sister usually drives to work with a friend. She
(A) always (D) usually ... drives alone.
(B) never (E) rarely (A) never (D) seldom
(C) every (B) always (E) usually
(C) sometimes
8. Suddenly, something fell from the man’s pocket.
Suddenly means happens... 15. I never lend money to Jono. He ... pays me back.
(A) quickly (D) sincerely (A) sometimes (D) always
(B) proudly (E) successfully (B) never (E) usually
(C) intentionally (C) rarely

9. Mutia never leaves the college on Friday. She ... 16. She told us her experience ______.
eats at the college cafeteria on Fridays. (A) interestly (D) interested
(A) always (D) seldom (B) interestingly (E) interestness
(B) never (E) after (C) interestedly
(C) just
17. If living conditions become too crowded, their
10. Edna is an excellent student. He ... goes to class. behaviour patterns and even their health change
(A) always (D) seldom ______.
(B) usually (E) never
(C) sometimes (A) to perceive (D) perceptible
(B) perceptibly (E) perception
11. I am very ... at the moment. May I call you back in (C) perceptive
an hour?
(A) busy (D) quiet 18. The meter then _______ sends this information to
(B) busily (E) quietly the rating company’s headquarters.
(C) sleeplessly (A) electronic (D) electrically
(B) electrical (E) electronical
12. I hate vegetables. I ... eat carrots. (C) electricity
(A) always (D) seldom
(B) usually (E) never 19. The company’s new product was … advertised on
(C) sometimes TV.
(A) nation (D) nationalize
13. Robert goes to the gym only two or three times a (B) national (E) nationalization
year. He ... goes to the gym. (C) nationally
(A) always (D) seldom
(B) never (E) sometimes 20. I’m sorry, but there seems to be some
(C) usually interference on the line. Could you speak … …?
(A) loud (D) loudest
(B) louder (E) loudestly
(C) more loudly

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Pokok Bahasan 4
Waktu 1 x 80 menit
1 x 10 menit (Ujian Blok)
Kompetensi Dasar  Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam
bentuk undangan resmi dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah/
tempat kerja sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
 Teks Undangan Resmi
Indikator  Ungkapan dan istilah yang digunakan dalam undangan resmi

Making an invitation
Can you come ...
Would you like to come ...
Do you want to come ...
Would you mind coming ...
How about coming ...
Do you feel like coming to ...
What about coming to ...
Accepting an invitation Refusing an invitation
With pleasure. I’m afraid I can’t.
Sure. I’m sorry I can’t.
I’d love to very much. Thanks, but I’m afraid I can’t.
OK. Oh, I’d love to, but ...
Why not? That would be nice, but ...
I’m pleased to do that.
I’m honoured to do that.
Yes, that would be nice/interesting.
That’s a terrific/great idea.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of the following answer is NOT 2. Which of the following answer is NOT
appropriate? appropriate?
A : Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? A : My husband and I were wondering if you’d
B : ... like to come over the dinner this Saturday.
B : ...
(A) Sure. What time?
(B) Why not? When should I be there? (A) Thank you very much! I’d be delighted to.
(C) Why? (B) I’d love to, but I’m afraid I’m busy this
(D) Should I bring something? Saturday.
(E) That would be interesting. (C) I don’t go out on Saturdays.
(D) Sorry, but I have already make another plan.
(E) I’d like to see there on Saturday.

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3. Adi : I’m having a little party at my home on 8. Which of the following answer is NOT
Saturday. Can you come? appropriate?
Husni : ..., what time is it? A : Would you care to join us for dinner tonight?
(A) I see B : ...
(B) No, I can’t. (A) Yes, I would.
(C) Thank you. (B) Thank you. I’d love to.
(D) Yes, I’d love to. (C) I’m sorry but I already have plans tonight.
(E) Before that, can I ask you something? (D) No offense, but I don’t like you.
(E) It’s a nice invitation and I would come.
4. Santi : There is a bazaar at the city hall today.
_____________? 9. Which of the following answer is NOT
Yuyun : Yes, I’d like to. appropriate?
(A) I’m glad you like it. A : Would we finish our project tonight?
(B) I’d like to go. B : Tonight is no good. Can I take a rain check?
(C) Could you come to my house A : ...
(D) Would you go there with me (A) OK. No problem.
(E) Are you going to go there? (B) Sure. Let’s do it some other time.
(C) Of course, anytime you have a spare time just
5. Which of the following answer is NOT call me.
appropriate? (D) Just do whatever you like.
A : Want to come over for a quick meal tonight? (E) OK. No matter. We can do it next time.
B : ...
10. Which of the following answer is NOT
(A) No. appropriate?
(B) I’d love to, but I have an appointment. A : Do you want me to bring something to eat?
(C) I’m busy tonight. Can I take a rain check? B : ...
(D) I really want to come but I have a meeting
with my client. (A) No, just bring yourself.
(E) OK. Just pick me up at 7 p.m. (B) Why? You don’t like my cooking?
(C) OK, bring some dessert if you want.
6. X : Could you come to my home tonight? (D) No, I don’t have any money.
Y : … …, but I must do my assignments. (E) Yes, bring as much as you can hold.
(A) No way. (D) I can’t
(B) I’d like to (E) Why not 11. Anti : Will you go with me to the bookstore
(C) Tell me the time. this afternoon?
Susan : I’d love to, but I have to accompany my
7. Hari : Will you join us to have lunch? mother to the hospital.
Iwan : I’d love to, _____________ I’ll go later. Anti : _____________ Maybe next day.
(A) but I almost finished my report (A) Next time?
(B) let’s do it now (B) You’re welcome.
(C) but I’m free to do anything now (C) It’s all right.
(D) let’s go home now (D) Thanks for the invitation.
(E) let’s go (E) Don’t you feel guilty of saying that?

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
Rearrange the jumbled words become a good sentence!
1. for – Friday – you – ? – free – dinner – Are – on
2. to – Japanese – restaurant – the – about – What – going – ?
3. anything – doing – on – Sunday – ? – afternoon – Are – you
4. What – to – swimming – going – pool – ? – about – the
5. home – at – morning – tomorrow – ? – you – Are
6. would – like – this – What – do – ? – you – to – evening
7. and – ? – round – come – watch – like – Would – you – to – TV
8. work – after – a – having – drink – ? – about – What
9. Do – ? – help – wrong – with – need – ? – you – you – any – What’s
10. don’t – Why – the – ? – answer – question – you

Complete the dialogues with expressions of inviting, accepting, and refusing an invitation!

1. In a doctor office
Lola : We would _____________ to our charity concert.
Dr. Dre : I’d really _____________ come. _____________ the concert be held?
Lola : It’s in our school hall on Sunday morning. _____________ invite your colleagues to come with you?
Dr. Dre : Oh, I’ll try. I’m proud of you, Dear. You really do a good deed.
Lola : _____________, Sir.
2. In an office
Anto : I have two tickets for a football game on Saturday afternoon. _____________ go with me?
Dedi : I am sorry _____________. I promised to help Erland fix his motorbike.
Anto : Oh, it’s _____________. I’ll ask another friend.
3. At school canteen
Hendra : I’m having a party on Saturday, Bob.
Can you and Susan _____________?
Bobby : We’d _____________ but I’m afraid _____________.
We’re going out with friends for dinner.
Hendra : Oh, that’s okay.
Bobby : _____________ for the invitation.
4. On the way home
Susi : There’s a rock concert at the city hall tonight.
It is at 7:30 p.m.
Would _____________?
Sinta : _____________. But I have to go to the hospital with my mother.
We have to see my neighbour.

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
Read these letters and answer the questions below!

a. Letter 1
Jl. A. Yani 212
June 16th, 2020

Hi, Friends.
Please come and join to my birthday party of the 17th anniversary, on:
Date : June 27th, 2020
Time : 03:00 p.m.
Place : Kampung Kita
Jl. Kirana Semarang
See you and have fun with me

Best regards: Inneke

Dress code : gold and black

1. What event will be held based on the invitation?

2. Who has the party?
3. Is the party held in the afternoon or in the evening?
4. How old is Inneke at that time of celebration?
5. If you are invited, what color of shirt will you wear?

b. Letter 2
Mr. And Mrs. Kusno Raharjo
Request the pleasure of
Mr. And Mrs. Wiryo Subroto
for dinner
on Wednesday, the third of October
at seven o’clock

Jl. Merapi no. 78

Jl. Merapi no. 78 Magelang

1. Who extends the invitation?

2. What activity be held?
3. When will it be held?
4. Where should Mr. And Mrs. Subroto come to?
5. Do you think it is a formal invitation or informal invitation?
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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS

An invitation letter is a type of letter written to an organization or an individual for their participation or presence
in an event or an occasion. The occasion can be official (formal) or personal (informal).

Types of invitation letters:

1) Personal invitation letters are the ones which are written for inviting friends, peers, relatives, family members,
neighbours, etc. To social occasions or events such as: weddings, birthday parties, anniversaries, baby showers
or other activities. Since it is informal, this letter is written in a mixture of informal format and formal format.
2) Official/Formal invitation letters are the ones which are written for inviting officials and certain distinguished
people. This invitation follows a formal format with formal tone. The invitations are related to meetings,
interviews, training, conferences, inaugurations, etc.

The purpose of an invitation letter is to request the attendance of a particular person, group of people, or
representative of an organization, at some particular event.

1. Personal invitation
The format of personal invitation is similar to the one of personal letter.

a. Heading
It consists of sender’s address and date. The most common written date is month day, year.
b. Salutation
It greets the reader. The usual form is the word ‘dear’ followed by the person name who is addressed to.
There is a comma after the salutation.
c. Body
The body is the real letter itself. In a common personal letter, the first line is indented.

d. Closing
If the closing consists of more than one word, only the first word of the closing is capitalized.
e. Signature
The signature is below the closing whether the letter is typed or hand-written. It should not trail off the
space of the right margin.

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
Complete the frame of a letter with the part of letter below!

a. June 20, 2019 ..................

b. Edna ..................
c. Your sincerely,
d. Since you live right on our route, it would be very
convenient for us to pick you up and take you with ..........................,
us. Are you interested? We could really have a lot of .................................................................................
fun! .................................................................................
e. Jl. Joko Tingkir 123
Salatiga, Central Java
f. Dad, Mom, and I are getting ready for a trip to visit .................................................................................
Uncle Yusuf. We plan to arrive there in time to go
Karimunjawa Island on July 12.
g. Dear Qillah, .........................,
h. If you can go, have yourself and your suitcase ready ..........................
shortly before noon on July 12. You can tell your
mother that you’ll be back home before dark on July

Read this reply letter and answer the questions.

Jl. Imam Bonjol 199


Dear Edna,
It will be wonderful to go with you to Karimujawa
Island! As I count the days, I can hardly wait for the time
to get there. There are three days left. I’ll be ready when
you arrive the morning of July 12.



1. Who sends the letter above?

2. What date did she write the letter?
3. According to the letter above, does she accept her friend’s invitation?
4. Where would they go?
5. When should she be ready to go?

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
Read this letter and answer the questions.

Jl. Imam Bonjol 199


Dear Edna,
I’m sorry that I have to turn down your
invitation. I’d give anything if I could go with you to
Karimunjawa Island, but Dad needs me at the store.
Since nearly all of his clerks are on vacation, I have
to stay around to help out.
I hope that you and your family have a good


1. Why did Qillah write the letter? 3. What does the word turn down mean?
(A) She missed her friend. (A) Accept (C) refuse
(B) She wanted to go. (B) put up with (D) turn up
(C) She is a good writer.
(D) She cannot comply with an invitation. 4. Why were some clerks absent?
(A) They were keeping the store.
2. Why couldn’t Qillah go with Edna? (B) They were having a rest
(A) She was lazy. (C) They were taking days off
(B) Dad wanted her to stay at home. (D) They were sleeping
(C) She has to keep the store.
(D) Dad wanted her to go around the store. 5. What is the synonym of the word nearly?
(A) more (C) just
(B) quite (D) almost

Complete this email with the provided words.

... ... ... (1) Bayu,
We are having a few friends to lunch in ... ... ... (2) my great school
achievement ... ... ... (3) Steak and Shake restaurant ... ... ... (4) in
Sunday, June 29th ... ... ... (5) 2 p.m. I ... ... ... (6) you’ll be able ... ... ...
(7) us. on

... ... ... (8),
to join

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
2. Formal invitation

Generic Structure:
1. Sender’s address
2. Date
3. Recipient’s name and address
4. Greeting/salutation
5. Introduction
6. The actual invitation
7. A statement of details regarding:
- The event
- The time
- The date and place
8. A request for a response
9. Any special considerations regarding dresses (dress code/attire)
10. Formal sign-off
11. Complimentary
12. Close and signature

Mr. And Mrs. Riki Afrianto

request the company of

Mr. And Mrs. Jarot Winarko
at the marriage of their daughter
Kiki Zikira

Ramon Ramana

in Gedung Wanita, Jl. Soedirman 24 Jakarta

on Sunday, 26th July, 2019

At 707.00 a.m.

R.S.V.P. is the French phrase for ‘Respondez ‘il vous plait’ or ‘Please reply’. It means the host expect a response as to
whether you will attend the events. Otherwise, if someone doesn’t respond to the invitation, it means that he will not

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
Choose the correct answers!

This letter to answer question 1 – 2. (D) The development of the IGCSE Bahasa
Dear all, Indonesia
I hope you’re well and had a great holiday. Sorry for the
(E) The implementation of the IGCSE curriculum
cross-posting. You could ignore this email if your school
does not deliver the IGCSE curriculum. This letter to answer question 3 – 4.
Most of you aware that Cambridge has decided to INVITATION TO THE PREQUALIFICATION TECHNICAL
develop a new qualification for the IGCSE Bahasa SERVICES CONTRACT
Total E&P Indonesia, acting as a Production Shariong
The development is ongoing and we would like to Contractor of BPMIGAS, hereby invites companies to
conduct further research to gain more information from
register and participate in prequalification prior to the start
schools i.e. expectations, contents, etc. Therefore, I will
be conducting a teacher forum for the Bahasa Indonesia of the tendering process for the mentioned contract
teachers (IGCSE level) by next week (I prefer not to do it above.
during Ramadhan).
Prequalification requirements:
Date : July 19th, 2012 (Thursday) In order to participate in the prequalification
Time : 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. (lunch and process, potential tenderers shall submit prequalification
refreshments will be provided)
valid documents as set out below:
Tentative Venue : Atlet Hotel century Park, Senayan,
Jakarta a. Expression of interest letter in potential tenderer’s
Attendees : Bahasa Indonesia teachers from letterhead signed by his authorized person.
Cambridge International Schools b. Copy of business certificate issued by the authorized
government (SIUP). Qualification: Usaha Besar (UB).
I really encourage the participation and appreciate the c. Statement of confirmation that potential tenderer will
support from Cambridge International Schools in
be able to meet the minimum domestic content
Indonesia, particularly in developing this new syllabus.
requirement of 35%.
Regards, d. Copy of NPWP.
e. Copy of the latest fiscal year balance sheet, which has
Faizol been audited by public accountants.
University of Cambridge International Examinations f. Copy of the latest year report (SPT 1771/PPh Badan)
Postal Address: unit W-8-1, 1st floor, Subang Square, Jalan and proven payment of Income Tax (SSP).
g. Copy of certificates issued by the Applicable
15/4G, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Malaysia Accredited Association, which clearly indicate
potential tenderers’ classification of business
UK Address (HQ): 1 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB; 2EU, field/subfield and qualification of expertise.
United Kingdom

3. The latest fiscal year balance sheet must be

1. Who are expected to attend the forum?
audited by ...
(A) Bahasa Indonesia teachers in Jakarta
(A) A public lawyer
(B) Cambridge school managers in Indonesia
(B) A public relation
(C) Researchers of Bahasa Indonesia education (C) A public accountant
(D) IGCSE Bahasa Indonesia teaching in Jakarta (D) A tax account officer
(E) Bahasa Indonesia teachers of Cambridge (E) An authorized government
International Schools
4. The certificates indicating potential tenderer’s
2. The forum will be conducted as part of ... classification of business field and qualification of
(A) The professional Development Program for expertise must be issued by ...
Bahasa Indonesia teacher (A) The Accredited Government staff
(B) Cambridge International School teachers’ (B) The Applicable Accredited Association
regular meeting (C) The Applicable Government Association
(C) Cambridge International Examinations in (D) The Government Accountant Association
Jakarta (E) The Applicable Accredited Government Staff

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS

Pokok Bahasan 6
Waktu 1 x 90 menit
Kompetensi Dasar  Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi
analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait isu aktual, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya
 Teks eksposisi analitis
Materi  Menyatakan pendapat, mempengaruhi, dengan argumentasi analitis
 Analytical exposition text
 Ungkapan seperti I believe, I think
 Conditional clauses (Unreal Present)


1. Purpose
a. To persuade by presenting arguments.
b. To analyse or explain ‘how’ and ‘why’.
(Analytical exposition bertujuan untuk memaparkan pendapat dari seseorang tentang sebuah topic yang dianggap
penting untuk dibahas. Dalam analytical exposition, pemapar hanya mengungkapkan pandangan pribadi atau
pernyataan-pernyataan yang memperkuat pendapatnya.)

2. Text Organization
a. A thesis : pernyataan pendapat
b. Arguments : alasan-alasan pendukung dari pendapat; argument terdiri dari point (pokok argument) dan
elaboration (penjelasan rinci dari argument).
c. Reiteration : pengulangan atau penguatan pendapat

Title Why Learning English Important?
Language is the mean of communication. Mostly groups of society have their own languages. Some of them
appear the top global languages. Most people in the world hear about English, Arabic, and Mandarin. However
English is the most global spoken language. Then if a man wants to catch a global goal, he has to master
Everyone recognize that English is an international language. English is used in writing and speaking by many
people all over the world. It can be either as a first or second language. We even hear British, American,
Argument 1 Australian, and even Singaporean English. Those various names of English are used as the first language in
those countries. Furthermore, some countries have their own languages as a mother language but also use
English mostly in daily communication.
Besides usage in daily interaction, English is also used as a key to open doors leading to scientific and technical
knowledge. No wonder we find manual guides and instructions of many devices written in English. Even if we
Argument 2
have a pack of instant noodle, we will see the cooking instruction also written in English. This transfer of
science and technique will include many countries in economic, social and politics development.
Finally, the most easily seen in the importance of learning English is that most top requirement in filling job
Argument 3 opportunities is the ability using English; active or passive. Job applicants who master English are more
favourable than ones who do not.
Reiteration The above facts prove that everybody needs to learn English if he likes to greet the global era.

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
3. Language Features
a. Emotive words g. Evaluative words
e.g.: alarmed, worried e.g.: important, valuable, and trustworthy.
b. Word that qualify statements h. Abstract nouns
e.g.: usual, probably e.g.: cleanliness, awareness.
c. Word-linking arguments (listing conjunction) i. Relating verbs
e.g.: firstly, however, on the other hand, e.g.: It is essential.
therefore j. Action verbs
d. The use of the present tense e.g.: study, use
e. Compound and complex sentences k. Thinking verbs
f. Passive voice e.g.: understand, believe

Read the text and then answer the questions!
Save the Cats

Many of the wildcat species in the world today face possible extinction. What is worse is that the cause of depletion
has not been a natural one. It is man who has been responsible, knowingly or not, for the plight of these wild animals. Yet,
the only hope of saving them lies in man himself.
Through the years, the wildcat species have been cruelly hunted. Today in China and the Far East there is still a
market for not only the fur skins but also the organs and bones of the tiger and leopard. Ironically, one of the main uses of
this body parts is in producing medicines which are said to help men promote long life and vitality.
As the population of human grows, communities are built and extended into the natural habitat of the wildcats.
Forests are cleared and the feeding grounds of many of the wildcats’ natural prey are destroyed. As a result, in many of
these areas, wild cats are forced to become predators of domestic animals. In these cases, they are labelled as a danger to
Man has to be more responsible for these wild cats’ future. Many governments and organizations can show more
support by banning the hunting and killing of the world’s endangered cat species. More conservation programs and wildlife
reserves should also be set up to help preserve these species.

1. When do many of the wildcat species face 3. What are the two uses the wildcats being hunted
possible extinction? for?
(A) Through the years (A) Wildcats are hunted for their fur and
(B) Long time ago medicinal uses.
(C) A few years ago (B) Wild cats are hunted for their fur skins and
(D) Years later the organs.
(E) In the modern age (C) Wildcats are hunted for their fur skins and
the organs.
2. Why has the decrease of many wildcat species (D) Wildcats are hunted for their bones and the
today ‘not a natural one’? organs.
(A) The cause of their decrease has been man- (E) Wildcats are hunted for their organs and the
made. medicine.
(B) The cause of depletion has not been a natural
one. 4. What does the word ‘vitality’ mean?
(C) The cause of their decrease has not been a (A) safety (D) main
natural one. (B) health (E) chief
(D) The cause of their decrease has not been (C) strength
(E) The cause is many people hunt them cruelly.

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
5. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
(A) To entertain the readers with the wildcat
(B) To tell the readers about the life of wildcats.
(C) To teach the readers how to hunt the
(D) To ask the readers to be more responsible for
the wildcats’ future.
(E) To tell the readers the use of hunting

Read the text and then answer the questions!
Wildlife Conservation

There are reasons for the deepest concern about the plight of Wildlife in our country. Many rare species are
threatened with the extinction because of the greed of hunters game collections. Orangutans are rarely found in their
natural habitat in the forest of Kalimantan and Sumatera, but one may find them in zoo and private menageries all over the
world. Ruthless hunters kill innocent elephants for their valuable ivory tusks, or catch them alive to perform in circuses.
Tiger’s hides decorate walls and floors of rich people’s home in distant countries.
If things are allowed to continue in this way, it is feared that very soon all wildlife will disappear from our forest.
Fortunately, the government has now imposed strict law on hunting. Some areas are designated wildlife reserves where
hunters cannot enter. These include Ujungkulon and Pangandaran in West Java, Merubetiri in East Java, and many more in
other islands. Some time ago our newspaper contained reports of elephants which had run amok in the province of
Lampung. They had emerged from their abode in the forest and destroyed crops and houses belonging to the villagers. The
people could not understand why the beasts had suddenly gone wild. The strange thing was that the animals had not come
for food, because having wrought destruction they returned to the forest. They seemed to have come only to vent their
anger. As elephants are protected by law, the people could not kill any of them.
The explanation for the elephant’s strange behaviour is that they felt their quiet life had been disturbed by the
timber-feeling projects and saw-mills set up deep in the forest. The animals felt their domain was being narrowed by man,
and so they got angry. Elephants need peace and quiet for their family life. They also need vast areas of land in which to
roam. They live in herds, and each herd likes to have its own territory.
Now, the government has driven the elephants back into the forests, away from any village or lumber mill. By
shouting and shooting in the air the people drove the great beast to a new abode in the district of Air Sugihan. It is hoped
that they will feel at home there and can live in peace and quiet.

1. The elephants were angry because their area was 3. “ … but one may find them in zoos and private
being … by man. menageries all over the world, …” (par. 1)
(A) burned (D) threatened The underlined word refers to …
(B) narrowed (E) interrupted (A) tigers (D) elephants
(C) disturbed (B) species (E) orang-utans
(C) circuses
2. The … paragraph says that all wildlife will be
extinct if our government does not impose strict 4. They also need vast areas of land in which to
laws on hunting. roam. (Paragraph 4).
(A) first (D) fourth The underlined word means …
(B) second (E) fifth (A) wide (D) narrow
(C) third (B) large (E) immense
(C) small

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE
according to the text?
(A) Our government lets people fell timber in the
(B) Elephants emerged from their place because
they need food.
(C) Orangutans are not found in the forests of
Kalimantan and Sumatera.
(D) The people can kill elephants although they
are protected by law.
(E) Elephants need to live in herds and each herd
likes to have its own territory.

Read the text and then answer the questions!

Private cars are becoming a very controversial issue these days but they are important in our modern lives for two
main reasons: poor public transport, and business.
Many people in the world live in towns, villages, and even cities that do not have good buses or trains. Without cars
these people could not travel to work, to the shops or do many other important things. Also, in many towns and cities buses
stop before midnight but in today's busy world people are busy twenty four hours a day. The next point is that cars help
the economy in two ways. Firstly, the car industry gives many people in the world jobs and helps countries to develop.
Secondly, many people today need cars in their work. Doctors need to visit patients; salespeople need to visit customers
and computer technicians need to visit businesses.
In conclusion, although cars can cause problems it is impossible to live without them in modern life.
Taken from “Model Test for EAP and IELTS Academic Essays”

1. The text above mainly discusses about … 4. The communicative purpose of the text is …
(A) Private cars. (A) To persuade the readers of the importance of
(B) Controversial issue. private cars
(C) Public transportation. (B) To explain about private cars.
(D) Modern life. (C) To critique about private cars for public
(E) Problems in modern life. audience.
(D) To persuade the readers that something
2. The second paragraph shows us … should or should not be done.
(A) Thesis (E) To describe private cars.
(B) Arguments
(C) Reiteration 5. According to the passage, which one of these
(D) Recommendation following reasons is not the importance of private
(E) Orientation cars?
(A) To travel people to work.
3. “Private cars are becoming a very controversial (B) The car industry gives many people in the
issue these days …” It means that private cars are world jobs
becoming … issue these days. (C) The car industry helps countries to develop.
(A) notorious (D) insignificant (D) People today need cars in their work.
(B) cool (E) little (E) To support prestige.
(C) unimportant

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
Read the text and then answer the questions!
The view that women are better parents than men has shown itself to be true throughout
history. This is not to say that men are not of importance in childrearing; indeed, they are most
necessary if children are to appreciate fully the roles of both sexes. But women have proven
themselves superior parents as a result of their conditioning, their less aggressive nature, and their
generally better communication skills.
From the time they are little girls, females learn about nurturing. First with dolls and later
perhaps with your younger brothers and sisters, girls are given the role of care. Girls see their mothers in the same roles
and so it is natural that they identify this as a female activity. Boys, in contrast, learn competitive roles far removed from
what it means to nurture. While boys may dream of adventures, girls’ conditioning means they tend to see the future in
terms of raising families.
Girls also appear to be less aggressive than boys. In adulthood, it is men, not women, who prove to be the aggressors
in crime and in war. Obviously, in raising children, a more patient, gentle manner is preferable to a more aggressive one.
Although there certainly exist gentlemen and aggressive women, by and large, female are less likely to resort to violence in
attempting to solve problems.
Finally, women tend to be better communicators than men. This is shown in intelligence tests, where females, on
averages, do better in verbal communication than males. Of course, communication is of utmost importance in rearing
children, as children tend to learn from and adopt the communication styles of their parents.
Thus, while it is all very well to suggest a greater role for men in raising children, let us not forget that women are
generally better suited to the parenting role.

1. The main information of the text is about … 3. Most women are good mothers because they …
(A) the importance of men and women in child- (A) have brothers and sisters
rearing (B) had to learn about nurturing when they were
(B) the reluctance of men to play the role of children
parents (C) have never dreamed of adventures like boys
(C) the reason why women are better parents (D) are not to learn about competitive roles
than men (E) have known the role of career since
(D) the superior role of women in a family childhood
(E) the different attitudes of men and women as
parents 4. The followings are the general characteristics of
men, except …
2. As parents, women in general play a more (A) aggressive (D) illogical
important role than men because they are … (B) adventurous (E) competitive
(A) not aggressive at all (C) impatient
(B) good communicators
(C) superior human beings
(D) experienced in raising children
(E) capable of solving problems


Pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan apa yang ada/terjadi sekarang atau belakangan ini.

 would
 could 
If + subject 1 + simple past + subject 2 +   + V1/be
 might 
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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
1. If I had time, I would go to the beach with you this weekend.
(Saya sebenarnya tidak punya waktu sehingga tidak bisa pergi.)
2. He would tell you about it if he were* here.
(Dia akan mengatakan hal itu jika dia ada di sini-sayangnya dia tidak ada di sini.)
 Untuk conditional type 2 hanya to be ‘were’ yang digunakan untuk semua subjek.

# ‘If’ dengan menggunakan to be ‘were’ pada pola di atas dapat dilepaskan/dihilangkan tanpa mengubah makna
dengan mengubah struktur polanya ke dalam bentuk inverse.

 would
Were + subject 1 + adjective/adverb/noun + subject 2 +   + V1/be
 could 
 might 
 

1. He would tell you about it if he were here = Were he here, he would tell you about it.
2. If I were you, I would start packing now = Were I you, I would start packing now.
3. If I had time, I would go to the beach with you this weekend = Were I to have time, I would go to the beach
with this weekend.

Complete the conditional Sentences (Type 2) by putting the verbs into the correct verb.

1. If we (have) had a yacht, we (sail) would sail the seven seas.

2. If he (have) _________________ more time, he (learn) _________________ karate.
3. If they (tell) _________________ their father, he (be) _________________ very angry.
4. She (spend) _________________ a year in the USA if it (be) _________________ easier to get a green card.
5. We (help) _________________ you if we (know) _________________ how.
6. My brother (buy) _________________ a sports car if he (have) _________________ the money.
7. If I (feel) _________________ better, I (go) _________________ to the cinema with you.
8. If you (go) _________________ by bike more often, you (be/not) _________________ so flabby.
9. She (not/talk) _________________ to you if she (be) _________________ mad at you.
10. If I (live) _________________ on a lonely island, I (do) _________________ everything I want all day.
11. I (invite) _________________ all my friends if I (have) _________________ a house by the beach.
12. I (pick) _________________ my friends up in my yacht if they (want) _________________ to spend their holidays
on my island.
13. We (have) _________________ great parties if my friends (come) _________________ to my island.
14. If we (like) _________________ to go shopping in a big city, we (charter) _________________ a helicopter.
15. But if my friends’ holiday (be) _________________ over, I (feel) very lonely on my lovely island.
Choose the correct answer by crossing (A), (B), (C), (D) or (E)!

1. I always have a lot of work to do in the evening. 2. ... ..., I would explain why inflation is so high.
If ... ... ... the TV serial more often. (A) If I understood economics
(A) I had more time, I can watch (B) If I understand economics
(B) I have more time, I could watch (C) If I didn’t understand economics
(C) I had more time, I could watch (D) Unless I understood economics
(D) I had more time, I could have watched (E) If I don’t understand economics
(E) I have had more time, I could watch

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
3. Edi : Would John be angry if I took his bicycle 7. He is not rich and he cannot buy the car. We can
without permission? also say:
Roni : Of course. (A) Were he rich, he could buy the car.
(B) He could buy the car because he was rich.
From the dialogue we know that … (C) He was not too poor to buy the car.
(A) John is angry (D) If he were rich, he could not buy the car.
(B) Edi borrows John’s bike (E) He bought the car because he were rich.
(C) Someone takes John’s bike
(D) Edi is not using John’s bike 8. Rudi would lose his way in London if he weren’t
(E) Roni forbids Edi to use John’s bike able to speak English well.
The above sentence means...
4. If my parents were alive, I would not have to work (A) Rudi gets lost because his English was poor.
for my tuition fee. It means: …. (B) Although Rudi’s English is good he got lost.
(A) I must work although my parents are still (C) As Rudi cannot communicate in English he
alive. got lost.
(B) I don’t have to work because my parents (D) In spite of his poor English, Rudi doesn’t get
support me. lost.
(C) I have to earn money to pay my tuition fee (E) Rudi doesn’t get lost because his English is
because my parents have died. good.
(D) As my parents were alive, I did not have to
earn money. 9. If he took a computer course, it would be easier
(E) There is nobody to support me now except for him to get a good job.
my parent. This means that...
(A) It wasn’t easy to find a good job although he
5. ... ... a bird, I’d fly all over the world. had taken a computer course.
(A) If I was (D) Had I been (B) He had taken a computer course, so it wasn’t
(B) if I had been (E) Were I difficult to find a good job.
(C) If I am (C) Even though he’d taken a computer course,
it wasn’t easy to find a good job.
6. His house is not near the campus, so he always (D) He doesn’t take a computer course, so it isn’t
comes late. It means: easy to find a good job.
(A) If his house is near the campus, he will come (E) He took a computer course so that it would
on time. be easier to find a good job.
(B) If only his house was near the campus, he
could come in time. 10. If the questions were easy to answer, all students
(C) If only his house is near the campus, he will would finish it before ten.
come in time. What does the underlined expression mean?
(D) If only his house were near the campus, he (A) The questions are easy to answer.
could come in time. (B) The questions were easy to answer.
(E) If only his house had been near the campus, (C) The questions are difficult to answer.
he would not have come late. (D) The questions were difficult to answer.
(E) The questions had been difficult to answer.

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
Pokok Bahasan 7
Waktu 1 x 80 menit
1 x 10 menit (Ujian Blok)
Kompetensi Dasar  Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi
analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait isu aktual, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya
 Teks eksposisi analitis
Materi  Menyatakan pendapat, mempengaruhi, dengan argumentasi analitis
 Analytical exposition text
 Ungkapan seperti I believe, I think
 Modals Auxiliary


Modal Auxiliary verbs adalah kata bantu yang berfungsi membantu verba untuk membentuk fungsi-fungsi
gramatikal. Kata bantu jenis ini tidak dapat berfungsi sebagai kata kerja utama seperti auxiliary verbs. Modal auxiliary
memilik makna khusus yang digunakan melalui ungkapan tertentu, yaitu untuk menyatakan hal-hal berikut.

a. Present Modals
S + MODAL (will, shall, must, may, ought to, can) + V1
Modal Fungsi Contoh
menyatakan peristiwa yang akan datang He will swim tomorrow.
will (to be going to) = akan
menyatakan permintaan sopan Will you close the window, please?
menyatakan peristiwa yang akan datang We shall meet you here next month.
menyatakan penawaran Shall I turn on the light?
shall = akan
menyatakan keputusan yang harus
You shall study now!
keharusan (tidak boleh tidak dikerjakan) You must study harder.
must (has/have to) =
He has been living in France for 20
harus, pasti kesimpulan sekarang (present)
years. He must speak French well.
kemungkinan sekarang (present) He is absent. He may be sick.
may = mungkin, boleh
izin May I go now?
You ought to practice harder before
ought to = seharusnya menyatakan keharusan
the competition.
kemampuan I can dance.
can = dapat, mampu
menyatakan kebolehan (izin) Can I borrow your book?

b. Past Modals
S + MODAL (could, should, must/had to, might, could) + V1
Modal Past Keterangan Fungsi Contoh
Bentuk past dari menyatakan permintaan Would you like to close the
would = akan
will sopan window, please?
menyatakan sesuatu yang
Bentuk past dari The woman should not swim in
should = akan seharusnya dikerjakan/tidak
shall that dangerous beach.
must (had to) = Bentuk past dari keharusan (tidak boleh tidak You had to study in math class
harus, pasti has to/have to dikerjakan) yesterday.

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
He has been living in France for
kesimpulan sekarang (present) 20 years. He must speak French
menyatakan ungkapan yang
Ridho might do the exam well.
might = mungkin, Bentuk past dari lebih sopan
boleh may menyatakan kemungkinan Doni was absent yesterday. He
besar might be sick.
menyatakan permintaan yang Could you open the door,
could = Bentuk past dari
lebih sopan please?
dapat/mampu can
menyatakan kebolehan/izin You could open the window.

c. Perfect Modals
S + MODAL (must, might, should, could) + have + V3
Modal Past Fungsi Contoh
must have + V3 Kesimpulan lampau Leo passed the exam. He must have studied.
might have + V3 Kemungkinan lampau Leo was absent. He might have been sick.
Keharusan yang tidak dikerjakan pada Leo didn’t pass. He should have studied.
waktu lampau Fakta: He didn’t study.
should have + V3
He has been living in USA for 10 years. He
Kesimpulan sekarang
should have spoken English well.
Kemampuan yang tak digunakan di Leo could have done the homework himself.
could have + V3
waktu lampau Fakta: He didn’t do the homework himself.

Choose the correct answer by crossing (A), (B), (C), (D) or (E)!

1. “I’m glad Adi’s academic performance has greatly (A) has probably moved to Yogya
improved this semester.” (B) has certainly moved to Yogya
“I bet he … hard for that.” (C) still lives in Yogya
(A) should have worked (D) is not moving to Yogya
(B) has to work (E) didn’t move to Yogya
(C) must have worked
(D) would work 4. “Why were they suddenly ill after having lunch in
(E) ought to have worked the cafeteria?”
“There … something wrong with the food.”
2. “I tried to call Tina on her mobile phone yesterday, (A) must have been
but I only got her mailbox.” (B) ought to be
“She … … to bring her phone. She often does that.” (C) would have been
(A) had to forget (D) might be
(B) should have forgotten (E) should have been
(C) must forget
(D) must have forgotten 5. “You … leave the bed. You are not healthy
(E) ought to forget enough.”
(A) must
3. “Has Astri moved to Yogya?” (B) should
“She might have been; I haven’t met her around (C) have to
for a couple of days.” (D) will not
From this sentence we may conclude that she … (E) must not

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
6. “I wonder why Hera has not contacted me for so 11. “How did you get here so fast? I saw you having
long.” lunch in the cafeteria.”
“She … busy looking after her baby, because her “That … my twin sister, Sylvia. We are often
baby sitter has resigned”. mistaken for each other.”
(A) must have been (A) might be
(B) has to be (B) should be
(C) might have been (C) must have been
(D) must be (D) ought to be
(E) should have been (E) would have been

7. “This is the last flight from Jakarta among the 12. “What should the country do to maintain self-
passengers.” sufficiency in rice?”
“She … … the flight.” “It … double its rice production.”
(A) must miss (A) could
(B) should have missed (B) would
(C) must have missed (C) must
(D) ought to have missed (D) will
(E) should miss (E) had to

8. “It was long and tiring flight from London.’ 13. “I am tired of watching that movie; there is too
“Well, let me show you to your room then; you … much violence.”
by now.” “I agree … the channel?”
(A) can be exhausted (A) I should change
(B) must be exhausted (B) would we rather change
(C) would be exhausted (C) I must change
(D) could have been exhausted (D) shall I change
(E) might have been exhausted (E) had I better change

9. ”Alice could not pay her school fee because her 14. “It is surprising that he wasn’t seriously hurt even
father was unemployed.” though he was thrown off his motorbike.”
“Her rich uncle … ... her with her school fee.” “He … a good helmet at that time.”
(A) may support (A) must have worn
(B) should have supported (B) has to wear
(C) would rather support (C) should have worn
(D) will have supported (D) might wear
(E) might support (E) ought to have worn

10. ”I’m sorry, I was not able to finish typing your 15. “I ran through the red light and I got fined by the
paper.” traffic policeman.”
“Well, it was my fault, I … you with so much work.” “Oh, you … more careful.”
(A) must have been
(A) might not have burdened (B) could be
(B) had not burdened (C) might have been
(C) should not have burdened (D) may be
(D) would not burden (E) should have been
(E) could not have burdened

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____________________________________________________________________________BAHASA INGGRIS
16. “Paula fell asleep in class this morning.” 21. “I wonder why she was absent during the exams.”
“She … late last night.” “Something serious …”
(A) must stay up (A) should have detained
(B) must have stayed up (B) must have detained
(C) would stay up (C) would have detained
(D) should have stayed up (D) ought to have detained
(E) ought to stay up (E) had to have detained

17. “Great! Beckham has recovered from his injury, 22. Roy asked me whether he … my hand phone to
and he is going to play next Monday. I’m sure Real make a call to his fiancée.
Madrid … win the match.” (A) can use
(A) might (B) may use
(B) should (C) might use
(C) will (D) would use
(D) have to (E) ought to use
(E) must
23. You can book the ticket in advance, so that you …
18. As the documents were sent two hours ago, they queue up for it.
should have been here by now. (A) mustn’t
We may conclude that … (B) shouldn’t
(A) the document will probably arrive soon (C) cannot
(B) the documents have not arrive yet (D) don’t have to
(C) the documents are already here now (E) may not
(D) the documents have just arrived
(E) the documents didn’t arrive yet 24. “I have a problem with my thesis.”
“… ... ... it.”
19. Sonia : Vani lost her ATM card last week. (A) Shall we discuss
The pickpocket was successful to take her (B) Did we use to discuss
money from the machine. (C) May we have discussed
Mimi : She … informed the bank to block it. (D) Had we better discuss
(E) Would we rather discuss
(A) could
(B) would have 25. Ramlan should have read the contract before
(C) can’t have signing it.
(D) should have This sentence means that Ramlan …
(E) might have (A) Read the contract and signed it
(B) Didn’t read the contracts but he signed it
20. “If women in the late 1960’s had been given equal (C) Signed then contract after he read it
rights as men, there would not have been (D) He did not sign the contract after he read it
‘women’s liberation’ movement!” (E) Read the contract but he hasn’t signed it
This sentence means that … at that time.
(A) women will not have equal rights as men
(B) women didn’t have equal rights as men
(C) women do not have equal rights as men
(D) women have not had equal rights as men
(E) women might not have equal rights as men

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