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26,2.2019 Kundalini Yoga for Sexual Stamina Nolo ISe ciaeereh is? HOME LOGIN / NEWACCOUNT SHOPNOW § GURURATTANA KUNDALINI YOGA SUPPORT conracrus [Site Search >> Facebook Twitter Pinterost Email Favorites More Kundalini Yoga for Sexual © Stamina RETURN What will it do for you? Kundalini Yoga is a powerful technology that can be used to prepare for tantric sex. To practice tantric sex both partners must be able to sustain their sexual energy and raise it up the spine to the heart center. This set helps one accomplish these goals by increasing sexual stamina and potency, distributing sexual energy up the spine and raising the energy of the first three chakras to the heart center. At the heart center sexual energy becomes spiritual energy, and the couple are able to merge in the oneness of divine love. How to do it: 1) Run in Place for 1 minute, in turn facing each direction, North, East, South, West. (i.e, 1 minute North, 1 minute East, etc.) 2) Body Drops with legs stretched out in front, for 1-2 minutes, hitps:lwwn.yogatech comikysetsisexstamina a 262.2019 Kundalini Yoga for Sexual Si 3) Kundalini Lotus Pose: Balancing on buttocks, grasp feet and raise them, keeping arms and legs straight ) (holding on to big toes, if possible) with long, deep ry breathing for 2-3 minutes. 4a) Spinal Flex in Easy Pose for 2-3 minutes 4b) Spinal Flex in Easy Pose, five times per inhale, and 5 times per i exhale, for 2-3 minutes. 5) Frog Squats, 54 of them. Squat in Frog Pose, heels raised and touching each other, fingertips on the floor, with arms straight between legs. Inhale, lift buttocks, lowering head to look at knees. Exhale, returning to original squat, head looking straight ahead, always keeping the heels raised and touching. 6) Camel Pose with Breath of Fire for 1 minute. Sit on heels, arch pelvis up, dropping head back, and grabbing heels. Press ] ip the pelvis forward. SS Ss 7) Chair Pose, with long, deep breathing for 1 minute. (Squat and pass arms inside thighs, outside forelegs, hands on feet, and sit up as much as possible.) Continue with Breath of Fire for 1 more minute. Then inhale, exhale and apply Mulbhand (rootlock) AA. KG 8) Maha Shakti Pose, with left foot 6" above right foot, with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. 9) Stretch Pose. On back raise head and hands Oe 6" (arms & legs straight), and look at toes, with Breath of Fire for 2 mins. hitps:lwwn.yogatech comikysetsisexstamina 26 262.2019 Kundalini Yoga for Sexual Si 10) Spinal Flex in Rock Pose, 108 times. Inhale as the spine arches forward, exhale as it contracts back. 11) Cat/Cow. On hands and knees, arms and thighs parallel to each other, and press the back up, dropping the head down (like a cat) as you exhale, then relax the back down and arch neck up on the inhale, 108 times. 12) Spinal Flex in Rock Pose, with hands in Venus Lock behind the neck. On each inhale, press elbows to chest. 108 times + 13) On Back, push chest up and out with 5-10 Ibs of pressure, concentrating on the Heart Chakra for 2-3 minutes. 14) On Back, raise arms to 90° with long, deep breathing for 1 minute. Then inhale and draw tension to the chest and relax. Senin Spineliny Sexuality and Spirituality by Guru Rattana, Ph.D. This sample is just one of over 100 sets and meditations contained in 200 information-packed pages. RETURN hitps:lwwn.yogatech comikysetsisexstamina aia 262.2019 Kundalini Yoga for Sexual Stamina YOGA TECHNOLOGY, LLC - PO Box 443, Sunbury, PA 17801 USA Toll Free: 1-866-YOGATEC (1-866-364-2832) Overseas: 1-570-988-4680 (24 hours) Fax: 1-570-988-4640 For any questions, comments or suggestions of a technical nature, please contact Webmaster. We would especially appreciate reports of any problems you may experience while accessing this site All access to this Website is subject to your compliance with our Terms & Conditions of Use. All our products have been approved by Guru Rattana, Ph.D., for the purposes of instruction in, and the daily practice of, the ancient and time-tested technology of Kundalini Yoga, ‘They reflect her own ungue perspectives and insight, inspec bya ftime study ofthe teachings of Yi Bhajan, and of Sikhism and other ‘spietual disciplines, This site Is updated on a dally basis. Copyright € 2019 - Yoga Technology, LLC. All Rights Reserved hitps:lwwn.yogatech comikysetsisexstamina 4a

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