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Title: The Tempest

Author: William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-

Avon and he was the son of a alderman. He attended a grammar school studying Humanities
and Latin. When he was eighteen years old, he met Ann Hathway who was twenty-six years
older. They got married. Ann was pregnant with Susann and after her, Ann was already
pregnant with twins: Judith and Hamnet.
Hamnet died when he was very young of tuberculosis or white death.
In 1582 all the family went to London and till 1593 the information is missing.
After that Shakespeare worked as an actor and a playwriter for Lord Chamberlain’s Man
and built the Globe Theatre. Under James I it become the King’s Man and Shakespeare was
the manager.
In 1608 the company bought the Blackfriars Theatre and this was the last period of
Shakespearean Production, and the last play he wrote was the Tempest.

The plot: Pospero, duke of Milan, dedicated him self to the magic and left the power of the
government to the brother Antonio. He was an ambitious man who advanced to steal the
throne. Prospero was helped by Ariel to create the tempest to attack the ship of Prospero’s
brother and the duke of Naples Alonso when they were returning from Tunisi, because the
wedding of the daughter Clarabella. Ariel was the air spirit and we have a return to classic
Ariel was imprison in a three by the witch Sycorax for twelve years. So Ariel “flamid and
amazement” the ship. Sycorax’s son was Prospero’s slave, called Caliban who enter in scene
serving the padron. First island was Sycorax’s and was passed to Caliban but Prospero made
Caliban a slave because Caliban tried to break the honour of Prospero’s daughter: Miranda.
The scene ended with Prospero and Caliban arguing and after that Caliban praised Prospero
to claim the situation. Ariel’s job was to dress-up as a spirit and nymph and he was visible
only for Prospero.
At the same time Ferdinando, the son of duke of Naples, lands in Prospero’s island and he
was psychologically influenced by Ariel who sang in his ears about the shipwreck and the
probably death of Alonso. Ferdinando was worried and met Prospero with Miranda. She fell
in love with him, but Prospero didn’t want this relationship with the son of the enemy.
Miranda beyond Caliban could not met other man. The father compare Ferdinando to
Caliban in fact Prospero describe Ferdinando saying “this is a Caliban” and the other man
are like angel. The first act ended with Prospero’s daughter who asked to Ariel another
favour before he got his freedom.
At the same time, Antonio convinced Sebastian, his brother, to take possession of Naples’s
reign killing the king. At this point Ariel enter in scene preventing the killing.
The third act is open when Trinculo, the jester, and Stephan, the drunk butler, listened to
Caliban who wanted to conquest the island and made Prospero slave. So Caliban asked to
Stephan to kill Prospero to became the new king and he will be his slave.
In another part of the island there is Alonso who tired and hungry because of the long walk.
Ariel enter in scene using his magic to attract the other man and accusing Alonso, Sebastian
and Antonio to being sinners. The man tried to kill Ariel buth with the magic he
immobilized them and he saw that if they want to be saved they have to expiate their sins.
Prospero saw all the scene and now Ariel went to Miranda and Ferdinando. Prospero
accepted their love because he realized that it was true love and singing a song by the spirit
Iris, Juno and Ceres, he blessed the lovers and Prospero asked Ferdinand to respect her
After that Prospero and Ariel wanted to confront Caliban and Ariel saw that the sinners are
scared so he was sent by Prospero to prepare the smart dress to attracted them.
Enter Caliban with Stephan and Trinculo to take the dress, but Caliban was angry because
the future of the island was at stake.
Ariel reminded to Prospero that they were imprison in the island so Prospero decided to end
the situation and “restore to them their senses so they shall be theme self”.
So Ariel fetched them and, after that, in the five act, Ariel remind to Prospero to get his
freedom. Prospero agreed because the sinners were scared and repented so the revenge was
done. Prospero broke the magic wand and forgave Alonso and Antonio, blessing the lovers.
After that Prospero freed Ariel and the epilogue was acted.

Analysis: The tempest is Shakespeare’s last work before he died in 1616. The tempest was
intended to be an autobiography. This is the work of a tired man who, through Prospero,
sant the message of abandon the theatre. Shakespeare used supernatural power as wizard
(Prospero and Sycorax) confronting medieval magic (witchcraft) with renaissance magic,
confronting god magic with evil.
This work was written during Elizabethan Period while the theatre is tied to historical period, the
story escapes from reality.
The tempest is the only drama, which respects the unity of Aristocoles (time, setting, and action)
even if they are fantastic.

Characters of Prospero: Shakespeare trough Prospero gave using important themes such as the
relationship between fathers and daughter.
Prospero is a wizard and a scientist typical of this period when we have scientifically discoveries.
Prospero is also a colonizer representing the colonize of Elisabeth I.

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