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Feliza Haji O.

Beltran 01/15/2020- 7:15-8:15

Grade 11- Blackwell EAPP


Does God wants us to receive his signals that the end of the world is almost

near? That it is not about the end of the earth but it is the future of human society. We

witnessed debacles like earthquakes in Mindanao, floods in Cagayan, typhoons in

Tokyo, hurricanes in America, and the fire in Brazil and Australia. We have known the

conflagration between the US and Iran. One of the terrible happenings in our world

today are the Australia bushfires. Australia is a highly developed country and it is the

oldest, flattest, and driest inhabited continent, with the least fertile soils. Bushfires are

not new to Australia because they always experienced it and they have a “fire season”

but this year is devastating. It is heart breaking that we are witnessing billions of

animals dying and thousands of people are homeless. Australia bushfires are usually

caused by lightning strikes and some fires also started deliberately. But one of the main

reason why this bushfires started is because of the climate change. Australia has been

getting hotter over recent decades and is expected to continue doing so. Humans are

also to blame not just because of climate change but some are accused for intentionally

starting bushfires and this is such a disappointment. Fighting bushfires is difficult and

often authorities have to focus on just stopping the spread, rather than putting the fire

out because their priority is saving lives. Climate change is terrifying and it is our fault.

Is it really hard to make the right thing to save our planet? Are we not affright of what
will be our world’s future? Sadly, future generations will going to see how the earth is

slowly dying. They will no longer see how beautiful the earth is, how lovely to see the

color of green because of the trees, how clean the water is and the different animals

from the scariest animals to the most adorable ones.

We must open our eyes, see how the world is suffering because of us. This

bushfires is killing and hurting animals but it don’t only kill directly, it also destroy the

habitat which they rely on for food and shelter, leaving the survivors vulnerable. The

smoke has turned day into night and it is a threat for the health of the people. They are

also experiencing drought, thousands of them are suffering. See how the mother earth

pay us back for our negligence. This type of catastrophe threatened us that we are

slowly losing everything and the threat of global annihilation. Australia has been

traumatized because of the bushfires and all we can do is pray for them. This is a

wakeup call for everyone that we must be aware of our nature. We must start saving

our planet, save animals from extinction, taper the waste materials, start segregating

and recycling. Discipline must start within us.

It is always our choice if we have the alacrity to preserve our environment for

the future generations. We must always remember our God because he is our creator

and savior. We must fortify ourselves with whatever challenges we’ll encounter. He’s

calling us, let’s accentuate our faithfulness for him because even we are a great sinner,

God will always be our greater savior.

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