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floLL No. J56 2 9 38~

I w ou ld 11\ce 1-o e"t. pyess m::J special l:han\c E> of:
9roH ~d ~ rn tr\~ te.acherc.. Ms. l)ebjani Dutt-a.aupto
Qs c.o et\ a.s ou-r Pn'nd pal f'4-y. A-Io tc k"a..+d~e
who a av-e '1)e f-he . oppo-rt-un, ~ ro do rh,s p-r-<'j'ec~
on the fo pie Menm.l HeQ(th and Well ~e1na ~.p
• srclde nh. . UJ h,'ch helped rne tn do i nc9 o. Io!-
of v-<E?S<=O}{_Ch and L came rn know abotd- ma~
new tht n9'>·

To ana\~-ze anol undeHstQnd the. menmL healf-h
°'-nd well - bcin3 Q.p stu.dent'o tn post; - pande.m, c.
St fltQt)on_·

Pa9P ~ of I$
The oim o~ I-his -><epo-rt is to c1.rHine arid d.11
the 'Mento L Hea ll;h o.11cl We.II loetna 6p Slu d
duri n.9 the COVI D ~ t 9 pQndemic.

Acco..,-eJ.i~ hi m~ Ji.eSea>ich , the sluclenb. ~em hi

Q s urfui fr-om menl--al heo.lth challeh,9e!>, Almost
So ·1. of the sh..denb stn.l9.9le
l:eep up wilh f;p
schoo L w o-rk , h.ti tion we-rk , . and shtd~in8 Mf'f"
lhe en lrqnce . Alo hg w i Hi rnen l-a L cha Ikr,9 Ch.
we Studen ts u)-{e su ~1 na from phl:! st'c.ol ~
en,ohonal and social fxti urna . Ouy communt'c.a f;-ion
skills o.>{e a.t the U,w€st QG w~ s lud..enb cute.
C, unable to ph.sisi aill~ tn~et S'Y in~a c:t w;h, ~ach
oth e.H . The J.{epoY l: co nlui ns o II lhe ..>le\e 110.n t- deto,~ t
c.o n ce..,. n i n8 l:h·,s pm b Le rn as v-<e q,w red .

I tha b !;he CO VI D - 19 ponde rn ic h:i.s

br1Ju9 ht- ot, ~ -J-{eoch,n8 fay Qdolescen t-s .
A-d.olescenl-s wil-h eUHI~ CPe stress hla~ be Qb
po.>lti cu la r- n's\:. . Acco--rd 1ng fb ftw -..4. ec en t- stud ~ ,
th ctn i nc~s@ in the pasr- Pew month~
e.H.e has been
6.p ndolesc_ent-s presen+ina ui;l-h an'Ud"H 0.0 d
depn?ss,on, fne hl_gh level of uncevro,n~ is
q mc:. tt'n3 ado lescen rs d1 ~ entl~ than adul ~.

~h~sl'ml dt's\-onc..tna Qnd the. inabilt~ ftr--r ch\1d"f"en

und kens _ fn spend h'rne w,l-h hrends ,'s ne.gan've1~
,Ynpach'n8 ~eir ·,sociQl devel~pment and ,causina
ps~colog,'cQL fvnuble. U\ce w ~ , sadn~ss end Pearr-
Mang t-eens Qnd ~l0t.1n8- Qdul~ ~ve had t-o m~urn
the loss of: 1'mpo"ftQnt 8Y-a.duoJ,on ce-r-em"™.e/::))
field rnps J onn~ol event-5 or,d orher, rnHesrvne e.ven~
we looked wwo-rd b. l\lo-t- to mention those t.0ho
h,we had 1-o de.ct L w Hh /-h,- loss o~ ~rn Il,8
membe.M cluY1n8 (j'J due 6 CoVI.D- 19. _~l+hoLl._9h

J-teh.iri~ to school fu some has J.{eunih:d fn'end_,1.::.

..) ond _doss r-o~ , srudenh. OJ.{e ols o wnce>-<ned a.bout
th et\· s o f'eJ~ , FC:.rdh eH rn orre. , oS, s h--ess level s 8 ro w 1

h')e..ciJ'caL evidence su33esh, fha t Qdolescen6 W{e a.t

J.{jsk fuy- o host o.P p-y0blerns , even tn+o aduJl:-hovd

- fr-om Qn'U~ arid dep1'l"sslcri In paoi-- ph8sicoJ healffl

Tri is J{e poYb fv cu s er, on e'Yl·g i ri a L qµ an t; !u 1--l v-e

8~cU,€.b Qt)cl surve~ on menh:tl he_a.lth ,·s.sue.J::>, ,n

Pct9e 'f oP. IS
adolesc.enh. due h:, c..oVII>-19 The pnmo.>t8 &ourc•
-fuv- )nveshgah'on Qnd v<ese0><c.h , l. us~cl, wcu. S\f:

A-Hett fhe SU'YVe.8 I eruden~ uJQY-9 ~o

Do you as a student feel the burden of keeping up with school homework, assignments and
28 re-'S)OnS4ll
on che.h menh:it h~o.JJ·h Qnd we.I\ be.!''8 to
posr - paridernic sHu.a.Hon an& ht.>u> tt\~
e v..
• No
Maybe C.Op\~ up wil-h <l>Wdieh ~rud~n b fntm th•
o+ 13 h, 18 _yea>¾s
hCld pOJ..(li ci pal-c.d tn
The ink>-{ view cmd the SUY'V~ Jteve:,1
• man~ et-uclenl:!> We>-te ~ci~ the bu,-cl en of ~eel> i ng
llp w;\-h sc.-h0ol homewCYYI'- , os~ i.9nrnenh, and
Mar-,~ sf-udenrs eu.te hQv-,n8 o. tou9~ Hme
c.optns emot1oriqllti. Few students· ha~ Q(So
Does the above video relate to what is happening in your life?
28 responu,
~'lpe>-ltenced unfe-rseen lil::e deal-h o
e v..
• No
portent Cs) , 3rondpOJ.{enHs) 1
c.lose J..l.e.laf-ive.-. , friendb
7. 1--.

• and fun,;I~ which CU.{e ab.solc.J·d~ un-Hmel8 a.nd

un ~h.n)aJ-e... SJ-udenl:s have Qlso e--rpe--tiencE> d
+inanciul ancl econo m1rnl c·n'si s ,'n fum it~ d ~e f-o
How do you counter the ment al stress of st ud ies?
28 rHponse
loss oP Jobs , dosu"re o-P bt1s1nesse.J'.) eJ-c...
TakJng frequent breaks

rmnot really su-e 1f do COU'lte< the stress of studies I see myslef often and for most of the days stressing
A 1:-homug h
and being Womed about the next assignmen~ t~ classwork or dass Its S0ft of a v1c1ous cycle where if
anal8st~ wa~
you stress about the next task you waste tm,e and are even more stressed about it. There 1s no release of
co nd u.cJ-ed urd seveYa L
stress," Just piles end you 1ust keep fall ng behind
Peed bucks C.00-{~ obl:-ained
I f nd myself rela,ed while hsten1ng to music and reading novels which helps me forget abOUl the stress of I+ wa .s obse,-c ved f-ho.t
stud es and rtrr"hes me
listen 10 music, watch movies or dramas sh.tden~ t.ue>-<e nob- solished wtrh f-he.i"r s cl ,s
l JUSt d0t1 t study
E"lf e>•ll enc e tn a H--encUng f-he school on
Walk my dog and watch comeches

Maktng t,me lablf"

plol:: f-e-Ym
On a scale of 1 to 5. how was your experience in attending the school on the virtual platform?
2Bre ponses
Tallung to others. hstemng to music and cychng has been the greatest escape for me

Listerung to mus1c,pa1nung

By spending more lime with famdy Talong regular breaks while studies.Moving out to explore if my mind is
completely stressed of studies

39 3%
hstenong to mus,c

Watching spons

1play badminton earty ,n the morning

Listening to music

music • C.U YYen t-

the .srudenl-s
0f- !-he
not sah'sft'ed wi'th
talking to friends
o u.r
When I feel very stressed out. 1 talk my parents or friends and try to relax myself by practicing some of my Are you satisfied with the current analysis of the education system of your country7
hobbies 28responsu

By listening to music or playing Games • Yes

e No
By exerc1s1ng and heavy WO<kout . Maybe

Barefoot wallong on grass, exercising. cycling or talking to people

Take breaks, prepare some comfort food and watch doone anune

By ta~,ng adequate breaks in between

By makmg a plamed schedule

Even rhou9 h
1go outside for a walk hstemng to music, talk to my parents about my current s1tua1100
ed uca.h'on al ~ rn' c.u. Lum ,'s.
J-ten ow ne d we, ldc.oi'de
Cooking o e1 r s8 stem o+ s ev-e>-{ a. L
u., n' H--e.n e-tamina.h'o rv> ,
Exercise enNQnct> ~oms of: VCU-l1' 0
110,e total~ to the people I love and respect b'ndh JieSe>t v oJ,.'o ns
Ca.bre. and c-re~d
Equahs,ng lime for both are mental health mednalion and studies so that we have a healthy hie ·
J{epu Is ~ve a..nd
u11Pa. £'r . fhis SHs rem hOJ:,
a. Lob ot' unwan ~ pYPs<; ure
opp-ress 1on . J believe srron9 r~ +hu b
Qn ,'deal
l?c:ta e.. G if 1,5_
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ----=-=711----;~~cliuu~ca hon al s(!stem 6 hO ul d b• ~e of
..>\~Senva.h'ons' admission lo cones~
pu rel~ bOJ>ed on p~ Ar.- rno n c~ Pr-o.cJi

What1n:,eCfhc;:tJC;i,es-you~lnlhislMtlO<l ed uca Ho n cu s8 s 1-etn Ia I-he neE>d of ff'l

1 ob ~ ert Vf'd tt,Qt most of: +he s1-ud AA

ro A-.>m
l:v mu $ic. --HeFr@sh t-h~,nsel~s
c od eo u nhvf sh-ess Mari8 sf-ud~nt~
1-hi.s ( lt'gten1og Iv mu.hie)
• po ncl €!m1'c pei-.u·od .
Qb hobb~ tn

What act,v,tiee:-do you perform to refresh yourself from studies?

28 retpon•• s

15 53 9'!,
1(3 ... ,
RNdlng • book cooking or ga,- 1 (3 ~ }


1 l35'J

• 5 10

Chie~l~ 1 f-he sh.tdent-s pre~ o~lme school 01.'e.l{

onli~e School Since thousands of:. 4Pa.1,g

educQ non '-

ho. s o Iwojs boE>n

Qtc~ heme, bP
ll- o.- tw und~ q tr'E?e C5Y
1ns)de Q sc.hool
~ducoh'oo ls. o connPc,h'on t-~1-t..!.!~Pn
9 u ,-u
and shi'shyQ. The jo~ and
fuJ) o!' ~ducQ;icl)
~oJ- a srt.tdent-- ~pe'-uenc~s 0
~q~ l
~1 ne annot- be
• lS
-----.·,.....,,'YOU a~scnoo Your ,d eal work environment?
28 respotl$e_s
Which mode of schoollcollege do you prefer, Online or Off11ne?
28 rinpor\MI

Of01ne classes help us to connect more to the teachers and are much better

An •deal work environment for me ts one where I can interact with my friends and fellow classmates while 8;' , ..
studying and leam1ng This makes ti seem less strenuous and makes n enioyable in fact

A balance between both

t think going to the school and en1oying with friends is my ideal work environment

My home

' Offltne school OOij of-t,~ ~pe ~ e.dtt.can 0

1ltke to have silent peaceful people around me sharing the same vision towards my work/company.

\.1y ideal work environment 1s a saie space for me men1ally and physically and one where my mental healt h
and well-being 1s pnont1sed It does not depend significantly on technology and the online mode of working
,) Pvi'mMj l8 , an
as face to face interaction is something I look forward too.
, dea.l w o"fl( e ,w ir-o men t \ 1' e>.. Pro M
Alone, Pleasant Weather
sluden6 bo srudent · Sorne sfudenh. prefe>.t. tD
Compe1tt1ve people around to motivate you to perform better but not 100%online mode includirig small
breaks for refreshing mood and do something which Is fun going on with learning, and practically
applicable stud8 o.lo r)(? while pH?~ IA) i th ~ench
2-3 work buddies, no technology, clean and quiet envtronment and good food. Mat\'.j sh.tdenrs p.-e~ to have Cl constant
Something which doesn't requ,re me to sit on a desk for hours, something which allows me to work and
have fun at the same time
sc.h€lclu1ed Qt)V) r o!Tfle.n b which helps them 1-o
Social mteractton and be able to manage things physically and keep work on fingertips, which requires less
c..orn plcl-e thei-r go Q l othQHs 1;\ce 1-o t-Qke
breaks and have a hard copy of study materials
• ->teg U/OJ-1 inbvcJs be.h.uee n sl-udBi~
To have a proper balance or studies and relaxatton

Study room
- mpl'cs d1~enf:- subjec.6 .
offline school ('.,.., ,.,..,._....., """""~"""""""'"""""""""':;I ,,,.,.,...
1prefer onltne class for theorettcal points however would prefer otn1ne dases for prac1Icals
1Offhne mode, stress free, peaceful
Lot or people working around me all thetr own but working still the same good table and positive vibes

Silent and peaceful Constant and scheduled

Bnght room wtth •entilat,on, relaxed and productive atmosphere

I A non v1r1ual platform wtth proper face to face commun1ca11on and d1scuss1ons between peers An
envtronment with a balance between compe1111on and f!Ml

a hbraty were there ts no one to disturb you or when the moon is up
An ideal work env1ronmen1that motivates and Insp1res me to do my darly tasks Something that makes
act1v1t1es more meanmgful
sort or disturbances around onhne mode way saving my travelhng time but quue a eye strain was getung
built up though I can manage my surrounding disturbance but exams are near and a huge amount of
rev1s1on and studies left which makes me stressed up I thtnk ortl1ne studies are better than onltne Otrhne are more mteractwe and more Inteies11ng to do

Page 8 oP , S
As on ado\escent and o ·sh.tdenb , #">e besb c..ua8
to ta d::le ~, s oo'"t.l~ , .s~s , dep-n9SS to O and
d l\ J.he nesQn~ ~e\intr I Ls to t"Ollc h, .soiw>onP.,
be. it- q -Priend
fum; l~ memben.. or reacheµ.

P1an ~our h'm@ · and ·A'nd f-h'n~ f-ha.t hQJp (JOU

f-eeL calm. Not believ,'18 '" ~~@ J.<ep~ and
-->1umours ts also OI'\~ ~f l-h&) most i'mpe-rl-o()t
rh,ns ~ be Followed t"n such Q srfucth'on

On the whole I fuund out 1-ha.L- t-h,s pan demtc
hos f-qu3 ht eve><~ hurnan fx:i·~ rhe tmporf-onc(O
~ nealth8 mind qnd hea lthcJ bod~ and how tq
l, ve e w n o m t c_a I I~ eu, e ~<Y pen n r8 s a i's
e veJ.l J pen n~ eCL4 n-ed .

~e 9 of Is
Me nta l He alth and Well Being of Studen
The COVID-19 pand emic has brought on
far-reaching consequences for adole scen
Studies dem onst rate large increase in depr ts.
ession and anxiety in adolescents who were
heal thy prior to the COVID-19 pandemic
. This Google form will help us to review
stud ies and truly know the impa ct of COV such
ID-19 on a student's life.

devanshb sanghavi@ Swit ch acco



Email *

Your email address

COV ID-19 Imp act on a Teenager's Life

Ado lesc ent Mental Health in ...

Does the abo ve vide o relate to wha t is happ
ening in your life? *

Q Yes

Q No

Poge 10 of
0 Maybe

What type of hobbies have you developed in this period? *

D Listening to Music

D Exercising

D Reading Books

D Painting

D Writing Articles, Stories

D Other:

On a scale of 1 to 5, how was your experience in attending the school on the

virtual platform? *


Do you as a student feel the burden of keeping up with school homework,

assignments and projects? *

0 Yes

Q No

Q Maybe

Ptlh~ I L o£ , c:.
As a senior, do you struggle to keep up with school work, tuition work, and
studying for the entrance exam? •

Q Yes

Q No

Q Maybe

Are you satisfied with the current analysis of the education system of your
country? •

Q Yes

Q No

Q Maybe

How do you counter the mental stress of studies? •

Your answer

What activities do you perform to refresh yourself from studies? *

D Listening to Music

D Exercising

. D
Sleeping, Taking Rest

Taking a Walk, Going Outside


Po9P r, of IS
L..J -··· - ··

e? *
Which mode of school/college do you prefer, Online or Offlin

Q Online

Q Offline

Can you descr ibe your ideal work environment? *

Your answe r

Page 1 of 1

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Th is o .:-..; i9ment helped me ~·nd o c.ommon 9rouo
3YOuY1d wH-h r<l8 peers and people n.Hound roe.
Th,'s post pand~m,c. s~h.tah'on has a,ven U£. a_ ha
hme but- theHe o..He so rnon~ wo~s 1'n whic:h one
Can cope uJ I rh rhe stress. Man(! of tr18 fn'enc:l.b,
• o. I so rn e ) we>{ e Q dd-i ckd t-o shows ond s~, ,~

but f--h ,' s ndiv; ~ rnod e us YEOlf-z e d, ff'-e>t en+ tJ.JO ~

,n w h,'c,h we con J..lefn::sh o u-rsel ve.s fi,-orn bu rnou\:;.

Ta)k(n3 wtl-h ftrends a"d fumil# rnernbe}Ll) vi'a on\\hE>
-rneeflngs he\ ped h1e J..tew nnf>ct wtrh peo ple . When

therte weHe no £chools , 1 used · t-o &leep lak one{

9 and CJ.)Q ke . up /a}e I J-lea1I7ed
r ,t- WM Q {f'ecli °<8 m(J
hectl H7 0 nd sw, rched fo °' henlth~ sleepin8 hou Y-
on time. Hopin8 t-o .>-lee eive suc..h q cHv Ihe. s a heo cl
1n l-he h..l tu~.
https:// www. frontier s in .org/ a rt1cles/ l O.3 389/fpe d. 2021. 62 2608/tu
alth/en /
https:// www.w m nch/covid-1 9/toolk, ts/ adolesc ent/me ntal-he

https:// www.yo utube.c om/wat ch ?v=cE59oqEGO 4&t= 75s

https ://www .everyd ayhealt column s/my-he alth -story/h ow creative
he Ip-get-y ou-thro ugh-the -pande mic/
https:// www. u n icef .org/lac / en/i mpact-covid -19-men ta I-health -adoles
youtht1 :~:text=Among%20the%20partic1pants%2C%2027%25%20repor
20the% 20econ omic%2 0situati on.

https:// www. ncbi. n Im .n ih .gov/pmc/ artic les/PMC796 7607 /

ou-re-a nxious- about-
https:// www.yo ungmin g-perso n/blog/ what-to -do-if-y

• coronav irus

https ://www . tech tu d .com/b Iog/p hysi ca I-classroom-vs-vi rtua 1-cla ss room
-w1 t ncss-sh owd own

F~e l~ oP /6

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