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Hamilton Marathon Clinic

Newsletter. Additional Issue March 2022.

With such a changing world at moment and with the uncertainty of the spread of Covid,
there have been a quite a few club members who have decided or it’s been decided for them
that they cannot attend club events for the next few weeks. This is either due to them being
close or casual contacts, working in potentially high-risk areas, or personal reasons. As such
the Committee has urgently looked at plans for next month in regards to club nights, Sunday
events and the AGM.

After due consideration on Omicron spread and feedback from various members, we
postponed the Tuesday night club meetings as of this week. With further details coming to
light, the decision has now been made to suspend all official club events (Including Sundays)
until end of March. We will make a call then and keep everyone informed.

Even with 4 of the regular Sunday walkers not available there were still six who went to
Karapiro yesterday and had an enjoyable morning out. If any of the members want to have
their own unofficial Sunday walks and would like it made known, drop us an email with the
details and a contact phone or email address, we can then let other members know by an
email drop.


We have looked at the AGM planned date and there are two sticking points in having it that
night. Omicron situation, and also as mentioned in the previous newsletter, there is work
being done on trying to come up with plans which could be a means of increasing
membership and insuring the long-term viability of the club. At this stage this is work in
progress and if it come to a positive outcome, time will be needed to finalise details and
allow time to inform members prior to the AGM. There would then be a vote on whether to
accept the proposal. The AGM is going to be postponed until May 10th.

AGM. Tuesday 12th April 2022

Postponed to Tuesday 10th May, at 7.15pm

Coming Events

As mentioned previously, the Kirikiriroa Marathon is a virtual event again this year. Heather
Flay has organised training nights each Monday at 5.30pm at Hamilton gardens for those
who were going to do the actual event. She is continuing these for those who still want to
train to do the virtual, and anyone is welcome. I believe some people want to do the virtual
using the actual course and if any details do come available, I will let you know.

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