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Setting Up a Metasploit

Development Environment
adfoster-r7 edited this page on 4 Feb · 121 revisions

 Pages 136
MSF-DEV Contents

 Dependencies
 Downloading
 Ruby
 Ruby Gems
 REST and PostgreSQL
 Workflows

Metasploit Wiki Pages

 Home Welcome to Metasploit!
 Using Metasploit A collection of useful links for penetration testers.
 Setting Up a Metasploit Development Environment From apt-get install to git push.
 What should your contributions look like?
 Landing Pull Requests Working with other people's contributions.
 Using Git All about Git and GitHub.
 Contributing to Metasploit Be a part of our open source community.
 Meterpreter All about the Meterpreter payload.

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This is a guide for setting up a developer environment to contribute modules,

documentation, and fixes to the Metasploit Framework. If you just want to use
Metasploit for legal, authorized hacking, we recommend instead you:

 Install the open-source Omnibus installer, or

 Use the pre-installed Metasploit on Kali Linux or Parrot Linux.

If you want to contribute to Metasploit, start by reading our,

then follow the rest of this guide.

 You have installed an apt-based Linux environment, such as Ubuntu or Kali.
 You have created a GitHub account and associated an public ssh key with it.
 You have familiarity with Git and Github, or have completed the Github bootcamp.
 For optional database and REST API functionality, you will need regular user
account that is not root.

This guide has details for setting up both Linux and Windows.

Install dependencies
1. Open a terminal on your Linux host and set up Git, build tools, and Ruby

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y git autoconf build-essential libpcap-dev
libpq-dev zlib1g-dev libsqlite3-dev
If you are running a Windows machine

1. Install chocolatey
2. Install Ruby
3. Install pcaprub dependencies from your cmd.exe terminal:

powershell -Command
"[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
; [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol =
[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; (New-Object
System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'C:\Windows\Temp\')"

choco install 7zip.installServerCertificateValidationCallback

7z x "C:\Windows\Temp\" -o"C:\"

4. Install a version of PostgreSQL:

choco install postgresql12

Set up your local copy of the repository

You will need to use Github to create a fork for your contributions and receive the
latest updates from our repository.

1. Login to Github and click the "Fork" button in the top-right corner of
the metasploit-framework repository.
2. Create a git directory in your home folder and clone your fork to your local
mkdir -p ~/git
cd ~/git
git clone$GITHUB_USERNAME/metasploit-framework
cd ~/git/metasploit-framework

3. If you encounter a "permission denied" error on the above command,

research the error message. If there isn't an explicit reason given, confirm
that your Github SSH key is configured correctly. You will need to associate
your public SSH key with your GitHub account, otherwise if you set up a SSH
key and don't associate it with your GitHub account, you will receive this
"permission denied" error.
4. To receive updates, you will create an upstream-master branch to track the
Rapid7 remote repository, alongside your master branch which will point to
your personal repository's fork:
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout -b upstream-master --track upstream/master

5. Configure your Github username, email address, and username. Ensure

your matches the email address you registered with your Github

git config --global "$GITHUB_USERNAME"

git config --global "$GITHUB_EMAIL"
git config --global github.user "$GITHUB_USERNAME"

6. Set up msftidy to run before each git commit and after each git merge to quickly
identify potential issues with your contributions:

cd ~/git/metasploit-framework
ln -sf ../../tools/dev/pre-commit-hook.rb .git/hooks/pre-commit
ln -sf ../../tools/dev/pre-commit-hook.rb .git/hooks/post-merge

Install Ruby
Linux distributions do not ship with the latest Ruby, nor are package managers
routinely updated. Additionally, if you are working with multiple Ruby projects,
each one has dependencies and Ruby versions which can start to conflict. For these
reasons, it is advisable to use a Ruby manager.

You could just install Ruby directly (eg. sudo apt install ruby-dev), but you may
likely end up with the incorrect version and no way to update. Instead, consider
using one of the many different Ruby environment managers available. The
Metasploit team prefers rbenv and rvm (note that rvm does require a re-login to
Regardless of your choice, you'll want to make sure that, when inside
the ~/git/metasploit-framework directory, you are running the correct version of
$ cd ~/git/metasploit-framework
$ cat .ruby-version
$ ruby -v
ruby 3.0.2p107 (2021-07-07 revision 0db68f0233) [x86_64-linux]
Note: the Ruby version is likely to change over time, so don't rely on the output in
the above example. Instead, confirm your ruby -v output with the version number
listed in the .ruby-version file.
If the two versions don't match, restart your terminal. If that does not work, consult
the troubleshooting documentation for your Ruby environment manager.
Unfortunately, troubleshooting the Ruby environment is beyond the scope of this
document, but feel free to reach out for community support using the links at the
bottom of this document.

Install Gems
Before you run Metasploit, you will need to update the gems (Ruby libraries) that
Metasploit depends on:

cd ~/git/metasploit-framework/
gem install bundler
bundle install
If you encounter an error with the above command, refer to the bundle output and
search for the error message along with the name of the gem that failed. Likely,
you'll need to apt get install a dependency that is required by that particular
Congratulations! You have now set up a development environment and the latest
version of the Metasploit Framework. If you followed this guide step-by-step, and
you ran into any problems, it would be super great if you could open a new
issue so we can either help you, or, more likely, update the docs.
Optional: Set up the REST API and PostgreSQL
The following optional section describes how to manually install PostgreSQL and
set up the Metasploit database. Alternatively, use our Omnibus installer which
handles this more reliably.

1. Confirm that the PostgreSQL server and client are installed:

sudo apt update && sudo apt-get install -y postgresql postgresql-client

sudo service postgresql start && sudo update-rc.d postgresql enable

2. Ensure that you are not running as the root user.

3. Initialize the Metasploit database:

cd ~/git/metasploit-framework
./msfdb init

4. If you receive an error about a component not being installed, confirm that
the binaries shown are in your path using the which and find commands,
then modifying your $PATH environment variable. If it was something else,
open a new issue to let us know what happened.
5. If the msfdb init command succeeds, then confirm that the database is
accessible to Metasploit:
$ ./msfconsole -qx "db_status; exit"
Congratulations! You have now set up the Metasploit Web Service (REST API) and
the backend database.

Optional: Tips to speed up common workflows

The following section is optional but may improve your efficiency.

Making sure you're in the right directory to run msfconsole can become tedious, so

consider using the following Bash alias:
echo 'alias msfconsole="pushd $HOME/git/metasploit-framework && ./msfconsole &&
popd"' >> ~/.bash_aliases
Consider generating a GPG key to sign your commits. Read about why and how.
Once you have done this, consider enabling automatic signing of all your commits
with the following command:

cd *path to your cloned MSF repository on disk*

git config commit.gpgsign true
Developers tend to customize their own git aliases to speed up common
commands, but here are a few common ones:

# An easy, colored oneline log format that shows signed/unsigned status
nicelog = log --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold
blue)<%aE>%Creset [%G?]'

# Shorthand commands to always sign (-S) and always edit the commit message.
m = merge -S --no-ff --edit
c = commit -S --edit

# Shorthand to always blame (praise) without looking at whitespace changes

b= blame -w
If you plan on working with other contributor's pull requests, you may run the
following script which makes it easier to do so:

After running the above script, you can checkout other pull requests more easily:
git fetch upstream
git checkout fixes-to-pr-12345 upstream/pr/12345
If you're writing test cases (which you should), then make sure rspec works:

rake spec
You should see over 9000 tests run, mostly resulting in green dots, a few in yellow
stars, and no red errors.

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