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Session’s time

Friday 8 Am to 9 am
Colombia’s time

Our rules

• We can’t close the chat or the voice call until we reach our aim ”the hours which were wrote
• The hours are mentioned in the table are the minimum time not the maximum time , so we can
continue the session if there is an opportunity to do that
• Before each session, both of us must be ready. I mean, we will get things before each talk, so all
of these things must be prepared before our next one.
• You can send me anytime, it’s like we are classmates and this table just for our studying like
your faculty’s lectures. but here we are the teachers and the students at the same time. and we
do our best to don’t miss any one of them
• Our sessions will include talking about certain things and definitely we try to dive inside each
topic ,which we will have studied, and talk as often as we can about these subjects
• That is how the session going.. “these points are fixed in each talking “
1. greeting each other and asking about the weather
2. each one will ask the other about “ they week , they work, they family , their plan or
what are they going to do after finishing the session until they fell sleepy and their next
day in details ”
3. each one will have prepared a question about imagination to the other like “imagine if
you won a million dollar, what would you do? ”
4. if there was a podcast we have agreed to listen to it , we would discuss it through ask
and answer “you ask and I answer and opposite “
5. finally, we will talk about next session, and what is the topic we are going to talk about

• each one must prepare their questions before the session.” remember this”
• when we use messenger, everyone will send his/her voice recording before writing it
….I hope you add to these points new ones

….i hope you correct me what I wrote above , I bet that there are mistakes because there is no one can
do thing without mistakes.

1 Greeting & weather

2 Normal and personal questions “they must include past, present, future”

3 Imagination Questions

4 Podcast or pdf

5 About next session

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