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Ma. Mikaela D.C.

Concept Paper

a) Will the earth possibly melt in a few years?

b) The solar luminosity will be 10% higher than it is now in around one billion years. This
will turn the atmosphere into a "moist greenhouse," causing the oceans to evaporate at an
alarming rate. The increase in the Earth's surface temperature will generate a runaway
greenhouse effect four billion years from now, heating the surface to the point of melting
it. All life on Earth will be extinct by that time. After the Sun has entered the red giant
phase and grown beyond the planet's existing orbit, the planet's most likely fate is
absorption by the Sun in around 7.5 billion years.
c) These project seeks to answer the question(s):
 Is it possible that the Earth will melt in a few years?
 Are the predictions about Earth’s meltdown were based on facts?
d) Having enough knowledge of what will truly happen in the world we’re living in is
important. With these different predictions of the Earth, many individuals became wary
and unsure of the future of our planet. Is it still safe to live an ordinary life here on Earth?
What can we do if these terrifying theories were true? These questions are the frequent
response of the people when hearing such information about our planet. Although it can
be alarming, it is still important to study the pieces of information that we get in order to
determine the reliability of such statements. They are critical in aiding our understanding
of how our world functions. And the more we know, the better equipped we are to deal
with the changes that are taking place.
e) In order to obtain enough and reliable knowledge to answer these questions, we are free
to navigate different research procedures like reading an article or books, watching the
news, and surfing reliable sources on the internet. In doing research, it is significant to be
critical when analyzing the information presented to you. You must know if the source is
trustworthy, the content is up to date, and if the arguments are credible. In this case, it
will be easy to avoid satirical searches and information.

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