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Live broadcast from ISS:

Discuss these questions.

● Have you ever heard about the

International Space Station (ISS)?
What do you know about it?

● What do you think astronauts on

the ISS worry about right now?


Go to Google and search for the answers to ONE of the questions below. Write what you have
found out in the boxes below and share your ideas with the whole class.

1. What do you know about ISS?

You can check the following website to learn more about ISS:

2. What do scientists learn thanks to ISS?

You can check the following website to learn 15 ways ISS benefits the Earth:

3. What do you think are the short-term and long-term effects of space travel on the human

short-term effects long-term effects

Note to the Student: You were assigned to read this text before coming to the

A. Discussion:
● Did you learn something new from this text? What is it?
● What do you think is the biggest advantage of space exploration?
● What do you think is the biggest disadvantage of space exploration?

B. Go over the text again to find the answers to the questions under the paragraphs.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Space Exploration

The universe has always fascinated humans. Ancient humans looked up at the sky and
wondered about the Sun, the Moon, and the stars, and they came up with myths and legends
to explain these celestial bodies. Early scientists had some theories about these bodies and,
although many of them were incorrect (some thought, for example, that the Sun revolved
around the Earth), they set the foundation for* modern scientific thought.

As humans developed better technology, they aimed at exploring the vastness of space. They
eventually succeeded in 1969, when Apollo 11 landed on the Moon and astronaut Neil
Armstrong became the first person to walk on the Moon’s surface. Since then, space
exploration has become a priority* among many scientists and governments, and a lot of time,
money, and energy have been spent on space missions to learn more about the universe.

Space exploration has several positive effects, but a lot of people argue that it also comes with
its own drawbacks. To understand two sides of this argument, it’s important to know about
the advantages and disadvantages of space exploration.

*set/lay the foundation for (v.): to produce the basic ideas or structures from which something much larger develops
*priority (n.): something that is considered more important than other matters

1. What is the importance of the

Apollo 11 mission according to the

Advantages of Space Exploration

1. It gives us more information about our solar system, galaxy, and universe.

Scientists have discovered ice on Mars

and the Moon as well as liquid water on
moons in our solar system.

Researchers have found out that

gravitational waves hypothesized by
Einstein more than 100 years ago are
indeed real.
NASA's Curiosity rover took this selfie on Oct. 11, 2019 on Mars.

When we start exploring space, we can discover new truths about our planet and culture
simultaneously. Data collected by space probes*, telescopes and rovers are continually
challenging our assumptions.

*space probe(n.): a spacecraft without people on board that obtains information and sends it back to earth

2. It can offer solutions to many problems.

In addition to collecting information about the outer space, many space exploration programs
are used to address* some of the problems of modern society. Some programs, for example,
help scientists learn more about the Earth’s atmosphere and know how to better predict
weather and natural disasters. Others focus on looking for planets that can support human
life, which may be the solution to the earth’s growing population.

*address a problem (v.): to think about a problem and decide how you are going to deal with it

3. It gives us a new way to look at the universe.

Space exploration gives people a deeper insight* about the universe and provides them with
more information about the world they live in. It helps them realize that their problems aren’t
really that depressive in the grand scheme of things. It reminds them of how lucky they are to
be part of this big universe.

*insight (n.): an understanding

2. “Space exploration helps them realize

that their problems aren’t really that
depressive in the grand scheme of things.”

What do you understand from this


4. It paves the way to advanced technology.

Scientists are always developing new technology for space programs, but these new
innovations aren’t just useful for astronauts and space missions. They can also be used in other
industries. In fact, they have already led to the development of modern products and gadgets
that many people use. These include GPS systems (which is used in many smartphones,
tablets, and satellite navigations), Teflon-coated fiberglass (which is now used as roofing
material), and breast cancer test imaging.

3. What are the other inventions that were

created thanks to space exploration? Search
on Google for 5 minutes and share them with
the class. (OPTIONAL)

5. It creates numerous jobs.

Space exploration doesn’t just involve scientist and astronauts; it also requires the skills and
labor of many engineers, research assistants, technicians, mechanics, and other professionals.
If space exploration was stopped today, these people would become jobless, and they
wouldn’t be able to support themselves and their families. This means that more jobs will be
created thanks to space programs, which can significantly help with the employment
problems that many countries face.

Disadvantages of Space Exploration

1. It endangers the lives of astronauts.

It can’t be denied that space exploration

puts astronauts’ lives in danger, even if
they know what they are signing up for.
In fact, many accidents have happened
over the years and have resulted in
numerous injuries and even deaths. The
Apollo 1 manned mission, for example,
ended when its crew members were
killed in a cabin fire as they conducted a
launch rehearsal test. The Challenger
space shuttle exploded less than two minutes after lift-off and killed all of its seven crew
members. Even if missions don’t always end up in disasters, they can still expose astronauts
to a wide range of health problems. Studies have shown that spending long periods of time in
zero gravity can seriously affect a person’s cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems and

make him prone to various illnesses. Exposure to high-energy ionizing cosmic rays in space can
lead to the development of cancer.

4. What are the health risks of space travel

according to the text?

2. It leads to pollution in space.

Many people might think that pollution in space is not a problem; after all, the universe is
vast* and infinite, and it would take billions of years to fill it with junk. But that’s the thing:
even if it wouldn’t fill up right away, it can still be polluted with the debris* that space missions
leave behind, such as satellites, rocket launch boosters, and other kinds of equipment. At the
very least, these debris will harmlessly float around the universe and ruin beautiful space
photos. In the worst-case scenario, they can interfere with planetary orbits, cause accidents
for future space missions, and pave the way to other kinds of problems.

*vast (adj.): huge

*debris(n.): rubbish or pieces of material that are left somewhere and are not wanted

5. Why is space debris a problem?

3. It can be expensive.

Space exploration is undeniably expensive. Training and educating astronauts, building

rockets and space shuttles, developing new technology for space missions — all of this costs
a huge amount of money. For example, in 2016, the budget for NASA was $19.3 billion.

Supporters of space exploration argue that every penny is worth it because of the knowledge
and data that it brings. However, many people disagree. They point out that spending billions
of dollars on space travel isn’t practical or even ethical when a lot of ordinary people are
suffering from hunger, illnesses, and poverty. They argue that instead of putting large
amounts of money on space programs, governments should use the funds on healthcare,
education, food, housing, and other social programs that would benefit a lot of people and
make their lives better. According to the United Nations, it would only take $30 billion to end
world hunger globally each year. If the money spent for NASA were used for the problems on
Earth, the United States could eradicate* about 60% of the world’s hunger.

eradicate (v.): to destroy or get rid of something completely, especially something bad, syn: wipe out

6. What kind of changes would take
place on Earth if space funds were
used to deal with the problems on

Final Thoughts

Space exploration is one of the biggest achievements of humans as a whole, and it has paved
the way to greater scientific understanding and many technological advancements over the
years. However, it can’t be denied that it also has several drawbacks. Therefore, governments
and scientists should find a balance between the advantages and disadvantages.

Reference: 7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Space Exploration. (2018, January 30). Retrieved

C. Go through the paragraphs again and examine how each advantage/disadvantage is


⮚ Write down the supporting details in small notes.

⮚ Then think of other ways to support each advantage/disadvantage.
⮚ What other examples/facts/information could be given to support each
⮚ Can you add any other advantages or disadvantages to this table?

Advantages of space exploration Support

more information about our solar

system, galaxy, and universe

offering a solution to many problems

giving us a new way to look at the


paving the way to advanced technology

creating numerous jobs

Disadvantages of space exploration Support

endangering the lives of astronauts

leading to pollution in space


A. Examine the definitions of 8 important words from the text and their example sentences.
Pay attention to how they are used and what type of words are used with them. Then write
your own sentences for each one. You can get help from online English-English dictionaries.

1. to pave the way Data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed
exploration of Mars.
for/to…… (idiom)
Space explorations have paved the way to greater scientific
If something paves the way understanding.
for/to something else, it
makes the other thing This decision paved the way for changes in employment rights
possible. for women.

This action paved the way to other kinds of problems.

Your sentence: ………………………………………

2. require (v.)
to need something; Space exploration requires the skills and labor of many
to depend on people.
Friendships do not just happen; they require effort.
be required to do
something: a law or rule The workshop is free, but booking is required.
says you must do it or have
it You are required by law to stop your car after an accident.

require somebody to do Bringing up children requires you to put their needs first.
Your sentence: ………………………………………

3. put in danger (v.)

Space exploration puts astronauts’ lives in danger.
to put at risk, to put
someone or something in I could be putting my life in danger by saying these things.
danger of being hurt,
damaged, or destroyed Firemen put their own lives in danger as part of their job.

synonym: to endanger Your sentence: ……………………………………….

4. expose (v.)
(to something Space missions can expose astronauts to a wide range of health
harmful/dangerous) problems.

to put Children are exposed to new dangers on the internet.

somebody/something in a
place or situation where Workers were exposed to high levels of radiation.
they are not protected
from something harmful
or unpleasant Your sentence: ……………………………………….

5. ruin (v.)
to damage something so These debris will ruin beautiful space photos.
badly that it loses all its
value, pleasure, etc. The bad weather ruined our trip.

That one mistake ruined his chances of getting the job.

Surely you don't want to ruin all our good work, do you?

Your sentence: ……………………………………….

6. cost (v.)
to have a particular price How much does it cost for NASA to go to the Moon?

It costs just $1 million to place a satellite up to 200 kilograms on

SpaceX’s Transporter-1.

A second-hand car doesn’t cost much.

Your sentence: ……………………………………….

7. worth (adj.)
Supporters of space exploration argue that every penny is
1. be worth something: worth it.
having a particular value, Our house is worth £200,000.
especially in money How much is this painting worth?

2. be worth (doing) It's always worth paying the extra £3 for next-day delivery.
something This book is worth reading.
Your sentence: ……………………………………….

8. funds (n.)
Instead of spending billions on space programs, governments
should use the funds on healthcare, education, food, housing, that an
and other social programs.
organization needs or has
We have insufficient funds to pay for the building work.
2. an amount of money
that has been saved or has
The construction of the park is not finished due to lack of funds.
been made available for a
particular purpose
We need to create enough funds to complete the project.

Your sentence: …………………………

B. Rewrite the sentences below using the given words/phrases.

put someone’s life in danger worth to create funds

be required pave the way to expose

1. NASA revealed that its Artemis Mission to the Moon will cost around $28 billion.

According to NASA, …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. The U.S Congress will give the financial support to NASA to send astronauts to the Moon in


3. Panic in space can be deadly, so astronauts always train hard to stay alive in emergencies.


4. When a spacecraft built for humans travels into deep space, various complex systems are
needed to keep the crew and the spacecraft safe.

When a spacecraft built for humans travels into deep space, ………………………………………………..


5. Perseverance Rover of NASA will test technology that could allow humans to travel to Mars.


6. On Earth, humans are exposed to 3 to 4 millisieverts (mSv) of radiation a year (mostly from
natural sources like some kinds of rocks and the few cosmic rays that get through the
atmosphere). On the International Space Station, astronauts get about 300 mSv per year.

On the International Space Station, astronauts ………………………………………………………………………



A. Before watching the video, look at the transcript below. Can you predict the missing words
& phrases? Watch the video twice and fill in the missing words or information.

Should we continue exploring space? (Duration: 1.53)

Transcript- Should nations continue exploring space?

Man: Give me a go or a no go for launch.

Astronaut: Launch control, all systems go. We are go for launch.
Man: Copy that. Launch in 5,4,3,2,1…….
Astronaut: Launch control, is there a problem?
Woman: Sorry, gentlemen. Are you sure we should continue with this launch?
Man: Yes, we are supposed to be exploring outer space and so we should launch!
Woman: Yeah, but all the years we’ve explored space haven’t led to anything
worthwhile. We still don’t know about things like the __________ ______________ on
astronauts’ health.
Man: Well, science has always involved ___________. The risk is definitely worth
exploring space. If we can discover new worlds, new _______________, then this could
help us solve our __________ _____________ such as climate change and exhaustion of
resources. It’s for the ___________________ of future mankind.

Woman: Let’s focus on the present ___________ _____ the future! There are people all
over the world suffering from _______________ and ________________. That shuttle we are
about to launch cost 1.7 billion dollars to make. That’s enough to ___________ 32 million
kids in Africa…per year! Imagine what we could do for humanity …today!
Man: Progress-hater!
Woman: Watch it, future boy!
Astronaut: Excuse me, you two. Are we a go or a no go?

B. Examine how speakers in the video refute each other’s arguments.

Argument 1 Refutation
Well, science has always involved
All the years we’ve explored
space haven’t led to anything risks. The risk is definitely worth
worthwhile. We still don’t know exploring space.
about things like the long-term
effects on astronauts’ health.


Let’s focus on the present instead

Argument 2 of the future. There are people all
If we can discover new worlds, over the world suffering from
new elements, then this could help hunger and unemployment. That
us solve our own issues such as shuttle we are about to launch cost
climate change and exhaustion of 1.7 billion dollars to make. That’s
resources. It’s for the benefit of enough to feed 32 million kids in
future mankind. Africa…per year!

C. Write your own ideas to refute the given arguments about space exploration. You can go
back to the reading text to create your refutation.


Space exploration can offer

solutions to many problems.


Space exploration is undeniably

expensive. For example, in 2016,
the budget for NASA was $19.3

Note to the Teacher: Breakout Room Group Writing Activity Sheet for Step 5 is available on


You have collected some information about space exploration from the Internet, read a text
about the advantages and disadvantages of Space Exploration, studied some important words
and watched a short video about this debate. Now, it is time to write an opinion essay.

Are you for or against space exploration? In groups of 3-4, choose ONE of the topics below.

“I believe space exploration has a lot of benefits and is important for the
whole world.”

“I think space exploration is a waste of time and money because of many


1. The T shares the Breakout Room Group Writing Activity in Google Doc (in editor mode)
with the whole class, explains the task and creates groups in Breakout Rooms.
2. On this shared Google Doc, each group fills in an OUTLINE for their essays. The teacher
gives instant feedback to each group about their outline.
3. When the groups finish their outlines, they are given 50 minutes to write their essays.
4. Giving feedback: The T gives instant feedback to each group while they are working on
their essays. Once all the groups finish writing, all groups read each other’s essays and give
feedback in the Main Room.

Google Doc Sample for Outline & Essay:

Fill in your outline in short notes.

GROUP 1 members



VIEWPOINT#1 Write your ideas in short notes.

+ Supporting ideas

VIEWPOINT #2 Write your ideas in short notes.

+ Supporting ideas

Others’ view Write your ideas in short notes.

& Refutation



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