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V Semester BCA (2019-20 Onwards Syllabus) – Question Bank


Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Degree Programme

2019-2020 Onwards



Software Engineering [2-5]

Computer & Communication Networks [6-10]
Distributed Computing [11-15]
Web Technology [16-21]
Python Programming [22-26]
Accounting & Financial Management [27-31]
Android Application Development [32-36]
Scilab Programming [37-42]

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V Semester BCA (2019-20 Onwards Syllabus) – Question Bank

Software Engineering
Unit I
Questions carrying two marks

1) Give IEEE definition of software.

2) Give IEEE definition of software engineering.
3) Mention the problems of software.
4) Differentiate program and programming system product.
5) Justify why software is expensive.
6) Expand LOC, DLOC, KDLOC.
7) What is the problem of change and rework in a software.
8) Mention the problems of software engineering.
9) What is corrective maintenance?
10) What is adaptive maintenance
11) Define Software Process.
12) Mention three quality dimensions of a software product.
13) List any four quality factors of software engineering.
14) Define Maintainability and Testability.
15) Define Portability and Reusability.
16) Define Reliability and Usability.
17) Write the three major components of SCM.
18) Mention various phases of development process
19) What is Unit testing?
20) What are work products?
21) What is Acceptance testing?
22) Define Product metrics and Process metrics.

Long answer Questions

1) Define Software. Briefly explain the software problem. (5)

2) Define Software Engineering. Explain the various problems faced in software
engineering. (5)
3) Explain any four quality attributes of software engineering. (4)
4) List and Explain different phases of phased development process. (5)
5) Briefly explain the various characteristics of a software process. (5)
6) With the help of a diagram explain the working of the waterfall model. (5)
7) Explain the limitation of the waterfall model. (3)
8) Explain the working of an iterative enhancement model with the help of a diagram. (5)
9) Explain the prototyping model. (5)
10) Explain the spiral model with the help of a diagram. (5)
11) Briefly explain the phases of management process. (5)
12) Briefly explain the various activities of software configuration management process. (5)
13) Explain the software configuration item (SCI). (5)

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14) Explain the SCM life cycle of an item. (5)

15) Write a note on Capability Maturity Model. (5)

Unit - II
Questions carrying two marks
1) Give IEEE definition of software requirements.
2) Mention the basic activities involved in requirement process.
3) Mention the three basic approach to problem analysis.
4) What are data source and sink? How to represent them in DFD?
5) Give any two symbols used in DFD with their purpose.
6) List some common errors while designing the DFD.
7) What is a Data Dictionary?
8) Mention the two approaches to Prototyping.
9) What are Throwaway and Evolutionary Prototyping?
10) Mention any four characteristics of an SRS.
11) Mention the components of an SRS.
12) List different Design Constraints
13) Define Coupling and Cohesion?
14) What is Design Methodology?
15) Mention different types of errors that occurs in an SRS.
16) What are the factors that influencing Coupling?
17) What is Functional Abstraction?
18) What are top down and bottom-up design approaches?
19) Mention different types of modules in a Structure Chart.
20) Define Most Abstract Input and Most Abstract Output?

Long answer Questions

1) Explain need for SRS. (4)
2) Explain the activities of Requirement Process with a block diagram. (5)
3) Explain Data Flow Diagram with example.
4) Explain the characteristics of an SRS. (5)
5) Explain the various components of an SRS. (5)
6) Write a note on specification languages for an SRS. (6)
7) Explain the general structure of an SRS document. (6)
8) What is coupling? Explain the factors that affect Coupling. (4)
9) List and explain different levels of Cohesion. (7)
10) Explain Structure Chart with an example. (6)
11) Explain the different types of modules used in Structure Chart. (5)
12) Write a note on SDM strategy. (5)
13) Write a note on verification in the Detailed Design phase (5)
14) Write short note on Data Abstraction.
15) What is Functional Abstraction? Discuss its role in System Design.
16) Write a note on Design Heuristics.
17) Write a note on Transaction Analysis

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Unit III
Questions carrying two marks
1) List the desirable properties of module specification.
2) What is Design Walkthrough?
3) What is the purpose of Critical Design Review?
4) What is PDL? Why it is useful?
5) What is the primary goal of Coding phase?
6) What is Structured Programming?
7) What is Information Hiding?
8) What do you mean by Prologue?
9) What are the two categories of program verification methods?
10) What do you mean by Static Analysis with respect to Coding?
11) Define Code Inspection or Reviews.
12) What is Unit Testing?
13) What is State Diagram?
14) What is FSA?

Long answer Questions

1) Explain module specifications in detailed design. (4)
2) Explain PDL with suitable example. (6)
3) Write a note on Logic/Algorithm design. (5)
4) Explain State Modeling of Classes with example (5)
5) Explain the verification method of a detailed design. (6)
6) What are the activities that are undertaken during critical design review? (5)
7) Write a note on
i. Design Walkthroughs ii. Consistency Checkers (6)
8) Write a note on top down and bottom-up approaches in coding. (5)
9) Explain the concept of Structured Programming (5)
10) Explain the Information Hiding with an example (5)
11) Explain common errors that occur during Coding (5)
12) Write a note on the importance of Comments and Layout in Coding (4)
13) Explain static analysis and its uses. (5)
14) List out the various items in the checklist while reviewing the code. (5)
15) Explain any two code verification methods(5)

Unit IV
Questions carrying two marks

1) Define error, fault and failure.

2) Define Testing.
3) What are Test Oracles?
4) Which are the basic approaches in Testing?
5) What are Test Cases?
6) Define Software Maintenance.

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7) What is Mutation Testing?

8) What is Black Box Testing?
9) What is White Box Testing?
10) Define Single-mode fault?
11) Define Multi-mode fault.
12) Define Pair-wise Testing.
13) What is Error-guessing?
14) Write any two important features of SilkTest.
15) Write a note on SQA Robot.
16) Write any two important aspects of WinRunner.
17) What is a use of LoadRunner?
18) What is Apache JMeter? Why it is used?

Long answer Questions

1) Explain error, fault, and failure. (6)
2) What is test oracle? Explain with diagram. (4)
3) Explain the test case and test criteria. (5)
4) Briefly explain Functional Testing. (6)
5) Explain Equivalence Class Partitioning. (4)
6) Explain Boundary Value Analysis. (3)
7) Explain the Cause-Effect Graphing with an diagram. (5)
8) Briefly explain Structural Testing. (6)
9) Explain Control Flow-based testing with suitable example. (5)
10) Explain Data Flow-based testing with an example. (5
11) Write a note on WinRunner/ Write the important aspects of WinRunner. (5)
12) Write a note on SilkTest/Write the important features of SilkTest. (4)
13) Write the important features of TestDirector. (5)
14) Explain the salient features of Apache JMeter. (4)
15) Explain the role of LoadRunner in testing. (4)
16) Write the important features of SQA Robot. (4)


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Computer & Communication Networks

Two marks questions
1) Define computer network and Internet.
2) What is the use of message source and channel?
3) What is analog data and digital data?
4) What is analog signal and digital signal?
5) What is Frequency and Attenuation
6) Differentiate Bit rate and Baud rate
7) What is transmission medium?
8) What is wireless network?
9) What is segmentation and multiplexing?
10) Define throughput and bandwidth.
11) Expand LAN, WAN, MAN and PAN
12) What is protocol and protocol stack?
13) Define TCP and UDP
14) Define multiplexing.
15) Define switched networks. Specify types.
16) What are end devices? Give any two examples.
17) Differentiate connection oriented and connection less service
18) What are connecting devices? Give any two examples.
19) What are interworking devices? Give any two examples.
20) What are amplifiers and repeaters?

Long answer questions

1) Explain Bus Topology with the help of a diagram (5).

2) Explain Star Topology. Give its advantages and disadvantages (5).
3) Explain Ring Topology with the help of a diagram (5)
4) Explain in brief i) Mesh Topology ii) Tree Topology (4)
5) What is network operating system? Explain in brief Peer-to-peer and Client-server
network (5).
6) Explain i) Twisted pair cables ii) Co-axial cables iii) Fibre-optic cable (6)
7) Explain different types of networks. (6)
8) Explain any 4/5/6 differences between LAN and WAN (4/5/6).
9) What is wireless network? Explain its types (5).
10) Write a note of connection oriented and connection less service (5/6).
11) What is network switching? Explain broadcast networks (4/5).
12) What are switched networks? Explain circuit switched and packet switched networks. (6)
13) Write a note on message switched network (4/5).
14) Explain in brief different layers of OSI model (7).
15) Explain in brief different layers of TCP/IP model (5).

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16) Explain any 2/3/4 connecting devices (4/6/8).

17) Explain any 2/3/4 internetworking devices (4/6/8).
18) Explain how OSI model works (5)
19) Explain differences between OSI and TCP/IP models (5)
20) Explain different switching methods (5)

Two marks questions
1) Name the 2 types of network media
2) Name the different types of ALOHA
3) Expand CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA (any 2)
4) Write the different types of CSMA
5) What is 1-persistent CSMA?
6) What is non-persistent CSMA?
7) What is p-persistent CSMA?
8) What is inter-frame space (IFS) and contention window?
9) What is half-duplex and full-duplex ethernet?
10) What is ARP and RARP?
11) What is ARP cache and Proxy Cache?
12) What is IP address?
13) What is IP loopback address and zero address?
14) What is the difference between MAC and IP address?
15) What is subnet masks and subnetting?
16) What is supernetting?
17) What is CIDR?
18) What is IPv6?
19) Name the different IPv6 addressing types.
20) Mention different options for implementing ethernet networks

Long answer questions

1) Write a note on i) broadcasting network links and ii) point-to-point network links. (6)
2) With diagram, explain frames in i) Pure ALOHA and ii) Slotted ALOHA (6)
3) What is CSMA? Explain its different types. (7)
4) What is CSMA/CD? How does it work? (5)
5) Briefly explain CSMA/CA. (5)
6) What is Ethernet? Explain how does it work? (5)
7) Explain the working of Token Ring? (6)
8) With and example, explain how ARP resolves MAC addresses for local traffic? (5)
9) With an example, explain how ARP resolves MAC addresses for remote traffic? (5)
10) What is RARP? How does RARP works. (5)
11) Briefly explain IPv4 address classes. (5)
12) Explain different IPv4 addressing types. (4/5)
13) Explain IPv4 datagram Header format. (5/6/7)

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14) Explain IPv4 Reserved Address (5)

15) Explain different components of packet flow in an IPv4 network (5)
16) Explain the features of IPv6. (5/6)
17) Explain different IPv6 addressing types. (4/5)
18) Explain IPv6 datagram Header format. (6/6)
19) Explain IPv6 address structure (5)

Two marks questions
1) What are narrowband RF LANs?
2) What is home RF and Bluetooth?
3) What is cellular network?
4) List the four types of channels in CDMA-based mobile network?
5) List any 4 major challenges with mobile IP.
6) What is network routing?
7) Name any two key factors for efficient delivery of packets in network routing?
8) What is static routing algorithm and dynamic routing algorithm?
9) What is single-path routing and multi-path routing?
10) What is intra-domain and inter-domain routing protocols?
11) What is EGP and BGP?
12) What is OSPF?
13) what are ports and sockets?
14) Write any 2 characteristics of UDP.
15) Write any 2 characteristics of TCP.
16) Name the protocols which are operated through VoIP network?
17) Mention four types of IEEE 802.11 physical layers
18) What is Mobile IP?
19) Name any two major challenges with mobile IP
20) Name any four routing algorithm metrics
Long answer questions
1) Write a note on i) Infrared LAN ii) Spread-Spectrum LAN (4/5/6)
2) Explain 802.11 physical layer types. (4)
3) Explain 802.11 MAC frame format. (6)
4) Briefly explain the steps involved in establishing a call between two mobile users in a cellular
network. (6)
5) Explain the benefits of mesh network. (4)
6) What are the various metrics used for routing algorithm? Explain. (6)
7) Write a short note on i) IGP ii) RIP (6)
8) Explain the features of OSPF. (5/6)
9) Explain the various BGP message types. (4)
10) Explain the opening and confirming a BGP connection with a neighbour router. (6)
11) Write the characteristics of TCP and UDP. (6)
12) Briefly explain TCP connection establishment- Three-way handshake. (5/6)
13) Write the differences between TCP and UDP. (5)

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14) Explain the components of session Initiation Protocol. (5)

15) Explain different terminologies in OSPF (5)
16) Explain different routing algorithm metrics (5)
17) Explain different terminologies in TCP/IP (5)
18) Briefly explain IEEE 802.11 wireless standard (5)
19) Briefly explain major challenges with Mobile IP (5)
20) Briefly explain Mobile IP registration steps (5)

Two marks questions
1) Write the services provided by session layer.
2) What is RPC protocol?
3) Write any 2 advantages of RPC protocol.
4) Expand ADSP, PPTP, RPC, SMPP (any 2)
5) What is lossless coding and lossy coding?
6) What is HTTP and SMTP?
7) Write any 2 advantages of POP3.
8) Write any 2 advantages of IMAP.4
9) What is FTP and DNS?
10) What is TFTP and DHCP?
11) Name the four pillars of network security?
12) What is computer virus and worm virus?
13) What is antivirus software? What are its functions?
14) What is adware and spyware?
15) What is firewall? Name the different types of firewall techniques.
16) What is packet sniffer and trojan horse?
17) What is cryptography?
18) What is digital signature?
19) Name any two session layer tasks
20) Name any two presentation layer tasks
Long answer questions

1) Explain the steps of a Remote Procedure Call. (6)

2) What are the major sessions layer protocols? Explain. (6)
3) Explain the various tasks provided by presentation layer. (4)
4) Write a note on i) Data conversion ii) Data representation. (6)
5) What is data encryption? Explain its objectives. (5)
6) How does SMTP work? Explain. (4)
7) Explain the active and passive connection modes of FTP. (6)
8) Briefly explain how does DHCP work? (6)
9) Briefly explain various network security components. (6)
10) Write a note on i) Spoofing attack ii) Phishing attack (6)
11) Write a note on i) stream ciphers ii) Block ciphers (6)
12) Explain the components of symmetric encryption (4)

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13) Explain the components of asymmetric encryption (5)

14) How do you create and verify digital signature? Explain. (6)
15) What is firewall? What are its advantages and disadvantages? (5/6/7)
16) Explain various services provided by the session layer (5)
17) Explain four pillars of network security (5)
18) Explain network security terms (5)
19) Write a note on i) DoS ii) DDoS (5)
20) Write a note on Cryptography (5)


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Distributed Computing
2 Marks Questions
1. What is monolithic computing?
2. Define Distributed Computing?
3. What are network service and network applications?
4. List any four top-level domain names.
5. What is the difference between program and process?
6. Write simplified state transition diagram.
7. What are the types of concurrent programming?
8. What do you mean by parent child processes?
9. Differentiate program and a process
10. What are threads? What are the 2 ways of creating threads in Java?
11. Differentiate connection oriented and connectionless communication?
12. Write the diagram of IPv4 address scheme.
13. Write any 4 top level domain names.
14. Write the general format of URL.
15. What is the difference between procedural and object oriented programming?
16. What is UML?
17. Write the diagram of architecture of distributed applications?
18. What is IPC?
19. Mention 4 primitive operations of IPC?
20. What is event synchronization?
4, 5,6 and 7 Marks Questions
1. List and explain different forms of computing. (7)
2. Explain strengths and weaknesses of distributed computing. (6)
3. Draw the simplified state transition diagram of a process and explain it. Also write the difference between
program and process (5)
4. What is concurrent programming? Explain its types. (7)
5. What do you mean by connection oriented and connectionless communication? (6)
6. Explain with diagram IPv4 address scheme. (5)
7. Draw the architecture of distributed applications and explain the same (5)
8. Define IPC? Differentiate unicast and multicast. (4)
9. Differentiate connection-oriented and connectionless IPC(4)
10. Write a note on an archetypal IPC program interface. Explain the working of basic HTTP works with block
diagram. (7)
11. Define is event synchronization? Mention its types (3) 2
12. Explain synchronous send and synchronous receive with block diagram (6)
13. Explain asynchronous send and synchronous receive with block diagram
14. Explain synchronous send and asynchronous receive. Explain all its scenarios with diagram (8)
15. Write a note on asynchronous send and asynchronous receive. (5)
16. Write a note on timeouts and threading. (4)
17. Write a note on deadlocks and timeouts. (4)

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18. What do you mean by data representation? (5)

19. Explain event diagram and sequence diagram with suitable examples (7)
20. Write the evolution paradigms for interprocess communication with block diagram (4)

2 Marks Questions
1. Define abstraction.
2. What are paradigms?
3. Write the diagram of distributed computing paradigms and their level of abstraction.
4. What is message passing?
5. What is client server paradigm?
6. What do you mean by peer-to-peer paradigm?
7. What are message system paradigm and their types?
8. What is RPC?
9. Expand ORB, RPC
10. List different types of distributed paradigms
11. What do you mean by object space?
12. What is mobile agent paradigm?
13. What is network service paradigm?
14. What do you mean by groupware (collaborative application)?
15. What are UDP and TCP? Why they are used?
16. List two transport layer protocols used in datagram socket API.
17. What are the two types of sockets in stream mode socket API?
18. What is SSL?
19. What is JSSE?
20. Expand: RMI, RPC, SSL, JSSE.

5,6 and 7Marks Questions

1. Write a note on message passing. (5)
2. Explain client-server paradigm with block diagram. (5)
3. Explain peer-to-peer paradigm with block diagram (5)
4. What is message system paradigm? Explain its 2 types. (8)
5. Write a note on Point-to-Point message Model (4)
6. What do you mean by publish/subscribe message model? Explain. (4)
7. With neat diagram explain remote procedure call. (7)
8. What do you mean by distributed object paradigms? Explain RMI and ORB. (8)
9. What is Object Request Broker paradigm? (4)
10. Explain Remote Method Invocation with block diagram (4)
11. Write a note on object space. (4)
12. Explain Mobile Agent Paradigm?(4)
13. With diagram explain the Network Service Paradigm. (5)
14. Write a note on Collaborative Application (Groupware) Paradigm. Explain its 2 types. (5)
15. Write a note on trade-offs of distributed computing paradigms. (6)
16. List and explain different protocols used in Datagram Socket API(4)

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17. With diagram explain connectionless datagram socket(6)

18. What are connectionless and connection oriented datagram sockets? Explain with diagrams (6)
19. What do you mean by stream-mode socket API? Explain with diagram. (6)
20. Write a note on secure socket API. (4)
2 Marks Questions
1. Draw the diagram of request response pattern of interprocess communication in the client server model.
2. What do you mean by daytime service?
3. Write the diagram of software architecture for a client-server application.
4. What are the advantages to separate the three layers of logic into different software modules?
5. What are the methods of DatagramPacket class?
6. Write any two advices for testing a network service.
7. What is echo protocol?
8. What are iterative and concurrent servers?
9. What do you mean by stateless and stateful protocols?
10. What is global state information?
11. What is session state information?
12. Draw the block diagrams of one-to-one and group communication.
13. What are the primitive operations of multicast API?
14. What is reliable multicast?
15. What is unreliable multicast?
16. What are the classifications of reliable multicast systems?
17. What is FIFO multicasting?
18. What is causal order multicasting?
19. What is atomic order multicasting?
20. What are the classes used in java basic multicast API?
21. How to join and receive messages sent to a multicast group?
22. What are the packages available that provide reliable multicast API?

5,6 and 7 Marks Questions

1. With neat diagram explain client-server distributed computing paradigm. (5)
2. Write the diagram of execution flow of the server process and explain service session. (5)
3. Briefly explain client-server paradigm issues. (10)
4. Explain with diagram in client-server model how request response pattern flows and also how session
proceeds. (5)
5. What do you mean by data representation? How it is done in Daytime service?(4)
6. Write the software architecture of network service in client server application.(5)
7. Explain Daytime client-server using connectionless datagram socket. (7)
8. Explain Daytime client-server using stream mode socket. (7)
9. How can you test a network service? (5)
10. Write a note on connectionless Echo client-server. (5)
11. Write a note on connection-oriented Echo client-server. (5)
12. Write a note on iterative server and concurrent server. (4)
13. What are stateful servers? What are 2 states of information? (7)

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14. What is session state information? Differentiate stateful and stateless servers. (8)
15. Write a note on session state information. (5)
16. Write a note on an archetypal multicast API. (5)
17. Write a note on connectionless versus connection oriented multicast and reliable versus unreliable
multicasting. (6)
18. Write and explain the classification of reliable multicast systems. (8)
19. Explain
i. FIFO reliable multicasting.
ii. causal-order reliable multicasting.
iii. atomic order reliable multicasting. (6)
20. How can you send multicast messages to a multicast group? And how can it be received? (6)
21. Write a note on reliable multicast API. (5)
2 Marks Questions
1. List the 4 well known toolkits for distributed object systems.
2. Draw the diagram of local procedure call versus remote procedure call.
3. What are the layers used in client-side architecture of Java RMI?
4. What are the layers used in server-side architecture of Java RMI?
5. What is Object Registry?
6. What do you mean by Java Remote Interface?
7. What are stubs and skeletons?
8. Why we use import and export statements in java RMI object?
9. Give any 2 trade-offs between the RMI API and socket API.
10. What do you mean by polling and call back?
11. Write the diagram polling versus call back.
12. What is stub downloading?
13. Define polling.
14. Why RMI security manager is used?
5,6 and 7 Marks Questions
1. What do you mean by message passing and distributed objects? (5)
2. What is an archetypal distributed object architecture? Explain with diagram. (6)
3. What do you mean by remote procedure call? Differentiate local procedure call and remote procedure call
with diagram and explain (5)
4. Write the Java RMI Client-side and server-side architecture. (6)
5. With a neat diagram explain the Java RMI architecture. (7)
6. With a time event diagram explain how interaction between RMI stub and RMI skeleton.(4)
7. Write a note on: remote interface and remote interface implementation. (5)
8. What do you mean by stub and skeleton generation in java RMI.(4)
9. What you mean by object server? What are its template parts? Explain (6)
10. What does client side software includes in Java RMI. (5)
11. Write the algorithm for developing the server-side software (6)
12. Write the algorithm for developing the client-side software (5)
13. With diagram explain how files must be placed in java RMI application. (5)
14. What are the steps involved in testing and debugging of RMI application? (5)

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15. Write the difference between RMI and socket API. (6)
16. With diagram explain polling and callbacks in RMI (5)
17. Write the architecture of RMI with client callback.(6)
18. What is client side augmentation for client callback.(8)
19. What is server side augmentation for client callback.(4)
20. Write the algorithm for developing the server-side software when building an RMI application with client
callback. (8)
21. Write the algorithm for developing the client-side software when building an RMI application with client
callback. (7)
22. With a neat diagram explain stub downloading. (6)
23. Write a note on RMI Security Manager. (5)

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Web Technology
Short answer questions (2 marks)
1. List any two structural elements of HTML5 with its purpose.
2. How do you create CANVAS in HTML5? Give an Example (<CANVAS> tag)
3. Differentiate between strokeRect() and fillRect() method.
4. Write the necessary tags used to draw a line with red color ,whose coordinate values are
{10,50}, {100,100}.
5. Write the syntax of rgba() used in canvas with an example?
6. List any two HTML5 form input controls with their purpose.
7. What is the purpose of readonly and placeholder attributes in HTML5 form inputs?
8. What is the purpose of autocomplete and disabled attributes?
9. What are video containers? List any two of them.
10. Write any two attributes of audio tag with their purpose?
11. Write any two attributes of video tag with their purpose?
12. Differentiate between value type and reference types.
13. List the special operators used in C#, with their purpose.
14. How do you write comments in C#?
15. Define literals. List any two literal types used in C#.
16. What are called predefined reference types? List them.
17. What do you mean by Boxing/Unboxing?
18. List the different types of Method Parameters used.
19. Distinguish between ref and out parameters.
20. Write the syntax of conditional operator used in C# with an example.
21. Differentiate break and continue statements used in C#?
22. What is the purpose of goto statement in C#? Give an example.
23. What do you mean by overloaded constructors?
24. What do you mean by polymorphism?
25. What do you mean by copy constructor?
26. What do you mean by destructors? How they are defined in C#?
27. What do you mean by ‘this’ reference in C#?
28. Compare constant with read-only members used in C#?
Long answer questions
1. List and Explain the structural elements of HTML document with an example? (5)
2. List and explain inline elements of HTML with an example? (5)
3. Explain with example (any two) (5)
a) Drawing Rectangle
b) Drawing line Art
c) Drawing arcs
d) Drawing Texts
e) Drawing Bezier Curve
f) Drawing Quadratic curves.
4. Write a note on video on web. (5)

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5. Write a note on audio on web. (5)

6. Explain the various input types used to design a form in HTML5. (5)
7. Explain different Data Types (value and reference type with taxonomy of C# data type fig). (6)
8. What is Literal? Explain. (5)
9. Explain Scope of variable with example. (5)
10. List and explain any four types of operators, with example. (5)
11. Explain Boxing and Unboxing with example. (6)
12. What are the various forms of ‘if’ statement ? Explain with example. (5)
13. Differentiate Switch and if statement. (4)
14. What is “fallthrough” in switch statement ? How is it achieved in C#? (5)
15. Explain the following loops with syntax and example: (i) while ii) do…while iii) for iv) foreach
(any two) (6)
16. What are Nested loops? Explain with example. (5)
17. Explain with an example, how methods are declared in C#. (5)
18. What is nesting of methods? Give an example. (5)
19. What are Method parameters? Explain the different types. (5)
20. What are Parameter Arrays? Explain with example. (5)
21. Explain Method Overloading with an example. (5)
22. Explain with syntax and example, how a class is defined? Also list the categories of class
members. (5)
23. Explain Static members used inside the class in C#.
24. What is Constructor? Explain with syntax and example. (5)
25. Explain Overloaded Constructors in c#. (5)
26. How constant members and read-only members are created and used in C#? Explain with an
example. (6)
Short answer questions (2 marks)
1. What is ASP.NET?
2. Write any two differences between ASP and ASP.NET.
3. What are Server controls? Name the different types of it.
4. Name the different types of web controls (four types).
5. Write the syntax of creating Web Server Control.
6. List any two Web Server Controls, also specify their purpose.
7. List any two HTML Server Controls, also specify their function.
8. Name any four validation controls.
9. List any two data controls.
10. What are rich controls? List them.
11. What is the purpose of TextMode and MaxLength properties of textbox control in ASP.NET?
12. What are buttons? List their types in ASP.NET?
13. What are the different options are used to specify the RepeatLayout property of the CheckBoxList.
14. What are the different options are used to specify the RepeatLayout property of the
15. What are Panel Controls? Why it is used?
16. Name the control used for banner advertisement in ASP.Net? Explain any one attribute of it.

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17. Write the usage of CompareValidator.

18. What are validation controls? List any two of them.
19. What are the advantages of disconnected data access architecture?
20. What are data bound controls? List any two such controls used for complex binding?
21. What is the purpose of the following objects used in ADO.NET:
a) Command Object b) DataSet Object c)DetailsView d) ListView

Long answer questions

1. Write the different characteristics of ASP.NET. (5)
2. Differentiate ASP with ASP.NET (5)
3. Explain the architecture of ASP.NET with a neat diagram. (5)
4. Write the advantages of ASP.NET web form pages. (5)
5. What are HTML Server controls? List any five HTML server controls with their purpose. (5)
6. Explain ASP.NET Web server Controls. (5)
7. Explain different types of buttons used in ASP.NET with their properties and example. (6)
8. Explain ImageControl of ASP.NET with its properties. (5)
9. Explain the following controls with an example using these properties: (any two) (6)
a) TEXTBOX (CausesValidation, MaxLength, ReadOnly, Rows, Cols, Runat, Text, TextMode,
b) BUTTONS (CausesValidation, CommandArgument, CommandName, OnClientClick, Text )
c) LABEL (AssociatedControlId , Text)
d) DropDownList (BorderColor, BorderStyle,BorderWidth,SelectedIndex)
e) CheckBox ( CausesValidation, Checked, Text, TextAlign , CheckedChanged(event ))
f) CheckBoxList (CellPadding , CellSpacing , RepeatColumns, RepeatDirection , RepeatLayout}
g) RadioButton {GroupName)
h)RadioButtonList( CellPadding , CellSpacing , RepeatColumns, RepeatDirection , RepeatLayout)
i) Panel (BackImageUrl , Direction , GroupingText, HorizontalAlign , ScrollBars )
j) .AdRotator (AdvertisementFile, AlternateTextField, ImageUrlField, NavigatorUrlField, Target)
k) Calendar( SelectionMode, DayHeaderStyle, DayStyle, SelectedDayStyle,TitleStyle,
TodayDayStyle, WeekendDayStyle,showNextPrevMonth ,ShowTitle)
10. Explain the following validators with example. (6)
a) RequiredFieldValidator
b) RangeValidator
c) RegularExpressionValidator
d) CompareValidator
e) CustomValidator
f) ValidationSummary
11. List and explain any six ADO.NET objects. (6)
12. Explain the following Controls with their purpose, attributes, and methods: (any two) (6)
a) SqlDataSource b) ObjectDataSource c) XmlDataSource d) AccessDataSource e)LinqDataSource
13. Explain the following Controls with their purpose, attributes, and methods: (any two) (6)
a)DataList b) GridView c)FormView d) DetailsView e)ListView f)DataPager

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Short answer questions (2 marks)
1. What are PHP tags? List two types of PHP tags?
2. List two types of PHP tags with an example for each.
3. List any two data types used in PHP with its purpose.
4. How do you declare and use constants in PHP? Give an example.
5. What are superglobals in PHP? List any two of them.
6. How do you suppress an error in PHP? Give an example.
7. What is the purpose of type operator in PHP? Give an example.
8. List any two type-setting functions of PHP with their purpose?
9. What are the statements used to break a control structure in PHP? Give an example.
10. Why do you use feof() function in PHP? Give an example.
11. Write the purpose of fgets() function in PHP with an example?
12. How do you initialise numerically indexed and associate arrays in PHP? Give an example.
13. List any two array operators used in PHP with their purpose.
14. What is the purpose of array_multisort() function? Give an example.
15. Write the purpose of shuffle() and array_reverse() functions in PHP?
16. What do you mean by trim() function in PHP? Give an example.
17. What is the purpose of htmlspecialchars() function? Give an example.
18. Write the purpose of nl2br() function with an example.
19. What is strlen() function? Give an example.
20. Write the purpose of strops() and strrpos() functions?
21. List any two predefined character classes with their matches used in regular expressions?
22. List with their purpose, any two special characters used in regular expressions to specify multiple
occurrences of a particular string?
23. List any two metacharacters used in PCRE regular expressions outside square brackets with their

Long answer questions

1. How do you access Form variables in PHP? Explain with an example. (5)
2. Write a note on scope of variables in PHP? (5)
3. How do you test and set variable types? Explain with an example for each. (4)
4. List and explain any six different file modes for fopen() in PHP? (6)
5. Explain fopen(), fwrite() and fclose() functions of PHP? (6)
6. List any three functions used to read a whole file in PHP? (6)
7. Explain fgetc() and fread() functions of PHP with an example? (4)
8. Explain three types of arrays used in PHP with an example for each. (6)
9. Explain sort(), assort() and ksort() functions of PHP with an example? (6)
10. Explain count() and array_count_values() functions with an example? (4)
11. How do you format a string for printing? Explain with suitable example. (5)
12. List and explain the functions used for changing the case of a string in PHP? (5)
13. Explain explode(), implode(), strtok(), and substr() functions of PHP with their purpose and
example? (any three) (6)
14. Explain str_replace() and substr_replace() functions with their purpose and example? (4)

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15. Explain three string comparison functions of PHP with an example? (6)
16. Explain any three functions used to find a string within another string with an example? (6)
17. Write a note on wildcards used with regular expressions with example. (4)
18. Write a note on escape sequences, back references and assertions used in regular expressions? (6)
19. Explain metacharacters used in PCRE regular expressions outside and inside square brackets with
their purpose?
20. Explain preg_match(), preg_replace() and preg_split() functions with their prototype and example.
(any two) (6)

Short answer questions (2 marks)
1. How do you declare a constructor in PHP? Give an example.
2. What are destructors in PHP? Give an example.
3. What are access modifiers? List three different access modifiers supported in PHP.
4. What do you mean by overriding in PHP?
5. Write an example to declare an interface with class definition which implements the interface?
6. What are traits? How do you create them?
7. What do you mean by Per-Class Constants in PHP? Give an example.
8. What are static methods in PHP? Give an example.
9. Write the purpose of instanceof and type hinting in PHP?
10. What do you mean by clone keyword in PHP? Give an example.
11. What are abstract classes in PHP? Give an example?
12. What is the use of __autoload() function in PHP? Give an example.
13. Give an example for procedural and object-oriented syntax to connect MYSQL using mysqli.
14. Write the purpose of mysqli_query() with an example.
15. Why do you need Prepared Statements? Give an example.
16. Write proper statements to disconnect from the database using PHP?
17. List any two directives used with PHP while uploading files with their purpose.
18. List any two directives used in session upload progress with their default values.
19. Write the purpose of dirname($path) and basename($path) functions.
20. How do you create and delete directories in PHP?

Long answer questions

1. How do you access the attributes and operations of a class in PHP? Explain an example. (5)
2. How do you implement inheritance in PHP? Explain with an example. (5)
3. Explain the concept of Overriding in PHP with an example? (6)
4. How do you create traits? Explain with an example. (5)
5. What is late static binding? Explain with an example? (4)
6. How do you implement method overloading in PHP? Explain with an example. (5)
7. How do you implement iterators and iterations in PHP? Explain with an example? (7)
8. Explain the steps involved in working of web database architecture? (6)
9. Explain the basic steps involved to access (query) a database from the web with necessary
example. (8)

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10. Create a web page to store Book information such as ISBN, Author, Title and Price accepted by
the user to a table ‘Books ‘. (8)
11. How do you implement a file upload using HTML? Explain with an example. (6)
12. Explain the data stored in superglobal array $_FILES handled by PHP script while uploading the
file? (5)
13. Explain directives used in session upload progress with their descriptions. (5)
14. Explain any five common upload problems to be avoided?
15. Explain opendir(), readdir(), rewinddir(), and scandir() with an example. (any two) (6)
16. Explain any three file status functions with an example. (5)
17. List and explain the functions used by web server to change the file system properties with their
syntax). (5).
18. How does the web server user can create, delete and move files, explain? (6)
19. Explain the four main techniques to execute a command on the web server with their syntax? (6)


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Python Programming
Questions carrying 2 Marks
1. What is Python Virtual Machine?
2. How to view the Python byte code?
3. How to write a comment line in Python? mention two types.
4. What is docstring?
5. What is meant by Garbage Collection in Python?
6. List any four differences between C and Python
7. List any four differences between Java and Python.
8. List any four standard datatypes supported by
9. Python.
10. Differentiate bytes and bytearray data type with example
11. List any four types of sequences.
12. Differentiate tuple and list with example
13. Differentiate set and frozenset it with example
14. How to retrieve the key and values of a dictionary? Give example.
15. How to determine the data type of a variable?
16. Give the syntax and example
17. What is the purpose of membership operators? Give example
18. What is the purpose of the pass statement? Give its syntax
19. What is the purpose of the assert statement? Give its syntax.
20. What is the purpose of else suit in Python loops? Give example
21. Give two methods of importing array module.
22. What do you mean by array slicing? Give example
23. What is array indexing? Give example
24. What is the purpose of reshape() and flatten() methods?

5 marks Questions
1. Explain any five features of Python
2. Explain the execution of a Python program by PVM
3. Explain any five flavors of Python
4. Explain the concept of Python Virtual Machine
5. Write a note on memory management in Python
6. Write a note on the purpose of Docstring in Python with an example
7. Explain numeric data type and bool data type in Python
8. Explain the various sequence data types in Python with Syntax and example
9. List any five naming conventions in Python
10. Write a note on assignment, unary minus operator in Python.
11. Explain the Arithmetic operators and membership operators available in Python with example
12. Explain the logical and relational operators with an example
13. Explain the bitwise operators

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14. Explain the following mathematical functions with example

a) ceil(x) b) floor(x) c) fabs(x) d) fmod(x) e) pow(x,y)
15. How to read different types of input from the keyboard. Give example
16. How to read multiple values from the keyboard using the split() method. Give example.
17. Write a note on different formats of print() function
18. Explain passing command-line arguments with a program example
19. Explain the different functions used to create an Array using the numpy package.
20. Explain any five attributes of numpy array

Questions carrying 2 Marks
1. How to create multiline strings in Python? Give example.
2. Give the general format and example of slicing strings.
3. How to compare and Concatenate two strings in Python? Give one example for each.
4. Give the output of the following Python code:
str1 = 'This is Pyhton'
print "Slice of String : ", str1[1 : 4 : 1]
print "Slice of String : ", str1[0 : -1 : 2]
5. Give the syntax and purpose of the find() method.
6. Differentiate count and len methods of string.
7. List 4 types of actual arguments use in Python function calls.
8. What is the purpose of the global keyword?
9. What is Anonymous / Lamda function? How it is defined in Python?
10. What is a function decorator?
11. What is generator function?
12. Write a python code to create a list using the range() function
13. How to add and remove list elements? Give example
14. What are indexing and negative indexing in Tuple?
15. List two advantages of Tuple over List
16. Write the output of the given python code :
aList = [123, 'xyz', 'zara', 'abc'];
aList.insert (3,2009)
print ("Final List:", aList)
17. What is the output of print (tuple[1:3]) if tuple = ( 'abcd', 786 , 2.23, 'john', 70.2 )?
18. What is a dictionary? Give example
19. What is meant by key-value pairs in a dictionary?
20. Write a Python code to print key-value pairs from a dictionary using for loop
21. Write a Python code to convert a string into Dictionary.
22. How does del operation work on dictionaries? Give an example.
5 marks Questions
1. Explain different ways of slicing strings with examples
2. With an example explain find() and index() methods of the string object.
3. Explain string splitting and string joining with examples.
4. Explain with syntax and example defining, calling function in Python.
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5. With an example explain returning multiple values from a function.

6. Explain different types of actual arguments used in the function call with examples.
7. Explain How to define lambdas in Python with an example program.
8. Explain use of filter() , map() and reduce() methods with suitable examples
9. Explain function decorators with an example program.
10. Explain different ways of creating lists with examples
11. Explain Indexing and Slicing operation for the list with example in python.
12. Explain any five methods to process the list.
13. Explain different ways of creating tuple and accessing tuple elements.
14. Explain any five methods to process the tuple elements.
15. Explain any five methods to process elements of the dictionary.
16. Write a note on converting lists and strings into a dictionary.

Questions carrying 2 Marks
1. What is the purpose of the self variable?
2. Give the General format of defining constructor in Python.
3. Differentiate between accessor methods and mutator methods.
4. What is an accessor method? Give example.
5. What is a mutator method? Give example.
6. Differentiate between an instance variable and a class variable.
7. How to define a static method? Give example
8. Define method overloading and method overriding.
9. What is polymorphism?
10. What is the purpose of the super() method?
11. What is an abstract class?
12. What is an exception? List any two built-in exceptions in Python.
13. What is a regular expression? Give an example
14. What do \w and $ represent in the regular expression?
15. Write a regular expression that matches a 5-character string starting with 'a' and ends with 's'
16. Write the output of the following Python code:
s= 'one two three four five nine ten eight seven 8 9'
result=re.findall(r '\b\w{4,}\b',s)
17. List any two different ways to create a thread.
18. What is a thread? Which method is used to return the name of the currently Running Thread?
19. What is the daemon thread?
20. What is the use of the join () method in thread class?

5 marks Questions
1. What is a class? How to create a class and object in Python? Give example
2. Write a note on the Constructor and self-variable.
3. Explain the different types of variables in Python with the example.
4. Explain the different types of methods in Python with an example.

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5. Write a note on inner classes with an example.

6. What is inheritance? How to implement inheritance in Python? Give an example
7. Explain with example overriding superclass constructor and method
8. Explain any 2 types of inheritance in Python with an example for each
9. Explain multiple inheritance in Python with an example.
10. Explain method overloading and overriding with example
11. Explain abstract class and abstract method with an example.
12. What is an interface? Explain how to convert class as an interface with an example.
13. Differentiate abstract classes and interfaces.
14. Explain exception handling in Python with an example.
15. List and describe any five built-in exceptions in Python.
16. Explain user-defined exceptions with suitable example
17. Write a note on logging the exceptions.
18. Explain the sequence characters used in regular expressions. give example
19. Explain the quantifiers used in regular expressions.
20. Give an example.
21. Explain the special characters used in a regular expression. Give an example.
22. Explain findall() and search() methods used to the regular expression.
23. Explain creating a thread without using a class with an example.
24. Explain creating a thread by creating a subclass to the Thread class. Give an example.
25. Explain creating a thread without creating a subclass to the Thread class. Give an example.
26. List and describe any five methods associated with the Thread class
27. What is thread synchronization? Explain different techniques used for thread synchronization?
28. Explain notify() and wait() methods in thread communication.

Questions carrying 2 Marks
1. What is root window? How it is created in Python?
2. What is Canvas? How it is created in Python?
3. Write Python code to create rectangle and arc in canvas.
4. Write a Python code to display an image in the canvas.
5. Differentiate Canvas and frame.
6. How to add a scrollbar to a Text widget?
7. Differentiate Label and Text Widget.
8. What is an entry widget? How it is created?
9. What is a spin box widget? How it is created?
10. List the values that can be assigned to selectmode property of listbox
11. Write a Python code to read the source code of a web page.
12. Write a Python code to download an image from the internet.
13. Write a Python code to download the a page
14. Write the Python statements used to connect the Gmail server and send a message.
15. List any four types of databases used with Python.
16. How to connect to MySQL database from Python.
17. What is of cursor object?

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18. What are the methods used to get a single row and all the rows from the table?
19. How to connect to the oracle database from Python?
20. What are the modules used to work with MySQL and Oracle databases?

5 marks Questions
1. Explain the steps involved in creating a GUI application in Python with a suitable example.
2. How to create a button widget and bind it to the event handler? Explain with example.
3. Write a Python GUI program to create three pushbuttons using Tkinter. BackgroundThe color
of the frame should be different when different buttons are clicked.
3. Write a note on arranging Widgets in a frame using layout managers.
4. Write a note on
i) Text Widget ii) Scrollbar Widget
5. Write a Python code to create 3 check buttons and display the selected option using a label.
6. Write a note on
i) Checkbox Widget ii) Radiobutton Widget
7. Write a Python program to create Listbox with course names and display selected course in a
8. Explain the process of creating a Listbox widget with a suitable example. Also, explain
different values associated with selectmode option.
9. How to create a Menu in Python? Explain the process of creating menus in Python with Syntax
and example.
10. Explain the functions related to TCP/IP server and TCP/IP Client
11. Explain the functions related to UDP Server and UDP Client
12. Write a Python program to create a File server that receives file name and send the contents of
a file.
13. Explain how to connect to the MySQL database and retrieve all the rows from a table with a
suitable example.
14. Explain how records are inserted and deleted from the MySQL database with a suitable
15. Explain how MySQL database table is created using Python code.
16. Write a note on using the Oracle database from Python.
17. Explain how records are inserted and deleted from the MySQL database with example


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Accounting & Financial Management

Two Mark Questions
1. Define Formula and function.
2. How to create a simple formula in Excel?
3. What is absolute cell reference?
4. What is Relative cell reference?
5. Write the syntax of product function and explain why it is used?
6. Why count function is used? Write its syntax
7. Why Round function is used? Write the syntax of it.
8. What is the purpose of using AND function? Write its syntax.
9. Write the syntax of OR function. Write the purpose of using it.
10. Define Look up & Reference functions in Excel.
11. Write the syntax of the vector form of lookup function. Write the purpose of using it.
12. Why VLOOKUP function is used? Write its syntax.
13. Why HLOOKUP function is used? Write its syntax
14. What is pivot table?
15. What is the use of what-if-analysis? List the different tools used in it.
16. What is the use of linking worksheets and workbooks?
17. Why Goal seek tool is used? Give one example.
18. What do you mean by consolidating worksheet?
19. What is Google Sheet?
20. Why Watch Window Tool is used?
21. Write any two features of Google Sheet.
22. How to share a Google sheet?
Five Mark Questions
1. What iscell referencing? Explain.
2. How to get information about a function in Excel?
3. Explain mathematical functions.
4. Why statistical functions are used? Write a note on any two statistical functions.
5. Write a note on any two logical functions.
6. Explain IF logical function.
7. Why VLOOKUP function is used? Explain.
8. Why HLOOKUP function is used? Explain.
9. List and Explain Auditing tools.
10. List and explain types of errors that can occur while working with formulas in MS Excel.
11. Explain watch window tool.
12. Write a note on pivot table.
13. Explain power view.
14. Explain the data table tool of what-if-analysis.
15. Why scenario manager tool is used? Explain.
16. Explain how to protect worksheets.

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17. Explain how to protect workbooks.

18. Write a note on how we link Worksheets and workbooks.
19. Explain how to consolidate a worksheet using the paste special command.
20. Explain how to consolidate a worksheet using formula and consolidate command.
21. Write and explain the features of Google sheets.
22. Write the steps to create a new spread sheet using a blank template.
23. How to Enter Data in a Google Sheet?
24. How will you Importing and Export Data in a Google Sheet.

Two Mark Questions
1. Define Accounting.
2. What are the types of assets?
3. What is Liability?
4. Define Capital and revenue.
5. What are debtors and creditors?
6. Define Bad debts and depreciation.
7. What is personal account? Mention its types.
8. What is impersonal account? Mention its types.
9. Define journal.
10. What is profit and loss account?
11. Define trading account.
12. What is balance sheet?
13. Write the rules of Debit and Credit.
14. List the demerits of computerized accounting.
15. How to open and close Tally.ERP 9 Application?
16. How to select and shut company?
17. How to alter company details?
18. Write the steps to alter single and multiple groups in Tally.
19. How to display single and multiple groups in Tally?
20. What are units of Measure?
21. What is ledger?
22. How to create a simple unit?
23. How to alter a simple unit?
24. What is inventory?
25. What is godown?
26. Write the steps to activate godown option.
Five Mark Questions
1. What is ledger? Explain
2. What is trial balance? Explain.
3. Explain any two financial statements
4. Write a note on Balance sheet.
5. Write a note on Profit and loss account.
6. Explain any 5 important terms of accounting.

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7. Write the need of computerized accounting.

8. What are the merits of computerized accounting?
9. Write a note on different components of Tally.ERP 9 Application window.
10. How to create a company in Tally.ERP 9? Explain with steps.
11. How we can access company features? Explain the various sections of it.
12. Write a note on configurations of Tally.
13. Define a group. Explain how to create single and multiple groups in tally.
14. Explain how to create, display, and alter single stock group.
15. Explain how to create, display, and alter multiple stock groups.
16. Explain how to create single stock category.
17. Write the steps to create multiple stock categories.
18. What are Godowns? How to create single godowns in tally?
19. Write a note on multiple godowns.
20. Explain how to create, display, and alter single stock item?
21. Explain how to create, display, and alter multiple stock items?

Two mark Questions
1. Define a voucher.
2. Write the steps to alter Voucher type.
3. List accounting vouchers.
4. For what type of transactions we use contra and receipt voucher?
5. Why journal voucher and purchase voucher used?
6. What is purchase invoice? Write two ways of making invoices.
7. What is sales invoice? Write two ways of making invoices.
8. Define debit note and credit note.
9. What are inventory vouchers? Write its various types.
10. Why receipt note voucher is used? Write the steps to enable the use tracking numbers.
11. Why rejections out and rejections in voucher is used?
12. Define stock journal and manufacturing journal.
13. Define physical stock voucher.
14. Write any two features of POS.
15. Define VAT
16. How to enable VAT in tally?
17. How to enable cost category?
18. What is cost category?
19. How to alter a cost category?
20. What is Point of sale?
21. List any four features of POS.

Five Mark Questions

1. Explain how to create a voucher type?
2. Write a note on receipt and payment voucher.
3. Explain contra and journal voucher

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4. What is the purpose of using purchase voucher? Explain.

5. Write a note on sales voucher.
6. Explain sales invoice.
7. What is purpose of using purchase invoice?
8. Explain debit note.
9. Write a note on credit note.
10. List inventory vouchers. Explain any two.
11. Write the steps to create manufacturing voucher type and manufacturing journal.
12. Explain the steps to alter the stock journal voucher type.
13. Define physical stock journal. Explain.
14. Write a note on purchase order processing
15. Explain sales order processing.
16. What is reversing journal? Explain.
17. Explain optional voucher and post-dated voucher
18. What are cost categories? Explain.
19. Explain cost centre.
20. Write a note on price levels and price lists.
21. How to create a POS voucher type with and without a voucher class? Explain.
22. Explain how we create a POS Invoice with the single payment mode.
23. Explain how we create a POS Invoice with the multiple payment modes.
24. How to back up and restore data in tally?
25. How to export and import data?
26. Write a note on password policy.
27. Write a note on tally ODBC.
28. How to create stock item when VAT enabled?
29. How to create do voucher entry when VAT enabled?

Two mark Questions
1. Write the steps to view cash book.
2. How to view bank book.
3. What are the steps to view purchase register.
4. List the steps to view sales register.
5. Why profit & Loss account prepared?
6. What is day book? How to display it?
7. How to view stock group summary?
8. List the steps to view the sales order book.
9. What is stock transfer register? Write the steps to view it.
10. Write the steps to view debit note register.
11. How to view credit note register.
12. What is stock summary?
13. What is movement analysis?
14. Define TDS?
15. How to enable TDS?

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16. What is GST?

17. How to view GST Rates?
18. List any two features of GST.
19. List any two benefits of GST.
20. What are the four categories GST?

Five Mark Questions

1. Explain financial statements
2. List commonly used Accounting books and registers. Explain.
3. Write the steps to view sales order book, Purchase order book, movement analysis, stock ageing
4. Explain statements of accounts.
5. List the steps to view different statements of inventory.
6. Write a note on MIS Reports.
7. Write a note on Creating Ledgers for TDS.
8. Write a note on Creating TDS Vouchers.
9. Explain the features of GST.
10. What are the benefits of GST?
11. Write a note on classification of GST.
12. How to enable GST in Tally? Explain.
13. Explain how to create central Tax Ledger for GST?
14. Write a note on creating state Tax ledger?
15. How to create Party ledger? Explain.
16. Explain how to create purchase and sales ledger with GST?
17. How to create purchase and sales vouchers for GST?
18. Write the steps to create payment voucher.
19. Explain how to record voucher for advance payment to supplier?
20. How to create Journal voucher for Tax adjustment?

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Android Application Development

2 Marks Questions
1. What is Android?
2. What are the different layers of Android Architecture?
3. Specify the role of Linux Kernel in Android Architecture.
4. What is Dalvik Virtual Machine? Specify its use.
5. List any four components of Android Application Framework.
6. What is an Activity? Give an example.
7. What are services? Give an example.
8. Specify the use of Content Providers. Give an example.
9. What are Broadcast Receivers? Give an example.
10. What is the use of Manifest File in Android Programming? Specify its exact name.
11. Specify the application of strings.xml file. Give example string.xml.
12. What is a Dialog? List any two types of Dialogs.
13. Specify the role of Intent in Android Programming.
14. List any four categories of constants provided in the Intent class.
15. Differentiate explicit and implicit Intents.
16. Define Fragments. Specify their use.
17. What are View and ViewGroups?
18. Specify the use of orientation and gravity attributes of LinearLayout.
19. Specify the use of RelativeLayout in Android.
20. Specify the use of ScrollView and FrameLayout in Android.

5 Marks Questions
1. Explain in brief the Architecture of Android with the help of a block diagram.
2. List and explain in brief some native Android libraries used in Android Architecture.
3. List and explain in brief important features of Android OS.
4. Discuss the major Android Application components.
5. What is API level? Explain why it is important in Android Programming?
6. Write a note on role of Linux Kernel in Android Architecture.
7. List and explain in brief the components of the AndroidManifest.xml file.
8. Write notes on a) b) MainActivity.xml.
9. List and explain in brief Lifecycle of Callback Methods of an Activity .
10. Explain with example code AlertDialog class.
11. Explain with example DatePickerDialog / TimePickerDialog class.
12. Define Intent. Explain in brief different information Intent object contains.
13. List and explain in brief any five action strings defined in the Intent class.
14. Define Fragments. Explain in brief different stages in the lifecycle of a fragment in a running
15. Explain LinearLayout with any four noteworthy XML attributes.
16. Explain RelativeLayout with any four noteworthy XML attributes.
17. Explain in brief a) ScrollView Layout b) TableLayout c) FrameLayout (Any two)

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18. Explain ScrollView Layout with XML code example.

19. Explain TableLayout with XML code example.
20. Explain FrameLayout with XML code example.

2 Marks Questions
1. Define TextView view in Android. List any two important XML attributes of it.
2. Define EditText view in Android. List any two important XML attributes of it.
3. Define Button view. Give XML code snippet that define a Button.
4. Specify two ways available to make Button to listen the click event.
5. Define ImageButton view. Specify XML attributes used to set image and description to it.
6. Define ToggleButton view. Specify XML attributes used to set the ON and OFF text to be
displayed when the state of it changes.
7. Define RatingBar view. Specify XML attributes used to set number of stars to be displayed and
step of rating values.
8. Specify the use of AdapterView class in Android. Give any two AdapterView subclass examples.
9. Differentiate ListView and Spinner.
10. Define AutoTextCompleteView. Give XML code snippet that define a AutoTextCompleteView.
11. Specify the uses of ListFragment and DialogFragment.
12. Differentiate Options Menu and Context Menu.
13. Specify the purposes of Gallery and GridVidw.
14. Define ImageSwitcher view. Give XML code snippet that define a ImageSwitcher.
15. Define WebView. Give XML code snippet that define a WebView.
16. Explain in brief any two types of notification techniques available in Android.
17. List any four data storage options available in Android.
18. Explain in brief any two methods used to access the user preferences.
19. List any two operating modes for OpenFileOutput() method with their purpose.
20. List any four fields of getExternalStorageState() method.

5 Marks Questions
1. Explain TextView view with any four notable XML attributes.
2. Explain EditText view with any four notable XML attributes.
3. Explain Button view with example XML code snippet to define a Button and implement listener
to handle click event.
4. Explain RadioButton view with example XML code snippet to define a RadioGroup with two
5. Explain CheckBox view with example XML code snippet to define a CheckBox and implement
listener to handle click event.
6. Explain ToggleButton view with example XML code snippet to define ToggleButton and
implement listener to find its on/off status.
7. Explain RatingBar view with example XML code snippet to define a RatingBard and implement
listener to display current rating.
8. Explain data binding and managing the item selection by the user in the ListView class with
example code.

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9. Explain Spinner widget with example code to create a spinner and handle the item that has been
selected by the user.
10. Explain Gallery view with example code to create a Gallery view, bind images to be displayed in
the Gallery and manage user selection.
11. Explain Options Menu with example code to create the OptionsMenu and implement listener to
display selected menu item.
12. Explain Context Menu with example code to create the ContextMenu and implement listener to
display selected menu item.
13. Explain GridView with example code to create the GridView, show images and implement
listener to identify the image clicked.
14. Explain with example the use of WebView to embed a Web browser into the Activity class of the
15. Explain with example creating the toast notification in Android.
16. Explain with example storing data for long-term using preferences.
17. Explain with example the role of SharedPreference class.
18. Explain with example writing data to file in Android.
19. Explain with example reading data from a file in Android.
20. List and explain any five fields of getExternalStorageState() method.

2 Marks Questions
1. What are the uses of location-based services provided by the Android supported devices?
2. What is the Maps key? What is its use?
3. List any two network protocols supported for audio and video playback.
4. List any four audio format/codec supported by android Framework
5. List any four video format/codec supported by android Framework
6. List and explain in brief the different classes available to play audio and video files in android
7. List the settings must be configured in the AndroidManifest.xml file in order to access remote
audio/video resource by the MediaPlayer.
8. List the settings must be configured in the AndroidManifest.xml file in order to record
audio/video resource by the MediaRecorder.
9. List any four methods of MediaPlayer class.
10. List any four listener methods of MediaPlayer
11. List any four methods of MediaRecorder class.
12. What is Thread? Specify its use in Android.
13. What is AsyncTask? How to use it in the Android framework?
14. What are services? Specify its use.
15. List any four callback methods of Service class.
16. What is a Bound Service? Specify its use.
17. List different ways available to define the interface required to create a service.

5 Marks Questions
1. List and explain classes and elements of Google Maps.
2. Explain how we can change Google Map types? Give example.

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3. List and explain different ways available to play an audio content through MediaPlayer.
4. Give code snippets that play an audio from
a. a URI available locally in the system, obtained through a Content Resolver
b. a remote URL though HTTP streaming
5. Explain in brief the different ways in which video content can be played in Android.
6. Write a note on recording and playing sound in Android.
7. Write a note use of Media Store to store media files in Android.
8. Write a note on creating a Sound Pool in Android.
9. What is thread? Write code to start a new thread in Android.
10. What are services? Explain services types.
11. Explain lifecycle of a service with the help of a diagram.
12. Write a note on Service Class.
13. Write a note on creating a service in Android.
14. What is a Bound Service? Specify how to create and consume bound service.
15. Write a note on creating bound service in Android.

2 Marks Questions
1. What is the role of the TelephonyManager class?
2. What is the role of the PhoneStateListener class?
3. Which uses permission must be configured in the AndroidManifest.xml file to create an Android
application that makes an outgoing call using the system telephony stack?
4. Why the <receiver> element must be configured in the manifest file while developing an Android
application to receive SMS text messages?
5. List any four methods associated with TelephonyManager class which retrieve phone information.
6. What are the different techniques available to send SMS on mobile devices?
7. List any four arguments of the sendTextMessage() method
8. Specify the functions of motion and environmental sensors.
9. List any four classes/interfaces of the android.hardwarePacakge.
10. List any four noteworthy methods of Sensor class
11. List any four noteworthy methods of SensorManager class
12. Write a code to check whether or not there is proximity sensor in the device?
13. Define a widget
14. What are the components required to create a user-defined widget?
15. Specify the uses of RemoteView and AppWidgetManager classes.
16. What is Collection View Widgets? Give examples.
17. What is Live Wallpaper? List its components.
5 Marks Questions
1. List and explain any five noteworthy methods of TelephonyManager class.
2. Lis and explain any five constant values of TelephonyManager class.
3. Explain how to retrieve phone information? Write a code snippet that use TelephonyManager
class to retrieve phone information and display them on the TextView.
4. Explain how to receive details of incoming phone calls? Write a code snippet that use
TelephonyManager class to receive details of incoming phone calls.

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5. Explain how to make outgoing calls? Write a code snippet that make an outgoing call to a number.
6. Explain how to send SMS using SmsManager? Write a code snippet that send a SMS message.
7. Explain how to send SMS using Intent? Write a code snippet that send a SMS message.
8. Explain how to receive SMS using BroadcastReceiver object? Write code snippet that receive a
SMS message.
9. List and explain ay 5 types of sensors android platform support.
10. List and explain any five classes/interfaces of the android.hardwarePacakge.
11. List and explain any five noteworthy methods of Sensor class.
12. List and explain any five noteworthy methods of SensorManager class.
13. Explain with example how to identify the availability of sensors in the devise and measure its
14. Explain how to manage raw sensor data using monitoring sensor events? Give example code
15. Explain the uses of RemoteView and AppWidgetManager classes.
16. List and explain any five attributes of appwidget-provider tag.
17. What is Live Wallpaper? What are its components?

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Scilab Programming
Two Marks Questions
1. Write the naming rules of variable in scilab.
2. What is comment? Write the different types of comments in scilab.
3. What is continuation line? How to write continuation line in scilab.
4. How to represent Boolean value in scilab.
5. With the syntax and example write the purpose of disp() function.
6. With the syntax and example write the purpose of mprintf() function.
7. With an example explain how to define complex number in scilab.
8. With an example wtite the use of following functions
a. isreal()
b. real()
c. imag()
9. What is string? How to concatenate two strings in scilab?
10. What is dynamic type of variable? Give an example.
11. How to represent conjugate complex matrix?
12. How to represent non conjugate complex matrix?
13. What is matrix? Write the syntax for creating a matrix in scilab.
14. With the syntax and example explain the eye( ) function
15. With the syntax and example explain the linspace( ) function
16. With the syntax and example explain the ones( ) function
17. With the syntax and example explain the zeros( ) function
18. With the syntax and example explain the testmatrix( ) function
19. With the syntax and example explain the rand( ) function
20. With an example explain how the predefined mathematical variables are created in scilab.
21. Write the syntax and use of : (colon) operator
22. With the syntax and example explain the use of $ operator.
23. With an example explain any two element wise operation on matrix in scilab.
24. What is empty matrix? Write the use of empty matrix.
25. Explain any two low level matrix operations.
26. Write the syntax of select statement.
27. Write the difference between break and continue.
Five Marks Questions
1. Explain the three methods of using scilab.
2. List and explain any five capabilities of scilab.
3. With the example explain the following
a. Types of comments in scilab
b. Continuation line in scilab
4. With syntax and example explain any five elementary mathematical functions

5. Explain the following in scilab

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a. Boolean variable
b. Complex numbers
c. String
6. With syntax and example explain the following functions
a. disp( )
b. mprintf( )
7. Explain the following
a. Dynamic types of Variable
b. Empty Matrix
8. With an example explain the following
a. Colon(:) operator
b. Dollar($) operator
9. With the syntax and example explain the following functions:
a. eye()
b. linspace()
c. ones()
d. zeros()
e. testmatrix()
f. rand()
10. How to represent complex number in scilab. With syntax and example explain any four
complex number elementary functions.
11. Explain the different ways of creating matrix along with querying matrix and accessing
elements of matrix.
12. With an example explain the any five basic matrix operators.
13. With an example explain the any five element level matrix operators.
14. Write a note on integer data types.
15. With the syntax and example explain the creation of vector and vector operations.
16. With the syntax and example explain the different forms of if statement.
17. With the syntax and example explain the select statement.
18. With the syntax and example explain the different variations of for statement.
19. With the syntax and example explain the while statement.
20. With an example explain the use of break and continue in loops.
Two Marks Questions
1. What is function? How to define function in scilab.
2. Write the steps to create the function library.
3. Explain the different variations of plot2d() function.
4. What is contour plot? Write any two use of contour plot.
5. Explain the use of titlte() function.
6. Explain the use of xtitle() function.
7. Explain the use of legend() function.
8. Write the different ways of exporting plot in scilab.
9. With syntax explain the use of xs2png() function.
10. With syntax explain the use of xs2pdf() function.

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11. Define
a. Component
b. Container
c. Callback
12. Explain the steps for creating GUI Program.
13. What is NaN? How to represent NaN in scilab.
14. What is the piecewise polynomials?
15. With syntax write the purpose of mean() function.
16. With syntax write the purpose of median() function.
17. With syntax write the purpose of stdev() function.
18. With syntax write the purpose of con() function.
19. With syntax write the purpose of diff() function.
20. Define Data Interpolation.
21. With syntax write the purpose of interp1() function.
22. With syntax write the purpose of interp2() function.
23. With syntax write the purpose of meshgrid() function.
24. With syntax write the purpose of fft() function.
25. With syntax write the purpose of fftshift() function.
26. What is fourier series?
Five Marks Questions
1. Define function. With an example explain how to define and call a function.
2. Define function library. With an example explain how to create function library in scilab.
3. Explain the different components of guibuilder tool.
4. Explain any five properties of Edit component.
5. Explain any five properties of Text component.
6. Explain any five properties of PushButton component.
7. Explain any five properties of Radio Button component.
8. Explain any five properties of CheckBox component.
9. Explain any five properties of ListBox component.
10. With an example explain the use of Edit component.
11. With an example explain the use of Text component.
12. With an example explain the use of PushButton component.
13. With an example explain the use of Slider component.
14. With an example explain the use of Listbox component.
15. With an example explain the use of Radio Button component.
16. With an example explain the use of Checkbox component.
17. With an example explain the use of Frame component.
18. With syntax and example explain the error dialogbox in scilab.
19. With syntax and example explain the messagebox() in scilab.
20. With an example explain the use of Table component.
21. Explain any five basic statistical analysis functions.
22. With an example explain one dimensional interpolation.
23. With an example explain two dimensional interpolation.

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24. Write a note on

a. Integration
b. differentiation
25. Write a note on discrete fourier transform.
Two Marks Questions
1. What is digital image?
2. Write the purpose of image processing.
3. Write the purpose of light function with syntax.
4. With syntax write the purpose of imread() function.
5. With syntax write the purpose of imshow() function.
6. With syntax write the purpose of imadd() function.
7. With syntax write the purpose of immultiply() function.
8. With syntax write the purpose of imabsdiff() function.
9. With syntax write the purpose of imdivide() function.
10. With syntax write the purpose of rgb2gray() function.
11. With syntax write the purpose of im2bw() function.
12. With syntax write the purpose of cat() function.
13. What is filtering?
14. Write Syntax for discrete 2-D convolution.
15. How to represent Gray-scale Images?
16. Define
a. Sampling
b. Quantization
17. Write any Four Functions for Manipulating RGB Images.
18. What is indexed image?
19. Write the components of indexed image.
20. Define the two steps to convert continuous data into digital form.
21. What is Contrast Stretching transformation?
22. What you mean by
a. Image Nagative b. Log Transformation
23. Define
a. Intensity level Slicing
b. Bit Plane Slicing.
24. What is histogram of an image? Write the use of histogram.
25. What is histogram processing? Write the two types of histogram processing.
26. What is Neighbor processing?
27. What is image filtering?
28. Define
a. Correlation
b. Convolution
29. Define Image sharpening and smoothening
30. Write the syntax and description of 2D-DFT
31. Define signal parameters and a Gaussian pulse, X.

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32. List the different types of noise sources.

33. Define Restoration. What are the reasons for image degradation?
34. List different types of Mean Filters
35. List The different types of Order Statistics Filters
Five Marks Questions
1. Explain any Five Light Properties.
2. Explain Digital Image Representation.
3. With an example explain the arithmetic operations on images with relevant functions.
4. Write a note on
a. Gray scale image.
b. Color image representation.
5. Write a note on indexed image.
6. Explain with example the basic image processing operations with the required functions syntax
and purpose.
7. Explain hyper array and hyper matrix with syntax and examples
8. Explain with an example colormap.
9. Explain the following Image Format Conversion with an example
a. RGB to Gray
b. Gray to Binary
10. Explain with an example Image Enhancement and filtering in spatial Domain.
11. Explain Thresholding.
12. Explain
a. Log Transformation
b. Power Low Transformation.
13. Explain Image Negative
14. Explain the Bit plane Slicing with code example.
15. Explain Histogram Processing.
16. Explain the Spatial Domain Filter.
17. Explain the Correlation and convolution spatial filtering with an example each.
18. Explain Low-Pass Frequency Domain Filter
19. Explain the Low-Pass Median Filter with code example.
20. What is image Pyramid? Explain with syntax and Example.
21. Explain any three types of noise sources that degrades image.
22. Explain the Different types of Mean Filters.
23. Explain the following types of Order Statistics Filters
a. Median Filter
b. Min Filter
24. Explain the following types of Order Statistics Filters
a. Mid-Point Filter
b. Alpha Trimmed Mean Filter
25. Explain the following
a. Adaptive Filtering
b. Inverse Filtering
c. Wiener Filtering

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Two Marks Questions
1. What is color Modals? Write the purpose of color Modals.
2. Write the SCILAB functions which converts RGB color space into the HSV color space and
3. Write a SCILAB code to convert RGB color image into the HSV color Space
4. What is pseudocolor image processing?
5. Give difference between HSV and RGB color model
6. What is image segmentation?
7. What is image compression?
8. Explain JPEG compression standard.
9. Explain wavelet based image compression.
10. Explain optimal thresholding.
11. What is Dilation?
12. What is Erosion?
13. What is thinning?
14. What is the use of opening and closing Morphological operation
15. What is hit and miss transform?
16. What is structuring elements mention its types.
17. What is the use of imfill() and imclose() function in scilab.
18. What is the use of im2bw() function in scilab
19. Write a syntax of inbuilt function of ‘Canny’ edge algorithm in SCILAB
20. Give difference between Edge based segmentation and region based segmentation
Five Marks Questions
1. Write a note on RGB color Models
2. Write a note on CMY color Models
3. Write a note on HSI color Models
4. Explain pseudocolor image processing.
5. Explain the different types of image compression.
6. Write SCILAB code to perform Sobel Edge Detector to a given image
7. Detect edges of given image using Prewitt Edge Detector algorithm
8. Detect edges of given image using Roberts Edge Detector
9. Detect edges of given image using Canny Edge Detector
10. Explain Region Growing segmentation technique
11. Explain Region split and merges segmentation technique
12. Write SCILAB code to perform Dilation and Erosion Morphological operation
13. Write SCILAB code to perform opening and closing Morphological operation
14. Write SCILAB code to perform hit and miss transform to a given image.
15. Explain Hole filling algorithm.
16. Explain Connected components algorithm.
17. Explain Thinning algorithm.
18. Explain Skeletons algorithm.
19. Explain Huffman coding:
20. Explain LZW coding with an example.
21. Explain arithmetic encoding process with an example

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