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Creator’s Notes 3
Introduction 4
The Factions of Bot War 11
Playing the Game 26
It’s a hobby too 27
The Rules 30
Game Requirements 31
Understanding the Dice 31
Understanding the Stat Card 32
Game Turn 34
Power Up Phase 35
Activation Phase 35
End of Turn Phase 36
Activations 36
Movement 36
Ranged Attack 36
Close Attack 38
Disengaging 39
Terrain, Cover and Line of Sight 41
Super Abilities 44
Adrenaline 47
Platoons and Squadrons 47
Model Classification 49
Special Rules 50
Upgrades 28
Alt Forms 62
Understanding the Alt Form stat card 63
Terrain features 64
Scenarios 66

Creator’s Notes

Bot War is set in an alternative reality Earth that mirrors our own
Earth quite closely. It is in some ways a historical fantasy game,
meaning that the time setting for this game is 1985. As an aging
adult now, the 80’s was an awesome time to be a kid. Sure, the
Cold War was in full swing and mantra of “greed is good” was
echoing in every corporate boardroom. However, it was also a
time of Saturday morning cartoons, comic books, bright colours,
awesome toys, skateboarding and great music. This game seeks to
capture some of the good and bad of the 80’s.

The game rules themselves have been written with simplicity in

mind. I have always wanted the core rules of Bot War to be sim-
ple. As an experienced tabletop miniature game player, learning
detailed rulesets has always been a hurdle. Much frustration has
been caused over the years in “gotcha moments” when I didn’t
know a specific rule or had interpreted rules incorrectly.

This is not to say that complexity is not there. It is, it just comes
from playing the game and being able to see the larger picture in
the mechanics. There are many synergies and secrets in Bot War to
discover. Some models work very well with others and can create
powerful “set plays” in the game. Other models can specifically
counter these synergies. All of this can be discovered by playing
the game.

Over the course of developing this game I have found it to be a

fantastic way to introduce tabletop miniature games to your kids.
The rules are easy to learn which suits new players; however, they
are difficult to master, which can appeal to hardened wargamers.
So, whether you are into narrative themed battles or like pushing
the rules to the limit with tournament style play, Bot War has it all.
I hope you enjoy playing Bot War.

Happy Bot War gaming.


For the last 40 years the Democracy had been the dominant power
on Earth. Early in its reign the Democracy was a nation that inspired
all other nations. Its citizens had a vision, and their values brought
out what was best in humanity. The nation held up freedom as a
pillar of humanity’s very existence, and as a result the Democracy’s
empire had expanded to encompass most of the globe. At least
this is this is how it used to be, but like all empires before it, the
inevitable happened.

The wealth and prosperity of those early years bred corruption

within the population. A secret cult grew like a cancer within
the Democracy. A cult that craved power and control, it sought
influence at every level of Democracy society.

This was never more prevalent than in the seats of political power.
Here the corruption coalesced and festered, coiling slowly around
society like the body of a giant boa constrictor. And like a giant boa
constrictor when people started to realise something wasn’t right, it
was already too late.

Slowly, the admiration other nations felt towards the Democracy
turned into fear as the very breath of freedom was squeezed
out. Only the equally corrupted Red Star Nations opposed the
Democracy and the two nations formed a global stalemate based
on a “mutual destruction” scenario. The world was divided. The
larger portion belonging to the Democracy and its allies, the lesser
in the iron grip of the Red Star Nations.

This was the situation on Earth, when

in 1981, a secret kingdom unaligned
and unknown to either side rose
up and attacked all nations. Deep
beneath the oceans of the Earth,
an ancient kingdom thrived. The
kingdom of Atlantica. Like humanity,
the Atlanticans had been on Earth
since the dawn of time. The nation
of Atlantica covers much of the
deepest ocean floors. Protected from discovery by the crushing
pressure of the depths. Myths and legends of Atlantica existed on
the surface, but the truth had long since passed into the realms of
fairy tales or conspiracy theorists.

The Atlantican
forces were
superior to
anything the
surface forces
could possibly
hope to muster. Atlantican vehicles could operate equally well
underwater as they could on dry land, making lightning strikes on
coastal cities almost impossible to predict.

Within a month, nearly every coastal city on the globe was in

Atlantican hands. Possessing the largest coastline, the Democracy
was hard pressed. Its corrupted leadership was seemingly
in disarray, leading to whole cities being abandoned by the

Democracy government and millions of people being enslaved by
the Atlanticans as a result.

Towards the end of 1981, things looked all but over for the
Democracy. The military had fragmented into a mix of guerrilla
forces supplemented by citizen militia, and a terrible malady had
descended on to the population which sapped the very soul of the
remaining defenders. As King Gills himself marched towards the
makeshift capital, the citizen militia braced themselves for the final
battle. It would be death for certain, but many thought it better to
die defending their home than in the slave pits of Atlantica.

The dawn of the final attack arrived

with a portent. A flaming comet in
the sky. Some thought it was the
incoming initial barrage of some new
Atlantican weapon. The Atlanticans
thought it was another failed
Democracy missile. Both were wrong.
With this portent hope strangely
seemed to return to the beleaguered
defenders. The malady that had
descended in the early stages of
the war had lifted. Whether this had
anything to do with the comet or
whether it was some other important
event, no one knows.

The comet was in fact, a spacecraft.

The ship crashed down within the
thinly held Democracy lines and from
the wreckage emerged the first of the gigantic Bots known as
Valiants. Not much is recalled of this first meeting, however an
alliance was forged, and the beleaguered Democracy forces were
suddenly bolstered by these new powerful entities.

This hasty alliance spelled doom for King Gills. Unable to combat
the Bot threat, the Atlantican forces were literally smashed to
pieces. By New Years Eve of 1982 the Atlanticans were in full
retreat. Thousands of mermen died in what became a total route

from the surface territories. In a
month, the last of the retreating
Atlanticans disappeared beneath
the waves. Gone as fast as they
had arrived.

Despite the miracle victory

the world was in disarray and
chaos. During the months that
followed the First Atlantican
War, the Valiants kept the peace
and helped rebuild essential
infrastructure. The citizen militia
formed an interim government
and the corrupted government
cult was exposed. Cult leaders
and members alike were put on
trial, and many were executed by
vengeful mobs or imprisoned.
But the more important cult
leaders escaped to tin pot nations in accordance with long
prepared plans.

Here they maintained their power and the cult legitimised itself into
Snake Corporation, a vile global corporation that traffics primarily
in black market technologies and slaves. Snake Corp deals in
anything that will bring them more power and with that, eventual
world domination. They have no limits when it comes to achieving
this goal.

Towards the latter half of 1984 things began to resemble a picture

of general life before the First Atlantican war. The Democracy was
in ruins, but it had its soul back, and this burned brighter than it had
in decades. Snake Corp was an ever-present threat, but the cult
had been exposed, weakened and in hiding.

Delegations between the Valiants and the Democracy worked to

strengthen the relations between the two factions. It was during
these talks that the origins of the Valiants became known.

The Valiants once existed in a spiritual
universe. They possessed no physical
bodies but instead consisted of powerful
strings of code held together within a
consciousness. This code was organised
and sustained by the One, a supreme
being of infinite power. Of all the Valiant
codes, the most powerful was called

At some point in the Valiants past, Galaxy

grew proud and rose up in rebellion
against the One. Many Valiants sided with Galaxy and a war was
fought within the spiritual universe. Eventually Galaxy and the
rebellion was overthrown by
the One’s champion, Ducal.
Forced to kneel before the
throne, the rebel’s hatred
remained unabated. Their
sentence; an eternity in
torment via a stasis prison.
Sealed within the nothingness
of the prison, the rebels were
sent out from the realm,
doomed to float through
spiritual space forever in
constant torment. However,
fate had other plans, and something went wrong. The prison
breached real space and was on a collision trajectory with Earth. A
Valiant team led by Ducal was assembled to retrieve the prison and
return it to spiritual space.

At the breach point of real space, the Valiants received strong metal
bodies with which to house their codes, as well as a ship with which
to easily traverse the physical realm. During this journey disaster
struck, and their ship collided with the prison, severing the ship
in several places. The largest part of the ship crashed into the
Democracy lines which heralded the alliance. The other parts were
scattered throughout the solar system.

The prison itself crashed months earlier as King Gills invasion was
in its very first week. The prison crashing deep into a Democracy
forest. What happened to the prison and the rebel Valiants inside
can only be pieced together through scattered reports and the
Valiants own investigations.

It appears that two

Democracy teams attended
the prison crash site. The
first was from a research
team within the government.
This team was made up of
brilliant scientists headed
up by the billionaire genius
William Starr. The second
team were government
contractors from COILS
laboratory. Later it appears
that all the government
scientists including William Starr were found executed at the crash
site. The stasis prison was also gone, presumably moved to a secret
COILS location.

Within the COILS secret facility, dangerous rituals and experiments

were conducted on the prison. One of these caused an entity
trapped within to escape. Removed from the One’s presence
permanently and having been in torment for months, the Valiants
inside the prison had been twisted and eternally corrupted. No
longer recognisable as Valiants, they became known as Deceivers.

The escaped Deceiver entity,

having no physical body,
aligned its code with the
closest code as corrupted as
itself. This happened to be
one of the COILS scientists
working on the prison rituals.
The nightmare scenario
that followed resulted in the
possessed scientist creating

a giant Bot body. The Deceiver then downloaded its code into the
makeshift body and proceeded to destroy everything in sight. Only
one person escaped alive, and only then by extraordinary chance.
The Deceiver then freed all its imprisoned comrades, releasing their
codes directly into the ether. This caused the very atmosphere to
be polluted with their malevolent code. Using the materials from
the destroyed laboratory, the Deceiver then created a hellish Bot
factory, manufacturing new physical bodies in accordance with the
specifications embedded within each of the disembodied Deceiver
codes. The Deceivers, now possessing powerful physical bodies of
their own, soon discovered that Ducal and other Valiants were on
Earth and battles erupted between the two factions. Thus, began
the Bot War which has raged almost 3 years. The struggle has now
expanded globally, and additional factions have become embroiled
in the seemingly endless conflict.

The Factions of Bot War

In the 3 years following

the First Atlantican War the
Democracy have come a long
way. Armed with the values
and the united vision that once
made them an inspiration,
the nation is rebuilding at an
amazing speed. Their military
has been honed and hardened
in the epic clash for their very
existence. Having no Bots
of their own, the Democracy
remain suspicious of Bots
despite the success of the
Valiant alliance. In this regard,
the Deceiver, Snake Corp and Atlantican Bots have done much to
damage Valiant/Democracy relations.

The Democracy has managed to hold their own using age old
guerrilla tactics re-established during the First Atlantican War.
Small elite teams of infantry backed up by powerful vehicles
operating covertly, sabotaging enemy infrastructure and removing
key personnel. For more difficult missions they also have Special
Branch, an elite unit of heroes led by billionaire son Max Starr.
Using vehicles modified with Bot technology, Special Branch is
more than a match for even the greatest Bot threat.


After his defeat, King Gills retreated

to his throne beneath the sea. There
he spent a year fighting off various
political adversaries calling for him to
abdicate his throne. During this time,
a meteor crashed into the sea, coming
to rest on the ocean floor not far from
the Atlantican capital. Within this ball
of twisted and crushed metal was the
body of a large and powerful Bot. This
omen was just what the King needed to
placate his adversaries and reassert his
right to rule.

Taking the Bot to his laboratory, the

King studied the technology. Rebuilding the body, he named the
Bot, Omen, in recognition of his timely arrival. Omen was a body
without life and for some time the King could not activate the
powerful repaired Bot. Eventually the King found Omen’s code
floating in the atmosphere, recalling it to the body. Before doing
so, he added some small amendments of his own design to Omens
code as he did so. Once Omen awakened, he pledged loyalty to
the King, and both set about creating additional Atlantican Bots.
Now with Omen at his side and with his own Bot force, King Gills’
legions prepare once again to invade the surface and redress the
humiliation of defeat they suffered previously.


Like all Bots, Valiants

are immortal spiritual beings encased in a
powerful metal body. This means that when
they are destroyed, their code returns to
the ether where it is cleansed and prepared
by the One to be downloaded into a newly
prepared body. This is not to say that Bots
do not suffer pain or emotion because they
certainly do.

The Valiants arrived on earth after a collision

in space. Their ship broke into several
parts with the largest section landing in the
Democracy, just in time to save humanity.
Of the remaining pieces, some also landed on different parts of
the Earth. Some of the Bots occupying these smaller sections
at the time of collision have managed to re-join the main group.
However, many are still missing, and it is sure that not all these
pieces have landed on Earth.

On Earth, Ducal still leads the Valiants although he is often referred

to as General Duke. The Valiants have certainly embraced Earth
culture, some more diligently than others. The alliance with the
Democracy is under pressure due to undermining tactics from
other insidious Bot factions. However, General Duke remains
committed to the cause and Ambassadors are still maintained by
both factions. The Valiants have willingly shared what tech has
been asked for by the Democracy Special Branch.


After their forced exile, the cult

leaders fled to the nations south
of the Democracy. Activating
long embedded agents and
plans, they easily bought the
poor corrupted governments
of those nations, setting up
a haven for the creation of
Snake Corporation. In fact, the
purge and expulsion from the
Democracy did little to impact
the overall operations of Snake
Corp globally. Like the many
headed monsters of myth,
cutting off one head simply
meant another grew quickly into
its place.

Despite their corrupted and evil nature, the corporations research

division, COILS labs, is perhaps the world’s leading expert on Bot
technology. It was COILS that discovered the Deceiver prison
and much data was obtained despite the facility in question being
destroyed. Personnel are easily replaceable, but the facility was a
sore loss to the Board.

Snake Corporation has many branches globally and is listed as the

top company across almost all the global stock exchanges. The
company generates enough revenue to power a medium sized
country and has a standing fighting force equal to the capabilities
of all except the Democracy, Red Star Nations and Atlantica.

Snake Corp also has many sub-contractors such as the Baronial
Terrorist States who often work as a separate militant arm of Snake
Corp on their own. Dealing in black market Bot technology and
slaves, Snake Corp have created weaponry far superior to what
the Earth knew prior to the Bots arrival. This even includes Bots of
their very own.

Using the technology gleaned from the study of the Deceiver

prison, Snake Corp created several bodies with sufficient capability
to house a Bot’s code. For many months the COILS scientists
struggled to give the bodies life. Initially human subjects were
used, placing a real organic human brain into the metal body.
However, all these experiments ended in disaster. Often the brain
within the powerful Bot body would go crazy, killing the scientists
and then killing itself.

These were unacceptable setbacks for the Snake Corp Board.

Additional motivation was required by way of family executions,
if progress was not made. Luckily for them, the scientists made a
breakthrough. By accident, the codes required to give the Bots life
were found in the very atmosphere. Once found, these codes were
downloaded into the dormant Bot bodies.

Most recently, Snake Corp has been the subject of a hostile

takeover and its holdings redistributed. Now C.O.I.L.S controls
what was once Snake Corp and looks set to be even more deadly
than its predecessor.


As the Bot War

escalated, casualties started to
build up on all sides. Valiant
casualties ascended into the
embrace of the One where they
were cleansed and prepared
for download again into new
bodies. However, the Deceivers
have been banished from the
One’s presence so are unable
to be refreshed in the same

This has led to the “Infester

Curse”. Over time, the
continual code downloads cause increasingly damaging errors
and corruption within the code. Though small at first, they become
catastrophic over time and this changes the Bot significantly.

The bodies which are made from a specification within each

individual code are slowly twisted and malformed in accordance
with the corruption. Not only are the bodies changed, but the
personalities of each Bot also change. Slowly they descend into
a dribbling beast, only able to receive the simplest of commands,
a slave to their most basic of instincts. The full extent of this
transformation is unknown. However, many former Deceivers now
fly in the Queens swarms.

The Queen herself is an anomaly to this curse. Once a captain in

Megatyrant’s forces, the Queen was forcibly chosen to undergo
a horrible experiment. The goal was to find a way to control the
growing Infester population and slow the curse. Purposefully
destroyed many times in many horrible different ways at
Megatyrants own hand, the Queen suffered heavy psychological

The result of this was a strange mutation to her code,

simultaneously taking on the curse of Infesterism but also retaining
some level of psychotic sentience. Her newfound dark gifts allow
her to control all the Infester codes and halt or progress their
journey into oblivion. This makes the Queen the undisputed head
of the swarm, being able to direct her obedient minions at will.


Trashers are former

Valiants that have committed a
wrong or have been shamed in
some way. Their only option is
to download the Trasher code
and seek redemption through
valour in arms.

The Trasher code is a mystery,

even to Valiants, because once
it’s downloaded the recipients
are filled with a single-minded
purpose. Many do not speak,
choosing instead to let their
weapons do the talking.

A strange symptom of the

Trashers code is that the close
quarters fighting ability of the Bot is increased, while their ability
to fire and maintain ranged weapons is diminished. This is not
to say that Trashers are poor versions of other Bots. On the
contrary, while the Trashers may seem rusted and ramshackle,
they are perhaps some of the most resilient Bots on Earth. It is not
uncommon for a Trasher to take massive damage and still go on to
defeat multiple foes with ease.

Their mystery and singlemindedness often bring the Trashers into

conflict with the Valiants or the Democracy, despite seemingly
being on the same side.


During the early

years of the Earth, supernatural
entities rose to challenge and rule
humanity. Five primordial gods
set themselves against the order of
creation itself. Beings that embodied
the very elements themselves. Rather
than war against each other and
risk destruction, these gods made
a pact to divide the planet and its
populations into 5 parts.

Soon into this hellish reign, the fifth

god’s heart was softened, and he left
his worshippers and disappeared.
The greedy remaining gods then
started to argue over who would
inherit the departed gods portion.
Cataclysmic battles between the gods raged and much of the Earth
and its populations were destroyed.

One of the four gods was destroyed utterly in these battles. A third
chose to flee and hide, leaving the remaining two. The remaining
two gods were evenly matched. They eventually decided on a
truce and the Earth was split into two territories. The names of
these two gods are still well known. Destroyer, god of earth and
Leviathan, god of water.

These two gods inflicted much pain and suffering upon early
humanity. So much so that the cries of the enslaved reached into
other realms. These cries were answered by the One, who sent
100 powerful new creations called Beastlords to defend humanity
and destroy the two remaining gods.

The Beastlords were successful in part, managing to destroy the

gargantuan physical bodies of the primordial gods and banish
them to the ether. The cost was high, however, as all but 7 of the
Beastlords were destroyed or considered missing in action.

Unlike other Bots, the Beastlords are mortal creatures. Due to

the robust construction of their bodies using unknown materials,
they are extremely strong and long lived. It is estimated that the
Beastlords are over 5000 years old. Each of them that remain have
chosen to live a solitary existence, emerging from hiding only when
man’s plight seems most dire. It is these rare sightings by humanity
that have given rise to the stories and legends of dragons.


The Overlords are an alien race from outer space. They are
compulsive and habitual gamblers and the passion for every
Overlord are the arena games. These games, that take place on
their home planet, are gladiatorial
battles fought by monsters bred
and trained by the Overlords

The Overlords take a planets

fiercest creatures and mutates
them sometimes beyond what the
host bodies can withstand. These
mutations are made possible by a
naturally occurring “green ooze”
on their home planet. It is common for young and ambitious
Overlords to venture into space seeking the most terrible creatures
with which to mutate into future champions of the arena.

Every now and then an Overlord will find a relatively stable

mutation and will breed these new creatures to serve as a personal
army. As much for prestige as for any real personal protection.

Overlord Gorg has arrived on Earth to create his greatest

masterpiece and in doing so prove to his father that he is a Master
Mutator. He has found that some of Earth’s most powerful aquatic
creatures are perfect for maintaining stable mutations and several
potential champions are already in the works.

Gorg delights in using the Bot War to hone the skills of his latest
progeny and is sure that upon his return to his home planet he will
be hailed as the greatest Overlord in history.
Red Star Nations

The Red Star

Nations did not suffer as much as the
Democracy during the First Atlantican
War. However, their recovery has
been slower because they have
not had the same access to Bot
technology that the Democracy has
had. Over the last few years, the Red
Star Nations have been in constant
skirmish battles with the Baronial
Terrorist States and this has made the
Red Star Nation’s people cold and

When Overlord Gorg arrived on Earth

he chose the Red Star Nation Capital
for his primary mutation lab, as the
cold climate and large open spaces made the site ideal. This led to
massive city-wide conflicts as the second largest human military on
Earth tried desperately to repel roaming bands of mutated Shark
Warriors from their cities.

The Red Star Nations put up an honourable fight, so much so that

Gorg imprisoned many of its peoples for warm up fights in the
arena back on his home planet.

Things changed for the nation when a vat of “Green Ooze” was
discovered by the Red Star special forces team. Red Star scientists
immediately started experiments on the ooze and discovered its
mutating properties were particularly suited for combining metal
with organic flesh. Thus, the Red Star Cybernetic legions were
born. This arm of the Red Star military combined the power and
strength of metal with the ingenuity of humanity. While the Red
Star cyborgs successfully blunted the Shark Warrior attacks, it was
the creation of the Dinoborgs that changed the tide of the battle.

Tapping into ancient DNA, Red Star scientists have managed to

create an elite team of super gigantic creatures bristling with
cybernetic enhancements. These fierce creatures could match the
ferocity of the Shark Warriors and with the combined might of
the Red Star military and cybernetic legions, the Shark Warriors
were turned back. Now Gorg jealously covets the Dinoborgs and
desperately wants these creatures for his arena games.


The Deceivers were

once Valiants. At some point in
their history, a Valiant called Galaxy
rebelled against the One. For this
outrage, Galaxy and his followers
were eternally incarcerated in a
torturous statis prison and sent
away from the One’s presence.
This imprisonment changed the
entities inside, twisting them into
hideous forms which is reflected
in their external visage. Through
some mysterious machinations their
statis prison crashed on Earth and
was discovered by the corrupted
agents of the Democracy that
were to eventually become Snake

Experiments were performed on the prison, cracking its shell and

allowing one of the evil entities inside to escape. This eventually
led to the nightmarish deaths of almost everyone in the research
facility and the eventual release of the remaining evil trapped
inside the prison. These entities, devoid of bodies, went straight
into the very atmosphere. There, their corrupted codes began to
influence the very minds of the human population, robbing them
of all hope. As time progressed, the first freed Deceiver built a
factory that started creating bodies according to the codes now
coalescing within the ether. The malevolent codes were then
downloaded into the completed bodies, removing them from
the ether and freeing the minds of humanity from their diabolical
However, the leader of the rebellion, Galaxy, could not be
freed. His imprisonment was more powerful than the others and
his bonds remain unable to be broken by his Tyrants. Galaxy
remains within the dimensional statis prison deep in the bowels
of the destroyed COILs lab. From there, he communicates his
will through his Tyrants who command his legions. Desperate for
freedom, Galaxy has his minions search tirelessly for a solution.
Should a solution be found, and Galaxy freed, the Earth will be
thrust into a hellish world of slavery and death, ruled by the
malevolent Galaxy and his Tyrants.

Playing the Game
Bot War is primarily a game for 2 or more players. To play, each
player first chooses what faction they would like to use.
Additional faction models and stat cards are available at

Before a game of Bot War, both players agree to the points’ level
that they would like to play. Looking at the stat cards in this starter
set you will see that each model has a points’ level assigned to
it. These points are a guide to help create even battles between
players. A recommended sized battle for Bot War is 80 points
worth of models per side, however, you can of course have larger
or smaller battles. An 80-point battle will have typically 5 to 10
models per side and will take just under an hour to play once you
know the rules.

Then both players select which models to use, up to and including

the agreed points’ level. Etiquette dictates players should never
exceed this agreed points’ limit, even by a single point, unless first
sanctioned by the other player/s. Tip: During set up for a game, it
is recommended that each player arrange their stat cards along
their own table edge in ascending Strategy Rating order from left
to right as per the picture below.

Once you have your selected force, it is time to select a scenario.
The scenarios are located towards the back of this rulebook. Once
selected, follow the scenario instructions to set up the board and
begin the game.

Bot War is played on a 3ft x 3ft board with several terrain pieces of
varying size scattered throughout. Depending on how dedicated
you are, the board and terrain can be as simple as a kitchen
table with some books or blocks scattered, or it can be a lavishly
modelled game board with a custom-built miniature city. Bot War
is an 8mm scale game. This means that the human sized models
are approximately 8mm high. For reference, this scale is close to
Z scale when referring to model railways. This scale shows how
gigantic the Bots are in comparison to humans. The Bots power is
to be feared!

It’s a hobby too

If you are new to

miniature games, then
you may not know
that miniature games
are also a hobby as
well! Each miniature
is made in either
metal, resin or plastic.
All models must be
washed, cleaned and
assembled before
they are ready to use
in the game.

For the best in game experience, it is recommended that you also

paint the models. Special acrylic paints are available in most good
hobby stores or toy shops.

For some models you may also need certain tools such as a Pin
Vice Drill Set, Files or a Hobby Knife to help clean and assemble
the models (particularly for tin alloy models). These are also
available in hobby stores or on the Traders Galaxy webstore.
Warning - these tools do require adult supervision.

Bot War also has a strong community of players and hobbyists with
which to share your paint work or most recent game highlights.

Connect to the Bot War community -

Additional game tips and tactics, as well as general discussion
on the background and models, can be found on the dedicated
Bot War community page here -

Additional Bot War models, stat cards and background can also be
found at -

The Rules

Game Requirements

You will need the following

items to play Bot War -

• Bot War Dice Kit

• Bot War Rulebook
• Tape measure
• Two forces of Bot War
• Stat Cards that match your
selected forces of models
• 3ft x 3ft surface with
several pieces of terrain

Understanding the Dice

Bot War uses custom dice and pink cubes to resolve game actions.
The dice meanings are listed below.

Purple = Attack dice – Used for Ranged Attacks and Close Attacks

Red = Shield dice – Used for Shielding against attacks

Black = Critical dice – Used for Close Attack, Terrain shielding and
other in game effects.

D6 (regular six-sided dice) – Used for randomising damage,

selecting scenarios, or determining tie breaker Strategy Rating

D10 (ten-sided dice) – Used for building damage and damage

tracking (optional only and not included in the Bot War dice set)

Pink Cubes = Energy Cubes used to power your force

Understanding the Stat Card

1. Faction symbol
2. Model name
3. Points cost to add this model to your force
4. What Super Ability your Bot has, or what Infantry type your
model is
5. How many Energy Cubes this model will add to your pool
6. Strategy Rating of your model
7. How fast in inches your model will move around the board
8. How many purple attack dice your model will roll for Ranged
9. How many purple attack dice your model will roll for Close
10. How many red shield dice your model will roll to Shield against
11. How much Damage your model can take before its destroyed
12. The Special Rules that your model can perform

Game Turn

There are 3 phases of the game that make up 1 Game Turn. These
are - the Power Up phase, the Activation phase, and the End of Turn
phase. These 3 phases are repeated for as many turns as the game
requires (Usually a maximum of 8)

Power Up Phase

Each model needs Energy Cubes to function. At the start of

each turn add up the total amount of Energy Cubes generated
by your Faction. From this pool distribute the Energy Cubes to
the different individual members of your force based on what
activations you want them to perform that turn. Place the Energy
Cubes on the stat card of the model that will be using them that
turn. Note: Energy is reset at the end of each turn and all saved
energy cubes are lost.

Activation Phase

Models activate in ascending order of the Strategy Rating on their

stat card. Strategy Ratings cannot go below 1 or above 10 in any
way. This could mean that player one will activate a model, then
player two may activate three of their models before player one
gets to activate their second model. In the event that opposing
Factions each have a model with the same Strategy Rating, then
Valiants will always go first. If both Factions are the same class, for
example Infesters vs Deceivers then toss a coin or roll a D6 at the
start of the game to determine who activates first, in instances of
tied Strategy Ratings, for the rest of the game.
When performing an activation, pay the listed cost of the activation
by removing the Energy Cubes stored with the model who is
activating and then perform the activation. There are 4 main
Activations – Move, Ranged Attack, Close Attack and Super Ability.
Note: Some models may have special activations only they can
perform. This will be listed on their stat card.

Up to 2 activations may be performed per model per turn.

Activations for a model can be performed in any order or
combination. For example: Ranged Attack, then Ranged Attack
again is 2 activations. Or Move, then Ranged Attack is also 2

End of Turn Phase

This phase of the game is used to calculate the current Victory

Point total and Game Turn count.


• Moving costs 1 Energy Cube to perform.
• Measuring from the front of the models’ base, the move must
be completed with the final position of the models’ base being
fully inside the maximum movement distance permitted for the
• A model may not move through intervening models or terrain,
unless otherwise stated.

Ranged Attack

A model may make a Ranged Attack against any enemy model it

can see* that is not in base to base contact with an enemy model.
(* See Line of Sight)
• All Ranged Attacks have a maximum range of 24” unless stated
• A Ranged Attack costs 1 Energy Cube to perform.
• There are 2 types of Ranged Attack, Short and Long.

Short and Long Ranged Attacks

If the distance between the base of the model using the Ranged
Attack and the base of the target is 10” or less, it is a “short”
Ranged Attack. If the target is over 10” it is a “long” Ranged Attack.
For a long-Ranged Attack, Power Boosting cannot be used, and
1 Ranged Attack dice is subtracted from the Ranged Attack dice
listed on the models’ stat card.

Ranged Attack steps:

Declare target
1. Determine range (within maximum range or whether short or
long ranged)
2. Select the dice required –
• Attacker selects Ranged Attack dice based on the amount
listed on their own stat card (removing 1 dice if long range).
• Defender selects Shields dice based on the amount listed on
their own stat card (adding extra dice for Obscure or Terrain if
the option is available).
5. Attacker and defender declare if Power Boosting (if option is
6. Attacker rolls Ranged Attack dice and calculates number of
7. Defender rolls Shield dice and calculates number of deflected
8. Subtract the number of deflected shots from the number of hits
to determine the amount of damage points.
9. Mark down the amount of damage taken remaining on the
target model (if any)
10. If damage taken is equal to or exceeding the remaining
damage listed on the target models stat card, the model is

Close Attack

A Close Attack can be performed when in base to base contact

with an enemy model.

• A Close Attack costs 1 Energy Cube to perform.

• A model cannot move into base to base with an enemy model
it cannot see at the start of the turn*. (*see Line of Sight)
• 1 Critical Dice is added to the Close Attack Dice listed on the
models’ stat card.
• 1 extra Close Attack Dice is added for every friendly model in
base to base contact with the same targeted enemy model.

Example: Angel is attacking Stingray. Angel has 2 Close Attack

Dice and adds 1 Critical dice as normal. However, because Topstar
is also in base to base with Stingray, Angel adds another Close
Attack Dice. So, in total Angel rolls 3 Close Attack Dice and 1
Critical dice to attack Stingray.


If an attacking model successfully damages the defending model

and the defending model is not removed from play, the attacking
model can elect to disengage from the Close Attack. This is done
by moving the attacking model 1” away from the defending model.
Once disengaged, both models may perform any remaining
activations as normal.

• A model cannot disengage if it’s in base to base contact with

other enemy models it hasn’t damaged that turn. If the model
damages all models in base to base in the same turn it may
disengage as normal.
• In the instance that there is not enough room to disengage,
then the model is unable to do so.

Example: Faceoff scores a point of damage on the Thresherlord but

is unable to Disengage because he is also in base to base contact
with Ripper.
Close Attack steps:

Select dice required -

1. Attacker selects Close Attack Dice based on the amount
listed on their own stat card (adding 1 Critical Dice and any
additional Close Attack Dice if applicable).
2. Defender selects Shield Dice based on the amount listed on
their own stat card.
3. Attacker and Defender declare if Power Boosting (if option is
4. Attacker rolls Close Attack Dice and calculates number of hits
5. Defender rolls Shield Dice and calculates number of deflected
6. Subtract the number of deflected blows from the number of
hits to determine the amount of damage
7. Mark down the amount of damage remaining on the target
model (if any).
8. If damage taken is equal to or exceeds the remaining damage
listed on the target models stat card, the model is destroyed.

Power Boosting Ranged Attacks, Close Attacks, and Shields

Starting with the attacking player and before any dice are rolled,
players can decide to Power Boost. Any models except combined
models can Power Boost. Players may Power Boost a maximum of
once per model, per dice roll unless otherwise stated. Each single
Power Boost costs 1 Energy Cube from the power boosting models
allocation. A single Power Boost adds 1 additional Ranged Attack,
Close Attack or Shield dice to the players dice pool. Players
cannot Power Boost Critical Dice.

Terrain, Cover and Line of Sight


In games like Bot War it is

common practice to agree with
your opponent how terrain
will impact the game before
starting the game. There are so
many scenarios possible that
it’s impossible to have rules for
every single one. Below are some
guidelines for using terrain in Bot
War. There are 3 classifications of
terrain in Bot War.

Using common sense, classify terrain into one or more of these


Open ground – Regular unimpeded movement

Impassable terrain - Cannot be moved over or on to, unless

otherwise stated.

Water - All Bots may battle in water however their movement

is slowed. Movement in water for Bots incurs a -3” movement
penalty unless otherwise stated. Vehicles, Dedicated Flyers, and
Infantry may not battle in water unless otherwise noted (* see
Aquatic Special Rule).

Line of Sight

All Line of Sight is determined from the eye level of the model that
is activating.

Take Cover!

When assessing Line of Sight for a Ranged Attack, and the targeted
model has 50% or more of its body obscured behind terrain
or other models, it will receive an additional Critical dice when
shielding against those Ranged Attacks.

There are many types of buildings in Bot War. Buildings can give
distinct advantages to certain models but can also be dangerous.
Buildings are classified into 2 kinds, based on size. The profiles for
these are listed below -

City buildings such as apartment blocks, city office blocks and

shopping malls
Damage = 10
Short Ranged Attacks on models inside caused by collapse = 4
Critical dice

Small buildings such as houses

Damage = 5
Short Ranged Attacks on models inside caused by collapse = 2
Critical dice

Infantry and Buildings

Infantry may enter and exit buildings via a doorway on the terrain
feature by simply moving into base to base contact with a visible
door. Once inside a building, Infantry receive the following
benefits -

• Only 1 Infantry model may enter a building at any one time.

• Infantry cannot enter and exit a building in a single turn.
• Infantry will gain Line of Sight and be able to shoot from any
window in the building.
• Infantry gain +2 Shield dice when inside the building
• Bots may Close Attack Infantry inside a building by moving into
contact with the building the Infantry are in.
• Infantry that try to enter a building already occupied by enemy
infantry are automatically locked in base to base contact with
the enemy infantry model inside the building. *Note: This does
not include infantry on the roof of the same building which are
outside the building.
Once infantry has been inside the building for one turn, they may
exit via a door or go onto the roof of the building. Once either of
these options are chosen the model returns to normal use.

Bots and Buildings

Bots may not enter buildings. Bots activating their Air Support
Super Ability may land on a building. Doing so will cause 2 Critical
dice worth of damage to the building. At the start of every turn
that a Bot remains on top of a building, an additional Critical dice
worth of damage to the building will be caused. Use a D10 dice to
keep track of damage on the building.

Bots that wish to climb up a building will need to incorporate the

vertical distance to the top of the building into their movement
allowance so that the model must reach the top of the building in
a single turn. Climbing a building in this way will cause 1 Critical
dice worth of damage to the building.

Bots may move off the building simply by jumping down with no
penalty to the movement allowance.

Vehicles and Dedicated Flyers

Vehicles and Dedicated Flyers may not enter buildings.

Collapsed Buildings

If a Building reaches zero damage points it will collapse. If the

building collapses, immediately perform a building attack against
each model inside, on top of, and in base to base contact with the
collapsing building using the building Short Ranged Attack profile
listed (* see Buildings). Shields will apply as normal. Note: Infantry
inside a building do not get
the additional building shield
bonus against a collapsing
building. Once a building is
destroyed/collapsed, remove
the building. It is advised to
replace the building with a
“pile of rubble” terrain piece
to symbolise the collapsed

Super Abilities

Almost every model can perform a Super Ability activation,

however not all models have the same abilities. Each model can
only use their Super Ability activation once per game (except
where noted otherwise), although some Super Abilities can be
maintained across several turns. The Super Ability activation a
model may use is shown on their stat card.

The Super Ability activation works slightly different to other

activations. Once activated, the Super Ability will remain in
play until the start of its next activation. Then the model will
automatically revert to its regular rules. This automatic change
back to regular rules does not cost activations or Energy Cubes.

Air Support (2 Energy Cubes) – This is a special movement

activation which is calculated as follows - Move “X” multiplied by 3,
where “X” is the models’ movement distance listed on its stat card.
This Super Ability can be used over terrain or intervening models.
It may not end this move on impassable terrain or in base to base
contact with an enemy model. For the remainder of the turn this
model may only use Ranged Attacks.

Armoured Might (2 Energy Cubes) – The models’ Ranged Attacks

are limited to short range only. However, the model adds a Critical
Dice to their Ranged Attacks, swaps 1 Shield Dice to a Critical
Dice, and 1 extra Critical Dice to their Close Attacks (for a total of
2!). This Super Ability may be maintained for a cost of 2 Energy
Cubes at the start of every activation. If not maintained, the model
immediately returns to its regular stats.

Artillery Support (2 Energy Cubes) – The models’ movement is

reduced to 2”, however all Ranged Attacks count as if short range,
have no maximum range, and have the Blast Special Rule. This
Super Ability may be maintained for a cost of 2 Energy Cubes
at the start of every activation. If not maintained, the model
immediately returns to its regular stats.

Combine (2 Energy Cubes from each model making up the joined

bot) - To use the Combine activation all Combiners must be within
2” of the Core Combiner – see Core Combiner Special Rule.
Additionally, every model with the same class listed on their stat
card must be used. Example: There are 5 models with “Class: Mud
Warrior” listed, and all 5 must be combined to make Leviathan.

Once combined:
• All damage taken on each model prior to combining remains in
• All Special Rules for the individual bots making up the
Combiner are ignored.
• All damage against the combined model is randomised
between the 5 individual models making up its parts using a
D6*. (*rerolling any 6’s)

Once any of the individual models takes its maximum damage,

then it is removed from play, the combined model fails, and the
separated individual models are placed within the same space
previously occupied by the combined model. All remaining
individual models take 1 automatic damage each that cannot be
shielded but may otherwise activate as normal.

Example: Thermal, Aegon, Nami and Nebulous unite around Octo

to become Leviathan. Prior to this, Octo had already taken damage
and has just 1 Damage point remaining. General Duke shoots the
combined Leviathan, scoring 3 damage. These 3 damage points
are then randomised using a D6 with 2 falling on Thermal and 1 on
Octo. This removes Octo’s final Damage point and he is removed
from play. Leviathan immediately separates back to the 4 remaining
Mud Warriors and they each take an automatic Damage point that
cannot be shielded.

For all combined stats except damage, use the Core Combiners’
stats with the following additions:
• Ranged Attack – Add 1 Critical Dice (short ranged only)
• Close Attack – Add 2 extra Critical Dice (for a total of 3!)
• Shields – Add 3 additional Shield Dice

This Super Ability may be maintained for a cost of 2 Energy

Cubes per individual model making up the combined bot. This
must be paid at the start of every activation from the stat card
of each individual member making up the combined bot. If not
maintained by all models making up the combined bot, the model
immediately separates back into the individual models. Remove
the large bot and place the Core Combiner in its place. Then place
the remaining models within 2” of the Core Combiner.

Living Weapon (2 Energy Cubes) – The model may only use this
Super Ability if within 2” of a friendly model. Once activated,
remove the model and declare which friendly model within 2” is
now strengthened by the model’s power by placing the activating
model on the stat card of the friendly model. The friendly model
immediately has their Ranged Attacks stat replaced by the
activating models’ Ranged Attack stat for as long as the Living
Weapon Super Ability is in play.

Example: Electrotyrant activates Living Weapon and nominates

Syphene as the friendly model. Electrotyrant is removed from the
table and placed on Syphene’s stat card, transferring Electrotyrants
Ranged Attack stat to Syphene. Next turn Syphene activates,
moving forward 7” and then uses her second activation to shoot
with Electrotyrants Ranged Attack stat of 4. Electrotyrant then
activates and chooses to not maintain Living Weapon, returning to
the table next to Syphene. Electrotyrant then uses his 2 activations
to shoot twice again using his Ranged Attack stat of 4.

This Super Ability may be maintained for a cost of 2 Energy Cubes

at the start of every activation. The model is immediately returned
to the table in the closest possible position to the friendly models’
final position if any on the following happens –
• The friendly model is destroyed
• The Super Ability is not maintained at the start of the activation.

When returning the model to the table, if the model cannot be

placed 2” away from any enemy models, the model is destroyed.
When returning the Living Weapon model to the table, it may not
be placed into base to base contact with any enemy models. Note:
No Special Rules are transferred to a friendly model by activating
the Living Weapon Super Ability, only the Ranged Attack stat is

Stealth (2 Energy Cubes) – The model becomes an object,

it cannot move, attack, claim objectives, or be targeted by
Ranged Attacks over 5” away. If attacked in Close Attack, no
Shield dice can be used while in this form. This Super Ability
may be maintained for a cost of 2 Energy Cubes at the start of
their activation. A model cannot stay hosted unless Stealth is
maintained (*see Host Special Rule). If Stealth is not maintained,
then the model immediately must do the following –
• Return to its regular rules.
• If it was being hosted, it must be placed on the table within
2” of the Host model. It may not be placed in base to base
contact with an enemy model. If it can’t be placed for any
reason the model is destroyed.
Note: Models with Stealth may start the game with Stealth activated
paying the Energy Cubes at the start of their activation as if Stealth
was being maintained.

Ram Attack (2 Energy Cubes) – This is a special movement

activation calculated as follows – Move “X” plus 3” where “X”
represents the models’ movement distance listed on its stat card.
Additionally, if this movement is used to move the model into base
to base contact with an enemy model, it will add an additional
Critical Dice (total 2) to its Close Attack if it chooses to make a
Close Attack activation that same turn.

Adrenaline (2 Energy Cubes) –Once activated, this model heals

a Critical dice worth of damage and gains Critical dice worth of
extra Close attack dice. This Super Ability may push the model’s
stats above the regular stat line for the duration of the turn. Once
the turn is over, the additional Close Attack dice are lost but any
improvement to the damage stat is retained.

Platoons and Squadrons

Some models like tanks or flyers may be selected as units of 3

models using a specific stat card. Selecting models in this way can
greatly increase their effectiveness in certain situations but beware,
although powerful, these formations lose effectiveness when they
take damage.

When on the table the 3 models activate as a single model with

their bases in a triangle formation (see picture below). This means
that all distances measured are to and from the closest model
in the Platoon or Squadron. And if the Platoon or Squadron is
engaged in Close Attack, then all models in it are locked in Close
Attack. Additional models within the same Platoon or Squadron
do not add additional Close Attack dice for multiple attackers.
All models in a Platoon or Squadron automatically receive the
Sustained Fire, Ironskin and Rank and File Special Rules in addition
to any Special Rules they may already have on their stat card.

For each point of damage taken by a Platoon or Squadron remove

1 model from the Platoon or Squadron until there is the last model.
The last model is then only removed when the last remaining
damage points are taken. When removing models that have been
damaged, priority must be given to models that are not in base to
base contact with enemy models. If not in base to base contact
with enemy models the owning player may choose which model/s
are removed from the Platoon or Squadron.

Model Classification

There are several different classifications of models in Bot War.

These classifications are linked to base diameter and are outlined
in the table below.

Model Classification Table

Bots and Monsters Bots may have any

size base ranging from
25mm to 120mm
Light Tanks 40-50mm

Heavy Tanks 50mm- 60mm

Vehicles 40mm – 50mm

Dedicated Flyers 30mm - 40mm

Infantry Section (3 x 8-10mm models 25mm – 30mm

to a base)
Infantry Squad (5-6 x 8-10mm 40mm
models to a base)
Infantry Platoon (10 x 8-10mm 50mm
models to a base)
Platoon or Squadron (see Platoon or 3x 30 or 40mm bases
Squadron specific stat card) in triangle formation*
(*see Platoons and

Special Rules
Many models in Bot War have Special Rules. The Special Rules
themselves explain how they are to be used in game as there are
many different types.

Advanced Deployment – A model with this rule may deploy up

to 10” forward from its own board edge regardless of the scenario

Aquatic – This model suffers no movement penalties for moving

over or under water.

Blast – If a model with this rule damages the target, all other
models, friend or foe, within a 2” radius of the target takes 1
automatic point of damage. This additional damage cannot be
shielded. All models including combined models and models
using the Firepower Super Ability should be included in the area of
affect as individual models.

Blinded – If a model with this rule damages the target,

the damaged models Line of Sight is reduced to 2”
until its next activation.

Bounty Hunter – This model may be taken by any faction in the

game as an Uneasy Ally.

Bully – If targeting a model with the Obscure special rule with a

Close Attack, this model can reroll 1 Close Attack dice.
Combat Sword – When attacked with a Close Attack, models with a
combat sword may choose a Close Attack Dice for the opponent to

Combat Axe – If a model with this rule causes Damage in a Close

Attack then +1 Damage is added to the total. Shield as normal.

Combat Mace – Close Attacks from a model with this rule causes
the target to roll 1 less Shield dice.

Combat Scimitar – A model with this rule may reroll up to 2 attack
dice in Close Attack. Both must be rerolled together at the same
time. A reroll cannot be rerolled.

Combat Shield – Swap 1 Shield dice for 1 Critical when shielding

against attacks.

Combat Sword – When attacked with a Close Attack, models with

a combat sword may choose a Close Attack Dice for the opponent
to reroll.

Core Combiner – To combine, all combiner models must be within

2” of this model. This models’ base stats are also used for the
purposes of Combining - See Combine Super Ability.

Clones – This rule allows the model to have clones of itself. Clones
must be marked as clones and use the appropriate Clone stat card.
If more than 1 model has this rule in a force then all members of
the army must have an equal number of clones each at the start
of the game, or none can be taken. If an original model that has
been cloned is destroyed and removed from play, all the destroyed
models’ clones are also removed from play. All Clones also have
the Resurrection Special Rule.

Dedicated Flyer – A model with this rule must travel its full
movement each activation but can triple its move whenever it
requires. The model can move over any terrain but cannot end
its move on impassable terrain. If the model can’t move for any
reason, it is automatically destroyed at the end of its activation.
Models with this rule do not require Line of Sight to the target,
however if there is no Line of Sight to target, all Ranged Attacks will
count as long range (regardless of how close to target they are).
The maximum Ranged Attack for a dedicated flyer is 15”.

Disorientate – Special Activation (1 Energy cube).

Once activated, every model friend or foe within 10”
(excluding itself), loses 1 Shield dice from any shield
roll they need to make for the remainder of that turn.

Earthquake – A model with this rule can exchange their normal

Ranged Attacks for 1 automatic damage point for every model
within 6” friend or foe (except themselves). This damage cannot be

Efficient – This model gets to perform one of their activations for

free per turn.

Energy Drain – At the start of this model’s activation, a single

model friend or foe within 6” must surrender an energy cube to
this models pool.

Flame Thrower – The target model loses any Obscure and Terrain
dice when shielding this attack at Close Range.

Force Field – When Power Boosting Shields this model may grant
3 free extra Shield dice to 1 model (or itself) within 10”. Once per
game only.

Focus Fire – Models with this rule may choose Power Boost as
many extra dice as there are friendly models with Focus Fire within
2” (Up to a maximum of 2 dice). For example: A Snake Troopers
Platoon has a Snake Troopers Section and a Snake Troopers Squad
within 2”. This means they can Power Boost 3 Ranged Attack dice.
1 boost of their own and 2 boosts from the two other models.
Energy Cubes must be paid per boost as normal. Focus Fire is for
Ranged Attacks only.

Fuelled by Hatred – Roll a Red Shield dice at the start of each

Power Up Phase. This is how many additional Energy Cubes are
added to this models’ pool. If a blank is rolled the model takes a
single damage point that cannot be shielded.

Gas Gun – If damaged by a model with this weapon,

shields are reduced to 1 for the remainder of that turn.

Ground to Air Missile – A model with this rule has the

Targeting Matrix and Sharpshooter Special Rules only
when targeting enemy models with the Air Support Super Ability,
Dedicated Flyer or Jetpack Special Rules.

Heavy Calibre Gun –A model with this rule rolls 6 Ranged Attack
dice for short Ranged Attacks only. When using this Special Rule,
if 3 matching results of any denomination (Example: 3 blanks) are
rolled, the model with this Special Rule takes 1 damage point and
must use its normal Ranged Attack stat for the rest of the game.
Host – This model may carry up to 4 models with the Symbiote
special rule – (*see Symbiote Special Rule).

Iron Skin – Against Ranged Attacks, this model may reroll a single
Shield dice per turn.

Insignificant – It takes at least 3 of any model with this rule to claim

a single objective.

Inspiring Presence – Any friendly model that can draw Line of

Sight to this model can reroll 1 dice of their choice. Can only be
used once per turn.

Inventor – At the start of the game, roll a shield dice. On the result
of a 2, the model has the Magnetic Disruption Gun special rule for
the remainder of the game. On the result of a 1, the model has
the Disorientate special rule for the remainder of the game. On
the result of a blank, the model has the Uneasy Ally rule for the
remainder of the game.

Invisibility – Declare at the start of any turn. Any

enemy models wishing to target the model in any way
will have a line of sight of 2”. One use only. Lasts 1
Game Turn.

Jetpack – This model gains an additional activation each turn that

can only be used for movement. Energy Cubes are paid as normal
for this additional activation

Loose Circuit – This model is not quite right in the head. Roll an
Attack dice at the start of each turn. Whatever number is rolled
add this to the models Strategy Rating that turn. If a blank is rolled,
take 1 automatic Damage point and the Strategy Rating remains as
per stat card.

Loyal Until Death – A model with this rule may have damage
transferred to it instead of the intended target if within 2” of the
intended target. This rule is always followed by the name of
another model.
Example: Battlestar has Loyal until Death – General Duke. This
means that if General Duke takes damage and Battlestar is within
2” of General Duke, the owning player can elect to transfer those
damage points to Battlestar instead of taking them on General
Duke. You may not transfer partial damage. All or no damage from
a single attack must be transferred.

Lucky – Model may reroll 2 Shield dice per turn. This can be 2 dice
in a single roll or 1 dice each in 2 separate rolls.

Magnetic Disruption Gun – A model with this Special Rule may

exchange all their Ranged Attack dice for Critical dice at Close
Range. This does not include power boosted dice.

Martial Warrior – This model may perform 2 Super Abilities in a

game. This may be the same Super Ability twice.

Mind Control – If a model with this rule damages the

target, roll a Shield dice. The value of the roll is how
much the targets shields are reduced for the remainder
of the game.

Mind Read – Special Activation (2 Energy cubes). Choose any

enemy model within 10” and within Line of Sight and increase or
reduce its Strategy Rating by 3. This may cause the enemy model
to be out of Strategy Rating activation order, in which case it will
miss the turn.

Nuclear Shells – If damaged by a model with this rule

all remaining activations and Power Boosts on the
damaged model that turn cost 1 extra Energy Cube to

Obscure – If a model has this rule, they will receive an additional

extra Shield dice against any Ranged Attacks.

Pure of Purpose – This model is immune to the Mind Control and

Mind Read Special Rules.

Pugilist – This model may reroll 1 Close Attack dice per turn.

Rank and File – Models with this rule take double damage from
the Blast Special rule.
Repair – Special Activation (1 Energy Cube). When in base to base
contact with another friendly model it can repair 1 Shield dice
worth of damage. It cannot repair itself or Combined Bots.

Regenerate – Special Activation (1 Energy Cube). The model may

repair 1 Shield dice worth of damage on itself.

Resurrection – When the model with this rule is destroyed,

calculate victory points as normal. However, the model is placed
back on the board with a single damage point remaining and
its base touching its own table edge. The model may then be
activated as normal in its own Activation Phase. If destroyed again,
the model is removed from play, but no victory points are awarded
for this second destruction.

Sabotage – If an enemy model has not yet activated

and is damaged by a model with this rule, then it can
only move at half speed rounding up for its activation
that turn.

Scout – A model with this rule may ignore normal deployment

rules and set up anywhere on the board. The model must deploy
last and be out of Line of Sight. If it cannot be out of Line of Sight,
then it must be 11” or more away from any enemy models.

Sell Sword – this model may be taken in any faction with

exceptions listed on stat card.

Sharpshooter – This model may reroll a single Ranged Attack dice

per turn.

Sonic Boom – When using its Super Ability, this model causes 1
automatic point of damage to an enemy model within 10” at the
end of its Super Ability move. This damage cannot be shielded.

Sniper – May exchange 1 of their Ranged Attack dice for 1 Critical

dice (long range only). Models with this rule ignore the maximum
range limit.
Strategist – Special Activation (1 Energy cube). This model may
choose to add or subtract 3 from the strategy rating of a single
friendly model within 10”.

Surge – If a model with this rule damages the target with a regular
Ranged Attack, the damaged target takes 1 additional damage that
cannot be shielded for each Energy Cube they still have remaining
on their stat card pool.

Superior Being – Models with this rule only require a single energy
cube to maintain their Super Ability.

Sustained Fire – This model may boost short-ranged attacks once

per model in the Platoon or Squadron. For example: 3 ABT’s in a
Platoon may boost their short-ranged attacks by 3 purple ranged
attack dice! Note: Energy cubes must be paid as normal for each
boosted dice.

Symbiote – Models with this rule can be carried in models with

the Host Special Rule. If being hosted and the Host model is
destroyed, then all the Symbiote model/s are also destroyed –
(*see Host Special Rule). Symbiotes must maintain their Stealth
Super Ability if they are being hosted (*see Stealth Super Ability).

Targeting Matrix – This models Ranged Attacks always count as

short range regardless of distance. All the rules for short Ranged
Attacks apply. Maximum Ranged Attack distance still applies.

Teleport – When using its Super Ability, the model may use their
move to be placed anywhere on the battlefield. All other Super
Ability rules apply as normal.

Titanium Shell - any models with Combat Maces, Axes or Scimitars

attacking this model will lose the Special Rule those weapons
confer and instead transfer the respective Special Rule to this

Transport “X” – Models with this ability may transport another

model. The type of model that can be transported will be noted
on the stat card. To be transported, the player must declare its
being transported at the end of its move when its base contacts
the model with the Transport Special Rule. Once in base to base
contact, the model being transported must be removed and
placed on the stat card of the transporting model. When the
transporting model moves this effectively moves the transported
model for free and out of Strategy Rating sequence. When the
transported model activates, it may then disembark the transport
by being returned to the table in base to base contact with the
transport and then activating as normal.

While being transported, a model may shoot if it has Line of Sight,

counting as long range regardless of distance. Note: Regarding
Infantry, any model that can transport a Platoon may also choose
to transport a smaller infantry classification. For example: A
single Snake Corp Troopers infantry section moves into base to
base contact with a Vyper Assault Jeep and declares it is being
transported. The infantry section is removed and placed on the
Vyper’s stat card. The Vyper then activates and moves double
distance. Next turn when it’s their time to activate, the Snake Corp
Troopers disembark and are placed in base to base with the Vyper.
They may then activate as normal.

Tunneller –This model may choose to not deploy at the start of

the game. If it does so, roll a D6 at the start of turn two. On a 4
or more, the model can be deployed anywhere on the board as
long as it is deployed at least 5” away from any enemy models. If
a 1,2 or 3 is rolled the model doesn’t arrive and must try to roll a
4+ on turn 3 and so on. If the model never arrives it is counted as

Tyrannical – At the start of its activation this model may take an

Energy Cube from any friendly model within Line of Sight and add
it to its own pool.

Uneasy Allies – This model can receive Energy Cubes from the
pool, however, must always be allocated their full Energy Cube
allowance in Power Up phase and cannot share. They can receive
more Energy Cubes than their allowance if available.

Weapons Overload – Once per game this model may triple its
Ranged Attack dice for a cost of 3 Energy Cubes and 5 Damage
points. Power Boosting is not allowed on this attack.

Upgrades are unique (only 1 of each type may be taken unless

stated otherwise)

Evil Entity – DECEIVERS only – 5 points – Nominate an enemy

Upgrade during the Start of Turn phase. The Upgrade has no effect
until the model with the Evil Entity upgrade is destroyed.

Dark Blessing – DECEIVERS only – 3 points - This Upgrade grants

the Blast Special Rule.

Selfish Human – DECEIVERS only – 4 points – Grants the model

1 free Energy Cube per turn. This can only be used for the model
with this Upgrade.

Favoured – VALIANTS only – 3 points – The model may reroll one

Shield dice per turn.

Supercharged – VALIANTS only – 1 point - The model gains 1”

additional movement.

Will of the One – VALIANTS only – 2 points – Ignore 1 damage

point per game.

Dedicated Plan – C.O.I.L.S only – 7 points – Grants the Strategist

Special Rule.

Evil Armour – C.O.I.L.S Vehicles Only – 4 points – The model with

this upgrade has +2 Damage points added to its Stat Card.

Lightning Attack – C.O.I.L.S – 3 points – Grants the Advanced

Deployment Special Rule.

Human Slave – Atlanticans only – 2 points – Use this upgrade to

gain 1 free Power Boost on Shields per game.

Human Agent – Atlanticans only – 5 points – The model with this

Upgrade has the Scout Special Rule.

Noble House – Atlanticans only – 7 points – This model has the

Magnetic Disruption Gun Special Rule.

Human Snack – Overlords Only – 3 points – One use only.
Consume to repair 1 damage point.

Green Ooze – Overlords Only – 5 points – One use only. At the

start of the activation roll an Attack dice and add the result to the
models Movement, Ranged Attacks, Close Attacks and Shields
for the remainder of that turn. If a Blank is rolled take 3 Damage

Extra Limb – Overlords Only – 4 points - This model gains 1 free

Close Attack boost per turn.

Heavy Duty Equipment – Democracy Only - 3 points – The

model has the Regeneration Special Rule.

In Your Face – Democracy Only – 5 points - The model has the

Lucky Special Rule.

Girl Power – Democracy Only – 10 points – The model has the

Weapons Overload Special Rule.

Secret Society – Beastlords Only – 5 points – This model has the

advanced deployment special rule.

Tower of Violence – Beastlords Only – 7 points – This model gets

1 free boost for a Close Attack per turn.

Ancient Enmity – Beastlords Only – 3 points - This model gains

the Combat Scimitar rule when in Close Attack against models with
the Combine Special Rule.

Enhanced Systems – Red Star Nations Only – 3 points – This

model gains +1 damage to its stat line.

Cold Logic – Red Star Nations Only – 1 point – This model may be
voluntarily destroyed at the start of any Power Up Phase to receive
5 free Energy cubes that can be distributed to the pool as normal.

Death from Above – Red Star Nations Only – 10 points – A

model with this card can choose to use it at the start of its
activation, instead of both of its activations. Nominate an enemy
model within Line of Sight and roll 5 Ranged Attack dice. This is
how many hits are caused. The enemy model can shield as normal,
but no shield boost is permitted. Once per game only.

Feeding Frenzy – Infesters Only – 3 points – If this model destroys

an enemy model in a Close Attack add 2 free Energy Cube to the
Infester pool at the start of the next Power Up Phase only.

Eternal Hunger – Infesters Only – 5 points – This model has the

Energy Drain Special Rule.

Corrupted Code – Infesters Only – 7 points – This model has the

Resurrection Special Rule.

Already Banged Up – Trashers Only – 7 points – This model has

the Titanium Shell Special Rule.

Found a Shield at the Dump – Trashers Only – 3 points – This

model has the Combat Shield Special Rule.

My Blaster Still Works – Trashers only – 5 points – This model

adds an additional Ranged Attack dice to its stat card. Note: This
upgrade cannot be used on models with Ground to Air Missile.

*NOTE: Upgrade Cards can be downloaded for free from

Advanced Rules

Author’s Note

These rules can be used as an option for your Bot War games.
You can pick and choose to incorporate different advanced rules
into your games. However, note that the Alt Form stat cards are
not balanced or compatible with regular Bot War stat cards. This
means that if you choose to use Alt Forms then only Alt Form stat
cards should be used by all models.

Alt Forms

Some Bots have the ability to morph into a different form. These
forms may have added benefits in certain situations. The ability to
use an Alt Form replaces all Super Abilities in the main rules.

This is a special activation that requires 1 Energy Cube to perform.

Simply declare the Alt – Form and flip the Bots stat card over
to the new stat line, then replace the model with the Alt – Form
model. If you do not have an Alt-Form model then this ability
cannot be used. If the model was in base to base with an enemy
model then it must remain in base to base. Once this is done, the
model is locked in the Alt – Form until its next activation in which
it can reverse the process and return to regular mode by using
its activation and paying the 1 Energy Cube. A model that is
transporting other model’s while in Alt -Form is unable to return to
regular mode. Note: All damage inflicted, and all Energy Cubes
pooled, remain on the model regardless of what form the model is
in. However, all other stats and rules are as per the model’s current
stat card facing.

Understanding the Alt Form stat card

1. Model Name
2. Faction
3. Points cost to add to your force
4. Maximum Ranged Attack range
5. How many Energy Cubes this model adds to your pool
6. Strategy Rating
7. Movement in inches
8. How many Ranged Attack dice this model will roll
9. How many Close Attack dice this model will roll
10. How many Shields dice this model will roll
11. How much Damage this model can take before its destroyed
12. The Special rules this model has
13. The form the model is in

Terrain features

In Bot War there are some terrain features that can have in game
effects. It is not necessary to use these rules; however, they offer a
more immersive and fun gaming experience.

Lamp Post – If a Bot finishes its move within 1” of a lamp post it will
gain the Combat Mace Special Rule for the remainder of that turn.
If the Combat Mace is used in a Close Attack, remove the lamp
post from the table.

Signpost - If a Bot finishes its move within 1” of a signpost it will

gain the Combat Axe Special Rule for the remainder of that turn.
If the Combat Axe is used in a Close Attack, remove the signpost
from the table.

Dumpster Shield - If a Bot finishes its move within 1” of a

Dumpster it will gain the Combat Shield Special Rule for the
remainder of that turn. If the Combat Shield is used in a Close
Attack, remove the Dumpster from the table.

Parked Car Projectile – If a Bot model on a 40mm base or larger

finishes its move within 1” of a parked car terrain piece, it can
exchange its regular Ranged Attack for a “throw car” attack. This
attack has a maximum range of 10” and causes 2 automatic
damage to a single target model. This attack cannot be shielded.

Powerline Pylon – Bot models within 1” of a Powerline Pylon have

a chance of being charged up to full power or being completely
fried. If a Bot model finishes its move within 1” of a Powerline
Pylon, roll a D6. On a 4,5 or 6 the model gains 2 additional Energy
Cubes for the remainder of that turn. If a 1,2 or 3 is rolled, the
model takes a single point of damage with the Surge Special Rule.
This damage cannot be shielded.

Military Cache – Models within 1” of a military cache building at

the start of their activation will gain the Blast Special Rule for the
remainder of that turn.

It is always recommended to play a scenario for your Bot War games.
There are 11 scenarios in this book but you can of course make up your
own. Note: The scenario maps and terrain layouts are just a guide and it
is not necessary to make the table set ups exactly as per the maps.

Scenario 1: Quest for Energy

Game Length: 8 Turns

Deployment: Each player rolls a D6. The player with the highest
roll chooses a side. The other player automatically has the opposite
side. Models are deployed within 5” of their table edge in ascending
Strategy Rating order.

Special Rules: Each player has 2 Energy Cube objective markers

to place. After all terrain is placed, but before deployment, players
alternate placing the objectives starting with the side that has the
model with the lowest Strategy Rating.

The objectives must not be placed:

• on impassable terrain
• within 6” of any table edge or
• ithin 6” of another objective

Controlling the Energy: At the End of the Turn determine if any

models are within 2” of any energy sources. If there are, and there are
no enemy models within 2” of the same energy source, add 1 Energy
Cube to your overall pool for that Power Up Phase and add 1 victory
point as a tally. Continue this each turn until the game ends or for 8

Mission Objectives: Produce the most Energy Cubes (victory points)

from the Energy sources.

Winning the game: The winner is the force that has collected the most
victory points over the course of the game unless this force has been
entirely eliminated. In which case the force who eliminates the entire
opposing force is the winner.

Scenario 2: Ruby Crystals

Game Length: 8 Turns

Deployment: Each player rolls a D6. The player with the highest
roll chooses a side. The other player automatically has the
opposite side. Models are deployed within 5” of their table edge
in ascending Strategy Rating order.

Special Rules: During terrain placement, place 1 Ruby Crystal

deposit at the centre of the table. Impassable terrain cannot be
placed in a way that would block this objective. After all terrain
is placed but before deployment, players alternate placing the
remaining 4 Ruby Crystal deposits starting with the side with the
model that has the lowest Strategy Rating.

Ruby Crystals must not be placed:

• on impassable terrain
• within 8 inches of any table edge
• within 8 inches of another Ruby Crystal deposit

Controlling the Energy:

At the start of the turn if there is a model within 2” of a Ruby Crystal
deposit and no enemy models within 2” of the same deposit they
can attempt to harvest it. Roll a red Shield die. Whatever the result
is how many Energy Cubes added to the players’ pool for that
Power Up phase. Once harvested remove the Ruby Crystals from
play. The last Ruby Crystals deposit on the table is not removed
but continues to yield after every harvest.

Keep a tally of the total Energy harvested.

During each Power Up phase add one additional Energy Cube to

your pool for each Ruby Crystal deposit you control.

Mission Objectives: Collect the most Ruby Crystal deposits.

Winning the game: Completely eliminate opposing force or have

harvest the most Ruby Crystals by the end of 8 turns.

Scenario 3: Control the Space Portal

Game Length: 8 Turns

Deployment: Each player rolls a D6. The player with the highest
roll chooses a side. The other player automatically has the
opposite side. Models are deployed up to 8” onto their own board
edge in Strategy Rating order.

Alternative deployment for themed games: The Deceivers may

deploy 2 Air Warrior models within 2” of the entrance to the Space
Bridge. The remaining Deceivers are deployed with their bases
touching their own board edge. Any Valiants are deployed up to
6” onto their own board edge.

Special Rules: The Space Portal is a “C” shaped wall like terrain
piece approximately 80mm high x 250mm in diameter.

The Space Portal is placed in the exact middle of the table with the
rear of the Space Portal 5” from a side table edge. The entrance to
the Space Portal faces the centre of the board. Other terrain may
be placed by mutual agreement around the rest of the board.

After the end of turn 6, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6 the Space Portal
activates and all models inside are removed from play. Repeat this
at the end of turn 7 as well.

Mission Objective: Both forces must fight to control the Space


Winning the game: From the end of turn 3 onwards a victory

point is awarded at the start of the turn to the side with a model
closest to the centre of the Space Portal. To gain the Victory Point,
no enemy models can be inside the Space Portal perimeter.

Scenario 4: Assassinate

Each Faction has identified 1 key model in the opposing side

whose destruction will greatly benefit their prosperity in the
millennia to come. It could be a key warrior in the long running
rivalry or some petty revenge on the architect of an Energy
Cube swindle. Whatever the reason, the model is marked by the
opposing force for destruction.

Game Length: 8 Turns

Deployment: Each player rolls a D6. The player with the highest
roll chooses a side. The other player automatically has the
opposite side. Opposite board edges. Models are deployed up to
5” onto their own board edge in strategy rating order.

Special Rules: Select 1 model that has the highest Strategy

Rating within each opposing Faction. This model is marked for
destruction by the opposing Faction. If multiple models have the
same Strategy Rating then choose one of those to be the model
marked for destruction.

At the end of the game receive 5 Victory points for destroying the
selected model in the opposing side. Receive 5 Victory points if
the select model in your own force survives.

Additional victory points

• 1 victory point for each model destroyed with 4 damage points
or under on their stat card.
• 2 victory points for each model destroyed with 5-6 damage
points on their stat card.
• 4 victory points for each model destroyed with 7 damage
points or over on their stat card.

Mission Objective: Destroy the opposing Factions selected model

and protect the model selected in your own force.

Winning the game: The winner is the player with the most victory
points after 8 turns.

Scenario 5: Protect the Cargo

Game Length: 8 turns

Deployment: Each player rolls a D6. The player with the highest
roll chooses a side. The other player automatically has the
opposite side. Models are deployed up to 5” onto their own board
edge in strategy rating order.

Special Rules: Before the game starts each player rolls a D6. The
player with the highest roll chooses one model that does not have
either the Air Support Super Ability or Dedicated Flyer Special
Rule in their force to carry the cargo. Represent the cargo with a
marker, token or strange piece of modelled tech. This must be
placed beside the model in base to base contact or on its base.
This model must get the cargo to the opponents’ board edge.
While carrying the cargo, the model may not use their Super Ability
and may not give it to another model. If the carrying model is
destroyed, the cargo is left where the model was removed from the
table and another model (friend or foe) may pick it up by ending
its move on the cargo. If the opposing force picks it up, they must
then move towards their opponents’ board edge in the as per the
mission objective below.

Mission Objectives: The force that contains the model with the
cargo must get that model to the opponents’ board edge.
The force without the cargo must stop the model with the cargo
getting to its board edge.

Winning the Game: Once either side has reached the opposing
board edge with the cargo remove the carrying model from play
and add 10 victory points to that side’s total.

• 1 victory point for each model destroyed with 4 damage or
under on their stat card.
• 2 victory points for each model destroyed with 5-6 damage on
their stat card.
• 4 victory points for each model destroyed with 7 damage or
over on their stat card.

Scenario 6: Escalation

Opposing scouting forces clash and each calls their headquarters

for reinforcements, but will the help arrive in time?

Game Length: 8 turns

Deployment: Each player divides their force into 3 equal parts.

For example: a force of 6 models would be divided into 3 groups of
2 models. A force of 5 would be divided into 2 groups of 2 models
and a single model.

The board is then divided into 2 equal halves by an imaginary line

and players roll a D6. The winner deploys all their first models
anywhere in their own board half. The other player deploys their
first group in the other board half and the game begins.

At the start of each turn after the first, if players still have models on
the table, they roll a D6 for each group still not on the board. On
the roll of a 2 or 3 the group is deployed with their bases touching
the left table edge. On the roll of a 4 or 5 the group is deployed
with their bases touching the right table edge. On the roll of a
6 the group is deployed with the bases touching the opponents’
table edge. On the roll of a 1 they are not deployed and the player
may try again at the start of the next turn.

Special Rules: If the starting group is eliminated before any

remaining groups arrive on the table the entire force counts as
destroyed and the game is over.

Mission Objectives: Destroy the opposing force.

Winning the game: For each entire group destroyed you gain 5
victory points.

Scenario 7: One Shall Stand

Game Length: 8 turns

Deployment: Draw an imaginary diagonal line between opposite

corners of the board. Each player rolls a D6 and the winner
chooses which side of the diagonal line they wish to deploy.
Models can be placed anywhere on their own selected board side
but must be at least 10” away from this diagonal dividing line.

Special Rules: For every model destroyed by Close Attacks add 1

free Energy Cube to the individual model responsible every Power
Up phase for the remainder of the game.

Mission Objectives: Completely eliminate the opposing force.

Winning the game: Victory points

• 1 victory point for each model destroyed with 4 damage points
or under on their stat card.
• 2 victory points for each model destroyed with 5-6 damage
points on their stat card.
• 4 victory points for each model destroyed with 7 damage
points or over on their stat card.

Scenario 8: Control the City

Game Length: 8 turns

Deployment: Each player rolls a D6. The player with the highest
roll chooses a side. The other player automatically has the
opposite side. Models are deployed with bases touching their own
board edge in Strategy Rating order.

Special Rules: This scenario uses the Buildings Rules found

on page 42 and 43 or this book, as well as the Terrain Features
Optional Rules found on page 64.

Mission Objectives: The city is set up in 4 equal city blocks as

per diagram. To claim a city block the player must have at least
1 objective claiming model and no enemy models within the city

Winning the game: Victory points

• 1 victory point for each model destroyed with 4 damage points
or under on their stat card.
• 2 victory points for each model destroyed with 5-6 damage
points on their stat card.
• 4 victory points for each model destroyed with 7 damage
points or over on their stat card.
• 10 victory points for each uncontested city block held

Scenario 9: “Rescue” the Civilians

Game Length: 8 turns

Models required: 7 x infantry sections or 7 x 6-8mm human sized

models on 30mm bases.

Deployment: Each player rolls a D6. The player with the highest
roll chooses a side. The other player automatically has the
opposite side. Models are deployed with bases touching their own
board edge in Strategy Rating order.

Special Rules: The civilians have been told to await “rescue” at

designated points on the board. Draw a centre line through the
middle of the board. The infantry sections are placed along this
line. One in the very centre of the board and the remaining 6
sections every 3” either side of the centre one extending along the
line to the board edges.

Each side must try to “rescue” as many infantry sections as they

can and escort them back to their own board edge. To do this the
model must touch the base of the infantry section. The infantry
section then stays in base to base contact with the model when
it moves. If the model is destroyed when attached to the infantry
base then the infantry section remains in place until “collected”
by another model. The infantry section cannot move itself or be
destroyed in any way.

Once an infantry section makes it to a board edge remove the

infantry section from the board.

Mission Objectives: Collect as many infantry sections as possible.

Winning the game: Victory points

5 victory points for each infantry section that makes it to the players
board edge.

Scenario 10: Doomsday Device!

Game Length: 8 turns

Deployment: Each player rolls a D6. The player with the highest
roll chooses a side. The other player automatically has the
opposite side. Opposite board edges. Models are deployed up to
5” onto their own board edge in strategy rating order.

Special Rules: Place a terrain piece in the very centre of the

board to represent the Doomsday Device. The Doomsday Device
is activated at the start of turn 3. Starting with turn 3 each model
will lose a red Shield dice off their stat card at the start of every
subsequent turn until the Shield stat is zero.

Models may attempt to destroy the Doomsday Device. The

Doomsday Device has 25 Damage and no shields. Once
destroyed, all Shields stats are returned to normal.

Mission Objectives: Destroy the opposing force and the

Doomsday Device.

Winning the game: Victory Points

• 1 victory point for each model destroyed with 4 damage points
or under on their stat card.
• 2 victory points for each model destroyed with 5-6 damage
points on their stat card.
• 4 victory points for each model destroyed with 7 damage
points or over on their stat card.
• 5 victory points for Destroying the Doomsday Device

Scenario 11: Triple Play (Solo Scenario)

Game Length: 8 turns

Deployment: Deploy 3 enemy “Boss” Bots worth 14 points or

above on top of each objective marked with a yellow star. Place 2
enemy henchmen Bots randomly within 3 inches of each of the 3
enemy “Boss” Bots. Henchmen Bots should be chosen from models
up to 12 points. Your own force may deploy along the board edge
as shown on the map.

Special Rules: This is a solo scenario designed for one player.

Enemy Bots –
• Enemy Bots generate no energy as such. All enemy bots are
automatically assumed to have enough energy to use both of
their activations.
• Enemy Bots may not boost in anyway but will receive 2
additional Shield dice if targeted from over 15” away.
• Enemy Bots will not move until they can draw a Line of Sight to
the enemy.
• Enemy bots have a 360-degree Line of Sight that is only
blocked by terrain* (see Line of Sight rules)
• Enemy Bots will not use their Super Abilities and will only
use passive Special Rules. (e.g. A special rule that is always in
• The 3 Boss Bots will not move from their objective for any
reason and must be destroyed in order to take the objective.
• If the enemy “Boss” Bots have Line of Sight they will shoot with
both activations using the regular rules for Ranged Attacks.
• Each henchmen Bot will remain stationary until Line of Sight
can be drawn to an enemy model. Once Line of Sight can be
made, the henchmen Bots will move one full activation towards
the nearest enemy if the enemy is 15” or closer. The second
activation will be used to make a Ranged Attack towards the
closest enemy. If the enemy is over 15” the henchmen Bots
will use both of their activations for Ranged Attacks. This will
continue until the henchmen Bots contact the enemy Bot in
Close Attack upon which the Ranged Attack will be replaced by
a Close Attack.

• Henchmen Bots will always move towards the closest enemy
model it can see. Should another enemy reveal itself or the
henchmen movement reveal another enemy Bot that’s closer,
then the henchmen Bots will immediately turn its attention to
the new enemy.
• Models still activate in Strategy Rating order
• You will roll all enemy Bot attacks and shields as per the enemy
Bots stat cards.
• Your force will be selected from 60 points of models.

Mission Objectives:
• Defeating 1 boss and controlling 1 objective = Novice
• Defeating 2 bosses and controlling 2 objectives = Formidable
• Defeating 3 bosses and controlling all 3 objectives = Master

Scenario 12: Green Energy!

Green energy is highly conductive, able to transfer its power

through the very ether into any friendly model on the battlefield.
But this connection can become just as dangerous as it is beneficial.

Game Length: 8 turns

Deployment: Each player rolls a D6. The player with the highest
roll chooses a side. The other player automatically has the
opposite side. Models are deployed up to 10” onto their own
board edge in strategy rating order.

Special Rules: Ensure a 12” x 12” section in the middle of the

board has no terrain and then place either a Generator, Powerplant
or Electricity Pylon terrain piece directly in the centre of this space.
The remaining terrain can be distributed on the rest of the board.

When a model comes within 1” of the centre terrain piece it

immediately receives 1 green energy cube for each model
remaining in its force. These cubes must be immediately
distributed throughout the force where required, just like in the
Power Up Phase. Unlike pink energy cubes, green energy cubes
are not reset after each turn and must be carried over into the next
turn until they are spent. However, should a model be damaged
by a model with the Surge Special Rule, then that player will take
a damage point against each and every model in its force with a
green energy cube on its card. Apart from this rule, green energy
has the same value and operates the same as pink energy.

Each model may only “collect” green energy by being within 1” of

the centre terrain piece once per game. If a model stays within 1”
of the terrain piece for more than 2 turns it is overwhelmed by the
power and destroyed as if by the Blast Special Rule.

Mission Objectives: Destroy the opposing force.

Winning the game: Victory Points

• 1 victory point for each model destroyed with 4 damage points

or under on their stat card.
• 2 victory points for each model destroyed with 5-6 damage
points on their stat card.
• 4 victory points for each model destroyed with 7 damage
points or over on their stat card.

Scenario 13: Red Energy!

Red energy is powerful but highly unstable. It produces massive

surges in power levels and allows systems to be pushed beyond
their normal limits. However, inevitably it is likely the host will be
destroyed as a result.

Game Length: 8 turns

Deployment: Each player rolls a D6. The player with the highest
roll chooses a side. The other player automatically has the
opposite side. Models are deployed up to 10” onto their own
board edge in strategy rating order.

Special Rules: At the start of each Power Up Phase, each player

rolls 2 critical dice and replaces this number of single pink energy
cubes with 2 red energy cubes. Models with red energy may boost
shields up to twice per boost rather than just a single boost. For
each red energy cube remaining on a card at the end of the turn,
that model will take a critical dice worth of damage with the Blast
and Rank and File Special Rules.

Mission Objectives: Destroy the opposing force.

Winning the game: Victory Points

• 1 victory point for each model destroyed with 4 damage points

or under on their stat card.
• 2 victory points for each model destroyed with 5-6 damage
points on their stat card.
• 4 victory points for each model destroyed with 7 damage
points or over on their stat card.
• An additional victory point for any enemy models destroyed
when they had red energy on their stat card that turn.

Scenario 14: Cleanse the City!

In many Democracy cities formerly governed by COILS agents,

chaos is barely held in check. Every now and then street fights
between various Bot War factions break out in partially abandoned
parts of the city causing even more destruction than usual.

Game Length: 8 turns

Deployment: Each player rolls a D6. The player with the highest
roll chooses a side. The other player automatically has the
opposite side. Models are deployed up to 15” onto their own
board edge in strategy rating order.

Special Rules: During deployment place 8+ civilian parked cars,

8+ streetlamps, 8+ street signs and 4+ dumpsters in random
positions throughout the entire board. Each of these terrain
features uses the optional rules given in the Turbo Edition rulebook
on page 64 with the following difference. Once a model picks
up a terrain piece for use, place the piece on the base or beside
the model. The model may carry the terrain piece until it is used
or until the model uses its Super Ability. If civilian parked cars
are thrown at an enemy model resolve damage as normal. But
place the car in base-to-base contact with the damaged target,
who may then use this as normal in its own activation. If a model
with a damage stat greater than 8 throws a parked car, it causes 2
automatic damage instead of just 1.

Mission Objectives: Destroy the opposing force or have the most

models in the opponent’s deployment zone.

Winning the game: Victory Points

• 1 victory point for each model destroyed with 4 damage points

or under on their stat card.
• 2 victory points for each model destroyed with 5-6 damage
points on their stat card.
• 4 victory points for each model destroyed with 7 damage
points or over on their stat card.
• An additional victory point for every enemy model destroyed
using a terrain piece.
• 3 victory points per model in the enemy deployment zone.

Written by:
Anthony Mallett © 2021
Copyright Disclaimer: Any names,
characters, models and stories in
this rule book are from the author’s
imagination and are inspired by
multiple sources. Any reference to
actual names, characters, models and
stories not the property of Traders
Galaxy is purely coincidental.
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