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Subject: ELECT3 - Web Design Date: 28 November 2021

Name: Flores, John Paul G. Day: THS


Section: CBET-25-503P Class No.: 14 Time: 03:00PM - 04:30PM

Task # 004

Topic # V Communicating Online


A. Online Communication

In the past, email was the best way to communicate with people online. But today, there are many
different ways to talk online, allowing you to do things like:

➢ Make phone calls from your computer and even see the
person you're talking with
➢ Share with lots of friends at the same time without sending
an email to each of them individually
➢ Engage with different websites by making comments or
posting your own content

Over the next several lessons, we'll take a look at some different methods of online communication,
including chat, video calling, text messages, and status updates.

How people communicate online

When people are not online, they use a variety of communication methods, including phone calls, written
letters, and face-to-face conversation. We use these different methods depending on the situation. Online
communication is very similar: People may use instant messaging, video chat, or social
networking depending on the situation. You can choose whichever methods best fit your needs.

Staying safe online

No matter how you communicate online, you'll need to think

about privacy and safety. Each service that we'll discuss has its own
privacy settings. It's helpful to review these settings before using any
service to avoid revealing your conversations and personal information to
a broader audience.

Act as if you were communicating offline: Remember, everything you write online is relatively permanent,
so even passing comments could have negative consequences for you or someone else in the future.

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B. Chat and Instant Messaging

Chat and instant messaging (IM) are short messages sent

and read in real time, allowing you to converse more quickly
and easily than email.

Chat and IM are generally used when both (or all) people are
online, so your message can be read immediately. By
comparison, an email message won't be seen until the
recipient checks his email, meaning that chat and IM are
better for quick messages and conversations.

Chat vs. IM

The terms chat and IM are sometimes used interchangeably. However, they can have slightly different

➢ Chat often occurs in a virtual chat room, which can include many different people who may or may
not know each other. Many chat rooms focus on a particular topic or interest.
➢ IM usually includes a list of your contacts, called a Buddy List or Friend List, which allows you to see
who is online. IM is especially suited for one-on-one communication, but it's possible to send
messages to multiple people at once. IM is technically a kind of chat, and some IM services use the
term "chat" instead.

Pros and cons of instant messaging

Will chat or IM work for your needs? Review some of the pros and cons to help decide:


➢ It's instant; you don't need to wait for the other person to check his email.
➢ It's great for quick messages, questions, or notifications.
➢ Compared to email, it's easier to carry on a conversation (or even multiple conversations).
➢ You can stay logged in while doing other things on your computer, which makes it easy to multi-

➢ If someone is not online, you may have to contact him another way.
➢ It's not as convenient as email for lengthy or complicated messages.
➢ It's not always instantaneous: If your friends are busy or away from the computer, it may take a
while for them to respond.
➢ Since people may type quickly or use abbreviations, messages could be difficult to understand. Also,
as with email, it's possible to misinterpret someone's tone.

Where to find chat and IM services

There are numerous chat and IM programs you can download, including Hangouts, Skype and ICQ. In
addition, there are many browser-based services that don't require downloading. For
example, Facebook and Gmail allow you to chat with your contacts whenever you're signed in.

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If you have a smartphone or mobile device, it's possible to use chat or IM when you're away from your
computer. Popular mobile chat services include IMO and eBuddy.

If you want to know more about using chat and instant messaging, we have tutorials on the following:

➢ Facebook - Chat and Messages

➢ Instant Messaging with Skype

C. Video Chat and Group Calls

Video chat allows you to see and hear the people you're
communicating with in real time. Whether you're talking with a
family member or collaborating at work, video chat can add a
personal touch to your conversations. Just
like voice chat, it's included in many IM and chat services, and
it's often free.

Hardware and software requirements

Like voice chat, you'll need a microphone and speakers, or a headset that contains both. You'll also need a
webcam so the other person can see you. Many computers have a built-in webcam, usually located just
above the screen. There are also inexpensive webcams that connect to your computer's USB port, which can
be purchased at any store that sells computer hardware and electronics.

Generally, video chat will require a broadband Internet connection. The faster your Internet connection, the
better the video quality. With slower connections, the video can become choppy or may not work at all.

Group video chat

With some services, it's possible to video chat with multiple people. This is often called group video
chat or video conferencing, while the meeting itself is often called a webinar (short for web seminar). It's
often used in the workplace, but you can use it anytime you want to collaborate with a group. However, you
should be aware that some services charge extra for this feature, and it may require a faster Internet

If you're giving a presentation, you can even share your screen with the people you're talking to. That
means they'll see exactly what you're seeing on the screen, whether it's a PowerPoint presentation,
a photo, or a spreadsheet. Screen sharing is also useful if you're having a problem with your computer, as it
can help others see and identify the issue.

Pros and cons of video chat

Will video chat work for your needs? Review some of the pros and cons to help decide:

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➢ You can see the person you're talking with.
➢ Many voice chat services are free and may be included with your IM or chat program.
➢ It's possible to chat with multiple people at once.
➢ You may need to buy a webcam and headset if you don't already own them.
➢ It may not work with slower Internet connections.
➢ Even though you can see the person, it's not the same as talking face to face. Due to the camera
angle and picture quality, you may find it a bit awkward or unflattering.

Let's practice!
Question 1 of 1
Which of the following are required for video chat? Select all that apply.
Broadband Internet connection
Speakers (or a headset)

Where to find video chat services

There are a variety of services that provide video chat. The most well-known service is Skype, but others
➢ Zoom
➢ Google Meet
➢ Facebook Video Calling
➢ Apple FaceTime

If your friends and family already use voice chat, you may want to ask them which service they use so
you can sign up for the same one.

If you are interested in using video calls and group chats, we have tutorials on the following:

➢ Getting Started with Zoom

➢ Making Video Calls with Skype

D. Social Posts, Status Updates, and Tweets

Imagine you're at a party. You might be talking to one person, or a small group of people, but other people
can join the conversation. This is basically how social networking sites work. Conversations are
more open and public, which can provide a richer social experience than other forms of online

Click the arrows in the slideshow below to learn more about popular social networking sites

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You can connect with on social networking sites! Just go
to,, or We use
these accounts to post updates about our site, along with other relevant information.

Communicating in a social network

Once you've joined a social network, you can start posting your thoughts, questions, pictures, links, videos,
or anything else you'd like to share. These are called social posts because they are visible to other people,
unlike direct messages or email. Posts will appear on your activity feed, which is visible to your friends on
the site.

Social posts are known by many different names, but they are most commonly called status updates. You
can use status updates to let your friends know what you're doing or to say what's on your mind. Some
social networking sites have unique names for their social posts. For example, on Twitter a post is called a
tweet, while a post on Pinterest is known as a pin.

For tips on communicating within social networks, check out our lesson on Social Media Privacy Basics from
our Internet Safety tutorial.

Pros and cons of social networking

Will social posts work for your needs? Review some of the pros and cons to help decide:


You can communicate with a lot of people at the same time.

It's easy to post your thoughts, pictures, links, and more

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➢ It provides a richer social experience than email or instant messaging.
➢ You can stay in touch with people who live far away or who you don't see often.

➢ If you have friends who use a different social networking site (or don't use any at all), they won't
see your social posts.
➢ You can accidentally post sensitive information that will be seen by many different people.
➢ Things that you post may be permanent, so you have to be careful not to post things that could
harm your reputation in the future.

Some sites have complex privacy options, which may be a bit confusing to set.

Let's practice!
Question 1 of 1
Which of the following social networking sites focuses mostly on career networking?

Where to find social posts

There are many websites that include social posting features, including:

➢ Facebook
➢ Twitter
➢ Pinterest
➢ LinkedIn
➢ Meetup
➢ YouTube
➢ Instagram

If you are interested in using social networking websites, we have tutorials and articles on the following:

➢ Twitter
➢ Facebook
➢ Pinterest
➢ LinkedIn Basics
➢ Internet Safety
➢ What is Tumblr?

E. Likes, Comments, and Sharing

One of the great things about the Internet today is that anyone can
join the conversation. Instead of just reading webpages, you can
engage and share things you find with your friends.

Whether you're reading a news article, watching a YouTube video,

or shopping for a great deal, there's a good chance

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you'll be able to add a comment or use a social plug-in to post it to your social networks.
Leaving feedback with social plug-ins

If you're viewing something online, you may notice buttons with the Facebook or Twitter logos. These are
called social plug-ins, and they're designed to let you give feedback on a webpage. When
you Like, recommend, or tweet a website, a link to that page will be posted on your profile, allowing you to
share that site with all of your friends at the same time.

While Facebook and Twitter tend to be the most common social plug-ins, there are many others you can
use. There is often a "Share" button you can click to see more options. Depending on the website, you may
be able to share content in the following ways:

➢ Reddit allows you to post and vote for websites you like, which is similar to Liking a
page on Facebook.
➢ Some sites have a +1 button, which is similar to the Like button.
➢ You can pin a link on a Pinterest board.
➢ You can email an article or link to someone.

Sharing and comments

People use comments to give feedback, ask questions, or simply continue the conversation. Comments
sections often appear at the bottom of a page or article. Not all webpages have comments, but they're
especially common on blogs, news sites, video sites like YouTube, and image hosting sites like Flickr. When
viewing or posting comments, be aware that some people intentionally try to start arguments (often called
flame wars) by posting outrageous or offensive comments. These people are known
as trolls or cyberbullies. While it may be tempting to respond to these comments, it's usually best
to ignore them.

For more tips on communicating safely online, check out our Social Media Privacy Basics lesson from
our Internet Safety tutorial.

Pros and cons of comments and plug-ins

Wondering if you should start adding comments and using social plug-ins? Review some of the pros and
cons to help decide:

➢ Interacting with the things you see on the Web provides a
better online experience than simply reading webpages.
➢ You can easily provide feedback on a page by telling the
author what you think or adding information that may be
useful to other people.
➢ When you find something you like, you can share it with
your friends, whether it's a product, article, video, or other

➢ Trolls and cyberbullies may add negative or offensive comments.
➢ Things you post may become permanent, so you have to be careful not to post things that could
harm your reputation in the future.

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➢ With social plug-ins, it's possible for companies to track your browsing history to collect data about
your preferences.

Let's practice!
Question 1 of 1
True or False: Facebook and Twitter are the only sites that have social plug-ins.

If you are interested in posting comments and using social plug-ins, we have tutorials on the following:

➢ Twitter
➢ Facebook
➢ Internet Safety

F. Blogging

Have you ever wanted to create your own magazine or

newsletter? Would you like to promote your home-based
business or build your personal brand? Have you always wanted
to create your own website, but didn't know how? Today it's
possible to do these things by creating a blog (short for weblog).
Best of all, it's free and relatively easy.

Many blogs focus on a particular topic or interest,

like music, cooking, technology, or parenting. Others are less structured and cover a variety of topics. It's
easy to find a professional design for your blog, even if you don't know much about building a webpage.

Different types of blogs

You don't necessarily have to be a writer to create a blog. Some blogs focus on a particular type of media,
such as video or photos, instead of having full-fledged articles. Others have shorter posts, which won't
require as much writing and which may be less time consuming. Below are some common types of blogs:

➢ Video blog: Also known as a vlog, this is a type of blog

composed mainly of videos. Many YouTube channels are
classified as video blogs.
➢ Photoblog: This is a blog that is mostly photos, with or
without descriptions.
➢ Microblog: A microblog consists of very short posts. Status
updates are a form of microblogging. Twitter and Tumblr
are two of the most popular microblogging services.

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Blogging privacy

It's important to remember that blogging is a public form of online communication. Generally, anyone in the
world can view your posts and your profile. This means you should be extra careful not to
post sensitive information. Additionally, posting things that reflect negatively on you (such
as derogatory or offensive content) could seriously affect your personal and professional reputation.

Pros and cons of blogging

Thinking about starting a blog? Review some of the pros and cons to help decide:

➢ It gives you an opportunity to write about things that matter to you.
➢ Your blog can be read by people all over the world.
➢ A blog is much easier to set up than a regular website.
➢ You can choose a design and layout that you like.
➢ It can be time consuming, especially if you post frequently.
➢ You'll need to avoid posting sensitive information because it can be viewed by anyone.
➢ Writing derogatory or offensive content could harm your reputation.

Let's practice!
Question 1 of 1
Creating a blog allows you to do which of the following? Select all that apply.
Have a worldwide audience
Check your email Choose
a design you like
Write about the things that interest you

Where to find blogging services

There are many websites that allow you to create a free blog. Here are a few of the most popular ones:

➢ WordPress
➢ Blogger
➢ Tumblr

If you're interested in blogging, we have tutorials and articles on the following:

➢ Blog Basics
➢ YouTube
➢ What is Tumblr?

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