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Fuel injection system petrol engine.

ECU Siemens EMS-3132: 90-pin

Fuel injection system petrol engine.
ECU Siemens EMS-3132: 90-pin

Fuel injection system petrol engine.

ECU Siemens EMS-3132: 90-pin black.
Contact Designation
01 - Office of the ignition coil cylinder 2.3
02 - Not used
03 - "Massa"
04 - Control solenoid valve purge adsorber
05 - Not used
06 - Not used
07 - Not used
08 - The Office "-" relay fan engine cooling system
09 - Signal lamp emergency coolant temperature
10 - Signal conditioner off
11 - Signal fuel
12 - Control signal 1 on the control of idling
13 - Alarm coolant temperature sensor
14 - Not used
15 - "Massa" absolute pressure sensor
16 - absolute pressure sensor signal
17 - Not used
18 - signal transducer pressure refrigerant
Fuel injection system petrol engine.
ECU Siemens EMS-3132: 90-pin
19 - Screen knock sensor
20 - Signal "+" knock sensor
21 - Not used
22 - Not used
23 - Not used
24 - signal transducer top dead center
25 - Not used
26 - Diagnostic connector line L
27 - Not used
28 - "Massa"
29 - "+" after the ignition
30 - "+" battery
31 - Not used
32 - Office of the ignition coil cylinder 1.4
33 - "Massa"
34 - Control signal light malfunctions of the system reduce the toxicity
35 - Not used
36 - Not used
37 - Not used
38 - Control signal "-" to switch the fan engine cooling system
39 - Control signal "-" on the relay coil samopitaniya ECU
40 - Not used
41 - Control signal 2 on the control of idling
42 - Control signal 3 on the regulator idling
43 - Signal "+" throttle position sensor
44 - signal lower oxygen sensor
45 - Alarm of the upper oxygen sensor
46 - Control signal "-" on the air conditioner compressor
47 - Not used
48 - Not used
49 - Signal "+" air temperature sensor
50 - Not used
51 - Not used
52 - Not used
53 - Alarm of speed
54 - Alarm sensor crankshaft rotation
55 - Not used
56 - Diagnostic connector line K
57 - Not used
58 - Alarm system with an anti-lock the engine start
59 - "-" control signal to the nozzle of the cylinder number 1
60 - "-" control signal to the nozzle of the cylinder number 3
61 - Not used
62 - Not used
63 - "-" control signal to the heater element of the upper oxygen sensor
Fuel injection system petrol engine.
ECU Siemens EMS-3132: 90-pin
64 - Not used
65 - "-" control signal to the heater element of the lower oxygen sensor
66 - "+" injectors
67 - Not used
68 - The Office "-" coil relay fuel pump
69 - Not used
70 - Signal tachometer
71 - Not used
72 - Control signal 4 by regulator idling
73 - "-" signal coolant temperature sensor
74 - "+" signal throttle position sensor
75 - "-" signal throttle position sensor
76 - "Massa" lower oxygen sensor
77 - "-" air temperature sensor
78 - "+" absolute pressure sensor
79 - "-" knock sensor
80 - "Massa" upper oxygen sensor
81 - Not used
82 - "+" control signal to the resistor of low speed electric fans
engine cooling system
83 - "+" pressure sensor coolant
84 - Not used
85 - Signal "+" pressure sensor in the hydraulic steering system
86 - Not used
87 - Not used
88 - Not used
89 - "-" control signal to the nozzle of the cylinder number 4
90 - "-" control signal to the nozzle of the cylinder number 2

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