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Written Works and Performance Tasks for Week 1 to 3

General Instruction:

1. Copying answers from the internet is not allowed.

2. There should be no same output either in your section or from the other section.
3. Copy-paste output will be discarded. It means the output is not graded.

Week 1

Information from Various Sources (Intermediate paper)

1. Differentiate the three sources of information.

2. Explain the importance of identifying the sources in making a news report, speech,
informative talks, and panel discussion.
3. In making a news report, speech, informative talks, and panel discussion, how will you
evaluate the credibility of sources you found?
4. List three (3) examples of primary sources.
5. List secondary sources derived from what you have listed in number 4.

Week 2

Textual Aids in Understanding Texts (JPEG Format/ or print in bond paper)

An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand
overview of a topic.

Direction: This November is Reading Month. For your performance task, create an infographic
showing the benefits a person could get when he/ she indulge in reading. For further knowledge of
infographic, a link was posted in our FB Group.

Week 3

Plot, Setting and Characterization

Direction: Write a short story about your life during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Write it on a long bond paper or intermediate paper.

(Deadline November 4)

Final Performance Task

After completing Learning Task 5 (week 8), recite (if ever memorize it) the Speech of
Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago applying the speech indicators (fluency, Tone, Volume,
Pitch, Speed, Correctness). Record your self while reciting. The Video Recording will serve as
your output which will be submitted through Google Classroom or via Messenger.

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