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Docker Syllabus

1. Introduction
Docker Architecture
Containerization and Virtualization
Installation of Docker
Installation on Ubuntu via apt-get

2. Dockerizing applications
Docker Commands
The hello world example
Interactive container

3. Container usage
Investigating a container
Port mapping
Viewing the logs
Looking at processes
Stopping and restarting
Removing a container

4. Managing images
Docker images
Docker images CLI commands
Finding images
Build images
Push images to Docker hub
Docker file
Docker file instructions

5. Networking of containers
Docker Networking
Container Networking
Bridge network
Host Network
Disconnect and add networks
Creation of new network
Port mapping details
Container linking and naming

6. Docker Storage and Volumes

Docker storage Drivers
Selecting Storage Driver
Persistent Storage
Data volumes
Host directories as data volume
Host file as data volume
Data volume containers
Backup, restore of data volumes
External Storage
7. Docker Compose
Case for Docker Compose
How to write YAML file
Linking multiple multiple containers
Running multiple containers

8. Orchaestration Docker Swarm

Docker Swarm
Create and Maintain swarm
Deploy services to Swarm
Updating and Managing services
Secrets and Overlay Network
Docker stack

9. Contributing to the ecosystem

What is Docker Hub?
Registering on Docker Hub
Command line login
Uploading to Docker Hub
Private repositories
Automated builds
Kubernetes Syllabus

1. Kubernetes Overview
Introduction of Containers
Container Orchestration
Kubernetes Architecture
Working with Kubernetes

2. Kubernetes Setup
Local setup with minikube
Installing Kubernetes using Docker Client

3. Kubernetes Concepts
Node Architecture
Ingress and Ingress Controller
Replication Controller
Introduction to kops
Building Docker images
Docker image registry
PODs, ReplicaSets and Deployment
POD state and Lifecycle
Update and Rollback
4. Kubernetes Volumes and Auto Scaling
Volumes auto-provisioning
Pod Presets
Resource usage monitoring

5. Networking in Kubernetes
Basic Networking in Kubernetes
Kubernetes Services
Nodeports and ClusterIP
Role-Based Access Control for Kubernetes
Role - Based Access Control

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