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Waste management is part of environmental law and includes industrial, commercial,

household, and other waste. However, it is important to note that Malaysia is one of the

developing countries that has long used end-of-pipe treatment or regulation. However, end-

of-pipe treatment and regulation are ineffective and inefficient. Malaysia should now seek

alternative waste/industrial waste management approaches such as waste minimization or

source reduction. To avoid pollution, current laws should be strengthened. We must

remember that improper waste/industrial waste management can harm human health.

Local Government Act, 1976 and the Environmental Quality Act, 1974 to formal policies

such as the National Strategic Plan for Solid Waste Management (NSP) 2005, Master Plan on

National Waste Minimization (MWM) in 2006, National Solid Waste Management Policy

2006 and the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act (SWMA) 2007.

Challenges in the area of policy implementation are potentially due to lack of political will,

weak stakeholder acceptance and policy impracticality due to direct adoption of policy

practices from developed countries while potential opportunities are in the area of legislation

for mandatory recycling and source separation as well as government green procurement

initiatives, shifting from a focus on basic solid waste management issues of proper collection,

disposal and infrastructure requirements towards sustainable waste management.

SWOT analysis

Strength Weaknesses

The SW MA 2007 provides the fundamental Low barrier to policy implementation and

authority and resources for the may indicate a policy gap between policies

implementation of 3R policies in Malaysia. and capacity building.

- As a result, having 3R policies and - Stakeholders may perceive a lack of SWM

legislation is considered a strong enabler for and 3R economic incentives for policy

SWM and 3R policy implementation implementation and that current government

(Agamuthu et al, 2011a). funding for recycling was inadequate and

that financial incentives were required.

-Low barrier to policy implementation due

to the lack of economic incentives for SWM

and 3R activities.

Opportunities Threats

Perception of policy, willingness to practise, Wage Willingness and Producer Support are

and willingness to penalise are all indicators identified as threats to policy

of policy implementation. implementation.

- SWM and 3R policies, including the - stakeholders' willingness to pay for better

SWMA 2007, were generally well recycling services is a potential threat.

understood by stakeholders. As a result, - The SWMA 2007 may result in increased

policy awareness is a high enabler for policy charges and fees for solid waste

implementation and may indicate a 3R management, including recycling services,

policy opportunity. to fund new infrastructure, facilities, and

- Source separation and recycling are two personnel.

potential opportunities for stakeholder Stakeholders' feedback on producer and

feedback. 3R willingness to practise is thus manufacturer support for 3R and recycling

a high enabler for 3R policy implementation is a potential threat.

and may indicate a policy opportunity for - Stakeholder perceptions of producer and

SWM. industry support were low. Producer and

Third, stakeholder feedback on willingness industry support is required to make SWM

to penalise individuals who refuse to recycle and 3R strategies like deposit refund and

or make recycling mandatory. The majority take back viable, including reducing waste

of stakeholders believed that individuals in product design.

who refuse to recycle should be severely

punished, but that voluntary public

participation in recycling would be better.

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