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There are instances in which one reflects and asks himself these questions : What am I? Why am I in
this world? Where do I go from here? What I can do to become and remain an effective, responsible
member of society? Indeed, man and tends to search the meaning and the purpose of his/her

To quench these queries, one needs to be more human-to put man into his/her heart and mind,
thus, the primordial purpose of this course.

This unit is designed to intensively immerse you to the different art forms. In this way, you come to
understand better the significant of art in our daily living.


At the end of the unit, you will be able to:

a. Distinguish humanities from sciences;

b. Demonstrate appreciation on the significance and function of arts to man; and
c. Analyze and explain how the art influences the person’s character and actions.

Topic 1: Defining The Humanities

Time Allotment: 2 Hours


At the end of the session, you will able to:

a. Trace the development of the humanities in the different periods and

b. Discuss the Humanities.


What comes to your mind when you hear the word HUMANITIES? Write your ideas in the blanks
provided below.


The term “humanities” was first applied to the writings of ancient Latin authors which were read not
only for their clarity of language and forceful literary style, but also, and more specially, for their
moral teaching.

During the Medieval Age, the humanities dealt with the metaphysics of the religion philosopher. The
goal was the cultivation of the spiritual life and the preparation for the hereafter.

During the Renaissance, the word came to refer to the set of disciplines taught in the universities,
which included grammar, rhetoric, history, literature, music, philosophy, and theology- a body od
knowledge aimed to make man “ human, cultured, and refined.

At present, the humanities serve to provide the student with certain skills and values through arts.

( Ortiz et al).

The term humanities refers to the arts- the visuals arts such as architecture; painting and sculpture;
music; dance; the theater and drama; and literature. They are the branches of learning concerned
with human being and hi feelings and how he expresses those feelings have always been concern of
the humanities (Sanchez,2001).

What are the differences and similarities of the humanities and the sciences?

The sciences deal with the external world of man, as well as with the facets of man’s being that can be
subjected to observation, measurement, and experimentation.

The science enable man to understand and control nature to harness it’s energy to make his life more
comfortable and convenient.

The humanities deal with man’s internal world- with his personality and experiences matters that cannot
be exactly measured ,classified, or controlled. The humanities’ approach is subjective; it makes much
use of perception, feeling, intuition, and insight.

The focus of the humanities is on man as individual, while in the social sciences the main interest is on
types and groups of human beings, and on the institutions and processes of society.


Man needs an image of himself, an understanding of his nature. Through words ,tones ,mass, line,
color, or designed, the arts provide man with a measure of passions and desires, his relation with other
man and his environment, as well as his potentials.

Both the science and the humanities are necessary for the development of the complete, social man,
ready to take on his responsibilities in this rapidly changing world and to enjoy life as he live it.( Ortiz et





1. The term humanities refers to the arts- the visual arts such as architecture; painting
and sculpture; music; dance; the theater or drama; and literature.
2. During the Renaissance period, the word humanities was considered as body of
knowledge aimed to make man “human, cultured, and refined.
3. The humanities’ approach is subjective; it makes much use of perception, feeling,
intuition, and insight.
4. The focus of the humanities is on types and groups of human beings, and on the
institutions and processes of society.
5. Both the humanities and the social sciences focus on man as individuals or an





At the end of the session, you will be able to:

a. Evaluate the perspectives behind the meaning of art;

b. Demonstrate understanding on the basic concepts and assumptions about art; and
c. Point out works of art in the past that are still very much admired and treasured today.




We can say that art is the lifeblood of humanities because it conveys one’s feelings and expressions.
Art is the essential factor which motivates an individual to create and appreciate “a thing of

But before we formally discuss art, let’s look at the etymological meaning as well as the different
meanings of art given by the experts.

Ethymologically, art is derived from the Latin word “ ars”, meaning ability or skill. Art is from an
Italian “artis” defined as a human or skill.

Art according to writers and philosophers:

Art is not , as the metaphysicians say, the manifestation of some mysterious idea of beauty of God:
it is not, as the aesthetical physiologist say, a game in which man lets off his excess of stored-up
energy; it is not the expression of man’s emotions by external signs; it is not the production of
pleasing subjects, above all ,it is not pleasure ;but it is a means of unions among men, joining them
together in the same feelings, and indispensable for the life and progress toward well-being of
individual an gang humanity. –Leo Tolstoy

Add others references for the definition

Art is the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic
objects. Merriam-Webster

Art teaches nothing, except the significant of life. Henry Miller

Art is higher type of knowledge than experience. Aristotle

The object of art it to give life shape .French dramatist Jean Anouilh

Art is the science in the flesh. French poet and playwright. Jean Couteau

“All art is social” ,because it is the result of the relationship between the artist and his time.
Historian James Adams.

Art is the most intense mode of individualism that world has known. Oscar Wild

Art is the discovery and the development of the elementary principles of nature into beautiful
forms suitable for human use. Frank Lloyd Wright

Assumption about art?

1. Art is everywhere.
“Your surroundings, home, personal care, pets, clothing and body are all reflections of how you
see and express yourself.”- Dr. Christine Northrup
2. Art is not a nature.
Art is not a nature because art is man-made. It is the creature of man that may reflect a
profound skilfulness and craftsmanship. Art can never be nature is evanescent, in constant
transforming of change ,and yet art is permanent.
3. Art is imitating and creating.
Creation in art is the act of combining or re-ordering already existing materials so that new
objects be formed. An artist only copies the things in nature he believes would express his
thought and feelings. Art is a process of imitating involving personal assimilation through mind
feeling and style (Barrios).
4. Art perfect nature.
Artist only enhance thing they like and eliminate the undesirable elements in nature to convey
their message of beauty and love.
5. Art is universal.
It transcends cultures ,races, and civilization. As long as human being exist ,art is feasible, alive,
and dynamic.
6. Art is timeless.
Art is timeless because it goes beyond the time of our existence. It is present in every corner of
the word to serve basic needs if mankind ,from ancient time to modern world . Further, art is
timeless because it continually envloves. Aside from artists birthing new artworks, they also
never stop innovating, creating, reinventing and reviving works of art.

Art defines time. In watching film, for example, even when you do not have the idea when it
was created, the style of directing and filming, the clothing and bearing of the characters,
musical scoring and the setting and the plot of the story would make the viewer’s guess the
period when it was produces.

While art defines time, time also define arts. It identifies the artwork that would “click” in the
particular time for the particular audience.
Having a clearer understanding about art, contemplate on the following universally accepted
ideas about art.
Art has grown out of man’s need to express himself. Expression is not limited to the revelation
of emotions alone. The personal and social values of the artist and his penetrating psychological
insight into human reality are also conveyed through arts.

The artist uses symbols which he organize into some comprehensible equivalent of the
experience that he is trying to convey. If the symbols are understood by his audience, then
communication has been established.


Three major kinds of experience are involved in the artistic activity.
1. It starts as an experience which the wants to communicate.
2. The act of expressing this experience-that of creating that art object of form.
3. When the work is done, there is the artist’s gratifying experience of having accomplished
something significant.

On the part of the onlooker or listener, he may kindle an experience which is similar or related
to that which the artist tried to express. These include sensory, emotional, and intellectual


A thing of beauty is one which give us pleasure when he perceive it. The delight that we
experience is called aesthetic pleasure.

Beauty in term of art refers to an interaction between line, color, texture, sound, shape,
motion, and size that is pleasing to the senses.

Sometimes beauty is not the artist’s ultimate goal. Art is often intended to appeal to and
connect with human. Artist may express something so their audience is stimulated in someway-
creating feelings, religious faith, curiosity, interest, identification with a group, thoughts or
creativity. For example, performance art often does not aim to please the audience but instead
evokes feelings, reactions, conversations, or questions for the viewer. In these cases, aesthetics
may be an irrelevant measure of “beautiful” art.

The book of Nature, one writer declared, has pages “written over with large print or fine
print, and in a variety of language ,” Most of as read the large type more or less
appreciatively, but fail to decipher the fine lines and footnotes.”

However, artist who, most always, are lovers of nature, decode the obscure signs and read
between the lines. And from that, they draw inspiration of their creations.

Before he sits down with the paint brush, Arnel Azurin, a nature painter for example,
immerses himself in Nature, to explore its very heart, to probe its secret of life- and to realize
how all these fall into a large, universal pattern.

Other artist also find inspiration in every little aspect of nature, reading in each a sense of
life, a threshold opening into a realm of mystic meanings. In one instance, a poet, writing a
poem, saw in the driftwood a metaphor of the human spirit: that though battered in form, it
prevails through time and weather.

The artist develops an acute sensitively to Nature’s shapes; leaves in varied forms gnarled
branches and twigs, rounded hills and mountain peaks; to nature texture: flowers petals,
ripened fruit; rocks and stones; to Nature’s colors the carpet of emerald green moss, the
yellow of ripening grain in ricefields, the deep blue see sea and sky.

Most artists interpret and imitate Nature in its utmost beauty. How best to sump up
Nature’s splendor expect through colourful flowers, scenic landscape, lush forest, vigorous
animals, and graceful human forms.

Painters, poets sculptors, and musicians too, find inspiration in Nature. Anyone, for the
matter, if he takes time out to pause and read closely enough the book of nature, will
discover in it an exhilarating, bewitching something that inspires the sublime in the human

After reading the selection, try answering the given question.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the image of Nature described in the passage?
2. In what way does the image confirm Nature’s artistry?
3. What feeling or emotion is evoked by the image?
1. Select at least five (5) artwork which you consider important to you, then explain each of them.
(5 points PLUS 5)


2. Give a situation where an artist could make use of nature in producing an artwork. (5points)

3. Identify a work of art in your community that is still very much admired and treasured today. Is
the message conveyed by the artist universal? Explain your answer. (10 points)



Read and analyze the given statement below, then identify whether the statement is true or false.

1. In any society, art has served a particular purpose.

2. Art can serve as a vehicle for propaganda.
3. The function of art varies from person to person.
4. Art does not communicate anything.
5. A book illustrator is an artist.
6. Where there is life, there is art.
7. Art has nothing to do with religion and community.
8. Art can be used to control the thinking or behavior of people in society.
9. Artist reveal themselves through their art.
10. The art serve us for pleasure only.
11. Art is nonverbal form of communication.
12. Artists give tangible form to the unknown.
13. Art has been created by people, at all time, in all countries, and that it lives because it is liked
and enjoyed.
14. Art is not good because it is universal, but universal because it is good.
15. Nature doesn’t have something to do about art.

Read the following questions below, then answer each of them briefly. Each question will be treated 5
points. You will be graded based on substance ( 3 points) grammar and organization (2points).

1. How does art involve experience?

2. Why is art message universal?



At the end of the session, you will be to:
a. Categorize the different forms of the arts; and
b. Cite examples of each of the form.

In a group, list down different artworks as many as you can, then among those art works
mentioned choose only one which you think influences or inspires you most. Do this only within
3 minutes.

From the activity given, you have heard various art works. Art is classified in different ways.
Writers and philosophers have their own classification of art. To clearly comprehend the
relationship of these arts, let us study the categorization made by the different experts.

According to Webster (1987), the major arts involve man’s skills to create works of art that are
in form, content, and execution, aesthetically pleasing and meaning as in music, painting,
architecture, and sculpture. They are called major arts because they appeal to the sense of sight,
hearing, and feeling. They are more notable and conspicuous in effect.

On the other hand, the aesthetic factor in the mirror arts lies in the “styling”. They are
addressed primarily to the sense of sight and their usefulness. The minor arts are inferior in
degree, especially in the extent of aesthetic quality.

According to Manaois, there are two (2) general dimensions of arts, namely, (1) fine arts or
independent arts made principally for aesthetic enjoyment through the senses, especially visual
and auditory such as painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, theater, performing arts, and
(2) practical arts or utilitarian arts intended for practical use of or the development of raw
materials for functional purposes such as industrial art, civic art, commercial art, graphic art,
agricultural and fishery art.

Estolas (1995) also grouped arts into:

1. Visual Arts. These artworks are perceived by our eyes which may be classified into graphic
arts and plastic arts. Graphic arts have flat-two dimensions surface such as painting industry.
It covers the commercial arts like the design of books, advertisement, signs, poster and
other displays for advertisements. Plastic arts are visual arts which have three-dimensional
forms. Under this grouping are: architectural designs and constructional of buildings and
other structures; landscape of gardens, parks, playgrounds, and golf courses with plants,
tress, vines and ground cover;

2. Performing Arts. These include the theater, play, dance, and music. They involved
movement, speaking and gestures.

3. Literary Arts. These include the short stories, novels, poetry and dramas.
4. Popular Arts. These include the film, newspaper, magazine, radio, and television. This group
is characterized as gay and lively.
5. Gustatory Art of the Cuisine. This involved skills in food preparation.
6. Decorative Arts. They are visual objects produced for beautifying houses, offices, cars and
others structures . they are also called applied arts.

Sanchez, Abad, Jao (2001) grouped arts into:

1. Visual Arts. These include graphic arts (which include drawing, painting, photography, etc. or
in which portrayals of forms and symbols are recorded on two dimensional surface) and
plastic arts (which comprise all fields of visual arts for which materials are arranged in three-
dimensional forms namely, structural architecture, interior arranging, crafts, sculpture,
industrial design, dress and costume designs and theatre designs.
2. Literature. These include drama, essay, prose fiction, poetry, miscellaneous (history,
biography , journals, diaries, and other works not formally classed as literature).
3. Music. These include vocal music; instrumental music; music combined with the other music
like opera, operatta and musical comedy, oratorio and cantata; and other forms like ballet
music and background music for motion pictures.
4. Drama and Theater. These include tragedy, melodrama, comedy, miscellaneous.
5. Dance. These include ethnologic, social or ballroom dances, ballet, modern, musical

Barrios(________) classified arts into two; according to purpose and according to media and

1. According to Purpose
A. Practical or useful art are those human activities directed to produce artifacts, tools and
utensils used in doing households and everyday chores.
Examples: basket weaving agriculture, etc.

B. Liberal Arts involve the development of man’s intellectual reasoning.

Examples: Mathematics, Astronomy, Grammar

C. Fine Arts are the products of the human creative activity as they express beauty in
different ways and media for the satisfaction and relaxation of man’s mind and spirit.
Examples: painting, sculpture, architecture

D. Major Arts are characterized by their actual and potential expressiveness and by a
purely disinterested purpose.
Examples: music, poetry, sculpture

E. Minor Arts are works connected with practical uses and purposes.
Examples: interior decoration, porcelain
2. According to Media and Forms

A. Plastic Arts are developed through space and perceived by the sense of sight.
Examples: painting, sculpture, architecture
B. Phonetic Arts are based on sounds and words as media of expression.
Examples: music, drama, literature
C. Kinetic Arts make use of the rhythmic movement as the elements of expression.
Example: dance
D. Pure Arts utilize only one medium of expression.
Examples: sound in music, color in painting
E. Mixed Arts use two or more media.
Examples: The opera(which is a combination of music, poetry, and drama)


Provide pertinent details to complete the mapping of the arts. Feel free to maximize the space
provided below.

Read and analyze the question, then encircle the letter of the terms or statements that best
correspond to the ideas pointed out.

1. Which of the following arts include the short stories, novels, poetry, and drama?
a. Visual arts c. Performing arts
b. Literary arts d. Popular arts
2. All except ONE are classified as fine arts.
a. Painting c. Performing arts
b. Graphic arts d. Architecture
3. Which of the following is an example popular arts?
a. Newspaper c. Television
b. Radio d. All of the above
4. Which of the following is NOT considered under major arts?
a. Music c. poetry
b. Interior decoration d. sculpture
5. Which of the following classification of arts refer to those whose mediums which can be
a. Auditory or time arts c. visual or space arts
b. Combined arts d. None of the above
6. Which of the following classification of arts refer to those whose mediums which can be
both seen and heard, and which exist in both space and time?
a. Auditory arts c. visual or space arts
b. Combined arts d. all of the above
7. Which of the following is an example of two-dimensional arts?
a. Architecture c. landscape
b. Industrial design d. photography
8. All EXCEPT one are examples of combined arts?
a. Dance c. literature
b. Opera d. movie
9. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Painting c. music
b. Drama d. literature
10. According to Barrios, arts which involve the development of man’ intellectual reasoning are
a. Liberal arts c. practical arts
b. Fine arts d. phonetic arts

At the end of the session, you will be able to:
a. Discuss the different functions of art;
b. Demonstrate understanding how artists use images to represent ad idea; and
c. Realize the function or some art forms in daily life.


Have a closer look at the given images or pictures. What function does an artwork perform?
Does it have any purpose? Do all artworks have a function?

You may freely express your ideas or opinions based on your own schema or experience.


By Frederick A. Horowitz
Art has many different functions in human history. Each society defined its own purposes for art,
and produced an art suited to those purposes. For ancient Romans, art served as a vehicle of
propaganda; their sculptures proclaimed victories, and their buildings highly praised the power
of the State. In modern societies like our own, art serves different and sometimes contradictory
purposes. One artist paints in order to communicate a message to his audience, while across the
street another paints in order to please himself. A third artist explores shapes and colors; a
fourth illustrates books.

Art function as:

1. An agent of magic ( to ensure a successful hunt, perpetuate the soul after death, triumph
over an enemy, cure diseases, etc.)
2. An aid to meditation
3. An agent to ritual
4. A record of events, objects, situations
5. A substitute for real thing, or a symbol
6. A souvenir
7. Propaganda to impress, persuade or change thinking or behavior
8. Communication of stories, ideas, events
9. An agent of social control
10. Amusement or entertainment
11. A mean of moral improvement
12. Education
13. A means to self- expression
14. Self- revelation
15. Release of emotions
16. Exploration of vision
17. A reflection and interpretation of life
18. An expression of beauty
19. Decoration or embellishment
20. Monetary investment
21. A status symbol

The functions of arts are wide ranging. Art is as broad as human as human experience. All or art comes
out of life and is bound up with life. Art is meaningful, but meaningful in ways that differ from society to
society, from time to time, and from person to person.
With the numerous listed functions of arts, they may normally fall into three categories as mentioned by
Esaak (2019). These are personal, social, and physical functions.

1. Personal Function
There are many types of personal functions, and they are subjective and will, therefor, vary from
person to person.

An artist may create out of need for self-expression, of gratification. S/He might have wanted to
communicate a thought or point to the viewer. Perhaps the artist was trying to to provide an
aesthetic experience, both for self and viewers. A piece might have been meant to “merely”
entertain others. Sometimes a piece isn’t meant to have any meaning at all.

Further, art may serve the personal functions of control. Art has been used to attempt to exert
magical control overtime, or the seasons or even the acquisition of food. Art used to bring order
to a messy and disorderly world. Conversely, art can be used to create chaos when an artist feels
life is too staid and ordinary. Art can also be therapeutic- for both the artist and the viewer.

2. Social Function
According to Ortiz et al. (1976), art performs a social function when:
a. It seeks or tends to influence the collective behavior of a people.
b. It is created to be seen or used primarily in public situations.
c. It expresses or describes social or collective aspects of existence as opposed to individual
and personal kinds of experiences.

Influencing Social Behavior

Pictorial form is very powerful means of putting across a message.

Paintings, photographs, posters, cartoons have been used to express humanitarian concern as
well as ideological or political comment.
Satire- which puts up people and institutions to ridicule so that they will change- is effectively
communicated in various cartoons and caricatures.
Editorial cartoons convey the message more directly and clearly than the printed word does.
Cartoonist comment on the foibles( weaknesses) of society and of its leaders, with the hope that
something is done to correct these faults and improve the human condition.
Literature has served just as well as political and ideological expression. It is a powerful tool in
shaping society and its manners. Urbana at Felisa by Modesto de Castro- an epistolary novel of
the 19th century, became the Filipino code of ethics of the time, guiding the youth on how to
conduct themselves in church, in social gatherings, in school, and at home.
Propaganda Literature has swayed people’s minds and feelings toward certain ends.
Religion has especially capitalized on the arts to spread beliefs and reinforce and sustain faith. It
plays noble functions as enlightening us in our spiritual beliefs and elevating our moral
Advertising art aims to affect the buying behavior of people. These include posters, billboards,
magazine and news papers adds, handbills, package design, radio, television.

Display and Celebration

 Commemoration of important personages in society serve to record important historical
events, or reveals the ideals of heroism and leadership that the community would want
the young emulate.
 Rituals have played an important role in people’s lives and have influenced the growth
of certain arts as well.
 Public celebration, such as festival and other activities, unite people in a shared
experience, just as the celebration of important phase of life do.

Social Description

 Arts works are vital historical documents.

 Tools, weapon furniture, paintings, statues, stories and songs and buildings reflect
the feelings, struggles and achievements of people. They reveal how people thought,
felt, and lived in certain historical period.
 Temples, sculptures, epics, plays and even the pottery of ancient Greece tell us so
much about the age when man first regarded himself as the measure of all things.
 Portraits are imformative.
3. Physical Function

The physical functions of art are often the easiest to understand. Works of arts that are
created to perform some service have physical functions.
Tools and containers are objects which function to make our lives physically comfortable.
Functional works of art may be classified as either tools or containers.

Take a look at the given term below. Reflect why these are categorized this way.

1. A spoon-tool
2. A car-tool
3. A building-container
4. A Community-container
5. A ceramic vase- container
6. A chair-container

Note the architecture, any of the crafts, and industrial design are all types of art that have physical
An example of physical function of art

Art that has the physical function usually relates to items that can be used for
practical purpose because of their physical structure, despite their artistic appeal.

Examples include architecture, which can be breathtaking , but still primarily serves
as physical function. This chair is a good example of physical art. Its design means
that it is immediately aesthetic interesting to the eye, but its main function is to be
a comfortable chair to sit on.



Go to art gallery/ museum, or to any place where there are nature paintings or pieces of sculpture.
Choose one that appeals most to you. Be able to describe it and the feeling or mood it evokes in you as
you look at it.

Make a report of this to your class. Consider the following questions: what did the artist attempt to
communicate? How effective is the method used in conveying the message? Would the same effect
have been achieved if another means of presentation was used? How does this work reveal the artist as
a recorded or commentator of his period.

Your output will be graded based on the given competencies below.

Competency Points
Demonstrate efficient time management 10
skills meetings the deadlines.
Describe and discuss the cultural or personal 15
influences in evaluating the artwork.
Total 25 points
Activity 2. Clip an editorial cartoon from any newspaper or magazine. Explain the comment it
makes about society or certain people. How effective is its presentation?

Editorial Cartoon


Read and analyze the questions/statements below, then choose the letter of your choice.

1. According to Aristotle, art ______________.

a. Is higher type of knowledge than exercise.
b. Is science in the flesh
c. Is social
d. Teachers nothing, except the significance of life

2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about art?

a. Art is a nature
b. Arts perfect nature
c. Art is timeless
d. Art is everywhere
3. The term humanities is derived from Latin word “human” meaning:
a. Human
b. Cultured
c. Refined
d. All of the above
4. During the Medieval Age, the word humanities was defined as:
a. A set of disciplines taught in the universities, which included grammar, rhetoric,
history, literature, music, philosophy, and technology.
b. The metaphysics of the religion philosopher.
c. A means to provide the student with certain skills and values through arts.
d. All of the above
5. “All art is social.” What does this statement means?
a. It is the result of relationship between an artist and his time.
b. It is the result of a creative mind.
c. It is the product of experience.
d. All of the above.
6. In what way is important in daily life?
a. It has personal significance.
b. It reflects our society.
c. It records our history.
d. It is a form of self-expression.

For items 7-9, choose your answer below.

A. Humanities B. Social Sciences C. Natural Sciences
7. These focus of man as an individual.
8. The main interest is on types and groups of human being, and on the institutions and
processes of society.
9. These deal with the external world of man, as well as with the facets of man’s being that
can be subjected to observation, and experimentation.
10. Which of the following concerns itself with the communication of certain ideas ad
feelings by means of sensuous medium?
a. Beauty
b. Nature
c. Experience
d. Art
11. Among the most popular ones being thought in school are two Greek epics, the Iliad and
Odyssey. These works, purportedly written before that beginning of recorded history,
are believed to be man’s attempt at recording stories and tales that haven been passed
on, known, and sung throughout the years. What does it display about art.
a. Art is everywhere.
b. Art is universal.
c. Art involves experience.
d. Nature is artful.
12. All expect one are the major kind of experience involved in the artistic activity.
a. It starts as an experience which the artist wants to communicate.
b. The act of expressing this experience- that of creating that art object or form.
c. When the work is done, there is the artist’s gratifying experience of having
accomplished something significant.
d. Making the artwork be known in the community.
13. A person learning a trade or an art from a skilled worker is called
a. An apprentice
b. A foreman
c. A mentor
d. A labourer
14. Which of the functions of art is involved when art improves our lives?
a. Physical
b. Personal
c. Social
d. Cultural
15. According to Ortiz et al.(1976), art performs a social function when:
a. It seeks or tends to influence the collective behavior of a people
b. It is created to be seen or used primarily in public situations.
c. It expresses or describes social or collective aspects of existence as opposed to
individual and personal kinds of experience.
d. All of the above
Below are the common political cartoon symbols. Match the terms in Column A with their symbols in
column B.

1. Peace a. Rainbow
2. Victory b. Hawk
3. Wealth and power c. Flying eagle
4. Hope d. Dove
5. warfare e. Bench
f. Wreath of laurels
g. Money bags

Summary of the Unit

In this unit, you have found that The Humanities were distinguished from sciences wherein the
Humanities deal with man’s internal world with his personality and experiences, matters that cannot be
measured, classified, or controlled. On the other hand, sciences deal with the external world of man, as
well as with the facets of man’s being that can be subjected to observation, measurement, and
experimentation. Despite their uniqueness, both the humanities and the sciences are necessary for the
holistic development of an individual ready to embrace the complexity of the changing world.

Basic concepts and assumptions about art were made clear. Art is the lifeblood of humanities because it
conveys one’s feelings and expressions. Arts are grouped into two: major arts and minor arts. Major art
include painting, architecture, sculpture, literature, music, and dance; while minor arts include the
decorative arts, the popular arts, the graphic arts, the plastics arts, and industrial arts. Lastly, art has
three functions. These include personal, social, and physical functions.


Directions. Choose one or more of the following prompts. What has been your exposure to art? Has
it been primarily from your family? School? Social activities? Personal explorations? Do you make
arts? If so, what kind? If you haven’t made any art, have you ever wanted to? What kind?


Barrios, Romeo A. An Experimental Approach in the study of the Study of the Humanities, Ermita,
Manila: Educational Publishing House.

Dela Cruz et al. (2003). The New Dimensions in Learning English III. Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Book
Store, Inc.

Esaak, Shelley (2019). The Important Function of Art. Retrieved from on June 18, 2019.

Estolas, Josefina V., Clarita G. Javier, & Nieves Pada-Payno. Introduction to Humanities(Arts for Fine
Living). Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore, Inc.

Merriam Webster. Illustrated Contemporary Dictionary, Encyclopedia Edition, (Chicago, Illinois: J. G

Feguson, Publishing Co., pp. 718, 757.

Ortiz, Ma Aurora R, et al. (1978). Art: Perception and Appreciation. Manila: University of the East.

Sanchez, Custodiosa A., Paz F. Abad, & Loreta V. Jao. (2001). Introduction to Humanities. Quezon
City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.

Retrieved from on

September 5, 2018.

Retrieved from

college-education on June 19, 2019.

Retrieved from on June

19, 2019.

Retrieved from on

June 19, 2019.

Retrieved from on

June 19, 2019
2.List and explain the six social functions of art- or the purposes for which human create art.
Give an example of a work that illustrates each of the functions and explain why you
selected this work to exemplify this function.

The six social functions of artists are to create places for some human purpose, create
extraordinary versions of ordinary objects, record and commemorate, give tangible form to
the unknown, give tangible form to the feelings ad ideas, and to refresh our vision and help
us see the world in new ways.

Van Gogh’s painting “The Starry Night” exemplifies tangible form to feelings and ideas. His
feeling was that once people died, they continued to live on a star. The stars are very large
and have an urgent presence in the painting, further showing his idea of life after death. The
final function of refreshing our/our vision and seeing the world in new ways was done on
great way by Ernest Haas.


Appreciating art encompasses all ages, but what is it like to see art through the eyes of child? It is as
vivid, colourful, intriguing, and lasting? “SEEN ART?” tells the story of a boy in his quest to find a friend
of his name Art. In his search in his fiend, he ends up inside the Museum of Modern Art in New York
City, where he is introduced to the world’s greatest art pieces. “ The Red Studio” by Henry Matisse and
“The Starry Night” by Vincent van Gogh are just some of the abundant collections that he discovered
and left him in awe while talking the exciting trip inside the enchanted museum.



Arts works are produced by either an artist or an artisan. Each has/his own role in the art arena .
However, how could we distinguish an artist from that of an artisan? How could we know that the art
works we are enjoying are created by an artist or artisan? Undoubtedly, people get confused of these
two terms.

Further, recognizing one’s contribution to the development of the Philippine arts simply shows how we
treasure and value the Filipino culture. To give honor for the artists’ efforts, two , major awards (Order
ng Pambansang Alagad ng Sining or Order of National Artists and Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan or
National Living Treasures Award) are given.


At the end of this unit, you will be able to:

a. Distinguish Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan Award from National Artists Award ;

b. Conduct a research about an artist/artisan who has dedicated his/her life to the cultivation of
the arts;and
c. Demonstrate appreciation on the contribution of an artist or artisan in the community.

TOPIC 1 :Giving Honor to the Artists and Artisans

 Learning objectives
At the end of the session, you will be able to:
a. Distinguish artist from artisan;
b. Write a feature article about an artisan who has dedicated his/her life to the cultivation of
the arts; and
c. Demonstrate appreciation on the contribution of an artist or artisan in the community.


Read and analyze the given statements below, then identify each statement whether this refers to
an artist or artisan.
_______1. He/She is able to produce something that has a functional value.

_______2. He/She is a person who performs any of the creative arts.

_______3. He/She is a skilled worker who makes things by hand.

_______4. He/She is able to create art for the of art itself without needing any ulterior motives.

_______5. He/She has the skill of adding aesthetic value to the objects that he/she creates.


Artist works in the fine arts, including painting, illustration, and sculpture. All fine artist first learn to
sketch, and begin with a pencil and sketch pad to work with an idea on paper. Artist transfer their vision
to canvases or other medium, and this may mean working in oil, watercolor, or pastel. Sculptors take
their sketches and create 3D products from clay, marble, or other material. Illustrators might work for a
publishing or animation company, or create original comic books. All artists’ work aims to create an
overall reaction from a viewer.

Generally, an artist is defined as an art practitioner who produces or creates indirectly- functional arts
with aesthetic value using imagination.

They produce us pieces as the means of provoking our thought, ideas and emotions that are necessary
to discover ourselves and our feelings.

Job responsibilities of an artist include:

a. Developing ideas for a canvas or product

b. Selecting a medium for a final work, including texture, size, or area
c. Collecting work for a portfolio
d. Applying for grants financial support

Take a look at these famous artists.


Fernando Cueto Amorsolo is one of the most important artists in the history of painting in the
Philippines. Amorsolo was a portraitist and painter of rural Philippine landscapes. He is popularly known
for his craftsmanship and mastery in the use of light.

He painted and sketched more than ten thousand pieces over his lifetime using natural and backlighting
techniques. His most known works are of the dalagang Filipina, landscapes of his Philippino homeland,
portraits, and WWII war scenes.

Born in Calle Herran in Paco, Manila, on May 30, 1892, Fernando Amorsolo began drawing and sketching
as a young boy. The family live in Daet until the death of his father. At that time his mother moved the
family to the home of their cousin, artist Don Fabian dela Rosa in Manila. Amorsolo was 13 years old at
the time and in order to help provide for his family, he sold his drawings and began to study art under
dela Rosa.

A closer look at this work will reveal brush strokes executed with the ease of a vitouso. The featured
painting is considered a masterpiece for the subtlety of its encoded messages, which, in this case, has
been described as national pride. In stark contrast to the increasing westernization of the urban capital
Manila, this work is a celebration of the pristine, rural Philippine countryside. The scene is bathed in
sunlight and features a country maiden. This work is a fine example of this National Artist’s favorite
subject and setting. Amorsolo notes, “My conception of an ideal Filipina beauty is one with a rounded
face, not of the oval type… The eyes should be exceptionally lively… The nose should be of the blunt
form but firm and and strongly marked…. The ideal Filipino beauty should have sencuous mouth…not…
white-complexioned, nor of the dark brown color…but of the clear skin…which we often witness when
we meet a blushing girl. “For Amorsolo, the Filipino beauty was an important symbol of national
identity. The colors of the Philippines flag are evident in the blue kerchief, red skirt, and white
blouse.The subjectgazes directly at the viewer,holding a generous bundle of newly harvested rice,a hope
filled moment for the young Philippines.


Juan Luna is considered as one of the greatest Filipino artist in Philippine history with master pieces such
as Spolarium. The death of Cleopatra and Blood Compact. Not only did he excel in artistry, but he was
also a political activist during the time of the Philippine Revolution during the late 19 th century. His close
friendship with National Hero Jose Rizal has sparked Philippine nationalism and pride. Juan Luna was
mostly known for his works as being dramatic and dynamic, focusing on romanticism and realism styles
of art.

This is the “Spollarium” by Juan Novicio Luna, as masterpiece created in 1884. It is the one of the prize
possessions of the Philippine National Museum today. This Neoclassical artwork earned Juan Luna 3 gold
medal in the Exposicion Nacional de Bellas Artes and recognition among the connoisseurs and art critics.
It was praise so much that even Jose Rizal, Philippines national hero, prepared a speech foe Juan Luna,
addressing two things from his artwork, the glorification of genius and the grandeur of his artistic skills.
And it’s not surprise why he called the artwork “ THE GLORIFICATION OF GENIUS.” Not only does it
enticed the fewer with compelling imagery of death, but it also sneaks in a historical nod to the Filipino

What you have just learned is an artist. This time, may you get familiar with an artisan.

Who is an artisan?

Artisans are craftsmen who work in textiles, pottery, glass and other areas. They are craftsmen who
make practical artistic products, such as earrings, urns, stained glass and other accessories. They grain
their knowledge by studying under master craftsmen and then practicing with continued study. They
work to create something new, original, and at times, provocative. They spend a good portion of their
time selling and promoting their items in various marketplaces.

In the other words, artisans are craftsmen who produce directly functional and or decorative arts. They
help us in meeting our basics needs such as food, clothing, dwelling, furniture, kitchen utensils and
everything that makes our life easy are crafted by artisans.

Job responsibilities of an Artisan include:

a. Using and mixing mediums like paint, metal, glass, or fabric

b. Shaping, gluing sewing, testing and producing products
c. Displaying work at various sites including actions, craft shows or online markets
d. Estimating cost and material need

Take a look at this famous Filipina artisan.


One featured artisan who intended to showcase Filipino craftsmanship is Tina Maristela
Ocampo. When she first taught of the concept for Celestina, what she really wanted was to “bring
whatever here in the Philippines out to the world. Hence, Celestina would produce find handmade bags
using local indigenous products crafted by Filipino artisans.

Other artisans engage themselves in producing different products.

Filipinos are known for being creative and resourceful. They try to maximize what whatever resources
they have just to earn and sustain their basic needs.

LOOK: Dumagat artisans turn driftwood into artworks

Rogelio, one of the Dumagats living near the Ipo Dam in Bulacan, has got the nature as his partner in
making great art pieces.

The 12 Dumagat artisans in Rogelio’s community transforms driftwood, an uprooted and fallen part of
trees washed away by river and streams, they collected from the watershed to create competitive
sculpture pieces bearing nature- inspired designs.

After gathering the wood from the water, the artisans will then let them dry for three days, and when
these are ready, the transformation starts.

In creating artworks, the artisan let their imaginations run wild and thus seeing existing images out of
the driftwood. And from there, the simple wood becomes a distinct sculpture of nature’s elements.
Birds, fishes and even humans, among others, are just some of the favorite images formed in the
sculptures of the Dumagat artisans.

One would really expect great artworks coming from the driftwood, which was only used before by
the locals as firewood, as the Dumagat artisans were trained by renowned Filipino sculptures.

Rogelio, who has nine children, gets a living from his masterpieces, being able to sell an artwork for
up to P300.

The project does not only provide the Dumagats livelihood but also provide mother earth a support
for sustainability.
ANC Green Living, 23 January 2016


Video about Dumagat Artisans


Activity 1. Go back to your community and look for the local artists or artisans. Have an intensive
conversation about their lives. Highlight the following information:

1.Name: ______________________________________





Sample Artwork:______________________________
Illustration Description






Sample Artwork:___________________________

Illustration Description

Let’s Write!

Selecting one of your answers in Activity 1, write a feature article depicting the life of the artist/artisan.

Written output will be graded using the given criteria.

Content 10 points

Organization 5 points

Grammar 5 points

Mechanics 5 points

25 points


I. Read an analyze the given statement below, then identify whether this refers to an artist or
artisan. Write your answer before each number.

______1. He/She is skilled in a particular activity such as drawing, designing, composing, etc.

______2. He/She is used form musician.

______3. He/She goes beyond the social restrictions and creates art for pleasure of creating.

______4. He/She is able to produce various objects raging from jewelry to furniture.

______5. He/She gains his/her knowledge by studying under master craftsmen.

______6. Through art, he/she can create a change in society.

______7. He/She spends a good portion of his/her time sellinpromoting his/her items various

______8. Tina Maristela-Ocampo intented to showcase Filipino craftsmanship.

______9. Juan Luna is considered one of the greatest Filipino artists in Philippine history with
masterpieces such as Spolarium, The Death of Cleopatra and Blood Compact.

______10. The Dumagat people transformed driftwood into competitive sculpture pieces bearing
nature-inspired designs.

Complete the grid in the “Comparison Matrix”. Put a check mark if it describes an artist or artisan.

Items to Characteristics
Uses aesthetic Creates things Considers Produces arts Engages in arts
value by hand functional for pleasure for economic
value reason


Read and analyze the given question or statements below, then choose the letter that corresponds to
the ideas that pointed out.

1. Which of the following is considered as the highest policy-making and coordinating body of
culture and the arts of the State?
d. CCP
2. The National Living Treasures Award was institutionalized through:
a. Republic Act No. 7355
b. Republic Act No. 7335
c. Republic Act No. 7735
d. Republic Act. No. 7353
3. When did the first awarding ceremony for Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan happen at Malacanan
a. December 17, 1992
b. December 16, 1993
c. December 17, 1993
d. December 18, 1992
4. Which of the following is conferred on the Filipinos who are the forefront of the practice,
preservation, and promotion of the nation’s traditional folk arts?
a. National Living Treasures Award
b. FAMAS Award
c. National Artist Award
d. Grammy Award
5. He was the first recipient of the National Artist Award?
a. Fernando Amorsolo
b. Felix Hidalgo
c. Damian Domingo
d. Juan Luna
6. All except ONE will be enjoyed by GAMABA Awardee.
a. Cash Award
b. Hospitalization benefit
c. Monthly life pension,
d. Burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani
7. Which of the following has worked for the presentation of Kalinga culture?
a. Ginaw Bilo
b. Alonzo Saclag
c. Teofilo Garcia
d. Eduardo Mutuc
8. He is widely regarded as the father of independent Philippine cinema
a. Larry Alcala c. Kidlat Tahimik
b. Resil Mojares d. Ryan Cayabyab
9. He has been immortalized in the Guinness book of Record as the only person to make music
using a leaf.
a. Levi Celerio
b. Leonardo Locsin
c. Carlos Franscisco
d. Sionil Jose
10. Which of the following has spearheaded the Philippines Popular Music Festival and served as
judge in talent shows, like Philippine Idol and Philippine Academy
a. Ryan Cayabyab
b. Ramon Muzones
c. Larry Alcala
d. Resil Mojares

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