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“Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out” is a

beautiful quote of Pam Allyn, a famous American author, and inspiring
speaker. The quote has expressed the relative connection between reading
and writing, which has always been two mandatory skills for students to
study assiduously. From my point of view, I always consider writing as
one of the hardest subjects that require a lot of effort to enhance my skill.
A question has arisen: how to improve writing skills efficiently? Among
those learning methods, people have always said that reading in English
consistently would improve their writing skills, and I agree with that idea
due to the competence of writing ability and improvement of critical

First and foremost reading is one of the best ways to fulfill the
writing's capability of students. This is easy to understand because
reading helps writers expand their vocabularies extensively. Since
vocabulary is a fundamental basic foundation for any individual forming
their word choice strategy. For example, a person who has a wide range
of worlds could easily describe any thoughts in his head without
burdening to think for too long. Moreover, reading helps students to study
grammar. Scientists have proven that when people are reading, the brain
automatically analyzes the structure and phrases without their notice, so
this relaxed approach allows students to comprehend the grammar
context naturally. The more materials students assemble into their heads,
the more rules of its language would come to be understood. In addition,
reading helps people create their style. On the bookshelves nowadays,
people have many choices to purchase a cherished writing style based on
distinctive kinds of books they have read. Even though academic writing
demands a significant form of criteria, people still easily discover what
styles that they are fond of the most to create their unique writing style.
To sum up, reading is essential for students to enlarge their new words,
correct their grammar and conceive a style of writing.

On the other hand, reading helps students to build critical analysis

characteristics. Start with the simple fact that books open people's minds
widely. Reading is the key to unlocking many imaginational worlds
without leaving their area. People merely need to sit at one place and
travel to all destinations, even unreal time and space. Since then, they can
broaden their knowledge and sharpen their minds with wisdom that has
been accumulated through pages in the books. A mind that has multi-
dimension and adequately life's knowledge would undoubtedly obtain
high marks in essays academic writing. Second, reading builds
knowledge for a person in need. With numerous sources from many
topics, students can attain their comprehension from history, literacy, and
scientists. Then they can utilize what they have learned from what they
read. For instance, based on my experiment, IELTS writing is
challenging for me because it requires candidates to be experts in many
fields. So that without sustainable perception in different majors, I may
struggle a lot to write about difficult topics that have been given. But
when I address as many perspectives of life as possible, my sense of
opinion and conception would increase dramatically to express my
viewpoints of any social issue effortlessly. Opponents of encouraging this
activity, some people say that reading too much may feel boring.
However, reading is not necessary to be tedious, but it can also deliver
many captivating and intriguing stories. As a result, learners can gain
inspiration, which is a crucial factor to decide whether a piece of writing
is delightful or not. In brief, getting information from books helps people
to open their minds, gain knowledge, and get inspired to write about any
topic smoothly.

In conclusion, reading is not only a fun habit but also brings many
advantages. They help people to write better in various ways and improve
their opinion and ideas. From my point of view, reading in English is a
requisite daily task for both entertainment and research because it covers
almost all the sources that I need whenever I start an essay. Next time
when you are holding a book, can you imagine that you would publish
your own story of a fantastic journey one day?

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