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General Instructions: Read the instructions carefully and answer the question

Instruction: Identify what is being asked below.

Armand V. Feigenbaum 1. He introduced non-conformance philosophy and

rationale why an organization should commit to quality.
Reliability 2. It is measured by mean(average) time between failures (MTBF). It is an
indicator of durability of products.
W. Edwards Deming 3. He advocated extensive use of statistics and control charts
and focused on product improvement and service conformance by reducing variations
in the process.
Functionality 4. It is defined as a set of attributes that bear on the ability of
software to be transferred from one environment to another.
Kaoru Ishikawa 5. He strongly advocates the use of cause-and-effect diagrams to
provide a true representation of the organizational impacts and procedures.
Quality 6. It is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that
bear on its ability to satisfy a given or implied need.
Philip Crosby 7. He promoted the concept of zero defects and coined the phrase “do
things right the first time”.
Usability 8. It can also be measured by the time taken for training an operator for
error-free operation of a system.
Maintainability 9. It should be repairable so as to retain the original quality of the
product at the lowest cost at the earliest possible time.
Gemichi Taguchi 10. He developed a formula incorporated into the Taguchi Loss
Function, to calculate the costs associated with lack of quality.


Instructions: Enumerate what is being asked below and explain each of your
answers briefly and concisely.

1. Characteristics of Service Quality (4)

● Inseparability - In simple terms the service cannot be separated
from their service provider. In order for the transaction to occur
the service provider and the customer must be present.
● Variability - refers to a service quality which is produced and
consumed simultaneously which limits quality control. It is how
and who provides the service which varies the quality of the
● Intangibility - this means that services can only be seen and felt
after they are purchased.
● Perishability - it means that services cannot be held or stored for
later because it is consumed right after.

2. Six Key Points of Armand Feigenbaum (6)

1. Total Quality Control is a system organized by groups of
organizations for integrating quality development, maintenance
and improvements of the product.
2. Quality Control is a system that holds the product for quality
standards inspection and evaluates performances of the product
3. Both technological and human factors affect the product quality.
But the more important factor is the human factor because the
performance is not consistent, there are times that they are too
good and times they are less good.
4. Quality control impacts all aspects of production. The production
must be aligned with what’s best for the customers and the
essentials of their product to meet customer satisfaction.
5. Operation cost can be different includes prevention costs,
appraisal costs, internal failure costs and external failure costs
which affects the production of the product.
6. During the process of the product quality control is observed to
have less damage or less failures; it is not simply controlled after
production has been completed.

3. The Five Phases of Lean Six Sigma DMAIC (5)

1. Define - stating the problem and identifying the goals and
outlining the target process.
2. Measure - working out the best way to measure the process and
gather datas to carry out the measurements from the conducted
3. Analyze - determining causes and gaps between actual and goal
performance, analyze the effects of outputs after input processed.
4. Improve - come up with potential solutions to the problem that is
easy to implement.
5. Control - improvement is observing and updating regularly the plan
records and generating monitoring plan solutions. Training
routine of the employees must be observed and maintained.

TEST III: ESSAY (5 items, 10 pts. each)

Instructions: Read carefully the given questions and write your answer to the
best of your ability.
1. What are the important contributions of the Gurus in the development of TQM and
explain each contribution?
W. Edwards Deming (1990-1993) - deming focuses on gathering defect
data in a systematic manner, then identifying and addressing root causes in
order enhance productivity and minimize future failures. His ideas greatly help
in developing quality management through analyzing and gathering data to
produce a solution to a certain problem and prevent failures.
Dr. Joseph M. Juran (1904) - considered as the father of quality. He
proposed the Juran trilogy of the three quality processes: quality control,
quality planning, and quality improvement. His ideas of quality processes
helps to guide the management to have great outputs in their production and
helps to grow small businesses.
Armand V. Feigenbaum - he originated the concept of total quality
control in his book Quality Control. He also proposed the six sigma techniques
which greatly help in improving the total quality management, to improve
processes of the industry through the innovative strategies of Feigenbaum.
Philip Crosby (1926) - his primary contribution can be seen in the fact
that his expressions “zero defects,” “doing it right the first time,” and
“conformance to requirements.’’ This kind of expression has now influenced
many people in the business world and also influenced the quality
management to have motivation to perform the process with zero failures.
Kaoru Ishikawa (1915-1989) - considered as the father of Japanese
quality. His one greatest contribution in the quality management is the
Ishikawa or cause and effect diagram also known as the fishbone diagram.
Through the use of analysis and industrial processes his ideas contribute to
Genichi Taguchi - he is known for Taguchi Methods. He developed a
methodology to improve quality and reduce cost. Another of his major
contributions was to isolate and remove factors which affect the variability of
a product.

2. Explain the importance of quality service management (QSM) in the tourism

Tourism is one of the world’s most complex and vital industries. The
tourism industry’s supply is a complicated product that includes the
collaboration of a number of service, the quality of which is determined by a
variety of circumstances, such as public safety, hygienic qualities of the
destination and the hospitality of the locals and etc. the quality service
management is so important in the industry, to insure the quality of the
service provided to the guests is so important in the industry to ensure the
quality of th service provided to the guests and the quality of all aspects that
under the field of tourism industry.

3. How to reduce variability for the success and consistency of a service business?
Variability means inconsistentness of the product that causes the major
disappointments of most of the customers. There are several steps to reduce
variability in the business, first of all hire a good employee that possesses the
character of a good service provider and then invest in the training procedures
of your employees to become excellent in their jobs. Second , impose standard
service-performance, the quality of providing services to the customers. Lastly
is to monitor customer satisfaction, this will help you to analyze and
determine in which area you should work more to become better and which
should be developed to gain higher rate in customer satisfaction. Also to
consider is the safety and security of the guest.

4. As a business owner, why do we need to conduct benchmarking?

Benchmarking is a useful tool that businesses may use for staying on top
of sales, customer service, and other areas in the industry’s new trends. As a
business owner my organization can use the benchmarking process to
determine the ideal or beller tourism services, resulting in increased customer
satisfaction, it’s all the benefits of conducting benchmarking.
5. Explain the 14 obligations of top management by Edward Deming.
Part of what I know is that Edward Deming is largely credited with the
focus on quality within business to achieve success especially in the tourism
and hospitality industry. Deming proposes 14 obligations of top management
for service business to be successful. According to Dr. Edward Deming, to be
successful, quality must be built in every worker, from suppliers and
production facilities to customer service and frontline workers. The 14
obligations of Deming's serve as a reminder of the need of increasing consumer
awareness, decreasing variety, and encouraging constant change and
development throughout enterprises.


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