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1.Why art is not nature?

Art is not nature because in many ways, art is not “natural”, it is an artificial construct created by
Sometimes it appears to be close to nature or it may even sometimes “go beyond” nature but it
always returns to the mind, heart and hands of man.

2.Why is art ageless and timeless?

Art is ageless because it connects people of different generations, age groups, ethnicity, etc. It
has a creative, spiritual sense to it that can have a lasting impact on anyone, irrespective of their
age. Art is timeless because it has elements that are deep and complex.

3.Why does art involved experience?

All life is experience; everything you have been through up to now colors what you look at, how
you see it, what details you focus as opposed to someone else and how they look at the same
things. No two people are the same so your expriences shape all your art and anyone elses is
shaped by theirs.

Draw a household appliances or piece of equipment from an unusual angle . Please

utilize and fill up the space provided. (20)

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