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0 HFG 12-12-18 YFY 07-01-19

(This document is a property of NBBL. This is not transferable and shall not be used for any
purpose other than for which it is intended)
操 作 手 册 Operating Instructions
断路器 3AP1 DT-FG Circuit-Breaker 3AP1 DT-FG

额定电压 252 kV for rated voltage 252 kV


西门子(杭州)高压开关有限公司遵照的质量标准为ISO Siemens High Voltage Circult Breaker Co. Ltd.,
9001 / GB/T 19001。 Hangzhou has introduced and applies a quality system
in accordance with ISO 9001 / GB/T 19001.
柏林厂的电气实验室及材料工程实验室自1992年起由德 The electrical testing laboratories of the manufacturer
国认证委员会依据DINEN45001认证。 have been certified since 1992 by the German
Accredi- tation Body in accordance with DINEN45001.
如果您需要此操作手册的更多样本,请通过主管的西门子 If you require further copies of the operating instruc-
代理处,根据所提供的定单号及标题订货: tions, please order them from the appropriate Siemens
office, indicating the title and order number:
92700913174A 92700913174A

发行者为: Published by:

西门子(杭州)高压开关有限公司 Siemens High Voltage Circult Breaker Co. Ltd.,

保留更改权 Subject to change.

所有权利指包括翻译,及通过印刷、复制或类似的方法 All rights, including rights of translation, reproduction
来得到说明书复制品,甚至对其中一部分保留权利 by printing, copying or similar methods, even of parts
are reserved.
违反者须对损害负责 Offenders will be liable for damages.
所有权利,包括公司模型和设计的专利和注册权均予保 All rights, including rights created by patent grand or
留。 registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.
1目录 – Contents

1 目录 1 Contents

2 概论........................................................
概论 7 2 General ................................................. 7
2.1 引言............................................................... 7 2.1 Introduction.....................................................7
2.1.1 操作说明书的安排 ......................................... 8 2.1.1 Arrangement of the Operating Instructions ....8
2.1.2 操作说明书信息............................................. 8 2.1.2 Communication by Means of the Operat-ing
Instructions .....................................................8
2.2 安全说明 ....................................................... 9 2.2 Safety Instructions..........................................9

3 说明......................................................
说明 15 3 Description ......................................... 15
3.1 技术数据 ..................................................... 15 3.1 Technical Data .............................................15
3.1.1 标准、规程.................................................. 15 3.1.1 Standards, Regulations ................................15
3.1.2 操作温度 ..................................................... 15 3.1.2 Operating Temperatures ..............................15
3.1.3 额定绝缘水平 .............................................. 15 3.1.3 Insulation Rating...........................................15
3.1.4 电气数据 ..................................................... 16 3.1.4 Electrical Data ..............................................16
3.1.5 操作时间 ..................................................... 16 3.1.5 Operating Times...........................................16
3.1.6 灭弧介质SF6................................................ 16 3.1.6 Arc Quenching Medium SF6 .........................16
3.1.7 辅助开关 ..................................................... 17 3.1.7 Auxiliary Switch ............................................17
3.1.8 防凝露加热器 .............................................. 17 3.1.8 Anti-Condensation Heaters ..........................17
3.1.9 更多技术数据 .............................................. 17 3.1.9 Further Technical Data.................................17
3.2 断路器 ......................................................... 19 3.2 Circuit-Breaker .............................................19
3.3 断路器极柱.................................................. 21 3.3 Breaker Pole.................................................21
3.4 灭弧单元 ..................................................... 23 3.4 Breaker Unit .................................................23
3.5 灭弧............................................................. 25 3.5 Arc Quenching..............................................25
3.6 开关的弹簧操作机构 ................................... 27 3.6 Spring Drive Mechanism of the Circuit-
Breaker .........................................................27
3.6.1 合闸弹簧的储能........................................... 27 3.6.1 Charging the Closing Spring ........................27
3.6.2 合闸............................................................. 27 3.6.2 Closing..........................................................27
3.6.3 分闸操作 ..................................................... 28 3.6.3 Opening ........................................................28
3.6.4 操作顺序 ..................................................... 28 3.6.4 Operating Sequence ....................................28
3.7 弹簧操作机构的功能 ................................... 29 3.7 Function of the Spring Drive Mechanism .....29
3.7.1 合闸弹簧储能 .............................................. 29 3.7.1 Charging the Closing Spring ........................29
3.7.2 合闸............................................................. 33 3.7.2 Closing..........................................................33
3.7.3 脱扣............................................................. 38 3.7.3 Tripping.........................................................38
3.8 电流互感器.................................................. 39 3.8 Current Transformer.....................................39
3.8.1 设计............................................................. 39 3.8.1 Design ..........................................................39
3.8.2 线路布置 ..................................................... 40 3.8.2 Connection Designations .............................40
3.9 控制单元 ..................................................... 43 3.9 Control ..........................................................43
3.9.1 弹簧储能机构 .............................................. 44 3.9.1 Spring Winding Mechanism..........................44
3.9.2 气体监控 ..................................................... 46 3.9.2 Gas Monitoring .............................................46
3.9.3 闭锁............................................................. 48 3.9.3 Lockouts .......................................................48
3.9.4 电机控制 ..................................................... 48 3.9.4 Motor Control................................................48
3.9.5 防凝露加热器 .............................................. 49 3.9.5 Anti-Condensation Heaters ..........................49
3.9.6 信号............................................................. 49 3.9.6 Signals..........................................................49
3.9.7 备用辅助开关触头 ....................................... 49 3.9.7 Free Auxiliary Switch Contacts ....................49
3.9.8 操作循环计数器........................................... 49 3.9.8 Operating Cycle Counter..............................49

4 安装 ..............................................................51 4 Installation .......................................... 51

92700913174A 3
1 目录 - Contents

4.1 安装中的安全说明 .......................................51 4.1 Safety Rules for Installation..........................51

4.2 储运 .............................................................54 4.2 Delivery and Storage ....................................54
4.2.1 交付范围......................................................54 4.2.1 Scope of Delivery .........................................54
4.2.2 验收检查......................................................54 4.2.2 Checking on Arrival ......................................54
4.2.3 储藏 .............................................................54 4.2.3 Storage .........................................................54
4.3 清洁液、润滑及防锈剂 ................................56 4.3 Cleaning Liquids, Lubricants and Corro- sion
Protection Agents .........................................56
4.3.1 清洁剂 .........................................................56 4.3.1 Cleaning Liquids ...........................................56
4.3.2 润滑剂及防锈剂产品....................................57 4.3.2 Lubricants and Corrosion Protection Agents 57
4.4 安装概论......................................................58 4.4 General Instructions for Installation..............58
4.5 开关安装......................................................60 4.5 Installation of the Breaker.............................60
4.5.1 装配概观......................................................60 4.5.1 Assembly Overview ......................................60
4.5.2 装运单元的拆卸...........................................61 4.5.2 Taking Apart the Shipping Unit.....................61
4.5.3 安装套管......................................................62 4.5.3 Mounting the Bushings .................................62
4.5.4 安装套管......................................................64 4.5.4 Insert the Bushing.........................................64
4.6 安装完全的断路器的移位 ............................69 4.6 Moving the Complete Breaker......................69
4.7 开关接地及导线连接....................................70 4.7 Earthing and Connecting the Leads .............70
4.7.1 接地 .............................................................70 4.7.1 Earthing ........................................................70
4.7.2 高压线接线排 ..............................................70 4.7.2 Work on High-Voltage Terminals .................70
4.7.3 连接控制电缆 ..............................................71 4.7.3 Connecting the Control Cables ....................71
4.8 开关充SF6气体 ............................................73 4.8 Filling the Breaker with SF6 Gas...................73
4.8.1 抽真空 .........................................................73 4.8.1 Evacuating ....................................................73
4.8.2 从气瓶中给开关充气....................................73 4.8.2 Filling the Breaker from the Gas Cylinder ....73
4.8.3 安装后的密封检查 .......................................75 4.8.3 Leakage Test after Installation .....................75
4.9 执行试验操作 ..............................................77 4.9 Carrying Out Test Operations.......................77
4.10 投运前的调试 ..............................................78 4.10 Checks before Commissioning.....................78
4.10.1 用于防凝露的加热器....................................78 4.10.1 Anti-Condensation Heaters ..........................78
4.10.2 变电站与设备间的布线检查.........................78 4.10.2 Test of Wiring between Substation and
4.10.3 调试报告......................................................78 4.10.3 Commissioning Report .................................78

5 运行 ............................................................79 5 Operation ............................................ 79

5.1 操作说明......................................................79 5.1 Instructions for Operation .............................79
5.1.1 分闸和合闸 ..................................................79 5.1.1 Closing and Opening ....................................79
5.1.2 SF6–气压 .....................................................79 5.1.2 SF6 Pressure ................................................79
5.1.3 总闭锁 .........................................................80 5.1.3 General Lockout ...........................................80
5.1.4 机械式合闸闭锁...........................................80 5.1.4 Mechanical Reclosing Lockout .....................80
5.1.5 允许的开断次数...........................................80 5.1.5 Max. Permissible Number of Interruptions ...80
5.1.6 3AP1DT开关在工作不正常时建议采取措施 82 5.1.6 Recommended Procedure in the Event of
Irregularities on the Circuit-Breaker 3AP1DT82
5.2 高压开关及其系统处理 ................................84 5.2 Disposing of High-Voltage Switching Devices
and Systems.................................................84

6 保养 .....................................................85 6 Maintenance ....................................... 85

6.1 检查和维护概述...........................................85 6.1 Inspection and Maintenance - General ........85
6.1.1 检查和维护服务(计划表)..............................85 6.1.1 Maintenance Services (Schedule)................85
6.1.2 人员安排......................................................86 6.1.2 Assignment of Personnel..............................86
6.1.3 维护工具包 ..................................................86 6.1.3 Maintenance Kits ..........................................86

4 92700913174A
1目录 – Contents

6.1.4 检查和维护的起始日期................................ 86 6.1.4 Initial Date for Inspection and Mainte- nance
6.1.5 故障............................................................. 87 6.1.5 Disturbances ................................................87
6.1.6 说明............................................................. 87 6.1.6 Points to be Noted........................................87
6.2 检测和维护安全检查准则-总则 ................. 88 6.2 Safety Rules for Inspection and Mainte- nance
Service - General .........................................88
6.3 维护计划 ..................................................... 92 6.3 Maintenance Schedule.................................92
6.4 根据维护计划工作 ....................................... 94 6.4 Work to be Carried Out in Accordance with the
Maintenance Schedule.................................94
6.4.1 总体检查 ..................................................... 94 6.4.1 General Inspection .......................................94
6.4.2 排空SF6气体................................................ 94 6.4.2 Drawing Off the SF6 Gas ..............................94
6.4.3 触头系统检查 .............................................. 95 6.4.3 Check of Contact System.............................95
6.4.4 开关充SF6气体 ............................................ 96 6.4.4 Evacuating the Breaker and Filling in SF6 ....96
6.4.5 SF6压力表检查 ............................................ 98 6.4.5 Check SF6 Pressure Gauge .........................98
6.4.6 检查密度继电器........................................... 99 6.4.6 Testing the DensityMonitor...........................99
6.4.7 投入运行前的检漏 ..................................... 100 6.4.7 Check for Leaks on Operational Breaker ...100
6.4.8 操作机构检验 ............................................ 100 6.4.8 Checks at Drive Mechanism.......................100
6.4.9 接线板 ....................................................... 102 6.4.9 Terminal Strip .............................................102
6.4.10 防凝露加热器 ............................................ 102 6.4.10 Anti-Condensation Heaters ........................102
6.4.11 功能检查 ................................................... 102 6.4.11 Function Checks.........................................102
6.4.12 马达控制检查 ............................................ 103 6.4.12 Check of Motor Control ..............................103
6.4.13 SF6-湿度测试 ............................................ 103 6.4.13 Measuring the SF6 Gas Humidity Content.103
6.4.14 SF6-空气含量测试 ..................................... 103 6.4.14 Measuring the SF6 Air Content...................103
6.4.15 防锈保护检查 ............................................ 103 6.4.15 Anti-Corrosion Protection ...........................103
6.4.16 特殊情况 ................................................... 104 6.4.16 Special Occurrences ..................................104

断路器调试报告 .......................... 105

3AP断路器调试报告 Commissioning Report for the
Circuit-Breaker 3AP ........................ 105

弹簧驱动机构的功能图 ...................... 113 Function Diagram of Spring Drive

Mechanism ...................................... 113

92700913174A 5
1 目录 - Contents

6 92700913174A
2 概论 – General

2 概论 2 General

2.1 引言 2.1 Introduction

此操作手册适用于屝页上列举的开关型号和结构,操作 These operating instructions apply to high-voltage cir-

人员应该熟悉此操作手册以及开关的结构和作用原理。 cuit breakers with the serial numbers given on the title
此操作手册提供了有关投运的详细说明和安装维护的 page. They are intended to familiarize operating per-
相关资料。 sonnel with the design and functioning of the circuit
breaker. They also supply details of operation and pro-
vide information on installation and maintenance.
除非指明为绝对压力,否则所有压力值均为表值。 All values of pressure given are gauge values unless
absolute pressure is expressly stated.
建议操作人员尽早熟悉本操作手册及提供的其他资料, It is advisable for the operating personnel to familiarize
以便了解所操作的断路器的特点。 themselves as early as possible with the instructions,
and with the aid of other documents supplied to gather
any relevant further information on the circuit breaker
and its features.

如果产品和/或其部件的修理和更换未按照卖方交付给 In case that the repair and/or replacement of the

买方的操作手册和/或其他技术文件的相关规定进行, Products and/or parts does not follow relevant
则卖方针对相关产品和/或部件的质保责任将被免除。 requirements provided in the operating instruction
and/or other technical documents delivered by Seller
to Buyer, Seller will be released from its warranty
obligations with respect to relevant Products and/or
卖方交付给买方的操作手册及其他技术文件(统称“技 The operating instruction and other technical
术文件”)应构成本技术协议的组成部分。如本技术协 documents (collectively referred to as "Technical
议与技术文件之间存在任何不一致之处,应以技术文件 Documents") delivered by Seller to Buyer shall
为准。 constitute an integral part of this Technical Agreement.
If there are any discrepancies between this Technical
Agreement and Technical Documents, the Technical
Documents shall prevail.

说明 Note
本操作手册包括安装 投运和开关的维护保养 The operating instructions contain infor-
说明以及警告 。它指出不允许的操作和开关运 mation on proper operation and mainte-
行相关的潜在危险。 nance of the circuit breaker, together with
certain supplementary warning notices.
They are intended to point out impermissi-
ble actions and to show the potential dan-
ger associated with operation of the
cir-cuit breaker.
如您需要进一步的信息或是发生了在本手册中 Should further information be desired or
论述的不够详细的特殊问题时,您可以要求当 should particular problems arise which are not
地的西门子分部给予必要的答复。 covered sufficiently in the operating instruc-
tions, the matter should be referred to the
local Siemens sales office.

92700913174A 7
2 概论 – General

2.1.1 操作说明的安排 2.1.1 Arrangement of the Operating Instructions

操作手册包括以下内容 1-目录 .2-概论 .3说明4- These operating instructions are divided into chapters
安装 .5投运 .6维护 1- Contents, 2- General, 3- Description, 4- Installation,
5- Operation and 6- Maintenance.

2.1.2 操作说明书信息 2.1.2 Communication by Means of the

Operat-ing Instructions
对于口头的或者书面的报告,以及订购可能需要的备件 In verbal or written communication, as well as when
时请使用在本手册中采用的标记和章节顺序号陈述下 ordering any spare parts required, please use the des-
部的号码以及图的说明(图),这样一来可以避免误会。 ignations and part numbers used in the operating
instructions, giving details of the order number of the
operating instructions, the page number and specifying
the number of the illustration (Fig.). In this way, misun-
derstandings can be prevented.

8 92700913174A
2 概论 – General

2.2 安全说明 2.2 Safety Instructions

在运行过程中,开关的某些部件是处于危险电压或气压 During operation, certain parts of the circuit-breaker

下的(SF6)。 are live and hazardous voltages therefore present.
Certain parts are also under gas pressure (SF6).
纯净的SF6是无色,无嗅,无味,无毒以及非可燃的气 In its pure state, sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is a colour-
体 像氮气一样不活泼。吸入的空气中含有充足的氧气 less, odourless, tasteless, non-toxic and non-flamma-
时,SF6是对人体无害的。SF6对生态无危害作用。 ble gas, inactive like nitrogen. SF6 is safe if there is
adequate oxygen present in inhaled air. SF6
constitutes no danger to the ecosystem.
工作人员必须完全熟悉本手册所陈述的安装,运行,维 Personnel must be thoroughly familiar with all
护及维修的程序和相关注意事项。 warnings and procedures for installation, operation,
maintenance and repair contained in these operating

在不注意警告说明的情况下会造成死亡,重伤 Non-observance of warnings can result in
以及巨大的财产损失和环境损害。 death, severe personal injury and sub-
stantial property and environmental dam-

开关的使用者们必须负责,使在各自的国家适用的安全规 The user of the circuit-breaker must ensure that the

则和关于在可能的事故时所采取的措施方面的说明规 定 installation, maintenance and relevant operating direc-
要随时可查阅,例如,通过招贴。 tives to the appropriate activity, local safety regulations
and information on what to do in the event of an acci-
dent are available or displayed, e.g. on a notice board
so that they can be referred to at any time.
除了考虑各自国家适用的安全规则以及操作规定的情 Additionally to the safety rules valid in the country in
况外,请注意下列说明,预防措施和警告: question a few precautionary measures and points to
be noted are listed below:
- 开关安装,运行和维护以及为了一般的安全所需的配 - The accessory items required for installation,
件(保护服,手动操作装置,警告标志牌,手电箱, opera- tion and maintenance of the circuit-breaker
灭火器等)必须明显而小心保管在一指定的地点并定 and for reasons of safety (protecting clothes,
期检查其完整性和良好状态,这也包括整套的安装手 devices for manual operation, warning signs, hand
册。 lamps, fire extinguishers etc.) must be stored
neatly at a certain point and be checked regularly
for completeness and proper functioning. This
also includes the complete operating instructions.

92700913174A 9
2 概论 – General

- 遵循如前所述的维护间隔期以及修理和更换的规 - The specified maintenance intervals and the

定。 instruc- tions for repair and replacement must be
adhered to.
- 描述危险工作详细警告说明包括在操作手册的相 - Detailed warning references describing the secure
关章节中。它通过加边框,粗字体或/和用别的方法 execution of dangerous work are included in the
突出其文字。 particular sections of the operating instructions.
They are highlighted by frames, bold lettering
and/or other means.

警告在操作手册中的含义指,如果不遵守相应 in the sense of these operating instruc-
会造成死亡,重伤或巨大的财产 tions means that death, severe personal
损失和环境损害。 injury or substantial property and environ-
mental damage may occur if appropriate
safety measures are not taken.

注意 Attention
注意在操作手册中的含义指,如果不遵守相应 in the sense of these operating instruc-
的安全措施 ,会造成轻伤或财产损失和环境损 tions means that light personal injury or
害。 property/environmental damage may
occur if appropriate safety measures are
not taken.

说明 Note
说明在操作手册中的含义是指:如下是来自西 Note in the sense of these operating instruc-
门子员工宝贵经验的简化和改善断路器有关操 tions means information to simplify and im-
作的信息。 prove the handling of the circuit breaker. They
are based on the experiences of Siemens

10 92700913174A
2 概论 – General

The following safety regulations provide an 以下是对由于不遵守安全规则而存在的危险、

overview of the dangers existing and their 以及其可能的结果的总的描述。
以及其可能的结果的总的描述 。在操作手册的相关
sources, and describe the possible consequences 章节中有更严谨的介绍,
if the rules specified are not complied with. They
are expressed more exactly in the operating
instructions. It’s advisable to read carefully and
perform them strictly.

Attention 注意

In order to avoid accidents, fire, personal 为了避免事故、

injury and impermissible burdens on the 了保障断路器设备的功能可靠,
了保障断路器设备的功能可靠 ,使用者必须保证:
environment and in order to assure the
functional reliability of the switchgear, the
user must ensure that:
- a responsible person, if necessary - 专人负责调试工作的执行。
authorized to supervise, is put in 督、指导人员。
charge of performance of
- only qualified and instructed - 只允许接受过专业培训的专业人员进行安装、
personnel are assigned for 调试、
调试 、运行及维护工作。
installation, commissioning, operation
and maintenance.
- the regulations and instructions for - 安全维护及安全操作的工作细则、
work safety (e.g. in the use of 及出现事故或燃烧时的处理方法应随时可查
equipment), together with instructions 阅,必要时应展示在工作场所。
on action to be taken in the event of
accidents and fire, are available at all
times and if necessary displayed in
the place of work,
- the tools, equipment and apparatus - 安全操作所需的工具、
required for work safety and the 定工作所需的人员保护装备随时备用。
personal protective equipment required
for certain tasks are available,

- only those materials, lubricants, - 只允许使用厂家批准的材料、

cleaning liquids and auxiliary 辅助设备及备品备件。
辅助设备及备品备件 。
equipment and spare parts approved by
the manufacturer are used.

Improperly performed installation, 不正确的安装、

maintenance and operation can result in
danger and mal- functions.
After installation and commissioning, the 安装、调试结束后,必须填写调试报告并将其返回
commissioning report must be filled out and 制造厂。
return to manufacture.


Danger to installation personnel can 安装人员可能面临以下

result from
- hazardous voltage - 危险的电压

92700913174A 11
2 概论 – General

- gas pressure in the pole - 处于运输压力(

columns 0.5 bar
- SF6-gas - SF6 气体
- falling and/or toppling parts - 跌落和/或倾倒的部件以及移动部件
跌落和 或倾倒的部件以及移动部件。
and/or moving parts.
Non-observance of warnings can 不遵守安全说明可能造成人员死亡、
result in death, severe personal 及巨大的财产损失和环境破坏。
injury and substantial property and
environmental dam- age.

Hazardous voltage - Electric 危险的电压 - 在靠近带电部部位时,
shock and burning as a result of 电弧作用可能发生电击和烧伤事件。
arcing are possible if live parts
are approached.
If high voltage is present in the vicinity at the 安装之前,工作区范围毗连高压时,通过供电企业的调
place- where work is to be done, a 度,做到:
responsible person from the power supply
utility must, before work starts:
- Switch off and isolate - 切断电源并隔离
- Prevent unintentional switch-on - 防止意外合上电源
- Test that equipment is dead - 确保设备无电压
- Ground and short-circuit the equipment - 接地并短接设备
- Cover or fence off nearby live parts - 遮盖或用栅栏隔离邻近的带电部件
It must be confirmed that these safety 必须证实这些安全措施已被执行!
measures have been taken.

The pole columns are under 断路器极柱处于压力下( 节灭弧介
pressure (see section 3.1.7 Arc 质SF6)在瓷瓶受损时,
Quenching Medium SF6) - 身伤害。
Damage to the porcelain parts
can result in severe personal
- Do not allow any tools or - 不允许任何工具或升降设备撞击瓷瓶。
hoisting gear to knock against
the porcelain parts.
- Do not lean any ladders against - 勿将梯子靠在极柱上,使用阶梯。
the pole columns; use step

SF6 is heavier than air. In closed SF6气体比空气重,
areas it may displace the air - 挤空气。
Danger of suffocation! 息的危险!
Use a service unit for all work 气体回收时使用专用设备。
气体回收时使用专用设备 。 吸尽所充SF
吸尽所充 6
with SF6 gas. Extract the SF6
12 92700913174A
2 概论 – General

filling; do not let it escape into 气体,

the air.

Attention 注意
Danger of bursting if porcelain 瓷瓶损坏可能导致爆炸的危
bodies are damaged. Severe 险,可能造成严重的人员伤亡。
personal injury can result.

Avoid damaging the porcelain 避免损坏瓷瓶。

The breaker poles are filled for 断路器极柱在运输时充有
dispatch with SF6-gas at 0.3...0.5 0.3…0.5bar的SF6气体。

Note 提示
In case of storing the breaker 如果断路器需存储三个月以上,
longer then 3 months the 一定要开启控制柜与操作柜内的防凝露加
anti-condensation heater in the 热器。
control cubicle and on the
operating mechanism cubicles
must be switched on.

If unsuitable bolts are used, they 如果使用不合适的螺栓,
can malfunction and cause 可能造成严重的人员伤亡。
severe personal injury.
If the number of bolts supplied for 如果提供的用于压力容器的螺栓不够,备
the pressure vessels is insufficient, 用螺栓必须从生产厂获得。
spare bolts must be ordered from
the factory only.

Attention 注意
Unchecked tightening can result 如果不检查紧固性,
如果不检查紧固性, 会导致损坏或螺栓联
in damage to or loosening of bolt 接松脱。
接松脱 。
Use torque wrench for assembly. 用于安装中的力矩扳手拧紧力矩见表7。
Tightening torque see Table 7.

The control leads must not be 在断路器所有极柱安装完毕之前,
connected to the terminal block 将控制线引至机构箱内的端子排
of the operating mechanism until
the breaker has been erected
complete with the pole columns.

Note 提示
Before placing the pole columns 安装极柱至横梁前,
检查每个极柱的 气
on the base, the SF6 priming 体预充状况。
如末觉察到 咝咝 "的响声
filling of the individual pole 可能存在运输损坏
columns must be checked. If no
hissing noise is audible, there
could be transport damage.

92700913174A 13
2 概论 – General

For safety reasons, work on 出于安全考虑,
high-voltage terminals should be 必须在断路器充SF
必须在断路器充 6 气体至额定压力前进
carried out before the breaker is 行。
filled with SF6-gas up to nominal
Connecting cables must be fitted 连接电缆必须在不带电状态下进行。
in dead state.

Release the SF6-pressure before 在进行与气室螺纹连接有关的工作前,
working on the screw 须释放SF
须释放 6气压。
connections of the gas chamber.

Danger of bursting if porcelain 在瓷瓶瓶体损坏的情况下可能发生爆炸,
bodies are damaged. Severe 造成人身伤害。
造成人身伤害 。
personal injury can result.
For safety reasons no persons 出于安全的考虑,
在进行首次的 个操作循
may remain within 60 m of the 环试验时,
断路器周围 米范围内不允许
breaker while the first 5 test 有人员逗留。
operations are being carried out.

Danger of serious mechanical 严重机械损伤的危险!
Mechanical test operations must 机械试验必须在SF
机械试验必须在 6充足的的情况下进行:
only be performed with sufficient 充气压力至少必须大于SF6总闭锁压力,
充气压力至少必须大于 总闭锁压力,见
SF6 gas filling: Pressure must at 表4。

least be at the level of general
lockout SF6, see Table 4.

14 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description

3 说明 3 Description

3.1 技术数据 3.1 Technical Data

3AP1 DT型开关是一种采用SF6气体作为绝缘和灭弧 The 3AP1 DT circuit-breaker is of the self-compression

介质的自能式高压开关。三相户外式设计。 type and uses SF6-gas for insulation and arc-quench-
ing purposes. It is of triple-pole outdoor design.
该开关三相使用同一套机械操作机构,因此适用于三相 The breaker has for all three phases a common
自动重合闸。 operat- ing mechanism and is therefore suitable for
triple-polar auto-reclosing.

3.1.1 标准、
标准、规程 3.1.1 Standards, Regulations

本开关及同时提供的辅助设备和特殊工具符合供货时 The circuit-breaker, together with the equipment and

所适用的法律、条例及标准。 special tools supplied, is in conformity with the
statutory laws, rules and standards applying at the
time of delivery.
- 符合 IEC-Publications 62271-100. - The specifications in IEC Publications 62271-100.
- 符合 IEC-Publications 60694. - The specifications in IEC-Publications 60694.
实际技术数据将以供货时的铭牌数据和所附技术文件 The technical data actually applying to the switch-
为准。 ing device supplied are stated on the rating plate
and in the appended documentation.

3.1.2 操作温度 3.1.2 Operating Temperatures

本开关工作时适用的环境温度范围是:-30℃至+ 40℃, The circuit-breakers are designed for operation in an

当环境温度低于-30℃时,额外的加热装置是必要的。 ambient temperature range from -30°C to+ 40°C.When
the ambient temperature is lower than -30°C, the
additional heater should be necessary.

3.1.3 额定绝缘水平 3.1.3 Insulation Rating

额定电压 252 kV Rated voltage 252 kV

额定工频耐受电压 Rated short-duration power-frequency with-
stand voltage
对地 460 Kv to earth 460 Kv
断口间 460 kV across the open circuit-breaker 460 kV
相间 460 kV between phases 460 kV
额定雷电冲击电压 Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
对地 1050 kV to earth 1050 kV
断口间 1050 kV across the open circuit-breaker 1050 kV
相间 1050 kV 1050 kV
between phases
干弧距离 Flashover distance in air
对地 2193 mm to earth 2193 mm
断口间 1926 mm across the open circuit-breaker 1926 mm
相间 1974 mm between phases 1974 mm
绝缘子表面最小爬电距离 Minimum creepage distance over the insu-
lators' surfaces
对地 8028 mm to earth 8028 mm
表 1 额定绝缘水平 Table 1 Insulation rating

92700913174A 15
3 说明 – Description

3.1.4 电气数据 3.1.4 Electrical Data

额定电压 252 kV Rated voltage 252 kV

额定频率 50 Hz Rated frequency 50 Hz
额定电流 3150/4000 A Rated normal current 3150/4000 A
额定短路开断电流 50kA/63 kA Rated short-circuit breaking current 50kA/63 kA
额定线路充电电流 125 A Rated line-charging breaking current 125 A
额定电缆充电电流 250 A Rated cable-charging breaking current 250 A
出线端短路时的瞬间恢复电压 执行 IEC, GB Transient recovery voltage under terminal gem. IEC, GB
fault conditions
额定短路关合电流 125kA/170 kA Rated short-circuit making current 125kA/170 kA
额定短路持续时间 3s Rated short-circuit duration 3s
操作顺序 O-0,3s-CO-3min-CO Rated operating sequence O-0,3s-CO-3min-CO

表 2 电气数据
.表 Table 2 Electrical data

3.1.5 操作时间 3.1.5 Operating Times

指令最小持续时间(合闸) 80 ms Minimum command duration (Closing com- 80 ms

指令最小持续时间(分闸) 80 ms Minimum command duration (Opening com- 80 ms
合闸时间 55 ms ± 6 ms Closing time 55 ms ± 6 ms
分闸时间 37 ms ± 4 ms Opening time 37 ms ± 4 ms
额定开断时间 ≤60 ms Rated break time ≤60 ms
合-分时间 40 ms ± 10 ms Close-open-time 40 ms ± 10 ms
间隔时间 300 ms Dead time 300 ms
表 3 操作时间
操作时间 Table 3 Operating times

3.1.6 灭弧介质 SF6 3.1.6 Arc Quenching Medium SF6

每台开关气体重量 71,0 kg Filling weight (complete breaker) 71,0 kg

每台开关充气体积 1524 dm3 Volume (complete breaker) 1524 dm3
20度时额定充气压力 6 bar SF6 nominal filling gauge pressure at +20°C 6 bar
SF6-监测 Monitoring of the SF6
SF6泄漏报警信号(20°C时) 5,2 bar Signal Loss of SF6 at 20°C 5,2 bar
SF6闭锁(20°C时) 5 bar General lockout SF6 at 20°C 5 bar
三相极柱的过滤材料 1,5 kg Filter material (complete breaker) 1,5 kg
表 4 灭弧介质 SF6 Table 4 Arc quenching medium SF6

16 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description


a SF6-充气压力 (额定密度线) a SF6-filling gauge pressure (nominal density line)

b SF6泄漏报警信号 b Signal Loss of SF6
c SF6总闭锁 c General lockout SF6
e 液化曲线 e Liquefaction curve

图1 SF6 充气曲线和密度计的动作值 Fig. 1 SF6-filling and operating values of density monitor

(gauge pressure)

3.1.7 辅助开关 3.1.7 Auxiliary Switch

额定电压 Rated voltage 250 VDC 220 VDC 125 VDC 110 VDC 60 VDC 48 VDC
额定电流 Rated normal current 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A
开关容量 Switching capacity
电阻性负载 Resistive load 2.5 A 2.5 A 4A 5A 9A 10 A
电感阻性负载 Resistive-inductive load (time 1.2 A 2A 2.5 A 4A 7A 9A
时间常数 τ =20ms) constant τ=20ms)
表 5 辅助开关 Table 5 Auxiliary switch

1级辅助开关触头。 Auxiliary switch contact class 1

3.1.8 防凝露加热器 3.1.8 Anti-Condensation Heaters

操作机构控制箱箱 270 W Operating mechanism housing with control 270 W

表 6 防凝露加热器 Table 6 Anti-condensation heaters

防凝露加热器必须一直打开 The anti-condensation heaters must always be

switched on.

3.1.9 更多技术数据 3.1.9 Further Technical Data

以下技术数据为 Technical Data for

- 脱扣电压 - Trip voltage

92700913174A 17
3 说明 – Description

- 控制电压 - Control voltage

- 加热器电压 - Heater voltage

- SF6密度监测 - Pressure monitoring for SF6

- 弹簧操作机构的储能电机 - Charging motor of the spring drive mechanism

在电路图中指明 are indicated in the circuit diagram.

数据参数 Technical Data for

- 断路器重量 - Breaker weights

- 允许的电缆拉力 F - the permitted cable pull F

- 滚轮轨迹规格 - Roller track gauge

在三维图中指明 are indicated in the dimension drawing.

18 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description

3.2 断路器 3.2 Circuit-Breaker

断路器的三个开关极柱由一个共同的开关基架支撑 The three breaker poles rest on a common breaker

(图2) base 11 (Fig.2).
灭弧单元充SF6气体作为灭弧和绝缘的介质。 The breaker units are filled with SF6 for arc-quenching
and insulating purposes.


11 基架 11 Breaker base
18 操作机构单元 18 Operating mechanism unit
22 瓷套 22 Breaker pole
23 防护板 23 Cover

图2 三相开关 Fig. 2 Triple-pole circuit-breaker

三相极柱通过管道与一个气室连接。SF6的密度通过一 The three breaker poles are connected by tubes to a

个密度继电器测量并通过一个气压表显示出来。 gas compartment. The density of the SF6 gas in this
compartment is monitored by a density monitor and
the gas pressure indicated by a pressure gauge.
开关的弹簧驱动装置装在操作机构单元18中,该操作机 The breaker has a spring drive mechanism located in
构 单元固定在基架11上。开断电流所需能量储存在一 the operating mechanism unit 18 fastened to the
个三相极柱共有的合闸弹簧以及一个分闸弹簧中。合闸 breaker base 11. The energy required for switching is
弹簧和分闸弹簧位于操作机构单元中。 stored in one closing spring common to all three poles
and one opening spring. The closing and opening
springs are located in the operating mechanism unit.

92700913174A 19
3 说明 – Description

弹簧驱动机构可以通过一个传动单元驱动开关C相极 Circuit-breaker pole C is actuated by the spring-drive

柱,C相极柱的传动机构与A和B相的传动机构通过连杆 mechanism via a corner gear and is connected with
连接。这些连杆位于防护板23的正上方。 the corner gears of the poles A and B by means of
coupling rods. The coupling rods are located beneath
cover 23.
与操作机构单元18相连的装配板包含了所有用于控制 The mounting plate integrated in the operating mecha-
和监测断路器的设备,以及用于电气连接的终端接口, nism unit 18 contains all equipment for control and
包括互感器要用到的终端接口。 monitoring of the breaker and also the terminal blocks
required for electrical connections, including the termi-
nal blocks for the transformers.

20 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description

3.3 断路器极柱 3.3 Breaker Pole

断路器极柱由以下组成: The component parts of the breaker pole are:

- 灭弧单元 - Breaker unit
- 电流互感器 - Current transformer
- 套管 - Bushing
- 套管高压端子 - Bushing conductor with high-voltage terminal
开关的三相极柱结构相同。图3显示了一个开关极柱的 The three breaker poles of the circuit-breaker are of
剖面图。传动单元15被以三种不同的外形安装。见3.2 identical design. Fig.3 shows a sectional view of a
断路器(图2)。 breaker pole. Corner gear 15 is mounted in three
different configurations. See 3.2 Circuit-Breaker
开关的动作将从弹簧操作机构经过一连接杆18.27.1, The switching movement is transmitted from the spring
转轴15.8.3及由绝缘材料制成的操作杆16.9传递到灭弧 drive mechanism via an operating linkage 18.27.1, the
单元22。 shaft 15.8.3 and the operating rod made of insulating
material 16.9 to the interrupter unit 22 .
设在传动单元15中的过滤材料15.16.3用于吸收SF6的 The corner gear 15 contains the filter material 15.16.3
分解产物和水份。 which collects SF6 decompositon products and mois-
ture residue.

92700913174A 21
3 说明 – Description


15 转向壳体 15 Corner gear

15.16.3 过滤袋 15.16.3 Filter bag
15.8.3 转轴 15.8.3 Shaft
15.9 外杠杆 15.9 External lever
16.9 操作杆 16.9 Operating rod
18.27.1 驱动杆 18.27.1 Driving rod
22 灭弧单元 22 Breaker unit
22.1 壳体 22.1 Housing
22.22 高压接线端子 22.22 High-voltage terminal
24 套管导体 24 Bushing conductor
25 防爆膜 25 Rupture disc
26 套管 26 Bushing
27 电流互感器 27 Current transformer

图3 一相极柱剖面图 Fig. 3 Sectional view of a breaker pole

22 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description

3.4 灭弧单元 3.4 Breaker Unit

图 4 展示了灭弧单元的剖面图。灭弧触头安装在一个 Fig.4 shows a sectional view of an breaker unit. The

封闭的气室22.1内。 breaker contacts are accommodated in the gas-tight
pole housing 22.1.


HV 加热容积 HV Heating volume

KV 压缩容积 KV Compression volume
22.1 气室 22.1 Housing
22.11 动弧触头 22.11 Moving arcing contact
22.11.1 喷嘴 22.11.1 Nozzle
22.11.17 活塞 22.11.17 Piston
22.11.18 逆止阀 22.11.18 Non-return valve
22.11.19 阀组 22.11.19 Valve group
22.11.2 加热筒 22.11.2 Heating volume
22.3 触指 22.3 Contact laminations
22.31 触头架 22.31 Contact carrier
22.41 加热筒 22.41 Heat cylinder
22.5 导向装置 22.5 Guide rail
22.51 连接件 22.51 Coupler
22.52 导向销子 22.52 Pin
22.56 杠杆 22.56 Lever
22.9 杆状弧触头 22.9 Pin(moving)
25 防爆膜 25 Rupture disc

图4 灭弧单元 Fig. 4 Breaker unit

主电流路径由上高压接线板22.22,套管导体24(见图3), The main current path is made up of the upper high-

排 列 如 环 状 位 于 触 头 架 22.31 中 的 触 指 22.3, 加 热 筒 voltage terminal 22.22, the bushing conductor 24 (see
22.42,套管导体24和上高压接线板22.22组成。 section Fig. 3), the contact laminations 22.3 arranged
in a ring in the contact carrier 22.31, the heat cylinder
22.42,the conductor 24 and the upper high-voltage ter-
minal 22.22.
触指 22.3被一个螺旋弹簧在两头向内挤压,在触头架 The contact laminations 22.3 are pressed centrally
22.31和加热筒22.41上产生了必要的接触压力。 inwards at both ends by a helical spring, producing the
necessary contact pressure on the contact carrier
22.31 and the heat cylinder 22.41.
与主电流路径平行的是弧电流路径,它由位于触头架上 Run parallel to the main current path is the arcing cur-
的弧触头22.9,位于加热筒22.41中的动弧触头22.11组 rent path which is made up of the pin 22.9 located in
成。 the contact carrier 22.31 and the moving arcing
contact 22.11 located in the heat cylinder 22.41.
弧触头22.9和管触头22.11是由耐烧灼的材料制作而 The pin 22.9 and the tube contact 22.11 are made of
成。 materials which produce only minimal contact erosion.

92700913174A 23
3 说明 – Description

动弧触头22.11,活塞22.11.17和加热筒22.41是机械相 The moving arcing contact 22.11, the piston 22.11.17

连的,并且与拉杆22.17连接。它们组成了灭弧单元移动 and the heat cylinder 22.41 are mechanically intercon-
的部分。 nected and coupled with the pull rod 22.17. They form
the moving part of the breaker unit.
活 塞 22.11.17 的 背 面 装 配 有 阀 片 22.11.18, 它 与 阀 组 The rear side of the piston 22.11.17 is equipped with a
22.11.19一起组成了灭弧的压缩单元。 valve plate 22.11.18 which together with the valve
group 22.11.19 makes up the compression unit for arc
灭弧单元中的灭弧过程可见3.5灭弧的示意图。 The breaking process in the breaker unit is described
in a schematic diagram in the the section entitled 3.5
Arc Quenching.

24 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description

3.5 灭弧 3.5 Arc Quenching

在分闸操作中,首先打开处在触指22.3和加热筒22.41 In an opening operation, the main contact that exists

之间的主触头(图5,位置b)。由弧触头22.9和管状触头 between the contact laminations 22.3 and the heat cyl-
22.11 组成的弧触头连接还保持闭合,所以电流被转换 inder 22.41 is opened (Fig.5, position b). The arcing
到弧触头上。 contact, consisting of the pin 22.9 and the tube contact
22.11 remains closed, with the result that the current
commutates onto the arcing contact.


a) 合闸位置 a) CLOSED position

b) 主触头打开 b) Opening: main contact in OPEN position
c) 弧触头打开 c) Opening: arcing contact in OPEN position
d) 分闸位置 d) OPEN position
HV 加热筒容积 HV Heating volume
KV 压缩筒容积 KV Compression volume
22.11 管状弧触头 22.11 Tube contact
22.11.1 灭弧喷嘴 22.11.1 Nozzle
22.11.17 活塞 22.11.17 Piston
22.11.18 逆止阀 22.11.18 Non-return valve
22.11.19 阀组 22.11.19 Valve group
22.11.2 辅助喷头 22.11.2 Auxiliary nozzle
22.3 触指 22.3 Contact lamination
22.41 加热筒 22.41 Heat cylinder
22.5 导向装置 22.5 Guide rail
22.51 连接件 22.51 Coupler
22.52 导向销子 22.52 Pin
22.56 控制杆 22.56 Lever
22.9 杆状弧触头 22.9 Pin (moving)

图 5 图示的分闸过程 Fig. 5 Schematics of opening operation

92700913174A 25
3 说明 – Description

因为管状触头22.11、加热筒22.41、喷嘴22.11.1、连 The pin (moving) 22.9 is moved against the direction of

接杆22.51、静弧触头22.52、控制杆22.46这一套连接 movement of the tube contact 22.11 by the connected
体的运动,动弧触头22.9向着与连接体相反的方向运 components of heating cylinder 22.41, nozzle 22.11.1,
动。 connecting rod 22.51, pin 22.52, control lever 22.46
(breaker opening movement).
移动的电极22.45也被推向加热筒22.41的方向。 The moved electrode 22.45 is also pushed in the direc-
tion of the heating cylinder 22.41.
在接下去的开断过程中,弧触头打开并产生电弧(图6c), During the continued course of the opening operation,
同时,加热筒22.41向下移动并压缩处于加热筒22.41和 the arcing contact opens creating an arc (Fig.5c). At
阀组22.11.19之间的灭弧气体.使得灭弧气体逆着移动 the same time, the heat cylinder 22.41 moves down-
触头部分的运动方向经过逆止阀22.11.18流入加热筒, ward and compresses the quenching gas between the
再经过弧连接22.11和灭弧喷嘴之间的间隙熄灭电弧. heat cylinder and valve group 22.11.19. This causes
the quenching gas to be forced in the direction
opposite to the movement of the moving contact
components, through the non-return valve 22.11.18
into the heat cyl- inder and through the gap between
the moving arcing contact 22.11 and arc-quenching
nozzle, thus quench- ing the arc.
在大的短路电流作用下,弧触头22.9周围的灭弧气体被 With large short-circuit currents the quenching gas sur-
电弧能量加热,在高压作用下推入加热筒22.41。电流过 rounding pin 22.9 in the arcing chamber is heated by
零时,加热筒内的灭弧气体由加热筒喷出,熄灭电弧. the arc's energy and driven into the heat cylinder 22.41
加热筒22.41中的逆止阀22.11.18在此过程中避免了在 at high pressure. When the current passes through
活塞22.11.17和阀组22.11.19之间的压缩室内形成高 zero, the gas flows back from the cylinder through the
压。 jet and quenches the arc. When this happens, the non-
return valve 22.11.18 in the heating cylinder 22.41 pre-
vents the high pressure from entering the compression
chamber between piston 22.11.17 and the valve group

26 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description

3.6 开关的弹簧操作机构 3.6 Spring Drive Mechanism of the Circuit-

本章包括了弹簧操作机构的一般说明,见插页上的3D This section contains a general presentation of the
图在这些操作说明的末尾,其工作原理将在第3.7节弹 spring drive mechanism; see the 3D illustration on the
簧操作机构的功能中说明。 foldout page at the end of these operating instructions.
Its function is described in section 3.7 Function of the
Spring Drive Mechanism.

3.6.1 合闸弹簧的储能 3.6.1 Charging the Closing Spring

开关处于分闸位置 Circuit-breaker in OPEN position

电动机18.1通过传动装置18.2,经储能轴18.14、连杆 The closing spring 18.4 (see 3D illustration at the end
18.10对合闸弹簧18.4(见操作手册后的3D图示)储能。 of these operating instructions) is charged by the
储能结束时,储能轴经离合装置18.3与齿轮分离并被合 charging gears 18.2 using the motor 18.1 by way of the
闸棘爪18.17锁住。合闸弹簧此时已储能,开关准备合 charging shaft 18.14 and connecting rod 18.10. At the
闸。 end of the charging operation, the charging shaft is
separated from the gears by the free-wheel 18.3 and
secured with the CLOSE latch 18.17. The closing
spring is now charged for the closing operation and the
breaker is therefore ready for closing.

3.6.2 合闸 3.6.2 Closing

通过脱扣器18.16的操作,合闸棘爪18.17释放,合闸弹 The closing latch 18.17 is released by actuation of the

簧18.4释放的能量经凸轮18.6传递给连杆18.7和与之 trip coil 18.16. The energy of the discharged closing
相连的操动轴18.22。在此过程中,通过操作动轴18.22 spring 18.4 is transmitted via the cam plate 18.6 to the
的 转 动 , 经 操 动 杠 杆 18.24 和 连 杆 18.27, 使 分 闸 弹 簧 lever 18.7 and the operating shaft 18.22 connected to
18.11储能 。连 杆18.27 的 运动经 过操 动机构 的连 杆 it. In the process, the opening spring 18.11 is charged
18.27.1、转轴15.8和操动杆16.9传输到C相的灭弧单元 by means of the rotation of the operating shaft 18.22,
上。此运动再从中间极柱经过连接杆15.9.2传输到其它 the operating lever 18.24 and the connecting rod
的两个极柱上。与此同时,灭弧单元的触头闭合。 18.27. The movement of the connecting rod 18.27 is
transmit- ted to the break assembly C via the operating
linkage 18.27.1, the shaft 15.8 and the operating rod
16.9. This movement is transmitted from break
assembly C to the other two break assemblies A and B
by means of the coupling linkage 15.9.2. At the same
time, the contacts of the break assemblies 22 are
合闸结束时,转动杠杆18.7被分闸棘爪18.9锁住,开关 To complete the closing process, the lever 18.7 is
此时处于合闸状态,并做好分闸准备。 secured with the opening latch 18.9. The breaker is
now in the closed state and therefore ready to be
switched off.
合闸弹簧18.4的剩余能量被合闸缓冲器18.41和凸轮 The closing damper 18.41 and the backstop 18.19
18.19吸收了,并防止储能轴18.14回摆。 absorb the excess energy of the closing spring 18.4
and prevent backswing of the charging shaft 18.14.
然后,合闸弹簧18.4在15秒之内再一次被完全储能。机 The closing spring 18.4 is then completely recharged
械闭锁防止在分闸操作之前操动机构的再次合闸。 in less than 15s. A mechanical lockout prevents
switch- ing back on of the operating mechanism before
the opening operation.

92700913174A 27
3 说明 – Description

3.6.3 分闸操作 3.6.3 Opening

激励脱扣器18.8,分闸棘爪18.9释放,灭弧单元22的触 The opening latch 18.9 is released by actuation of the

头通过分闸弹簧18.11,经连杆18.27,操作机构连杆 trip coil 18.8. The contacts of the breaker units 22. are
18.27.1,连杆15.9.2分开。同时分闸操作结束时的动能 separated by the opening spring 18.11 via the connect
被缓冲器18.15吸收,缓冲器18.15同时成为分闸终点。 ing rod 18.27, the operating mechanism rod 18.27.1
and the coupling linkage 15.9.2 The motive energy at
the end of the opening operation is absorbed by the
damper 18.15. The damper 18.15 also functions as
end stop of the opening movement.

3.6.4 操作顺序 3.6.4 Operating Sequence

在开关合闸位置,分闸弹簧和合闸弹簧处于储能状态,此 In the closed position of the breaker, the opening and

时开关可执行分-合分操作。 closing spring are in charged state. This means the cir-
cuit-breaker is in a position to perform O-C-O switching

28 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description

3.7 弹簧操作机构的功能 3.7 Function of the Spring Drive Mechanism

弹簧操作机构的工作原理用以下重要的组装部件来解 The function of the spring drive mechanism is

说。 described below in conjunction with the major modular
建议先阅读前面3.6节开关的弹簧操作机构。 It is advisable first to read the section 3.6 Spring Drive
Mechanism of the Circuit-Breaker.

3.7.1 合闸弹簧储能 3.7.1 Charging the Closing Spring

起始状态:开关处于分闸状态,合闸弹簧和分闸弹簧未 Starting position: the breaker is in the open state. The

储能。也就是说,开关无法操作。 closing and opening spring are relaxed, i.e. a switching
operation is not possible.
盘形凸轮18.6和连杆18.10停在下中心点位置附近。转 The cam disc 18.6 and the connecting rod 18.10 are
动杠杆18.7和18.24固定连接,处于分开的位置(图7) near the lower dead centre point. The guide lever 18.7
and operating lever 18.24 are rigidly connected and
are in the OPEN position (Fig. 6).
储能轴18.14在储能电动机18.1和齿轮18.2的驱动下转 To charge the closing spring, the charging shaft 18.14
动,合闸弹簧储能。离合装置18.3使储能轴18.14上的 is rotated by means of the charging motor 18.1 and
凸轮(图.8)转动,直至其停在上中心死点。 gears 18.2. The free-wheel 18.3 engages in the cam of
the charging shaft 18.14 (Fig. 7) and rotates it as far as
the upper dead centre point.
然后,储能轴18.14因合闸弹簧18.4部分释能的作用比 The charging shaft 18.14 is then turned as far as the
离合装置作用更快地转向合闸棘爪18.17,即储能齿轮 closing latch 18.17 more quickly by the effect of the
传动装置上的离合装置与储能轴间的咬合被解开,储能 partly relaxed closing spring 18.4 than by the free-
轴比储能齿轮转动快。在盘形凸轮18.6因滚轴18.23和 wheel, i.e. the form-fit between the free-wheel of the
合闸棘爪18.17(图.9)而停止在上静止中心点过10° charging gear and the charging shaft is cancelled and
的位置之前,固定在机座上的凸轮18.19将离合装置 the charging shaft outpaces the charging gear. Before
18.3从储能轴18.14(图.10)上解开。由此储能轴18.14 the cam plate 18.6 is stopped in the position 10°
与齿轮18.2分离,过上中心点10°时,马达自动停止运 beyond the upper dead centre by means of the roller
转,传动装置停转。 18.23 and the closing latch 18.17 (Fig. 8), the cam
18.19 fixed to the mechanism housing disengages the
free-wheel 18.3 from the charging shaft 18.14 (Fig. 9).
Charging shaft 18.14 and gear 18.2 are thereby sepa-
rated. The motor is shut down automatically and runs
down with the gearing.

The closing spring is charged and the operating mech-

anism ready for the closing process.

92700913174A 29
3 说明 – Description


18.10 连杆(合闸弹簧) 18.10 Connecting rod (for closing spring)

18.11 分闸弹簧 18.11 Opening spring
18.14 储能轴 18.14 Charging shaft
18.15 分闸缓冲器 18.15 Damper for opening
18.16 合闸脱扣器 18.16 Release CLOSE
18.17 合闸棘爪 18.17 Closing latch
18.17.1 杠杆 18.17.1 Support lever
18.19 凸轮 18.19 Cam
18.22 操动轴 18.22 Operating shaft
18.23 滚轮 18.23 Roller
18.24 操动杠杆 18.24 Operating lever
18.27 连杆(分闸弹簧) 18.27 Connecting rod (for opening spring)
18.27.1 驱动连杆 18.27.1 Driving rod
18.31 合闸机械闭锁 18.31 Mechanical closing interlock
18.4 合闸弹簧 18.4 Closing spring
18.4.1 弹簧垫盘 18.4.1 Spring washer
18.41 合闸缓冲器 18.41 Damper (for closing)
18.41.1 缓冲滚轮 18.41.1 Damper roller
18.6 盘形凸轮 18.6 Cam disc
18.7 传动杠杆 18.7 Lever
18.7.1 滚轮 18.7.1 Roller
18.8 分闸脱扣器 18.8 Release OPEN
18.9 分闸棘爪 18.9 Opening latch
18.9.1 棘爪杠杆 18.9.1 Supporting latch
18.9.2 棘爪杠杆 18.9.2 Supporting latch
22 灭弧单元 22 Breaker unit

图 6 合闸和分闸棘爪的工作原理图:开关分闸状态
合闸和分闸棘爪的工作原理图 开关分闸状态,合闸弹簧和分闸
开关分闸状态 合闸弹簧和分闸 Fig.6 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:
弹簧释能 Open state, closing and opening spring relaxed

30 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description


18.1 马达 18.1 Motor

18.14 储能轴 18.14 Charging shaft
18.2 储能齿轮传动装置 18.2 Charging gear
18.20 凸轮 18.20 Cam
18.3 离合装置 18.3 Free-wheel

图 7 离合装置的工作原理图:
离合装置的工作原理图:合闸弹簧储能 Fig.7 Function of the free-wheel: Charging of the closing spring

92700913174A 31
3 说明 – Description


18.14 储能轴 18.14 Charging shaft

18.17 合闸棘爪 18.17 Closing latch
18.23 滚轮 18.23 Roller
18.31 合闸机械闭锁 18.31 Mechanical closing interlock
18.4 合闸弹簧 18.4 Closing spring
18.6 盘形凸轮 18.6 Cam disc

图 8 合闸与分闸棘爪的工作原理图:开关分闸状态
合闸与分闸棘爪的工作原理图 开关分闸状态,合闸弹簧储能
开关分闸状态 合闸弹簧储能 Fig.8 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:OPEN
state, closing spring charged


18.14 储能轴 18.14 Charging shaft

18.2 储能齿轮传动装置 18.2 Charging gear
18.20 凸轮 18.20 Cam
18.3 离合装置 18.3 Free-wheel

图 9 离合装置的工作原理图 Fig.9 Function of the free-wheel: Uncoupling the charging gear


32 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description

3.7.2 合闸 3.7.2 Closing

合闸脱 扣器18.16励 磁。 通过合 闸棘 爪18.17 和杠 杆 Actuating CLOSE tripping coil 18.16 releases cam disk
18.17.1释放盘形凸轮18.6 (图10)。 18.6 via CLOSE latch 18.17 and supporting lever
18.17.1 (Fig.10).


18.16 合闸脱扣器 18.16 Release CLOSE

18.17 合闸棘爪 18.17 Closing latch
18.17.1 杠杆 18.17.1 Support lever
18.23 滚轴 18.23 Roller
18.6 盘形凸轮 18.6 Cam disc

图 10 合闸和分闸棘爪的工作原理图 Fig.10 Function diagram of closing and opening latching: Dis-

合闸棘爪的释放 enagement of the closing latch

经过合闸弹簧作用,储能轴18.14转动(图11)。从而使转 The effect of the closing spring turns the charging shaft
动杠杆18.7上的滚轮18.7.1沿盘形凸轮18.6运动并将运 18.14 (Fig.11). The roller 18.7.1 of the lever 18.7
动传输至操动轴18.22。接着此运动经连杆18.27和操动 moves along the cam 18.6 and transmits the
杆18.27.1被操动杠杆18.24传输到灭弧单元22,灭弧单 movement to the operating shaft 18.22. The movement
元22的触头闭合。 is then transmitted by the lever 18.24 (fixed to the
operating shaft 18.22) and the operating mechanism
rod 18.27.1 to the breaker unit 22. The contacts of the
interrupter unit 22 are closed.

92700913174A 33
3 说明 – Description


18.11 分闸弹簧 18.11 Opening spring

18.14 储能轴 18.14 Charging shaft
18.22 操动轴 18.22 Operating shaft
18.24 操动杠杆 18.24 Operating lever
18.27 连杆(分闸弹簧) 18.27 Connecting rod (for opening spring)
18.27.1 操动杆 18.27.1 Driving rod
18.6 盘形凸轮 18.6 Cam disc
18.7 转动杠杆 18.7 Lever
18.7.1 滚轮 18.7.1 Roller
18.9 分闸棘爪 18.9 Opening latch
18.9.1 棘爪杠杆 18.9.1 Supporting latch
22 灭弧单元 22 Breaker unit

图 11 合闸和分闸棘爪工作原理 Fig.11 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:

合闸 Closing

同时,分闸弹簧18.11经操动杠杆18.24和连杆18.27储 At the same time the opening spring 18.11 is charged

能.这样分闸棘爪18.9沿棘爪杠杆18.9.1上的滚轮运动 by way of the operating lever 18.24 and the connecting
(图11)在运动曲线的末端,转动杠杆18.7过冲,从而使分 rod 18.27. The opening latch 18.9 moves along the
闸棘爪18.9能够在棘爪杠杆18.9.1的滚轮后回落(图 roller of the latch lever 18.9.1 (Fig.11). At the end of
12)。 the curve, the lever 18.7 overtravels, with the result
that the opening latch 18.9 can drop behind the roller
of the latch lever 18.9.1 (Fig.12).

34 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description


18.19 凸轮 18.19 Cam

18.41 合闸缓冲器 18.41 Damper for closing
18.41.1 滚轮 18.41.1 Damper roller
18.6 盘形凸轮 18.6 Cam disc
18.7 转动杠杆 18.7 Lever
18.7.1 滚轮 18.7.1 Roller
18.9 分闸棘爪 18.9 Opening latch
18.9.1 棘爪杠杆 18.9.1 Supporting latch

图 12 合闸和分闸棘爪工作原理图:
合闸和分闸棘爪工作原理图 Fig.12 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:
转动杠杆的过冲 Overtravel of the lever

在合闸过程的结尾,合闸缓冲器18.41上的滚轮18.19沿 On completion of the closing cycle, cam 18.19 will run

凸 轮 18.19 运 动 并 传 递 其 剩 余 动 能 到 合 闸 缓 冲 器 on roller 18.141.1 and transfer its residual kinetic
18.41(图12)。最后,滚轮18.41.1跳至凸轮18.19后,从而 energy to damper for closing 18.41 (Fig.12). Following
防止储能轴18.14回摆(图14)。 this, roller 18.41.1 will jump behind cam 18.19 to pre-
vent backward swinging of charging shaft 18.14
转动杠杆18.7脱离盘形凸轮18.6后,其朝分闸的方向稍 When it leaves the cam 18.6, the lever 18.7 turns back
稍回转,直至分闸棘爪18.9顶住棘爪杠杆18.9.1上滚轮 a little in the opening direction, until the opening latch
为止(图13)。开关锁在合闸位置。 18.9 is resting on the roller of the latch lever 18.9.1
(Fig.13). The circuit-breaker is now latched in the
closed state.

92700913174A 35
3 说明 – Description


18.19 凸轮 18.19 Cam

18.41.1 滚轮 18.41.1 Roller
18.6 盘形凸轮 18.6 Cam disc
18.7 转动连杆 18.7 Lever
18.9 分闸棘爪 18.9 Opening latch
18.9.1 棘爪杠杆 18.9.1 Supporting latch

图 13 合闸和分闸棘爪工作原理图:
合闸和分闸棘爪工作原理图:锁住在合闸位置 Fig.13 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:
Latching in the closed position

36 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description


18.14 储能轴 18.14 Charging shaft

18.15 分闸缓冲器 18.15 Damper for opening
18.17 合闸棘爪 18.17 Closing latch
18.17.1 杠杆 18.17.1 Support lever
18.31 合闸机械闭锁 18.31 Mechanical closing interlock
18.4 合闸弹簧 18.4 Closing spring

图 14 合闸和分闸棘爪的工作原理:
合闸和分闸棘爪的工作原理:锁住储能合闸弹簧 Fig.14 Function diagram of closing and opening latching:
Latching of the charged closing spring

几乎在合闸过程的同时,电动机将自动启动。合闸弹簧 As the closing process takes place, the charging motor

如3.7.1合闸弹簧的储能节中所述重新储能。 is switched on. The charging of the closing spring is
repeated according to paragraph 3.7.1 Charging the
Closing Spring.
随后,储能轴和已储能的合闸弹簧停在上中心点位置 Subsequently the charging shaft must be latched to
(图14)。通过锁住转动杠杆18.17.1,合闸机械闭锁18.31 top dead centre with the charged closing spring
防止在分闸前,操作机构合闸误动(见图14)。 (Fig.14). Mechanical closing lock-out 18.31 prevents
uninten- tional starting of the operating mechanism
before the opening cycle by blocking supporting lever
18.17.1 (see Fig.14).
合闸与分闸弹簧均储能,开关可进行分-合-分操作。 The closing and opening springs are charged and the
circuit-breaker is consequently ready for an O-C-O
switching sequence.

92700913174A 37
3 说明 – Description

3.7.3 脱扣 3.7.3 Tripping

通过激励分闸脱扣器18.8,使分闸棘爪18.9经棘爪杠杆 Actuating OPEN trip coil 18.8 releases OPEN latch

18.9.1和杠杆18.9.2释放,操动杠杆18.24和转动杠杆 18.9 via supporting latch 18.9.1 and supporting lever
18.7经连杆18.27被分闸弹簧18.11拉至分闸位置(图 18.9.2. Operating lever 18.24 and lever 18.7 are with-
15)。与此同时灭弧单元22的触头由操动杆18.27.1拉 drawn by opening spring 18.11 over connecting rod
至分闸位置。 18.27 to the OPEN position (Fig. 15). The contacts of
breaker unit 22 are simultaneously shifted to the
OPEN position over operating mechanism rod 18.27.1.
分闸运动结束时的剩余能量由分闸缓冲器18.15吸收。 At the end of the closing movement the kinetic energy
该缓冲器同时起最终止动的作用。 is absorbed by the damper (for opening) 18.15. The
damper serves also as end stop.


18.11 分闸弹簧 18.11 Opening spring

18.15 分闸缓冲器 18.15 Damper for opening
18.24 操动杠杆 18.24 Operating lever
18.27 连杆(分闸用) 18.27 Connecting rod (for opening spring)
18.27.1 操动杆 18.27.1 Driving rod
18.7 转动杠杆 18.7 Lever
18.8 分闸脱扣器 18.8 Release OPEN
18.9 分闸棘爪 18.9 Opening latch
18.9.1 棘爪杠杆 18.9.1 Supporting latch
18.9.2 杠杆 18.9.2 Support lever
22 灭弧单元 22 Breaker unit

图 15 合闸分闸棘爪工作原理图:
合闸分闸棘爪工作原理图:分闸棘爪的释放 Fig.15 Function diagram of closing and opening latching: Dis-
engagement of the opening latch

38 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description

3.8 电流互感器 3.8 Current Transformer

电流互感器将断路器的工作电流转换成测量仪器可以 Inductive current transformers transform the operating

检测、保护装置可以工作的范围内。 current of the breaker to values that are suitable for
connected measuring instruments and protective gear.
在罐式断路器中,应用的是单线圈电流互感器。一次导 In a dead-tank breaker, single-wire current transform-
线实现了一次侧线圈的功能,互感器的二次侧线圈被称 ers are used. The conductor which is led straight
之为“工作部分”。 through the component assumes the function of the
pri- mary coil. The secondary-side structures in the
trans- former are referred to hereafter as active part.
工作部分包含一些功能单元,例如,铁芯和相应的二次 The functional units contained in the active part, i.e.
工作线圈,以后都被称为线圈。线圈可以分为: the iron cores and the corresponding secondary core
are referred to hereafter as cores. A distinction is made
- 测量线圈 - Measuring and metering cores
- 保护线圈 - Protecting cores
测量线圈保证了在额定电压范围内低的传送误差率,而 Measuring and counting cores ensure a low transmis-
且保护末端的测量仪器免受非正常负荷的冲击。 sion error rate in the rated-voltage range and protect
the downstream measuring and counting devices
against non-permissible loads.
保护线圈相对于测量线圈而言,在额定电压下有着相对 Protective cores have a greater error range in rated
较大的误差范围。但是在短路情况时,超过额定短路电 voltage than measuring and counting cores. However,
流的那部分电流也可以被精确的按比例转换。 in the event of a short-circuit, excess current of up to
nominal fault limit voltage strength (fault limit factor x
nominal voltage strength) is transferred approximately
确定一个互感器,要确定以下几个变化的参数: The following vary in line with the requirements speci-
fied for the transformer
- 磁芯的形状,数目以及极性 - design, number and dimension of the cores

- 副边绕组的设计和副边分接头数目的确定。 - design of secondary windings and number of

sec-ondary tappings
然后就是对互感器结构进行说明。通过操作机构单元上 There follows a description of the structure of the
互感器的铭牌,可以得到工作参数和特殊模式下的额外 trans- former. The performance parameters and the
的数据。 exact data for the particular model can be seen on the
rating plate for the transformers on the operating
mechanism unit.

3.8.1 设计 3.8.1 Design

互感器安装在断路器的壳体22.1上。波纹软管中通有用 The transformer is mounted on the circuit-breaker

于连接操作机构单元中互感器的线路。安装带有导体24 housing 22.1. The prefitted corrugated hoses contain
的套管。导体24一边连在套管上,另一边通过一个插入 the corresponding lines for connecting up the trans-
式接头与断路器相连。(见3.3极柱)。 former in the operating mechanism unit. After this, the
bushing with conductor 24 is mounted. Conductor 24 is
attached to the bushing on one side and connected to
the break assembly via a plug-in contact (see 3.3
Breaker Pole).

92700913174A 39
3 说明 – Description


27.1 带有副边线圈的磁芯 27.1 Cores with secondary winding (number and design accord-
ing to specification)
27.2 顶盖 27.2 Cover
27.3 外壳 27.3 Housing
27.4 垫片 27.4 Gasket
27.5 连接线 27.5 Connecting leads

图 16 电流互感器设计 Fig.16 Design of the current transformer

注意 Attention
电流互感器通常工作在短路情况下,它们不能 Current transformers work almost under
运行在副边开路的情况下。接线条不连接可能 short-circuit conditions. They must not be
会导致电流互感器的损坏。 operated with the secondary circuit open!
Non-connection of the terminal strip can
lead to damage of the current transformer.
可能达到数万伏! Voltage peaks of several 10000V may

3.8.2 线路布置 3.8.2 Connection Designations

IEC 60044-1标准详细说明了一次导线P1和P2,二次侧 IEC60044-1 specifies for the primary conductors

第一个线圈1S1和1S2以及第二个线圈2S1和2S2的连 P1and P2, and for the secondary cables 1S1 and 1S2
接线。 forthe 1st core, 2S1 and 2S2 for the 2nd core etc.

40 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description


图. 17 根据IEC
根据 标准,
60044-1标准 一个带有 个二次线圈(每个线圈都
个二次线圈 每个线圈都 Fig. 17 Connection designations to IEC 60044-1 for a single-
带磁芯 的单线电流互感器的接线说明 wire current transformer with 3 secondary windings
(each secondary winding with its own core)

象由图18中表示那样,字母P1和P2也指出了安装到断 The letters P1 and P2 also designate the mounting

路器的电流互感器的安装位置。 position refered to the circuit breaker, as shown in Fig.


图. 18 断路器中电流互感器的安装位置 Fig. 18 Identifying of the mounting position of the current

transformers, refered to the circuit breaker

为了记录主电路的变化幅值,单线型电流互感器的二次 For recording of primary current of varying magnitude,

导线应该被固定在可重连接的分接头。图19中就是一个 the secondary windings of single-wire current trans-
带有二次线圈分接头的电流互感器的例子。(连接方式 formers must be fitted with reconnectible taps. Fig. 19
根据IEC60044-1)。 shows a example of a current transformer with tapping
of the sec- ondary winding (connection designations to
IEC 60044-1).

92700913174A 41
3 说明 – Description


图19 根据IEC60044-1,
根据 ,带有二次接线分接头的单线型电流互感 Fig. 19 Typical connection designations to IEC 60044-1 for a
器的典型接线 回数和变比已指定)。
回数和变比已指定 。 single-wire current transformer with tapping of the
sec- ondary winding (number of turns and
transformation ratios entered)

分接头之间的导线匝数标明了电流互感器的回数。一个 The numbers on the winding between the taps indidate

带有可变变比的电流互感器可以按以下格式标记: the respective number of turns. A current transformer
with selectable transformation ratios can be
recognized by the way the ratio is entered, e.g.
1200-800-500/1A, 1200-800-500/1A,

最开头的数字代表最大的一次侧电流。 The highest primary current appears at the start.

42 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description

3.9 控制单元 3.9 Control

操作机构单元(图 20)包括了所有用于操作,监测和控制 The operating mechanism unit (Fig.20) contains all

断路器的组件。 components required for operation, monitoring and
control of the circuit-breaker.
单个部件是按功能组合在一起的,电气连接是通过螺丝 The individual devices are arranged in function groups.
或者插头来完成。 The electrical connections are made by screws and by
plug and socket.
断路器的资料中包括了控制图 The documentation for the circuit-breaker includes the
circuit diagram of the control system.
- 布置图 - Location diagram
- 示意图 - Schematic diagram
- 外延的装备图与技术数据 - Extended equipment diagram with technical data
and list of equipment
- 端子图 - Terminal diagram
- 接线图 - Connector diagram
图 20 展示了操作机构箱的内部布置 Fig. 20 shows the interior of the operating mechanism


H 操作计数器 H Operating cycle counter

K 接触器,时间继电器 K Contactors, time relays
LKL 开关接线端 LKL Terminal for circuit-breaker
LKW 电流互感器接线端 LKW Terminal for current transformer
R 加热器(防止凝露产生) R Heating (preventing condensation formation)
SS 开关位置指示器 SS Switching position indicator
1.1 防护等级为IP55的具有通风和加热设施的机构箱 1.1 Climate-proof, ventilated and heated outdoor cubicle,
degree of protection IP55
1.2 装配框 1.2 Equipment mounting plate
18.11 分闸弹簧 18.11 Opening spring
18.4 合闸弹簧指示器 18.4 Closing spring Indicator

图20 操作机构单元内的控制 Fig. 20 Control in the operating mechanism unit

92700913174A 43
3 说明 – Description

说明 Note
除非厂商同意,否则操作者必须对辅助电路的 The operator is responsible for the fuse pro-
保险丝保护负责。 tection for the auxiliary circuits, unless other-
wise agreed with the manufacturer.

3.9.1 弹簧储能机构 3.9.1 Spring Winding Mechanism

弹簧储能机构由电动机和储能齿轮组成,在弹簧箱壳上 The spring winding mechanism consists of the motor

有明显的弹簧状态标识.请看3.6节开关的弹簧操作机 and the charging gear. The spring state indicators
构。 (symbols) are on the spring cups and will be shown by
intelligible symbols. See chapter 3.6 Spring Drive
Mechanism of the Circuit-Breaker.


a) 合闸弹簧储能 a) Closing spring charged

b) 合闸弹簧释能 b) Closing spring discharged
18.1 电动机 18.1 Motor
18.16 合闸脱扣器 18.16 Release CLOSE
18.8 分闸脱扣器 18.8 Release OPEN

图 21 弹簧驱动机构 Fig. 21 Spring drive mechanism

44 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description 手动储能装置 Manual Winding Mechanism

当储能电机或者电源故障时,用带有安全离合器的紧急 In the event that charging motor is defective or the

手柄,可以实现手动储能. sup- ply voltage has failed, the closing spring can be
charged manually by the emergency crank (W368)
with safety clutch.


W368 紧急手柄 W368 Emergency hand crank

图 22 固定安装的紧急手柄 Fig. 22 Emergency hand crank in holder

从支架上取出紧急手柄(图22),然后将其安装在黑色面 Take the emergency hand crank out of its holder (Fig.
板上,并将紧急手柄向上(图23). 22), and attach it to the black cover plate on theem
ergency crank points upwards (Fig. 23).


W368 紧急手柄 W368 Emergency hand crank

图 23 操作紧急手柄 Fig. 23 Operating the Emergency hand crank

说明 Note
如果储能过程结束,可以听到急促的爆震声。 If the upper dead center is overshot, a brief-
loud knocking noise is audible.

92700913174A 45
3 说明 – Description

合闸弹簧储能完毕。 The closing spring is now charged.

放回储能手柄。 Then replace the hand crank in its holder.

3.9.2 气体监控
气体监控 3.9.2 Gas Monitoring

三相极柱共用一个气室(图24),其内的气体被监测。气 The gas compartment to be monitored (Fig.24) in the

室包括一个逆止阀,一个密度计B4和一个压力表,充气 circuit-breaker encompasses the three breaker poles,
和测试接头W1和W2以及用于连接各部件的管道。 each with a non-return valve, a density monitor B4 and
pressure gauge, the filling connection W1, the test
con- nection W2 and piping for connecting the


B4 SF6-密度计 B4 SF6 density monitor

MA 压力表 MA Pressure gauge
W1 充气接头 W1 Filling flange
W2 测试接头 W2 Test connection

图. 24 SF6 的监控图 Fig. 24 Diagram SF6 monitoring

灭弧介质SF6的密度由一个密度计B4(图26)来监控, The density of the SF6 arc quenching material in the

SF6充气曲线及密度计的动作值见3.1.6节灭弧介质 gas compartment is monitored by a density monitor B4
SF6。 (Fig.26). The SF6 filling and response values for the
density monitor can be found in section 3.1.6 Arc
Quenching Medium SF6.

46 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description


W1 充气接头 W1 Filling flange

图 25 充气接头 W1 Fig. 25 Filling flange W1


B4 密度计 B4 Density monitor

W2 测试接头 W2 Double check valve

图. 26 测试接头 W2 Fig. 26 Test connection W2

92700913174A 47
3 说明 – Description 密度计的功能 Function of the Density Monitor

密度计将开关中的SF6气体密度与密封在其内腔中的 The density monitor compares the density of the SF6
标准气体密度进行比较,两室中气体处于相同的环境温 gas in the compartment to be monitored with the den-
度中,由此可将密度之差转换成压力之差(工作气体-标 sity of reference gas enclosed inside the monitor. Both
准气体)。 gases are exposed to the same ambient temperature.
The density comparison is replaced by a pressure
com- parison in both systems (gas compartment –
reference compartment).
开关中SF6气体的泄漏将导致密度计的微动开关动作。 The density monitor responds to a change in pressure
温度对压力的影响可忽略不计。 as a result of a leak between breaker gas compartment
and atmosphere. Pressure changes as a result of tem-
perature changes are not taken into account.
密度计已在工厂中根据要求的极限密度进行整定,重新 The density monitor is set at the works to the limit den-
整定是不必要的,也是不可能的。 sity required. Resetting is neither necessary nor possi-


5.00 波纹管 5.00 Bellows

5.10 微动开关 5.10 Microswitch
5.20 外壳 5.20 Housing
5.30 断路器气室 5.30 Breaker gas compartment
5.40 基准气室 5.40 Reference gas compartment

图. 27 密度计示意图(在工作压力下
密度计示意图 在工作压力下)
在工作压力下 Fig.27 Schematic diagram of the density monitor (under
working pressure)

3.9.3 闭锁 3.9.3 Lockouts

单个闭锁的功能按其在回路图中的顺序加以说明。 The individual functions are explained in the order of

their appearance in the circuit diagram.
SF6总闭锁 防止在过低的SF6压力下操作断路器。 A General lockout SF6 prevents any switching of the
circuit-breaker if the SF6 pressure is to low.
合闸闭锁避免了合闸弹簧处于储能状态时的合闸操作。 The closing lockout prevents the circuit-breaker from
being switched on while the closing spring is being
开关的防跳装置,可以避免开关在同时存在合、分指令 The anti-pumping device of the circuit-breaker
时不断地合闸和分闸。 ensures that it is not repeatedly opened and closed in
the event of simultaneous ON and OFF commands.

3.9.4 电机控制 3.9.4 Motor Control

电机用来给合闸弹簧储能,并由一个行程开关来控制。 The motor charges the closing spring and is controlled

by a limit switch.

48 92700913174A
3 说明 – Description

3.9.5 防凝露加热器 3.9.5 Anti-Condensation Heaters

为避免在温度变化的过程中,在控制柜内的敏感部件上 The anti-condensation heaters prevent condensation

形成冷凝水,该单元内配有加热电阻。因为凝露会在任 forming on the operating mechanism components.
何环境温度下形成,所以该加热器必须长期投运。 Since condensation can generally take place at any
ambient temperature, the anti-condensation heaters
(heating resistors) must be permanently in operation!

3.9.6 信号 3.9.6 Signals

信号是关于开关所处的状态的信息。 Signals are information on the condition of the circuit


3.9.7 备用辅助开关触头 3.9.7 Free Auxiliary Switch Contacts

备用的辅助开关触头可以满足用户的要求。 Additional free auxiliary switch contacts are available

for customer's purposes.

3.9.8 操作循环计数器 3.9.8 Operating Cycle Counter

开关设有一计数器(图.20),用于记录开关的操作次 The circuit-breaker is equipped with a counter H

数。 (Fig.20). This counts the number of switching opera-
tions performed.

92700913174A 49
3 说明 – Description

50 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装

4 安装 4 Installation

4.1 安装中的安全说明 4.1 Safety Rules for Installation

安装人员在以下情况可能有危险: Danger to installation personnel can
result from
- 危险的电压 - hazardous voltage
- 处于压力(
)下的极柱气压 - gas pressure in breaker poles 0.5bar
- 气体
SF6-气体 - SF6-gas
- 跌落和/或倾倒的部件以及移
跌落和 或倾倒的部件以及移动的部件
或倾倒的部件以及移动的部件 - falling and/or toppling parts
and/ormoving parts.
不遵守安全说明可能造成死亡、重伤以及巨大 Non-observance of warnings can result in
的财产损失和环境破坏 。 death, severe personal injury and sub
stantial property and environmental dam-

为了避免事故/燃烧和不允许的环境破坏以及为了保障 In order to avoid accidents, fire and impermissible bur-

开关设备的功能可靠性,使用者必须保证: dens on the environment and in order to assure the
functional reliability of the switchgear, the user must
ensure that:
- 专人负责投运工作的执行,必要时,设立一检验人 - a responsible person, if necessary authorized to
员。 supervise, is put in charge of performance of com-
- 只允许有资格的、接受过培训的人员参与安装工 - only qualified and instructed personnel are
作。 assigned,
- 安全维护和安全操作的工作细则、操作规程以及出 - the regulations and instructions for work safety
现事故或燃烧时的处理方法应随时可查阅,必要时 (e.g. in the use of equipment), together with
可展示在工作场所。 instructions on action to be taken in the event of
accidents and fire, are available at all times and if
necessary dis- played in the place of work,
- 安全生产所需的工具、仪器、设备以及用于特定工 - the tools, equipment and apparatus required for
作所需的人员保护装备随时备用。 work safety and the personal protective
equipment required for certain tasks are available,
- 只能使用厂家允许的材料、润滑剂以及辅助设备。 - only those materials, lubricants and auxiliary
equipment approved by the manufacturer are

92700913174A 51
4 Installation – 安装

此操作手册的安全说明是最低的要求,它不影响法规、 The safety regulations in these operating instructions

工作细则以及公司内部规定的执行,它也并未包括完整 are minimum requirements. They do not affect
性方面的要求。无论如何,最迟在工作开始之前,要明 statutory laws, standards, specifications or internal
确职责范围。在注意运行控制和特定工作条件的同时, regulations of the company concerned with the work.
顾及工具仪器、设备以及材料、润滑剂和辅助材料的产 They do not claim to cover all eventualities and must
品说明和操作手册。 be expressed concretely by the responsible persons at
the latest before work actually starts. In addition to
company internal rules and the specific work
conditions, the product descriptions and instructions
for use of tools, devices, apparatus, materials,
lubricants and auxiliary equipment must be taken into
以下的说明介绍了在不遵守已提到的要求时,所存在的 The following safety regulations provide an overview of
危险及其起因以及可能的结果,它将在操作手册中更详 the dangers existing and their sources, and describe
细地介绍。 the possible consequences if the rules specified are
not complied with. They are expressed more exactly in
the operating instructions.

电压 在靠近带电部位时,
在靠近带电部位时,通过电弧作用可能 Hazardous voltage - Electric shock and
遭到电击和烧伤。 burning as a result of arcing are possible
if live parts are approached.

- 安装之前,工作区范围毗连高压时,供电企业的操 - If high voltage is present in the vicinity at the

作人员必须做到: place- where work is to be done, a responsible
person from the power supply utility must, before
work starts:

- 切断电源并隔离 - Switch off and isolate

- 防止意外合上电源 - Prevent unintentional switch-on
- 确保设备无电压 - Test that equipment is dead
- 接地并短接设备 - Ground and short-circuit the equipment
- 遮盖或用栅栏隔离邻近的带电部件 - Cover or fence off nearby live parts

证实这些安全措施已执行! It must be confirmed that these safety measures
have been taken.

断 路 器 极 柱 处 于 压 力 下 ( 见 3.1.6 灭 弧 介 质 The breaker poles are under pressure (see
在瓷瓶受损时 , 可能造成严重的人身伤
SF6)在瓷瓶受损时 3.1.6 Arc Quenching Medium SF6) - Dam-
害。 age to the porcelain parts can result in
severe personal injury.
- 不允许任何工具或升降设备撞击瓷瓶 - Do not allow any tools or hoisting gear to
knock against the porcelain parts.
- 不要将梯子靠在极柱上,使用人字梯 - Do not lean any ladders against the
bush- ings; use step ladders.

52 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装

SF6气体是比空气重 大量出现的时候 SF6 is heavier than air. In closed areas it
会排挤空气 。在封闭区间内会因无空气而造成 may displace the air - Danger of suffoca-
窒息危险! tion!
气体回收时使用专用设备 。 吸尽所充SF6气
吸尽所充 气 Use a service unit for all work with SF6
不要排放到大气中。 gas. Extract the SF6 filling; do not let it
escape into the air.

不正确的安装和维护会造成危险和故障。 Improperly performed installation and
maintenance can result in danger and
mal- functions.

安装和调试后,必须填写调试报告。 In the context of installation and commissioning, the

commissioning report must be filled out.

92700913174A 53
4 Installation – 安装

4.2 储运 4.2 Delivery and Storage

注意 Attention

避免损坏瓷瓶 Avoid damaging the porcelain bodies.

4.2.1 交付范围 4.2.1 Scope of Delivery

交付包括: The delivery includes:

- 成品断路器 - Fully assembled breaker

- SF6-气体是瓶装提供的。 - SF6 gas is supplied in cylinders

- 附件包 - Accessories pack

- 检查单 - Check list

4.2.2 验收检查 4.2.2 Checking on Arrival

货物抵达后,应立即根据发送单及检查单检查发货的完 When a shipment arrives it should be checked immedi-

整性。发现货物受损迹象时,应立即查清损坏范围和可 ately against the dispatch notes and check list. If it
能的损坏原因。如为运输损坏,应立即通知代理商来记 shows signs of damage determine the extent of the
录事实,这种证明文件是要求损失赔偿所不可缺少的。 damage and its probable cause without delay. Should
the damage have been caused in transport, call in a
representative of the forwarding agent in order to
record the facts. This is an essential requirement if a
claim for damages is to be submitted.

4.2.3 储藏 4.2.3 Storage

开关在交货后不能立即组装,装箱托运货件可以在露天 If a breaker is not to be assembled immediately after

堆放。 delivery, the crates can be stored outdoors.
托运货件为了避免地上的湿气和保持良好的通风,应放 For better ventilation and as a protection against
置在木质的横梁上。 ground dampness, the base should be placed on
wooden planks.

说明 Note
如果开关要储存长于三个月,在储存时一定要 In case of storing the breaker longer then 3
开启操作机构内的防凝露加热器。 months the anti-condensation heater in
the operating mechanism unit must be
switched on.

连接防凝露加热器的步骤: To connect anti-condensation heater proceed as fol-

根据电路图,将辅助电源连接在相应的端子上。 Run the cable in the cubicle through the cable panel
and connect the auxiliary voltage supply to the appro-
priate terminals (according to the ciruit diagram)
Then run a connecting cable through the cable panel in
the control cubicle and connect the auxiliary voltage
supply to the appropriate terminals.

54 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装

说明 Note
注意防凝露加热器所用的额定电压。 Note the anti-condensation heater rated

储存一年之后,用TECTYL506处理过的表面需用同样 After one year's storage, the external surfaces treated

的材料再厚厚地涂一遍。 with Tectyl 506 should be given a thick second coating.
附件储存前,应检查其塑料包装是否破坏,如塑料薄膜 Before storing the accessory items, check their plastic
已破损,则应将附件取出,置于干燥、通风处贮藏。 wrapping for signs of damage. If the plastic foil has
sus- tained damage, unpack the parts and store them
in a dry, ventilated room.

92700913174A 55
4 Installation – 安装

4.3 清洁液、
清洁液、润滑及防锈剂 4.3 Cleaning Liquids, Lubricants and Corro-
sion Protection Agents

4.3.1 清洁剂 4.3.1 Cleaning Liquids

使用下述清洁剂的一种,用于金属部件和密封圈的清洁 For cleaning and degreasing metal parts and sealing

和去脂(不包括在供货范围)。 rings use any of the following (not included in the
scope of supply).

注意 Attention
会造成人员伤害、燃烧和破坏环境 Improper handling can result in personal
等事故 。 injury, fire and environmental damage.
出于安全考虑 , 请注意以下清洁剂的使用说
请注意以下 清洁剂的使用说 In the interest of safety, follow instruc-
明。 tions for use of cleaning liquids carefully.

外表面 轻微污染 Outer surfaces/minor dirt
清洁剂 温水加温和型家用清洁剂 Cleaning liquids Warm water solution with a mild household
cleaning liquid
操作说明 用湿润而不掉毛的纸或抹布擦拭,防止滴漏。 Instructions Wipe off with a damp lint-free paper or cloth.
清洁剂不允许进入开口和间隙里。 Avoid drips. Do not let solution get into open-
ings and gaps.

部件 油脂表面,
油脂表面,涂有防锈剂(Tecty 1506)
) Outer surfaces, parts/greasy surfaces, surfaces
的表面 ,密封圈 coated with anticorrosion agent (Tectyl 506),
seal- ing rings
清洁剂 冷清洁剂碳氢化化合物为溶液,起燃点>55度 Cleaning liquids Cold-application cleaning agent, hydrocarbon-
例如:shellsolD60(shell),Essovarsol60(Esso) basis (free from halogenated hydrocarbons)
Aral 4005(Aral),HAKU 1025/920(Kluthe) flash point >55°C, e.g. Shellsol D60 (Shell),
Es-sovarsol 60 (Esso), Aral 4005 (Aral),
Haku 1025/920 (Kluthe)
操作说明 用湿润而不掉毛的纸或抹布擦拭,防止滴漏。 Instructions Wipe off with a damp lint-free paper or cloth.
用湿润而不掉毛的纸或抹布重复擦拭净。小部 Avoid drips. Wipe clean with a dry, lint-free
件有时可浸渍。密封圈不可浸渍。 paper or cloth. Immerse small parts if
necessary. Do not immerse sealing rings in
安全说明 易燃!禁止吸烟! Safety instructions Fire hazard! No smoking! Read product
注意产品介绍及安全说明! descriptions and follow relevant safety

SF6-气室中绝缘部 Insulating parts in SF6-compartments

清洁剂 乙醇(酒精) Isopropanol Cleaning liquids Ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, Haku 3294
Haku 5067(Kluthe) (Kluthe)
操作说明 用湿润而不掉毛的纸或抹布擦拭,防止滴漏。 Instructions Wipe off with a damp lint-free paper or cloth.
Avoid drips.
安全说明 易燃!禁止吸烟!防爆! Safety instructions Flammable! No smoking! Explosion
注意产品介绍及安全说明! protection necessary! Read product
descriptions and follow relevant safety

56 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装

4.3.2 润滑剂及防锈剂产品 4.3.2 Lubricants and Corrosion Protection

在开关的安装和维修中,使用下列润滑剂、防锈剂: The following lubricants and corrosion protecting
agents are required for installation and maintenance of
the breakers:
Klüber-Fett Centoplex 24 DL Klüber grease Centoplex 24 DL
除非另有规定,用于所有的润滑点和未热镀螺栓。 for all lubricating points and non-hot-galvanized
screws, unless another brand of lubricant is specified.
Isoflex Topas L32 Isoflex Topas L32
用于在传动装置及操作机构中的圆形密封圈SF6轴封, for radial sealing rings and rolling contact bearings of
密封中的滚动轴承。 the SF6 shaft seal on the corner gear and on the
operating mechanism.
Shell Vaseline 8420 Shell Vaseline 8420
用于高压电缆的圆形密封圈和连接面。 for sealing rings and terminal faces for high-voltage
WD40 oder Trost Multifunktionsöl WD40 or Trost Multifunction Fluid

用于密封圈内部法兰面包括细缝。 for flange faces inside the sealing rings, including the
Tectyl 506 Tectyl 506
用于圆形密封圈外的法兰面和夹紧套筒。 for flange faces outside the sealing rings and for
clamping sleeves.
Molykote Longterm 2 plus Molykote Longterm 2 plus

用于所有热镀的螺栓的螺纹 for the threads of all hot-galvanized screws.

蓖麻油 Castor oil

用于钢连接件。 for austenitic steel couplings.

92700913174A 57
4 Installation – 安装

4.4 安装概论 4.4 General Instructions for Installation

危险!请不要站在悬挂的货物下 Danger! Do not stand under the hanging

开关安装,只可使用厂商提供的螺栓。针对在安装过程 For assembling the breaker use only the bolts

中螺栓遗失的情况,在附件包中提供了几个备用螺栓。 supplied. Spare bolts are included in the accessories
pack, in case any are lost during assembly work.

如使用不适宜的螺栓,可能产生严重损坏和人 If unsuitable bolts are used, they can mal-
员伤亡。 function and cause severe personal
如果提供的用于压力容器的螺栓不够,备用螺 If the number of bolts supplied for the
栓必须从生产厂获得。 pressure vessels is insufficient, spare bolts
must be or- dered from the factory only.
所有热镀的螺栓的螺纹用 Grease the threads of all hot-galvanized bolts
Molykote Longterm 2 plus 润滑。 with Molykote Longterm 2 plus.

注意 Attention
会导致损坏或螺栓联接松脱。 Unchecked tightening can result in dam-
age to or loosening of bolt joints.
用于安装中的力矩扳手拧紧力矩如下表10: Use torque wrench for assembly. Tightening
torque see Table10.

螺栓具有8.8强度级或更高的强度级别。 Bolts are of 8.8 grade or higher.

2 2
也就是说:最小张力强度800 N/mm i.e. Minimum tensile strength 800N/mm
2 2
最小屈服强度 ReH = 640 N/mm Minimum yield strength ReH = 640N/mm

螺栓连接 拧紧力矩 Screwed joint Tightening torque

M6 8 ± 1 Nm M6 8 ± 1 Nm
M8 20 ± 2 Nm M8 20 ± 2 Nm
M10 40 ± 4 Nm M10 40 ± 4 Nm
M12 70 ± 7 Nm M12 70 ± 7 Nm
M16 170 ± 20 Nm M16 170 ± 20 Nm
表. 10 螺栓连接所需的拧紧力矩 Table10Tightening torques required for screw joints

使用40±4Nm的扭矩拧紧所有的输气管道的连接螺母。 Tighten all the union nuts of the gas pipes with torque

58 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装

不同的拧紧力矩在文中注出。 Differing torques are indicated in the text.

如果在安装过程中,出现锁紧垫片或密封圈松开或暴 Any locking washers and gaskets loosened or exposed
露,必须更换。 during assembly must be replaced.

注意 Attention
法兰的密封面必须小心的处理,因为即使很小 The sealing faces of the flanges must be
的损伤都会导致漏气。 treated carefully since even minor
damage may lead to leaking joints.

在进行法兰连接时,首先如图28一样用薄纸或用推荐过 Before bolting together the flanges wipe them with tis-
的清洁剂浸泡过的布料擦拭和涂脂于法兰。 sue paper or cloth soaked in a recommended cleaner
and grease them as shown in Fig.28.
将新的O型垫圈插入导体中,表面24和22.32作为接触 Insert new O-rings 24.1 in the conductor with cover 24
面。在前面标注过的位置将导体和接触面拧紧。见表10 and 22.32 in the contact support. Screw the conductor
查找所属的力矩。 with the cover tight in the previously marked position.
See Table10 for the torque for the screws.


A 用防锈剂WD 40或Trost多功能油涂脂 A Grease with corrosion protection agent WD 40 or Trost

mul- tifunction oil
B 用Tectyl 506涂脂 B Grease with Tectyl 506
C 用凡士林8420涂脂于密封圈 C Grease sealing rings with Vaseline 8420

图 28 密封法兰的处理 Fig. 28 Treatment of the sealing flanges

92700913174A 59
4 Installation – 安装

4.5 开关安装 4.5 Installation of the Breaker

如果开关包括极柱是成套装配的,开关必须首 The control leads must not be connected
先完整地安装极柱,方可将控制线路连接到控 to the terminal block of the operating
制箱的接线端子排上。 mechanism until the breaker has been
erected complete with the pole columns.
开关的安装须在现场进行: The assembly of the breaker should be done at the
- 首先,将拆卸装运单元 - First of all, the shipment should be split
- 移开包装封面 - The transport cover should then be re-
- 开关极柱上安装套管 - The bushings are then mounted on the
breaker poles.

4.5.1 装配概观 4.5.1 Assembly Overview

不要使用铁绳或铁链来悬吊以避免损伤套管! Do not use steel ropes or chains for lifting
使用合适的编织绳 。 to avoid damage to the bushings! Use
suitable textile ropes.
危险 不要站在悬吊物下。
不要站在悬吊物下。 Danger! Do not stand under the hanging

60 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装


图 29 装配概观 Fig. 29 Assembly overview

4.5.2 装运单元的拆卸 4.5.2 Taking Apart the Shipping Unit

92700913174A 61
4 Installation – 安装


图 30 套管运输单元单元的拆卸 Fig. 30 Taking apart the shipping unit of the buscings

为了拆卸套管的装运单元,每相套管两端挂到起重机 To take apart the shipping unit of the bushings, attach

上,拆除运输螺栓,将套管水平地从运输单元上拆下。 loops to every single bushing, remove the transport
bolts of the bushing to be attached to the crane and set
down the bushing horizontally.
将套管放置在木板上,防止它们滚动。 Place the bushings on a wooden base and secure
them against rolling.
套管上法兰的标记必须向上。 The marks on the flange of the bushings must face

4.5.3 安装套管 4.5.3 Mounting the Bushings

说明 Note
安装套管的吊装工具可以从西门子公司预定, The crane device required for assembling the
只 要 指 定 操 作 说 明 书 的 编 号 ( 如 927 00913 bushings (Fig.35) can be ordered from
174A) Siemens by specifying the number of these
operating instructions (927 00913 174 A).

说明 Note
安装时注意极柱和法兰上的标号相一致。 Pay attention to the breaker units according to
the labelling LC T1 bis LC T2 on the flanges of
the bushings when assembling.

62 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装


EL 电极 EL Electrode
TV 套管的运输包装 TV Transportation packaging of the bushing

图 31 带运输包装的套管 Fig. 31 Bushing with transport packing

拆掉开关灭弧室上的运输盖板,见图32。 Remove transportation covers from the breaker poles,

see Fig.32.
按照法兰上的标签,正确地用螺栓将吊装工具安装到套 Screw crane device to the bushing according to the
管上,将吊装工具朝上放置。 label on the flange and place upright over the transport
从套管上移走运输罩壳。 Remove the transport packing from the bushing.
将电极从运输罩壳上分离,见图31。 Detach the electrode (Fig. 31) from the transportation
检查电极是否损伤。可以用砂纸将擦痕和小的凹槽处 Check all the electrodes for damage. Scratches and
理。 small grooves can be removed with a grinding pad or
fine sandpaper.
用不掉毛的布和无水酒精清洁电极并放在干净的表面 Clean the electrodes with a lint-free cloth and white
上 spirit and place on a clean surface.


TA 带密封圈的运输盖板 TA Transportation cover with sealing ring

图 32 运输盖板 Fig. 32 Transportation cover

法兰的清洗,见图28. Cleaning of the flanges, see section Fig. 28.

用8个螺栓M 6x16安装电极, 见图33。 Attach electrode using 8 screws M 6x16, see Fig. 33.

92700913174A 63
4 Installation – 安装


D 盖板 D Cover
EL 电极 EL Electrode

图 33 电极的位置 Fig. 33 Position of the electrode

将一个密封圈放入法兰的凹槽内。 Put a sealing ring into the groove of the flange.

确保没有物品或脏物进入极柱。 Make sure that no objects or dirt get into
the breaker pole.

4.5.4 安装套管 4.5.4 Insert the Bushing

跟随下面的装配顺序小心插入套管: While inserting the bushing carefully fol-
low the assembly sequence.
1. 将套管插入到靠近操作机构箱的一侧;
将套管插入到靠近操作机构箱的一侧; 1. Insert the bushing on the side wich is
near the operating mechanism.
2. 将套管插入到远离操作机构箱的一侧。
将套管插入到远离操作机构箱的一侧。 2. Insert the bushing on the side wich is
further from the operating mechanism.

64 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装


图 34 套管的安装顺序 Fig. 34 Assembly sequence of the bushings

说明 Note
因为设计的原因,A相和C相套管的安装角度和 For design reasons, the bushings are to be
B相不同。 mounted on the breaker poles A and C, at a
different angle than that at pole B.
为了能够以正确的角度安装每个套管,应该使 In order to be able to mount each bushing in
用专用吊装工具KV。 the correct angle, one crane device KV is
used for both angles.
螺栓安装时应涂上油脂。 Grease the guiding bolts before bolting.

92700913174A 65
4 Installation – 安装


图 35 使用专用吊装工具 KV Fig. 35 Using the crane device KV

将两个导向螺栓 FB (图 36)拧进灭弧室法兰的螺纹 Screw 2 guiding bolts FB (Fig.36) into the threaded

中,作安装定位使用。 holes in the breaker pole flange as an assembly aid.

为了在触头中准确的插入导体,必须使用手电 In order to properly insert the conductor
筒。 in the opposing contact, a torch must be
used to observe the insertion.

66 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装


FB 导向螺栓 FB Guiding bolt

OR 密封圈 OR Sealing ring

图 36 安装示意图 Fig. 36 Observing the assembly

用16个螺栓M12x50连接套管. Attach the bushing using 16 screws M12x50.

92700913174A 67
4 Installation – 安装

说明 Note
替换过滤袋 Replace filter
为了防止锈蚀,极柱内装有干燥剂。详见 Inside the breaker units is a desiccant in order节替换过滤袋。 to prevent corrosion. The replacement is
described in section Replace Filter.

68 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装

4.6 安装完全的断路器的移位 4.6 Moving the Complete Breaker

如果断路开关还没有安装在现场,把断路器从当前位置 If the breaker has not been assembled on site, the fol-
移到安装现场的过程中,要遵守一些规则。 lowing notes should be observed for its transpor- tation
from the place where it is assembled to the site:

注意 Attention
在运输的过程中 保证断路器中的气压不能高
保证断路器 中的气压不能高 For transport the permissible gauge pres-
。 sure of the gas in the breaker must not be
higher than 0.5bar.


图 37 安装完备的断路器的运输 Fig. 37 Transportation of the fully assembled breaker

92700913174A 69
4 Installation – 安装

4.7 开关接地及导线连接 4.7 Earthing and Connecting the Leads

4.7.1 接地 4.7.1 Earthing

通过所提供的接地端,将横梁与站用高压接地系统连 Connect the breaker base to the high-voltage station

接。 earth by means of earth terminals provided.


E 接地端 E Earth terminal

图 38 开关架上的接地螺栓孔 Fig. 38 Drill holes in the switch rack for grounding bolts

4.7.2 高压线接线排 4.7.2 Work on High-Voltage Terminals

高气压 爆裂危险!
爆裂危险! High gas pressure - Danger of bursting!
为了安全, 高压端子上的工作应该在开关充 For safety reasons, work on high-voltage
SF6气体至额定压力前进行 terminals should be carried out before the
breaker is filled with SF6-gas up to nomi-
nal pressure.
例如,摆动或 The porcelain insulators should not be
类似的负载)必须避免任何因工具或处理设备 exposed to any stress (e.g. from vibration,
引起的瓷瓶的损坏。 etc.). Great care should be taken to avoid
damaging the porcelain body and fins
with tools or handling aids.

高压线的连接可在SF6额定压力下进行,请注意上述警 The connection of the high-voltage conductors is

告。 allowed at nominal SF6 pressure provided that the
warnings are followed. 高压线连接 Connecting the High-Voltage Conductors

铝连接部件的接触面用一把只能用于铝的钢丝刷刷擦, Brush the contact surfaces of the high-voltage termi-
直到出现金属光亮并略微打毛,接触面用不掉毛的纸或 nals with a steel wire brush, which has only been used
抹布擦净并用无酸的凡士林,例如用shell凡士林8420 for aluminium, until they are bright and slightly rough-
稍稍涂抹。 ened. Wipe the contact surfaces off with lint-free paper
or cloth and lightly coat them with acid-free Vaseline,
e.g. Shell Vaseline 8420.
如使用铜质连接件,必须使用铜铝中间垫片。 In the case of connecting parts made of copper, cop-
per-aluminium spacers must be used.

70 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装 装配和重置端子 Assembling and Rearranging the High-

Voltage Terminals
端子必须在现场安装。如果需要,每个端子可以偏移 The high-voltage terminals are assembled on site. As
45°安装时使用8个M10×40的热镀锌螺栓及8个热镀 required, each high-voltage terminal can be assembled in
锌垫片10.5-140,安装时不会打开气室。安装时须先打 a position displaced by 45°. For this purpose, 8 ho t-
磨及润滑。 galvanized screws of type M10x40 and 8 hot-galva-
nized washers 10.5-140 are included. The gas com-
partment is not opened for this. See Fig.39 and pre-
brush and grease the assembly surfaces.


26 套管 26 Bushing

图 39 装配端子板 Fig. 39 Mounting the high-voltage terminals

4.7.3 连接控制电缆 4.7.3 Connecting the Control Cables

为了防止误操作对断路开关造成损害 只有当 To avoid damaging the breaker by inad-
断路开关充满了 气体,且其压力大于
气体 且其压力大于SF6
且其压力大于 vertent operation, switch on the power to
见表 。 the motor only when the breaker has been
filled with SF6 gas. Pressure must at least
be at the level of general lockout SF6, see
当电机电源打开,合闸弹簧会自动储能. When the power to the motor is switched on,
the closing spring is charged automatically.
确认在控制电缆中未施加电压 Make sure that the control cables are

92700913174A 71
4 Installation – 安装

将控制电缆穿过电缆孔接入控制箱,根据电路图接线, Run the control cables into the operating mechanism

接地线接在提供的接地排上。重新固定电缆孔。 unit through the compression glands provided and con-
nect the cables to the terminal strip as shown in the cir-
cuit diagram. Connect the protective conductors to the
earthing terminal provided. Retighten the cable com-
pression gland.

说明 Note
防凝露加热器需要开起来,即使开关还没运行 The heating resistors of the anti-condensation
见4.2节储运。 protection must be connected even if it is not
started until later. See section 4.2 Delivery
and Storage.

72 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装

4.8 开关充SF6气体
开关充 气体 4.8 Filling the Breaker with SF6 Gas

4.8.1 抽真空 4.8.1 Evacuating

如果没有专用设备,在给极柱充SF6气体前也可以使用 If serving equipment is not available, you must have a

真空泵将极柱抽真空。 vacuum pump to evacuate the poles before filling with
SF6 gas.
连接设备到充气接头W1 (图41)。开关抽真空至压力 Connect the service unit at the filling connection W1
≤20mbar(绝对压力),然后将维修装置切换到充气挡, (Fig.41). Evacuate the circuit-breaker down to a pres-
所需的充气压力和动作值是与温度相关的需从“SF6充 sure of ≤0.02bar; then switch the service unit for "fill".
气曲线和密度计的动作值”的曲线图中查获。 The required filling pressure and response values are
见3.1.6 SF6灭弧介质 temperature-dependent and must be taken from the
diagram, SF6 filling curve and response values of the
density monitor, see 3.1.6 Arc Quenching Medium

4.8.2 从气瓶中给开关充气 4.8.2 Filling the Breaker from the Gas Cylinder

西门子公司提供整套W423型充气装置用于从气瓶给开 Siemens offers a complete filling device of type W423

关充SF6气体(图40)。 for filling the breaker with SF6 gas from a gas cylinder
(Fig. 40).

注意 Attention
开关只能由具备资格的人员或在其监督下根 The breaker may be filled only by or under
节)。 the supervision of qualified personnel,
and in accordance with the SF6 filling
curve (see under 3.1.6 Arc Quenching
Medium SF6).

注意 Attention
充气用 符合IEC60376标准
符合 标准。
标准。 For filling the breaker with gas only use as
good as new SF6-gas which corresponds
the demands acc. IEC60376.

高气压 破裂危险 High gas pressure - Danger of bursting!
在超过允许的充气压力时可能导致极柱破裂, Exceeding the permissible filling pressure
造成严重的人员伤亡和财产损坏 。 can cause the pole columns to burst,
resulting in severe personal injury and
damage to property.
充气装置中必须包含一只安全阀(动作压力为 The filling device must include a safety
) 此安全阀可以避免因不允许的高气
0.8MPa) valve (operating pressure 8bar). The
压而造成瓷瓶的过压。 safety valve prevents the pressure com-
partments from being overstressed due to
an impermissibly high pressure.

92700913174A 73
4 Installation – 安装


图 40 充气装置 W 423 Fig. 40 Gas filling device W 423

将充气装置中的软管和开关的充气接头W1连接。(图 To pour in gas, connect the hose of the filling device to

41和图42)。 the filling flange W1 of the breaker (Fig.41 and Fig.42).
用调节阀上的手轮调节气流量以避免气瓶结冰。通过精 Using the handwheel on the control valve, regulate the
密压力表监测充气压力。 gas flow to prevent possible freezing of the cylinder.
Monitor the filling process on the precision pressure
注意与环境温度相关的正确的充气压力(见铭牌上 Care must be taken that the filling pressure, which
20°C时充气压力数据) depends on the ambient temperature (see rating plate
with information about the filling pressure at 20°C ), is


W1 充气接头 W1 Filling flange

图 41 充气接头 W1 Fig. 41 Filling flange W1

74 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装


W1 充气接头 W1 Filling flange

1 气瓶 1 Gas cylinder
2 减压调节阀 2 Pressure reducer regulating valve
3 精密压力表 (-0,1 MPa 到 0,9 MPa) 3 Precision pressure gauge (-1 bar up to 9 bar)
4 安全阀 4 Safety valve

图 42 充气装置连接 Fig. 42 Gas filling device connected

当环境温度不在+20度时,SF6充气压力需从曲线图 At an ambient temperature other than +20°C, the SF 6

(图1)中查取。 filling pressure must be taken from the diagram (Fig.1).
充气压力最大允许超过额定压力0.03MPa(与温度无关) The filling pressure may be up to 0.3 bar over the nom-
inal pressure curve (temperature-independent).
充气结束时,拧下充气装置并关闭充气接头。用手锁紧 When filling is completed, unscrew the hose of the fill-
螺母,同时注意部件的清洁。 ing device and close the filling flange. Screw on the
union nut by hand. Ensure that all parts are clean.

4.8.3 安装后的密封检查 4.8.3 Leakage Test after Installation

当断路器安装及充气后,极柱和管道之间的连接处必须 When the breaker has been successfully erected and

进行密封性检查。 filled with SF6 gas, the joints between the gas connec-
tion points on the pole columns and the pipes must be
tested for leaks.
如有检漏仪,可使用检漏仪进行。 If a leak detector is available, it should be used.
另外,密封性检查可以使用Wobst公司生产的喷雾剂或 In exceptional cases, the leakage test can be carried
者使用肥皂液来进行。 out using the spray manufactured by Wobst or soap
一旦发现泄漏: If a leak is detected:

92700913174A 75
4 Installation – 安装

在对气室进行拆除螺栓前 务必释放SF6气压
务必释放 气压。
气压。 Release the SF6-pressure before working
on the screw connections of the gas
根据 节进行拆除断路开关极柱的操作。
节进行拆除断路开关极柱的操作。 Proceed according to section 6.4 Work to
be Carried Out in Accordance with the
Maintenance Schedule to disassemble the
breaker pole.

发现泄漏的情况下,松开泄漏处的连接,检查密封面有 If a leak is discovered, undo the leaking connection

无损伤或异物,采用新密封圈连接并再次检查密封性。 and check the sealing surface for damage or foreign
bod- ies. Then fit a new seal, remake the connection
and repeat the leak test.

76 92700913174A
4 Installation – 安装

4.9 执行试验操作 4.9 Carrying Out Test Operations

在安装工作结束后,开关处于分闸位置,操作机构的合 When installation work is finished, the circuit breaker is

闸弹簧尚未储能。见3.7节弹簧操作机构的功能。 in the open state. The closing spring of the operating
mechanism is not charged. See section 3.7 Function of
the Spring Drive Mechanism

在瓷瓶瓶体损坏的情况下可能发生爆炸,造成 Danger of bursting if porcelain bodies are
人身伤害 。 damaged. Severe personal injury can
开关周围 For safety reasons no persons may
米的范围内不允许有人逗留。 remain within 60m of the breaker while the
first 5 test operations are being carried
严重机械损伤的危险。 Danger of serious mechanical damage!
开关机械试验不允许在无气压的情况下进行。 Mechanical test operations must only be
(最小气体压力要大于 总闭锁的压力,
总闭锁的压力 ,见 performed with sufficient SF6 gas filling:
3.1.7节 Pressure must at least be at the level of
general lockout SF6, see 3.1.6 Arc
Quenching Medium SF6.

电机接通电源后,自动启动,合闸弹簧完成储能并锁定 When the motor control power supplies are switched

后,电动机又自动断开。此时操动机构处于准备合闸状 on, the charging motor automatically start up and stop
态。 again when the closing spring has been charged and
latched. The operating mechanism is now ready for a
closing operation.
考虑到瓷瓶运输损坏的可能性,出于安全的考虑,开关 With regard to the possibility of the porcelain compo-
的首次机械操作试验应采用远方控制的“安全操作模 nents having suffered transport damage, these
式”。 mechanical switching operations must be performed
by remote control as safety switching operations.
当安装工作完成以后,如果是液压机构,需先在液压机 When installation work is finished, 5 mechanical test
构额定压力下执行5次机械试验操作. switching operations should be carried out at nominal
pressure on the hydraulic operating mechanism.

92700913174A 77
4 Installation – 安装

4.10 投运前的调试 4.10 Checks before Commissioning

注意 Attention
以下内容在投运时要严格遵循。 The items listed below should be strictly
followed during commissioning.

4.10.1 用于防凝露的加热器 4.10.1 Anti-Condensation Heaters

检查加热器的热效应,如加热器有监控回路,还需检查 Check the effectiveness of the anti-condensation heat-

监控回路的功能。 ing and the function of the existing monitoring device if

4.10.2 变电站与设备间的布线检查 4.10.2 Test of Wiring between Substation and

检查所有的指令线路及信号线路。 Check all command and signalling paths.

4.10.3 调试报告 4.10.3 Commissioning Report

务必检查调试报告是否填满并签名。 It should be checked that the commissioning report

enclosed with the circuit breaker has been completed
in full and signed.
请将其按以下地址寄回生产厂家: Please return it to the manufacturer at the following
西门子(杭州)高压开关有限公司 Siemens High Voltage Circuit Breaker Co. Ltd.,

断路器工程部 CB Installation
中国 浙江 杭州 18th road (East) of Xiasha Industry Area

杭州经济开发区下沙工业园区18号路东,310018 Hangzhou Economical & Technical Development

Zone, Hangzhou 310018, Zhejiang, P.R.China

78 92700913174A
5 Operation – 运行

5 运行 5 Operation

5.1 操作说明 5.1 Instructions for Operation

5.1.1 分闸和合闸 5.1.1 Closing and Opening

机构严重损坏危险! Danger of serious mechanical damage!
(无电流、无电压)试验操作时SF6压力必须高 An SF6-minimum gas pressure (SF6-blocking
于最小允许值(SF6闭锁压力)。. pressure) must be available for test opera-
tions (without current and voltage).

危险 高压 Danger! - High voltage!
一台与高压系统连接的开关只能通过控制室 A circuit-breaker connected to high volt-
内或变电站就地控制箱内的按钮操作。 age may only be operated conforming
with the safety regulations of the facility.
In this case, the general lockouts of the
circuit-breaker may not be bypassed.
通过直接触发线圈操作开关时,开关的闭锁功 Switching operations triggered directly at the
能将不起作用。 tripping coil will bypass both the switchgear
in- terlock and general lockouts of the circuit-

5.1.2 气压
SF6–气压 5.1.2 SF6 Pressure

极柱中SF6气体的压力由一密度计监控并显示在一压力 The pressure of the SF6 gas in the pole columns is

表上。密度计的响应值已给出。见3.1.6“灭弧介质SF6”。 monitored by a density monitor and shown on the
respective pressure gauge. The response values of the
density monitor are shown, see 3.1.6 Arc Quenching
Medium SF6.
SF6出现不正常下降时,会发出"SF6泄漏"信号。随后开 If the SF6 pressure drops unduly low, a signal Loss of
关必须分闸,SF6气体必须尽快地从一气瓶用充气装置 SF6 is initiated. The breaker must then be topped up as
经充气接头W1予以补充,直到达到额定的气体压力。 soon as possible with SF6 from a gas cylinder or using
补气时开关须被隔离。补气结束之后,开关可以重新投 the filling device connected to the flange W1 on the
入运行。 gas monitoring unit until nominal pressure is restored.
The breaker must be isolated for this. When filling has
been completed, the breaker can be put back into

充入 6气体时断路器必须开断并两端接地,
气体时断路器必须开断并两端接地, The circuit breaker must be switched off
充气完毕须拆除两端接地才将开关重新投运。 and earthed for SF6 filling work.
The breaker can be switched back on
when filling is complete and the earthing
has been disconnected.

92700913174A 79
5 Operation – 运行

用于开关充气的充气接头W1在操作机构箱内(连接螺 The filling flange W1 for filling the circuit breaker with
纹M26x1.5或M45x2)。在压力表MA上可以读取气体压 SF6 gas is located inside the drive mechanism housing
力(见3.9节控制单元) (connecting thread M26x1.5 or M45x2). The opera-
tional gas pressure can be read on the pressure gauge
MA (see section 3.9 Control).

在进行跟气室螺纹连接有关的工作之前,必须 Release the SF6-pressure before working
先释放 气体 on the screw connections of the gas

如果一段时间之后上述信号再次出现,应测出泄漏的位 If the above signal is initiated again after some time,

置,如果可能,应加以密封。如果无法密封,应通知最 the leak must be located and, if possible, sealed. If the
近的西门子办事处。 leak cannot be sealed, the nearest Siemens
representative should be notified.

5.1.3 总闭锁 5.1.3 General Lockout

如果开关中SF6-压力下降到不能保证可靠熄弧时,总闭 If the SF6 pressure in the breaker drops so low that

锁生效。开关所有的操作都将无法进行。 per- fect arc-quenching can no longer be ensured, a
general lockout becomes effective and blocks all
further opera- tion.

5.1.4 机械式合闸闭锁 5.1.4 Mechanical Reclosing Lockout

开关处于“合闸”状态时在操作机构中机械合闸闭锁生 If the breaker pole is in the closed state, a mechanical

效,从而避免了操作机构的再次合闸。 reclosing lock-out in the operating mechanism comes
into effect. It prevents the operating mechanism from
being switched back on.

5.1.5 允许的开断次数 5.1.5 Max. Permissible Number of Interruptions

开断电流I和最大允许的开断次数之间的关系曲线如图 The relationship between breaking current I, max. per-

43所示。如果开断更大的电流时,允许的开断次数将下 missible number of interruptions is shown in Fig.43. If
降,见图43。 the interruptions take place with higher current, the
number of possible interruptions decreases as shown
in Fig.43.

80 92700913174A
5 Operation – 运行


I 开断电流 in kA I Breaking current in kA

k 加权因子 k Weighting factor
n 允许的最大开断次数 n Max. permissible number of interruptions
X 开断电流仅1KA时能进行10000次开断操作 X During the type tests 10000 mechanical operation cycles
were carried out.

图 43 允许的最大开断次数与开断电流相关图 Fig.43 Max.permissible number of interruptions as a function

of the breaking current.

图 43是指每相极柱的开断次数。所以对于一个三相的 The chart (Fig.43) relates to one pole of a triple-pole

开关,其允许的单相开关操作是上图的三倍(例如开断 circuit-breaker. Three times the number of the
电流为63kA时可进行18次的单相开断)。 permissi- ble single-pole opening operations may thus
result in a triple-pole circuit-breaker (e.g. 18
single-pole opening operations with 63kA).
加权因子k简化了不同开断电流,允许的最大开断次数 Weighting factor k simplifies calculation of the max.
的计算。 permissible number of interruptions at different break-
ing currents.

92700913174A 81
5 Operation – 运行


ki 开断电流I下的加权因子 ki Weighting factor for breaking current I

kx 开断电流 Ix下的加权因子 kx Weighting factor for breaking current Ix
ni 开断电流I下的已操作次数 ni Number of carried out interruptions at breaking current I
nx 开断电流Ix下的剩余允许操作次数 nx Number of remaining permissible interruptions at breaking
current Ix.

图 44 最大允许开断次数计算式 Fig.44 Formula for calculating the max. number of permissible


在已进行操作情况下,最大允许的开断次数(正常磨损) The maximum number of interruptions still permissible

可用上述公式计算。 with a given number of operations (with consequent
wear) already carried out can be calculated using the
above equation.
举例 For example:
额定63kA的开关,在小于等于2.5kA情况下已开断250 The circuit-breaker with a rated short-circuit breaking
次,在20kA情况下已开断2次 current of 63kA has performed 250 interruptions at
breaking currents of ≤2.5kA, and 2 interruptions at
在40kA时还允许开断多少次? How many interruptions at 40kA are still permissible?


图 45 开断电流为 Ix 时还允许的开断次数 Fig.45 Number of remaining permissible interruptions at

breaking current Ix.

在40kA时还可开断17次 A total of 17 interruptions at 40 kA are still permissible.

5.1.6 3AP1DT 开关在工作不正常时建议采取措施 5.1.6 Recommended Procedure in the Event of

Irregularities on the Circuit-Breaker

说明 Note
下面的表格有助于识别和评判开关运行中可能 The following table is an aid in recognition and
存在的不正常现象。 assessment of any irregularities occuring in
operation of the circuit-breaker.
必要时,根据此表向西门子公司提出检修要求, It also enables specific details to be given if
这种情况下,在营业时间请使用以下电话: Siemens service Berlin personnel have to be
summoned. In such a case, please telephone
during business hours
Tel.: +49 30 386 26659 Tel.: +49 30 386 26659
+49 171 3347190 +49 171 3347190
或者通过传真 or by fax
+49 30 386 27116 +49 30 386 27116
或者通过E-Mail or by e-mail

82 92700913174A
5 Operation – 运行

只有当合闸及分闸弹簧被释放时,才允许在操 Work may only be done on the operating
作机构上工作。 mechanism when the opening and closing
spring are relaxed.

信号/闭锁 故障现象 可能的原因 补救方法 Signal/Lock- Effect Possible Remedial

out cause(s) meas-ure(s)
SF6--泄漏 只有信号 SF6-泄漏 测定泄漏位置 Loss of SF6 Signal only Loss of SF6 Locate fault and
(泄漏缓慢) 并排除 (Leak generally seal leak. Top
SF6 补足至 slow) up SF6 to
额定压力 nomi-nal
SF6-闭锁 不能分合 SF6-泄漏 参考见 SF6-泄 General SF6 No switching SF6 leak See Loss of SF6
漏 lock-out possible
重合闸闭锁超 合闸弹簧不能 电动 机无电 / 给电机供电 / Reclosing Closing spring No motor Provide motor
过 15s 储能,不能合闸 电动机故障 更换电机 lockout long- not charged, power supply/replace
er than 15s no closing supply/Motor motor
possible defec-tive
表. 11 故障 Table 11 Disturbances

92700913174A 83
5 Operation – 运行

5.2 高压开关及其系统处理 5.2 Disposing of High-Voltage Switching

Devices and Systems
3AP1 DT 是一种环保的产品。 The circuit-breaker 3AP1DT is an environmentally
compatible product.
残渣处理时,应首先考虑回收利用,开关设备的残渣处理 In disposal, priority must be given to reuse of the mate-
应符合现行法律。 rials. Environmentally acceptable disposal of the
device is possible in line with current legislation.
可以作为混合废钢利用,也可以通过最大程度的拆除,对 The device can be recycled as mixed scrap, or, if it is
环境更合适的、作为带混合废钢剩余部分的型材利用。 dismantled as far as possible, in a more environmen-
tally acceptable way as sorted scrap with a mixed-
scrap residual portion.
开关由下列材料组成: 钢、铜、铝、聚四氟乙烯、树脂、 The following materials have been used to make up
树脂纤维,玻璃纤维加强的塑料、密封橡胶、陶瓷、油脂。 the device: Steel, copper, aluminium, PTFE, cast resin
or cast-resin-impregnated fabric, glass-fibre-reinforced
plastics, rubbers for sealing, ceramics, greases.
断路开关中的油不包含PCB. No oils used in the circuit breaker contain PCB.
在残渣处理之前,请注意,排放操作机构上缓冲器中所 Before disposal, it should be ensured that the Shell
在的合成液压油。在此,要注意当时所适用的官方规定。 Aero Fluid hydraulic fluid present in the drive mecha-
nism dampers is drained. This should be done in
accordance with current official regulations at the time
of disposal.
按照联邦德国在此领域适用的危险物质规定,在西门子 In as-supplied-by-Siemens state, the device incorpo-
供货状态下不存在危险物质,当开关在德国境外使用 rates no hazardous substances in the sense of the per-
时,需遵守当地的法律条文。 tinent regulations in Germany. If the device ist to be
operated outside Germany, the locally applicable laws
and regulations must be followed.
绝缘和灭弧介质SF6必须抽尽,经过处理后,尽可能加 Insulating and quenching media SF6 must also be
以利用。 drained off/evacuated by means of customary equip-
ment and, after reconditioning, made available for
在打开的气室中可以看见由开断过程形成的固体分解产 In the opened gas compartments, there may be solid
物。气态物质由内置的过滤材料吸收。在处理用SF6作为 decomposition products resulting from switching
绝缘和灭弧的开关残渣时,特别是清除过滤材料和固体分 opera- tions. The gaseous products are absorbed by
解产物时,必须注意有关的防护措施。 the built- in filters. When switching devices
incorporating SF6 as insulating and quenching medium
are disposed of (with particular regard to filter material
and solid decomposi- tion products), the necessary
safety measures must be complied with.
当地的用户支持部门可随时就残渣问题作答复。 Local customer support offices will be able to answer
any questions concerning disposal.

84 92700913174A
6 Maintenance – 保养

6 维护 6 Maintenance

6.1 检查和维护概述 6.1 Inspection and Maintenance - General

为了保护户外开关的可靠操作,必须对其进行维护,检 The outdoor circuit-breaker can only function reliably if

查和维护具有以下目的: it is correctly maintained. The purpose of inspection
and maintenance therefore is:
- 确认哪些部件已经磨损以及磨损程度 - to determine to what extent certain parts have
worn and to assess their state,
- 确保状况良好的部件能够继续使用 - to ensure that parts still in good condition are kept
in this state,
- 更换一些需要更换的部件 - to replace certain parts in good time,
- 加强防腐蚀措施 - to ensure corrosion protection.
检查和维护服务将根据其不同的工作环境加以分类相 Inspection and maintenance services are categorized
应的表示。 in line with the work involved and designated accord-

严重的人身伤害、财 Non-observance of warnings can result in
产损失和环境破坏 。 death, severe personal injury and sub-
stantial property and environmental dam-

6.1.1 检查和维护服务(计划表
检查和维护服务 计划表)
计划表 6.1.1 Maintenance Services (Schedule)

在表12中所列的检查和维护服务计划,西门子股份公司都 The inspection and maintenance services scheduled in

能单独提供。 the Table12 are each offered separately by Siemens
频繁开断的户外开关当然比偶然开断的户外开关磨损大, Circuit-breakers which are operated frequently obvi-
在此必须加以区分: ously suffer greater wear than circuit-breakers
operated only seldom. The following distinction must
be made:
- 因摩擦而造成的机械磨损 - Mechanical wear caused by friction (mechanical
operating cycles) and
- 因工作电流和短路电流开断而造成的电弧蚀伤 - Arc erosion due to the switching of load currents
or fault currents.
应估计磨损量,使得在大部分情况下,检查和维护服务 The wear reserve is calculated so that in most cases
可以按固定的周期进行。只有在户外开关特别频繁开断 the various inspection and maintenance services can
时,即操作次数或故障电流开断次数超过了技术规范, be performed at fixed intervals. Only if the circuit-break-
相应的检修服务应提前(见5.1.5允许的开断次数)。 ers are operated particularly frequently might it be nec-
essary to bring forward the corresponding service,
because the permissible number of mechanical opera-
tions and/or load or fault switching operations have
already been exceeded (see section 5.1.5 Max. Per-
missible Number of Interruptions).

92700913174A 85
6 Maintenance – 保养

6.1.2 人员安排 6.1.2 Assignment of Personnel

检查和维护只允许由专业人员或在专业人员的监督之下完 The inspection and maintenance service may only be

成。人员可以由用户自行安排,也可以由西门子公司提供。 carried out by or under the supervision of qualified per-
sonnel. This personnel can be assigned by the cus-
tomer or the next Siemens office.
电话 0571 81601702 Tel.: 0571 81601702
传真 0571 81601777 Fax: 0571 81601777
根据需要,用户人员可以到生产厂进行培训。 If requested, the customer's personnel can be trained
at the manufacturer's works.
西门子人员参与的好处在于:可以运用最新的有关知识 The advantage of calling in Siemens personnel is tha
和丰富的实际经验进行工作。这有利于提高户外开关的 the work is carried out in accordance with the latest
运行可靠性。西门子人员的经验也体现在能尽快的完成 information and experience gained with a large
工作,从而最大程度的缩短了户外开关的停运时间。 number of outdoor circuit-breakers. This is then
reflected in the circuit-breaker having a higher
reliability standard. Moreover, the fact that they are
familiar with the circuit- breaker also enables Siemens
personnel to do the job in less time. In this way service
interruptions are kept to a minimum.
西门子人员的参与也包括了工具、测量仪器的租借。这 Assignment of Siemens personnel also means that
些设备一般来说,用户不值得购买。 tools and measuring instruments etc. that are usually
not worth buying are provided on a hire basis.
此外,还提供了检查和维护范围所需的维护工具包以及 "Maintenance kits" required as part of maintenance, as
易耗材料(清洁剂、润滑剂等,见4.3清洁,润滑及防锈 well as consumables (cleaning liquids, lubricants etc.,
剂) see section 4.3 Cleaning Liquids, Lubricants and Cor-
rosion Protection Agents) are also supplied.

6.1.3 维护工具包 6.1.3 Maintenance Kits

维护工具包包括一定数量的各种备品备件。 Maintenance kits contain various spare parts in the

appropriate quantities for the particular service.
维护工具包的提供与收费包含在西门子的检查和维护费 Maintenance kits are supplied and charged for by
内。 Siemens AG as part of the inspection and
maintenance service.
不提倡用户常备维护包,因为有些部件,如O型密封圈, It is not advisable for the customer to hold stocks of
是有寿命的,其它一些部件在使用时也可能已过时。 maintenance kits, as some parts, e.g. O-ring seals,
aresubject to aging.

6.1.4 检查和维护的起始日期 6.1.4 Initial Date for Inspection and Mainte-

nance Service
所提及的检查和维护服务计划的起始日期,是将过滤材 The starting date for the inspection and maintenance
料加入户外开关,然后抽真空和充气的日期,这通常是 schedule is that at which the filter material is placed in
生产年份。 the circuit-breaker, which is then evacuated and filled
with gas. This is normally the year of production.
安装完毕并已充气的户外开关是否投入运行,对维护的 The starting date is only related to the insertion of the
开始日期没有影响。 filter material, not to the date of energization.

86 92700913174A
6 Maintenance – 保养

建议,将起始日期书面记录下来,在以后的运行过程观察 The starting date should be recorded in writing and the

机械操作次数和故障开断次数,以便确定检查和维护措施 number of mechanical operations and fault current
取决于时间还是取决于操作次数来进行。 operations etc. monitored in order to see whether
inspection and maintenance should be carried out as a
function of time or of wear.

6.1.5 故障 6.1.5 Disturbances

在发生故障时,请及时通知西门子代理处,必要时请将所 In the event of a disturbance apply to the appropriate

需的专业人员、故障现象和范围以及可能损坏的零部件名 Siemens office for assignment of qualified personnel,
称一并告知(各类编号、参考照片)。 stating the type and extent of the disturbance as accu-
rately as possible and naming any parts that are show-
ing signs of damage. To simplify identification, state
the part designations given in the list of spare parts for
cir- cuit-breaker (terminology and serial number of the
cir- cuit part numbers used, reference to drawings).

6.1.6 说明 6.1.6 Points to be Noted

在维护工作中,所有松动过的螺栓连接处的锁紧元件必须 The locking elements of any screwed joints opened for

用新的更换。 inspection must be replaced.
在维护工作中打开的密封圈和垫圈须更新。所有打开的 The same applies to all seals and gaskets exposed in
部件必须盖好,以防止弄脏。 the process. AII open breaker parts should be covered
to prevent the ingress of dirt.
在一般的操作中不会发生开关尘埃。如果在反复开断大 During normal operation no switching dust should
的故障电流之后,发现开关尘埃,请如下述处理: result from switching. If dust is found after repeated
interruption of high short-circuit currents, proceed as
在打开开关并拆除部件之后,立即清除开关尘埃。因为 Any switching dust should be removed immediately
它会吸收空气中的水份并形成一固体黏附层,使之难以 when the breaker is opened and any subassemblies
清除。 have been removed. When this dust is exposed to air
for some time it will absorb moisture and can then only
be removed with difficulty.
清洁时请戴手套! Gloves should be worn!

用抹布或吸尘器清除开关尘埃。勿扬起尘埃。在清除抹布 Remove the dust with a piece of cloth or use a vacuum

和开关尘埃时,请注意当地的环境保护规定。 cleaner. Do not stir it up unnecessarily. Cloths and
switching dust should be disposed of in keeping with
environmental regulations.

92700913174A 87
6 Maintenance – 保养

6.2 检测和维护安全检查准则-
检测和维护安全检查准则-总则 6.2 Safety Rules for Inspection and Mainte-
nance Service - General

维护人员可能涉及以下的危险: Danger to maintenance personnel can
result from
- 高电压 - hazardous voltage
- 处于弹簧压力下的操作机构 - operating mechanisms under spring
pres- sure
- 极柱内的气体压力 - gas-pressurised breaker poles
- SF6气体及其分解产物 - SF6-gas and its decomposition products
- 落下和/或翻倒的部件以及移动件 - falling and/or toppling parts and/or
moving parts.
严重的人身伤害、财 Non-observance of warnings can result in
产损失和环境破坏 。 death, severe personal injury and sub-
stantial property and environmental dam-

为了避免事故、燃烧和不允许的环境破坏确保开关设备功 In order to avoid accidents, fire and impermissible bur-

能的可靠性,使用者须确保: dens on the environment and in order to assure the
functional reliability of the switchgear, the user must
ensure that:
- 指定一个负责人,必要时指定一个监督人负责维护 - a responsible person, if necessary authorized to
工作的进行。 supervise, is put in charge of performance of
main- tenance
- 只可使用有资格并接受过培训的人员。 - only qualified and instructed personnel are
- 安全维护和安全操作的工作细则、操作规程以及出 - the regulations and instructions for work safety
现事故或燃烧时的处理方法可随时查阅,若有可 (e.g. in the use of equipment), together with
能,悬挂在生产场所。 instructions on action to be taken in the event of
accidents and fire, are available at all times and if
necessary dis- played in the place of work,
- 为了安全工作所必须的工具、仪器和装备以及特殊 - the tools, equipment and apparatus required for
工作所需的人员保护装备可随时调用。 work safety and the personal protective
equipment required for certain tasks are available,
- 只使用经生产厂家确认的配件、润滑剂和辅助设 - only those materials, lubricants and auxiliary equip-
备。 ment approved by the manufacturer are used.

本操作手册中的安全说明是最基本的要求。它们对公司工 The safety regulations in these operating instructions

作不产生法令、法规的作用。它未涉及所有的可能事件, are minimum requirements. They do not affect
同时必须在相关工作开始前由相关负责人具体公布。除公 statutory laws, standards, specifications or internal
司内部的规定、器械、材料、润滑剂和附件的使用也需作 regulations of the company concerned with the work.
说明。 They do not claim to cover all eventualities and must
be expressed concretely by the responsible persons at
the latest before work actually starts. In addition to
company internal rules and the specific work
conditions, the product descriptions and instructions
for use of tools, devices, apparatus, materials,
lubricants and auxiliary equipment must be taken into

88 92700913174A
6 Maintenance – 保养

以下的安全说明介绍了在不遵守已提到的要求时,所存在 The following safety regulations provide an overview of

的危险和它的起因以及可能的结果。它将在操作规程手册 the dangers existing and their sources, and describe
中更详细的予以介绍。 the possible consequences if the rules specified are
not complied with. They are expressed more exactly in
the operating instructions.
在靠近带电部位时,可能遭到电击和电弧引起 Hazardous voltage - Electric shock and burning as
的灼伤 。 a result of arcing are possible if live parts are
在维护工作开始前,供电部门的负责人必须做到: Before maintenance is to be done, a responsible per-
son from the power supply utility must, before work
- 切断电源并安全隔离 - Switch off and isolate
- 确保不会意外接通电源 - Prevent unintentional switch-on
- 确保设备不带电 - Test that equipment is dead
- 接地并短接设备 - Ground and short-circuit the equipment
- 覆盖或用栅栏隔离带电体 - Cover or fence off nearby live parts
确保这些安全措施已执行! It must be confirmed that these safety measures have
been taken.
合闸弹簧和分闸弹簧可能已储能。如果控制电源和电机 The closing and opening springs may be charged.
合闸弹簧在合闸操作后会自动重新储能, If the control and motor power supply are not
弹簧状态指示器仅显示合闸弹簧的位置 - 意外的开关 switched off, the closing spring will be automati-
操作会导致人员严重受伤。 cally recharged after a closing operation. The
spring state indicator shows only the position of
the closing spring - unintentional switching opera-
tions can lead to severe personal injury.
合闸弹簧和分闸弹簧按以下步骤释能: Before beginning maintenance work, relax the opening
and closing springs as follows:
- 断开电动机电源 - Disconnect motor power supply,
- 开关分闸 (在合闸状态) - open the breaker, if the circuit-breaker is in the
closed state.
- 开关合闸 - close the breaker and
- 开关重新分闸 - re-open the breaker.
- 断开控制电压 - disconnect the control voltage.
开关极柱处于高气压下 见 3.1.6灭弧介质
灭弧介质 瓷瓶损 The Breaker poles are under high pressure (see
坏可能造成人员严重伤亡。 3.1.6 Arc Quenching Medium SF6) - Damage to the
porcelain parts can result in severe personal
- 在灭弧单元打开之前,确保压力已按有关规程释放 - Before opening interrupter units, ensure pressure
relief by means of the facility provided.
- 压力释放以后,缓慢而均匀的拧松螺栓连接 - After relieving the pressure, gradually and
uniformly undo the screw joints.
- 不允许任何工具或升降设备撞击瓷瓶 - Do not allow any tools or hoisting gear to knock
against the porcelain parts.
- 不要将梯子靠边在极柱上,采用人字梯 - Do not lean any ladders against the bushings; use
step ladders.
SF6 比空气要重,
大量出现时会排挤空气,造成窒息危 SF6 is heavier than air and can displace the air
险! required for breathing - Danger of suffocation!

92700913174A 89
6 Maintenance – 保养

- SF6气体无味、无毒,约比空气重5倍。SF6会排挤 - SF6 is odourless, non-toxic and about five times

氧气。SF6浓度高于19%的体积比时需要特殊的防 heavier than air. SF6 leads to displacement of oxy-
护措施。这样的浓度在打开而不通风的SF6气室中, gen. SF6 concentrations of more than 19% vol.
会漂浮到安装开关的地面上狭窄的空间内及地势 call for special protective measures. Such
较低的室内(例如地下室、电缆沟) concentra- tions can occur in opened and
unventilated SF6 compartments, in confined spaces
on the floor of switchgear installations and in
lower-level rooms (e.g. basements, cable ducts).

- 六氟化硫SF6不允许排放到大气中,在维护工作中 - Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) must not be let off to

请使用气体回收设备。 the atmosphere. For maintenance work gas
servicing equipment should be used.
SF6气体使用说明 Specifications for the use of SF6 gas
- IEC 60376 - IEC 60376
- IEC 60480 - IEC 60480
德国在此领域使用的标准还有:由同业工伤事故保险联 For Germany, the following also applies: Accident pre-
合会精密机械和电气技术发行的,用于“SF6设备”故 vention sheet (relating to SF6 installations) issued by
障预防的须知。 the statutory industrial accident insurance institution
for precision mechanics and electrical engineering.
会形成气体的分解产物和开关尘埃。SF6 Under effects of arcs, gaseous decomposition
的分解物是有毒的 ,在接触和吸入时可能造成皮肤、
在接触和吸入时可能造成皮肤、眼睛 products and switching dust occur. Decomposition
头晕和肺水肿。 products of SF6 are toxic - Coming into physical
contact with them or inhaling them can cause irrita-
tion to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes.
Nausea, dizzines and lung oedema can result.
- 这些物质具有不同的毒性。与水份结合之后,会变 - These substances vary in toxicity. In combination
成具有腐蚀性的固体粘附层。 with moisture, switching dust is caustic and forms
a coating that sticks fast.
- 气体的分解产物,在很少量时已会出现报警信息。 - Small quantities of gaseous decomposition products
例如,不好闻的气味,类似臭鸡蛋(硫化氢),还会 造 already initiate alarm signals, e.g. pungent disa-
成窒息危险。 greeable smell similar to rotten eggs (hydrogen sul-
phide), before there is danger of suffocation.

- 排空的气室根据规定排放后打开,存在着与开关尘 - If emptied housings are opened after correct pres-

埃接触的可能性。 sure relief, there is the possibility of contact with
switching dust.
- 开关尘埃请勿吸入或吞下(使用防尘面具)、勿进入 - Do not inhale or swallow switching dust (use dust
眼 睛(带气密性的保护眼镜)、勿接触皮肤(穿特殊 masks), avoid contact with the eyes (wear
的工作服) gas-tight goggles) and the skin (use special
working clothes).
- 如果开关尘埃碰到皮肤,请用大量的水冲洗。 - If switching dust has got onto the skin nevertheless,
use plenty of water to rinse it off.
- 过滤袋、抹布和别的材料处理时,勿使吸入的尘埃 - Handle filters, rags and other material so that the
重新游离。不要打开过滤袋。工作服、过滤袋、抹 dust extracted does not come off again. Do not
布等接触过开关尘埃的物品根据当地的规定处理。 open filter bags. Work clothes, filter bags, rags
etc. which have come into contact with such dust,
dispose of according to local regulations.
- 在残渣处理时无论如何要注意当地的环境保护条 - Local environmental protection regulations must
例。有关SF6残渣处理,请与最近的西门子公司办 always be taken into account when SF6 is disposed
事处联系。 of. In special cases regarding SF6 disposal, the
nearest Siemens office should be contacted.

90 92700913174A
6 Maintenance – 保养

- 工作休息前或工作结束之后,脸、颈、臂和手用肥 - Thoroughly clean face, neck, arms and hands with

皂和大量的水彻底洗净。 soap and plenty of water before breaks and at the
end of work.
- 在放有打开的、含有开关尘埃的SF6气室的房间内 - Do not eat, drink or smoke in rooms containing
勿进食、喝水和吸烟,勿保存食品。 opened gas compartments with switching dust,
and do not keep any foodstuffs in them.

92700913174A 91
6 Maintenance – 保养

6.3 维护计划 6.3 Maintenance Schedule

检查和维护计划给出了一个关于单个项目检查和维护 The maintenance schedule provides an overview of

的概况。工作步骤的详细说明列于6.4根据维护计划工 work to be done in the individual checks/inspections. A
作中工作步骤在此两节中采用相同的号码。 detailed description of the work steps is given in
section 6.4 Work to be Carried Out in Accordance with
the Maintenance Schedule. In both sections, the work
steps are referred to by the same numbers.

维护人员可能涉及以下危险: Danger to maintenance personnel can
result from
- 危险电压 - hazardous voltage
- 弹簧未释能的操作机构 - operating mechanisms under spring
pres- sure
- 极柱内的气体压力 - gas-pressurised breaker poles
- SF6-气体及其分解产物 - SF6 -gas and its decomposition products
- 落下和/或翻倒的部件以及移动件 - falling and/or toppling parts and/or
moving parts.

须遵守6.2检测和维护安全检查准则-总则 The Safety rules listed in section 6.2 should be fol-


检 查 和维 护服 检修周期 磨损周期 说明 Check and Due to time Due to wear Remarks

务 maintenance in-terval
检查 12 年之后 3000 次操作之后 开关必须停止 Checks After 12 years after 3000 Circuit-breaker
I ≤ Inom 运行并隔离 oper-ating must be taken
不必打开气室 cycles out of service
I ≤ Inom and must be
iso- lated. Gas
com- partments
need not be
维护 25 年之后 6000 次操作之后 开关必须停止 Maintenance After 25 years after 6000 Circuit-breaker
I ≤ Inom 运行并隔离 oper-ating must be taken
打开气室 cycles out of service
I ≤ Inom and must be
iso-lated. Gas
are opened.
触头系统检查 达到允许的最大 开关必须停止 Check of con- Max. Circuit-breaker
故障开断次数(见 运行并隔离 tact system Permissi-ble must be taken
5.1.5 允许的开断 打开气室 number of out of service
次数) switching and must be
opera-tions iso-lated. Gas
reached (see com-partments
section 5.1.5 are opened.
Number of
Interruptions” ).
表.12 维护服务 Table 12 Maintenance services

92 92700913174A
6 Maintenance – 保养

6.3.1 维护计划 6.3.1 Maintenance Schedule

A = 检查 A = Checks
B = 保养 B = Maintenance
A B 子节号 维护服务 A B Subsection Maintenance service
X X 6.4.1 总体检查 X X 6.4.1 General Inspection
X 6.4.2 排空SF6气体 X 6.4.2 Drawing Off the SF6 Gas
X 6.4.3 触头系统检查 X 6.4.3 Check of Contact System
X 更换过滤器 X Replace Filter
X 6.4.4 开关抽真空及充SF6气体 X 6.4.4 Evacuating the Breaker and Filling in SF6
X 6.4.5 SF6-压力表检查 X 6.4.5 Check SF6 Pressure Gauge
X X 检查SF6密度计的功能 X X Check Function of SF6 Density Monitor
X 检查密度计的动作值 X Check of the Operating Values of the SF6
Density Monitor
X 6.4.7 投入运行前的检查漏 X 6.4.7 Check for Leaks on Operational Breaker
X X 6.4.8 操作机构检验 X X 6.4.8 Checks at Drive Mechanism
X 6.4.9 接线板 X 6.4.9 Terminal Strip
X X 6.4.10 防凝露加热器 X X 6.4.10 Anti-Condensation Heaters
X X 分合闸回路功能检查 X X Functional Check, Trip Circuits
X X 重合闸闭锁功能检查 X X Functional Check, Reclosing Lock-Out
X X SF6闭锁功能检查 X X Functional Check SF6 Lockout
X X 防跳功能检查 X X Functional Check, Anti-Pumping Feature
X X 6.4.12 马达控制检查 X X 6.4.12 Check of Motor Control
X 6.4.13 SF6-水分含量测试 X 6.4.13 Measuring the SF6 Gas Humidity Content
X 6.4.14 SF6-百分含量测试 X 6.4.14 Measuring the SF6 Air Content
X X 6.4.15 防锈保护检查 X X 6.4.15 Anti-Corrosion Protection
表.13 维护计划 Table 13 Maintenance Schedule

92700913174A 93
6 Maintenance – 保养

6.4 根据维护计划工作 6.4 Work to be Carried Out in Accordance with

the Maintenance Schedule
下面详细说明在6.3节维护计划所列出的措施 The measures compiled in the section 6.3
Maintenance Schedule are described in detail below.

6.4.1 总体检查 6.4.1 General Inspection

总体检查值断路器的外观检查,包括: The general inspection covers a visual check of the cir-

cuit-breaker without it having to be dismantled. The
vis- ual check contents the following checks:
- 用开关的压力表检查SF6气体压力(见 - Check the SF6 filling with the circuit-breaker pres-
sure gauge, see
- 绝缘部分是否污染 - contamination of insulating parts
- 瓷瓶是否损坏 - damage to the porcelain body
- 接地 - Earth terminal
- 操作循环次数 - number of operating cycles 用开关的压力表检查SF6气体压力
用开关的压力表检查 气体压力 Check the SF6 Filling with the Circuit-
Breaker Pressure Gauge
检查时,应注意在“SF6充气曲线及密度计的动作值” When measuring, the temperature dependence of the
(见3.1.6灭弧介质SF6)中显示的SF6气体压力与温度的 pressure as shown in the diagram SF6 filling curve and
关系。 operating values of density monitor (see 3.1.6 Arc
Quenching Medium SF6) should be taken into account.
这意味着,如果可能的话,应先确定开关内SF6气体的 This means that, if possible, the mean temperature of
平均温度(避免在环境温度变化很大或在大电流负荷后 the SF6 gas in the circuit-breaker should be
马上测量) determined (Measurements should be avoided in
times of strong fluctuations of the ambient temperature
and immedi- ately after high-current loads).
如果测量值低于特定的SF6充气曲线值,补充SF6气体。 If the measured value falls below the specified SF6 fill-
ing curve, correct the SF6 gas filling (using a gas cylin-
der or service unit).
应检查滞留在充气设备内的SF6中的空气含量和微水 Check humidity and the air content of the SF6-gas that
(见6.4.13 SF6露点测试) may be left in the service unit (see 6.4.13 Measuring
the SF6 Gas Humidity Content).
如果测量的值低于充气曲线不超过0.03MPa时(允许的 If the measured SF6 pressure lies below the filling
气体泄漏),补充SF6气体。 curve by not more than 0.3bar (permissible gas loss),
refill with SF6.
如果测量的值低于充气曲线超过0.03MPa时,要进行检 If the measured value is more than 0.3bar below the
漏,排除泄漏点后补充气体。 filling curve specified, a leak test must be carried out
and the leak must be repaired. Then the filling must be

6.4.2 排空 SF6 气体 6.4.2 Drawing Off the SF6 Gas

建议采用一套专用维护设备来排尽SF6气体。因为这样 It is recommended to draw off the SF6-gas with a serv-

能使SF6气体几乎完全的再用于下次充气。维护设备具 ice unit so that it can again be used almost completely
有SF6气体充气和抽气功能。 for the subsequent filling. The service unit has all the
facilities for drawing off and filling the SF6-gas.
维护设备内的SF6气体应提前加以测试。 The condition of the SF6-gas in the service unit should
be checked in advance.

94 92700913174A
6 Maintenance – 保养

6.4.3 触头系统检查 6.4.3 Check of Contact System

关于允许的开断次数,见5.1.5允许的开断次数和表12 On reaching the permissible number of switch offs, see

维护周期示意表,进行触头系统检查是必要的。 5.1.5 Max. Permissible Number of Interruptions, dia-
gram or the interval for due maintenance, see table
Table12, it is necessary to check the contact system.
灭弧单元在3.4灭弧单元中讲述。 The breaker unit is described in section 3.4 Breaker

说明 Note
进行触头系统检查需要西门子员工的参与。 For the contact system check it is necessary
to call in Siemens personal. 过滤袋的更新 Replace Filter

过滤袋一定要防止大气中的湿度影响,直接暴露在空气 It is absolutely necessary to protect the filter material
中的时间不允许超过1小时。供货时过滤材料是装在密 against atmospheric humidity. The material must
封筒内的。 there- fore not be directly exposed to the open air for a
longer period than 1 hour. It is supplied in closed tins.
使用前应检查密封筒是否损坏,如果筒已损坏,则其内 Check the closed tins for damage. Filter material from
的的过滤材料不能使用。 leaky tins must not be used.

说明 Note
根据当地法规处理废弃的过滤袋15.16.3 Dispose of old filter bags 15.16.3 in accord-
ance with local regulations.

过滤材料是装在转向壳体中的。 The filter material is located in the corner gears.

说明 Note
标明盖板15.16.11的位置以确保它在同一个位 Mark the assembly position of the cover
置被再次安装。 15.16.11 to ensure that it will be refitted in the
same position.

拆除带O型垫圈的盖板15.16.11(图 46),(6x M 12 螺 Remove the cover 15.16.11 with O-ring seal (Fig.46),
栓)旋开驱动杆右边的隔板HB的的螺丝(2x M 6 螺栓)。 (6x M12 screws). Unscrew the mounting plate HB for
从转向壳体中取出旧的过滤袋,放入新的过滤袋。然后 filter bag on the right of the drive bar (2x M 6 screws).
重新装回装配板和盖板15.16.11。密封处润滑防锈处 Remove the old filter bag from the corner gear. Place a
理。见4.4安装概论。 new filter bag in the pocket. Then fix the mounting
plate back in place. Assemble the cover 15.16.11 with
new sealing ring. Grease the seal surfaces, see 4.4
General Instructions for Installation.

说明 Note
过滤袋的更换应在抽真空前的最多1小时内进 Do not fit new filter bags until shortly before
行,以免过滤材料失效。 evacuation (max. one hour).

92700913174A 95
6 Maintenance – 保养


HB 隔板 HB Retaining plate
15.16.11 带o型垫圈盖板 15.16.11 Cover with O-seal ring
15.16.3 过滤袋 15.16.3 Filter bag

图 46 安装过滤袋 Fig. 46 Inserting the filter

6.4.4 开关充 SF6 气体 6.4.4 Evacuating the Breaker and Filling in SF6

充气只能由专业人员或在其监督下,按SF6充气曲线进行 The breaker may be filled only by or under the supervi-

(见3.1.6灭弧介质SF6)。 sion of qualified personnel, and in accordance with the
SF6 filling curve (see under 3.1.6 Arc Quenching
Medium SF6).

充气装置必须包含一只额定起动压力为 A safety valve with a nominal opening
0.8MPa的安全阀 pressure of 8bar must be part of the filling
由此安全阀可以避免压力仓由于过高的压力 The safety valve prevents the pressure
而造成超压。 compartments from being overstressed
due to an impermissibly high pressure.

应该采用专用维护设备来充SF6气体,因为它包含了所 To fill the breaker with gas, a service unit may be used
有必需的装置。 since this contains all the necessary facilities.
如果没有专用设备,那么充气前,必须用一只真空泵抽 If a service unit is not available, a vacuum pump must
真空。 then be available for evacuating the breaker prior to
the SF6 being filled in.
这样SF6气体遍必须用SF6充气装置W423直接从气瓶 The SF6-gas is then taken directly from a gas cylinder
中抽 取。 via the SF6 filling device W423.

96 92700913174A
6 Maintenance – 保养

用专用设备充气 Filling by using a service unit

专用设备连接到充气接头W1(图47)。开关抽真空至压 Connect the service unit at the filling connection W1
力小于或等于0.002MPa,然后切换到充气档。所需的 (Fig.47). Evacuate the circuit-breaker down to a pres-
充气压力和动作值是和温度相关的,必须从3.1技术数 sure of ≤0.02bar; then switch the service unit for "fill".
据中SF6充气曲线和密度计的动作值简图中查取。 The required filling pressure and response values are
temperature-dependent and must be taken from the
diagram, SF6 filling curve and response values of the
density monitor, see 3.1 Technical Data.


W1 充气接头 W1 Filling flange

图 47 充气接头 W1 Fig. 47 Filling flange W1

用气瓶给开关充气 Filling the breaker from the gas cylinder

充气只能由专业人员或在专业人员监督下,西门子公司 Siemens offers a complete filling device of type W423

提供一套完整的充气装备W423(图48)。 for filling the breaker with SF6 gas from a gas cylinder


图 48 充气装置 W 423 Fig. 48 Gas filling device W 423

92700913174A 97
6 Maintenance – 保养


W1 充气接头 W1 Filling flange

1 气瓶 1 Gas cylinder
2 减压调节阀 2 Pressure reducer regulating valve
3 微压力表 (-0.1 MPa 到 0.9 MPa) 3 Precision pressure gauge (-1 bar up to 9 bar)
4 安全阀 4 Safety valve

图 49 SF6 充气装置连接 Fig. 49 Gas filling device connected

为了充气,将充气装置的单向接头和开关的充气接头 To fill, couple the service connection of the filling device

W1连接(图47)。减压调节阀(图49)在排气阀关闭时缓慢 with the filling connection W1 of the circuit-breaker
打开以避免(可能发生的)结冰现象。充气过程中观察压 (Fig.47). Slowly open the regulating valve (Fig.49) at the
力表的数据。 pressure reducer with the vent valve closed, to avoid any
注意正确的充气压力,与环境温度有关。额定压力见3.1 ice formation at the fitting. Monitor the filling process at
技术数据。 the precision pressure gauge 3.
Care must be taken that the filling pressure, which
depends on the ambient temperature, is correct. For
nominal filling pressure see diagram in section 3.1
Technical Data.
当环境温度不在+20°C 时,SF6充气压力见图1。 At an ambient temperature other than +20°C, the SF 6
filling pressure must be taken from the diagram (Fig.1).
充气压力最大允许偏差为0.3bar/0.03MPa。 The filling pressure may be up to 0.3 bar over the nom-
inal pressure curve (temperature-independent).
充气结束时,拧下充气装置关闭充气接头W1(Dilo制造) When filling is completed, unscrew the filling device
用手拧紧螺母。 and close maintenance flange W1 (from Dilo). Tighten
the union nut by hand.

6.4.5 SF6 压力表检查 6.4.5 Check SF6 Pressure Gauge

0.6级测量表和1.0级工作压力表的测量值之间的差值 The difference between the measured values on the

不允许超过误差的总和。这就是说,在测量范围为 test pressure gauge class 0.6 and the operating pres-
1.5MPa时0.6级测量压力表对于1.0级的工作压力表,误 sure class 1.0 must not be greater than the sum of the
差不允许大于0.03MPa。误差超过0.03MPa时,应在工 permissible divergence between the two pressure
作压力表上作标记(在胶粘纸上手写)。 gauges. This means that with a test pressure gauge of
class 0.6 having a range from 15bar the divergence
from the breaker pressure gauge of class 1.0 must not
be greater than 0.3bar. A divergence greater than
0.3bar must be noted at the breaker pressure gauge
(handwritten on adhesive tape).

98 92700913174A
6 Maintenance – 保养

6.4.6 检查密度继电器 6.4.6 Testing the DensityMonitor 检查SF6密度继电器功能
检查 密度继电器功能 Check Function of SF6 Density Monitor
松开测试接头W2上的密封帽-极柱与密度继电器的气 Undo sealing cap on test connection W2 (the gas com-
室由逆止阀隔开-检查密度继电器触头的反应。 partment and density monitor are separated by a
non- return valve) and check whether the density
monitor contacts respond. 检查SF6密度继电器的动作值
检查 密度继电器的动作值 Check of the OperatingValues of the SF6
Density Monitor
为了测试密度继电器B4,操作机构箱18的背面提供了一 For testing the density monitor B4, a connection W2 is
个连接头W2。(3/4"螺纹,图50)。SF6充气装置软管 provided in the rear wall of the operating mechanism
W424可与此端相连,而不会降低极柱内的SF6充气压 unit 18. (3/4" thread, Fig. 50). The hose of SF6 filling
力。 unit W 424 can be connected here without any SF6
having to be extracted from the circuit breaker.

B4 密度计 B4 Density monitor

W2 测试接头 W2 Test connection

图. 50 测试接头 W2 Fig. 50 Test connection W2

为了密度计的检查,拆除带顶针的螺帽,使位于气室方 To test the density monitor, the nut with the inset is
向的单向阀关闭。在打开的维修接头处不会有气体从开 removed, which closes the non-return valve in the
关中泄漏。现在测试接头W2是直接和密度计连接的,在 direction of the gas compartment. No gas can thus
连接了充气装置W424后,通过减压调节SF6压力,可以 scape through the opened test connection. The test
测试密度计的动作值。(3.1.6灭弧介质SF6)。 connection (W2) is now connected directly with the
density monitor, such that (after connection of the
filling device W424) the operating points of the density
moni- tor (chapter 3.1.6 Arc Quenching Medium SF6)
can be checked by regulating the SF6 pressure on the

92700913174A 99
6 Maintenance – 保养

6.4.7 投入运行前的检漏 6.4.7 Check for Leaks on Operational Breaker

见4.8.3节. See section 4.8.3 Leakage Test after Installation.

SF6的额定压力可以从3.1.7灭弧介质SF6的表格中找 The rated pressure of the SF6-gas can be found in the
到充气之后,所有的连接面均应该接受一次密封性检 table in the section 3.1.6 Arc Quenching Medium SF6.
查。此检查可以用一只检漏仪或喷雾剂如Wobst公司的 When the filling of the breaker is completed, all new
产品来完成。如果此两种设备都未准备,也可以用浓皂 connections must be checked for leaks. This can occur
液来检查密封性。 with a leak-detector or leak-detecting spray e.g. from
Wobst. If neither is available, leaks can also be
checked using soap solution.

6.4.8 操作机构检验 6.4.8 Checks at Drive Mechanism 辅助开关 Auxiliary Switch

辅助开关轴承无须维修,但必须检查连杆的磨损和损坏(图 The bearings of the auxiliary switch are maintenance-
51)。 free. The coupling gear must be checked for wear and
damage (Fig.51).


18.10 辅助开关连杆 18.10 Coupling rod for auxiliary switch

18.22 辅助开关 18.22 Auxiliary switch

图 55 辅助开关 Fig. 51 Auxiliary switch

按压AMP插头的弹簧钩,检查引线是否脱落。当拉下插 Should leads be disconnected from the auxiliary switch

头的绝缘套应自动松开(图52)。 contact, press the spring shackle at the AMP
connector to release. With AMP connectors with
insulation casing, release is automatic when the
sleeves are pulled (Fig.52).

100 92700913174A
6 Maintenance – 保养


1 绝缘套 1 Insulation sleeve

2 弹簧扣 2 Spring shackle
3 牵引方向 3 Direction of pull

图 52 连接器
AMP-连接器 Fig. 52 AMP connector 弹簧驱动机构的目测
弹簧驱动机构的目测 Visual Inspection of the Spring Drive
目测合闸缓冲器和分闸缓冲器的密封性。在缓冲器上及 Visually inspect dampers for closing and opening for
密封圈处不应有任何泄露油迹(图53)。 any leaks. Look out for reddish oil traces in the vicinity
of the lower damper fastener (Fig.53).

说明 Note
如果在某一部位发现泄露油迹(图53),及时通 If you find any reddish oil traces at the speci-
知西门子公司办事处以获取专业处理。 fied positions (Fig.53), inform the Siemens
representative responsible and ask for expert


18.15 分闸缓冲器 18.15 Damper for opening

18.41 合闸缓冲器 18.41 Damper for closing

图 53 检查缓冲器 Fig. 53 Check the dampers

92700913174A 101
6 Maintenance – 保养 脱扣器和连接块的检查 Check Trip Coil and Latching Blocks

检查线圈(高平头螺栓M6×40,拧紧力矩8±1Nm)和连接 Check firm connection of the trip plate (cheese head
块 的 固 定 支 座 ( 高 平 头 螺 栓 M10 × 70, 拧 紧 力 矩 40 ± screws M6x40, tightening torque 8±1Nm) and the
4Nm)(图54)。 latching blocks (cheese head screws M10x70, tighten-
ing torque 40±4Nm) (Fig.54).


A 高平头螺栓 M 10x70 A Cheese-head screw M 10x70

18.16 合闸脱扣器 18.16 Release CLOSE
18.21.1 支撑杠杆 18.21.1 Support lever
18.21.2 铰接杠杆 18.21.2 Articulated lever
18.21.4 十六角螺栓 4x (M 6x40) 18.21.4 Hex. screw 4x (M 6x40)
18.8 分闸脱扣器 18.8 Release OPEN

图 54 脱扣器 Fig. 54 Latching block

6.4.9 接线板 6.4.9 Terminal Strip

检查端子排连接是否牢固,接线端子是否损坏。 Check the terminal connections for firm seating and

the terminals for damage.

6.4.10 防凝露加热器 6.4.10 Anti-Condensation Heaters

检查加热器电阻的热效应,如有加热监控回路,检查其 Check the effectiveness of the anti-condensation heat-

功能。 ing and the function of the existing monitoring device if

6.4.11 功能检查 6.4.11 Function Checks 脱扣器功能检查 Functional Check, Trip Circuits

利用所有的脱扣器回路,检查脱扣器动作情况。 Check the tripping action of the circuit-breaker via all
the existing tripping paths. 闭锁功能检查 Functional Check Lock-Out 重合闸闭锁功能检查 Functional Check, Reclosing Lock-Out

在合闸弹簧的储能过程中,通过一个电气合闸指令来检 During the process of charging the closing spring, the
查重合闸闭锁功能。脱扣线圈不应该动作。 effectiveness of the reclosing lock-out must be
checked by means of an electrical CLOSE command.
The trip- ping coil must not operate.

102 92700913174A
6 Maintenance – 保养

闭锁功能检查 SF6闭锁功能检查 Functional Check SF6 Lockout
在低于SF6运行压力下,检查SF6泄漏信号及SF6闭锁信 At a level below the operating pressure, check the sig- nal
号是否出现,并通过电气的合闸和分闸指令来检查闭锁 and the effectiveness of the function lockout SF6 lockout
功能。开关不应动作。 by means of electrical CLOSE and OPEN com- mands in
all tripping paths. The breaker must not oper- ate. 防跳功能检查 Functional Check, Anti-Pumping Feature

开关处于合闸状态:(合闸弹簧储能) Breaker in closed position: (closing spring tensioned)
- 给“合闸”指令并一直按住键(持续指令)。约1 - Give "Close" command and keep button pressed
秒钟之后,在“合闸”指令下给“分闸指令”。开 in (maintained command). Then give "Open" com-
关只允许分闸。 mand after approx. 1S while the "Close" command
is being applied:Breaker may only open (i.g. must
not recolse.

6.4.12 马达控制检查 6.4.12 Check of Motor Control

检查马达是否在每次合闸操作之后都由一行程开关接 Check whether after a closing operation the motor is

通,每次储能结束之后,是否由此行程开关切断。 activated by a limit switch, and, whether after the
charging process of the closing spring the motor is
deactivated via a limit switch.

6.4.13 SF6-湿度测试 6.4.13 Measuring the SF6 Gas Humidity Content

在开关投运前,SF6微水含量必须测试。可以用一只带 Before putting the breaker into operation, the humidity

摄氏度温度计的露点仪测量。最高允许的露点温度给定 of the SF6-gas must be checked. For this a commer-
如下表。 cially available dew point measuring instrument with
°C scale can be used. The maximum permissible dew
point temperatures at operating pressure correspond-
ing to the permissible humidity are stated below.

临界的含水量限值 -5°C (+23°F) Critical humidity limit -5°C (+23°F)

投入运行时和运行中最大 -10°C (+14°F) Maximum permissible humidity -10°C (+14°F)
允许的含水量 during commissioning/in opera-
表14 露点 Table 14 Dew point

通过专用装置,测量的露点温度如果处于-10C/+14F之 If the measured dew point temperature lies above

上,SF6气体必须进行干燥。 -10°C/+14°F, then the SF 6 gas must dried using a
serv- ice unit.

6.4.14 SF6-空气含量测试 6.4.14 Measuring the SF6 Air Content

当开关补充新的SF6气体并结束维护工作后,空气含量 When the breaker has been filled with new gas and fol-
不能大于5%,用DILO(D-87727 Babenhausen 联邦德 lowing maintenance work, the air content should not be
国)公司生产的SF6百分含量测试仪3-027可以测量此 more than 5% as measured with the SF6 percentage
值。此仪器测量的是SF6体积含量(最小95%)。 instrument 3-027 from DILO (D-87727 Babenhausen,
Federal Republic of Germany). This instrument meas-
ures the SF6 volumetric portion (at least 95%).

6.4.15 防锈保护检查 6.4.15 Anti-Corrosion Protection

检查开关表面的损坏情况,损坏部位必须去锈,表面处 Check the paintwork of the circuit-breaker for damage.

理和上漆。 Defective parts must be derusted, provided with a
prim- ing coat and varnished.

92700913174A 103
6 Maintenance – 保养

6.4.16 特殊情况 6.4.16 Special Occurrences

检查自上次维护以来,是否存在特殊情况。例如不正确 Check whether, since the last instance of

的合闸和分闸或SF6气体泄漏等,上述情况必须记入档 maintenance, any special occurrences, e.g. incorrect
案中。 opening and closing of the circuit-breaker, loss of
SF6-gas etc. have been documented.

104 92700913174A
3AP断路器调试报告 Commissioning Report for the
Circuit-Breaker 3AP

概要 General
客户名称 测试者
Customer Name of inspector
变电站名称 签名
Substation Signature
电网名称 会签
Feeder Countersignature
开关型号 日期
Breaker type Date

技术数据 Technical data

Serial number :
SF6- filling pressure at + 20°C, acc. to rating plate bar
SF6-充气压力在 +20 度时, 根据铭牌 bar
额定电压 kV
Rated voltage kV
额定电流 A
Rated normal current A
额定短路开断电流 kA
Rated short-circuit breaking current kA
额定控制电压 V
Rated control voltage V
额定信号电压 V
Rated signalling voltage V
额定电压 (储能电机) V
Rated voltage (Charging motor) V
额定电流 (储能电机) A
Rated current (Charging motor) A
Circuit diagram no./Index (Circuit breaker)
Order number of the operating instruction/index

开关使用场合 Switching duty

架空线 变压器
Overhead line Transformer
发电机 电缆
Generator Cable
母线 电容器
Coupling Capacitor
Shunt reactor

92700913174A 105
注意 Attention
开关机械试验只有在充入足够的 SF6 气压后 Mechanical test operations must only be
才能进行 最小气体压力要大于 SF6 总闭锁 performed with sufficient SF6 gas filling:
的压力 Pressure must at least be at the level of
general lockout SF6.

运输破损检查 Transport damage

A相 B相 C相 OK
Pole A Pole B Pole C OK
Delivery complete acc. to check list

Visual check for damages (post insulator/bushing and interrupter unit)

Operating mechanism
Transport damage notified
检查 SF6 运输途中的压力(只对 3AP1)
Check SF6 transport filling (only 3AP1)

安装 Installation

In accordance with operating instructions in chapter Installation

如果调试没有立即进行,下列项目必须进行检查. If commissioning is not performed immediately the

items listed below must be checked:

A相 B相 C相 OK
Pole A Pole B Pole C OK

Electrical circuit for charging motor is interrupted at a suitable point

Anti-condensation heaters connected
抽真空 ( .... min, .... mbar) (3AP2, 3AP1 DT)
Evacuation ( .... min, .... mbar) (3AP2, 3AP1 DT)
安装干燥剂日期 (3AP1 DT)
Date of charging the filters (3AP1 DT)
充入保护性微正压气体 SF6-充气到 0.03bar) bar
Protective gas filling (SF6 filling to approx. 0.3 bar) bar

调试 Commissioning

A相 B相 C相 OK
Pole A Pole B Pole C OK
检查电机空气开关的设置 (见电路图)
Motor circuit-breaker setting checked (see circuit diagram)
检查脱扣电流 MCBs≥In[A](如果包含在供货范围之内)

MCBs (if included in scope of supply): tripping current in accordance

with circuit diagram ≥In [A]
检查防凝露加热器 [A]
Check of the anti-condensation heaters (all phases) [A]
SF6-充气到额定压力 [bar/°C]
SF6-system filled up to rated pressure [bar/°C]
执行 5 次合分操作(通过远程控制, 60 m 安全范围之外)

5 CLOSED-OPEN safety switching operations (by remote control,

60m safety distance)

注意 Attention
对于三相交流电机来说 当连接电源的时候,
当连接电源的时候 On three phase A.C. motors, the rotary field
电机的转向不可忽视. direction must be taken into account when
connecting the motor voltage.

根据开关电路图进行功能测试 Function tests acc. to breaker circuit diagrams

分-合开关操作, 闭锁, 信号, 防跳 等检查.. 根据开关图和控制图进行所有细节的检查: OK

OPEN-CLOSE switching operations, lockouts, signals, anti-pumping etc. All details checked against circuit-breaker diagram OK
and system circuit diagram, in particular:
合闸 1
Closing 1
合闸 2
Closing 2
分闸 1
Opening 1
分闸 2
Opening 2
分闸 3
Opening 3

92700913174A 107
监测 SF6 Monitoring SF6

A相 B相 C相 控制
Pole A Pole B Pole C Control
Density monitor serial number
Loss of SF6 [bar]
1. SF6 总闭锁
1. General lockout SF6
2. SF6 总闭锁
2. General lockout SF6

) Signals (1)

储能电机: 储能时间 (≤15 s) s
Charging motor: Charging time (≤15s) s
K9 信号(电机起动信号)
K9 picked up (motor starting)
Closing spring discharged
1. 自动重合闸闭锁 信号
1. Auto-reclose lockout Signal
信号延迟时间 s
Time delay of signal s
自动重合闸联锁 I
Auto-reclose interlocking I
自动重合闸联锁 II
Auto-reclose interlocking II
2. 自动重合闸闭锁 信号
2. Auto-reclose lockout Signal
信号延迟时间 s
Time delay of signal s
自动重合闸联锁 I
Auto-reclose interlocking I
自动重合闸联锁 II
Auto-reclose interlocking II
强迫同步功能 1 信号
Enforced triple-pole operation feature 1 Signal
信号延迟时间 s
Time delay of signal s
合闸闭锁 1
Closing lockout 1
强迫同步功能 2 信号
Enforced triple-pole operation feature 2 Signal
信号延迟时间 s
Time delay of signal s
合闸闭锁 2
Closing lockout 2
防跳装置 1
Anti-pumping device 1
防跳装置 2
Anti-pumping device 2
Circuit breaker tripping
Indication of breaker position
Relays, contactors in local control panel (for testing see
system circuit diagram)
Operating cycles counter 109
) Signals (2)

防凝露加热器(MCB 脱扣信号 F3)
Anti-condensation heaters (MCB trip signal F3)
Heating current monitoring functional
储能电机(MCB 脱扣信号 F1)
Charging motor (MCB trip signal F1)
Limit switch
Synchronization of the breaker poles
电机运行时间监控 Signal
Motor run time monitoring 信号
Time delay of signal min
信号延时时间 min
Operating hours counter
Socket and lighting
S8 钥匙开关(远程/就地控制)
Switch (remote/local control)
The stated functional tests were performed up to the control
pan- el in the circuit breaker control cabinet/local control
cabinet or control room

最终检查 Final checks

A相 B相 C相 单位
Pole A Pole B Pole C Unit
SF6 leaktightness testing of newly made joints
SF6-水分含量(露点)1)2) ℃
SF6 humidity (dew point) 1) 2) ℃
SF6-百分含量 ** 2) %
SF6 content 2) %
SF6-最后的充气 bar/°C
Final SF6 filling bar/°C
测量的日期 日期
Date of taking measurements Date
Leads firmly connected to main terminal
Operations counter reading after completion of work
Damage to paintwork repaired and newly fitted screws painted

1) 1)
调试时允许的最大露点 Maximum permissible dew point during commission-
= -10°C (+14°F) ing = -10 °C (+14 °F)
2) 2)
用新的气瓶充气无需测量 Measurements not required if gas filled from a new

备注 Remarks


请完成以上表格并返回到: Please complete and return to:

西门子(杭州)高压开关有限公司 Siemens High Voltage Circuit Breaker Co. Ltd.,
断路器工程部 CB Installation
中国 浙江 杭州 18th road (East) of Xiasha Industry Area
杭州经济开发区下沙工业园区 18 号路东 Hangzhou Economical & Technical Development Zone,
邮编:310018 Hangzhou 310018, Zhejiang, P.R.China
传真:0571 81601777 Fax: 0571 81601777 111
弹簧驱动机构的功能图 Function Diagram of Spring Drive

关 合闸弹簧储能
CLOSE Charging the closing spring
开 分闸状态 (合闸弹簧储能)
OPEN Open state (closing spring charged)

15.8.3 轴 15.8.3 Shaft

15.9 外连杠杆 15.9 External lever

15.9.2 连杆 15.9.2 Coupling rod

16.9 操作杆 16.9 Operating rod

18.1 电机 18.1 Motor

18.1.1 手动储能装置 18.1.1 Manual winding mechanism

18.24 操作杠杆 18.24 Operating lever

18.2 储能齿轮 18.2 Charging gear

18.3 离合装置 18.3 Free-wheel

18.4 合闸弹簧 18.4 Closing spring

18.6 盘形凸轮 18.6 Cam disc

18.7 杠杆 18.7 Lever

18.8 分闸脱扣器 18.8 Release OPEN

18.9 分闸棘爪 18.9 Opening latch

18.10 连杆 (合闸弹簧) 18.10 Connecting rod (for closing spring)

18.11 分闸弹簧 18.11 Opening spring

18.14 储能轴 18.14 Charging shaft

18.15 分闸缓冲器 18.15 Damper for opening

18.16 合闸脱扣器 18.16 Release CLOSE
18.17 合闸棘爪 18.17 Closing latch

18.18 基座 18.18 Backstop

18.19 凸轮 18.19 Cam

18.22 操作轴 18.22 Operating shaft

18.27 连杆 (分闸弹簧) 18.27 Connecting rod (for opening spring)
18.27.1 驱动杆 18.27.1 Driving rod
18.41 缓冲器(合闸) 18.41 Damper for closing

18.41.1 缓冲器滚轮 18.41.1 Damper roller

22 灭弧单元 22 Breaker unit

22.1 壳体 22.1 Housing 113

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