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Odejar, Genesis M.

May 19, 2020

1-ED1 Mr. John keith Layusa


1. Differentiate all the principles Utilitarianism, Deontology, Natural Law and Virtue Ethics.

Utilitarianism is the opposite of deontology. Utilitarian ethics state that a course of action should be
taken by considering the most positive outcome. In addition, it is the principle that the correct form of
action be taken to benefit the greatest number of people. Utilitarianism is a consequentialist ethical
theory that looks to maximize benefits or minimize harms for the greater good. Utilitarianism argues that
any given action's moral worth is only determined by how it affects others, not by its intention or
adherence to a rule. On the other hand, Deontology is defined as the area of ethics involving the
responsibility, moral duty and commitment. Both utilitarianism and deontology deal with the ethics and
consequences of one’s actions and behavior despite the outcome. To contrast utilitarianism and
deontology, utilitarianism summarized is making the right decision followed by the right actions that has
the best outcome for the largest number of individuals. Deontology is the understanding and practice that
there is a respect for life, fairness, and honesty despite the consequences. Meaning to say
Deontological ethics is an ethics system that judges whether an action is right or wrong based on a moral
code. Consequences of those actions are not taken into consideration. In the other hand, utilitarian ethics
state that a course of action should be taken by considering the most positive outcome. On some point,
Utilitarianism cannot currently deliver a definite answer one way or another on the attractions of
interdependency, common purposes, and community. Natural law theory, valuing those things, can
claim to be in a firm position as an ethics pro tempore. Note that whereas deontology focuses on rules for
action and utilitarianism focuses on consequences of action, virtue ethics focuses on our way of life. In
other words, whereas deontology and consequentialism both focus on doing, virtue ethics focuses on
being. Also it emphasizes an individual's character as the key element of ethical thinking, rather than
rules about the acts themselves or their consequences.

2. Give me three challenging debate topics that you think is really interesting and hard to deal on.
Explain your stand for each.

The gender-neutral restroom debate: right or privilege?

In recent years, society has made huge strides towards gender equality but unfortunately, we still have a lot of
catching up to do when it comes to restrooms. Gender-neutral restrooms are one method to assure LGBTQ
employees they are welcome and equal in the workplace. Gender-neutral restrooms are restrooms anyone can use.
While most people take comfortable access to restrooms for granted, transgender people may face confrontation
over which bathroom they should use. Restrooms should serve as a safe place for all employees. Gender neutral
restrooms are also far more inclusive for transgender people. Deciding which restroom to use is a common problem
for people who identify as transgender. It’s a sad fact that transgender people can also face taunting, threats, and
even violence for using the ‘wrong’ restroom. If unisex restrooms were to become the norm, this would no longer be
a problem. However, there are some people who disagreed to this controversial issue, of course, unisex restrooms
are a contentious issue, which is reflected by the intense media scrutiny to which they’ve been subjected over the
past few years. One of the main concerns of the people who oppose unisex bathrooms is that they could lead to a rise
in sexual assaults. Others may object to them on religious grounds. Much of the controversy surrounding gender
neutral restrooms seems to center on children. Furthermore, many people feel embarrassed by using the toilet around
people of their own gender, much less the opposite gender. After all, we don’t separate restrooms by race or religion.
So why do we still segregate them by gender? The likelihood is that those who oppose unisex bathrooms will soon
find themselves on the wrong side of history, and if social trends are anything to go by, then mixed gender restrooms
may well soon become the norm.

SOGIE: Hard questions over bill vs gender-based discrimination

This is probably the first question that came in your mind when you heard about the law draft. The word SOGIE is
an acronym for Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression. The bill defines these terms as follows. Sexual
Orientation refers to who a person who is sexually attracted. It advocates for equality and fairness not only to the
LGBTQ members but also to every person in the country. It seeks to control the behavior and perception of the
general public towards others based on sexual orientation. The LGBTQ members will have access to hospital
services and other facilities without fear of discrimination. It is intended to prevent various economic and public
accommodation-related acts of discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation, gender identity or
expression. On the other hand, the law could be used by the LGBTQ members to threaten other people that may not
agree to their terms. The draft seeks to undermine religious and academic freedoms and principles. Transgender will
go beyond the bounds of standard behavior and moral principle.

Should transgender people be allowed in beauty pageants (Miss Universe)?

Transgender people should be allowed in beauty pageants. They have made the choice to change their gender, and
they should not be discriminated against for that choice. In addition, if there is no rule against transgender people
being included into a beauty pageant then why would they be excluded? If a man physically, through surgery makes
himself in to women, then she should have a chance to compete in the contest. Fair is fair, but then this brings up
another issue should she, the transgender that used to be a man, be allowed in the dressing room with women. There
are so many issues that can arise with this situation. Pageants are not about sex or gender, they are about beauty. If a
transgender person can appear as beautiful as the other contestants, there is no reason to deny that person entry. So
yes, allow transgender people to participate. However there is always other side about discussing the issue,
Transgender people should be allowed in pageants that are made for transgender. It would be unfair for a woman
born a woman to be beat in a contest by someone who was born a male. The competition itself is created for every
woman that is why transgender should create separate pageants for them. It just like undertaking the right of every

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