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Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Degradation by Biosurfactant-Producing

Pseudomonas sp. IR1

Manoj Kumara,b,*, Vladimir Leona, Angela De Sisto Materanoa, Olaf A. Ilzinsa,
Ivan Galindo-Castroa, and Sergio L. Fuenmayora
Unidad de Biotecnologı́a del Petróleo, Centro de Biotecnologı́a, Fundación Instituto de
Estudios Avanzados (IDEA), Apartado 17606 Caracas 1015 A, Venezuela
Present address: Synthesis and Biotics Division, Indian Oil Corporation, Research and
Development Center, Faridabad-121007, Haryana, India. Fax: +91-1 29-2 28 62 21.
E-mail: and
* Author for correspondence and reprint requests
Z. Naturforsch. 61c, 203Ð212 (2006); received September 22/November 14, 2005
We characterized a newly isolated bacterium, designated as IR1, with respect to its ability
to degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and to produce biosurfactants. Isolated
IR1 was identified as Pseudomonas putida by analysis of 16S rRNA sequences (99.6% homol-
ogy). It was capable of utilizing two-, three- and four-ring PAHs but not hexadecane and
octadecane as a sole carbon and energy source. PCR and DNA hybridization studies showed
that enzymes involved in PAH metabolism were related to the naphthalene dioxygenase
pathway. Observation of both tensio-active and emulsifying activities indicated that biosur-
factants were produced by IR1 during growth on both water miscible and immiscible sub-
strates. The biosurfactants lowered the surface tension of medium from 54.9 dN cmÐ1 to
35.4 dN cmÐ1 and formed a stable and compact emulsion with an emulsifying activity of 74%
with diesel oil, when grown on dextrose. These findings indicate that this isolate may be
useful for bioremediation of sites contaminated with aromatic hydrocarbons.
Key words: Biosurfactant, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Pseudomonas sp.

Introduction tate their bioavailability and degradation in aque-

ous and soil system (Kuyukina et al., 2005).
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are A large number of microorganisms able to use
ubiquitous contaminants in soils and sediments PAHs of two and three rings as the sole source of
and are of environmental concern because of their carbon and energy has been reported (Bamforth
mutagenic and/or carcinogenic effects. The major and Singleton, 2005). However, biosurfactant pro-
sources of PAHs in the environment are the com- duction by PAH-degrading microorganisms has
bustion of organic matter and the processing and rarely been reported. Deziel et al. (1996) isolated
use of fossil fuels. Biological degradation is widely a total of 23 PAH-degrading bacterial strains from
accepted as the primary dissipation mechanism for petroleum-contaminated soils, and 10 of them
most organic pollutants in the environment, but were able to produce biosurfactants. In one of the
the activity of degrading microorganisms is de- strains, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 19SJ, the produc-
pendent upon many factors, including contaminant tion of biosurfactants from solid naphthalene was
uptake and bioavailability, concentration, toxicity, accompanied by an increase in the aqueous con-
mobility, access to other nutrients, and activated centration of the compound, thus suggesting a role
enzymes. Mass transfer from insoluble phases is in promoting its solubilization. In another study,
often considered to be the rate-limiting step in bi- Willumsen and Karlson (1997) isolated 57 differ-
odegradation of organic contaminants because the ent bacteria from PAH-contaminated soils and
compounds must be released to the aqueous pha- found that many of them produced biosurfactants,
seprior to entering the microbial cell and subse- although only four were able to reduce the surface
quent intracellular transformation by the neces- tension of the culture to significant levels (35Ð
sary catabolic enzymes. Biosurfactants are known 40 mN mÐ1). Burd and Ward (1996) reported the
to enhance hydrocarbon solubility and/or improve production of an extracellular surface-active factor
affinity of microbial cells for the substrate to facili- of high molecular weight, composed of protein

0939Ð5075/2006/0300Ð0203 $ 06.00 ” 2006 Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Tübingen · · D
204 M. Kumar et al. · PAH Degradation by Pseudomonas sp.

and lipopolysaccharide, by a strain of Pseudomo- Catabolic potential of strain IR1

nas marginalis able to grow on PAHs. Finally, ac- The ability of strain IR1 to grow on various hy-
cording to Garcia-Junco et al. (2001) rhamnolipid drocarbons was screened by using liquid MSM
production increased the bioavailability of phe- containing 0.2 g of substrate/l. All PAH stock solu-
nanthrene, so promoted biodegradation activity of tions were prepared in absolute ethanol. Erlen-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 19SJ. meyer flasks (100 ml) containing 20 ml of MSM
There are also several reports on improved hy- and the hydrocarbon were inoculated with 100 µl
drocarbon degradation by addition of biosurfac- pre-culture (Luria-Bertani broth, OD 600 = 0.8,
tant or chemical surfactant (Rahman et al., 2003; about 108 cells/ml) and incubated at 30 ∞C and
Kuyukina et al., 2005). However, the effect of in 200 rpm. Growth was followed by measuring the
situ biosurfactant production by hydrocarbon-de- increase in cell density. For solid MSM the PAHs
grading bacteria itself may be beneficial, promis- (except naphthalene) were dissolved in 5% (w/v)
ing and more practical than exogenously adding diethyl ether and sprayed on the surface of MSM
purified biosurfactant for field bioremediation ap- agar. Naphthalene (1 g) was provided as crystals
plication based on bioaugmentation. A hydrocar- directly placed on the plate lid. Growth on PAHs
bon-degrading bacterium having the ability to pro- in solid media was considered positive by the for-
duce extra-cellular biosurfactant can speed up the mation of a clear zone around the growing colo-
biodegradation by reducing mass transfer limita- nies or appearance of pigments.
tions and facilitating the oil-microbe contact.
In this article we describe a bacterial strain, Degradation of PAH compounds
which is having a coexisting capacity to degrade a
wide range of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Bacterium was grown in batch culture in a
and potentially produce biosurfactant during 250 ml flask containing 50 ml of MSM supple-
growth in water-soluble and insoluble carbon mented with an individual PAH or mixed PAHs as
source including PAHs. sole carbon source. When used as single PAH in
MSM, the final concentration was 200 mg/l. For a
PAHs mixture 50 µg of each PAH, i.e. naphtha-
Materials and Methods lene, dibenzothiophene (DBT), pyrene and phe-
Enrichment and isolation of bacterium nanthrene, were dissolved in α-methylnaphthalene
(2 ml) and 2% (v/v) of the resulting mixture was
The bacterial strain was isolated by the enrich- used. The experimental flasks were inoculated
ment culture technique from soil obtained from a with 2% (v/v) inoculum (105 CFU/ml) and incu-
hydrocarbon-contaminated site at IDEA, Caracas, bated at 30 ∞C in the dark on a rotatory shaker
Venezuela. A 5 g sample of soil was inoculated (200 rpm). At the timed interval, flasks were taken
into 100 ml of minimal salt medium (MSM) con- out and 1 ml culture was withdrawn for OD meas-
taining (lÐ1) 6.0 g of Na2HPO4, 3.0 g of KH2PO4, urements at 600 nm and viability testing by count-
1.0 g of NH4Cl, 0.5 g of NaCl, 1.0 ml of 1 m
ing colony-forming units on Luria-Bertani agar
MgSO4, and 2.5 ml of a trace element solution
plates. The residual PAH from culture flask was
[(l -1), 23 mg of MnCl2·2H2O, 30 mg of MnCl4·
extracted twice with one volume of dichlorometh-
H2O, 31 mg of H3BO3, 36 mg of CoCl2·6H2O,
ane and the solvent layer was separated. Evapora-
10 mg of CuCl2·2H2O, 20 mg of NiCl2·6H2O,
tion of solvents was done under a gentle nitrogen
30 mg of Na2MoO4·2H2O, and 50 mg ZnCl2]
stream in a fume hood. The residual PAH was dis-
(pH 7.0). Crude oil (1%, w/v) was used as carbon
solved in 5 ml of acetone, and 1 µl of the resultant
source and incubated at 30 ∞C on a rotary shaker
solution was analyzed by a gas chromatograph
(200 rpm) for 4 d. After five cycles of such enrich-
(Boonchan et al., 2000) fitted with a flame ion-
ment, 1 ml of the culture was diluted and plated
ization detector and a 30 m DB 5.625 column
on MSM agar (2%, w/v) plates containing naph-
(0.25 µm i. d., film thickness 0.25 µm). Un-inocu-
thalene as sole carbon source and incubated at
lated flasks and flasks without PAH served as con-
30 ∞C. Naphthalene was provided in the vapor
trols. The experimental and control cultures were
phase by adding crystals to Petri dish lids. The bac-
conducted in triplicate and experiments were re-
terial colonies obtained were further purified on
peated at least once.
Luria-Bertani agar plates. The strain was stored as
frozen stock cultures at Ð70 ∞C in 25% glycerol.
M. Kumar et al. · PAH Degradation by Pseudomonas sp. 205

Isolation of DNA ern transfers onto nylon membranes were done as

Bacterial total DNA was isolated according to previously described by Sambrook et al. (1989).
Chen and Kuo (1993). The culture was analyzed Purified PCR amplificon of Pseudomonas putida
for the presence of plasmid DNA by the method NCIB 9816 was used as the sequence source for
of Kado and Liu (1981) and Hansen and Olsen the nahA and nahE gene probe. Southern hybridi-
(1978). zations using the ECL direct nucleic acid labeling
and detection system (Amersham Biosciences, NJ,
Amplification of nahA and nahE gene USA) were made against digests of genomic DNA
from IR1. P. putida NCIB 9816 DNA was used as
Primers (Table I) used for nahA (naphthalene a positive control. The filters were washed under
dioxygenase) and nahE (trans-o-hydroxybenzylid- high-stringency [0.1 ¥ sodium chloride-sodium cit-
enepyruvate hydratase-aldolase) were based on rate buffer (SSC) (1 ¥ SSC is 0.15 m NaCl plus
the gene sequences reported for P. putida G7 and 0.015 m sodium citrate) plus 0.5% sodium dodecyl
P. putida NCIB 9816 (Habe and Omori, 2003). sulfate (SDS) at 68 ∞C], intermediate-stringency
PCR amplification was carried out in 50 µl reac- (0.1 ¥ SSC plus 0.5% SDS at 37 ∞C), or low-strin-
tion mixtures that contained 20 mm tris-(hydro- gency (2.0 ¥ SSC plus 0.5% SDS at 23 ∞C) condi-
xymethyl)-aminomethane hydrochloride (Tris- tions.
HCl) (pH 8.4), 50 mm KCl, 1.25 mm MgCl2, each
deoxynucleoside triphosphate at a concentration
of 200 µm, 2.5 U of Taq DNA polymerase (Invitro- Biosurfactant production
gen), 0.2 µm forward primer, 0.2 µm reverse
To study biosurfactant production and activity,
primer, and 0.1 µg of template genomic DNA.
bacteria were either grown in YPG medium [con-
PCR was performed in a PCT-100TM thermal cy-
taining (g l -1) yeast extract (5); peptone (5); glu-
cler unit (MJ Research Inc., MA, USA) with the
cose (15)] or in MSM separately, containing water-
following temperature program: (i) 5 min at 95 ∞C;
soluble and water-insoluble carbon source (2%,
(ii) 30 cycles, with 1 cycle consisting of 30 s at
w/v). The cultures were incubated at 30 ∞C and
95 ∞C, 1 min at the optimum annealing tempera-
250 rpm. After 24 h the culture broth was centri-
ture (nahA 46 ∞C, nahE 45 ∞C), and 2 min at 72 ∞C;
fuged at 8,000 ¥ g for 10 min and the supernatant
and (iii) a final extension step of 10 min at 72 ∞C.
was used for the measurement of surface-active
PCR products were routinely visualized by run-
properties. The surface tension of the biosurfac-
ning 10 µl of PCR mixture on 1% agarose gels
tant was measured by the Ring method using a
(Bio-Rad, Richmond, CA) in 0.5 ¥ Tris-borate-
CSC-DuNouy tensiometer at room temperature.
EDTA (TBE) buffer stained with ethidium bro-
The culture supernatant was diluted with distilled
mide (0.0001%). All experiments included control
water, and the surface tension was measured at
reaction mixtures without added DNA. P. putida
various concentrations. Drop test and oil spread
NCIB 9816Ð4 was taken as positive control and
test were carried out according to Youssef et al.
E. coli DH5-alpha was taken as negative control.
(2004). The emulsification activity (E24) was deter-
mined by the addition of the respective hydrocar-
Southern hybridization bon (kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel, gas oil, hexa-
For restriction fragment length polymorphism decane, and α-methyl naphthalene) to the same
analysis, 2 µg of total DNA was digested with mix- volume of cell-free culture broth, mixed with a
tures of two restriction enzymes, separately, and vortex for 2 min and left to stand for 24 h. The
then electrophoresed. Electrophoresis and South- emulsification activity was determined as the per-

Table I. Specific PCR primers for the detection of nahA and nahE genes.

Gene Primer Position Product size [bp] Sequence

nahA nahAf 1Ð23 3463 5⬘ ATGGAACTTCTCATACAA/GCC 3⬘

206 M. Kumar et al. · PAH Degradation by Pseudomonas sp.

centage of height of the emulsified layer (mm) di- 996 bp. Purified E. coli DNA or no DNA were
vided by the total height of the liquid column also run as positive and negative controls, respec-
(mm). To study the stability of emulsion the emul- tively. The PCR product was separated by agarose
sified solutions were allowed to stand at 60 ∞C and gel electrophoresis, visualized by SYBR“ Green 1
the emulsification index was analyzed at different staining (Sigma, St. Louis, USA) and finally puri-
time intervals. Surface-active compounds were ex- fied by using a Wizard PCR Preps Purification
tracted by liquidÐliquid extraction from cell-free System (Promega Corp., Madison, USA) accord-
culture broth acidified with 1 n HCl to pH 2.0 ing to the manufacturer’s instructions.
(Rahman et al., 2003). Supernatant fluid was DNA sequencing reaction was performed with
mixed in a mixture of equal volume of chloroform/ an ABI PRISM Big Dye Terminator Cycle Se-
methanol (2:1, v/v). The solvent was evaporated quencing Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City,
and the material was used as crude biosurfactant CA, USA) and the sequencing products were sep-
and weighed to evaluate the yield. Determination arated by capillary electrophoresis using a 310 Se-
of the carbohydrate content of the isolated biosur- quencer (Perkin-Elmer Corp., Applied Biosys-
factant was done by the anthrone reagent method tems, Foster City, USA) according to standard
at 620 nm (Spiro, 1966). Protein was assayed by procedures. Sequence data were analyzed with
the Bradford (1976) method using BSA as a stand- DNAMAN, version 5.2.9 (Lynnon BioSoft, Que-
ard. Lipid was analyzed as described by Ilori and bec, Canada) to obtain a consensus sequence. To
Amund (2001). The bacterial adhesion to hydro- identify the isolated bacterium, the 16S rRNA
carbons (BATH) assay was used in order to test consensus sequence was then compared with 16S
the hydrophobicity of the isolate according to Ro- rRNA gene sequences from the public GenBank,
senberg and Rosenberg (1981). Specified biosur- EMBL, and DDBJ databases using the advanced
factant production or activity was determined by gapped n-BLAST program, version 2.1. The pro-
analyzing the emulsification index (E24) with die- gram was run via internet through the National
sel oil. Center for Biotechnology Information website
( Sequences
with more than 98% identity with a GenBank se-
16S rRNA partial gene sequencing and bacterium quence were considered to be of the same species
identification as the highest score-matching sequence on the
Gene sequence coding for 16S rRNA was par- public sequence databases.
tially amplified by PCR using universal primers
U1 (5⬘-CCA GCA GCC GCG GTA ATA CG-3⬘) Results and Discussion
corresponding to nucleotide positions 518 to
Isolation and identification of PAH-degrading
537 (forward primer) and U2 [5⬘-ATC GG(C/T)
bacterial strain
TAC CTT GTT ACG ACT TC-3⬘] corresponding
to nucleotide positions 1513 to 1491 (reverse A pure bacterial culture was isolated from the
primer) according to the Escherichia coli number- enriched contaminated soil samples, essentially on
ing system (Weisburg et al., 1991). The PCR oper- the basis of its ability to grow on crude oil and
ating conditions were as described by Lu et al. utilize the naphthalene vapor as sole carbon
(2000) with minor modifications. Briefly, a reac- source. This Gram-negative bacterial strain grows
tion mixture containing approx. 50 ng of template very fast (colonies visible within 18 hours) on the
DNA, PCR buffer (10 mm Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, 50 mm MSM agar plate having naphthalene as sole car-
KCl, 1.5 mm MgCl2), 0.2 µm of each PCR primer, bon source and bacterial colonies accumulate the
0.2 mm of each deoxynucleoside triphosphate, and appreciable brown oxidation products within 24
5 U of Taq DNA polymerase in a total volume of hours. This is indicative of the expression of naph-
50 µl was prepared. A PCT-100TM thermal cycler thalene dioxygenase and cis-naphthalene dihydro-
unit (MJ Research Inc.) was set for a first denatu- diol dehydrogenasse by the strain (Ensley and
ration cycle at 95 ∞C for 5 min and then for 45 Gibson, 1983). The bacteria achieve saturated
cycles at 95 ∞C for 30 s, 60 ∞C for 30 s and 72 ∞C growth on the MSM liquid medium within 12
for 20 s. A final step of 72 ∞C for 10 min was fol- hours if naphthalene is used as carbon source. Tax-
lowed by 4 ∞C until the cycler shut down. The onomical identification of bacterial strain IR1 was
primer set generated a PCR product of approx. performed by amplification and sequencing the
M. Kumar et al. · PAH Degradation by Pseudomonas sp. 207

16S rRNA genes and comparing them to the data- bacteria was excluded because the strain grew on
base of known 16S rRNA sequences. Alignment glucose containing media in their presence. This
of the 16S rRNA gene sequences of the IR1 isolate strain formed blue indigo pigmentation in the
with sequences obtained by doing a Blast search- presence of indole, indicating naphthalene dioxy-
ing revealed more than 99.6% similarity to Pseu- genase activity (Ensley and Gibson, 1983). In cate-
domonas putida. The 16S rRNA gene partial con- chol it produced a yellow coloring suggesting a
sensus sequence obtained from the isolate IR1 meta-cleavage product of catechol. When colonies
differs only by 3 mismatches in 878 bases when were grown on PAH-coated agar plates, a zone of
compared with most closely related sequences of clearing appeared, indicating PAH degradation.
Pseudomonas putida according to the Blast With DBT on the plate as well as in liquid media
search results. the bacterium produced orange or reddish brown
water-soluble product(s). The bacterium can ef-
Catabolic potential of strain IR1 fectively utilize the heavy crude oil as sole source
The bacterial strain was tested for its ability to of carbon and energy (data not shown).
grow on a variety of carbon sources including vari-
ous low and high molecular weight PAHs as well Degradation of PAHs
as other simple aromatic hydrocarbons and n-al-
kanes. These chemicals represent the most com- Growth at the expense of PAHs was verified by
mon organic pollutants and are the main compo- demonstrating an increase in bacterial growth con-
nents of crude oils. The strain exhibited a broad comitant with a decrease in its concentration. Un-
substrate profile, being able to utilize pyrene, phe- inoculated flasks and flasks without PAHs served
nanthrene, dibenzothiophene etc. but does not as controls. Since PAHs consisting of four rings
grow on hexadecane and octadecane (Table II). or more are generally considered recalcitrant to
The possibility that these compounds are toxic for biodegradation, we studied in details the ability of
IR1 to degrade pyrene. Pyrene concentration and
growth were measured. Bacterial growth and py-
Table II. Substrate profile of the strain IR1. Cells were rene concentrations at sampling intervals are ex-
grown in liquid medium with the corresponding com- pressed as the average of those obtained for tripli-
pounds as sole carbon source as described in Materials cate flasks. Abiotic degradation of pyrene was not
and Methods. Growth was considered: (+++), if after detected in sterile control flasks. However, after 5
72 h, the cell density in cultures was threefold to that
obtained for controls without the carbon source; (++), if days around (68 ð 2)% pyrene was degraded by
after 96 h the cell density in cultures was threefold to the bacterial culture (Fig. 1). The pyrene degrada-
that obtained for controls without the carbon source; tion is comparable to that of bacteria reported in
(+), if after 124 h the cell density in cultures was three- literature (Walter et al., 1991; Churchill et al., 1999;
fold that obtained for controls without the carbon
source; (Ð), if no growth was observed after a week. Sarma et al., 2004). However, the experimental
Substrate degradation ability of isolated bacteria was conditions used varied in all cases. For example,
also confirmed by growth in agar plates containing the Churchill et al. (1999) used 300 ppm of pyerene
respective hydrocarbon as sole carbon source. for their degradation experiment while 500 ppm
Substrate Growth (72% degradation in 2 weeks) and 200 ppm
(61.5% degradation in 20 days), respectively, were
Naphthalene +++ used by Walter et al. (1991) and Sarma et al.
Phenanthrene ++ (2004). The UV-visible spectra of the culture su-
Pyrene +++
Dibenzothiophene +++ pernatant of culture grown in the presence of py-
Toluene + rene showed absorption maxima at 208, 216, 274
Phenol Ð and at 220, 257 nm indicating the presence of ring
Ethanol + fission metabolites and initial ring oxidation met-
Catechol ++
Salicylate ++ abolites (Heitkamp et al., 1988), respectively (data
Hexadecane Ð not shown). These peaks were not observed on the
Decalin(decahydronaphthalene) + control flask at any time interval. The bacterial
2-Hydoxyquinoline Ð degradation of pyrene, a pericondensed PAH, has
Protocatechuic acid +
α-Methyl naphthalene ++
been reported by a number of groups. Most of the
bacteria are actinomycetes and belong to the ge-
208 M. Kumar et al. · PAH Degradation by Pseudomonas sp.

(76 ð 4)% after 72 h of incubation. The bacteria

produced pinkish-red pigmentation indicating the
dimer formation of the end product of DBT deg-
radation, hydroxy-2-formyl-benzothiophene (Kod-
ama et al., 1973). When the supernatant of DBT
grown culture was scanned between the wave-
lengths 200 and 600 nm in an UV-visible spectro-
photometer, absorption maxima at 315, 475 and
390 nm were observed which correspond to the
maxima of DBT metabolites reported in the litera-
ture for, respectively, the initial metabolites dihy-
droxydibenzothiophene, the ring cleavage product
tenoic acid and the final metabolite 3-hydroxy-2-
formyl-benzothiophene (HFBT) (Monticello et al.,
1985). Contrary to the results of Monticello et al.
(1985), the accumulation of the products of DBT
degradation did not inhibit the growth of the iso-
late IR1 and mediated DBT oxidation. We could
find a time-dependent increase of the HFBT and
cell growth (unpublished data). Isolate IR1 was
Fig. 1. Pyrene degradation and growth of strain IR1. also examined for its ability to degrade naphtha-
Each value represents the mean of three samples with lene, catechol, and phenanthrene when used sepa-
standard error ⬍ 5%.
rately as sole source of carbon under the condi-
tions similar to those described above. GC analysis
nus Mycobacterium (Krivobok et al., 2003), Rho- revealed (75 ð 3)%, (53 ð 2)% and (66 ð 3)%
dococcus (Walter et al., 1991), or Gordonia (Kast- degradation of naphthalene, catechol, and phe-
ner et al., 1994). A few pyrene-degrading strains nanthrene, respectively, after one week. After one
have been identified as Gram-negative species, in- week strain IR1 could degrade (69 ð 3)%,
cluding Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Pseudo- (72 ð 2)%, (82 ð 4)%, and (60 ð 4)% of pyrene,
monas fluorescens, Sphingomonas paucimobilis, naphthalene, DBT, and phenanthrene, respec-
and Burkholderia cepacia (Boonchan et al., 1998). tively, from a PAHs mixture in non-aqueous phase
Mycobacterium sp. strain CH1 which can degrade liquid (NAPL), i.e. α-methylnaphthalene, as re-
pyrene was also capable of using a wide range of vealed by GC analysis. Results indicated that the
branched alkanes and n-alkanes as sole carbon isolate IR1 can effectively grow in mixtures of
and energy source. Hybridization studies showed PAHs and the degradation is not specific to a sin-
that the enzyme system involved in PAH degrada- gle compound. Isolate IR1 was not capable to util-
tion by this strain is unrelated to the naphthalene ize hexadecane and octadecane as carbon source.
dioxygenase pathway (Churchill et al., 1999). Strain Foght and Westlake (1988) have also reported mi-
IR1 do not require any additional cofactors for crobes that could mineralize aliphatic or aromatic
cell growth on pyrene like few microbes which compounds but not both, suggesting that alkane
utilize four-ring PAHs for growth only in the pres- and PAH biodegradation may be mutually exclu-
ence of cofactors or surfactants (Heitcamp et al., sive properties in bacteria. However, there are
1988; Churchill et al., 1999). several reports showing that the ability to degrade
The DBT transformation capacity of the strain, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons is not neces-
initially indicated by the release of colored com- sarily mutually exclusive. Whyte et al. (1997) iso-
pounds in the growth medium, was confirmed by lated a hydrocarbon-degrading Pseudomonas sp.
the removal of DBT from the growth medium which degraded both alkanes and naphthalene.
when the compound was used as sole carbon and Mycobacterium sp. strain CH1 which can degrade
energy source. DBT removal was associated with pyrene was also capable of using a wide range of
corresponding microbial growth (data not shown). branched alkanes and n-alkanes as sole carbon
The DBT content of the culture decreased by and energy sources (Churchill et al., 1999).
M. Kumar et al. · PAH Degradation by Pseudomonas sp. 209

Isolation of plasmid
The bacterial strain IR1 was screened for the
presence of large catabolic plasmids, similar to
those in NAH plasmids. However, in the initial
phase, no plasmid was detected by using routine
alkaline extraction methods. A large plasmid of
the strain was only detected by the method of
Hansen and Olsen (1978), however, the efficiency
of the extraction was not good enough to thor-
oughly eliminate chromosomal DNA.

PCR amplification of nahA and nahE gene and Fig. 3. Southern blot of
hybridization DNA samples of P. putida
NCIB 9816-4 and isolate
When the primers nahAf and nahAr were used, IR1 digested with Pst1.
a single PCR fragment of the expected size Lane 1, 9816-4 with probe
nahA; lane 2, IR1 with
(3.4 kb) was amplified in IR1 and NCIB 9816-4. probe nahA; lane 3, 9816-4
No amplification was observed in the negative with probe nahE; lane 4,
control and control without DNA. Similarly, when IR1 with probe nahE.
the set of primers nahEf and nahEr was used, a
product of the expected size (990 bp) was pro-
duced in IR1 and NCIB 9816-4 (Fig. 2). Since the
nah genes of the isolated strains could be ampli- BamHI and PstI were hybridized with aromatic
fied using primers designed from the control degradation gene probes (P. putida 9816-4, nahA
strains and the amplicons had the expected size, and nahE) to assess the homology between proto-
this suggests the same structural organization of type naphthalene degradative enzymes of 9816
the nah gene in both organisms. When the total and IR1. The strain IR1 showed hybridization sig-
DNA of strains IR1 and NCIB 9816-4 was di- nals with both of the probes in high stringency
gested separately with restriction enzymes BamHI conditions (Fig. 3). No hybridization was observed
and PstI, both of the strains produced a distin- in the negative control.
guishable pattern (data not shown). Southern blots The bacteria used in the present study produced
of total DNA digested with restriction enzymes pinkish-red pigmentation indicating the dimer for-
mation of the end product of DBT degradation,
hydroxy-2-formyl-benzothiophene (Kodama et al.,
1973). Denome et al. (1993) reported that a single
genetic pathway controls the metabolism of diben-
zothiophene, naphthalene, and phenanthrene in
Pseudomonas strain C18 and that the dibenzothio-
phene gene (DOX) sequence encodes a complete
upper naphthalene catabolic pathway similar to
NAH. This strain also formed blue indigo pigmen-
tation in the presence of indole, indicating naph-
thalene dioxygenase activity (Ensley and Gibson,
1983). This strain apparently utilizes intermediate
compounds of naphthalene dioxygenase pathway
indicating that this bacterium utilizes naphthalene
and phenanthrene via the salicylate pathway. Mo-
lecular studies further revealed that the naphtha-
lene dioxygenase encoding gene of IR1 and 9816
Fig. 2. Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR products.
have some degree of homology as evident by PCR
Lane M, 1 kb DNA ladder; lane 1, nahA IR1; lane 2, and Southern blotting. However, Churchill et al.
nahA 9816-4; lane 3, nahE IR1; lane 4, nahE 9816-4. (1999) reported that in the pyrene-degrading bac-
210 M. Kumar et al. · PAH Degradation by Pseudomonas sp.

terium Mycobacterium CH1 the enzyme system in- and oil spreading tests. These qualitative tests are
volved in PAH degradation by this strain is unre- indicative of the surface and wetting activities
lated to the naphthalene dioxygenase pathway. (Youssef et al., 2004). The strain was capable to
More molecular and enzymatic studies are re- reduce the surface tension in YPG medium from
quired to confirm the metabolic pathway of IR1. 54.9 to 35.4 dN/cm. Interestingly, most of the sur-
face activity was confined to the culture superna-
Biosurfactant production tant, almost no significant surface-active potential
IR1 was first screened for its ability to produce was observed in the cells. Moreover, there was no
surfactants by cultivation in YPG medium. The significant effect observed on the activity of the
strain IR1 gave positive results in drop collapse extracellular biosurfactant when it was autoclaved.

Fig. 4. Biosurfactant production during

growth in YPG medium containing diesel
oil. Values are the average of three cul-

Fig. 5. Surface tension versus content of the cul-

ture supernatant. YPG is the medium used for
biosurfactant production. Each value represents
the mean of three readings with standard error
⬍ 5%.
M. Kumar et al. · PAH Degradation by Pseudomonas sp. 211

The reduction of the surface tension (around cm and culture supernatant of isolates grown in
20 dN/cm) is comparable to findings by other au- pyrene also gave positive results in drop collapse
thors (Desai and Banat, 1997). This result indi- and oil spreading tests. Results show that culture
cates that biosurfactant production was growth as- supernatant was having high emulsification activi-
sociated (Fig. 4). The culture supernatant was ties against kerosene [(59 ð 2)%], gas oil [(66 ð
diluted with distilled water, and the surface ten- 4)%], gasoline [(35 ð 2)%], n-hexane [(30 ð 2)%],
sion was measured at various contents (Fig. 5). hexadecane [(21 ð 2)%] and 2-methylnaphthalene
These results indicate that IR1 produces biosur- [(71 ð 2)%]. There was no significant effect ob-
factants of efficient and effective surface activity. served on the activity of the extracellular biosur-
No protein was detected in isolated biosurfactant, factant when it was autoclaved. We could also de-
it however contained lipids and carbohydrates, tect biosurfactant during the growth, separately on
therefore putatively it is classified as a glycolipid. DBT [(54 ð 2)%], naphthalene [(45 ð 3)%], and
Biosurfactants of glycolipid nature are common in phenanthrene [(56 ð 2)%], PAHs mixture in
the genus Pseudomonas however glycolipid-type NAPL [(67 ð 2)%] in MSM. The biosurfactants
biosurfactants have also been isolated from P. put- produced during growth on PAHs also showed
ida (Tuleva et al., 2002). Emulsification activity is glycolipidic nature. The hydrophobicity of the cell
an indicator used extensively to quantify biosur- surface was tested using the BATH assay. No sig-
factant produced by bacteria (Rahman et al., nificant change in the hydrophobicity was ob-
2003). Emulsification activities of the culture su- served in the pyrene and glucose grown cells. The
pernatant were measured with water immiscible hydrophobicity of the cells grown in pyrene and
substrates. Results show that culture supernatant glucose was (46.5 ð 3.1)% and (40.1 ð 1.2)%, re-
was having high emulsification activities against spectively. This indicates that the biosurfactant
diesel [(74 ð 4)%], kerosene [(51 ð 3)%], gas oil plays a minor role in changing the cell surface hy-
dropbobicity to improve the affinity of microbial
[(56 ð 4)%], gasoline [(42 ð 2)%], n-hexane
cells for the substrate to facilitate their bioavaila-
[(21 ð 2)%], hexadecane [(32 ð 2)%] and 2-meth-
bility. Presumably, degradation of the different
ylnaphthalene [(67 ð 3)%]. Emulsions were found
types of hydrocarbons by IR1 was due to the solu-
stable at room temperature for 72 h without any
bilization and increased bioavailability of hydro-
significant change in emulsification index.
carbons by extracellular biosurfactant.
In situ biosurfactant production by hydrocar-
Biosurfactant production during growth on PAHs bon-degrading bacteria may be beneficial and
more practical than exogenously adding purified
The strain IR1 was capable to produce the bio- biosurfactant for field bioremediation application
surfactant when it grew on various PAHs. We stud- based on bioaugmentation. This strain may prove
ied in detail the biosurfactant production during to be a promising microorganism for bioremedia-
growth in MSM containing pyrene as sole source tion by removing PAHÐcontaining pollutants
of carbon. Biosurfactant production was seen from contaminated sites. However, this is not ap-
within 30 h of incubation [(26 ð 1)%] and peak of propriate to note at this stage of research but as
biosurfactant activity [E24, (68 ð 4)%] was ob- evident from the results this strain does not attack
tained after 70 h as indicated by diesel-water hexadecane and octadecane, it opens the possibil-
emulsification (E24) activity. The surface tension ity to explore its usefulness for de-aromatization
of the culture supernatant was lowered to 33.1 dN/ of petroleum products and crude oil.

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