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Reflective Journal

This quarter, I came to the conclusion that European Literature is the

topic that interests me the most. I was able to complete the tasks and respond to
the exam despite the fact that it was tough to understand. I prefer it to other
topics because I am familiar with Romanticism and the well-known European novel
Romeo and Juliet. This subject provided me with additional information. It
clarifies a few topics that I was having trouble understanding. Aside from that, I'm
intrigued by its characteristics: nature, individual focus, mythologies, and
fantasies. This quarter, I came to the conclusion that European Literature is the
topic that interests me the most. I was able to complete the tasks and respond to
the exam despite the fact that it was tough to understand. I prefer it to other
topics because I am familiar with Romanticism and the well-known European novel
Romeo and Juliet. This subject provided me with additional information. It
clarifies a few topics that I was having trouble understanding. Aside from that, I'm
intrigued by its characteristics nature, individual focus, mythologies, and
fantasies. It also assisted me in better comprehending European culture and
history. It also helps me improve my vocabulary, perspective, writing abilities, and
other skills.
This lesson had a huge impact on me. To be honest, I find it challenging
to absorb a vast range of literature in a short amount of time. Furthermore,
excellence is the primary value that I gained from this lesson. We all see things
differently, and this topic has helped me to succeed even more. It improves my
understanding and learning. Eventually, I'll be able to use this to assist everyone in
better understanding the topic if he has trouble grasping it.


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