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Chapter 1: Success as a student

What is expected from you? 11

How is higher level study different? 14
The role of independent study 18
Technology enhanced study 20
Resilience as a student 22
Managing life as a student 24
Managing anxieties 26

Chapter 2: Developing your skills

What are study skills? 36

The APT-S study skills framework 37
Self: managing yourself for study 38
Academic skills 39
People and Task management skills 40
Developing skills: five study skills components 43
Recognising your skills and qualities 44
Personal profiles 52
Recording achievement 55
Developing a portfolio 56
Choices, skills and career development 57

Chapter 3: Successful study

What is intelligence? 61
What is 'learning'? 67
Six conditions for learning 69
Learning types or personal learning style? 74
Personalise your learning 78

Chapter 4: The CREAM strategy for learning

Finding your creative streak 88

Creative learning 90
Creative problem-solving 91
Creative problem-solving: stages in problem-solving 92
Reflective learning 97
Effective and efficient study 101
Effective organisation: space and resources 103
Organisational skills on your computer or mobile device 104
Combining work and study<effectively 105
Effective management of work-based projects 106
Active learning (Characteristics of passive/ active) 108
Active learning strategies 110
Motivation 111
Keeping motivated 112
Using your goals to guide your study strategy 115,6
Motivation: managing the challenge 117

Chapter 5: Time management as a student

Why time management matters to students 123

10 steps to effective time management 125
How much time should I study? 127
Set your priorities 134
Effective planning and diary-keeping 136
Make your planning work for you 137
Using 'To do' lists 138
Apply time management techniques: time blocks 140
Apply time management techniques: multiple methods 141
Apply time management techniques: online study 142
Ten time-saving strategies 143
Manage procrastination and distraction 144
Getting down to study 145
Staying on task 147

Chapter 6: Core research skills

Defining your research task 156

Making the most of the library 157
Finding information: getting started 158
Conducting an online search 159
Advanced online searches 161
Using material of suitable quality and content 162
Identifying and selecting relevant information 164
Am I a smart reader? 165
Improving reading comprehension 168
Improving reading speed 169
Strategies for increasing your reading speed 170
Making notes 171
Note-making styles 172
Shortcuts in note-making 174
Plagiarism 177
Detecting plagiarism and copying 178
Citations and references 179
Citing your sources 180
Writing out your references 181
Tools for storing, retrieving and sharing information 182
How helpful are your notes? 184

Chapter 7: Critical analytical thinking

Develop a detective-like mind 188

Critical thinking when reading 189
Critical thinking when writing 197
Critical analytical writing vs. descriptive writing 198
Critical thinking when listening 201

Chapter 8: Memory

Individual memory styles (Fact, Event, Other strategies) 204

Check your memory style 205
Improve your memory 206
Using the brain (left, right brain) 207
The triune brain 208
Stages of the memory process 210
Suggestions for multiple encoding (use environment, clothes,..) 212
Multiple encoding (auditory, visual memory) 213,4
Memory thrives on organisation! 215
Pyramids, pattern notes and pictures 216
'Chunking' information 217

Chapter 9: Confidence with numbers

What do I need to know? 220

Build your confidence with numbers 221
Can you trust numbers? (statistics) 223
Questioning numbers and statistics 224
Fractions 225
More about fractions 226
Using fractions 227
Understanding percentages 228
Rounding up and down 230
What are "averages’? 231
Calculating averages: the mean ('equal share') 232
Calculating averages: the median (middle number') 233
Calculating averages: the mode ('most frequent') 234
Five-number summaries and quartiles 235
Using five-number summaries 236
Using tables, charts and graphs 237
Interpreting graphs 238
Interpreting tables 239
Interpreting charts 240
Technical terms 241

Chapter 10: Working with others

Studying collaboratively 246

Making a group work 249
Being effective in group discussion 251
Speaking and listening skills 252
Speaking up 253
Dealing with difficult moments in the group 254
Giving and receiving feedback and criticism 255
Being fair to everyone in the group 256
Study groups 257
Sharing work without cheating 258
Communicating as a group 259
Group projects 260
Making a presentation or giving a talk 265
Being aware of your audience 268

Chapter 15: Planning your next move

Planning your future 387

Personal development already undertaken 388
Planning towards a career 389
Career readiness 390
Develop your CV 392
Lifelong learning 393
Where next? 394

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