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NIM : 2030821020



Activity 1
Answer the following questions based on the text.
1. Why do businesses want to join forces?
2. Why do you think the legal formation of joint venture is not important?
3. What can each partner get beside the profit from the venture?
4. What is the modern form of joint venture?
5. Who may become partners in joint venture?
6. Can we form an alliance with our rivals? What is the benefit of doing so?
7. What is the most important foundation in doing this joint venture?

to build a tunnel, and each may lack special equipment or skill that the


line 2 refer to?


1. with business people can work together with joint ventures, can improve relations and increase friends
or acquaintances so that they can advance the business .

2. It is an agreement involving two or more businesses to make and/or sell a good or service. The legal
formation of the business is not important .

3. Each partner in the joint venture is expected to bring management expertise and/or money to the
venture. Many major corporations today have learned that alone they may not have all the expertise or
capital needed.

4. . A company working alone may not have the capital to build a tunnel, and each may lack special
equipment or skills that the other firm has. By forming a joint venture, they can acquire the expertise to

build the tunnel that they could not complete alone.

5. The virtual corporation is composed of joint venture in which alliances with other business are formed
quickly to take advantage of fast- changing market conditions.

6. By entering into alliances, several advantages are (1) enabling partners to concentrate on activities that
best match their capabilities, (2) learning from partners and developing competencies that are possible to
expand market access.

7. It is an agreement involving two or more businesses to make and/or sell a good or service . An example
of joint venture might include an agreement between two major contractors to connect two cities by
building a tunnel for cars under a river

8.To become joint venture that is one way to work together and there must be agreement from both

9. So before starting a business, it would be nice might include an agreement between two major
contractors for both parties to have an agreement to enter joint capital

10. It mean a computer . A company wishes to rush to market a new sophisticated computer but needs
special parts that it does not produce.

Activity 2

Exercise is very important for our health. However, the practice should not exceed our limits.
Because the exercise we do will actually cause chaos for our bodies.

Excessive exercise causes the muscles and joints in our body to experience excessive cramping
and pain. Meanwhile, our heart rate will also beat twice as fast as usual.

If this option is not activated, it is not impossible for a heart attack to attack our body. So don't
exercise too hard. Instead, we should regularly practice according to our body's capabilities.

For example, if you are strong in exercising twice a week, exercise for that amount of time. In this
way, the function of movement is perceived as the cause of a healthy body.

That's all the admin can convey this material where the discussion is about Examples of
Persuasive Paragraphs About Health. Hopefully with the material that has been discussed
through this article, it can provide understanding and benefits for all readers.

Activity 3

Amanda: Hi, you are Nick right?

(Hai, kamu Nick kan?)

Nick: Yes. So, you must be Amanda.

(Iya, kamu pasti Amanda)

Amanda: Yeah I am. Nice to meet you, Nick.

(Iya betul. Sangat senang bertemu denganmu Nick.)

Nick: Nice to meet you too. So, where are we going to start?

(Senang bertemu denganmu juga. Jadi, kita mulai dari mana?)

Amanda: Okay, let's start the interview. I will begin with, why do you want to be a businessman?

(Oke, mari kita mulai wawancaranya. Aku akan mulai dengan, kenapa kamu ingin menjadi seorang

Nick: That's a good start. Well, it's because I want to have my own company. I want to provide a good
workplace for my staff and give a job to those who need it.

(Wah pertanyaan yang bagus. Oke, itu karena aku ingin memiliki perusahaanku sendiri. Aku ingin
menyediakan lingkungan kerja yang baik untuk pekerjaku dan memberikan pekerjaan untuk yang

Amanda: You have such a good heart, Nick. And, what things you love the most about your job?

(Kamu memiliki hati yang baik Nick. Dan hal apa yang kamu sukai dari pekerjaanmu?)

Nick: Everything. I really can't decide. How about you? Why do you want to be a journalist?

(Semuanya. Aku benar-benar tidak bisa memilih. Bagaimana denganmu? Kenapa kamu ingin menjadi
seorang jurnalis?)

Amanda: Well, being a journalist gave me a chance to know things I don't know. Gave me an
opportunity to meet a lot of great people. Let me have an open-minded and to be critical.

(Menjadi seorang jurnalis memberiku kesempatan untuk tahu banyak hal yang aku tidak tahu
sebelumnya. Memberiku kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan banyak orang hebat. Dan membuatku
menjadi orang yang berpikiran terbuka dan berpikiran kritis.)

Nick: Wow, it's a good thing. And why you love it?

(Wow, itu hal yang bagus. Dan kenapa kamu menyukai pekerjaanmu ini?)

Amanda: The reasons why I want to be a journalist is the same as the reasons why I love this job.
Moreover, I can travel anywhere. That's the best part.

(Alasanku kenapa aku ingin menjadi seornag jurnalis sama dengan alasanku mengapa aku menyukai
pekerjaan ini. Lebih dari itu, menjadi jurnalis membuatku bisa jalan-jalan kemanapun. Itu hal terbaik.)

Nick: It's really nice to know. Thank you for having me.

(Wah, senang sekali untuk tahu hal itu. Terima kasih sudah mewawancaraiku.)

Amanda: Yeah. Thank you so much for your time, Nick.

(Iya, dan Terima kasih banyak untuk waktumu Nick.)

Nick: Thank you for coming to my office, Amanda. And good luck for your work ahead.

(Terima kasih sudah repot-repot datang ke kantorku Amanda. Dan semoga pekerjaanmu selalu lancar
dan sukses selalu.)

Amanda: Thank you. Good luck to you too. Have a beautiful day, bye.

(Terima kasih. Sukses selalu untukmu juga. Semoga harimu menyenangkan.)

Nick: You too! Bye.

(Semoga harimu menyenangkan juga.)


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