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INTENSIFIED PASTORS’ TRAINING N THE G12 VISION Il HOW TO BUILD STRONG DISCIPLES Breakthroughs happen because God is the one that creates them. not us. His miracles happen by using our lives in ministering to other people. With that in mind, we should always remember our purpose, which is to love God and to ‘ove people (Matthew 2237-39). In pouring our hears fo God, aways expect treat things from Him. The only reason why we can minister to other people is Because God Is the first One who ministered in our lives. ‘Always remember that in leaderstip, i's good to lead, but i's not good to lead alone. As you share what you received from the love of God, you have a different approach in sharing what you are going through. The truthfulness of ‘who you are is there, that you don't just read the Bible 10 share to others; you ‘allow thie Word of God fo minister to your life so that you can minister to other people. ber fo never be overexposed to the world and ndstexbdi6d {6 the Word of God. You can't disciple if you are not a disciple. You ore being molded by God to become a leader that wil lead multitudes, 0 is very important fo guard your heart and strengthen your relationship with Him. Set goals in order for you to make sure that you are building yourself and also your disciple to be strong. Goals hat can help you and your disciples to be strong: Goal #1: Make sure they enjoy the presence of God Your disciples should be experiencing the presence of God (Mark 3:13-14), that «os they dwell in His presence they willbe strengthened. Check your disciples’ devotion, prayer, and worship, and always bring them to the church. Challenge them to go to their next level; don't wait for them to decide, decide for them that they will grow. Pray for hem ond let Godiintercede with you fo protect your disciples from the works of the enemy. As you bring your disciples to God's presence, back ther up with prayer and clways motivate them to atiend church (Hebrews 10:24). Goal #2: Develop the hab! of fransformation ‘As we go fo our next level. you may experience struggles, but itis needed for you to grow. That the greater struggle, the greater we grow from il. Don't expect that you wil not experience struggles when you become a leader, in fact itis a test of your faithiviness to the people that God has entrusted fo you. ‘speak the right words; avoid the wrong ones. Show your right gestures, At the ‘wrong attitude. You may start as the positional leader, but go fo relational leadership, which wil make you likeable by your disciples. ” INTENSIFIED PASTORS’ TRINING IN THE G12 VISION ‘Goalf3: Show your fellowership ‘There ore times that the purpose of the tasks given fo us could be hard for us to ‘understand, but as we submit and obey fo our leaders. we are being models to ‘our disciples thal we help our leaders to become successful. We must know our leader's goal, plan and strategy, and again bring our disciples to church on. ‘Sunday for them fo be apart of the goal, plan and strategy of the church. Goal: Loyalty Loyalty is proven when there is a chance to be disloyal. Build song leaders by teaching them loyalty True loyalty is fstening to top leadership. Goal: Help them to become frufful Help ther in their studies, career, help them be frutfulin their them, You are a strong disciple and you can raise up strong disciples. ‘ony aspect oftheir lives. But take time to sty. Train them fo win people and consolidate INTENSIFIED PASTORS! TRAINING INTHE Gi2 VISION lI DISCIPLESHIP REQUIREMENTS ‘Some of our disciples just stay on the idea that Jesusis their Savior. Yet they forget fo consider that Jesus s Lord and accepting Him requires accepting His Lordship over the lives, This is the same when it comes fe discipleship. In order to become genvine disciples, these are the requirements that we need fo remind ‘them: 1. Discipleship requires DISCIPLINE Not just with spiritual ife but also in their physical, emotional, intellectual and financial ives: Help people manage priorities well ence they masterit, you will ‘saa them stop making @xcutat and achleving moré postive results 2. Discipleship requires INTIMACY ‘The call fo follow Jesus a call fo have a relationship with Him. Be intentional in having “avaliy-time" in communing with Ged — in ovr prayer life and devotional life. Teach the same to every person under your care. 3. Discipleship requires a STUDENT HEART Those who never stop learning, never get old. Folow the example of your leaders as they fellow Christ (1 Gorinthians 11:1), Serve lke how they serve, agree vill hei faith and stick to the vision. Always be opened fo accep! their teachings and comections and grab every opportunity o improve yourself in alt 4. Diselpleship requires CONTINUITY Discipleship is lifelong process. Don't give up in spite of cificuties. Instead, consider that “Problems are vilamins of the champion." [BOMB] Remember that YyoU are more than a conqueror through Christ (Romans 8:37). 5. Discipleship requires INVOLVEMENT Bring people to where Godis. Maximize every service your church holds to where one could invite people. Work in parnerthip with the Holy Spiel! and creale teams within the gospel community. Encourage ministry involvement. 2 INTENSIFIED PASTORS’ TRAINING IN THE G12 VISION c Give opportunities where everyone can help out in the church workand get : engaged. 4. Discipleship requires LIFE APPLICATION ‘Or mission is our responsibilly. The vision won't work unless we work hancHin- = hand and mobilize the whole body of Christ. Knew that we are the primary - beneficiaries ind must be the fist fo apply everything that we doin discipleship, [ Discipleship is forming Chrisikeness in every befever. Never get fired of journeying with your people, until you see then becoming what God wants r them tobe. IV. G12 CELL VISION AND VALUES G12CellVison At the hear of G12 cellsis the dese to see every people develop in their RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, learn how fo LOVE QTHERS and make anIMPACTon ——_[ ‘those around them at their respective areas. Cells resource and equip ou [People now but also prepare them for lfe beyond now as some valuable values ‘are put in place. C G12Cell Valves c 1. Aplace fo encounter Jesus : Jesus cid that when two or three people meet together hei there with hem. | God has a purpose fer each one of us- fo become more and more lke Jes. “When cells mest our goals lo encounter Jesus and in thal encounter t ‘experience hisife changing power. We do that es we pray, worship, leam fom ‘he Bible ond share honesty together. 2. Aplace to belong ‘A celis more than a meeting. A cell needs to develop community that sb ‘on strong, caring relationships -.a place where we can be open and tC transparent without fear of rejection. lis not only the leaders responsibilty 10 care but everyone within the cell needs to recognize they have arole tolook ut for the other members of the group. More than anything else our society is looking for frue Community. Within your Cell make love a priory. C INTENSIFIED PASTORS TRAINING IN THE G12 VISION 3. A place to grow ‘The apostle Paul said that it was his goal to present everyone mature in Christ. We want to create an environment within our cells that facilitate growth in every Individual’ if. As a cel leader your role is o help people identify where they ‘re in their walk with God and enable them to take a step forward. For some that may be overcoming an area of sin in thet life, for others developing Ulsciptine in their personal fe, for some working through a difficult relationship. Whatever the orea cells provide o framework of accountabilly to enable each person to grow. 4, Aplace to give Calls are not fo be dominated by a few strong individuals but rather they should 'be a place where everyone has opportunity to participate. Each person has gifts and folents that they can contribute to the group. Celis @ piace where we Gan keath 16 exeicse spiritual gifts in c safe environment, where we can serve ‘one another and encourage each other. 5, Aplace to reach out : Gells ore not exclusive groups for a few Chiistians but need to be inclusive of those not-yet Chistian, When Jesus called his fst disciples he said to them that the would make them fishers of men’. For a long time we have focused on Individual fishing techniques but cells are ike fishing not with rods but with nets. People nol-yet Christion ore able to become pat of our ceilife before they have iricde 6 definite comrnitment to Chit. Discussion 1. What are your goals when you plon each cell group meeting? 2. How can you davelop and improve friendships in the cell group? 3, How can you help people in your cell take the next step in their welk with, God? 4, How can you involve every member? Think about ways fo include people nobel Chistians. a INTENSIFIED PASTORS! TRAINING IN THE G12 VISION ‘V. 12 CORE PRINCIPLES OF A CELL GROUP 1. Every cell must come from a prototype c ‘The secret of every minsty is the cel, There mus! be a model/patiemn cell led by ‘the senior pastor that wil be replicated by all the other cells. The senior pastor should know exactly what Is happening. A good system wil help determine and inspect the true condition of the cell groups. Do not start a cellin the campus, markelplace or community if you do not have o cellin the church. 0 slow by being fast. This means that out pacing the model cell wil make i harder fo advance. i 2 Every cell leader must carry the DNA of the senior pastor E The pattem of every cell leaders the senior pastor. Everyone must observe that the DNA of the senior pastoris being downloaded in thefrlives so that everyihing wll work together. Tis includes being (a) a true disciple. (b) caught by the c vision, (c] accountable and responsible for soul winning, (dl) with passion and 7 perseverance in fuffnng goals, and (e) « leader of 12 disciples. fyouwant tobe [ ‘great, you have fo be wilh great people. Pattem your fe with the highest level of leadeiship. 3. Every cell must focus on evangelism t c [ Cells should have a discipleship which is focused on evangelism. There are Wo important I's in the cet: Inspiration and Instruction. The inspirations based on the Word of God which encourages all of the cell members o understand and full their purpose. The instuction helps to direct what to do and howto live the Word. Do nol focus much on the problem! If there is a problem inan individvel, deal with it outside the cell. C i 4. Every cell group is led by a trained cell leader ‘A leader should have a high qualily of leadership that can be attained through PEPSOL trainings designed in the church. These are preparations fo help one in getfing ready to lead cell. Everyone can fly aplane, butnoteveryonecan land I. The success ol the cell group counts on the training of the person f ‘occountabie fo lead INTENSIFIED PASTORS” TRAINING IN THE G12 VISION 5, bar cell member must ener leadentip developmen! sategy/proces ESOL) PEPSOL trainings support the goal of making “every believer leader of leaders". One should not settle on just being a receiver of the Word but they should be also engaged in the levels of promotion, from a member to a leader. ‘A cel leader must do whatever it takes fa bring all he members into the [LOCess, He or she should explain the benefits Of undergoing the training and ail ‘the members must be implanted with the vision. 6. Every cell group must focus on rapid multiplication ‘The success of the multiplication of the church lies on the multiplication of the ll. A leader must have © sense of urgency, multiplying the cells as many and «as fast as he or she can. He or she Is the one fo motivate the cell member: to Involve. As more people are being saved, this assures the continsity of the work ‘and the sharing of the gospel 7. Only trained cell leaders in PEPSOL can open a cell Everyone goes into the ight process. The PEPSOL training provides a way to ‘enhance the stil of the potential leaders, giving them guidelines and survival fipsin opening a cell, and making them understand more of the importance of discipleship through the cell group. You can only open a ceili your mother cell has completed his/her cel members ‘The church must be building two networks: the men and women network. Each cell goup is a homogeneous consisting of 12 cell members. The primary 12 has to be completed fist then, they willbe completing their own 12 and so on. One. hos fo keep in mind that this is not just having your own cell group or 12 but helping one another fo bull the body of Chis. 9. Allell leaders mus! be under @ G12 leader for discipleship and mentoring Purposes ‘The model of 12's based on the relationship between the leader and the isciples. The G12 leaders the one to look after his/her disciples. As a member becomes a leader, he or she must be more sensitive and closer fo his/her leader, not having his or her ewn thinking and strategies but always remaining connected fo the leader. 8 INTENSIFIED PASTORS’ TRAINING IN THE G12 VISION 10, Everyone must be minislered in order fo minister, ‘The ultimate source ef wisdom is God alone. An effective leader should depend ‘on the word of God which he or she hears in the services, trainings, conferences ‘and other fre places. and of course, through his or her personal devotion with, ‘God. One cannot give what he or she does not have. 11. Every cell leader must submit fo the senior pastor's authority Never rebel against your pastor. The authority belongs to the senior pastor. Seve rot in the way you want but in the way the leaders of the church and God want to. 12. Every cell group must full is goals. Goal seting is not just something fo tel! but is something to accompish. Everyone should be united as a team with one goal and a vision-fo see people coming back to God and being true disciples. The success of one's the success ‘of everyone, INTENSIFIED PASTORS! TRAINING INTHE G12 VISION TOPIC 4: UNDERSTANDING THE CELL CHURCH AND THE G12 CELL |. THE IMPORTANCE OF CELL LIFESTYLE “They devoted themselves fo the aposties' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and fo prayer. Everyone was filed with awe at the many ‘wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the belevers were together {and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions fo give to ‘anyone who had need. Every day they continued fo meet together in the temple courts. hey broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hears, praising God and enjoying the favor of al he people. And the Lord added fo their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:42-47 We all have our own ways and styles on how we want fo live ourlives ~ the ‘way we dress up, how we look physically, nd many more. We have a free will to decide and fo develop our own styles. But there are certain things that wil never work if we wil follow our own style. Our spittual growth and church lifestyle ‘re part of those. f we will allow differen! ways in the church, everyone's spitual ‘growth and maturity are at risk. ‘Two Greatest Meetings We hove large meetings and small/cell group meetings. A great example of « large mesting is the weekly Sunday Service. Through the Sunday Service, we are being empowered together as one Body of Chist. For us to have a strong fellowship with one another, we need fo attend a cell group so we can interact with our fellow disciples by sharing our own testimony. Through cell ‘group, we have a leader who can guide usin our spiritual growth and matuity.. Purpose of the Cell Cellis for evangelism. Every cell group has a calling to evangelize so we can fulfill the Great Commission. The second purpose of a cell group is leadership development. Before we evangelize, we need trainings and equipping. In a cell group, we are trained fo lead people cnd we are being transformed according fo Christ character. We leam to really love people just the way Jesus loves them. The third purpose of a cell is rapid multiplication. A cell group intended to grow and advance the kingdom of God. Four Stages of Cell Group 4s INTENSIFIED PASTORS’ TRAINING INTHE G12 VISION 1. Honeymoon Stage isthe stage where everyone is hoppy and excited having fellowship with everyone inside the cell. This common to newly opened cels. 2. Conflict Stage is when a cell group undergoes conflicts. Every cell group will experience confict. Conflic is needed to strengthen our relationship with each other, and it helps us become problem solvers. If you have experienced conflct in your cell group, you can handle other conflicts i wil be easy for you because you have been there. When your disciples ‘do not change, be the fist one to change. God wants us fo leam how to manage confit. Conflict is there not to destroy us but for us to leam how fo overcome it. 3. Community Stage is when you have been victorious in conflicts. Because ‘of the conflicts, your ralalionship with your disciples is strengthened. You have commonaiity and you begin to become a community. 4. Mutiplication Stage is when you have reached unity in the cell group and has become @ community. You cannot multiply if you haven't gone Info the confict and community stages. ‘The only way for us fo be devoted Is involvement. We are not able to go into our nex! level because we do no! involve. If we want to grow, It wil not be ‘according to our own lifestyle. We must fuly devote ourselves to teachings, the breaking of bread ond fo prayer. We should not create our own style based on what is convenient for our spiftual growth. We have a cell We cycle in the church that's proven and that we should follow. We should not miss the two greatest meetings and clways be reminded of the reason why cels exist. Fnaly, we must remember that conflctis there not fo destroy us but for us to leam how to overcome F. We need fo learn to set things aside and forgive. INTENSIFIED PASTORS TRAINING IN THE G12 VISION Il, G12 WORKING SYSTEM Maternity (Winning) Winning a person is not about converting him into @ new religion, but i's about connecting Him to Chis. He must receive Jesus as His personal Lord and Savior {ot hifh 10 expetiehice salvation. There are fout Ways in which we can win people for Chiist. 1. One Verse Evangelism This is the very basic too! in presenting the gospel through Romans 6:23. In just 5- 18 minutes, you can shere salvation and God's love as shert, simple and cleor as ‘possible In just one verse in the Bible. Romans 6:23 declares, “For the wages of sins death, but the gift of God is etemal fe in Chvist Jesus our Lord.” The goal of the One Verse Evangelism is to help the unbeliever understand salvation by explaining the 9 Important key words in the verse: wages, sin, death, but, gift, God, eternal fe, Civist Jesus, and Lord. The evangelism must ‘end up with the unbeliever accepting the gift hat God is offering through two Imporiant decisions: confession and surencier. 2.Cell Group One of the focuses of a cell group is to develop lifestyle evangelism. Every col ‘group must be a winning machine. That's why its important to set a winning, ‘atmosphere in the cell. tis the best place to win people because of the ‘community atmosphere. New people in the cell wil feel that they belong and. that they are not alone. New people must be given an opportunity to suender thei lives to God in the Cel. A cell ecder must know how to Conduct an altar callin cell, Before the cell ends, the gospel must be presented so that the new believers wil receive salvation right at that moment. 3. Services By bringing fis-imers in our services (Sunday. Youth, Professionals etc.) we alow them fo receive the highes! ministry level which comes ttom the Senior Pastors. Thi lessens the part ofc Cel leader Because in al ofthese services, the preachers always conduct altar calls thus giving the unbelievers an opportunity to give their vas to Jesus ” INTENSIFIED PASTORS' TRAINING IN THE G12 VISION Every cell leader must know how fo maximize these services. People inviled in services have high retention percentage because they are consolidated by the church. They are not only connected to the person who invited him, but also fo the leaders and members of the whole church. 4. Special Events and Gatherings Through these events and gatherings, a cell leader can anticipate, thus giving him appropriate fime to set goals and strategize in winning. The best thing about special events ond gatherings is the power of massive invitation. These are Usually done inside the campuses, whenever there are university fairs or college ‘weeks. The youth ministry can conduct roomto-room invitations, or even release promotional materials o ensure many invites. These special events and gatherings must be done with a clear purpose. If the Purpose of the activity is to gather multitudes inside the campus, every leader ‘who will work forthe event must focus on that goal. Home (Cell Allocation) ‘When a baby is bom, his parents bring him home for him fo be cared for and. ‘nurtured. No parent would leave their new born child in the hospital or out in the street and say “Hope you make itl" Rather, they would bring the child home {and fake care of the baby. Likewise with the sptitual, every new bellever (those ‘who just accepted Christ as Lord and Savior) should recelve the nurture and ‘core so that they would grow in spitiual matuty. Every new bom Chstion must bbe brought to their spiritual home — the cel group. Inside the cell, the cell leaders stand as spiitual parents. Spintual parents are there to monitor the spiritual growth of the new Chiistions, They need to receive Inspiration and instruction. Every cell leader must have a clear goal for every ‘member in the eel Members are not mean! fo remain as members forever, rather become leaders ofleaders. ‘A.cell group must never be a “bus-type ministry", where it has many passengers tt the start but when it reaches the destination, ends up empty: and wherein we ‘re able to gather the harvest but fails to preserve them and tring them up in spifval maturity. We must never look at ob cell members as passengers, but ‘they are our disciples, and that we would lake care of them like how parents take core of thelr child, The focus of a coll must be clear fo every cell leader. The cell must focus on Itestyle evangelism, leadership development and a multiplying ministry. The cel leader must have the vision for promotion. A cel is no! intended for a INTENSIFIED PASTORS’ TRAINING IN THE 632 VISION permanent nursery, but it must be a breeding ground of leaders. Every person's leadership must be unleashed inside the cell. Schoo! (Training / Equipping Track) ‘The process never stops in the home (cell). Unless you send them fo the process, ‘whatever you did in the cell wil be useless. The people that have been consolidated are being sent in the trainings where they wil be equipped and raised up to become leaders of leaders. This training/equipping track is called the PEPSOL: Pre Encounter, Encounter, Post Encounter, School of Leaders (SOL) 1.2, ane! 3. Ideally, one fakes 9-12 months to araduate in the whole process. Through this process, people gain more understanding of the vision. Ths is God's ‘design for discipleship as He showed on how He taught people of His ways. We should nol just settle to be believers but become leaders who wil take part in the advancement of God's kingdom. We don't count numbers, we count leaders! The leaders are the ones who determine the strength of the church to ‘accommodate new believers. (One person can only cater 12 people, lke Jesus having only 12 0s His primary disciples. The equipping track helps the church to experience multiplication. In ‘order fo have that exponential growth, this 12 should also have their 12 to create @ 144 congregation, and this 144 having their 12, multiplying to 1,728 people. This can only be done if the church is raising their members as leaders. Carrying the sense of urgency fo evangelize and disciple people. The PEPSOL itcining teaches every student of this process: Gathering, Preserving, T ‘and Empowering the harvest. Alter the training, they too, should involve in winning people to God, consolidating them, and sending them to trainings as well fo produce leaders ‘who will do the same, And the cycle continues. The Hidden System: PTA, In every school, there is what we call the PTA (Porents-Teachers Association) which encompasses a close coordination between the parents and the teacher of the student. It goes the same with the PEPSOL. Every cel leader and teacher ‘must work hand-in-hand with each other. An effective PTA in the PEPSOL Training ensures quality consoldation and discipleship for the students. They must communicate with each other for the purpose of establishing ways to minister to and disciple the students. INTENSIFIED PASTORS! TRAINING IN THE G12 VISION IM HOW TO START YOUR CELL AND MAKE IT GROW ‘The Story of Jesus and Lazarus "Now aman named Lazarus was sick. He was from Bethany, the village of Mary ‘and her sister Martha. This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now ley sick, was the ‘some one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair. So Ihe sklers Sei wore! fo Jesus, "Lord, the on You love Is ick.” When he heared) this, Jesus said, "This sickness will not end in death. No, itisfor God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through i." Jesus loved Martho and her sister and Lazarus. Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick he stayed where he was two ‘more days. Then he said to his disciples, "Let us go back fo Judeo.” “But Rabbi.” they said, “a shert while ago the Jews tried to stone you, and yet you are going back there?” Jesus answeréd, "Are there not fwelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day wil not stumble, for he sees by this world's ight. Its when he walks by nigh! that he stumbles, for he Ras no igh." Alter he this he went on to fell hem, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep: but lam going there fo wake him up.” His disciples replied, “Lord, ithe sleeps, he wil get better.” Jesus had been speaking of his death, but his asciples thought he meant natural seep. So then he fold them plainly, "Lazarus is dead, and for your sake | ‘om glad | was not there, so that you may believe, But let us go to him." Then Thomas (called Didymus) said fo the res! of the disciples, “Let us ako go, that we. ‘may die with him." (John 11) 1. Love our cell member by being a tiend to ther, Lazarus is Jesus’ friend and He can cry for the needs of Hs fiend. In the: some way, we need to love our cet members and see f everything is io the Bible. However, there are approximately 48 mentions in the Bible where He spent His jime in private with Hs dlsciples. n those smaller group settings He [- ‘roined His commitied followers for their own minishies. He ministered one-on- ‘one, one-on-lwo, and one-on-three. At other imes His ministry was conducted ‘one-on-twelve. He also provided on-the-job training with the 70; and spent some cppteniceship fe with he 120.0 well es placing some emphoxk wih he 0D in Galilee. ‘Go And Make Disciples..Teaching Them To Obey” (Show. Tell, Release, Supervise): l ‘The areal commission has two parts. The fist is for us to. go. and make disciples, ‘The second is of no less significance, but most often set aside fo secondary i portance if used at al. listo teach them (apprentice disciples) fo obey. In Cin

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