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SCRIPTURE: Luke 14:28 "For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the
cost, whether he has enough to complete it? 29 Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to
finish, all who see it begin to mock him, 30 saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’"

1. To give due importance to commitment in our purpose and in every major undertakings in life.
2. To understand that when people give their commitment to an important task or relationship, they are in
for oppositions.

➢ Commitment - the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, relationship etc. It
involves dedication, devotion, allegiance, loyalty, faithfulness and fidelity. It is an engagement
or obligation that restricts freedom of action and invokes responsibility, obligation, duty, tie,
➢ Emancipated and matured people dedicate their time and loyalty to fulfill certain responsibilities for
a cause or a relationship. Commitment belongs to people who has the capacity to involve
themselves to fulfill certain obligations. Commitment is a crucial decision of life. Hence, before
making a commitment, think seriously because it obligates you to do your part until all obligations
are fulfilled.
➢ The title of our message today is appropriate with our theme. Whenever you make a commitment,
you need to brace yourself up, because your commitment is going through a series of oppositions.
➢ When you begin to be aware of the beauty and purpose of your existence, that's the beginning of
commitment. Without commitment, nothing of significance will ever be accomplished. But of
course, the very importance of commitment is to counter all potential oppositions in order to finish
to the end.


➢ Luke 14:28 "For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost,
whether he has enough to complete it?
➢ It was quoted that death is not a tragedy by itself, but living without a purpose is the real tragedy of
life. People who have no defined life purpose are merely existing and not living at all. Existing is
one thing, living is another thing. Life is a purpose and living is fulfilling a task or a mission.
➢ Building a tower is an allegory of an important purpose in lifethat needsour commitment. There are
at least two very important things in life that needs our commitment: one is fulfilling The Great
Commission (purpose) and the other is entering into a marriage covenant (relationship
commitment). These are both life long commitments and echoes into man's eternal destiny. A
significant purpose or relationship is worth our commitment.
➢ When you sign a contract for an employment or business agreements, these are important
commitments also, but for temporal engagement only. Nothing really surpasses the first two.
➢ You determine therefore, what commitments are of crucial significance to you. Determine and
decide what purpose or relationship commitments you would take. Once you are decided, count
the cost. Are you willing and would youpursue it until you have completed your commitment no
matter what it takes? Because if you "have not enough to complete it", or if you do not have
enough determination to win a cause, better not enter into it, otherwise, you will be a subject of
devil's mockery.
➢ In a marriage vow, the commitment of the couple to each other is secured first and declared before
God and their witnesses as their covenant promise as long as they both live. The success of
marriage relationship is not anchored on whether they love each other so much, but on how they
are committed to protect their relationship no matter what they go through in their life's journey
➢ Your commitment in fulfilling the Great Commission will determine the quality and success of your
work, and the basis of your reward at the judgment day. If you are fully committed to discipleship,
you can expect a wonderful commendation, like what the Lord said in Matthew 25:23 ‘Well done,
good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many
things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.’


➢ Luke 14:29 Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to
mock him,"
➢ Be sure, your commitment will be opposed or tested. This is the reason for making a commitment -
in order to pass the tests and oppositions. Any important purpose or relationship is not going to
prosper without testing. Deciding to follow God is one thing, committing to pursue to the end is
another. The devil is against it and he is determined and committed to oppose any one who makes
this kind of decision.
➢ Entering into a marriage relationship is an important journey of life, but it is not without testings and
trials. It is not a bed of full of roses! It has thorns that will prick and hurt you in the process. But
the question is, would you stick to your marriage relationship as you declared your vows before
➢ Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ is a life and death commitment, and the devil would do everything
to derail you from your commitment. You need to be very vigilant and watchful of his tactics so that
the old nature would not resurrect back to ruin your commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.


➢ Luke 14:30 saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’"
➢ Finishing to the end an important task is rewarding as in serving God by serving people. It is not
important how you started the journey, what is important how you finished it. Many people tearfully
and joyfully started the call of God in their lives, but what happened? Where are they now? Have
they not sung the martyrs' song, "till the end"?
➢ Many have crossed their Red Sea of baptism into freedom and sung "I have decided to follow
Jesus, no turning back! The world behind me, the cross before me, no turning back, no turning
➢ Married people, and those of you who intend to enter into marriage relationship, listen! Perhaps the
most blissful moment in a man or a woman's life is when they declare before God and the
congregation the words "I DO". The moment you said those words, the enemy is bent to destroy
that marriage. Be determined and committed therefore to fight for it to the end!
➢ Married couples, you started your marriagewith joy and laughter, but how is your commitment when
the test of life is on you? Hold on to each other! Be determined to finish to the end!
➢ Disciples, fight for your precious relationship with your Lord! Finish your Christian race to the end!

➢ Following and serving God is the most important purpose. It is a continuous battle, but only in
finishing the race to the end determines your salvation and reward. Do not succumb to pressure,
discouragements and trials, be determined to finish to the end!
➢ Leaders and Disciples listen! God knows what you are going through. Your job in serving people is
not an easy task. But don't allow those trials to dissipate your commitment. Is not your fight worth
doing. Is not your battle worth pursuing to the end?

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 19:7 “Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb
has come, and His wife has made herself ready. 8 And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean
and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. 9 Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are
those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ ” And he said to me, These are the true sayings
of God.”

1. To fully understand the deep implication of accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives;
2. To outlive all trials and obstacles in perceiving His Lordship by strengthening our commitment.

➢ The phrase "I DO" in relation to commitment is the common answer of a man or a woman to the
solemnizing officer as they enter into the sacred covenant of marriage.
➢ However, in the context of our discussions, we will focus on the "I do" which a person, during the
altar call and confirmed during water baptism, answers to the Lord Jesus Christ upon their
acceptance and surrender of their lives to Him. This is the most important decision of our lives -
responding to the offer of God's love through His Son, Jesus Christ.
➢ Your first "I DO" belongs to your FIRST LOVE - the Lord Jesus Christ!
➢ Before a marriage takes place, the groom proposes to the bride, "Will you marry me?" This is the
usual flow of a man and a woman entering into the permanent, covenantal form of relationship.
Then at the wedding ceremony, the same question would be rehearsed by the solemnizing officer
on behalf of each party to the marriage.
➢ Whenever the Gospel is presented to a person, the Lord Jesus Christ, in effect, asks every person
the same question, "Will you be My bride?" Marriage foreshadows that certain Day in the future
when the people of God, the Bride of Christ, shall be united with the Groom, Jesus Christ, in the
Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:9). This would be the sealing of that permanent union
between God and mankind. (Ephesians 5:25-27).
➢ Henceforth, whenever you participate in a wedding ceremony as an sponsor, a guest or even the
groom or bride, let it be a reminder that one day, you would be a part of the Bride of Jesus Christ in
that Great Wedding Banquet of the Lord.
➢ The first "I do"which refers to our commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christis the most important
of all commitments any person can make before anything else. And the strength of any subsequent
commitments a person would make, is hinged on the strength of the first commitment that you
made. To ignore the first commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christwould just be making
promises meant to be broken.


➢ Revelation 19:7 “Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has
come, and His wife has made herself ready.
➢ Every born again, child of God and Kingdom Citizen should be aware that when we receive Christ
as our Lord and Savior, we effectively covenant ourselves being His Bride and we would be united
with Him for eternity. This is our future destiny when the Lord Jesus Christ takes us to Himself
➢ Marriage is covenantal in nature, that is, the relationship is sealed by the shedding of blood. This is
why we have to be ready to stand our ground when our covenant commitment faces threats.
➢ In a natural marriage, only the death of one of the partner makes the surviving partner free from the
marriage bond. (1Corinthians 7:39 "A wife is bound by law as long as her husband lives; but if her
husband dies, she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord."). This is the
reason why in the marriage vow, the promise always contain the phrase "till death do us part" or
"for as long as we both shall live".
➢ Our covenant with Jesus Christ brings us under His Lordship, and Lordship brings us under the
sovereignty of God which means, apart from Him, we can do nothing. Jesus Christ coming as Lord
means He came not only to save us, but to take ownership of what is His. He takes ownership of all
that we are and have - our time, our space, our possessions, including our needs and every
problem. We have to fight for our covenant commitment with our Lord, Master, King and our


➢ Revelation 19:8 "And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine
linen is the righteous acts of the saints."
➢ As the future Bride of Jesus Christ, we have to live a life worthy of His love, in all righteousness. We
need to maintain the robe of righteousness imputed upon us by the washing of our sins until He
comes to take us for Himself either thru the rapture or by our physical death.
➢ Our relationship with God is covenantal in nature with our Lord Jesus Christ, first, shedding His
own blood to seal that union with you and me. (1Corinthians 11:25 "In the same manner He also
took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as
you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”). We essentially shed our own blood when we commit our lives
unto Him upon our surrender. Jesus Christ was faithful to death, and be sure of this, God requires
our faithful fulfillment of that covenant till our death. There is no second shedding of blood left for
the unfaithful.
➢ This covenant does not only pertain to our earthly life, but extends through eternity.
➢ Live a righteous life of integrity in your Christian walk. As a Disciple, be faithful in fulfilling your
mandate. Remember you are that covenant person for whom the Lord shed His own precious
blood. Put your own blood in line for Him. You are a covenant person!


➢ Revelation 19:9 Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage
supper of the Lamb!’ ” And he said to me, These are the true sayings of God.”
➢ Every couple who have decided to get married takes a great deal of time preparing for that great
day in their lives. You married people here today and those getting married soon can relate so
much with preparations. The foods, the venue, sponsors, token, the dresses and the list goes on
and on.
➢ But nothing is more fulfilling, nothing is more exciting, nothing is more blissful than to be part of that
grand Marriage Super of the Lamb, and that is the real beginning of a truly blessed life. From then
on, this fairy tale saying would be a reality, "And they both lived happily ever after".

If in some way, your faith in the Lord comes to wavering for reasons that is too shallow, repent!
Remember, you are a COVENANT PERSON that the Lord willingly shed His own blood for. Put your
own blood in line to live for Him. Would you risk your own life for Him? Jesus Christ is your First
Love! Your first "I DO" is a matter of eternity.

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 24:10 “And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one
another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will
abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved."

1. To have the resilience to overcome all possibles tests to the integrity of our commitments.
2. To understand and exhaust all means to stand to the tests.

➢ In many situations, the difference between failure and success of an important undertaking is the
commitment of the persons involved to finish such task to the end. Remember the success story of
Thomas Edison before he invented the incandescent lamp? He failed about two thousand times,
but because he was determined and committed to invent it, his failures did not derail his purpose.
➢ We have stated before that the reason for requiring commitment in an important task or relationship
is the fact that you will be tested and opposed in every aspect. When tested, commitment should
get stronger not weaker. Oppositions and testings of our commitments are needed for
strengthening it and not for dissipating it, until we develop the resilience needed to pass every trial.
➢ The lack of commitment to a task is likened to a "hireling" attitude. The hireling is only committed
to what benefits he can get from an engagement, but not for the cost. (John 10:11“I am the good
shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. 12 But a hireling, he who is not the
shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees;
and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. 13 The hireling flees because he is a hireling and
does not care about the sheep.")
➢ When a person is only interested about what they could get out of a relationship, they have the
"hireling spirit". When challenged by difficulties or life-threatening situation or the giving of
commitment, they are either forced to lie or to back out from a relationship. Disciples are not like
that, they are committed. Love without commitment is not love at all, it is spelled L-U-S-T.
➢ A Christian who is only after the benefit of salvation, but not committed to fulfill the "Great
Commission" is no different from a Hireling Christian. They love the grace of salvation, but not
committed to the responsibility of fulfilling the Great Commission.


➢ Matthew 24:10 “And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one
another.11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many."
➢ Offenses and betrayals are the enemies of commitment. We need faithfulness, loyalty and
allegiance to fulfill our commitment to the Lord and even to our important relationships. I.e. Within
family; With fiancees; With Mentors or Pastors. Deception is one cause of offenses, believing in
something that destroys relationship commitment.
➢ Offenses attack the ego of a person. Those most emotionally vulnerable will hardly stand to the test
and will lead to betrayal of trust and break league and commitment. In the context above, the Lord
is referring to believers getting offended and betraying and hating fellow believers. We have seen
this happen around us in our circle and specially in many churches involved in Discipleship process.
➢ Our loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ and allegiance to His Kingdom is daily being tested with small
things. Sadly, many succumbed to the tests like fulfilling the Disciple's Four great meetings:
Devotional Life; Cell Life; Sunday Celebrations; & Trainings. If people could hardly keep their
commitment in small things, how can they survive the life threatening tests? I.e. Denying faith at
gun point, martyrdom for the Lord, severe persecutions.
➢ Strengthen your commitment and loyalty to the Lord. Perceive His Lordship over your life.
Strengthen your commitment on your relationships to important people in your life.
➢ Keep your love burning, never allow it to grow cold in spite of everything trying to affect you!


➢ Revelation 3:10 “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the
hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth."
➢ Patience and perseverance relate to pressures produced by other people and circumstances.
➢ Delayed promise or an attitude problem in dealing with people are tests of patience. Many times
our prayers are going through process and it takes time or a longer time. We begin to exercise and
develop resilience. God is never late. He has answered your prayers and will manifest the answer
at His right time. God tests your heart if you are committed to His calling.
➢ Dealing with failures and difficult situations is a test of perseverance. Remember that when things
did not come out alright, it does not necessarily mean that you failed. Success is a process of
trials, errors, perseverance, failure, determination, trials by other ways, until success is achieved.
➢ Before having and enjoying a comfortable car ride with a Starex, we personally have an assembled
type van which we used in every trip. The aircon gave up first and because of the design, it was
hell-hot driving that van. Experiencing accidents after accidents, led me to dispose it after about 7
years of torturing experience. I literally cried up to God to give me a safer and aircon car. Then we
had a second hand Grace Van used for about 8 long years. At the beginning, it was cool and
convenient. Of course as it got depreciated, inconvenience once again arouse and I cried up to
God to give me a brand new car. Then an opportunity opened for the Starex to come. Didn't come
easy Have patience and persevere in the works of the Kingdom, God knows your needs and will
supply it in His time.
➢ Keep your love burning, never allow it to grow cold in spite of everything trying to affect you!


➢ 1Corinthians 4:11 "To the present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and
beaten, and homeless. 12 And we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being
persecuted, we endure"
➢ Paul, writing to Corinthian Christians, presented the persecutions he endured as an apostle of Jesus
Christ to the Gentiles in the hands of his fellow Jews. His commitment to the calling of God was
unfailing. He always bounced back and move forward to fulfill his commitment to take the Gospel
to the Gentiles, knowing what awaits him in the end. (2Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I
have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of
righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only
but also to all who have loved His appearing.")
➢ There are great opportunities and benefits why we give our commitment to something and
someone. Our commitment to the Lord is a great opportunity and a great reward awaits everyone
who serve Him and loves His appearing.
➢ However, in committing, there are always risks involved, but a strong commitment can overcome
trials and opposition to the end. Your commitment to God is not without testings and oppositions,
so be prepared. Keep your love burning, never allow it to grow cold in spite of everything trying to
affect you!

Matthew 24:12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he
who endures to the end shall be saved."
The call to endure to the end is a call to faithfulness and perseverance! People of God, no matter
what happens, no matter what it takes to keep your commitment to the end, do it! Today, if you are
going through a test or series of tests on your commitments, keep the faith and endure to the end! It
is only in enduring that you can prove the integrity of your commitment.

SCRIPTURE: Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in
me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself
for me."

1. To live a life of purpose determined to fulfill it to the end.
2. Strengthening our commitments toward the vision and our important relationships.

➢ We are about to end our theme about "COMMITMENT", hence we need to have a recap of our
previous lessons before winding it up for the benefit of fully understanding this important topic.
➢ We need to "Brace ourselves up" whenever we make commitments because it demands from us
our dedication, devotion, allegiance, loyalty and faithfulness. Commitment also creates
obligation, restricts our freedom of action and invokes responsibility, obligation, duty and liability.
➢ The first and the most important commitment we need to embrace is our commitment to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ. The strength of any other commitments we would make, is hinged on the
strength of this commitment, otherwise, it would just be a promise meant to be broken.
➢ Without commitment, there would hardly be an important cause or task that can be accomplished,
or a lifetime relationship that would last. Commitment is made or given because such important
task or relationship that a person embraces would be challenged and subjected to tests and
➢ The degree of commitment that a person gives to an important cause or task determines the
success or failure of such task, undertaking or relationship.


➢ Galatians 2:20a “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live..."
➢ Surrender is a word of negative connotation in this world. It means giving up on something.
➢ However, the word surrender is the most comforting of words for a weary soul, tired of struggling
from sin and life's misery. It is the most comforting of all words when you are surrendering to the
One who knows best! To the One whom you have known to be the Author of your very life! To the
One who you know can save you out of the struggles and miseries of living in this problematic
➢ When you have done your best, and your best is not enough! When you have struggled so hard
and still, nothing changed and it seemed you are just getting nowhere. Then surrender your life and
destiny to the One who can give you a future and a hope! Surrender to the Lordship of Jesus
➢ Commit your life and destiny to Him. He has the best promise of a future and hope! (Jeremiah
29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of
evil, to give you a future and a hope.")
➢ Once you are crucified with Jesus Christ, you have identified your future and destiny with Him! Your
life is now identified with His life. You are set free from the bondage of sin and are destined to live
forever with Him in glory! The old, sinful and miserable you is dead and gone, you are now
identified with your Lord and King, live for Him! Commit everything to Him in complete surrender.
➢ Always acknowledge before Him, that you are nothing without Him! In complete trust, obey Him in
full commitment. Once you surrendered your destiny to Him, He will keep it for you!


➢ Galatians 2:20b “... but Christ lives in me"
➢ Once you surrendered your destiny to the One who holds and keeps it, you need to surrender your
purpose and meaning of life. Let Jesus Christ define your life's purpose! Don't allow people and
events define your purpose and meaning. Embrace the Lord's purpose for your life.
➢ Once "Christ lives in you", His purpose become your purpose, His agenda becomes your agenda.
When that happens, everything in your life would fall into its rightful place.
➢ Seek Him, seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, and as He promised, He would add all things
to you (Matthew 6:33). In fulfilling His purpose, allow His character to consume you! Let His love,
His passion, His humility transform your pride into a life of service to humanity.
➢ Whenever we are presented an important cause like the Vision of world conquest, we can foresee
that it would cost us our time and the usual things we do. There is certain hesitation whether we
would pursue or not. This time of hesitation is the moment where we are counting the cost -
stopping doing the less important things, leaving behind bad relationships that caused our miseries.
Then finally we make the decision of a lifetime.
➢ The enemy's first job is to stop you to make and give your commitment, because once you made a
commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, you become a potential hindrance to his plans.
➢ If the enemy has not been successful in stopping you making commitments, his plan B is to weaken
that commitment with doubts and challenges. You need to watch this out!
➢ However, once you have surrendered your purpose to the One who knows best, you can be rest
assured of a secured destiny in His Kingdom.


➢ Galatians 2:20c "...and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who
loved me and gave Himself for me."
➢ Surrender your body to the One who created it for His glory! Your life in that body is a life of faith, of
obedience to your Lord! He is the Redeemer of your body and soul!
➢ There are many things your flesh wanted to do which are not aligned to His will and purpose. But
once you surrendered your body in holy living, because your body now is God's dwelling place,
you'll find the meaning and purpose why God gave you your body.
➢ Let your hands be a helping hand to the needy, to lift them up and minister to their needs.
➢ Let your feet find itself going into the perfect will of God, to go to places where your Lord wants you
to go. Go find the lost and lead them back to God their Savior.
➢ Let your mouth speak only the words He wants you to speak, proclaiming His Good News to
➢ Let your eyes be pure and full of compassion for the people and see their misery, to rescue them
from the bondage of the enemy. See them through their dire needs of starvation of their souls and
feed them with the Living Word.
➢ Surrender your body for God's purpose and glory! One day, God will change that body and will
give you a body like unto His body - a glorified body!

➢ The enemy's job after you made a commitment to follow Jesus Christ is to distract you with
problems in order to water down the intensity of your commitment and cause its dissipation. You,
who have decided to stay and continue the discipleship process are having various challenges!
There are times when you think you deserve a break and spend your time and effort elsewhere.
But because you have made the most important decision of your life, thanks be to God, you are
here today willing to serve the Lord and His people!
➢ Strengthen your commitment by total surrender of your destiny, purpose and body to the One who
has called you into His Kingdom.

SCRIPTURE:Genesis 45:4 "So Joseph said to his brothers, “Come near to me, please.” And they came
near. And he said, “I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. 5 And now do not be distressed
or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life. 6 For the
famine has been in the land these two years, and there are yet five years in which there will be neither
plowing nor harvest. 7 And God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on earth, and to keep
alive for you many survivors. 8 So it was not you who sent me here, but God.

1. To be a catalyst for transformation, there need to be consistency of commitment in every aspect of our
2. To learn from the experiences of Joseph, in how God used him to preserve a nation thru his consistent

➢ How many of us here are familiar with a famous Bible character by the name of Joseph? He is also
known as Joseph, the Dreamer. He is one of the sons of Jacob or Israel by the woman named
Rachel. His whole life covered fourteen (14) chapters (37-50) in the book of Genesis. Wondered
why his life's narrative was so long and detailed? That is how important this person was!
➢ For those of us here today who are not very familiar with the man, here is his story in a nut shell.
Joseph, the eleventh son of Israel, and was the favorite among them all. A good reason for his
brothers envying him and wanted him out of their way. He was a man of vision, dreams and has an
incredible gift of interpreting dreams.
➢ He told his parents in the presence of his own brothers that they would one day bow their heads to
him, which added up to the fury of his brothers against him. He was not bragging, but in all these
was being unveiled the plan of God for His people nobody understood at that time.
➢ His brothers planned to kill him, but later sold him as a slave. The slave traders brought him to
Egypt where he was purchased by Pharaoh's military commander in chief, Potiphar. His loyalty and
faithfulness brought him to the position as chief steward of the house of General Potiphar, but got
the admiration of Mrs. Potiphar. In short, Joseph escaped the seduction of the general's wife but
was falsely accused as molester and got himself imprisoned in the dungeon,
➢ In the prison, he became the chief steward of the warden where he met two of the kings's officials,
one was the chief butler and the other the chief baker. Both had their dreams accurately interpreted
by Joseph. The chief butler restored to his position and the chief baker was hanged according to
the interpretation of Joseph.
➢ Then came a time when Pharaoh, the Egyptian king himself had 2 dreams which Joseph
interpreted, and consequently he was appointed to be second in command to Pharaoh to execute
the plan of storing grains during the seven years of plenty against the next seven years of famine.
➢ The famine was so severe affecting Egypt and the countries around, including Canaan where the
family of Israel were. In the process, Israel sent his ten sons to buy grains in Egypt in order to
survive the crisis. Meeting his brothers for the first time who sold him as a slave, Joseph acted
rudely, but behind, he longed for his family. To make the long story short, Joseph revealed himself
to his brothers who were so tensed and apprehensive. The reunion resulted in an invitation for his
whole tribe to migrate to Egypt in order to survive the five more years of famine.
➢ If you were Joseph, how would you feel seeing your very own siblings who planned of killing you
and later sold you as a slave? We don't have a clear idea of how difficult and harsh life had been
with Joseph. Envied by his brothers, considered as dead by his father who loved him dearly, away
from home without any hint of being reunited again to his parents, being falsely accused as
molester by the flirting general's wife and sent to dungeon. Just imagine the mixed emotional
➢ But, his constant commitment prevailed, knowing it was God, after all, who had planned everything
to save his tribe which was later to become the nation of Israel.


➢ Genesis 45:4 "So Joseph said to his brothers, “Come near to me, please.” And they came near. And
he said, “I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. 5 And now do not be distressed or
angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life.
➢ His very own word revealed that he understood that it was God who sent him to Egypt in advance in
order to preserve the tribe from severe famine. Without perceiving God as the One who planned all
these things, Joseph could had been highly emotional blaming his brothers and perhaps avenging
himself of their unfair treatment of him.
➢ Joseph, being a God-fearing, God-loving person, did not waiver in unbelief. But guided by his
dreams, he entrusted everything and committed his future in the hands of his God.
➢ After being evil-treated, he had the calmness and love to persuade his brothers to come to him and
embraced them. If not for his constancy of commitment to his God, perhaps he could had acted
differently. If not for his constant love and commitment to God, he could have succumbed to the
tests and temptations that he conquered.


➢ Genesis 45:6 "For the famine has been in the land these two years, and there are yet five years in
which there will be neither plowing nor harvest.."
➢ Joseph's deep love and concern for his family constrained him to invite his whole tribe to come to
live in Egypt in order to survive the crisis which was to last five more years.
➢ Joseph, being the great grandson of Abraham clearly understood that he was in line with the calling
of God to his family. He understood the calling and covenant of God to Abraham, and he
understood very well that he was part of that calling and covenant. He understood that in their
loins, a generation of people would rise who would fulfill the great plan of God to raise a nation that
God would use to bless mankind.


➢ Genesis 45:7 "And God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on earth, and to keep
alive for you many survivors. 8 So it was not you who sent me here, but God."
➢ Joseph understood that while his brothers meant him evil by selling him to slave traders, but God
intended it for the good of the tribe-nation of Israel. He did not consider the evil treatment of his
siblings, but rather saw the hands of God who sent him to Egypt in advance.
➢ After Israel's death, Joseph's brothers pleaded with him for their lives and safety, fearing he might
avenge himself for the evil they have done to him. Instead Joseph affirmed them by saying: Genesis
50:20 "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many
people should be kept alive, as they are today."

If you were Joseph, would you are the same or differently, knowing who you are in Christ?
His constancy of commitment brought him to his position as the supreme ruler of Egypt, second to
Pharaoh, king of Egypt.
Your life and mine are traversing the pathway of Joseph. We are being used by God to shape the destinies
of mankind. And God's success through you is much dependent on your consistent commitment to Him, to
your generation and to your calling. Choose your destiny.

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