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Multi-Carrier Agile Phased Array Radar

Tianyao Huang, Nir Shlezinger, Xingyu Xu, Dingyou Ma, Yimin Liu, and Yonina C. Eldar

Abstract—Modern radar systems are expected to operate A major drawback of FAR compared to wideband radar
reliably in congested environments. A candidate technology for is its reduced range-Doppler reconstruction performance of
meeting these demands is frequency agile radar (FAR), which targets. This reduced performance is a byproduct of the rela-
randomly changes its carrier frequencies. FAR is known to
improve the electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) per- tively small number of radar measurements processed by FAR,
formance while facilitating operation in congested setups. To which stems from its usage of a single narrowband waveform
enhance the target recovery performance of FAR in complex for each pulse. The performance reduction can be relieved by
electromagnetic environments, we propose two radar schemes using compressed sensing (CS) algorithms that exploit sparsity
extending FAR to multi-carrier waveforms. The first is Wideband of the target scheme [7]. However, the degradation becomes
Multi-carrier Agile Radar (WMAR), which transmits/receives
arXiv:1906.06289v2 [eess.SP] 23 Feb 2020

wideband waveforms simultaneously with every antenna. To notable in extremely congested or contested electromagnetic
mitigate the demanding hardware requirements associated with environments [8], where there may be no vacant bands in some
wideband waveforms used by WMAR, we next propose multi- pulses or some radar returns of the transmitted pulses may be
Carrier AgilE phaSed Array Radar (CAESAR). CAESAR uses discarded due to strong interference [9], [10].
narrowband monotone waveforms, thus facilitating ease of im- The performance degradation of FAR can be mitigated by
plementation of the system, while introducing spatial agility. We
characterize the transmitted and received signals of the proposed using multi-carrier transmissions. When multiple carriers are
schemes, and develop an algorithm for recovering the targets, transmitted simultaneously in a single pulse, the number of
based on concepts from compressed sensing to estimate the range- radar measurements is increased, and the target reconstruction
Doppler parameters of the targets. We then derive conditions performance is improved. Various multi-carrier radar schemes
which guarantee their accurate reconstruction. Our numerical have been studied in the literature, including frequency divi-
study demonstrates that both multi-carrier schemes improve
performance compared to FAR while maintaining its practical sion multiple access (FDMA) multiple-input multiple-output
benefits. We also demonstrate that the performance of CAESAR, (MIMO) (FDMA-MIMO) [11], [12], sub-Nyquist MIMO
which uses monotone waveforms, is within a small gap from the radar (SUMMeR) [13], and frequency diversity array (FDA)
wideband radar. radar [14], [15]. In the aforementioned schemes, different array
Index Terms—Frequency agile radar, multi-carrier agility, elements transmit waveforms at different frequencies, usually
compressed sensing forming an omnidirectional beam and illuminating a large
I. I NTRODUCTION field-of-view [16]. This degrades radar performance, especially
Modern radars must be reliable, but at the same time com- in track mode, where a highly directional beam focusing on
pact, flexible, robust, and efficient in terms of cost and power the target is preferred [16]. In addition, frequency agility is
usage [1]–[5]. A possible approach to meet these requirements not exploited in FDMA-MIMO and FDA. The derivation of
is by exploiting frequency agility [1], namely, to utilize narrow- frequency agile multi-carrier schemes for phased array radar,
band waveforms, while allowing the carrier frequencies to vary which leads to a focused beam with high gain, is the focus of
between different radar pulses. Among the main advantages this work.
of frequency agile radar (FAR) are its excellent electronic Here, we propose two multi-carrier agile phased array
counter-countermeasures (ECCM) and electromagnetic com- radar schemes. The first uses all the antenna elements to
patibility (EMC) performance [1], and the fact that it has the transmit a single waveform consisting of multiple carriers
flexibility of supporting spectrum sharing [4]. Furthermore, simultaneously in each pulse. Frequency agility is induced
FAR is compatible with phased array antennas. Finally, by by randomly selecting the carriers utilized, resulting in a
utilizing narrowband signals with varying frequencies, FAR wideband multi-carrier agile radar (WMAR) scheme. While
systems can synthesize a large bandwidth with narrowband the increased number of carriers is shown to achieve improved
waveforms [2], [6], which simplifies the implementation of reconstruction performance compared to conventional FAR
the waveform generator, facilitates the receiver operation, and [8], WMAR utilizes multiband signals of large instantaneous
allows the usage of non-linear amplifiers without limiting their bandwidth. Therefore, its implementation does not benefit
power efficiency. from the simplifications associated with utilizing conventional
narrowband monotone signals, and may suffer from envelope
Parts of this work were presented in the 2018 IEEE International Workshop fluctuation [17].
on Compressed Sensing applied to Radar, Multimodal Sensing, and Imaging To overcome the use of instantaneously wideband wave-
(CoSeRa). This work received funding from the National Natural Science
Foundation of China under Grants 61571260 and 61801258, from the Eu- forms, we next develop multi-Carrier AgilE phaSed Array
ropean Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant Radar (CAESAR), which combines frequency agility and
No. 646804-ERC-COG-BNYQ, and from the Air Force Office of Scientific spatial agility. Specifically, CAESAR selects a small number
Research under grant No. FA9550-18-1-0208.
T. Huang, Y. Liu, X. Xu, and D. Ma are with the EE Depart- of carrier frequencies on each pulse and randomly allocates
ment, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (e-mail: {huangtianyao, yimin- different carrier frequencies among its antenna elements, such
liu}; {xy-xu15, mdy16} that each array element transmits a narrowband constant
N. Shlezinger and Y. C. Eldar are with the Faculty of Math and CS, Weiz-
mann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (e-mail:; modulus waveform, facilitating system implementation. An illustration of this transmission scheme is depicted in Fig. 1.

Section IV introduces the recovery algorithm to estimate the

range, Doppler, and angle of the targets. In Section V we
discuss the pros and cons of each scheme compared to related
radar methods. Section VI derives theoretical performance
measures of the recovery method. Simulation results are
presented in Section VII, and Section VIII concludes the paper.
Throughout the paper, we use C, R to denote the sets
of complex, real numbers, respectively, and use | · | for
the magnitude or cardinality of a scalar number, or a set,
respectively. Given x ∈ R, bxc denotes the largest integer less
than or equal to x, and nk = k!(n−k)!
represents the binomial
Fig. 1. Transmission example of CAESAR. In every pulse of this example,
coefficient. Uppercase boldface letters denote matrices (e.g.,
two out of three carrier frequencies are emitted by different sub-arrays. For A), and boldface lowercase letters denote vectors (e.g., a). The
example, frequency 0 and 2 are selected in the 0-th pulse and are sent by (n, m)-th element of a matrix A is denoted as [A]m,n , and
antenna 0, 2, 4 and antenna 1, 3, respectively. FAR or FDMA-MIMO/FDA
can be regarded as a special case of CAESAR, with only one out of three
similarly [a]n is the n-th entry of the vector a. Given a matrix
frequencies or all available frequencies sent in each pulse. A ∈ CM ×N , and a number n (or a set of integers, Λ), [A]n
([A]Λ ∈ CM ×|Λ| ) is the n-th column of A (the sub-matrix
For each carrier frequency, dedicated phase shifts on the consisting of the columns of A indexed by Λ). Similarly,
corresponding sub-array elements are used to yield a direc- [a]Λ ∈ C|Λ| is the sub-vector consisting of the elements of
tional transmit beam, allowing to illuminate the tracked target a ∈ CN indexed by Λ. The complex conjugate, transpose, and
in a similar manner as phased array radar. Despite the fact the complex conjugate-transpose are denoted (·)∗ , (·)T , (·)H ,
that only a sub-array antenna is utilized for each frequency, respectively. We denote k · kp as the `p norm, k · k0 is the
the antenna-frequency hopping strategy of CAESAR results number of non-zero entries, and k · kF is the Frobenius norm.
in array antenna gain loss and a relatively small performance The probability measure is P(·), while E[·] and D[·] are the
gap compared to wideband radar equipped with the same expectation and variance of a random argument, respectively.
antenna array. Furthermore, the combined randomization of
frequency and antenna allocation can be exploited to realize a
dual function radar-communications (DFRC) system [18]–[21]
by embedding digital information into the selection of these In this section we present the proposed WMAR scheme,
parameters. We study the application of CAESAR as a DFRC which originates from FAR [1], aiming to increase the number
system in a companion paper [22], and focus here on the radar of radar measurements and improve the range-Doppler recov-
and its performance. ery performance. We first briefly review FAR in Subsection
To present WMAR and CAESAR, we characterize the II-A. Then, we detail the proposed WMAR in Subsection II-B,
signal model for each approach, based on which we develop a and present the resulting radar signal model in Subsection II-C.
recovery algorithm for high range resolution (HRR), Doppler,
and angle estimation of radar targets. Our proposed algorithm A. Preliminaries of FAR
utilizes CS methods for range-Doppler reconstruction, exploit- FAR [1] is a technique for enhancing the ECCM and EMC
ing its underlying sparsity, and applies matched filtering to performance of radar systems by using randomized carrier
detect the angles of the targets. We provide a detailed theo- frequencies. In the following we consider a radar system
retical analysis of the range-Doppler recovery performance of equipped with L antenna elements, uniformly located on an
our proposed algorithm under complex electromagnetic envi- antenna array with distance d between two adjacent elements.
ronments. In particular, we prove that CAESAR and WMAR Let N be the number of radar pulses transmitted in each
are guaranteed to recover with high probability a number of coherent processing interval (CPI). Radar pulses are repeatedly
scattering points which grows proportionally to the square transmitted, starting from time instance nTr to nTr + Tp ,
root of the number of different narrowband signals used, n ∈ N := {0, 1, . . . , N −1}, where Tr and Tp represent the
i.e., the number of carrier frequencies that are simultaneously pulse repetition interval and pulse duration, respectively, and
transmitted in each pulse. This theoretical result verifies that Tr > Tp . Let F be the set of available carrier frequencies,
increasing the number of carriers improves target recovery, given by F := {fc + m∆f |m ∈ M}, where fc is the initial
and reduces performance degradation due to intense interfer- carrier frequency, M := {0, 1, . . . , M −1}, M is the number
ence in complex electromagnetic environments. WMAR and of available frequencies, and ∆f is the frequency step.
CAESAR are evaluated in a numerical study, where it is shown
In the n-th radar pulse, FAR randomly selects a carrier
that their range-Doppler reconstruction performance as well as
frequency fn from F. The waveform sent from each antenna
robustness to interference are substantially improved compared
for the n-th pulse at time instance t is φ(fn , t − nTr ), where
to FAR. Additionally, it is demonstrated that the performance
of CAESAR is only within a small gap from that achievable φ(f, t) := rect (t/Tp ) ej2πf t , (1)
using wideband WMAR.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Sec- and rect(t) = 1 for t ∈ [0, 1) and zero otherwise, representing
tions II and III present WMAR and CAESAR, respectively. rectangular envelope baseband signals.

In order to direct the antenna beam pointing towards a To formulate the radar returns, we assume an ideal scattering
desired angle θ, the signal transmitted by each antenna is point, representing either target or clutter, with scattering
weighted by a phase shift wl (θ, fn ) ∈ C [23], given by coefficient β ∈ C located in the transmit beam of the radar
with direction angle ϑ, i.e., ϑ ≈ θ. Denote by r(t) the
wl (θ, f ) := ej2πf ld sin θ/c , (2)
range between the target/clutter and the first radar antenna
where c denotes the speed of light. Define the vector array element at time t. The scattering point is moving at a
w (θ, f ) ∈ CL whose l-th entry is [w (θ, f )]l := wl (θ, f ). constant velocity v radially along with the radar line of sight,
The transmitted signal can be written as i.e., r(t) = r(0) + vt. Under the “stop and hop” assumption
[24, Page 99, Ch. 2], which assumes that the target hops to
xF (n, t) := w(θ, fn )φ(fn , t − nTr ). (3) a new location when the radar transmits a pulse and stays
The vector xF (n, t) ∈ CL in (3) denotes the transmission there until another pulse is emitted, the range in the n-pulse
vector of the full array for the n-th pulse at time instance t. is approximated as
The fact that FAR transmits monotone waveform facilitates r(t) ≈ r(nTr ) = r(0)+v · nTr , nTr < t < (n+1)Tr . (5)
its realization. Furthermore, the frequency agility achieved by
To model the received signal, we first consider the n-th
randomizing the frequencies between pulses enhances surviv-
radar pulse that reaches the target, denoted by x̃(n, t). Let
ability in complex electromagnetic environments. However,
x̃ (n, t) be its component at frequency Ωn,k , i.e., x̃(n, t) :=
this comes at the cost of reduced number of radar mea- Pk K−1
surements, which degrades the target recovery performance, k=0 x̃k (n, t). Note that x̃k (n, t) is a summation of delayed
transmissions from the corresponding antenna elements. The
particularly in the presence of interference, where some of the
delay for the l-th array element is r(nTr )/c+ld sin ϑ/c. Under
radar returns are missed [8]. To overcome these drawbacks,
the narrowband, far-field assumption, using (2), we have that
in the following we propose WMAR, which extends FAR to
multi-carrier transmissions. X
x̃k (n, t)= [xW,k (n, t − r(nTr )/c)]l e−j2πΩn,k ld sin ϑ/c
B. WMAR Transmit Signal Model l=0

WMAR extends FAR to multi-carrier signalling. Broadly = wH (ϑ, Ωn,k ) xW,k (n, t − r(nTr )/c). (6)
speaking, WMAR transmits a single multiband waveform from Substituting (5) and the definition of x
W,k (n, t) into (6) yields
all its antennas, maintaining frequency agility by randomizing
a subset of the available frequencies on each pulse. ρW (n, k, δϑ )


Specifically, in the n-th radar pulse, WMAR randomly x̃k (n, t) = √ φ Ωn,k , t−nTr − , (7)
K c
selects a set of carrier frequencies Fn from F, Fn ⊂ F. We
assume that the cardinality of Fn is constant, i.e., |Fn | = K where δϑ := sin ϑ − sin θ is the relative direction sine
for each n ∈ N , and write the elements of this set as with respect to the transmit beam, and ρW (n, k, δϑ ) :=
Fn = {Ωn,k |k ∈ K}, K := {0, 1, . . . , K − 1}. The portion w (ϑ, Ωn,k ) w (θ, Ωn,k ) is the transmit gain, expressed as
of the n-th pulse of WMAR in the k-th frequency is given L−1
by xW,k (n, t) := √1K w (θ, Ωn,k ) φ (Ωn,k , t − nTr ), and the
ρW (n, k, δϑ ) = e−j2πΩn,k ldδϑ /c . (8)
overall transmitted vector is xW (n, t) = k=1 xW,k (n, t), i.e., l=0
Note that ρW (n, k, δϑ ) approaches L when δϑ ≈ 0.
1 Having modeled the signal which reaches the target, we now
xW (n, t) = √ w (θ, Ωn,k ) φ (Ωn,k , t − nTr ) , (4) derive the radar returns observed by the antenna array. After
K being reflected by the scattering point, the signal at the k-th
where the factor K guarantees that (4) has the same total frequency propagates back to the l-th radar array element with

power as the FAR signal (3). an extra delay of r(nTr )/c + ld sin ϑ/c, resulting in
FAR is a special case of WMAR under the setting K = 1. yW,k (n, t)]l := β x̃k (n, t − r(nTr )/c − ld sin ϑ/c) .
[e (9)
By using multiple carriers simultaneously via wideband sig-
nalling, i.e., K > 1, WMAR transmits a highly directional The echoes vector yeW,k (n, t) ∈ CL can be written as
beam, while improving the robustness to missed pulses com- yeW,k (n, t) = βw∗ (ϑ, Ωn,k ) x̃k (n, t − r(nTr )/c)
pared to FAR. The improved performance stems from the use
(a) β
of multi-carrier transmission, which increases the number of = √ w∗ (ϑ, Ωn,k ) ρW (n, k, δϑ )
radar measurements. To see this, we detail the received signal K
model of WMAR in the following subsection. × φ (Ωn,k , t−nTr −(2r(0) + 2nvTr )/c) , (10)
where (a) follows from (7).
C. WMAR Received Signal Model The received echoes at all K frequencies are then separated
We next model the received signal processed by WMAR and sampled independently by each array element. The signal
for target identification. To that aim, we focus on the time yeW,k (n, t) is sampled with a rate of fs = 1/Tp at time
interval after the n-th pulse is transmitted, i.e., nTr + Tp < instants t = nTr + i/fs , i = 0, 1, . . . , bTr fs c − 1, such
t < (n + 1)Tr . In this period, the radar receives echoes of the that each pulse is sampled once. Every sample time instant 
pulse, which are sampled and processed in discrete-time. corresponds to a coarse range cell (CRC), r ∈ i−1 2fs c, i
2fs c .

The division to CRCs indicates coarse range information of narrowband radar transceivers while introducing spatial agility,
scattering points. We focus on an arbitrary i-th CRC, assuming enabling multi-carrier transmission using monotone signals at
that the scattering point does not move between CRCs during a cost of a minimal array antenna gain loss.
a CPI, i.e., there exists some integer i such that
2fs c < r (0) < 2fs c,
i−1 i (11) CAESAR, similarly to WMAR, extends FAR to multi-
2fs c < r (0) + vnTr < 2fs c, ∀n ∈ N .
carrier transmission. However, unlike WMAR, CAESAR uti-
Collecting radar returns from N pulses and L elements at lizes monotone signalling and reception, and is thus more
the same CRC yields a data cube YW ∈ CL×N×K with entries suitable for implementation. We detail the transmit and receive
models of CAESAR in Subsections III-A and III-B, respec-
[YW ]l,n,k := [e
yW,k (n, nTr + i/fs )]l , (12) tively.
where i is the CRC index. The data cube YW is processed
to estimate the refined range information, Doppler, and angle A. CAESAR Transmit Signal Model
of the scattering point. Data cubes from different CRCs are Broadly speaking, CAESAR extends FAR to multi-carrier
processed identically and separately. signalling by transmitting monotone waveforms with varying
Finally, we formulate how the unknown parameters of the frequencies from different antenna elements. The selection of
targets are embedded in the processed data cube YW . To the frequencies, as well as their allocation among the antenna
that aim, define δr := r(0) − ic/2fs as the high-range elements, is randomized anew in each pulse, thus inducing
resolution distance, cn,k := (Ωn,k − fc )/∆f ∈ M as the both frequency and spatial agility.
carrier frequency index, and ζn,k = Ωn,k /fc as the relative To formulate CAESAR, we consider the same pulse radar
frequency factor. Then, denoting by β̃ := βe−j4πfc δr /c , formulation detailed in Section II. Similarly to WMAR de-
r̃ := −4π∆f δr /c and ṽ := −4πfc vTr /c the generalized tailed in Subsection II-B, in the n-th radar pulse, CAESAR
scattering intensity, and the normalized range and velocity, randomly selects a set of carrier frequencies Fn = {Ωn,k |k ∈
respectively, and substituting (10) into (12), we have that K} from F. While WMAR uses the set of selected frequencies
β̃ej r̃cn,k j ṽnζn,k −j2π Ωn,k ldsin ϑ to generate wideband waveforms, CAESAR allocates a sub-
[YW ]l,n,k = √ e e c ρW (n, k, δϑ ). (13) array for each frequency, such that all the antenna array
elements are utilized for transmission, each at a single carrier
The unknown parameters in (13) are β̃, r̃, ṽ and (sin ϑ, δϑ ), frequency. Denote by fn,l ∈ Fn the frequency used by the
which are used to reveal the scattering intensity |β|, HRR l-th antenna array element, l ∈ L := {0, 1, . . . , L − 1}. After
range r(0), velocity v and angle ϑ of the target. phase shifting the waveform to direct the beam, the l-th array
The above model can be naturally extended to noisy mul- element transmission can be written as
tiple scatterers. When there are S scattering points inside
[xC (n, t)]l := [w(θ, fn,l )]l φ(fn,l , t − nTr ). (15)
the CRC instead of a single one as assumed previously, the
received signal is a summation of returns from all these points The vector xC (n, t) ∈ C in (15) denotes the full array
corrupted by additive noise, denoted by N ∈ CL×N ×K . transmission vector for the n-th pulse at time t. Here, unlike
Following (13), the entries of the data matrix are FAR which transmits a single frequency from the full array (3),
S−1 CAESAR assigns diverse frequencies to different sub-array
1 X antennas, as illustrated in Fig. 1.
[YW ]l,n,k = √ β̃s ej r̃s cn,k ej ṽs nζn,k e−j2πΩn,k ldsin ϑs /c
K s=0 The transmitted signal (15) can also be expressed by group-
× ρW (n, k, δϑs ) + [N ]l,n,k , (14) ing the array elements which use the same frequency Ωn,k . Let
xC,k (n, t) ∈ CL with zero padding represent the portion of
where {β̃s }, {r̃s }, {ṽs } and {ϑs } represent the sets of factors xC (n, t) which utilizes Ωn,k , i.e.,
of scattering coefficients, ranges, velocities, and angles of xC,k (n, t) = P (n, k)w (θ, Ωn,k ) φ (Ωn,k , t − nTr ) , (16)
the S scattering points, respectively, which are unknown and
should be estimated. A method for recovering these parameters where P (n, k) ∈ {0, 1} is a diagonal selection matrix
from the data cube YW is detailed in Section IV. with diagonal p(n, k) ∈ {0, 1}L , whose l-th entry is one
WMAR has several notable advantages: First, as an exten- if the l-th array element transmits at frequency Ωn,k and
sion of FAR, it preserves its frequency agility and is suitable zero otherwise, i.e., [P (n, k)]l,l = [p(n, k)]l = 1 and
for implementation with phased array antennas. Furthermore, [xC,k (n, t)]l = [xC (n, t)]l when fn,l = Ωn,k . The transmitted
as we discuss in Section V, its number of radar measurements signal is thus xC (n, t) := k=0 xC,k (n, t), namely
for each CRC is increased by a factor of K compared K−1
to FAR, thus yielding increased robustness to interference. xC (n, t) = P (n, k)w (θ, Ωn,k ) φ (Ωn,k , t − nTr ) . (17)
However, WMAR transmitters simultaneously send multiple k=0
carriers instead of a monotone as in FAR, which requires Comparing (17) with (4), we find that each array element of
large instantaneous bandwidth, leading to envelope fluctuation CAESAR transmits a single frequency with unit amplitude
and low amplifier efficiency. To overcome these issues, we while in WMAR
√ all K frequencies with amplitudes scaled by
introduce CAESAR in the following section, which utilizes a factor 1/ K are sent by each element.

The diagonal selection matrices P (n, 0), . . . , P (n, K − 1) at the k-th frequency, denoted by yC,k (n, t) ∈ CL , is thus
uniquely describe the allocation of antenna elements for yC,k (n, t) := P (n, k)e
yC,k (n, t). The full array received signal
PK−1 n-th pulse. CAESAR transmission scheme implies that is given by yC (n, t) := k=0 yC,k (n, t).
k=0 P (n, k) = IL , i.e., all the antenna elements are utilized The observed signal yC (n, t) is sampled in a similar manner
for the transmission of the n-th pulse. The trace of P (n, k) as detailed in Subsection II-C. Since CAESAR processes a
represents the number of antennas using the k-th frequency. single frequency component per antenna element, the measure-
Without loss of generality, we assume that L/K is an integer ments from each CRC are collected together as a data matrix
and tr (P (n, k)) = L/K, for each n ∈ N and k ∈ K. YC ∈ CL×N , as opposed to a L × N × K cube processed by
Phased array FAR and FDA [15] are special cases of WMAR. By repeating the arguments used for obtaining (13),
CAESAR with K = 1 and K = M = L, respectively. A it holds that
fundamental difference between these radar schemes is the
[YC ]l,n=β̃ej r̃cn,k ej ṽnζn,k e−j2πΩn,k ldsin ϑ/c ρC (n, k, δϑ ), (21)
transmit beam pattern. In FAR, the same carrier frequency is
utilized by all the elements, i.e., Ωn,k and fn,l are identical which can be extended to account for multiple targets and
for each k ∈ K and l ∈ L, respectively, resulting in noisy measurements as in (14), i.e.,
highly directional beam. In FDA, all available frequencies S−1
X ld sin ϑs
are transmitted simultaneously and one frequency corresponds [YC ]l,n = β̃s ej r̃s cn,k ej ṽs nζn,k e−j2πΩn,k c

to a single antenna element, leading to an omnidirectional s=0

beam which degrades radar performance and is not suitable × ρC (n, k, δϑs ) + [N ]l,n , (22)
for target tracking [16]. The proposed CAESAR uses only a
subset of the available frequencies in each pulse and multiple where N ∈ CL×N is the additive noise. In order to recover
antenna elements share the same frequency, thus achieving the unknown parameters from the acquired data matrix (22), in
a compromise radiation beam that only illuminates the de- the following section we present a dedicated recovery scheme.
sired angle. Despite the gain loss in comparison with FAR IV. TARGET R ECOVERY M ETHOD
discussed in Section V, CAESAR achieves improved range- Here, we present an algorithm for reconstructing the un-
Doppler reconstruction performance and increased robustness known HRR range, velocity, angle, and scattering intensity
to interference, as numerically demonstrated in Section VII. parameters of the scattering points from the radar measure-
ments of both WMAR and CAESAR. Detection is performed
B. CAESAR Received Signal Model based on the estimated scattering intensities. The detected
We next model the received signal processed by CAESAR. scattering points may belong to either target or clutter, and
Unlike WMAR, in which each antenna receives and separates they are identified by their Doppler estimates. The motivation
different frequency components, in CAESAR, the l-th antenna for this approach is that in many ground-based radar systems,
element only receives radar returns at frequency fn,l , and fast moving targets are of interest, while static or slow moving
abandons other frequencies. This enables the use of narrow- scatterers with zero or nearly zero Doppler are regarded as
band receivers, simplifying the hardware requirements. clutter. We henceforth model the Doppler of both targets
Note that the derivation of the signal component received and clutter as unknown parameters, which are simultaneously
at the k-th frequency in (6), x̃k (n, t), does not depend on the estimated. In specific applications where the clutter Doppler
specific radar scheme. Here, substituting (16) into (6) yields is a-priori known, one can apply clutter mitigation [25] in

 advance to the target recovery method. A similar procedure
x̃k (n, t) = ρC (n, k, δϑ )φ Ωn,k , t−nTr − , (18) is also applied in pulse Doppler radars [24, Ch. 5.5.1], where
the moving target indication filtering for gross clutter removal
where ρC (n, k, δϑ ) := wH (ϑ, Ωn,k ) P (n, k)w (θ, Ωn,k ) is the is placed prior to the pulse Doppler filter bank.
transmit gain of the selected sub-array antenna, expressed as In order to maintain feasible computational complexity,
L−1 we do not estimate all the parameters simultaneously: our
proposed algorithm first jointly recovers the range-Doppler
ρC (n, k, δϑ ) = [p(n, k)]l e−j2πΩn,k ldδϑ /c . (19)
parameters followed by estimation of the unknown angles.
When performing joint range-Doppler estimation, we assume
Note that, in contrast to the transmit gain of WMAR in (8)
that all the scattering points are located within the mainlobe of
which tends to L, ρC (n, k, δϑ ) approaches L/K when δϑ ≈ 0.
the transmit beam, and that the difference of the angle sine is
By repeating the arguments in the derivation of (10), the echo
negligible, i.e., δϑ ≈ 0. We then estimate the direction angles
vector yeC,k (n, t) ∈ CL can be written as
of scattering points based on their range-Doppler estimates.
yeC,k (n, t)= βw∗ (ϑ, Ωn,k ) ρC (n, k, δϑ ) We divide the target recovery method into three stages:
×φ (Ωn,k , t−nTr −(2r(0) + 2nvTr )/c) .(20) 1) apply receive beamforming such that the magnitude of
the received signal is enhanced, facilitating range-Doppler
CAESAR receives and processes impinging signals by the recovery; 2) apply CS methods for joint reconstruction of
corresponding elements of the antenna array. In particular, only range and Doppler, followed by a target detection procedure;
a sub-array, whose elements are indicated by P (n, k), receives and 3) angle and scattering intensity estimation. These steps
the impinging signal yeC,k (n, t); the other array elements are are discussed in Subsections IV-A-IV-C, respectively. A theo-
tuned to other frequencies. The zero-padded received signal retical analysis of the range-Doppler estimation performance

of our algorithm is provided in Section VI, where we quan- We can now use the sparse structure of (25) to formulate the
tify how using multiple carriers improves the range-Doppler range-Doppler reconstruction as a sparse recovery problem.
reconstruction performance. To that aim, let z ∈ CKN and β ∈ CM N be the vectorized
representations of Z and B, respectively, i.e., [z]k+nK = Zk,n
A. Receive Beamforming and [β]n+mN := [B]m,n . From (24), it holds that
The first step in processing the radar measurements is to
beamform the received signal in order to facilitate recovery of z = Φβ, (26)
the range-Doppler parameters. This receive beamforming is where the entries of Φ ∈ CKN ×M N are given by
applied to radar returns at different frequencies separately. To 2πm 2πl

formulate the beamforming technique, we henceforth focus on [Φ]k+nK,l+mN := ej M cn,k+j N nζn,k , (27)
the k-th frequency of the n-th pulse, Ωn,k . For both CAESAR m ∈ M, l, n ∈ N , and k ∈ K. The matrix Φ is determined
and WMAR, a total of L measurements correspond to Ωn,k , by the frequencies utilized in each pulse. Consequently, Φ is
and are denoted by z̃n,k ∈ CL . For CAESAR, z̃n,k is given by a random matrix, as these parameters are randomized by the
z̃n,k = P (n, k) [YC ]n , of which only elements corresponding radar transmitters, whose realization is known to the receiver.
to the selected sub-array are nonzero. For WMAR, z̃n,k In the presence of noisy radar returns, (26) becomes
consists of the entries [YW ]l,n,k for each l ∈ L. These
measurements are integrated with the weights w (θ, Ωn,k ) such z = Φβ + n, (28)
that the receive beam is pointed towards θ, resulting in where the entries of the noise vector n ∈ C KN
are the
Zk,n := wT z̃n,k ∈ C. (23) beamformed noise, e.g., for CAESAR these are given by
√ [n]k+nK = wT (θ, Ωn,k ) P (n, k) [N ]n .
Define αK := L2 /K 2 for CAESAR, and αK := L2 / K for
WMAR. When δϑs ≈ 0, i.e., the beam direction θ is close to Since in each pulse only a subset of the available frequencies
the true angle of the target, the resulting beam pattern can be are transmitted, i.e., K ≤ M , the sensing matrix Φ in (28) has
simplified as stated in the following lemma: more columns than rows, M N ≥ KN , indicating that solving
(28) is naturally an under-determined problem. When β is S-
Lemma 1. If the difference of the angle sine satisfies δϑs ≈ 0, sparse, which means that there are at most S non-zeroes in
then Zk,n in (23) can be approximated as β and S  M N , CS algorithms can be used to solve (28),
X yielding the estimate β̂.
Zk,n ≈ αK β̃s ej r̃s cn,k ej ṽs nζn,k . (24) Particularly, CS methods aim to solve under-determined
s=0 problems such as (26) by seeking the sparsest solution, i.e.,
Proof. See Appendix A. β̂ = arg min kβk0 , s.t. z = Φβ. (29)
The receive beamforming produces the matrix Z ∈ CK×N
The `0 optimization in (29) is generally NP-hard. To re-
whose entries are [Z]k,n := Zk,n , for each k ∈ K, n ∈ N . Un-
duce computational complexity, many alternatives including
der the approximation (24), the obtained Z is used for range-
`1 optimization and greedy approaches have been suggested
Doppler reconstruction, as discussed in the next subsection.
to approximate (29), see [26], [27].
B. Range-Doppler Reconstruction Method We take `1 optimization as an example, under which we
To reconstruct the range-Doppler parameters and detect provide a theoretical analysis and numerically evaluate the
targets in the presence of noise and/or clutter, we first recast performance in Sections VI and VII, respectively. In particular,
the beamformed signal model of Lemma 1 in matrix form, and in the absence of noise, we use the basis pursuit algorithm,
then apply CS methods to recover the unknown parameters, which solves
exploiting the underlying sparsity of the resulting model. The β̂ = arg min kβk1 , s.t. z = Φβ, (30)
targets of interest are then identified based on the estimated β
parameters. instead of (29). In noisy cases, recovering β can be formulated
To obtain a sparse recovery problem, we start by discretiz- as minimizing the `1 norm under a `2 constraint on the fidelity:
ing the range and Doppler domains. Recall that r̃s and ṽs
denote the normalized range and Doppler parameters, with β̂ = arg min kβk1 , s.t. kz − Φβk2 ≤ η. (31)
resolutions 2π 2π
M and N , corresponding to the numbers of
available frequencies and pulses, respectively. Both parameters Problem (31) can be solved using the Lasso method [26],
belong to continuous domains in the unambiguous region which finds the solution to the `1 regularized least squares
(r̃s , ṽs ) ∈ [0, 2π)2 . We discretize r̃s and ṽ s into HRR and as
2πm 1

Doppler grids, denoted
 2πn by grid sets R := M m∈M β̂ = arg min λ kβk1 + kz − Φβk22 , (32)

and V := N n ∈ N , with grid intervals ∆r̃ = M and
β 2

∆ṽ = N , respectively, and assume that the targets are located where η and λ are predefined parameters.
precisely on the grids. The target scene can now be represented Having obtained the estimate β̂ using CS methods, we can
by the matrix B ∈ CM ×N with entries use it to identify which of these estimated parameters corre-
spond to a true target of interest. Elements with significant

β̃s αK , if (r̃s , ṽs ) = 2πm 2πn

[B]m,n := M , N ,
0, otherwise. amplitudes in β̂ are detected as dominant scattering points.

Denote by Sb the support set indexing these dominant scattering 2) Angle estimation using matched filter: With the isolated
points, whose range-Doppler parameters are recovered from echoes Ybs of the s-th scattering point, we use a matched
the corresponding indices in S.b For example, we may use some filter to refine the unknown angle ϑs , which is coarsely
threshold Th to determine whether the amplitude is significant assumed within the beam in the  previous  receive beamforming
π π
[24, Page 295, Ch. 6]. 5 In this case, the support set is given by procedure, i.e., ϑs ∈ Θ := θ+ − 2L , 2L . Using (22), we write
Sb = {s||[β]s | > Th }. According to their Doppler estimates, the isolated echo as Ybs = β̃s Ys (ϑs ) + Ns , where Ns denotes
these dominant scattering points are categorized into target of the noise matrix corresponding to the s-th scattering point.
interests or clutter individually. The entries of the steering matrix Ys (ϑs ) ∈ CL×N are
With the recovered range-Doppler values, we can estimate
[Ys (ϑs )]l,n := ρC (n, k, δϑs )ej r̃s cn,k ej ṽs nζn,k e−j2πΩn,k ldsin ϑs /c ,
the angle and refine the scattering intensity, as detailed in
the following subsection. The procedure for detecting which which can be computed using (19) with given ϑs and the
parameters correspond to targets of interest detailed above is estimates of the range-Doppler parameters. Note that β̃s , ϑs
based on β̂. While this vector here represents the coarsely and Ns are unknown, and ϑs is of interest. The value of the
estimated scattering intensity, the procedure can be repeated intensity β̃s recovered next is refined in the sequel to improve
for further separating targets from clutter based on the refined accuracy. Here, we apply least squares estimation, i.e.,
estimate obtained in the sequel. ˆ  2
ϑ̂s , β̃s = arg min vec Ybs − β̃s vec (Ys (ϑs )) . (35) 2
ϑs ,β̃s
C. Angle and Scattering Intensity Estimation tr(Y H (ϑs )Y
bs )
ˆ † 
In this part, we refine the angle estimation of the scattering Substituting β̃s = (vec (Ys (ϑs ))) vec Ybs = kYs (ϑ )k2
s s F
points, which are coarsely assumed within the transmit beam into (35) yields a matched filter
in the receive beamforming step, i.e., δϑ ≈ 0. While the tr YsH (ϑs )Ybs 2

following formulation focuses on CAESAR, the resulting ϑ̂s = arg max 2 . (36)
algorithm is also applicable for WMAR as well as FAR. ϑs ∈Θ kYs (ϑs )kF
We estimate the directions of the scatterers individually, as The angle ϑ̂s is estimated for each s ∈ Sb via (36) separately.
different points may have different direction angles. Since after 3) Scattering intensity estimation using least squares:
receive beamforming some directional information is lost in When δϑs 6= 0, there exist approximation errors in (24) and
Z, we recover the angles from the original data matrix YC the resultant intensity estimate β̂. We thus propose to refine
(22). Using the obtained range and Doppler estimates, we first the estimation of β from the original data matrix YC once
isolate echoes for each scattering point with an orthogonal the range-Doppler and angle parameters are acquired. Given
projection, and apply a matched filter to estimate the direction estimated angles ϑ̂s , we concatenate the steering vectors into
angle of each scattering point. Finally, we use least squares to
h   i
C := vec Ys0 ϑ̂s0 , vec Ys1 ϑ̂s1 , . . . ,
infer the scattering intensities.
1) Echo isolation using orthogonal projection: In order s0 , s1 , · · · ∈ S.
b The model (22) is rewritten as vec (YC ) =
to accurately estimate the angle of each scattering point, it C [β]Sb + N , and β can be re-estimated via least squares as
is necessary to mitigate the interference between scattering 2
β̂ Sb = arg min vec (YC ) − C [β]Sb 2 = C † vec (YC ) . (37)
points. To that aim, we use an orthogonal projection to isolate
echoes from each scatterer.
Let Sb be the support set of β̂, and infer the normalized The overall parameter estimation method is summarized as
range and Doppler parameters {r̃s , ṽs } from S.b According to Algorithm 1.
(22), given these parameters, the original data vector from the
l-th array element can be written as Algorithm 1 CAESAR target recovery
 T 1: Input: Data matrix YC .
YC l = [Ψl ]Sb [γl ]Sb + N T l ,
(33) 2: Beamform YC into Z via (23).
3: Use CS methods to recover the indices of the dominant
where Ψl ∈ CN ×M N has entries [Ψl ]n,s := ej r̃s cn,k ej ṽs nζn,k ,
elements of β, representing the parameters of the targets
and γl ∈ CM N denotes the effective scattering intensities
of interest, denoted by S, b from Z based on the sensing
corresponding to all discrete range-Doppler grids, with s-th
matrix Φ (27).
entry [γl ]s := β̃s ρ(n, k, δϑs )e−j2πΩn,k ld sin ϑs /c . The intensi-
4: Reconstruct the normalized range-Doppler parameters
ties, containing unknown phase shifts and antenna gains due
{r̃s , ṽs } from Sb based on (25).
to angles ϑs , are estimated as
5: Isolate YC into multiple echoes {Y bs } via (34).
2 † 
[γ̂l ]Sb = arg min YCT l − [Ψ]Sb [γl ]Sb 2 = [Ψ]Sb YCT l ,

6: Recover the angles {ϑs } from {Ys } via (36).
[γl ]Sb 7: Refine the scattering intensities {βs } using (37).
−1 H 8: Output: parameters {r̃s , ṽs , ϑs , β̃s }.
where A† = AH A A and we assume that Sb < N
and AH A is invertible. The received radar echo from the s-th
scattering point, Ybs ∈ CL×N , s ∈ S,
b is then reconstructed by V. C OMPARISON TO R ELATED R ADAR S CHEMES
setting the l-th row as We next compare our proposed WMAR and CAESAR
 T schemes, and discuss their relationship with relevant previ-
Ybs l = [Ψ]s [γ̂l ]s . (34) ously proposed radar methods.

A. Comparison of WMAR, CAESAR, and FAR interference [9], [10]. The proposed multi-carrier schemes,
We compare our proposed techniques to each other, as WMAR and CAESAR, are numerically shown to outperform
well as to FAR, which is a special case of both WMAR FAR in Section VII, despite the gain loss of CAESAR.
and CAESAR obtained by setting K = 1. We focus on the CAESAR also achieves performance within a relatively small
following aspects: 1) instantaneous bandwidth; 2) the number gap compared to WMAR, while avoiding the usage of instanta-
of measurements in a CPI; and 3) signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). neous wideband components. The resulting tradeoff between
A numerical comparison of the target recovery performance number of beamformed observations and SNR, induced by
of the considered radar schemes is provided in Section VII. the selection of K, is not the only aspect which must be
In terms of instantaneous bandwidth, recall that CAESAR accounted for when setting the value of K, as it also affects the
and FAR use narrowband transceivers, and only a monotone frequency agility profile. In particular, smaller K values result
signal is transmitted or received by each element. In WMAR, in increased spectral flexibility, as different pulses are more
K multi-tone signals are sent and received simultaneously in likely to use non-overlapping frequency sets. Consequently, in
each pulse, thus it requires instantaneous wideband compo- our numerical analysis in Section VII we use small values of
nents. K, for which the gain loss between CAESAR and WMAR is
To compare the number of obtained measurements, we note less significant, and increased frequency agility is maintained.
that for each CRC, WMAR acquires a data cube with N LK In addition, CAESAR can also exploit its spatial agility
samples, while FAR and CAESAR collect N L samples in character, which is not present in FAR or WMAR, to realize
the data matrix. After receive beamforming, the number of a DFRC system, as discussed in our companion paper [22].
observations become N , N K and N K, for FAR, CAESAR,
and WMAR, respectively, via (23). This indicates that the B. Comparison to Previously Proposed Schemes
multi-carrier waveforms of CAESAR and WMAR increase the Similarly to CAESAR, previously proposed FDMA-MIMO
number of measurements after receive beamforming. radar [11], SUMMeR [13], and FDA radar [14], [15] schemes
The aforementioned radar schemes also differ in their SNR, also transmit a monotone waveform from each antenna
as the transmitted power and antenna gains differ. Here, as in element while different elements simultaneously transmit
[24, Page 304, Ch. 6], SNR refers to the ratio of the power multiple carrier frequencies. The main differences between
of the signal component to the power of the noise component our approaches and these previous methods are beam pat-
after coherently accumulating the radar returns. To see this tern and frequency agility. Due to the transmission of di-
difference, we consider the case when there exists a target verse carrier frequencies from different array elements of
with range-Doppler-angle (0, 0, 0), scattering coefficient β and FDMA-MIMO/SUMMeR/FDA, the array antenna does not
the noise elements in N are i.i.d. zero-mean proper-complex form a focused transmit beam and usually illuminates a large
Gaussian with variance σ 2 . InP this case, coherent accumulation field-of-view [16]. This results in a transmit gain loss which
P radar returns reduces to l,n,k [YW ]l,n,k in WMAR and degrades the performance, especially for track mode, where a
l,n [Y ]
C l,n in CAESAR (FAR can be regarded as a special high-gain directional beam is preferred [16]. By transmitting
case of WMAR/CAESAR with K = 1), and the antenna gains each selected frequency with an antenna array (the full array
are ρW = L and ρC = L/K, respectively. It follows from in WMAR and a sub-array in CAESAR), our methods achieve
(14) that√the signal amplitude in radar returns of WMAR a focused beam pattern that facilitates accurate target recovery.
is L|β|/ K. After coherent √ accumulation, the amplitude Furthermore, FDMA-MIMO and FDA transmit all available
becomes N LK · L|β|/ K, leading to a signal power of frequencies simultaneously, and thus do not share the advan-
N 2 L4 K|β|2 , while the power of the noise component becomes tages of frequency agility, e.g., improved ECCM and EMC
N LK · σ 2 . Hence, the SNR of WMAR is N L3 |β|2 /σ 2 . In performance, as the multi-carrier version of SUMMeR and
CAESAR, the amplitude of the signal component in YC is the proposed WMAR/CAESAR. In addition, FDMA-MIMO,
L/K|β|, which becomes N L · L/K|β| after accumulation. SUMMeR and WMAR receive instantaneous wideband signals
Since there are only N L noise elements in CAESAR, the noise with every single antenna, as opposed to FDA [15] and
power after accumulation is N L · σ 2 and the resultant SNR CAESAR, which use narrowband receivers.
is N L3 |β|2 /(K 2 σ 2 ). Letting K = 1 implies that the SNR To summarize, we compare in Table I the main characteris-
of FAR is also N L3 |β|2 /σ 2 . The SNR calculation indicates tics of these radar schemes. Unlike previously proposed radar
that CAESAR has an SNR loss by a factor of K 2 compared to methods, our proposed techniques are based on phased array
WMAR and FAR. This loss stems from the fact that CAESAR antenna and frequency agile waveforms to achieve directional
uses a subset of the antenna array for each carrier, and thus has transmit beam and high resistance against interference. In
lower antenna gain than FAR and WMAR. This SNR reduction terms of instantaneous bandwidth, CAESAR is preferred for
can affect the performance of CAESAR in the presence of its usage of monotone waveforms and simple instantaneous
noise, as numerically demonstrated in Section VII. narrowband receiver.
The above comparison reveals the tradeoff between in-
stantaneous bandwidth requirement, number of observations, VI. P ERFORMANCE A NALYSIS OF R ANGE -D OPPLER
and post-accumulation SNR. Among these three factors, the R ECONSTRUCTION
number of observations is crucial to the target recovery perfor- Range-Doppler reconstruction plays a crucial role in target
mance especially in complex electromagnetic environments, recovery. This section presents a theoretical analysis of range-
where some observations may be discarded due to strong Doppler recovery using CS methods. Since both WMAR and

Characters Frequency agility Beam pattern # of observation Transmit bandwidth Receive bandwidth
WMAR Yes Focused Moderate Large Large
CAESAR Yes Moderately focused Moderate Small Small
FAR Yes Focused Small Small Small
FDMA-MIMO No Omnidirectional Large Small Large
SUMMeR Yes Omnidirectional Moderate Small Large
FDA No Omnidirectional Large Small Small

CAESAR are generalizations of FAR, the following analysis B. Performance Analysis

is inspired by the study of CS-based FAR recovery in [7]. Here, we analyze the range-Doppler reconstruction of
In particular, we extend the results of [7] to multi-carrier WMAR and CAESAR. Since the sensing matrix Φ is random,
waveforms, as well as to extremely complex electromagnetic we start by analyzing its statistics, and then derive conditions
environments, where some transmitted pulses are interfered that ensure unique recovery by invoking Theorem 2.
by intentional or unintentional interference. In the presence of
We assume that the frequency set Fn is uniformly i.i.d. over
such interference, only partial observations in the beamformed
{X |X ⊂ F, |X | = K }. For mathematical convenience, in our
matrix Z remain effective for range-Doppler reconstruction.
analysis we adopt the narrow relative bandwidth assumption
To present the analysis, we first briefly review some basic
from [7], i.e., ζn,k ≈ 1, such that (27) becomes
analysis techniques of CS in Subsection VI-A, followed by
the range-Doppler recovery performance analysis in Subsec- 2πm 2πl
[Φ]k+nK,l+mN = ej M cn,k +j N n . (40)
tion VI-B.
Numerical results in [7] indicate that large relative bandwidth
A. Preliminaries
has negligible effect on the MIP of Φ. In addition, recall
There have been extensive studies on theoretical conditions that all the targets precisely lie on the predefined grid points,
that guarantee unique recovery for noiseless models or robust as assumed in Subsection IV-B. Here, we adopt the on-the-
recovery for noisy models [26], [27]. The majority of these grid assumption for mathematical convenience. Consequently,
studies characterize conditions and properties of the measure- the accuracy and actual resolutions of range and Doppler
ment matrix Φ, including spark, mutual incoherence property reconstruction results are restricted by the grid intervals, i.e.,
(MIP) and restricted isometry property (RIP). 2π/M and 2π/N , respectively. In practical scenarios, we may
Following [7], we focus on the MIP. A sensing matrix Φ is use denser grid points, as will be discussed by simulations
said to satisfy the MIP when its coherence, defined as in Subsection VII-B. Denser grid enhances the obtainable

H accuracy/resolution and alleviates the performance loss when
[Φ]i [Φ]j

µ(Φ) := max , (38) the real parameters are off the grid points. However, the
i6=j [Φ] [Φ]
i 2 j 2 density of grid points cannot go to infinity, because denser
grid affects the incoherence property of the observation matrix
is not larger than some predefined threshold. Bounded co-
while increasing the memory requirements and the computa-
herence ensures unique or robust recovery using a variety of
tional burden. An alternative approach to overcome the need
computationally efficient CS methods. We take `1 optimization
to specify a range-Doppler grid is to utilize off-the-grid CS
as an example to explain the bounds on matrix coherence. In
methods, see [30], [31].
the absence of noise, the uniqueness of the solution to (30) is
guaranteed by the following theorem: In complex electromagnetic environments, some of the radar
echoes may be corrupted due to jamming or interference.
Theorem 2 ([28]). Suppose the sensing matrix Φ has coher- Heavily corrupted echoes are unwanted and should be removed
ence µ(Φ) < 2S−1 . If β solves (30) and has support size at before processing in order to avoid their influence on the
most S, then β is the unique solution to (30). estimation of target parameters [9], [10]. In this case, the
In noisy cases, the following result shows that µ(Φ) < corrupted radar returns are identified, as such echoes typically
also guarantees stable recovery. have distinct characters, e.g., extremely large amplitudes.
These interfered observations are regarded as missing, where
Theorem 3 ([29]). Consider the model (28) with kzk2 ≤  ≤ we consider two kinds of missing patterns: 1) pulse selective,
η and kβk0 ≤ S, and let sensing matrix Φ have coherence i.e., all observations in certain pulses are missing, which
µ(Φ) < 2S−1 . If β̂ solves (31), then happens when the interference in these pulses is intense over
p all sub-bands; 2) observation selective, namely, only parts of
3(1 + µ) the observations are missed when the corresponding pulse
kβ̂ − βk2 ≤ (η + ). (39)
1 − (2S − 1)µ is interfered. We consider the first case, assuming that the
Based on Theorems 2 and 3, we next analyze the coherence radar receiver knows which pulses are corrupted, and leave
measure of the sensing matrix Φ in (27) for CAESAR and the analysis under the second case for future investigation.
WMAR (whose sensing matrices are identical), and establish In particular, we adopt the missing-or-not approach [32], in
the corresponding performance guarantees. which each pulse in z has a probability of 1 − u, 0 < u < 1,

to be corrupted, and the missing-or-not status of the pulses are The coherence in (47) is a function of the dependent random
statistically independent of each other. variables χ and |Λ|. To bound µ, we derive bounds on χ and
After removing the corrupted returns, only part of the |Λ|, respectively. To this aim, we first characterize the statisti-
observations in the beamformed vector z (28) are used for cal moments of χn (∆m , ∆n ) for some fixed (∆m , ∆n ) ∈ Ξ,
range-Doppler recovery. Equivalently, corresponding rows in which we denote henceforth as χn , in the following lemma:
Φ can be regarded as missing, affecting the coherence of the
Lemma 4. The sequence of random variables {χn } satisfies
matrix and thus the reconstruction performance. Denote by (
Λ ⊂ N the random set of available pulse indexes and by uej∆n n , if ∆m = 0,
Λ∗ := {nK + k |n ∈ Λ, k ∈ K } the corresponding index set E [χn ] = (48)
0, otherwise,
of available observations. The signal model (28) is now
z∗ = Φ∗ β + n∗ , (41) X u(1 − u)N, if ∆m = 0,
D [χn ] = M −K (49)
(M −1)K uN, otherwise.
 T T
where z∗ := [z]Λ∗ , Φ∗ := Φ Λ∗ , and n∗ := [n]Λ∗ . n=0
Consider the inner product of two columns in Φ∗ , denoted Furthermore, for each n ∈ N ,
[Φ∗ ]l1 and [Φ∗ ]l2, corresponding to grid points 2πm 1 2πn1
M , N
2πm2 2πn2
, respectively, l1 , l2 ∈ 0, 1, . . . , M N − 1, |χn − E[χn ]| ≤ 1, w.p. 1. (50)
and M , N
m1 , m2 ∈ M, n1 , n2 ∈ N . While there are M 2 N 2 dif- Proof. See Appendix B.
ferentHpairs of (l1 , l2 ), the magnitude of the inner product Using Lemma 4, the probability that the magnitude |χ| is
[Φ∗ ] [Φ∗ ] , which determines the coherence of Φ∗ , takes
l1 l2
at most M N − 1 distinct random values. To see this, note that bounded can be derived as in the following Corollary:
n o
M −K
Corollary 5. Let V := max u(1 − u)N, (M −1)K uN . For
X K−1 2πm1 2πn1 2πm2 2πn2
any (∆m , ∆n ) ∈ Ξ and  ≤ V it holds that
[Φ∗ ]l1 [Φ∗ ]l2 = e−j M cn,k−j N n j
e M cn,k+j N n
 √  2
n∈Λ k=0
P |χ| ≥ V +  ≤ e− 4V . (51)
X K−1X m1 −m2 n1 −n2
= e−j2π M cn,k −j2π N n
, (42) Proof. Based on the definition (44) and the independence as-
n∈Λ k=0 sumption on the frequency selection and missing-or-not status
indicating that the inner product depends only on the differ- of each pulse, it holds that {χn − E [χn ]}n∈N are independent
ence of the grid points, i.e., m1 − m2 and n1 − n2 , and not zero-mean complex-valued random variables. Now, since
( P
on the individual values of the column indices l1 and l2 . It N −1
X u n=0 ej∆n n , if ∆m = 0,
follows from (42) that the MIP of Φ∗ can be written as E [χn ] = (52)
0, otherwise,
1 X X −j∆m cn,k −j∆n n PN −1 j∆n n j∆n N
µ(Φ∗ ) = max e e . (43) according to (48) and n=0 e = 1−e1−ej∆n equals
(∆m ,∆n ) |Λ|K
6=(0,0) n∈Λ k=0 0 for ∆n ∈ { 2πn } \{0} , recalling that (∆ m , ∆ n ) 6=
where ∆m := 2π m1M −n2
, ∆n := 2π n1N take values in the (0, 0), we have E
n=0 P n [χ ] = 0. Then, it holds that
PN −1 N −1
n=0 (χn − E [χn ]) = n=0 χn = χ. Combining Bern-
2πm 2πn
sets ∆m∈{± M }m∈M and ∆n ∈ {± N }n∈N , respectively.
Next, we define stein’s inequality [33, Thm. 12] with the fact that by (50),
K−1 |χn − E[χn ]| ≤ 1, results in (51).
1 X −j∆m cn,k −j∆n n
χn (∆m , ∆n ) := IΛ (n) e , (44) We next derive a bound on the number of effective pulses
|Λ| in the following lemma:
where the random variable IΛ (n) satisfies IΛ (n) = 1 when
n ∈ Λ and 0 otherwise. In addition, let Lemma 6. For any t > 0, it holds that
N −1 2t2

χ (∆m , ∆n ) :=
χn (∆m , ∆n ) . (45) P (|Λ| ≤ uN − t) < e− N . (53)
n=0 Proof. Since, by its definition, |Λ| obeys a binomial distribu-
Some of the magnitudes |χ (∆m , ∆n )| are duplicated since tion, (53) is a direct consequence of [34, Thm. 1].
χ (∆m , ∆n ) = χ (∆m ± 2π, ∆n ± 2π) and χ (∆m , ∆n ) = 1
χ∗ (−∆m , −∆n ). To eliminate the duplication and remove Based on the requirement µ(Φ∗ ) > 2K−1 in Theorem 2,
the trivial nonrandom value χ(0, 0), we restrict the values of we now use Corollary 5 and Lemma 6 to derive a sufficient
∆m and ∆n to ∆m ∈ { 2πm 2πn condition on the radar parameters M , N , K, as well as
M }m∈M and ∆n ∈ { N }n∈N ,
respectively, and define the set the intensity of interference 1 − u, guaranteeing that the
measurement matrix Φ∗ meets the requirement with high
Ξ := {(∆m , ∆n ) |(m, n) ∈ M × N \(0, 0)} , (46) probability. This condition is stated in the following theorem:

with cardinality |Ξ| = M N − 1, such that each value of Theorem  7. For any constant δ > 0, the coherence of Φ∗
[Φ∗ ]H [Φ∗ ] (except the trivial case l1 = l2 ) corresponds

l1 l2 satisfies P µ(Φ∗ ) ≤ 2S−1 ≥ 1 − δ when
to a single element of the set Ξ. We can now write (43) as √ 1 r
1 uN/ V 1+ 2√2N u N 1
µ(Φ∗ ) = max |χ (∆m , ∆n )| . (47) S≤ p − + . (54)
(∆m ,∆n )∈Ξ |Λ| 1+ 2 (log 2|Ξ|−log δ) 2 32V 2

Proof. See Appendix C. A. Target Detection in Clutter Environment

Recall that the value of V depends on the quantities u, K We compare the detection performance of the proposed
M −K
and M . When u is reasonably large such that 1−u ≥ (M −1)K , WMAR and CAESAR schemes with FAR and conventional
M −K
we have V = (M −1)K uN . When there is no noise in radar fixed frequency radars, which can be regarded as a special case
returns, a number
q of scattering
 points (on the grid) in the scale of WMAR, CAESAR and FAR, with K = 1 and Ωn,k = fn =
of S = O log M N guarantees a unique reconstruction of fc . To that aim, we evaluate the detection probabilities, Pd , of
range-Doppler parameters with high probability according to a moving target under ground clutter environment. The ground
Theorems 2 and 7. Note that this rather simple asymptotic clutter is modeled as radar returns from many static scattering
M −1 points with velocity being zero. Thus, moving targets and
condition assumes that M −K ≈ 1, i.e., that the overall
number of available frequencies M is substantially larger than ground clutter are distinguishable by observing their Doppler
the number of frequencies utilized in each pulse K, thus values. We denote by C the index set corresponding to zero
ensuring the agile character in frequency domain. Compared Doppler, i.e., C = {n + mN |n = 0, m ∈ M}, and by C c its
complementary set, i.e., C c = {n + mN |n ∈ N \{0}, m ∈
to the asymptotic condition O log M N of FAR with
full observations [7], we find that the presence of corrupted M}. The number of target scattering points is St = 1.
observations, i.e. when u < 1, leads to degraded range- The normalized range and Doppler parameter of the target
Doppler reconstruction performance. However, by increasing is determined by randomly selecting the index i from C c .
the number of transmitted frequencies in each pulse K while The target intensity |βi |, i ∈ C c is selected to match the
maintaining K  M , the performance deterioration due to desired SNR. The number of clutter scattering points is set
missing observations can be mitigated, enhancing the inter- as Sc = 1000, and the intensity of each scattering point is
ference immunity of the radar in extreme electromagnetic unity, with a random phase uniformly distributed over [0, 2π).
environments. In the special case that K = 1 and u = 1, i.e., The normalized range parameters r̃c of these scatterers are
FAR in an interference free uniformly distributed over [0, 2π), and are not assumed to
 environment, the
 two conditions
lie on the predefined grid points. Since these scatterers have
q q
coincide as O log M N = O log M N . identical velocity, the superposition of their echoes, i.e., the
The above condition is proposed for the noiseless case, in- clutter signal, can be represented by radar returns from the
dicating that the
√ inherent target/clutter reconstruction capacity grid points indexed by C. Echoes from both target and clutter
increases with K. In practical noisy cases, the reconstruction are treated as unknown, and are reconstructed simultaneously
performance does not monotonically increase with K, because by CS. Particularly, we apply Lasso (32) for range-Doppler
the transmit power of each frequency decreases with K, thus reconstruction, yielding β̂, where elements indexed in C are
degrading the SNR in both CAESAR and WMAR. Particu- regarded as equivalent clutter intensities and the remaining
larly, in CAESAR, larger K means that less antennas (L/K) elements are regarded as intensities of moving targets. The Pd
are allocated to each frequency, which affects the radiation curves are plotted versus SNR, and we choose σ 2 = 1.
beam and enlarges the gain loss. In addition, a small K
The simulations are carried out in two parts. In the first
maintains the practical advantages of frequency agility in terms
part, there are only clutter and additive noises in the radar
of, e.g., ECCM and EMC performance.
returns, without returns from moving targets. The result-
VII. S IMULATION R ESULTS ing radar measurements are used to determine the detection
In this section, we numerically compare the performance of thresholds for all radar schemes, respectively, under a given
WMAR, CAESAR, and FAR in noiseless/noisy, clutter, and/or probability of false alarm, denoted Pf a . In the second part,
jamming environments. The performance is evaluated in terms these thresholds are used to detect the existence of a target
of target detection probability, accuracy and resolution, prob- from the received echoes, which now include noise as well
ability of correct reconstruction, and mutual interference, as as returns from both clutter and moving target. The target
presented in Subsections VII-A - VII-D, respectively. detection procedure is based on the estimated parameters
We consider a frequency band starting from fc = 9 GHz, |β̂|, as detailed in Subsection IV-B. In the first part, we set
with M = 4 available carriers and carrier spacing of ∆f = 1 Pf a = 10−3 and perform 105 Monte Carlo trials. While
MHz. The radar system is equipped with an antenna array radar systems typically operate at lower values of Pf a , we
of L = 10 elements with spacing of d = 2fcc , and utilizes use this value for computational reasons. It can be faithfully
N = 32 pulses focusing on θ = 0. CAESAR and WMAR use simulated under the given number of trials, and the selected
K = 2 frequencies at each pulse. In noisy scenarios, we use value of Pf a provides a characterization and understanding of
the term SNR for the post-accumulation SNR of WMAR/FAR, the behavior of the considered radar schemes. A false alarm
i.e., N L3 |β|2 /σ 2 as derived in Subsection V-A. To guarantee is proclaimed if any nonzero-Doppler element in |β̂| exceeds
fair comparison, we use the same definition for all the radar certain threshold Th , i.e., maxi∈C c |β̂i | > Th . In the second
schemes. In the presence of jamming, we test the pulse part, we execute 200 Monte Carlo trials. A successful detection
selective missing pattern. In order to implement target recovery is proclaimed if the estimated intensity of the moving target
via Algorithm 1 for the three radar schemes, we use the convex is larger than the threshold, |β̂i | > Th , i ∈ C c . To evaluate the
optimization toolbox [35] to implement basis pursuit (30) in influence of missing observation caused by jamming, we set
noiseless cases or the Lasso algorithm (32) with λ = 0.5 in the survival rate u = 0.7 and compare the resulting probability
noisy setups for range-Doppler reconstruction. of detection, Pd curves with those of the full observation cases

RMSE of Range (dB)




 &$(6$5 WMAR

:0$5 u =  CAESAR-2
&$(6$5 u =  FAR-2
)$5 u =  -6 WMAR-2

      5 10 15 20 25 30
615 G% SNR (dB)
Fig. 2. Detection probabilities Pd versus SNR. The label “Fixed” represents Fig. 3. Range accuracy of range-Doppler reconstruction results.
the fixed frequency radar, and the Pd of FAR with u = 0.7 are zeros in the
tested scenarios.
two sets of range-Doppler grid points are tested: one uses
in Fig. 2. Note that the detection thresholds for these Pd curves the standard grid as mentioned in Subsection IV-B, where
are calculated individually. the intervals of consecutive range and Doppler grid points
As shown in Fig. 2, the fixed frequency radar has higher are ∆r̃ = 2π 2π
M and ∆ṽ = N , respectively; The latter uses
2π 2π
detection probabilities than the counterparts of frequency agile a denser grid, setting ∆r̃ = 2M and ∆ṽ = 2N , and the
schemes. The advantage of fixed frequency radar stems from consequent simulation results are denoted with label “-2”, e.g.,
the property of its observation matrix Φ ∈ CKN ×M N , where CAESAR-2. The number of scattering points is S = 1 without
K = M = 1 and Φ becomes an orthogonal matrix, benefiting clutter. The normalized range-Doppler parameter, (r̃, ṽ), of the
the Doppler reconstruction performance of CS methods. While scattering point is uniformly, randomly set over [0, 2π)2 , and
in the frequency agile schemes, generally it holds that M > K, the angle is randomly set within the beam ϑ ∈ Θ. Under this
resulting in an incomplete observation matrix and degradation setting, the ground truth of the range-Doppler parameter may
of clutter/target recovery performance. However, we note that be off the grid, which leads to inevitable estimation error. The
the fixed frequency scheme is vulnerable in a jamming en- CS method applied for range-Doppler reconstruction is based
vironment. In the full observation cases, WMAR outperforms on (32), and we estimate range-Doppler, denoted by (r̃, ˆ ṽ),
FAR because of the increased number of observations. Though from the index of the element with maximum magnitude in β̂.
CAESAR has identical number of observations with WMAR We then use root meanqsquared error (RMSE) as the metric of
after receive beamforming, the Pd values of CAESAR are accuracy, defined by E[(r̃ − r̃) ˆ 2 ], taking normalized range
less than those achieved by WMAR with a SNR gap of as an example. The remaining settings are the same as those
approximately 6 dB. This follows since CAESAR suffers from used in Subsection VII-A. We run 500 Monte Carlo trials and
an antenna gain loss of K 2 as discussed in Subsection V-A the range, Doppler and angle accuracy results are shown in
(i.e., 6 dB since K = 2). When some of the observations Figs. 3, 4 and 5, respectively.
are missing due to jamming, the detection probabilities are As expected, the RMSEs become lower when we increase
affected. Both WMAR and CAESAR suffer from an SNR SNR, while we observe in Figs. 3 and 4 that the RMSEs of
loss of approximately 3 dB, while FAR fails to detect any range and Doppler estimates reach error floors as the SNR
moving target in the scenarios under test. When FAR is increases. The error floors depend on the grid intervals ∆r̃
lacking in radar observations, the mutual coherence property or ∆ṽ , and denser grid points lead to lower error floors. The
of its observation matrix Φ∗ becomes degraded, leading to results also reveal that WMAR and FAR have similar accuracy
many spurious peaks of high intensities in the recovery results performance, while CAESAR has an SNR loss of 6 dB in
|β̂|. These spurious peaks significantly increase the detection moderate SNR levels because of its lower antenna gain. In
threshold, thus operating under a fixed Pf a of 10−3 results in high SNR scenarios, the RMSEs of CAESAR also reach the
notably reduced detection probability Pd . error floor.
To summarize, we find from the simulation results that 1) We next examine the ability of CAESAR, FAR and WMAR
the proposed multi-tones schemes (WMAR and CAESAR) in separating closely spaced scattering points, i.e., obtainable
enhance the immunity against missing data over the single- resolution. In the simulations, we use dense grid points with
tone FAR, and 2) WMAR outperforms CAESAR due to its intervals ∆r̃ = 5M 2π
and ∆ṽ = 5N 2π
. We consider two closely
higher antenna gain, which comes at the cost of increased spaced scattering points, of which angles are set ϑ = 0
instantaneous bandwidth. and range-Doppler parameters are on the grid. Particularly,
we fix the range-Doppler parameter of one scattering point
B. Accuracy and Resolution (r̃1 , ṽ1 ) = (0, 0) and change the counterpart of the other scat-
Here, we compare the range, Doppler and angle estimate tering from [∆r̃ , 2π 2π
M ] × [∆ṽ , N ], such that the range/Doppler
results under different range-Doppler grid points. To this aim, separation (∆R /∆V ) between two points are changed. In this



Doppler separation ∆ V × 2Nπ

0 0.8
RMSE of Doppler (dB)

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Range separation ∆ R × M2π

-10 FAR 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00

WMAR Fig. 6. Hit rates of separating closely spaced scattering points.

-15 WMAR-2 

5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)
Fig. 4. Doppler accuracy of range-Doppler reconstruction results. 


-15.0 :0$5
RMSE of Angle (dB)




:0$5 u = 
&$(6$5 u = 
-20.0 u = 


-22.5 FAR S
CAESAR-2 Fig. 7. Range-Doppler recovery versus S, noiseless setting.
-25.0 FAR-2
WMAR-2 elements of the estimated support set. Hit rates are applied as
5 10 15 20 25 30 performance metric, and a hit is proclaimed if the obtained
SNR (dB) support set is identical to the ground truth, which means all
Fig. 5. Angle accuracy versus SNR. the range-Doppler parameters are reconstructed correctly.
In the noiseless experiment, we simulate different numbers
of recoverable scattering points, S. We set the survival rate
experiment, we disregard noise and the scattering intensities
u = 0.4 for jamming environments. The resulting hit rates
are both |β1 | = |β2 | = 1 with random phase. We use
versus S ∈ {1, . . . , N −1} are depicted in Fig. 7. As expected,
(30) for range-Doppler recovery, and the two most dominant
the hit rates decrease as S increases. The performance of
elements in the estimate β̂ are regarded as scattering points.
CAESAR is within a very small gap of that achievable using
The indices of these two elements are compared with the
WMAR, because CAESAR and WMAR use the same amount
corresponding ground truth, and a successful recovery (also
of transmitted frequencies K, and the number of beamformed
referred to a hit) is proclaimed if both indices are correct. The
measurements is also the same. Hit rates of CAESAR and
number of Monte Carlo trails are 500. The achievable hit rate
WMAR exceed that of FAR significantly. This gain stems
results versus separation between scattering points are shown
from the fact that transmitting multi-carriers in each pulse of
in Fig. 6. The results demonstrate that all the frequency agile
CAESAR and WMAR increases the number of observations,
schemes, CAESAR, FAR and WMAR have close performance
and thus raises the number of recoverable scattering points.
in resolution, while the hit rates of CAESAR and WMAR
are slightly higher than those of FAR, because they have We then consider the noisy case, and compare the range-
more observations and the measurement matrix Φ has better Doppler recovery performance versus SNR, which is changed
coherence property. by varying σ 2 . We set S = 10, and we let u = 0.4 for
the jamming environment. The hit rates of the range-Doppler
C. Reconstruction of Multiple Scattering Points parameters are depicted in Fig. 8.
In this subsection, we evaluate the proposed radar schemes Observing Fig. 8, we note that, as expected, WMAR
in recovering a set of S scattering points in noiseless and achieves the best performance in range-Doppler reconstruc-
noisy setups. In both scenarios, we use the standard grid points tion. While WMAR and CAESAR have the same number of
with grid intervals (∆r̃ , ∆ṽ ) = (2π/M, 2π/N ). The range- observations, CAESAR has a lower antenna gain as noted in
Doppler parameters of scattering points are randomly selected Subsection V-A, which results in its degraded performance
from the grid points, angle parameters are randomly set from compared to WMAR. In the full observation case with high
the continuous set Θ, and scattering intensities are all set to SNRs, i.e., SNR ≥ 25 dB, CAESAR has higher hit rates
unity. We apply CS methods for range-Doppler recovery, and than FAR due to the advantage of increased number of
the indices of S most significant entries in β̂ are regarded as transmitted frequencies, while in low SNRs of less than 20



Average uncorrupted subcarriers K

 3 Wideband radar(K=4)




 )$5 1
:0$5 u = 
&$(6$5u = 

)$5u = 


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Interference probability ℙ

615 G% Int

Fig. 8. Range-Doppler recovery versus SNR.

Fig. 9. The average number of uncorrupted subcarriers Ku versus PInt for
dB, FAR exceeds CAESAR owing to its higher antenna gain. radar schemes with different number of transmit subcarriers, which varies
from K = 1 to K = 4.
In the jamming scenario, CAESAR outperforms FAR, and
that FAR almost fails to reconstruct scattering points (with hit
rates around 0.25). The superiority of WMAR/CAESAR over same number of subcarriers for a specific K, their performance
FAR demonstrates the advantage of the proposed multi-carrier on mutual interference is the same. To demonstrate the mutual
waveforms. interference intensity versus interference probabilities, we sim-
From the experimental results in Subsections VII-A - VII-C, ulate 106 Monte Carlo trials for each interference probability
we find that the multi-carrier signals used by CAESAR and and calculate the average number of uncorrupted subcarriers as
WMAR significantly enhance range-Doppler reconstruction shown in Fig. 9. From the results, we observe that, as expected,
performance over the monotone waveform in FAR. The advan- when the interference probability is small, e.g., less than
tage becomes more distinct in jamming environments, where 0.2, radar systems transmitting more subcarriers are capable
some radar measurements are invalid. In reasonably high of effectively utilizing their bandwidth reliably. However, as
SNR scenarios, the reconstruction performance of CAESAR, the probability of interference grows, wideband radar induce
which uses narrowband constant modulus waveforms for each severe mutual interference, resulting in a negligible average
antenna element, approach those of WMAR, which uses number of uncorrupted subcarriers for PInt > 0.6. The
instantaneously wideband waveforms. frequency agile schemes, such as FAR and WMAR/CAESAR
operating with K = 2, are still capable of reliably utilizing a
D. Mutual Interference notable portion of their bandwidth in the presence of such high
interference. These results indicate that the less frequency agile
One of the main advantages of frequency agile transmission
the scheme is, the severer the mutual interference becomes in
is its relatively low level of mutual interference, which implies
the high interference probability regime.
that multiple transmitters can coexist in dense environments.
To demonstrate this property of the proposed radar schemes,
which all utilize some level of frequency agility, we next
evaluate the unintended mutual interference of closely placed In this work we developed two multi-carrier frequency agile
radars transmitting the same waveform pattern. We compare schemes for phase array radars: WMAR, which uses wideband
the frequency agile schemes of FAR, WMAR and CAESAR, waveforms; and CAESAR, which transmits monontone signals
with an instantaneous wideband radar which transmits all and introduces spatial agility. We modeled the received radar
subbands simultaneously. In the simulation, we consider a signal, and proposed an algorithm for target recovery. We then
scenario with 6 radars operating independently. Mutual inter- characterized theoretical recovery guarantees. Our numerical
ference occurs if a reference radar is receiving echoes while results demonstrate that our proposed schemes achieve en-
another radar is transmitting at the same subcarriers with their hanced survivability in extreme electromagnetic environments.
antenna beams directed towards each other. In this case the Furthermore, it is shown that CAESAR is capable of achieving
echoes of the reference radar at the conflicted subcarriers are performance which approaches that of wideband radar, while
corrupted. The level of mutual interference is measured by the utilizing narrowband transceivers. An additional benefit which
average number of uncorrupted subcarriers, denoted Ku . follows from the introduction of frequency and spatial agility
We use PInt to represent the probability that one radar may is the natural implementation of CAESAR as a DFRC system,
interfere the reference radar, i.e., that it is radiating during studied in a companion paper.
the reception period of the reference radar and their beams
are directed towards each other. The number of subcarriers A PPENDIX
transmitted in each pulse varies from K = 1 to K = 4, where A. Proof of Lemma 1
K = 1 represents the FAR while K = 4 represents the radar In the following we prove (24) for CAESAR. The proof for
using full bandwidth. As WMAR and CAESAR transmit the WMAR follows similar arguments and is omitted for brevity.

Substituting the definitions of w, P and Y into (23) yields where (a) holds since In2 = In and in (b) we apply E [In ] = u.
L−1 S−1 When p 6= 0, the random variable χn has zero mean, and
its variance is given by
Zk,n = wl (θ, Ωn,k ) [p(n, k)]l β̃s ej r̃s cn,k
l=0 s=0
 2 
h i I K−1
j ṽs nζn,k −j2πΩn,k ldsin ϑs /c 2
e e ρC (n, k, δϑs ) E |χn | = E  ejpcn,k +jqn 

X L−1

X k=0
= [p(n, k)]l β̃s ej r̃s cn,k ej ṽs nζn,k " K−1
X K−1
1 X
jp(cn,k −cn,k0 )
s=0 l=0 = 2 E In · e
−j2πΩn,k ld(sin ϑs −sin θ)/c K
e ρC (n, k, δϑs ) k=0 k0 =0
"K−1 K−1 #
ejp(cn,k −cn,k0 ) ,
= β̃s ej r̃s cn,k ej ṽs nζn,k ρ2C (n, k, δϑs ). (A.1) = 2E (B.7)
K 0
s=0 k=0 k =0

Recall that when δϑs ≈ 0 it holds that ρC (n, k, δϑs ) ≈ L/K = where we use In2
= In . To compute (B.7), we note that

αK . Then, (A.1) reduces to (24), proving the lemma. "K−1 K−1 #
E e
B. Proof of Lemma 4 k=0 k0 =0
We first prove (48) and (49), after which we address (50). M−1 M−1
X M−1
X K−2
X 0
1) Proof of (48) and (49): For brevity, let p = −∆m , = jp·0
e + ejp(m−m )
q = −∆n , In = IΛ (n), and B = M M B B
K . We set K = 0 when m=0 m=0 m0 =0,
M ≤ 0 or K < 0, and M 0 = 1 when M > 0. m0 6=m
PK−1 M−1 M−2 M−2 M−1 −1
1 XM
E In ejqn k=0 ejpcn,k . The
We first compute E [χn ] = K (a) K−1 − K−2 K−2
X 0

expectation is taken over the indicator In and frequency codes = M+ ejp(m−m ) , (B.8)
B B m=0 m0 =0
cn,k . Since they are independent and E [In ] = u, it holds that
M −1 M −1 0
ejp(m−m ) in the sec-
where (a) follows since
"K−1 #
uejqn X
E [χn ] = E ejpcn,k . (B.1) m=0 m0 =0,m0 6=m
K M −1 M −1 0
M −1
ejp(m−m ) − e0 .
ond term can be replaced by
Since K frequencies are selected uniformly (but not indepen- m=0 m0 =0 m=0
From the derivation of (B.5), it holds that for p 6= 0 the second
dently), it follows that
"K−1 # summand in (B.8) vanishes, resulting in
B−1 K−1
1 X X jpmi,k
X "K−1 K−1 #
E ejpcn,k
= e , (B.2) X X
jpcn,k −jpcn,k0 (M − K)K
B i=0 E e = . (B.9)
k=0 k=0 0
M −1
k=0 k =0
where mi,k denotes the k-th frequency in the i-th
 combination. Plugging (B.9) into (B.7), we obtain
Out of these B combinations, there are M K−1 that contain a
given selection m ∈ M. Thus, we have that M −K
E |χn |2 =
u, if p 6= 0. (B.10)
(M − 1)K
X K−1
X  M−1
M −1 X jpm BK X jpm
jpmi,k PN −1
e = e = e . (B.3) Finally, to prove (49), we calculate n=0 D [χn ] for p = 0
K −1 m=0 M m=0
i=0k=0 and p 6= 0. When p = 0, from (B.6), we have that
Substituting (B.3) into (B.2) yields N
X −1 N
X −1
u − u2 = u − u2 N.
"K−1 # M −1 D [χn ] = (B.11)
jpcn,k K X jpm K 1 − ejpM n=0 n=0
E e = e = . (B.4)
M m=0 M 1 − ejp
k=0 When p 6= 0, it follows from (B.10) that
 PK−1 jpc 
As p ∈ 2πm

, it holds that E N −1
k=0 e = K if
M m∈M
X M −K
p = 0 and zero otherwise. Substituting this into (B.1), we have D [χn ] = uN. (B.12)
(M − 1)K
uejqn , if p = 0, Combining (B.11) and (B.12) proves (49).
E [χn ] = (B.5)
0, otherwise, 2) Proof of (50): We again consider the two cases p = 0
and p 6= 0 separately: When p = 0, it follows from (B.5) that
which proves (48).  2
To obtain D [χn ] := E |χn −E[χn ]| , we consider two 2 2 2
|χn − E [χn ]| = (In − u) ejqn = (In − u)

cases, p = 0 and p 6= 0. When p = 0, we have χn = In ejqn (
and (1 − u)2 ≤ 1, if In = 1,
= (B.13)
u2 ≤ 1, otherwise.
h 2 i h i
E In ejqn − uejqn = E (In − u)
2 2
(a)  (b)
= E In + u2 − 2In u = u − u2 ,

(B.6) When p 6= 0, |χn − E [χn ]| = |χn | , which is not larger than
1 by definition of χn (44), thus proving (50).

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