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10 Preguntas con los interrogativos

10 Oraciones con los adjetivos posesivos

10 Oraciones con las profesiones y ocupaciones en ingles.


1. Is he the right person for this job?

2. What’s the most ridiculous thing you have ever done?
3. Why is she so sad?
4. He is Italian, isn’t he?
5. Shall we stay at your room for as while?
6. Can he come with us?
7. Would you mind opening that window?
8. Does she know our address?
9. Have they prepared that meal all by themselves?
10. Will you cook an apple pie?


1. I am helping my brothers
2. She is cleaning my sofa
3. I am making my bed
4. He is watching one of my videos
5. I am doing her homework
6. I am writing her biography
7. She is in her bedroom
8. We are fixing her car
9. I am scanning her photos}
10. I am your friend

1. My teacher is very pretty

2. the carpenter is sick
3. the mechanic is good
4. the doctor is very smart
5. The English teacher is explaining the colors
6. chef Benito make a pasta
7. a carpenter builds a house
8. the dentist pulls a tooth
9. a painter makes the mona lisa
10. My sister is a chef

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