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Assisting Nurse in a Delivery

Prepare equipments
Place the date the mother enters, name, time
Iddrape patient
Take initial vital sign (BP) (Write in white board)
Take fetal heart tone for 1 full minute using stethoscope (Write in white board)
Place legs in stirups ( ipapatong sa bakal)
Place blanket to be use for baby
Note time of bag of water 7:48 am, clear
Hihilutin tiyan pag ipupush at ieencourage magbreath out
Note time baby is out and sex
Palpate abdomen
Administer oxytocin 10 units intramuscular once baby is out (it decrease sensitivity to pain, promote
Note when you give oxytocin (given 1 min after baby is out)
Note time of placenta out: 7 50 am, duncan
Palpate mother uterus
Take BP
Note latest BP
Lower leg from stirups
Clean the perineum
Put diaper on mother
Cover the blanket

Attending in a delivery
Wash hands, gloves
Clean perineum using 177
Assess full bladder
Drape the patient exposing only the perineum
Place towel under perineum and napkin
Puputukin na bag of water
Okay so maam push
------nailabasn na
Icclamp pusod ng plastic clamp, then icclamp sa malayo ng scissor
Then iccut malapit sa plastic clamp
Then irroll yung scissor papunta sa vagina at tatanggalin placenta, ilalagay sa bowl
“Placenta out”
Check mother for excess bleeding
Massage uterus in rotating motion
Clean perineum
Dispose placenta

In cases if there are loops

Gently loosens
Icclamp ng dalawa then gitna iccut

Essential Newborn care

For 30 seconds
Dry newborn starting from the eyes, face, head, trunk, extremities (do not remove vernix)
Remove the soiled blanket
Place newborn prone, between the breast, head turn to one side Cover now with blanket, and the head
with bonnet
Place ID band on ankle
Advise mother to hold the baby

Changing Diapers and Swaddling

Ask permission to mother
Take the baby to the mother then bring to the working area
(Make sure that one hand is in contact with baby to prevent falling)
We need to have a diaper, baby's clothing, and 2 blankets
We will now remove the soiled diaper
Roll the soiled diaper
We will now clean the diaper area with a wet gauze. Male- tip of the penis towards scrotum
Now we are now ready to place the clean diaper
Gently lifts the infant with one hand and place clean diaper under the infant
Fit the diaper snugly
Fold the diaper below umbilical cord
Now we are now ready to change the clothing of the newborn
Remove gently all the clothing
(Make sure that one hand is in contact with baby to prevent falling)
Damit – Do it gently by rolling the baby from side to side
Now we are now ready to swaddle the newborn
In swaddling a baby, we need to place blanket in flat surface,
Then fold one corner of sheet down toward the center
And places the infant on the sheet
Itutupi asa baba, then sa left side, itutuck , then right

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