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Reading For Academic


Wahidah Sukriani, SST., M.Keb
Reading is fundamental to writing and research

✓ Academic reading is a special category of reading.

✓ We will need to read closely, remember the text
accurately, and compare it to other texts for style and
Purpose of Academic Reading

➢ Information comes from reputable sources

➢ Learn how to form arguments

➢ Exposure to different view points

Reading Strategies for Academic Texts

Preview Read Summarize Review

Reading Strategies for Specialized Texts

Get to Know the Conventions

Look up and Keep Track of Unfamiliar Terms

and Phrases

Look for Main Ideas and Themes

Look for Reputable Online Sources

Pay Attention to Visual Information

Vocabulary-Building Techniques

✓ Read Everything and Read Often

✓ Make Connections to Words You Already Know

✓ Make Index Cards

Indonesia has achieved many milestones in its journey to becoming a middle-income
country. Decreases in child deaths and significant increases in primary school enrolment are
among them. Improvements in children’s nutrition status, however, are not.
Millions of Indonesian children and adolescents remain threatened by staggering rates
of stunting and wasting and the ‘double burden’ of malnutrition where under- and over-nutrition
Larger working populations, longer commuting times, along with changing diets and
lifestyles have all contributed to the inadequate consumption of fresh produce and increased
intakes of processed and pre-prepared foods that are often high in carbohydrates (including
sugar), salt, and fats, resulting in a spike in overweight in the country.
The effects of the double burden of malnutrition are not only felt by people. The
economy suffers too, with malnutrition perpetuating the cycle of poverty. While poverty
contributes to malnutrition, inadequate knowledge and practices of child caring and child feeding
also sustain the high rates of malnutrition. Maternal health also plays a role. Many women fall
pregnant as teens, don’t eat properly during pregnancy and often give birth to small or ‘low birth
weight’ babies.
New evidence has emerged that maternal and fetal under-nutrition increases a
population’s susceptibility to over-nutrition and diet-related non-communicable diseases in
adolescence and adulthood

✓ Find 1 Research Journal in English

✓ Read and make summarize in 250-300 words

✓ Find unfamiliar word and find the meaning

Thank you

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