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Your first step should be to find a lactation consultant. Try pumping after feeding sessions and
offering the milk to your baby in a syringe. See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People
Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. Although all responses were deeply considered, noted down
and read; however, data saturation was achieved just after the analysis of 134 responses. Preliminary
data suggest that collaboration is the weakest aspect of the Loving Support Peer Counseling
Program, which is currently being evaluated. In this light, the authorities have stressed on the
importance of breastfeeding exclusively for the first 6 months and then continuing it for the next
year or two as a part of healthy diet. The paper offers new insights into how advertising influenced
mothers’ need for specialist equipment and services. Many stopped earlier than recommended
according to the 2018 Breastfeeding Report Card. The persistence of significant associations was
evaluated in neonates and individuals at 18 and 26 years. The explanation will be given by showing
both benefits of recognizing and demerits of disagreeing. Conclusion is where you form a summary
of all your arguments and state your final stand. When you are back at work, try to pump once for
every feeding that your baby is missing. Epidemiologic data shows that women who do not
breastfeed are at a higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic
syndrome and cardiovascular disease. This hormone promotes the feelings of motherly love and
tenderness and can therefore decrease the chances of postpartum depression. (Black, et al, 1998,
p.107) Breast feeding is effective from the point of view of cost saving as well. Back in the 1950’s,
doctors would encourage formula and a strict infant feeding and sleeping schedule. This admission
by the majority of primary care professionals on the Benefits of Breastfeeding is important for the
promotion of breastfeeding among mothers. It is recommended that in future research, a larger
sample should be taken from different ethnic backgrounds, so that it should be known whether the
nature of bonding is culture-dependent or is universal. Antibodies and other germ fighting factors are
passed from mother to baby during breastfeeding. Nursing and human milk are recommended by
every health authority, but routine circumcision is an unnecessary procedure that is not recommended
by any medical organization. The Extent and Nature of Drug Use According to the UNODC World
Drug Report 2010, globally the number of individuals that used illicit drugs at least once in the year
2009 was between 155 and 250 million which accounts for approximately 3. Because bacteria
present in breast milk are among the very first microbes entering the human body, our data emphasize
the necessity to understand the biological role that the milk microbiome could potentially play for
human health. If someone offers to bring meals, clean your house, or play with your older children,
tell them YES. NVivo7 software was used to analyze the narratives and responses, after they were
read and reread multiple times. Research Design This was a qualitative research in which the
participants were surveyed through questionnaires which contained open-ended and closed-ended
questions. The most important part of the article talked about. Avoid supplementing with formula if
at all possible, since every time the baby drinks formula instead of nursing, that will be one less
feeding of milk that the mother's body will not need to produce. Double electric pumps are the most
useful type, and most health insurances now cover the cost if you ask. According to the National
Conference of State Legislatures, 39 states, the Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia all have
laws which specifically allow women to breastfeed in public. Breastfeeding does not provide total
immunity to an infant to some diseases and illnesses. The community also benefits since the amount
of trash reduces dramatically.
Total number of participants was 515, out of whom 2 gave personal interviews, and 513 participated
in the survey. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a
few seconds to upgrade your browser. Although the research is comprehensive enough, yet further
research is needed to fully understand the nature of bonding in a diverse population. The minimum
time our certified writers need to deliver. The research gave an in-depth study regarding the
emotional experiences of mothers, and observed the patterns of responses, which showed that most
of the mothers enjoyed breastfeeding, or wished to have breastfed if they had not. This milk is
thinner than colostrums but it contains the optimal amount of all the nutrients required for the
development of the baby. (Why Breastfeeding is important) According to Insel, Turner, and Ross
(2009), breast milk provides the maximum nutrition for the growth and development and health of
the baby. Women had few other safe options but to nurse until their child no longer needed that
source of nutrition. It is specially composed of substances that help the baby to grow starting from
its infancy. If they don’t, please ask if you can have access to a vacant office or spare room where
you can have privacy for pumping. Assessment of Infants: The infants were assessed for growth,
nutritional status, behavior and development. In other words, this can also be understood in this
way: those mothers who breastfeed their babies enjoy a more intensive emotional bonding with their
children, as compared to those mothers who opt not to breastfeed. Even though more research and
studies are needed on the subject but there are evidence to show that breastfeeding can lead to
reduced chances of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis. Remember, a baby’s weight gain
is dependent on how many calories he intakes; genetics don’t tend to play a role in weight gain until
two years of age. In such Cuban families, the presence of the wife's mother is more important and
underplays the role of the father; in fact, the mother directs all activity, making even the role of her
delivering daughter more passive. Mothers particularly valued the practical support provided by
health care professions particularly surrounding positioning and attachment techniques. The most
common barriers to breastfeeding irrespective of ethnicity were perceptions surrounding pain and
lack of milk. Many pumps are built into a discrete and stylish bag that “hides” the pump while you
are coming and going from work. Ensure that you are taking in enough calories to make quality milk.
The rest 363 respondents simply answered to the closed-ended questions with yes or no replies, and
to questions which had to be answered grading from 1-10. What premises does the author to support
the conclusion. Now many employers have set aside rooms for new mothers to express milk for their
babies. They provide support and services especially for new mothers to enable the uptake and
continuation of breastfeeding (. I will also observe different regions and ask them how they feel
about the implementation of this act to the state. It can be rough sometimes, but it is worth it in the
end! 8. However, 30% of group B mothers reported that they wished they could breastfeed, because
they could not, due to medical problems. The rest 70% reported that they did not breastfeed because
of their decision to maintain their figures; however, they experienced a sense of estrangement coming
from the children. World Health Organization and NICEF’s joint efforts, namely the Global Strategy
for Infant and Young Child Feeding addresses the heart of this problem. On its official website, the
World Health Organization (WHO) elaborates the major advantages of Breastfeeding, which include
but not limited to protection against common childhood diseases, optimal growth, development and
health. It tries to protect the lives of these infants by reminding the world the importance of feeding
a baby human milk. (Brown and Isaacs, 2007, p.166) Last few years have witnessed that people now
are becoming increasingly aware of the need to change our lifestyles drastically in order to lessen the
existing pressures on environment and the available stock of natural resources. Evidence based
practice suggests that breastfeeding is the key modifiable factor for both the mother and infant. Out
of 253 non-breastfeeding mothers, 150 had infants feeding on formula; while 103 had adolescent
children who had been fed on formula when they were infants (see Fig.1). The mean of mothers’
ages would be 35. 150 of those 513 respondents who completed the survey wrote narratives at the
end of the open-ended questionnaires.
This discussion will briefly examine the definition of breastfeeding. As such, this study aimed to
explore mothers' experiences of breastfeeding and accessing breastfeeding services offered locally
amongst a deprived and culturally diverse community. One of the most ignored issues, with respect
to the health of our mother nature, is probably breastfeeding. Paucity of time compels people to adopt
techniques which are time saving. Research Design This was a qualitative research in which the
participants were surveyed through questionnaires which contained open-ended and closed-ended
questions. Babies tend to be more close to their breastfeeding mothers; they are more emotionally
dependent on them when they grow older; and, they are healthier and confident. Beginning in utero,
and during the first two years of an infant’s life, cells acquire an epigenetic memory of the neonatal
exposome which can be influential across the entire lifespan. Observing mothers in their video
diaries, provided valuable insights into their parenting styles and how this affected their
breastfeeding experience. Have dad or grandma watch the baby so you can take a nap or go take a
walk. Cultural norms, knowledge gaps among healthcare professionals and lack of practical support
impact on these rates. Whilst the barriers that influence a woman's decision to breastfeed are well
documented, less is known how these barriers vary by the UK's diverse population. The article
conducted a secondary research that reviewed published research articles with the aim of developing
evidence in relation to the effect of breastfeeding on controlling the incidence and prevalence of
gastroenteritis and pneumonia in newborn. In other words, this can also be understood in this way:
those mothers who breastfeed their babies enjoy a more intensive emotional bonding with their
children, as compared to those mothers who opt not to breastfeed. If a mother’s milk supply seems
low, one of the first suggestions is to nurse more frequently. Methodology Participants The
population of interest was two groups of mothers, one who breastfed their babies in previous years
and were still breastfeeding, and the other who did not breastfeed at all. It is a very controversial
topic with many variables. Breast milk provides a wide variety of substances from which the baby’s
immune system benefits. If you do need to supplement, try to seek out human breast milk from
donors. To help with this, express some breast milk and allow the wet nipples to air dry. The rest 363
respondents simply answered to the closed-ended questions with yes or no replies, and to questions
which had to be answered grading from 1-10. Breastfeeding wonderfully affects all systems of a
baby organism: digestive, immune, nervous, endocrine. Assessment of Infants: The infants were
assessed for growth, nutritional status, behavior and development. Report this Document Download
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on page 1 of 15 Search inside document. Mother’s milk also gets absorbed more easily in comparison
to formula, as a result of which lesser excretion takes place. (Environmental Benefits of
Breastfeeding, 2011) Another matter of rising concern in today’s time is the rising cost of treatment.
Out of 260 breastfeeding mothers, 200 were still breastfeeding; while 60 had adolescent children
who were breastfed when they were young. Mothers should be encouraged to breastfeed their
children in order to bring them up healthy but at the same time not to ignore immunization. The
mothers felt that their breastfed children turned to them in problems and whenever they needed them,
and showed trust and confidence in their relationship with the mothers. It also delays the return of
the menstrual period which assists the body to retain iron. (Why breastfeed, 2010) Subsection Two:
Benefits of Breast Feeding to the Society The article in this subsection focuses on the benefits
available to the society at large, due to increased instances of breast feeding. Studies should point the
benefits and limitations of each technique.. Uzochukwu, Aniwada Elias, Babatunde Omotowo,
Chuka Agunwa and Ikechukwu Obi Prelacteal feeding can be defined as giving any solid or liquid
foods other than breast milk during the first three days after birth. I do not recommend any of the “
cry it out ” methods for various reasons.
Current knowledge highlights the interdependent links. Also, a formula fed baby is sick more often
and this too involves cost. (Why Breastfeeding is important) Breastfeeding helps a mother in
regaining her prior weight quickly as it helps burn calories. Ensure that you are taking in enough
calories to make quality milk. Conversely, the second case presents Connie’s frustration to breastfeed
her infant twins despite her motivation. Often mothers worry they don’t have enough milk because
their baby is nursing frequently. Moreover, fatigue is found to correlate to postpartum depressive
symptoms, breastfeeding problems, a mother's ability to respond to the cry of her newborn, and her
overall response time to her child's needs (2). What if the children are allowed to breastfeed in public
areas what impact may it bring to the environment. You do not want your baby to be pacified by an
artificial nipple, when what she really needs is more nursing. Thus the oath between the man and
woman in a civil ceremony was taken in homes, most often at the residence of the bride with a
civilian authority presiding over the marriage ceremony. Assistant Professor at Calvin College, Grand
Rapids in Michigan, used the experiences of two mothers regarding breastfeeding and the
implications that these experiences had on nurses and other professionals working in the healthcare
sector. This discussion will briefly examine the definition of breastfeeding. In this chapter the
components of human breast milk and its effect on shaping the human gut microbiota have been
reviewed. Emptying the breast frequently tells your body to make more milk. Mothers particularly
valued the practical support provided by health care professions particularly surrounding positioning
and attachment techniques. I will explain to the participants the need of public breastfeeding to make
changes.How to appeal the audienceI will explain to the audience the importance of allowing public
breastfeeding. Babies tend to be more close to their breastfeeding mothers; they are more
emotionally dependent on them when they grow older; and, they are healthier and confident. If
mothers are unable to breastfed or chose not to then mothers are still supported in their decisions and
are educated that formula is a healthy alternative that has all the nutrient that babies need to grow. It
was accordingly noted that, due to the efficiency of this method, 150 participants found themselves
willing to share their personal experiences and stories in the form of narratives at the end of their
questionnaires. Many stopped earlier than recommended according to the 2018 Breastfeeding Report
Card. The act will enable the kids to have a chance to feed anytime they feel hunger irrespective of
the places their mothers are. Don’t have expectations for yourself other than caring for your little
one. Garcia 100% (1) 100% found this document useful (1 vote) 401 views 31 pages AI-enhanced
title and description Document Information click to expand document information Breast milk is the
natural food for full-term infants and is the appropriate milk for the 1st year of life. The baby needs
fats and cholesterol for brain and body growth. The study found that the alpha diversity present in
breastfed babies were lower early in life than in formula fed babies. These articles enumerate that it is
important for the mothers to breast feed their child help him grow healthily and also to reduce the
medical cost of the family. Firstly, it is important to stress that breastfed infants are less likely to get
infections, and the level of infant mortality is lower among breastfed infants. If you want a unique
paper, order it from our professional writers. The only way the infant can get more milk is by
emptying her mother's breasts more frequently. Along with the nutritional benefits of breast milk, it
also bequeaths many immunological benefits to the baby. Donate Shop Subscribe Simple Outreach
Techniques State by State Card on Campuses Community Groups Tabling Organize a Demonstration
Sample Messages Share Our Graphics Free Printables Incognito Articles Books About Circumcision
Businesses for Genital Autonomy College Outreach Presentations Talk to Your Children.
When your milk comes in, it is normal for your breasts to get much larger, feel firm, and start leaking.
Most lactation consultants recommend at least 8 nursing sessions in a 24-hour period for any baby
that is exclusively breastfed. A report based on 61 studies including over 300000 participants has
proven that breastfeeding reduces the risks of obesity and overweight. It is being said that by
improving the existing breastfeeding practices, loss of approximately 1.3 million lives can be ensured
on an annual basis. There is an interesting article by Rosin (2009) that states that breastfeeding has
very few health benefits, and is just an instrument to keep the woman “down” (p.1). Similarly,
Antoinette (2010) studied whether breastfeeding was better in developing bonding with kids or
bottle-feeding, and found that the more a mother fed a child, the more she got attached to him, and
the way of feeding had nothing to do with it. It was accordingly noted that, due to the efficiency of
this method, 150 participants found themselves willing to share their personal experiences and stories
in the form of narratives at the end of their questionnaires. Circumcisions are commonly done
without anesthesia, and the severe pain causes choking and difficulty breathing. Upload Read for
free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What
is Scribd. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a
few seconds to upgrade your browser. Conversely, the second case presents Connie’s frustration to
breastfeed her infant twins despite her motivation. Assessment of Infants: The infants were assessed
for growth, nutritional status, behavior and development. Your Whole Baby has a diverse group of
members whom we embrace and value. Literature Review Strathearn et al. (2009) conducted a
research on Australian mothers, and found that breastfeeding helped eliminate child abuse and
avoidance, and resulted in such maternal bonding that removed the risk of neglect. It definitely takes
even more work and commitment to breastfeeding if you are a working momma, but you can do it!
10. One of the most ignored issues, with respect to the health of our mother nature, is probably
breastfeeding. It cannot be denied that human milk can help to reduce risks of some diseases and
cancers for the child as well as the mother. Chrysoula Saatsoglou-Paliadeli Download Free PDF
View PDF Soft. I assume I will see some mothers that are able to breastfeed and some that aren’t.
This hormone promotes the feelings of motherly love and tenderness and can therefore decrease the
chances of postpartum depression. (Black, et al, 1998, p.107) Breast feeding is effective from the
point of view of cost saving as well. Total number of participants was 515, out of whom 2 gave
personal interviews, and 513 participated in the survey. Human milk contains antibodies that prevent
microorganisms from adhering to the intestinal mucosa. The researchers have concluded that if a child
is exclusively breastfed for the first month, the chance of getting inflicted by SIDS goes down by
50%. Also, a breastfed baby should usually double their birth weight by 4-6 months, and should be
2.5-3 times their birth weight by one year of age. Misri and Kendrick (2008) asserted that
breastfeeding strengthened maternal bonding and impacted the child's social, psychological,
behavioral, and cognitive development. This helps in keeping a healthy gap between the birth of
babies which is important for the health of both mother and the babies. (Littleton and Engebretson,
2002, p.968) The National Institute of Health has concluded, after going through more than 9000
study materials that the mothers, who do not breastfeed their children or have left breastfeeding
early, are the ones who have higher risk of postpartum depression. Many moms try to have a “stash”
built up before they return to work. Woman’s and baby’s health and wellbeing directly depend on it.
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Research Paper Uploaded by Man-man Escalona Apura AI-enhanced title and description Sample
outlines for research papers will be given later on. The breastfeeding group contained 260 mothers;
and the non-breastfeeding group contained 253 mothers. Breast-feeding is the situation in which the
baby or the infants obtain milk food directly from their mother 's breasts without giving any
additional external food, solid or liquid (Wolf, 2010).
The paper is aimed at highlighting the advantages of breastfeeding for both the mother and the baby
with the focus on its influence on child’s immune system. Breastfeeding promotes health and helps
to prevent disease. Emptying the breast frequently tells your body to make more milk. If someone
offers to bring meals, clean your house, or play with your older children, tell them YES. Like any
relationship, it takes time, effort, energy, and patience, especially in the beginning. Free
breastfeeding Essays and Papers - 123HelpMe com. Although breastfeeding is perhaps a late comer
to this process in recent years, it too has seen significant commercialisation facilitated by social
media and our obsession with celebrity culture. Breastfeeding Basics: A Guide to the Advantages of
Breastfeeding Breastfeeding in our culture has become social devastation — it is almost viewed as
unacceptable in the U. In infants who were not breastfed are more commonly associated with an
increased incidence of infectious morbidity as well as elevated risks of childhood obesity, diabetes,
leukemia and sudden infant death syndrome. Do babies drink less formula compared to breast milk.
Nearly six in ten infants are still breastfeeding at six months and only one in four are exclusively
breastfeeding. Leaving a baby intact and whole is natural, healthy, and normal. A larger number of
cases of breastfeeding have been found to generate many positive effects on the world economy. We
will write a custom essay on your topic a custom Research Paper on Breastfeeding and Children
Immunity 808 writers online Learn More The topic of breastfeeding is one of the most relevant
topics related to public health nowadays. The information provided on this website is for information
and research purposes. Assistant Professor at Calvin College, Grand Rapids in Michigan, used the
experiences of two mothers regarding breastfeeding and the implications that these experiences had
on nurses and other professionals working in the healthcare sector. Download Free PDF View PDF
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Epigenome-Wide Association
Study Reveals Duration of Breastfeeding Is Associated with Epigenetic Differences in Children
Latha Kadalayil Several small studies have shown associations between breastfeeding and genome-
wide DNA methylation (DNAm). It is a natural occurrence that happens in response to pregnancy. If
you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. In D Michels’s article titled “Mother
Nature Loves Breast milk”, the author has stated “If every child in America were bottle-fed, almost
86,000 tons of tin would be needed to produce 550 million cans for one year’s worth of formula.”
(Environmental Benefits of Breastfeeding, 2011) The problem with bottle feeding, other than the
health issues, is that the bottles, nipples, silicon, glass etc. The article conducted a secondary research
that reviewed published research articles with the aim of developing evidence in relation to the effect
of breastfeeding on controlling the incidence and prevalence of gastroenteritis and pneumonia in
newborn. The mother with a smaller storage capacity will need to nurse more frequently to ensure
good weight gain in her baby. This advice has been linked to “ failure to thrive ” in many babies.
Now, when a woman is seen nursing her baby, she feels judged and creates discomfort for many
people. Method of researchI will ask questions to the legislators and conduct some interviews to the
public and get their views. Alison is Deputy Head of Department Midwifery and Health Sciences as
well as Infant Feeding Lead. The child feels that his mother cares for him, and has been there for him
when he needed him. Importantly, this disconnect exists despite Amanda indicating her ability to
understand concepts. Have dad or grandma watch the baby so you can take a nap or go take a walk.
Sandra Morano Maternal lifestyle is an important factor in the programming of an infant’s
epigenome, in particular when considered alongside the mode of birth and choice of feeding method
(i.e., breastfeeding or formula feeding).

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