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 Your best friend is about to get married. The ceremony will be

performed in an hour, but you have seen, just before coming to
the wedding, that your friend’s fiancée has been having an affair.
If your friend marries this woman, she is unlikely to be faithful, but
on the other hand, if you tell your friend about the affair, you will
ruin his wedding. Would you, or would you not, tell your friend of
the affair?

Making a decision relating to someone’s life is hard but if this is something

about his peace and welfare, we should interfere. If I did not tell him about what I
saw, I would have witnessed how happy he could be with his wife in a period of
time. I will also be happy for him knowing that he fulfilled one of his dreams of
being with someone he truly wants to spend the rest of his life with. Though, I
know that it might be just momentary and that no secret will be uncovered. On the
other hand, if I tell him, there’s a possibility I’ll ruin everything that they started
including the trust and loyalty towards each other. I will ruin the day that they
waited and prepared for a long time. 

Marriage is the beginning of the family and is a life-long commitment between

partners. It is more than a physical union but also an emotional and spiritual union. A
commitment that should be based on love, honesty, trust, and fidelity. As a result, I will tell
my best friend that the woman he is going to marry is having an affair even if it means
ruining his wedding. The woman he looks up to changed and worse, was doing something
behind his back.  I don’t want him to be in unrequited love because it will be unfair
considering all his efforts just to accept the woman who he wants to spend the rest of his life
with. The purpose of marriage is to bind people who love each other and with that, I don’t
see from the woman he is going to marry the love and sacrifice that he gave. I don’t want his
life to suffer and get complicated just because I didn't tell him right away.   

Moreover, cheating should never be condoned. People commit to a marriage or even

just in relationships with full trust and confidence to their partners and in return, we treasure
and give value to that by staying faithful. Faithfulness is one of the best things that you can
give to your partner. On the contrary, unfaithfulness or cheating might be the most
excruciating betrayal that you can do to your partner. As the famous saying goes, once a
cheater, always a cheater. Bad habits are hard to break and even if you give somebody, in
this case, our best friend's soon-to-be bride, a second chance there's no guarantee that she
will not do it over and over again throughout their married life.  A marriage that is built on lies
and cheating from the very start would just likely end up as a failure. 

However, he still holds the wedding’s outcome if he wants to continue or not since at
the end of the day, he knows his fiancé more than I do. He might have known this before
and for some reason, he still decided to continue their relationship believing he can still work
on something fading. And no one knows about his action after knowing it. That might be to
continue or leave everything they built as a couple. But as a friend that’s my way of saving

Lastly, I care for him, and I would never tolerate that kind of action. If I saw
something with my two eyes that I know would affect his entire life, I'd definitely tell him right
away, guide him, and respect his decision. But I will never close my eyes to the truth for
which I know someone will suffer. 

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