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Technology and the impact on adolescence

Presentado por:

Grupo I

José Fernando Espinel

Karen Lorena Calderón

Yirledy Barrios Fierro

Presentado A:

Gina Lucia Matoma Prada

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Ingles III

Ibagué – Tolima


Technology and the impact on adolescence

Use and abuse of technologies in adolescents and their relationship with some personality
variables alcohol and self-perception as students


It is unquestionable that we live in a time of social change due to the influence of ICT.
These technological tools have provided us with many advantages in terms of mobility,
easy and up-to-date information, entertainment, social relations, etc. This power they
exercise is especially noticeable in adolescents, so it is necessary to describe exactly what
the abusive behaviors consist of and what factors may be influencing them, in order to
assess their impact on the psychological development of this population group and design
strategies. of prevention.
Given the comparative interest that some of the objectives of these works have with our
research, in the following chapters we are going to focus on the analysis of the most
relevant contributions on the technology consumption habits of adolescents, the risk
behaviors they assume , the role played by the family and the school in the responsible use
of the different technological supports, etc. We must bear in mind, in any case, that the new
generation of young people is different from the previous ones by several factors:

1. They have developed in a time of economic boom. In fact, it is the generation of young
people with the greatest family purchasing power in history, although in recent years they
have had to live through a period of strong recession.

2. We have conveyed to them the importance of certain canons of beauty, on many

occasions overvaluing their importance, too perfect and difficult to achieve.

3. They have grown up surrounded by technologies. In a consumerist environment,

adolescents, often to improve their social status, may be forced to have more electronic
devices, spend more money to customize the ones they have, change to a newer model, and
so on.

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