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Speaking questions (answers)

Bautista López Diego

Group: 208 ICG

1- I am doing my chores at home, and once I finish maybe I would read a book that leaves
my favorite writer pending.
2-Completely, however, even if it seems like a nervous wreck, I will do my best to do the
exam right.
3-No, fortunately he ends his workday around 3:30 p.m., so now he is at home.
4-Yes, I have been practicing swimming since last year. And that's because before I was
dreading going into a pool.
5-Well, I don't know if being enthusiastic counts as a skill, besides when I'm bored I start to
imitate voices, that helps me improve my diction and my confidence when speaking with
6-I don't really have a set time to watch TV, since most of the time I'm busy doing homework
at home or helping out around the house.
7-Before the pandemic I used to play a lot of basketball, and now that everything is calming
down little by little I try to go to some venue to practice and get back into shape.
8-I am wearing a blue sweatshirt, with thermal pants. In addition to wearing slippers
9-My body is a bit strange, and I say this because one foot wears a six and a half and the
other wears seven.
10-I like it, but I don't really use them often, I only use them when I go to a hot place.
11-Maybe in the future, but for now my physique will make it look like I'm making a parody of
some character.
12-I don't think we have that kind of cheese in my refrigerator, although it intrigues me to
know what it tastes like.
13-I only have one and he is younger than me, so it logically follows that I am the oldest and
therefore the one with the most responsibilities and expectations to fulfill.
14-I do not have a job, and every time I want to enter a scholarship I am rejected, so ... I do
not know if air counts as currency.
15-normally as an egg in its different presentations, whether it is Mexican style eggs, starred
eggs or divorced eggs.
16-I don't know, maybe I'll start reading a bit and practicing my drawing so that I can have
more support in the notes of my next semesters.
17-I'm not a doctor, but maybe I could recommend that you take paracetamol, drink warm
liquids and get enough rest.
18-In this year I will finally reach the second floor, so in the next year I will be 21
19-I will do the impossible to enter a course that is related to acting or singing, I love doing
those two things too much and having a guide to advise me to improve would be a great
help for me.
20-I started reading a book by the writer Benito Taibo. In addition to helping to remodel my
house to start the year well.

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