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Science Reviewer

If the distance between the earth and the sun were twice what it is now, the gravitational force exerted on
the earth by the sun would be? one-fourth of what it is now

The greater the mass of an object? the greater its inertia.

What is the curved path that an object follows when thrown or launched near the surface of the Earth?
Projectile Motion
Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas because? It absorbs infrared radiation.
How many valence electrons do elements in group 17 have in their outer energy level? 7
Which occurs when atoms link together in new ways to create a substance different from the original
substances? a chemical change

Earth rotates in about _______ hours. 24

Which of the following items could best be called biodegradable? Cellulose
What is true about Bacteria? Bacteria have a cell wall
Fill in the blanks: Proteins are made of different ____________ which are arranged in different orders, or
_________________. Amino acids, sequences
Which particle does not contribute mass to the atom? Electron
According to Newton’s third law of motion, the strength of a reaction force is ____________________ the
strength of the action force. Equal to
If a 10-kilogram object accelerates suddenly at 15 m/s2, how much force was applied to the object? 150
If a car is rolling down a ramp, the force between the tires and the ramp is an example of: Kinetic Friction
Optic fibers are mainly used for? Communication
Vitamin D can be obtained from? Sunlight
You are at the Kennedy Space Center, sitting in your rocket, ready to launch. You look out the window and
view the sky. You are currently sitting at the lowest level of the atmosphere. What is this level called?
Glass is made of the mixture of? Sand and Silicates
Which component of a nucleotide contains the information needed to make proteins? Base
The group number tells us how many _________ there are in an element. Valence electron

What is mid ocean ridge? A mid-ocean ridge is a seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonics.

Which one of the following is a source of methane emission into the atmosphere? Wetland
The element Tellurium has the atomic mass of 127.60 and its atomic number is 52. How many neutrons are
in the element Tellurium? 76 (Solution: mass-number)

Who formulated the geocentric theory? Ptolemy

During summer, we feel comfortable under a fan because it: Set the air in motion, thereby increasing the
evaporation of sweat.
A body is taken from the earth to the moon: its mass will remain the same but weight will be different
Which is/are the important raw material(s) required in cement industry? Limestone and Clay
The ________________ tells you how many energy levels are used in an element. Period number
Rate of change of velocity is called: Acceleration
Sound of frequency below 20 Hz is called: Infrasonic
A force is a? push or pull
The fossil of Archaeopteryx represents the evidence of origin of: birds from reptiles
Where are earthquakes most likely to occur? where Earth's tectonic plates are moving together
The flower of a plant is involved in reproduction. Which parts are male and which are female? Male:
stamen; female: pistil
The existence of microorganisms in the human gastric system is an example of: mutualism
Which symbiotic relationship is described by one individual benefiting and the other being neither harmed
nor benefited? Commensalism
Which rock will most likely contain fossils? Sedimentary
What happens when two forces act in the same direction? Their strengths are added
The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid is called? Convection
The following are the half-lives of four active isotopes. Which one of the following is the most dangerous to
handle? 0.01 minutes
In animals, sexual reproduction depends on the production of gametes. Which of the following processes
produces gametes in animals? Meiosis
According to the law of conservation of momentum, when two objects collide in the absence of outside
forces, objects have the same momentum when they collide
Which two substances can be mixed together to form a new substance through a chemical reaction?
Baking soda and vinegar
What is meant by the term "genetic variation?" Some individuals have different genes than others

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