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Version A

2 Progress test
1 Complete each sentence with one word only. 3 For questions 1–6, complete the second sentence
0 People buy insurance when they don’t want to take so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
risks with their lives. using the word given in capitals. Do not change the
word given. You must use between two and five
1 I didn’t have a what to say in my class words, including the word given.
presentation this morning, so I just made something
0 He doesn’t like tennis as much as football.
2 I took football again after a long break football more than
He likes tennis.
when my friends and I decided we were getting too
lazy. 1 Food is often cheaper in supermarkets than in small
3 When I’m cooking, I like to have a at new shops.
recipes. I’m getting into Indian food at the moment. LESS
4 Remember I said I’d get football tickets? I’ve Often, food in supermarkets
my promise and got hold two – in small shops.
they’re like gold dust!
5 I don’t know how to describe him. He’s a very hard 2 I’m the least musical person I know.
man to sum . ANYONE
I don’t
2 Correct any mistakes with the adjectives in bold in me.
these sentences. Three adjectives are correct.
3 His confidence is higher than it was at the start of
0 I get really irritating with people who use mobiles in the course.
the cinema. irritated
1 My brother-in-law just phoned with some excited He doesn’t seem
news: my sister’s having a baby! he did at the start of the course.
2 Remember that book you lent me? I hate to
say it, but it was so boring I couldn’t finish it. 4 That was the most boring story I have ever heard.
3 I went for a walk by the river with Sally. You’ll be I have
amusing to hear I managed to fall in. It was so boring story in my life.
4 You look a little confusing. Can I help? 5 It is easier to travel around the city by bicycle than
by bus or car.
5 Isn’t it astonished how exhausting it can be ONE
walking around the shopping centre all morning? Going by bicycle is
ways to travel round the city.
6 I was disappointing by the attitude of my
teammates during the last volleyball match. 6 My old tablet cost half the price of my new one.
7 Do you think students are motivating mostly by My new tablet has
getting good grades or is it more complicated than my old one.

1 Complete First for Schools by Guy Brook-Hart with Katie Foufouti © Cambridge University Press 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Progress test 2

4 Complete the sentences using and, but, Mars update

because, when, what, who, which and
that. There is one word you do not need How our knowledge of the Red Planet is changing fast
to use.
Mars, the second smallest planet in the solar system, is commonly known as
A: I’d like to get fit (0) but I don’t
the ‘Red Planet’, thanks to the iron oxide covering its surface (this is in fact
know (1) to do. Perhaps I rust, the same material you see covering a piece of iron or steel exposed to
should join the gym like my brother. air and water). (1) And although Mars has a thinner atmosphere and
B: Gyms are boring. Why don’t you take its surface is covered with similar features to those on the Moon, there are
up a sport (2) you like? I think many other features present – volcanoes, valleys, deserts and even polar ice
you’d enjoy a team sport like volleyball – found here on Earth.
or basketball (3) it’s easy to
Among the more well-known features found on Mars is Olympus Mons, one
make friends (4) it’s a lot of
of the highest mountains in the solar system, and the Valles Marineris, one of
fun. If you want, I can ask Mr Parker,
the deepest valleys. (2) Phobos and Deimos, the two Martian moons,
(5) ’s my basketball coach, if
are small and strangely shaped and may be made up of the remains of this
there’s a place for you.
A: That’d be great, thanks! Call me
(6) you know. Before the first spacecraft, Mariner 4, reached Mars in 1965, there was a
continuing debate about the existence of water on its surface. In the 18th
century, long, straight lines seen by telescope were said by some to be canals
5 Complete each sentence with a word in full of water, perhaps constructed by the planet’s Martian residents. (3)
the box. There is one word you do not
Could they be continents, surrounded by seas?
need to use.
Although the Martian canals were later found to be optical illusions, visiting
competitive demanding depressing spacecraft found that Mars did indeed once have surface water. (4) The
economical entertaining incredible Mars rover Spirit detected water molecules in March 2007, and the Phoenix
popular time-consuming mission discovered water ice in 2008.
There have been up to three spacecraft orbiting Mars – the Mars Odyssey,
0 Writing essays by hand is so
time-consuming I always type them on Express and Reconnaissance Orbiter. (5) A further two are operating
on the planet’s surface – Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity and the Mars
my computer.
Science Laboratory Curiosity. Non-operational spacecraft also litter the
1 The audience obviously found the show surface, such as the MER-A Spirit and the 2008 Phoenix lander.
– they applauded the In terms of its size in the sky, only Jupiter, Venus, the Moon and the Sun
actors for ages at the end. appear bigger to us, and are visible with the naked eye. (6) Because of
2 Mike is extremely – he the effect of the Earth’s atmosphere, normal telescopes can only really see
gets angry when he loses in a game or if the larger features of the surface like giant craters when Earth and Mars are
he gets low marks. closest. No matter how powerful, Mars won’t look anything like images you
3 I won’t be watching that film again. see in the magazines.
The ending was so that
I was miserable for days afterwards.
4 Hybrid petrol-electric cars are far A One, the giant Borealis basin in the northern half of Mars, covers 40% of the
more to run than surface and could be the result of the planet being hit by a huge meteorite.
conventional petrol- driven ones. B It was observations by the last of these that revealed possible flowing water
5 Marathon running is so physically during the warmer months.
that the exhausted C One surprise is the strange pale yellow-pink sky, so different to the blue we
runners can lose up to 4 kg. are all used to seeing.
6 ‘Scoring the winning goal was the D Its orbit around the Sun, the speed at which it spins, and the angle at which it
most feeling,’ said the turns, produce seasons which are similar to our own.
victorious captain after the match.
E More recently, observations of light and dark shapes in the polar regions
seemed to suggest land.
6 You are going to read a magazine article
F However, many new stargazers are disappointed by their first view of it
about the planet Mars. Six sentences have
through a telescope.
been removed from the article. Choose
from the sentences A–G the one which G Seven years ago, the analysis of highly sophisticated radar data appeared to
fits each gap (1–6). There is one extra confirm its presence.
sentence which you do not need to use.

2 Complete First for Schools by Guy Brook-Hart with Katie Foufouti © Cambridge University Press 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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